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Full daygame process to easily get dates


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
I've been getting consistent numbers and dates in the past few weeks from daygame and I wanted to outline how I'm doing it so others can too.

This is in part inspired by @Grand Pooba post here

1) Your Outfit

In cold approach girls make quick judgements on your looks as they have nothing else to go off. As a result you should aim to be mainstream good looking in order to appeal to the widest range of girls and not encourage any knee jerk no.

If you look good you can get away with very basic "nice guy game" too - it's the equivalent of having good pictures on an app profile.

Something like this is good although I'd personally ditch the scarf. It's classy but the ripped jeans bring some edge to it too.


You can also replace trainers with chelsea boots to smarten up the whole outfit and make you look taller as well.

2) Approach

You always want the girl to see you 1st before you approach so you don't startle or scare her.

  • 90% of the time I'll begin to walk past the girl from the side then once I'm slightly ahead I'll casually look over my shoulder, put my arm out and stop before saying "excuse me" to go ahead with my opener
  • For girls already still or sitting down I'll approach from the side too after I've been in her proximity for a second or so
  • Rarely if I see a girl in front of me walking in my direction and I'm feeling confident I'll just stop but my arm out and open that way

3) Openers

I know there's a big debate on indirect vs direct but truth is you should just experiment and stick with what works for you. Personally I've had the most success with:
  • "Excuse me I saw you, liked your outfit and wanted to say hi" > 99% of my approaches are this. It works because it shows intent without being too aggressive
  • "Hey do you know the quickest way to X station?" > Bait and switch. Girl gets talking then you hit on her. It works but not congruent for me rather just be straight up from the start
  • "Hi you look like XYZ" > cold reads and one of my favourites if I can think of something. Number closed a girl by saying she looked like a dancer (I was wrong) but we carried on talking anyway

4) Follow Up Conversation

This is the most important thing after how you look for success at daygame. Openers aren't really that important it's just a way of getting her attention it's what you do after which is make or break.

>> What to say in 5 minutes maximum (after she responds to the opener)

  • Cold read (my go to is the country she's from) or what she's up to e.g. you going to the gym after a long old day at your marketing job?
  • Compliment her on how friendly she is even if she's just been normal > subconsciously people will try and live up to compliments handed to them
  • Mini-deep dive > what brings you to X city?, where were you before?
  • Qualify > once you've found more information about her qualify her on that e.g. "you seem cool love the way you were in Dubai before and run your own social media business"
  • Tease > don't be afraid to joke a little bit, use self-deprecating humour and call her out when something she says doesn't make sense. Remember the beauty of daygame is to be enjoyed - you can literally create movie like moments.
  • Seed the date > we should grab a drink sometime, girls will often say yes just to be polite but you'll filter these girls out later
  • Exchange numbers > get her number for logistics, if she just wants to offer you an instagram handle instead - I'll save you the headache just move on lol
You can also call her so she has your number and you see it's legit. I've actually started skipping this step though as no point in chasing leads going nowhere.

  • Once you get the number carry on with chit-chat a little bit more then ask her: "when do you tend to be free?"
She'll likely respond with I'm not sure blah blah blah. So seed in a day that's 2-5 days away. So if you meet her on Tuesday propose Friday night. If you see her on Friday night propose Sunday afternoon. Once she agrees nail down an exact time and location so it's real and not just up in the air plans.

  • End the conversation before she does > "It was cool meeting you X, I'll see you on Friday night"

>> How you say the above
  • Think of an acquaintance you kind of knew back at school and you bumped into them randomly and you're seeing how life is for them - you want to be engaged and warm but almost indifferent too

5) Follow Up Message

The beauty of this approach is that all the "game" was done in the interaction. I typically send a voicenote on whatsapp saying:

A) "Hi X it was cool but random meeting you aha, have a good week and see you on X date
B) "Hi X it was cool but random meeting you aha, let me know when you're next free"

This plays on the "movie" randomness vibe. What you find is a lot of girls will comment saying that was really nice, no ones done that to me before, thank you for approaching me etc. You're literally brightening up people's day so you're doing humankind a disservice by not doing it.

Lastly If the girl ignores my first message - no hard feelings I delete the number and move on - this makes the whole thing very efficient.

A pretty girl who's super into me is literally always just round the corner and the same can be for you too.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 16, 2020
Great, concise, and helpful write up. Thanks for the post.

