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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
So what's the fit for 25-35?

that's actually a pretty big age range. and of course demographic is also going to be a bit more than age. So if there is a certain type you are going for, you well want to adjust for that type. Fitness girls, academic girls, science girls, artsy girls, classy girls. The thing with being a seducer is you don't have to fit exactly into her type, as long as you dress sexy (read, a little bit of edge and very well curated) and are within a reasonable range.

But in terms of age genZ has somewhat more casual style than Millennials. Baggier clothes for Gen z, a little more form fitting for millennial. More cropped shirts for Genz. Genz more sneakers, millennial more boots. Genz boots are more Doc Martins style then Millenial Chelsea. Genz more t shirts, millennial more button ups.

Gen z is way more streetwear, Millenials more of a classics kind of vibe.

Even with millennials I'd drop using skinny jeans. straight cuts, loose cuts, boot cuts. The skinny jeans and Chelsea boots you would see on mid 2000s PUA is super dated.

obviously this is all on spectrum. What's most crucial it's getting good ratios on the way the clothes fit. Pant and shirt length, sleeve length.

Get a dynamic match on the shirt and shoes and build the rest of the fit around that.

Here is something that will elevate your fashion immediately. Figure out your skin tone and pick colors that flatter it. This is a game changer.

And of course, sexy style is always going to have a touch of casualness to it.

this post has a pick of a fit like the one Skills has been rocking
Post in thread 'The Power of the Slow Walk' https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/the-power-of-the-slow-walk.30316/post-188009

He swears by going baggy to get the younger women.

Google Genz fashion Drip. gotta get that drip (that's what Genz calls it). Or better yet, follow some genz fashion influencers on Instagram.

For Gen z more medium length hair. Or Medium length with fade on sides. Hair a little bit 'messier'. Mullet. Mustache with 5 o'clock shadow. I've been rocking a vandyke with the sides of my beard faded and that's been getting some good results. For millennial long hair, or a tight fade, and a short beard for facial hair.

I only really have a fit I rock in the field right now, but It is amazing the difference in response I get when my fit is hitting that sweet spot, compared to when it's not.

It takes some time and experimentation, but It's so worth it to get at least one or two fits you know you can reliably hook with.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
but consider thinking holistically about your life
Makes a lot of sense.

I'm not going to lay out my whole life situation here, for privacy reasons. But yes I've reached many of the major goals I set myself in life. Most of them, in fact. But not all.

Am I happy about that? Of course! But isn't it part of human nature, that once we reach a goal, we may rest for a while and bask in the glory. Sooner or later though, we will start to yearn for something new.

At the end of the day, does success need to come from a cold approach?
Well, if you're referring to "relationship success", I guess it doesn't really matter where I meet the girl. But it's been years since I met a girl I found truly hot through social circle. (That's a fun story in itself. When I met that girl, I was already with the ex. My ex somehow found out I liked her and was jealous of her ever since, even though I never did anything with the girl.

I got one chance to hit on her shortly after I was single again. It was at a mutual friend's birthday party, and the girl was also invited and sat next to me at dinner. I took my shot but I messed it up completely. Instead of seducing her, I just treated her like I would have if she already were my girlfriend. Because that's just what I was used to, after 6 years in an LTR. I had pretty much forgotten how to flirt. My crush played along for a while, but at some point it seems she just lost interest and talked to other people instead. I did ask her out awkwardly at the end of the night, but she politely turned me down. Haven't seen her since. One more reason to learn game! Today, I would have played that situation completely differently.)

As for social circle, I'm pretty happy with it currently, but historically it's always been a come and go. Being an expat myself, I tend to make mainly expat friends, and many of them inevitably leave town sooner or later. Others marry, settle down, have kids or whatever, and drop out for that reason. So there are times when my social circle is great, and other times when it's a bit slim and most of my best friends are in far away countries or even continents. But like I said, right now it's looking pretty good and it seems like I'm meeting cool new people pretty frequently. -- Thinking about it, maybe this is also a positive effect of having been doing cold approach?

