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Failure Reports


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024

Pilot: Motivation and Structure​

Hello everyone. I decided to write more field reports.

I wrote them before, but not with much enthusiasm. After I completed the newbie assignment, I stopped writing them altogether.

I didn’t see them as a necessary part of the seduction improvement process. When I got into muscle building I didn’t write workout reports. I just recorded my weight and reps and called it a day. But muscle building and seduction are different fields that require different approaches to each, with some overlap in between.

The other reason I decided to write field reports was because I was all over the place. I would be in a set in the wrong headspace and I would lose direction. Or I would be thinking of too many fundamentals and aspects of the game at a time, I would have zero focus on her and fold. Or I would go through an outing with too vague a goal and have my mind running in circles on what to do. Or any number of other things that put my mind in the wrong headspace. Something needed to change.

That something was what I was thinking about and what my mind focused on, without short circuiting. I was overthinking because I’ve been reading too much material and putting too many things into practice without hammering down previous things. My wheels were spinning, but I wasn’t getting anywhere.

So I changed my approach to learning seduction. (1) I pick one fundamental to hammer and one piece of game to hammer from reading GC (2) I go out and meet many women with the goal of hammering both and the aim of getting dates (3) I record failure points in field reports after the outing.

That’s it. No need to read manly stuff or observe people or XYZ. I can if I want to, but the three above actions are all I need.

The first two points are pretty obvious. Change myself over time to be an attractive person and meet lots of women and push for dates. So why write field reports. Two big reasons. (1) to enhance memory of outings. Science. (2) to identify points of failure. When I know where I am failing in sets on a consistent basis, I can find what I need to work on the most. I figured this after reading How To Write Efficient Field Reports (80/20 Rule Time Hack).

So most entries will just be fails. Some epic, others like a wet fart. All comments/feedback welcome. Enjoy.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024

Grocery Store​

Two approaches ended very quickly. Right after I opened a black girl “Can you help me with something, I can’t read this, what does it say”, I didn’t know how I should go direct and just thanked her and ejected. Another Girl I opened indirect about some food and didnt continue the conversations. Maybe I should imagine myself finding out they are attractive as I talk to them and transfer it to my nonverbals. Like I didn’t even notice their beauty until after I opened. Like a love at first sight thing.

One approach I used the intense gaze + slight smile + underlook from this article.
“Can you help with something. I can’t read blah blah blah”
“Yeah sure. It says Blah blah blah”
“Thank you. I love your outfit. Its well put together and the colors match. Whats your name.”
“Im xx”
“Im xx”
“Do you work here too?”
“No, I work in xx town”
“Does that make you a genius sage teacher?” I think I forgot to say this in a playful tone because I was so focused on the edge factor. Maybe I could've been more animated, or suggested a move, or something better for the situation of picking out groceries.
“No. haha. It was nice to meet you though. Bye”

One more approach actually went well. We small talk and flirted for about 5 ish minutes and I went for the close but she has a boyfriend of three years. I had a friend in college that was a solid natural and his current girlfriend had a two year long distance relationship with another guy while they were getting to know each other. Maybe girls in a relationship with a solid guy are open to seductions of a sexy guy with tight games.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024


My first approach went very well. I assumed attraction and used some pretty piercing eye contact. She was warm, receptive, and contributed herself. HOOKED. I also asked if she was heading anywhere fun tonight, and she was going to a mixer. I didn’t tease her at all (besides my corner eye and tone) and ejected before telling her we should meet up. I’m so used to the first approach being a warm up, I was not in the make a move mindset.

A couple approaches ended rather quickly. I think my voice may have been too monotone, or I didn’t smile enough to give a positive vibe, or the girls were in a bad mood. I should have as positive a vibe as possible, instead of trying to “be cool”. Trying to find a balance between mirroring her AND transfering my positive awesomeness without being to dissimilar. Sometimes when I asked girls if they were single, they would say no. I didn’t feel like they were lying either. Nothing I can do besides meeting more girls. And no excuse for the conversation to go south because she's taken. Reactions =/= results, but emotional anchoring is important for my motivation. I shouldn't just assume attraction, I should also FEEL like the girls I meet find me attractive because I am.

There was an older girl sitting. I opened her and asked where shes from. She didn’t hook, but I wanted to assume attraction and push. I asked her some questions and made positive statements about her moving, then asked ‘what do you do for fun, besides scrolling on twitter“ to get her off her phone. Then she started warming up. But she left for a bus before I was gonna ask her out. Limited time. Make my move.

I opened a group of girls that looked like they were from an artsy part of town, but walked like hooligans. I said “you look like a bunch of rascals” across the room with a warm and full voice, but my tongue twisted and stuttered at first, sounding like “See you sca-” cough cough. They were taken aback, and I asked if they were college students. They were. “So you're secretly geniuses disguised as hooligans”. They laughed. Then it went downhill. I asked what the move was, and they didn’t say anything. Then it fizzled out. I think I should’ve closed the distance when they laughed, asked their names, picked a girl to talk to, led them somehow, or anything other than what I did.

On the way home I spotted a cute latina out of the corner of my eye. I wasn’t thinking but I looked into her eyes, smiled, she smiled, and I opened her. She was heading home too, and I used the optimistic complaint. She complimented my eyes. I was working on intensifying my eye contact by widening my eyes. I should’ve taken the compliment better by smiling sexy, but instead I complimented her scarf back at her. Competitive frame, instead of her chasing frame. I asked if she was in college, she was finishing highschool and 18. I broke eye contact and froze up a bit. Unsexy. I knew she was into me but I ejected, I don’t want that on my plate.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
The mall

I approached several girls today at a mall in various places. In the walkways, inside shops, and seated down to the side. Most of my interactions were short lived, with the only long ones being with a high schooler… and a mom in her 40s. Looking back on it was pretty funny

3 things that worked well

-direct game + enthusiasm. All girls responded well to this. They engaged way more back to me. It also helped me screen out the high schoolers, moms, and girls with BFs.

