- Joined
- Nov 16, 2024
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- 29
Started going out after a long time. Both outtings were solo.
I just smashed half a bottle of red wine, it's almost 11 pm, it's time to go out. I put on my boots, and my white fur coat (peacock) and I head out solo.
I live pretty close to city center (<5 min) and where the bars are so my logistics are looking good. However, before I head straight to the bars I stop by this kebab place that has one of those punch machines which I have been eyeing for some time. I figure I do it now, to pump my state and grease the wheels by talking to some people.
After that I head straight to this bar, say hi to the bouncers, walk in and b-line to the bar to fix another drink. I sort of stand there, leaning on the bar stool and build a little base while I get accostumed to the envivroment.
So I am sipping my glass of white wine, and I figured I need to start talking soon, otherwise I am gonna get pushed in my head and get self-concious about being there by myself.
I see this girl on the dancefloor, like 2-steps away, and immediatly approach her:
"Hey, I need to talk to someone otherwise I am just going to stand here and get BORED" -delivered in a vibey, friendly manner
"Haha, that's ok, that's ok, nice coat."
"Thank you, anyways, what's your name."
Exchange some pleasantries and her friend walks over who imo is better looking so I switch over to her. The vibe is so much better, but I finish my drink and decide to go back to the bar for a refil and scout if I can find something better and I tell her:
"I am gonna go get another glass of wine, I will be right back."
But instead I go back to the bar, refill it, and just stand there, she can clearly see me btw. but she is talking to her friend and some dudes approach them the moment I left. I can't tell if they know each other already.
So I am looking around, can't find anything better. So I decide fuck it, the bar has a crane game in the corner migth as well do something than just stand around. Maybe if I win a fluffy animal I can use it as a prop to start conversations.
...Those games are a scam I had 10 tries, and they always slip out.
I talk to some more people, befriend some dudes and make a base, but at this point I am getting way to drunk... my game is getting sloppy and I am about to have a state crash.
Hopp a few more bars, go in and out. And that's prety much it.
This time I will be dammed If my state crashed so I decided I am going out solo - but this time completely sober!
Boots. Coat. Head out.
I go straight to the bar, b-line for the bar stool but this time I order a coke-zero.
I am sipping my coke-zero, but I immediately notice how much more self-concious I get about being there by myself. Also, my energy is just not there.
I try to make small talk to a few people, just to get the gears going (even if I befriend some dudes I will be less self-concious about standing there by myself), but no dice, no conversation really sticks.
I hopp over to another place. It is one of those two-stories bars so I can cirlce around a bit.
Find a nice corner next to three girls dancing.
At this point I am not feeling it at all.
Some dude walks up and trie to dance with one of the girls.
I immediately use that as an open, kinda felt like going direct on this one and the girl was fitt.
"Hey that dude's got some moves, huh?"
"..." -smiles, but is listening to what I am about to say next.
"Anyway, I told myself I have to say something to this girl, otherwise I am going to feel so bad later about it."
kinda pauses, then smiles and says:
"I know."
And she walks off two steps forward back to her friends.
Little ego bruise, I think to myself, but now the challenge was not to be a pussy about it and walk off.
So, I stay there even though it was very uncomfortable to stand there in the corner, and good thing I did.
Her friend drops her lipstick right at my feet in the most obvious way imaginabel.
I lol and I hug her.
"Heh, that was pretty obvious."
I don't think she heard me. But she walks back and starts grinding on me lol. That really made my night.
I keep talking to her/touching her but she is unresponsive. Wasn't quite my type anyway (auto-rejection), but might use the situation.
She walks back to her friend, I open my phone, next thing I know she falls down I only realised this when I put my phone away, I couldn't see from the light.
So I circle around a bit more. Decided, I am REALLY not feeling it tonight (I am pushed in my head).
Head out, on my way out approach this one girl I eyed that is my type. She had one of those beauty queen sashes, figured I use that for an open.
"Wow, that is so cool, can I see that?" -delivered in the most positvie vibe I could muster.
"I am with her, I am with her." -points to her girlfriend.
I figured, damn she's not into guys (lol), so I just head out.
Sit a bit on a concrete bech in front of the bars, and decide to head home.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I got a lot of compliments on the pimp coat from girls on both outtings, but those interactions didn't seem to go anywhere, other than them genuienly wanting to compliment me/feel it and leave. So, I just used it to pump my state. One girl actually wanted to try it on, but I got a strong feeling she would disapear with it, so I said 'No'.