I particularly like your last line, 'A pretty girl who's super into me is literally always just round the corner.' Confidence in your own day game ability is, IMHO, the fastest way to abundance. It's also a fabulous way to meet a lot of great gals while spreading some joy in the world.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thanks for sharing this man!

Don't want to nitpick but just want to state that some of what you write here isn't "law" - for instance, getting an Instagram isn't the end of the world if she has a legit reason for not having a functioning phone number, and you can still meet her and pull; also, the girl doesn't need to see you before you approach for you to sleep with her, though I can see how that would make it a smoother approach

All in all though I like your "things to do once you open" and your follow-up logistics confirmation stuff. What I like most of all is your positive mindset. That makes the biggest difference IME.

Also, props on having the stoicism to go through number farming and setting up dates with quick number grabs. I tend to try to shoot for instadates/instapulls, but I can see how that might open up a potentially much larger pool of women (the "going about your day" sets, as opposed to "going out specifically to mack on babes" ones).


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Thanks for sharing this man!

Don't want to nitpick but just want to state that some of what you write here isn't "law" - for instance, getting an Instagram isn't the end of the world if she has a legit reason for not having a functioning phone number, and you can still meet her and pull; also, the girl doesn't need to see you before you approach for you to sleep with her, though I can see how that would make it a smoother approach

All in all though I like your "things to do once you open" and your follow-up logistics confirmation stuff. What I like most of all is your positive mindset. That makes the biggest difference IME.

Also, props on having the stoicism to go through number farming and setting up dates with quick number grabs. I tend to try to shoot for instadates/instapulls, but I can see how that might open up a potentially much larger pool of women (the "going about your day" sets, as opposed to "going out specifically to mack on babes" ones).

No worries! Agreed the Instagram piece isn't a law it's just from my personal experience if a girl does have a number but only wants to give you her Instagram 99% chance she'll be a timewaster. The kind of girl who will always say yes to a date but flake last minute.

For sure positivity is what separates the guys who stick it out and get results vs the ones who say this sucks and give up.

May have to try instadates when it's summer here again. Been on a couple years back when I was new to all this but they fizzled out. That may change with what I know now though :)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Mr. Hawaii

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 30, 2013
Nice write up. regarding the instagram handle topic, i find that every rule we come up with is going to have exceptions, but having those rules are so important to building skills, and you just need experience to learn about the exceptions.

thanks for the read


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
@DoWhatWorks I was about to quote your entire post, but quoting you seems more efficient !

This is so well written !

so concise, low pressure and provides a very low chance for even an uncalibrated guy to come off as a harasser lol !

Thank you thank you ! , i can actually use this when i approach for the first time ( hopefully next month ! )


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
  • Exchange numbers > get her number for logistics, if she just wants to offer you an instagram handle instead - I'll save you the headache just move on lol
I've noticed this too. Girls who wanted my snapchat,ig didn't follow up later. Didn't respond to my texts. Even this one girl who made sure I took her # down,but didn't respond to anything I sent (unless it was fake). So if a girl wants to hand out her ig should I just next her right then and there? Or in your experience there's a "you never know there's a % chance" she'll meet up.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
I've noticed this too. Girls who wanted my snapchat,ig didn't follow up later. Didn't respond to my texts. Even this one girl who made sure I took her # down,but didn't respond to anything I sent (unless it was fake). So if a girl wants to hand out her ig should I just next her right then and there? Or in your experience there's a "you never know there's a % chance" she'll meet up.

I'll share my experience since I do Instagram... if she wants to do Instagram, take her phone and put your IG in there and then follow yourself... extra points if you message yourself too from her account.

If you just get her IG and follow her, she might not even see it unless she really likes you and makes sure that she follows you when you follow her, which I've had before.

If she follows you, she'll get notified when she gets the message... if not, who knows? So I always have her pull out her phone and then I put mine into her phone... it's also a good compliance test.

I usually ask girls what's better, IG or whatsapp and they usually say IG... and if you have a good profile, it can be good social proof, preselection, and other things.

I've heard a lot of people debate about this but I've found IG works best for me.
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Mini-deep dive > what brings you to X city?, where were you before?
What would you rather say if you lived in a city where most girls are locals? I suppose I could ask if she's from here, but I don't know what I would gain from this conversation topic, if that makes sense.

Remember the beauty of daygame is to be enjoyed - you can literally create movie like moments.
Really wise words.