-approaching in all settings. I originally thought I should only approach in stores where girls aren’t moving. Turns out anywhere in the mall seems game (except maybe the girls bathroom, but I’m sure someone’s pulled it off)

-Chasing at the outset. Every girl I had a good and long interaction with I put more work in at the beginning. She has to know I’m interested with her. I have to be more bold

3 things that went poorly

-Being more sexual than friendly at the outset. I tried using bedroom eyes with some girls

-Not grabbing girls attention before opening. The open is the start of the conversation. It’s hard to converse with a girl that’s got her headphones in, or doesn’t even know your near.

-Not moving the conversation quickly. This happened a lot with my indirect approaches. The conversation fizzled out before I moved it to the next logical step. Every time I pause a couple secondary or think about what I’m going to say and look away, it kills it. I need to state interest, and move quicker.

I tried out a lot of different things, and got more comfortable approaching moving girls and groups. But I feel I need to have longer interactions to progress.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
The library

1.. Somebody I have met before. I figured I could build momentum and practice getting a girl talking about what she likes. I talked to her about how she’s doing and what she’s working on. Then she started asking me questions about me and it turned into a boring talk session. She was foreign and I didn’t know how to tease. I did look out the corner of my eye, but could have used a playful smile. Lasted several minutes. Need to get girls talking about what they want to talk about.

2.. sat down with a Brazilian girl. Talked to her 20 minutes. I tried to jump to topics she liked. She would try to mirror questions back to me before I would dive deeper. I also started talking quieter because in the back of my mind I thought people around me would care. I ejected and reentered and grabbed her number. Next time, no one can stop me, and I need to talk louder. People may care but they can’t stop me. It’s just me and her.

3.. sat next to the girl in front of me. Talked 30 minutes. She was very warm. I got a topic she was interested in and hooked her. Then I did some light teases. She was way louder than me and nobody around seemed to care, so I started talking louder too. Talked for twenty minutes, then grabbed her number. Then I asked if she had a boyfriend, yes. Asked how long they were a couple, a couple years. Started in high school, now long distance and it’s hard. This is how a friend of mine in college, who was a natural, got a girlfriend. So I think I can too.

4.. Sat next to a girl that turned out to be super foreign. Talked 30 minutes. She said she didn’t like her job, so I asked what she did like to do. She said stay at home. I tried to ask what stimulates her or keeps life getting stale, she said staying at home. Bruh. But I did find a topic she did like. Traveling. She likes being spontaneous and has no plans Saturday. I suggested a tourist spot. I think we have a winner.

5.. Approached a girl in a coffee shop. She signed a receipt, so I commented on that. “Signing a receipt at Starbucks, this must be a special place”. She laughed a little. I asked if she was here for the conference. There was no conference, I made it up. She said no, so I asked what she drink she picked out. I should’ve said she looks so stunning I thought she was the president. After that she walked out and placed her bag on a seat. I asked if I could sit and sat. I said she looked absolutely beautiful, and she walked off. She wasn’t gonna sit. I should’ve asked her name. Common problems when I approach in unfamiliar ways.

6.. an older Chinese woman on the way out. Pre opened with a I’m freezing gesture. She didn’t smile. Then I open down the stairs and talked about her route, without expressing interest. Then I paused. Then when I did, I said she had beauty to match her smarts. No wonder she clammed up.

7.2.. approached a two set. They were 20 feet apart and talking on the phone. I said “are you using telepathy”. No intonation, sarcastic tone, smile, eye contact, no wonder they responded poorly

3 throngs that went well

-I pushed outside my comfort zone harder and longer. I re entered sets after ejecting and feeling there was nothing I could do. Instead I turned it around and got to talk to them much longer, 3 numbers, and hopefully a date. I made more approaches after my normal closing time, and got some valuable data points.

-I was animated. I moved my eyebrows, my hands, my whole body sometimes, and girls responded to it much better than the stiff and motionless.

-I tried to find topics the girls were interested in. Travel, school, something else. I need to practice this way more, it made a huge improvement already.

Three things that didn’t go so week

-Moved to slow

-Too quiet

-Poor banter


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
The library

1.. A white college student studying chemistry in an open space. Sat next to her. Her face looked super unhappy, so I just asked for some help, then she immediately went back to working. Then I reopened and told her that her help worked. Same thing again. Then I got up to get a book and come back, as I sat down I asked how her study session was going. She said fine. I asked what she was studying, then commented how it was challenging. But she promptly went back to studying. It was my first time approaching more in the open, so I took it slower and less risky, but nobody cared. I should’ve been louder, locked eye contact, smiled harder, higher energy, told her she was cute. At least a rejection or I have a boyfriend would have been better than my weak approach

2.. Another white girl with glasses. I asked if the stuff in front of the chair was hers, she said yes. She moved it over and I made a cold read about her assignment. She corrected me and opened up a lot more. No matter what I kept my face turned to hers and locked my eyes on her. I tried to keep it natural and bridge parts of the convo together while asking occasional questions. I questioned her logistics, location, roommates, hometown, and a couple other things. All natural, smooth, and discreet. I also made sure to keep the convo on what she was most passionate about… her major. Then I closed and continued. Number one thing I learned was that she was so much louder and didn’t care. Then I started getting louder too

3.. A Turkish girl with a quiet voice. Honestly, she was killing my vibe and I could barely hear her. The juxtaposition between the last girl and this one showed me why so many of my approaches came with no results in the past. A lack of dominance, comfort, interest, and a lively vibe. After a couple minutes she eked out something about her husband, so I wished her well. Same person, different presentation. To be fair, she was older

4.. <2min. Another white girl with black hair engrossed in something. I carried that calm, full, and and animated voice to when I opened her. But it took a couple minutes. She looked super focused and my brain was telling me not to get her out of rhythm. Then I tested that cold read out. “What are you working on? You looked so unbelievably fixated on it I just had to know.” With head bobbing, sexy smile, eyebrow flickers, and strong eye contact. She switched up so fast. That’s vibe. She was studying for the boards, and before I got to ask if she liked it, she got a an emergency call from someone and rushed out, after waving me off. She wanted that conversation to continue. I should have opened sooner, everything else was solid.