Lessons and sticking points:
My number 1 sticking point: State management/emotional regulation/energy management. I get super self-concious about being there solo and I am deatlhy affraid of building up a reputation as a 'weird guy that goes out by himself'. I try to push my own buttons, and get the gears going with micro-contact, small conversations, just so I can get comfortable enough to think about running some advanced stuff. Also, when I drink I tend to get overly social and when I talk to girls I am way to friendly and not enough sexual. But then when I don't drink, I am more reclusive and picky. It's drunk and sloppy or sober and timid. I really want to do this sober because I am actually able to think about game, instead of being in a drunken haze and buzzing around left and right, even though that can be fun sometimes, the crash isn't.
Any advice from advanced guys on how to manage your state better and how to push your own buttons when you go out sober? How do I stop being so self-concious?
My number 2 sticking point: I am stingy on the approaches, beacuse I don't want to spam approach and wreck my reputation. So what I will do is I will go to bars and just do proximity approaches. Position myself so I am standing next to the girl, and just start talking, instead of very VISUALLY and clearly walking over from one place of the bar to the next to approach her. I also, sometimes can't decide if I don't like the girl so I don't apprach her or if I do approach her I eject to look for something better, or is it just the case of where I am coping. It is not the case like talk = instant sex, so I am leaning towards it being more of a case of me coping. But let's not kid ourselves, if we don't find a girl attractive it is not like we are motivated to stay there.
This one ties into point number one, but how do you avoid developing a reputation, of 'that weird guy I see on the weekends in bars by himself', and also how do you avoid of building a reputation of 'that guy who approaches a lot of girls' while still approaching enough to get results?
My number 3 sticking point: Immersion/Hook point. I was so consumed with myself and my own feelings, besides the first girl on Friday, I never even reached the hook point. It was all a bunch of (meaningless) opens. I figured If I just talked long enough open enough, with the right sub-comms and verbals, I would reach it. But I think in this case, I just didn't open enough, or properly enough.
Is there any better approach in a loud, crowded drunk envivroment for more consistent opens/hooks? So that I could actually proceed to isolate at least to smoking area. It is kind of hard to do all the verbals I read about here, when I can barely hear the girl and she can bearly hear me. How to actually go from point A ==> open, to B ==> hook, when she can't even hear me enough, and it's too chaotic so that I can even hook on verbals?
I just smashed half a bottle of red wine, it's almost 11 pm, it's time to go out. I put on my boots, and my white fur coat (peacock) and I head out solo.
I live pretty close to city center (<5 min) and where the bars are so my logistics are looking good. However, before I head straight to the bars I stop by this kebab place that has one of those punch machines which I have been eyeing for some time. I figure I do it now, to pump my state and grease the wheels by talking to some people.
After that I head straight to this bar, say hi to the bouncers, walk in and b-line to the bar to fix another drink. I sort of stand there, leaning on the bar stool and build a little base while I get accostumed to the envivroment.
So I am sipping my glass of white wine, and I figured I need to start talking soon, otherwise I am gonna get pushed in my head and get self-concious about being there by myself.
I see this girl on the dancefloor, like 2-steps away, and immediatly approach her:
"Hey, I need to talk to someone otherwise I am just going to stand here and get BORED" -delivered in a vibey, friendly manner
"Haha, that's ok, that's ok, nice coat."
"Thank you, anyways, what's your name."
Exchange some pleasantries and her friend walks over who imo is better looking so I switch over to her. The vibe is so much better, but I finish my drink and decide to go back to the bar for a refil and scout if I can find something better and I tell her:
"I am gonna go get another glass of wine, I will be right back."
But instead I go back to the bar, refill it, and just stand there, she can clearly see me btw. but she is talking to her friend and some dudes approach them the moment I left. I can't tell if they know each other already.
So I am looking around, can't find anything better. So I decide fuck it, the bar has a crane game in the corner migth as well do something than just stand around. Maybe if I win a fluffy animal I can use it as a prop to start conversations.
...Those games are a scam I had 10 tries, and they always slip out.
I talk to some more people, befriend some dudes and make a base, but at this point I am getting way to drunk... my game is getting sloppy and I am about to have a state crash.
Hopp a few more bars, go in and out. And that's prety much it.
This time I will be dammed If my state crashed so I decided I am going out solo - but this time completely sober!
Boots. Coat. Head out.
I go straight to the bar, b-line for the bar stool but this time I order a coke-zero.
I am sipping my coke-zero, but I immediately notice how much more self-concious I get about being there by myself. Also, my energy is just not there.
