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I've been getting consistent numbers and dates in the past few weeks from daygame and I wanted to outline how I'm doing it so others can too.
This is in part inspired by @Grand Pooba post here
1) Your Outfit
In cold approach girls make quick judgements on your looks as they have nothing else to go off. As a result you should aim to be mainstream good looking in order to appeal to the widest range of girls and not encourage any knee jerk no.
If you look good you can get away with very basic "nice guy game" too - it's the equivalent of having good pictures on an app profile.
Something like this is good although I'd personally ditch the scarf. It's classy but the ripped jeans bring some edge to it too.
You can also replace trainers with chelsea boots to smarten up the whole outfit and make you look taller as well.
2) Approach
You always want the girl to see you 1st before you approach so you don't startle or scare her.
3) Openers
I know there's a big debate on indirect vs direct but truth is you should just experiment and stick with what works for you. Personally I've had the most success with:
4) Follow Up Conversation
This is the most important thing after how you look for success at daygame. Openers aren't really that important it's just a way of getting her attention it's what you do after which is make or break.
>> What to say in 5 minutes maximum (after she responds to the opener)
>> How you say the above
5) Follow Up Message
The beauty of this approach is that all the "game" was done in the interaction. I typically send a voicenote on whatsapp saying:
A) "Hi X it was cool but random meeting you aha, have a good week and see you on X date
B) "Hi X it was cool but random meeting you aha, let me know when you're next free"
This plays on the "movie" randomness vibe. What you find is a lot of girls will comment saying that was really nice, no ones done that to me before, thank you for approaching me etc. You're literally brightening up people's day so you're doing humankind a disservice by not doing it.
Lastly If the girl ignores my first message - no hard feelings I delete the number and move on - this makes the whole thing very efficient.
A pretty girl who's super into me is literally always just round the corner and the same can be for you too.
This is in part inspired by @Grand Pooba post here
1) Your Outfit
In cold approach girls make quick judgements on your looks as they have nothing else to go off. As a result you should aim to be mainstream good looking in order to appeal to the widest range of girls and not encourage any knee jerk no.
If you look good you can get away with very basic "nice guy game" too - it's the equivalent of having good pictures on an app profile.
Something like this is good although I'd personally ditch the scarf. It's classy but the ripped jeans bring some edge to it too.

You can also replace trainers with chelsea boots to smarten up the whole outfit and make you look taller as well.
2) Approach
You always want the girl to see you 1st before you approach so you don't startle or scare her.
- 90% of the time I'll begin to walk past the girl from the side then once I'm slightly ahead I'll casually look over my shoulder, put my arm out and stop before saying "excuse me" to go ahead with my opener
- For girls already still or sitting down I'll approach from the side too after I've been in her proximity for a second or so
- Rarely if I see a girl in front of me walking in my direction and I'm feeling confident I'll just stop but my arm out and open that way
3) Openers
I know there's a big debate on indirect vs direct but truth is you should just experiment and stick with what works for you. Personally I've had the most success with:
- "Excuse me I saw you, liked your outfit and wanted to say hi" > 99% of my approaches are this. It works because it shows intent without being too aggressive
- "Hey do you know the quickest way to X station?" > Bait and switch. Girl gets talking then you hit on her. It works but not congruent for me rather just be straight up from the start
- "Hi you look like XYZ" > cold reads and one of my favourites if I can think of something. Number closed a girl by saying she looked like a dancer (I was wrong) but we carried on talking anyway
4) Follow Up Conversation
This is the most important thing after how you look for success at daygame. Openers aren't really that important it's just a way of getting her attention it's what you do after which is make or break.
>> What to say in 5 minutes maximum (after she responds to the opener)
- Cold read (my go to is the country she's from) or what she's up to e.g. you going to the gym after a long old day at your marketing job?
- Compliment her on how friendly she is even if she's just been normal > subconsciously people will try and live up to compliments handed to them
- Mini-deep dive > what brings you to X city?, where were you before?
- Qualify > once you've found more information about her qualify her on that e.g. "you seem cool love the way you were in Dubai before and run your own social media business"
- Tease > don't be afraid to joke a little bit, use self-deprecating humour and call her out when something she says doesn't make sense. Remember the beauty of daygame is to be enjoyed - you can literally create movie like moments.
- Seed the date > we should grab a drink sometime, girls will often say yes just to be polite but you'll filter these girls out later
- Exchange numbers > get her number for logistics, if she just wants to offer you an instagram handle instead - I'll save you the headache just move on lol
- Once you get the number carry on with chit-chat a little bit more then ask her: "when do you tend to be free?"
- End the conversation before she does > "It was cool meeting you X, I'll see you on Friday night"
>> How you say the above
- Think of an acquaintance you kind of knew back at school and you bumped into them randomly and you're seeing how life is for them - you want to be engaged and warm but almost indifferent too
5) Follow Up Message
The beauty of this approach is that all the "game" was done in the interaction. I typically send a voicenote on whatsapp saying:
A) "Hi X it was cool but random meeting you aha, have a good week and see you on X date
B) "Hi X it was cool but random meeting you aha, let me know when you're next free"
This plays on the "movie" randomness vibe. What you find is a lot of girls will comment saying that was really nice, no ones done that to me before, thank you for approaching me etc. You're literally brightening up people's day so you're doing humankind a disservice by not doing it.
Lastly If the girl ignores my first message - no hard feelings I delete the number and move on - this makes the whole thing very efficient.
A pretty girl who's super into me is literally always just round the corner and the same can be for you too.
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