5.. <2min. saw two black girls sitting together. Went to sit with them. I opened both. When they turned to me, I noticed they were highschoolers. Then I ejected

6.. A dirty blond girl covered in tats. I didn’t know what to expect. I sat down and pointed out her great handwriting. She then put her headphones back on. I opened again about her work. This time she wasn’t so quick to put on her headphones. My vibe matched hers, but she was quiet, dead inside, and monotone. She said she wanted to move and go to school here. I replied “here in the library” with an inquisitive and sarcastic tone. I flipped through some topics and learned she liked going to the gym and journaling, as well as metal. We bonded a little over that and I teased her a little. She got just a bit more lively and that’s when I went for the close. Then I asked about her family and work. Then I departed. Tatted up metal girl that into self improvement. Expect the unexpected.

Three things that went well

-I pursued girls that closed up after opening them. Especially after putting their headphones back on. After doing it a couple time, it seems like a way to indirectly show interest.
-I moved to a topic she liked, not away, and definitely didn’t let her question me much. The super positive girl almost mirrored back questions to me that I asked, but I just overpowered her in a smooth way, under the frame that I wanted to open her up more than she wanted a boring conversation. And it worked.
-I didn’t take long to approach. I approached within five minutes of walking inside, and didn’t take a break for long, only to write the reports. It worked very well.

Three things that didn’t go well
-I mirrored girls vibes. Mirror neurons are great for empathy, but not so much when approaching a girl that not used to it. If she is taken aback by my approach and I mirror her, we both end up giving negative signals to each other. Mirroring is the opposite of assuming attraction, and I should assume attraction and build her emotions up, not come to her level.
-Stutter/correcting myself. This happened when I didn’t know what I was talking about. Instead I should just be honest I don’t know much about it
-I didn’t screen for a boyfriend on some girls. I should to not waste time, like I did with that Turkish girl.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
Train Station

1.. Since it’s after just after work, the place is pretty crowded. Luckily there’s groups of people chit chatting so it’s not like the spotlights on me. I was a little nervous on my first approach, but I made it a statement to get it out of the way fast. That way I wouldn’t spend up to a half hour with no approaches. I saw a lone girl away from the crowd on her phone. I went up to stand next to her. She tried to dial someone on the phone but they didn’t answer. After, I opened “excuse me, are you single?” No “Because I was gonna say you look beatiful and professional in that outfit and I wanted to meet you” thank you “I’m xx” what “I’m xx” I’m xx “do you work in this area” “yeah. I chatted her about work and if she has a plan, just to extend the convo. I did a good job on the open being animated, but my voice a bit monotone. I should’ve opened louder. Take my hands out of my pocket. Been more playful and tease her about being a grunt. Then asked what she did for fun, or something to get her on positive topics. I did lock eye contact.

2.. Black girl working at a shoe store. “Headed anywhere fun”? No just home “I thought you looked gorgeous and had to meet you” Number acquired (after she agreed to a coffee). Vibe and leading.
Talked to an inspector, got in the way of approaches. Thought I would salvage social momentum, but he talked my ear off when I saw a cute girl

3.. Girl with glasses. She was alone, opened her with “how’s your day going?” Great “I saw you standing there and thought you looked super cute and wanted to meet you”. Number acquired

3.5 Eastern European girl

3.5 Asian chick

3.5 white teacher

Three things that went well
- I approached with liveliness. Lots of movement, intonation, and expression.
- I waited till I got their full attention. Made sure she had her airpods off and was looking dead in my eyes and could hear me.
- I pushed extra long with every girl. Girls that didn’t seem receptive I held the convo on longer until they ejected. Girls that seemed receptive but tried to part ways onto the train I kept it up with.

Three things that didn’t go well
- Not enough tease/flirting. I did a good amount with the receptive girls, but not so much on the religious one. Gotta work on teasing game for socially inexperienced girls.
- Took a thirty minute break trying to look for a bathroom. I ended up paying for a snack at a nearby shop to go. Definitely need to find one nearby. It killed my momentum.
- Took long to close and ended up far from the station. The trains cycle fast so any extended set forced me onto a train away from the station. The longer the set, the longer it took to get back. The station forced me to close girls quicker and bring them to a high point quicker.

Thought: I have never seen a guy approach a girl in my city. I wonder if pickup is so niche and thats why? It's not like its socially forbidden place where people are killed for approaching someone in public.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024

Grocery Store​

0.5.. Cute girl that was getting some apples. “You’re really thinking about which apple to get” then she dipped and left. I think the issue was I thought if I said something it would come out to quick compared to the vibe of the place, but I didn’t say anything. Maybe I need to move fast and act slow by showing I’m going to say something in a half second. Like move my mouth and expression to let her know I’m not done talking with her after one offhand comment.

0.5.. Blonde girl buying flowers. I saw a girl with flowers in her basket and that sparked an idea for me. I can open girls with or getting flowrrs “getting the flowers for someone?” It serves as a boyfriend screen, shows my interest indirectly, and passion and perceptivity for romance. At least it felt natural. After I opened, she walked off. Same problem as the last girl.

0.5.. I saw the really cute girl with a puffy jacket walk in the store, and headed over to produce. She ended up approaching me asking for help reaching something. I didn’t pounce on the opportunity to open her. The store is fast, and I need to be faster. The good news is I am a lot more relaxed and expressive on approach, just due to me noticing and working on that.

1.. Finally. A real set. This specific store was giving me trouble and I really wanted to breakthrough it and give myself a good challenge. I’m starting to get the flow. Had some nerves throughout and a few stumbles. I had an issue talking about the food instead of her but I brought it back. Still a little quiet and meek. Look around me, who cares. Nobody cares. I need to lock eye contact, move a little more, have a sexier fuller voice, and get her hooked on what she likes to talk about, close, and continue a bit longer. I tried compliance but it turned to negative compliance auto rejection. Problems in breaking eye contact, approach angle, smoothness, lack of flirting.