I try to make small talk to a few people, just to get the gears going (even if I befriend some dudes I will be less self-concious about standing there by myself), but no dice, no conversation really sticks.
I hopp over to another place. It is one of those two-stories bars so I can cirlce around a bit.
Find a nice corner next to three girls dancing.
At this point I am not feeling it at all.
Some dude walks up and trie to dance with one of the girls.
I immediately use that as an open, kinda felt like going direct on this one and the girl was fitt.
"Hey that dude's got some moves, huh?"
"..." -smiles, but is listening to what I am about to say next.
"Anyway, I told myself I have to say something to this girl, otherwise I am going to feel so bad later about it."
kinda pauses, then smiles and says:
"I know."
And she walks off two steps forward back to her friends.
Little ego bruise, I think to myself, but now the challenge was not to be a pussy about it and walk off.
So, I stay there even though it was very uncomfortable to stand there in the corner, and good thing I did.
Her friend drops her lipstick right at my feet in the most obvious way imaginabel.
I lol and I hug her.
"Heh, that was pretty obvious."
I don't think she heard me. But she walks back and starts grinding on me lol. That really made my night.
I keep talking to her/touching her but she is unresponsive. Wasn't quite my type anyway (auto-rejection), but might use the situation.
She walks back to her friend, I open my phone, next thing I know she falls down I only realised this when I put my phone away, I couldn't see from the light.
So I circle around a bit more. Decided, I am REALLY not feeling it tonight (I am pushed in my head).
Head out, on my way out approach this one girl I eyed that is my type. She had one of those beauty queen sashes, figured I use that for an open.
"Wow, that is so cool, can I see that?" -delivered in the most positvie vibe I could muster.
"I am with her, I am with her." -points to her girlfriend.
I figured, damn she's not into guys (lol), so I just head out.
Sit a bit on a concrete bech in front of the bars, and decide to head home.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I got a lot of compliments on the pimp coat from girls on both outtings, but those interactions didn't seem to go anywhere, other than them genuienly wanting to compliment me/feel it and leave. So, I just used it to pump my state. One girl actually wanted to try it on, but I got a strong feeling she would disapear with it, so I said 'No'.
Lessons and sticking points:
My number 1 sticking point: State management/emotional regulation/energy management. I get super self-concious about being there solo and I am deatlhy affraid of building up a reputation as a 'weird guy that goes out by himself'. I try to push my own buttons, and get the gears going with micro-contact, small conversations, just so I can get comfortable enough to think about running some advanced stuff. Also, when I drink I tend to get overly social and when I talk to girls I am way to friendly and not enough sexual. But then when I don't drink, I am more reclusive and picky. It's drunk and sloppy or sober and timid. I really want to do this sober because I am actually able to think about game, instead of being in a drunken haze and buzzing around left and right, even though that can be fun sometimes, the crash isn't.
Any advice from advanced guys on how to manage your state better and how to push your own buttons when you go out sober? How do I stop being so self-concious?
My number 2 sticking point: I am stingy on the approaches, beacuse I don't want to spam approach and wreck my reputation. So what I will do is I will go to bars and just do proximity approaches. Position myself so I am standing next to the girl, and just start talking, instead of very VISUALLY and clearly walking over from one place of the bar to the next to approach her. I also, sometimes can't decide if I don't like the girl so I don't apprach her or if I do approach her I eject to look for something better, or is it just the case of where I am coping. It is not the case like talk = instant sex, so I am leaning towards it being more of a case of me coping. But let's not kid ourselves, if we don't find a girl attractive it is not like we are motivated to stay there.
This one ties into point number one, but how do you avoid developing a reputation, of 'that weird guy I see on the weekends in bars by himself', and also how do you avoid of building a reputation of 'that guy who approaches a lot of girls' while still approaching enough to get results?
My number 3 sticking point: Immersion/Hook point. I was so consumed with myself and my own feelings, besides the first girl on Friday, I never even reached the hook point. It was all a bunch of (meaningless) opens. I figured If I just talked long enough open enough, with the right sub-comms and verbals, I would reach it. But I think in this case, I just didn't open enough, or properly enough.
Is there any better approach in a loud, crowded drunk envivroment for more consistent opens/hooks? So that I could actually proceed to isolate at least to smoking area. It is kind of hard to do all the verbals I read about here, when I can barely hear the girl and she can bearly hear me. How to actually go from point A ==> open, to B ==> hook, when she can't even hear me enough, and it's too chaotic so that I can even hook on verbals?
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