The library
1.. A white college student studying chemistry in an open space. Sat next to her. Her face looked super unhappy, so I just asked for some help, then she immediately went back to working. Then I reopened and told her that her help worked. Same thing again. Then I got up to get a book and come back, as I sat down I asked how her study session was going. She said fine. I asked what she was studying, then commented how it was challenging. But she promptly went back to studying. It was my first time approaching more in the open, so I took it slower and less risky, but nobody cared. I should’ve been louder, locked eye contact, smiled harder, higher energy, told her she was cute. At least a rejection or I have a boyfriend would have been better than my weak approach
2.. Another white girl with glasses. I asked if the stuff in front of the chair was hers, she said yes. She moved it over and I made a cold read about her assignment. She corrected me and opened up a lot more. No matter what I kept my face turned to hers and locked my eyes on her. I tried to keep it natural and bridge parts of the convo together while asking occasional questions. I questioned her logistics, location, roommates, hometown, and a couple other things. All natural, smooth, and discreet. I also made sure to keep the convo on what she was most passionate about… her major. Then I closed and continued. Number one thing I learned was that she was so much louder and didn’t care. Then I started getting louder too
3.. A Turkish girl with a quiet voice. Honestly, she was killing my vibe and I could barely hear her. The juxtaposition between the last girl and this one showed me why so many of my approaches came with no results in the past. A lack of dominance, comfort, interest, and a lively vibe. After a couple minutes she eked out something about her husband, so I wished her well. Same person, different presentation. To be fair, she was older
4.. <2min. Another white girl with black hair engrossed in something. I carried that calm, full, and and animated voice to when I opened her. But it took a couple minutes. She looked super focused and my brain was telling me not to get her out of rhythm. Then I tested that cold read out. “What are you working on? You looked so unbelievably fixated on it I just had to know.” With head bobbing, sexy smile, eyebrow flickers, and strong eye contact. She switched up so fast. That’s vibe. She was studying for the boards, and before I got to ask if she liked it, she got a an emergency call from someone and rushed out, after waving me off. She wanted that conversation to continue. I should have opened sooner, everything else was solid.
5.. <2min. saw two black girls sitting together. Went to sit with them. I opened both. When they turned to me, I noticed they were highschoolers. Then I ejected
6.. A dirty blond girl covered in tats. I didn’t know what to expect. I sat down and pointed out her great handwriting. She then put her headphones back on. I opened again about her work. This time she wasn’t so quick to put on her headphones. My vibe matched hers, but she was quiet, dead inside, and monotone. She said she wanted to move and go to school here. I replied “here in the library” with an inquisitive and sarcastic tone. I flipped through some topics and learned she liked going to the gym and journaling, as well as metal. We bonded a little over that and I teased her a little. She got just a bit more lively and that’s when I went for the close. Then I asked about her family and work. Then I departed. Tatted up metal girl that into self improvement. Expect the unexpected.
Three things that went well
-I pursued girls that closed up after opening them. Especially after putting their headphones back on. After doing it a couple time, it seems like a way to indirectly show interest.
-I moved to a topic she liked, not away, and definitely didn’t let her question me much. The super positive girl almost mirrored back questions to me that I asked, but I just overpowered her in a smooth way, under the frame that I wanted to open her up more than she wanted a boring conversation. And it worked.
-I didn’t take long to approach. I approached within five minutes of walking inside, and didn’t take a break for long, only to write the reports. It worked very well.
Three things that didn’t go well
-I mirrored girls vibes. Mirror neurons are great for empathy, but not so much when approaching a girl that not used to it. If she is taken aback by my approach and I mirror her, we both end up giving negative signals to each other. Mirroring is the opposite of assuming attraction, and I should assume attraction and build her emotions up, not come to her level.
-Stutter/correcting myself. This happened when I didn’t know what I was talking about. Instead I should just be honest I don’t know much about it
-I didn’t screen for a boyfriend on some girls. I should to not waste time, like I did with that Turkish girl.