Then I moved over to a different place to freshen things up and try my luck. A new thing I’m trying out is not just screening venues but trying out many spaces in the venue, rather than the one best spot.

2.. Finding an opportunity and seizing it. Moved to a different isle. No people for a minute. Then loads of people, then a lone girl. Ran past turned around and got her attention before opening. I just had to approach her. I felt like I was on edge, so focused on the task I wasn’t nervous at all. “I saw you walking by and I wanted to introduce myself cause I thought you looked really cute, before I lost the chance. The store can get pretty hectic” (worked as a ‘this needs to happen here and now’ frame). She responded very well. She thanked me and started chatting up. I first asked if she works around here. No. Then what are you doing here. It was after work and I wanted to turn the tables on all the girls that questions me why I’m there. Time for me to be the screener. She lives there. Well that was easy. I asked about her work and I asked if she liked it. But it was super obvious that she liked it based on how she talked about it. Should’ve cold read “you’re really passionate about this, trying to make your mark on the world”. And then I botched it by framing my understating of her work as different and uninteresting, by saying I pretend I know what that means, instead of saying, tell me more, that’s sounds super interesting. Then I went to small talk bs. Did you grow up here, what do you do for fun, when the juiciest topic was sitting on the silver platter. Her work. But my fundamentals were good enough to keep her hooked. I took my hands out part way through, twisted my back away from her enough to have sexy/low pressure body language, and other things. I closed out and she ejected. It was solid considering my first close in a grocery store. It feels like I broke through a bit.

I wanted to go home, so I said one more approach and then I will. Make the first approach quick, don’t take a big break between approaches, and approach a little longer than I want to. Thats the strategy thats been improving my outings.

3.. Slightly older brunette, but I said it’s good practice and jumped in. Opened her on how long she was looking for food. She did take way too long though. “Trying to make the perfect salad or something?” Playful, she laughed and turned towards me, “wow you look super beautiful” said dramatically like I just discovered it, “thanks” “what’s your name”. Then I botched the handshake by pulling it out suspiciously and looking down at my hand instead of holding eye contact. She noticed this, but I refused to eject. Then we talked about her

3 things that went well

-I was calm, patient, and pounced opportunity. The first approaches went similarly to every other grocery store outing, short and suppressed anxiety. I switched up the openers (just the slang, i still used direct and ind/dir) which made it feel more natural. I didn’t see every girl pass by as an opportunity I had to pounce on or I was a loser. I just remained presently aware of my surroundings, acted too slow, then calibrated and moved faster.
-I tried compliance. Lately I’ve been trying out things on the spot just to see if they work. One of those is moving compliance: get a girl to move with you. It didn’t work but I can see why and how I need to calibrate for better chances next time.
-I teased a lot and focused on the girl. Somehow this just changes their mood better than anything else I’ve done in convo. Sometimes they flirt back “stop it” in a playful tone.

3 things that went south
-Unsmooth with touch. When I pulled my hand out I did it hesitantly. It should be a secondary motion. The handshake is not the focus, but me and her locking eyes.
-Broke the link with eye contact or pauses. This happens based on how nervous I am or unsure what to say next. I should see being nervous as an opportunity to practice fundamentals when I’m nervous. What’s just as good as being unshakable: seeming unshakable over a layer of nervousness.
-Poor conversation relying on naturalness. An extension of the last point. I went back to small talk topic jumping when I get nervous. Need same solution as last bullet


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
Scouting a Mall
No approaches today. Just want to scout more areas in my city and roll the good ones into my routine. I'll share the spaces I found in the venue as well as the clientel. The mall is small and close to my place, so I got very familiar with the layout quickly.

Most of the girls I saw weren't drop dead gorgeous, but they weren't by any means ugly. It's got decent clientel. And even on the least busy day and hours, I still found a small handful of ladies alone. Will definitly go to this mall again

Plenty of dead spots. When I first walked in I saw a big resturant, loaded with families. There were a couple small clothing stores with no privacy and no girls. There was also a food court with motsly couples and families. Could be a solid place to meet or move girls.

Now to the juicy spots.

The pathway on both floors have comfortable seating to sit and wait for a girl to pass by or approach sitting down. There were pillars and escalators in the midlle making the area more enclosed and private. Unlike some massive mall walkways where every approach is obvious and visible. I tried to approach a girl sitting down but I did a bad job taking up space and pre opening, so she pretended she couldnt hear me.

I walked through a makeup store that I know would be crawling with girls on the weekends. Some good private spots where I can get compliance and avoid staff.

There was also a convinience store with high enough isles that I could cruize through and get approaches in. But people there are in and out, so I have to act fast before she moves or leaves.

Then there was a corner with no shops, just seat and a wall to block of the pathway. Maybe its a good date spot, or instadate. No clocks or windows.

I walked in a discount clothing shop and that would be perfect for opening girls browsing around laxidasickly. The music and colors also set a great vibe.

Last of all was a lingire store I almost passed by. Dead but a great place to approach when there are girls.

This scouting outing went great. I've been thinking about looking for closer meet hubs in the back of my mind, and now I've finally gotten to it.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
1.. I’ve been walking around for a while now and I passed up two opportunities of moving sets. My inner frame was that there is probably better and I can wait. I ended up not approaching for a while until I told myself, the next girl it seems remotely possible I will approach. Another moving set passed by and i asked the girl if she was looking for something. She was looking for a room and i happily helped her, but i should have sent out some interest because after 30 seconds another person got involved and helped her. It seemed risky to display interest, but looking back, I don’t think the guy would have cared. I could have at least gotten more practice in that way.

