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- Aug 12, 2024
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Hey everyone, this will be my journal for approaches on my campus (which will be most of them).
A few notes:
I appreciate any feedback or discussion since I know there is always something to learn. Hopefully, I can help others with campus game.
A few notes:
- It is a very large commuter university
- I am a student.
- I almost only cold approach.
- I don't care for AIs; I go for who I want.
- I go for girly girls of any kind, regardless of looks.
- Never had a girlfriend, just good female friends (voluntary friendzone for reasons).
- I want a long term girlfriend and am currently too religious to go for first night lays (still tons of respect for Hector, Alex, and anyone who teaches otherwise).
I appreciate any feedback or discussion since I know there is always something to learn. Hopefully, I can help others with campus game.
Notable moments:
Ethnicity: White
Position: Walking
Outfit: Shirt, skirt, Mary Janes and socks
Duration: 2 mins
Result: Nothing
I walked out of class for a while then looped around. I give up chasing a woman I saw and slow down. Suddenly, a set who was trailing me walks past.
Notable moments:
- I open next to her slightly behind.
- Opener: "Real quick; do you know how to get to the university from here."
- She stops and turns over her shoulder a but to face me. We stand under the desert sun with high UV rays.
- She was confused because of the stupid question and asked me to repeat. I repeated, she answered "You're already on campus."
- I then smiled and said, "Actually, that was just an excuse. I thought you looked cool and I wanted to come say hi." I moved my hand as I explained, which brought her attention to it. I hold out my hand and she takes it, I squeeze it, and milk the opening. We swap names. She has an unusual name and I misheard it.
- I wonder if she is an art major, but second guess myself. "Set1, Are you an English major?" She says, "No, I'm an art major."
- I say, "Literature is artistic in its way. I could tell you were an expressive person." We high five.
- She asks me my major, I tell her, and we talk about it. She was interested. I compliment her style again and qualify her citing how I knew she had good taste.
- I try to move her. I suggest, "We should take a few steps to the side so we can talk under the shade." The shade is like 3 feet away.
- She then says, "I'm sorry, I'm in a rush." To be fair, she was headed towards the parking lot.
- We bid each other farewell.
Notable moments:
Ethnicity: Latina
Position: Walking
Outfit: Black skirt and shirt, Mary Janes, socks
Duration: ~4 minutes
Result: Number
I tried to approach another set, but she started talking to her friend. I doubt my skills are ready to approach groups. I stop and stare at a poster when ANOTHER set who was trailing passes by. I catch up to this goth girl and open over her shoulder.
Notable moments:
- Opener: "Do you know how to get to the university from here?"
- She stops and turns to face me. She is puzzled by the dumb question, but I clarify, "That was just an excuse. You look cool and I wanted to come say hi."
- Again, I moved my arm a lot as I explained and she noticed it. Her eyes were already on my hand when I offer it. We swap names, I squeeze her hand, milk the opener.
- I ask if she is an art major, but she ends up being the first computer science major I've spoken to.
- I try to analogies by explaining, "Programming something new is kinda like a 'paint by numbers'." She agreed. I qualified her, "I knew you were a creative person." High five.
- "What's your major?" "International Business." "That sounds cool. What's it like?" "You immerse yourself in something unique each day."
- We deep dive a bit about computer science. I mention I studied Java, but she apparently hasn't gotten that far. She has no real goal. She follows the money. CompSci is a stable field. I say, "You're a practical person. It's nice to meet someone honest about wanting to live a good life." Fist bump.
- She says she has to go soon. "Where are you headed?" "I'm meeting a friend at the community college. Where were you headed?"
- Normally, I'd panic and escalate but I try to reject her frame. I say, "I was getting a drink at the student center. Not many people know the water is good." "Yeah, not many people know that water is free in California." "You know what's interesting? ... This campus has so many interesting things and interesting people. But few look beyond their textbook. But you're friendly. That's cool." She smiles warmly. Fist bump again.
- I stutter a bit as I say, "It's been awesome randomly bumping into you and talking. We should meet up sometime." "How?" "We should swap numbers." "Do I give you mine or do you give me yours?" "How about you give me yours?"
- She then says, "Uh. I have an android..." I show her my cool Android flip phone and flip it open. She laughs and gives her number.
- I say, "Text me when you get home so I know you got there safe." There have been accidents and disasters nearby, so this isn't entirely random. She points out, "I don't have your number. You have mine." I immediately text her, 'Who's that handsome guy you're talking to.' No reply but it made her laugh when she read it."
- We say bye, leave in opposite directions.
- She didn't reply to that text.
- I'll try again tomorrow.
Notable moments:
Ethnicity: Mixed
Position: Walking
Outfit: Shirt, short shorts, boots, socks.
Duration: 4 mins
Result: Nothing
I head to get a drink at the student center. I see her walking by and take advantage of my social momentum. She looked cute and had medium-short hair and and interesting style.
Notable moments:
- I open next to her, "Hi, do you know how to get to the Student Center from here?"
- She's confused, I clarify, "Actually, that was just an excuse. I thought you looked cool and I wanted to say hi."
- Swap names, squeeze hand, milk. I tell her she has a cool name.
- I cold read that she is an art major and she is. I say, "I knew you knew about style and presentation."
- "What's your major?" "International Business." We talk a while about my major and she seems interested. She asks a few questions and we talk about traveling, which is what interested me in my major.
- "Do you travel a lot?" "I've been to a few places, like the 'Pearl of the West' itself." "Where is that?" "Mexico." What's your favorite place you've visited?" "Guadalajara, Mexico" (aka 'The Pearl of the West).
- We high five and fist bump throughout the exchange.
- She gets extremely nervous and asks me 4 redundant questions in a row answered by my last answer. She laughs a lot and I smile, telling her it's fine and I like her laugh. I also try to set up a chase frame, "Being absolutely sure about my travels will come in handy when you plan a trip to take me on."
- I then ask about her travel stories and she can barely answer beyond vagueness.
- I steer away from myself to help her center herself and say, "I just noticed something about you." "What?" "Going back to what you said, you travel a lot. You seem to be interested in exploring new things." "Yeah, I do." ... "I noticed your golden patterned earrings. They're cool." She laughs nervously and thanks me. She brushes her hair on the left side so I can see. "I knew you had good taste. What's the story behind them?" "They're expensive actually. But there's no story... my aunt took me out shopping and bought them for $25." We talk about what family means to us.
- I then fuck up. I ask, "Are the patterns different?" She seems unsure. I ask, "Could I get a better look at the right one?" I slowly, but hopefully not too slowly, move my hand to brush her hair away. Once I do, she gets uncomfortable.
- She stammers something about me catching her on her way to her dorm and having to meet her roommate. "I'm a lesbian."
- Not to be stereotypical, but her hair length and style do look kinda lesbian. But maybe I just butchered it.
- I take a step back and raise my palms. "I respect that." I try to defuse tension by saying, "We have so much in common!" She laughs. I ask, "Let's see if we have something else in common. You value your time?" She smiles and nods. I say, "I'll leave you to your thing. It's been nice meeting each other." We walk in opposite directions
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