I'll share my experience since I do Instagram... if she wants to do Instagram, take her phone and put your IG in there and then follow yourself... extra points if you message yourself too from her account.
Yeah I tend to do that way too, I generally ask the girl what she prefers, but I offer IG since it has some social proof (ie the girl can see I have photos with other girls, and I'm a sociable, cool guy, even though I hope I do a good job in person lol). Also I have less trouble with random girls texting me more directly when I'm with my main squeezes lmao
If she lets you follow yourself, chances are she's at least open to something. I remember this girl I approached once and she said she had a boyfriend, she gave me her number, but she would not even answer, so I just moved on. I was out at a party like 6 months later and I ran into her, we made out and she wanted my IG, so I just made her follow me hehe, this time she was answering properly and actting like a good girl (until I fucked up, that is, but that would not have been any different over normal text). I feel like younger women in general rather use IG, and I rather use it to text girls that I don't quite have a relationship with, too.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
I've noticed this too. Girls who wanted my snapchat,ig didn't follow up later. Didn't respond to my texts. Even this one girl who made sure I took her # down,but didn't respond to anything I sent (unless it was fake). So if a girl wants to hand out her ig should I just next her right then and there? Or in your experience there's a "you never know there's a % chance" she'll meet up.

Yep it’s quite common. They want your attention but not you. I’m sure I’ve lost a few girls by ignoring IG offers but to me the extra 1 or 2 lays a year isn’t worth the consistent flaky frustration.

@Vision IG can work but it requires a lot of initial effort on “cultivating your profile” and social proof. When I was younger & big on Facebook it would definitely bring in consistent warm leads.

But it’s essentially social circle game. The same amount of effort in night, online or daygame will get you more girls per ounce of effort.

Chase has an article on why he quit social media and for me personally I agree with him that the juice isn’t worth the squeeze for most people.

Unless you use social media for an online business, personal trainer or coach then fine but for a regular dude normally no point.

99% IG girls have WhatsApp anyway *shrugs*

What would you rather say if you lived in a city where most girls are locals?

Any other deep dive question e.g. What made you get into [hobby she shared with you]... What do you love about it? / What made you pick that degree, you must be [xyz] cold read / What were you like at school I bet you were [nerdy, popular, studious]

Being creative is the answer :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
@Vision IG can work but it requires a lot of initial effort on “cultivating your profile” and social proof. When I was younger & big on Facebook it would definitely bring in consistent warm leads.

But it’s essentially social circle game. The same amount of effort in night, online or daygame will get you more girls per ounce of effort.

Chase has an article on why he quit social media and for me personally I agree with him that the juice isn’t worth the squeeze for most people.

Unless you use social media for an online business, personal trainer or coach then fine but for a regular dude normally no point.

99% IG girls have WhatsApp anyway *shrugs*

We're talking about getting a girl's contact, not getting her from IG. Although, I've successfully slept with girls from doing that as well.

We're talking about doing day/night game and getting her IG instead of whatsapp.

99% of IG girls have whatsapp in what country? Which country are you talking about?

And yes, it takes initial effort to build but you get social proof from it and she gets more of a chance to get emotionally invested in you and see your personality (or dislike it if your profile sucks).

But you also get to see what she's about. Is she an attention whore? Does she spend a lot of time on social media? Does she post slutty pics of herself? What does she actually look like?

Most guys into pickup are so focused on just banging large numbers of girls and how hot they are that they ignore whether a girl is actually a quality human being or not... whether she'll add value to HIS life or take value away.

I was like that back in 2007, which is what got me out of the community. I was in low value patterns and 99% of the girls I slept with were... or they were when I got done with them.

I see lots of guys falling down that path on here as well... trust me, it leads to a fucked up idea of reality and women. I've seen lots of guys go through this.

And you don't have to use social media a lot to use it effectively... just get a bunch of good photos and you're mostly done.

And if that doesn't work for you, do whatever works for you. It really doesn't matter to me. I find it really interesting guys trying to prove and disprove their own methodologies on here over other people's.

If something works for you, do it. If you see something someone else is doing and it works, great. If you don't like something, don't do it.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
99% of IG girls have whatsapp in what country? Which country are you talking about

UK as we have a lot of girls who come over from mainland Europe

And if that doesn't work for you, do whatever works for you. It really doesn't matter to me. I find it really interesting guys trying to prove and disprove their own methodologies on here over other people's.

If something works for you, do it. If you see something someone else is doing and it works, great. If you don't like something, don't do it

100% agree man. Many different ways to get desired outcomes & we’re both just offering 2 different perspectives.

People get passionate in the process of giving well-intentioned advice.

What anyone decides to do is up to them & their preference :)