Then there was this openish area with some chair and tables. As I walked past I saw three separate sets. One girl writing on paper, one eating lunch, and one watching a video lecture on her laptop. I could’ve opened any of them, but instead I sat down in another chair/table alone. At this point I feel an inner frame that I can’t get back up and sit down next to one of them and go indirect, cause all of them noticed me, but I’m not 100% sure about it. Instead I should have sat next to one of them, fiddled with my stuff a bit to let them relax a moment, then ask about what she’s doing and be cool and show interest. I don’t have to make the whole approach in one fell swoop, but I can’t make it look like I’m thinking about approaching from afar. It’s just not natural. Although as I write this later it all seems kinda stupid/silly. Why not just approach and see what happens. I won’t get labeled as a creepy creepster if I don’t go super weird.

2.. If I’m not gonna approach here, might as well not waste time. I got up and moved elsewhere. I saw a girl posted on the wall people watching out the window. She was not ideal, but I needed an approach. I asked if she was enjoying her window watching in a playful tone. She smiled and said she was early for a class. Got her qualifying so that’s good. I asked what class she was teaching, she said she was taking a class. Bad, I just assumed she was too old to take a class. Maybe I could’ve said that I like girls that don’t stop educating themselves. A good quality on her and a nice flirty frame. But instead I asked what class she was taking in an inquisitive curious tone, to dodge the age bit. I noticed my hands were in my pockets but I didn’t take them out on instinct that it would be to big on an energy difference between me and her. So I shrugged and motioned them without taking them fully out. She is taking a biotech course so I said are you engineering babies and she chuckled saying she likes the genetic part of it the most. I asked about her passion for it and she said she’s always liked it at a young age and now that she has a kid she’s got more free time to study it. She has a kid. I chatted a little longer and bid her farewell. Don’t want to make her seem like the second she said the word baby I left. Maybe girls do the same and lose interest in me at some point in the convo before the eject that they don’t want to make obvious

3.. There was a group of people talking outside of a class. With a cute girl inside. They were talking about being prepped for something difficult so I said “for the test right?” Apparently they were prepping for a unique final presentation for their class. I asked about it, and it was really weird what they had to do then responded “that’s wild” and inquisitors about it more. Eventually their friends came and they talked about other things. I should’ve directed the convo to the girl instead of the group, trying to get her to hook.

Things that went well
-I went for less ideal opportunities. Moving sets, groups sets, less ideal women.
-I acted like I belonged. Always on a mission, calm and focused
-Positive energy

Things that didn’t go well
-Not taking the first opprotunitiy. There might not be a second one. If I’m afraid of being labeled as a creep just go indirect to start with.
-Not positioning myself close to women. Harder to open them when I’m thinking about approaching from a distance.
-Not making the focus on her and my interest. Why else would I talk to her.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
0.5.. cute white girl getting cards. I opened about the cards and she said she was getting them for her boyfriend. I have a feeling I’m gonna hear a lot more about girls and their boyfriends on Valentine’s Day.

Standing at the train station. There were a lot of people and I stood. I positioned myself next to a cute girl, but didn’t open her. I thought a ping wouldn’t work, and I forgot I could open indirect with headed anywhere fun. If I can get over that bump and make the girl feel no social pressure, then I can meet some great girls in crowds.

Threw a ping out before boarding. Fell on deaf ears. Guess I have to say it in-front of the girl and look towards her.

0.5 Saw a cute brunette walking through a hallway. I walked past her, then turned and got her attention. I asked if she could hear me. She said yes and started to scorch away. Then she seemed weird out by the time I deliver my opener. Maybe I should’ve opened without turning my body so much and used my eyes out the corner.

0.5 cute seucirty guard. I never approached hired guns (literally), so after a little small talk I ejected. Am I allowed to show interest? Flirt? Close? What are the rules? Are there any? What could go wrong? Do I get banned? Death row?

0.5 cute Asian girl. Took a little time to open. I took her picture for her and she told me a little about herself. I didn’t show any interest to this foreign girls, instead I tried to move her. She said she had to wait for someone, and I botched it. Don’t forget to show interest, and pace the interaction as I want to get to know her cuz I think she’s cute, but want to qualify her.

1.. Holy guacamole. This girl has her fundamentals down. Her eyes, smile, hair, they just worked. And wow that voice was pleasant and alluring. If this is the effect men have on women with tight fundamentals, then damn I need them. Anyways, she was sitting in the corner alone. I sat next to her, closely. I asked what she was working on. Math. I told her it looks like highschool math and she giggled saying it for uni. Then I said she looked cute and had to meet her. She responded very warmly and we talked about where she’s from, how she likes it here, what she’s studying and the like. The whole time I lock eyes with her. And smile. And talk warmly. I think I tease her about having a freshman vibe. Then I go for the close, and talk a bit more before ejecting. I sure hope she actually liked me and will go on a date.

2.. Law student in the crowd, without chair, derailed by lack of intent. I sat next to her and had great fundamentals, but I didn’t go direct, at any point, and instead directed the conversation in valentines gift. Gah. Looking back on this stuff is downright eye opening. The failure is right in my face.

2.5.. indian girl that invested none. Maybe shoukdve asked questions instead of throwing statements.

2.5.. Asian girl. Sat infront of her and delivered my opener. She responded pretty ok. Then I had a really long awkward pause and killed it. Don’t pause.

2.5.. indian girl browsing the internet. More expressive, soak it in. She was about to leave, and I don’t think I could’ve turned this one around.

3.. Asian girl. Sat next to her. Opened and she was very responsive. Turns out she has a boyfriend, but I wanted to practice my vibe and hold onto a convo, so I just kept asking her questions, until I realized I was just asking her questions. Then ejected, should’ve seen if I could’ve gotten her to invest.

4.. Indian chick. She looked like a high schooler, so I asked what she was working on and if it was for highschool. She said she gets that a lot cause she looks young, but I said I thought it was just her vibe. We talk bout what she’s studying, extra curriculars, if she’s passionate about it. I get the vibe she doesn’t have huge aspirations and is just a humble girl that wants to have fun, so I tease her about being a party girl and talk about the games we both play. Then I go for the close. But since we were just talking about a shared hobby I say “I haven’t played games in, so we won’t be gamer friends” I just wanted to make sure she knew I thought she was cute and wanted to date her, not play. Then she started to open up about a story from the past. Did a good job being playful and taking up space to show I’m comfortable.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
A short approach in the store, but the girl has a boyfriend. Another short approach at the train, but I’m afraid to switch from indirect to direct and I eject. Same thing happens again, but I act more flirty and remember to hold eye contact longer. Remember to hold eye contact and act flirty. A ping fell on deaf ears, make sure to get their attention first.