So sure, maybe I'll meet a hot girl that way. But I'm also a stubborn son of a bitch and being able to approach and ideally seduce whoever I want has long been a dream of mine. I may have gotten started late, but I'm treating this (and this journal) as an experiment. Like it used to say in my signature... is it possible to learn this stuff at 50? We will see!

Yesterday I went out at night. Got a bit more drunk than I planned to. Had a few beers plus got invited to shots by a female friend, I tried to decline but she wouldn't let me lol.

The venue was rather small, but it was packed and the music so loud that talking was difficult. Still danced with a few girls and tried to mack on one or two. Not much success but it was worth trying.

There was only one girl in the club that I thought was really hot. I caught her checking me out at one point, so I smiled at her and took her hand to spin her around. She smiled and complied once or twice, and we danced for just a few seconds. Then she made some gesture like she had to go and ran off.

A while later, she reopened me asking me whether I knew how to score some coke. Crap. I don't do that shit, so I told her I have no idea. And gone she was. Some other dude got her who presumably had better connections.

BTW - Any night gamer reading this have an idea how to deal with this kind of situation? I'd assume that if she's on a mission to score drugs then I don't stand a chance if I don't have any. But maybe some of you hardcore night gamers have successfully dealt with this situation in the past? If so let me know.

Still had a lot of fun even though I didn't really get any chicks, but I had a good time and at least I danced and tried with a few. I did write a note in my phone at the end of the night though reminding myself to be 10x more aggressive. (I mean aggression here as in going for the girls you want, not as in being violent or coercive).

I saw that note today and reflected on it. I think there is a lot of wisdom in channeling your aggression into a positive path. I.e. do the approach, instead of holding back. Show your intent, instead of beating around the bush. I still don't do this enough. Worth remembering.

Today I was quite hung over, and a bit anxious or in a down mood again due to not getting enough sleep. Still I did 4 approaches, they didn't go very deep, but four is more than I've done on most days so far. Three of the approaches were 2F sets, one of which got ignored, the other one gave me a friendly but short reply then went back to her friend, and the third gave me a surprisingly sweet answer but she was walking with what seemed to be her mother (and her dog) so not the best chances to hook there. The one girl I approached who was by herself ignored me, then when I followed up gave me only the barest of nods. So I left it.

So the girl with the dog was last, and also the best approach I thought beacuse I didn't expect such a sweet response at all. Which taught me that even in situations where you think you have no chance, you should still try anyway.

Also I'm glad I got to the magic number of four despite being tired and hungover.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Opened 4 girls today trying out AspiringStoic's method. Worked really well for me. None hooked, but I opened them without any AA to speak of.

Got the 4 approaches in way before sunset. Maybe I could have done more, but I decided to take a coffee break, and also had to go back home to grab a jacket. Then when I went back out I had kinda lost my momentum.

I also decided to take @funkyjam's advice about social circle seriously. I've been so fixated on day game that I may have neglected SC a bit during the last year, but I believe it's better to have an equilibrium.

This worked extremely well instantly! After coming home I decided to head out again to a nearby bar where I hoped to run into 1 or 2 friends. Instead I ran into like 7 lol. And I even met some new people. One HB excitedly introduced herself to me and told me she had seen me on the bike but didn't know my name. Unfortunately turns out she had a BF there. The guy was cool though and I chatted with both a bit (more with the girl). Also met some other cool new people there as well. Seems like a place worth going to more often in the evenings.

Now this journal is about day game and not so much about SC, so I'll probably not be reporting much about SC in the future. Unless some HB shows up there that I can make something happen with. Just wanted to point out that @funkyjam's advice was really helpful and already showed some good results. Same as @AspiringStoic's. You guys rock!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just wanted to do a quick update, since it's been a while. I'm still going out approaching, though I'm not getting huge volumes recently. The weather is bad and there aren't many hot tourist girls around.