Got into a sitting set with a foreign girl. Used the train from the other side to get her attention, then opened indirect. She said her day was shit and I said the grass is greener on the other side. She said negativeI didn’t want her talking about negative th

Got into another set with a girl that just wasn’t hitting. Indians chick wasn’t in the mood and I didn’t turn it around.

Caught an Asian girl at a bad time. Should’ve closed or moved. She was into it but in the wrong mood.

Then a couple more sets and a closed set with and Asian chick.

I lost the most amazing set. She was in a good mood. Then I paused before we boarded and let her decided to end the interaction. Then I tried to interject saying we can keep talking. I should’ve just asked her another question about herself that would require her to not think. I also could’ve twirled her since she was dancing when I opened her.

Three things that went well

-Time efficient. Im starting approaching girls on the way towards my location, and it sets me up with some wins sooner than worrying about approaching when I get there. I also limit myself to 10 minutes max with one girl before closing out. Can’t waste time with a negative set.

-Made the approach and close when she was not feeling it, then brought her emotions up. She didn’t seem to be holding on very much, but once I got her giggling a bit and answering questions longer, I closed, and spent the remaining time bringing up her emotions because she remembers how she felt after the WHOLE approach, not just how she felt when I got her number. Both girls did not seem in the mood when I approached them, but by the time they opened up, I already had their number.

-Approached with people nearby. Little by little I’m approaching girls with other people around. Some girls it’s just a few people and I go direct and when it’s a huge tight crowd, I only opened indirect.

Three things that didn’t go well

-Cold. I really need some warmer closes so I can stay out longer.

-Poor transition into the train. One really high energy good mood girl I was soooo smooth with, but the train came a minute after opening and I didn’t get her talking while we walked on so she left. Damn

-Pauses not knowing what to say. That’s what happens with the awesome girl as well as some other girls. I am misattributing natural game with needing to say something unique. I can have boring normal conversation if I’ve got nothing else, and open her up with good questions and fundamentals. I did try with the fundamentals, but the pauses just kill it.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
The Mall
Today I decided to go to the mall. I haven't gone in a while and looking back on my past expieriences, I haven't had much success asking girls out. Does that mean the mall is more difficult than other venue types? Is the mall not suited to my nature? Or could it be something else...

I think malls are a great place to meet girls, especially my kind of girls. But I haven't done much actual approaching and refining in malls. Instead, I prefered bookstores and transit. Those venues are what I started with on the newbie assignment and have the most time/comfort/experience in. A man does what hes used to, unless he makes an effort to change. So I went to the mall, with the only goals of going to the mall (check), spending 30 minutes in certain areas (check), and approaching some girls (check).

1.. After being intimidated by passerbys in the walkway, I scaled down the pressure by approaching a girl sitting down. I asked if she was also waiting for someone, over my shoulder. She pulled her head out of her hoodie to reveal she had headphones on. She told me she was on a call, but seconds later she put her phone down. She started telling me how she was trying to get boxing equipement but the store told her they didnt have any. I asked she was a boxer. While I ded act curious and flash my eyebrows and open up my eyes, I think I exagerated my reaction and seemed surprised.

She told me she was taking a couple classes a week. This was a perfect opprotunity to take the convo several good ways. Be playful and say "If we go on a date, are you gonna take me in the ring and kick my ass?". Or build her up "so your like the next rhona roussy, huh?" Or get her to open up "Thats cool that you picked up boxing. Did you start because you wanted self defense or you like the atmosphere there?"Or some other great tactic. But instead I giggled and said its crazy they dont have anything else cause they have this cool thing and that cool thing. I changed the focus from her to a store. After another minute she ejected to go try her luck somewhere else.

0.5.. I approached a handful more girls. One sitting down. For some reason I was intimidated and instead of opening her after I sat down. I got up and left.

Another girl I actually approached in a clothing store asking how her day was going (I opted for indirect most of the time, cuz I didn't want it to look like I was getting rejected from onlookers view). She was unfortunatly staff. The next girl didnt look like staff so I opened with "Do you work here?" in and inquisitive tone. Unfortunatly she also was.

2.. Somehow I ended up in a different part of town later on. The was a huge event going on but I was just passing by. When I waited at an intersection, two drunk girls hit on me. I simply didnt know what to do. One was cute and had her fat friend along with her. She walked up to me while I wasnt looking. Then she walked to the left of me and just in front enough I could see her. But she was close. Her fat friend stood just as close on the opposite side of me and the two practically sandwhiched me. But they didnt say a word.

Clearly they wanted me to approach them. So I asked if they were waiting for a taxi? It was pretty obvious they were. They were. I looked at the fat girl instead of the cuter one because I was intimidated. I subconcoisly thought that, as everthing was to unfamiliar and fast I went a bit more on autopilot and took less risk. The fat girl must have realised this because she snuggled up to me saying its so cold, Then eye fucked me and smiled. I nervoursly laughed then looked away to see the cute drunk girl run into oncoming traffic. I didn't white knight save her, I was frozen from girls hitting on me so blatantly. Her friend grabbed her off the street and huddled up like peguins with me. I didn't say a word, but instead left to cross the street. I was uncomfortable.

Tres things good
- I showed up. My state was awful, and I didn't expect to do any approachers, and hesitated not going out. But I did anyways. I simply had nothing better to do than go out.
- Swithced up locations ever 30 minutes. When I did get there. I didn't walk aimlessly around the mall looking for perfect opprotunities. I chose some places I thought would be good beforehand and stayed in them long enough to get a run of the terrain and make opprotunities. Then I move to freshen things up and not look like a creep.
- Great posture/walk. Between sets and locations I watched my posture in mirrors and my walk. I also comapred it to others and noticed that mine has improved alot and is far better then most people. Do that with other fundamentals (+vibe+game) and I do great.

Tres things bad
- Quiet voice. I know how to have a full/deep/resonant voice, and I have done it on many occasions. But when I find myself in uncomfortable or unceratin situations, I revert to having a quieter voice than a rat. Ever heard a rat talk. No, theyre to quiet. So maybe I need to practice a full resonant voice in uncomforatbel situations till it becomes automatic. Or just get comfortable.
- Taking the focus away from the girl. If I go indirect, its even more important to establish that I'm talking to the girl because I want to date through conversational focus. I find its a small window of time between open to her ejecting where I need to fit it in.
- Ejecting myself. If I force myself to stay in set until the girl leaves or opens up and goes on a date with me, I have a much better chance of that happening than when I up and leave.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
The Mall
My goals were to open two girsl indirect and two girls direct. Also dont eject until the girl does.

0.5.. opened an asian girl waiting by a resturant. Did a full lap around instead should have walked straight to her.
"waiting for someone else?" "My friend group." Then I opened and asked about her work. The rest is a blur but she left very quickly to meet her friends. Note to self: if I open in a place girls tend to wait for their friends, expect to move quick before they do.

Another girl I opened direct
Are you single.
I just got married. Before ejecting I congrdulated her. Might as well frame away from damn I got unlucky to awesome for her wish her the best.
I ask how long and what they planned to do here. She eventually ejected to see him. Do I practice on these girls?

1.. This emo girl I hesitated opening. I've had a thing where I avoid approaching girls below what I would consider cute simply becuase I was afraid I would mold my game to less beatuiful girls and never be able to get the stunners. But after reading the low your standards article, I ditched ther idea altogether. Time to approach. I sat next to her asking if I could. Then I asked what she was working on. Shes working on a book. I genuinly found that fascinating and used the interaction to learn the nonverbals of it. Wide eyebrows. Wide eye lids, head a little forward, and a big ol smile, with follow up questions.

"thats awesome. what are you writing about?" I learned this isnt a great question if the girl isnt preped to answer it. To many possible answers. A better question would be are you writing fiction or non fiction. How far along are you. Is this your first book. These are a bridge question that sont require her to think too much, and get her brain to start thinking about what she WANTS to talk about with the book.

"Im writing a fantasy.... where like the blah blah blah" she was a bit quite and I quickly realized that it was too much thinking for her. I also didnt want to get into another dead end conversational thread where the focus is on the thing and not her. I dont want to be her friend. I want to fuck her silly.

So I ask about what got her into writing. She said reading. I flirted a bit with her saying she was gonna write the next harry potter series. I asked if it was her full time job to write and then she started to talk about that. I learned she works with kids, and thats when she started to light up. BINGO BINGO BINGO. I was worried she was trans cuz she had a deep voice, so I set out to find out, not the hard way hopefully. She kept looking at her screen and back at me and I thought it was stupid. I wanted her to commit to me. I asked her to take a break from her writing marathon and she hesitated. She didnt want to loose her spot. I failed the logic test, but remained calm, although I did twidle my thumbs a bit. I got her talking about her shitty work life and then asked her again to take a break. She said she wanted to smoke and I asked to moved her outside. She said yes. This time she put her things away.

We froze outside so I used an exuse to her hand. I held it a couple seconds and rubbed it. Then I got her to show me her belly button tatto. She got a call from her mom, who she was apparently staying with. I made sure to talk to her out of the corner of my eye over my shoulder. We talked more about hor she almost broke her arm, popped an ibprofein, and I joked it was straight from the lab. I rubbed it. Then I said it seemed like the whole world was against her. She said she was a tough cookie. I said shes a little rascal. Maybe I shouldve said naughty or sexy. IDK. I was afraid. I should make bold moves (long as they dont get me banned/ humiliated / run in with the cops). Those are the big three scary ones.

She came back inside and I moved her again to show her some empty floors with good seating. Up the escaltor I told her I wasn't expecting to meet anyone today, let alone how interesting she was. Maybe I should have said enticing (losing the lover catergory, cmon man get sexual). She told me she didnt expect to meet anyone on her entire trp When I got there. When we got up I noticed nobody was there. My gut instint told me. MAKE A MOVE ON THIS GIRL. I opened, hooked, moved her twice. What else to do besides kissyies.

I sat down with her, A good distance between us unfortunatley. She put down her things and I asked her why she had a deep voice. She said guess. I said I didn't want to, is it the smoking. She said no. I shouldve asked why. She said it was a secret and that she was always like that. I thought, damn this girl is trans. So I asked. She said no. She was just born with a low voice and naturally high T. I dont know if I believe that but maybe she just is.

The interaction dies down and I get her number and plan to meet her in the same place soon. But I couldv'e done two crucial things instead. Ask to kiss her. or say give me your hand and pull her close to me before kissing her. A rejection with data is better. Now i'll never know reactions vs the result.

2.. Short interaction to end the night because the last girl took up so much of my time. I was tempted to do a street stop because NOBODY WAS SHOPPING. Everyone used the mall to commute indoors after work. all Walkers. I caught a lone girl in an empty pathway and walk along side her. Then pre open and open her

"exuseme, are you single?" in an inquisitive tone?
"yes, I am" Smiling but said in a tone like , yeah suprising I am right??!
"Well I thought you loooked cute and wanted to meet you before I lost the chance"
"Oh yeah"
"headed anywhere fun" I felt this was more playful than going straight to small talk
"oh just home,which can be fun"
"Yeah home can totally be fun. coming back from work?"
"what do you do"
"I work as a recruiter in a vr company"
'hr, right on. Do you enjoy it'
"Yeah and we get to try out their poducts, which is super fun. But im not expirienced with vr so Im working on it"
"But one day you be a vr master" playful
"Maybe haha, what do you do"
"boring office job"
"well mines a boring office job, so mabye -"
'its just architecture'
I forget a little bit, but she tells me shes an aspiring actress.
Then Im about to part ways and want to try the quick close.
I stop, and she stops with me
"I'm headed this way but I love to take the time to get to know you another time"
"yeah sure"
"here give me your phone number. Type it in, I don't know if your name is spelled with two l's or what"
"haha it actually is"
"it sounds like youre a busy person"
"Yeah Im super busy but i make time to meet people"
"Aweosme, I let you choose the time, and I'll pick the place" Maybe I shouldve said I know a great place with the right atmosphere.
"Yeah that works"
"nice meeting you xx. I'll send you a text"

Still hasn't responded to my ice breaker.