Today I did one serious approach with a hot girl I had seen sunbathing before on the beach. I thought about whether to approach her, but decided there's too many families with kids in her immediate vicinity and went somewhere else. Didn't find any good prospects there either, so went back and just as I arrived the girl was leaving. I approached her frontally and asked whether she'd been swimming. I had to repeat the question in English since she didn't understand. Then she said "Oh no, just sunbathing" in a rather non-enthusiastic way, and walked off. Well at least I tried.

Did another situational opener with an older woman, just because she happened to be nearby. Led nowhere really, she was heading back to her friend/kid/partner or whatever.

Then later in the city center saw a 2 set of pretty, but very dolled up, girls and threw them a compliment as they walked by. Got no reaction. Typical for a 2-set, anyway it wasn't a serious approach since they were a bit over the top for me. Would have been nice to get a reaction though.

Social circle wise I'm doing pretty good. I'm going to bars and meeting new people there quite a lot. Maybe not every day, but hardly a week goes by where I'm not making one or more new acquaintances. Guys as well as girls. Best place by far is this bar near my house were people are drinking all afternoon. It's mainly outside, so I can just pass by multiple times a day and chat with people if I feel like it.

Everyone is super chill and talkative. My neighbour (a woman about my age) goes there, and also a musician friend I've known for years. The musician especially seems to know everyone and their mom, and I'm meeting lots of new people with him. But I also open people by myself when the occasion arises. I rarely drink alcohol though, at most I get a coffee or a water.

Oh and at least two girls (women, maybe fits it better) have thrown themselves at me. As in, literally. Unfortunately just the less attractive ones. One just threw her arms around me and tried to kiss me. It was late, and she was probably drunk. I turned my head away and just hugged her. She was in a weird state of mind though, seemed to be arguing with some other guys before, and after I wouldn't kiss her she started arguing with me too. I just ignored her, and later she got pulled aside by someone who knew her and they walked her home. Another girl I'd talked to some weeks prior had told me she's quite schizophrenic. I didn't believe it at the time, but maybe she meant it literally.

Another, a bit chubby, one day just came up to me excitedly and rubbed her boobs against me. She told me to come with her since she wanted to "show me something". This was in broad daylight. Either she was drunk real early, or just naturally crazy... or maybe both lol. I didn't go with her beacuse I had my bike parked right there and it wasn't locked. So I may have missed a chance for some fun... but hey she isn't really hot. Fun girl, but... nah... maybe if I was drunk myself. Another reason not to drink, haha.

She pulled up her shirt in the end and showed me her cleavage (was wearing a bra though). Good thing about the thick ones is they have nice boobs :) Then she just sort of turned away and talked to someone else, or maybe someone else talked to her, can't remember.

So yeah, I seem to have an easy time with the crazy ones lol. Now thinking about it, most women I've been with have been at least a little crazy... and I'm just half kidding here :p

It's impressive how much easier it is in social circle. By the law of statistics, I would assume an attractive girl should appear sooner or later and throw herself at me... or at least give me a chance.

Meanwhile I'm going to keep improving my fundamentals and social skills. I definitely still plan to master (or at least become decent at) cold approach. So I'm keeping at it.

Glad to have done 3 approaches today. Will let you guys know once my results get a bit better.
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
After walking around for hours today, I was walking home and spotted an attractive girl sitting on a bench and eating. So I made what was to be my only approach of the day and said "Enjoy your meal" to her. She gave me a huge smile but didn't respond (probably was chewing). I just walked on! Never expected such a good reaction. With such a huge smile I should have definitely engaged her more!

That's what happens when I'm not properly warmed up. But the weather was again bad today and I legit didn't see any interesting girls all day before that one. Damn.

At least I made the approach. My first instinct was just to keep walking since I was tired, but I found her really attractive so I crossed the street anyway. Gotta give myself credit for that.

When I approached she was facing away from me, but as I crossed the street she turned towards me even before I spoke, so she noticed me right away. I was honestly surprised to get a positive reaction.

This gives me hope. I've been racking up too many rejections recently. Got to internalize that yes, there are definitely hot girls out there that like me to approach them and would love to talk to me!
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