-Smile. I am working on this fundamental and I find there is no such thing as being bad to smile on opener. I got girls I didn't think would open up start telling me more about themselvs.
-lowered my standards. I remember reading an article about Chase not vibing with fat girls and it got me thinking I should avoid approaching girls I dont think are stunners. Then I read the article on lowering my standards and it led to the interaction with the emo girl that went really far
-moved a girl. The first time I asked for the move, she was like nah. But after a couple more minutes and opening her up and relating/showing interest, I got her to move (twice). I was afraid of moving girls becuase I though it would kill the interaction, but after a couple flakes, I realised that any stage of seduction (open/move/close) I avoid because I am worried they say no is the equvalent of not approaching at all. I have to go for the win. I need to start moving girls more often to understand more where and how I screw up, and eventually learn to get better.

-took too long. Between sets. Self doubt. maybe I should follow the 3 second rule, or at least try it.
-Didn't go for a kiss. I was afraid to lose it all. Now I probably did lose it all. I need to start going further without needing to know (reading gc) beforehand. I should have at least asked. Thats how I got my first makeout.
-didn't get too sexual. I think getting too sexual to early in a daygame interaction is like being slapsticky when her parents just died. It doesnt quite fit. But I should have steered the convo and my vibe to more sexual over time. How? puff out my lips, bedroom eyes, more touch and closer. Oh, escalate. Maybe I couldve given her a massage. Or rubbed her arms longer.

Maybe I should start moving/touching to get clearer data and write shorter field reports.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
lol with the "are you trans" question. I've approached a few trans in my day by accident, lmao. I know the feeling. Keep it up! :)

I agree with lowering your standards at times, especially if you need the experience or need to build momentum or to up your approach count. I'm currently also being too picky when out. Nice to build that momentum by lowering your standards a bit so when that stunner does show up you're ready. Builds reference points as well ;)

I also really like how you're experimenting and looking at the bigger picture down the road as far as learning and growing by testing things out. These things will up your game dramatically if you learn from them properly
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 10, 2017
If the store is not busy, you can talk to staff. Just standing around waiting is boring, and management likes having people in the store which makes the store look popular.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
The Mall
I am writing this from memory, so its more of a summary than a report.

I have been noticing that all of my approaches at the mall were girls that were stationary, either in stores or somewhere else. I just could not for the life of me approach girls walking around. So I set out to only approach girls that were moving.

The first couple sets barely started. Etiher the girl would not hear me, deliberatly ignore me, or tell me they had a boyfriend (and act disgusted or flattered that I approached them).

But I kept at it, working on a couple things.
- Spot them far away and use the windows full of clothed statues as a reason to walk across. Then as they passed me, I had to run past them
- Turn around and make sure I get her full attention. I usually motioned off her headphones or asked if she could hear me
- As I deliver my opener walking in front of her, get into her personal space. Not crazy close, but close enough that i dont seem like a car salesman.
- Be more expressive with my face and hands. I also had to practice with my voice. All I remember is adding more bounce and volume.

I got warmer receptions, but I could not get these girls to stop or give me the time of day. Most had boyfriends or were not in the mood to meet someone. These girls werent shopping but commuting from a to b indoors.

If the store is not busy, you can talk to staff. Just standing around waiting is boring, and management likes having people in the store which makes the store look popular.
I walked in one of the empty stores and started talking to the staff about the store and their jobs. I made sure to make it seem fun from outside perspective. It worked well that instead of worrying about management reporting me for looking like a creep, they enjoyed my presence. But it almost stopped me from approaching.

I decided to give it the college try and do 20 approaches in and all around the mall, to see if I could breakthrough anywhere.

By pure accident on appraoch worked wonders. I was hesitating to approach and asian girl and followed her outside the mall. On the street the approach sucked, but I approached another girl ona side street and we went on a walk together. We talked about her job, plans and such, until she had to get ready to meet friends at dinner. That approach was easy and she wasnt in the "book it from a to b" mood.

Then I remembered how Chase said dive bars are remarkably easier than night clubs, even though there are more "hotter" girls in a nightclub, because the girls in dive bars are in a better state/mood and more open to meeting guys. Maybe this applies to busy fast streets (the mall practically was one) vs quiet slow streets. I read into it and Chase wrote it somewhere, or many places.

Then I finished my approaches and decided screw this place I need to explore more. Then I did.

The Street
I kept my frist street outing simple and easy, at least easy enough that Id do it. My only goal was to meet five girls. I think I approached more.

First time in this area so I just walked around scoping out the crowd on main and side streets.

Then I started approaching girls. Walking their dogs, waiting for a ride, stretching at the park. No girl was free. I stayed off main street cause the mood was fast paced or dinner with friends. Not alot of people so I didnt really have to space out approaches strategically.

I did end up approaching a beaming positive girl with her dog. I was like can I pet your dog. Then transitioned to direct and she was warm. She talked about how she liked sports and I hesitated and she sensed it. I wasnt expecting a warm response So I forgot to forge ahead and instead of moving her and isntadating, She ejected.

Still working on moving sets, finding plausible deniability to approach girls out of the way, and being direct. Afraid to be direct becuase afraid of rejection same as afraid of approaching. Either I get the girl or not.

Also going for the win vs phoning it in. Over and out.