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Having Trouble With Daygame

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Chase said:
4's the minimum, yeah.
I think it's a good number because it doesn't feel like a lot.
Never thought of that before... great point.
It's also a good number because after the 3rd you usually hit state!
So aiming for 4 is great.
You probably won't even wanna stop after 4.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2016

Have you ever seen a guy do a street stop? It is not an especially normal behavior to engage in. I don't know any guy who isn't in "gotta get my reps in to level up" mode who does tons of street stops.

You don't need to restrict yourself to only incredibly beautiful girls though. Once you know how to street stop and you're out of the learning phase, you will instead use street stops strategically... e.g., you're walking down a quiet street in the afternoon and you see a cute girl headed your way. Street stop. You're at an outdoor mall and you've just exited a restaurant with a buddy of yours, in a good, social state, and you see an attractive girl about to cross your path. Street stop.

Like that. Not limited. Opportunistic.

4's the minimum, yeah.

I think it's a good number because it doesn't feel like a lot.

Once you start doing it, you may find you're warmed up and want to keep going.

A lot of it depends how good your targeting is, how advanced your game is, what your hit rate is, etc.

But there's also the question of "how well does it fit into your lifestyle?"

If you go out and push yourself to approach and you're "just approaching", results don't always seem to be as good as when it's opportunistic. But it's hard to get 10 approaches a day in opportunistically unless you're really on fire or you're outside all day long. 10 approaches usually means "dedicated day game session."

4 you can do opportunistically: chat up the girl waiting for the train... chat up the girl near you at the coffee shop... street stop a girl walking out of a store... chat up another girl in the store. That's easy to do if you're moving around a little but not a lot. (but it also could be you are outside a lot more during the day or are a lot more mobile in your outings!)

That's not to say 10/day is a bad plan though. One of the guys I learned from lived far from the big city and had a 9-to-5 that kept him working regular hours. So he'd drive into the city on Saturday, day game for 12 hours straight, then drive home, text all his girls, set up dates on Sunday, then drive back to the city on Sunday to meet his dates at the mall, run them through his date process, then bring them to this van he had strategically parked in a lonely part of the parking garage and shag them there. Basically a pitch-perfect way of getting the most out of a dedicated day game session, I'd say.

Once you're skilled at day game you can also do the thing where you just go out early and start approaching and just approach all day until you find a girl who'll go home with you. That can be fun, but kind of exhausting unless you get a girl who hooks hard early on, and it's not usually something you want to do every day.

More to your question... if I was hard-up for a girlfriend and I didn't want to do any screwing around, then I might just do 10-15 DG approaches per day until I found her, sure. Usually though you can go out and do 4-5 DG approaches, get a lead with one or two cute girls, see if you can lay those girls, do more approaches, lay a few more cute girls, bag a stunner, but whoops, turns out she's not girlfriend material, keep going, another cutie or two, then suddenly there's your girlfriend. So long as you're not desperate to find her ASAP, and are fine to shag a few cute girls along the way to her, you don't need to go crazy doing a ton of approaches... buuut if 10 is no different for you than 4, then by all means, could work great!


very interesting thoughts my man.

especially when you mention that opportunistic approaches have a tendency of converting better.

I suppose the reason for it is your motivation. When you are spontaneously approaching a girl it is because you really find her hot. And girls can feel it since your enthusiasm is higher and everything looks more natural.

Some questions

As for approaching 10 girls instead of 4, my problem might be the fact that sometimes I approach 4 girls and none of them hook.

if your fundamentals and game are in place what would a good ratio of hookinggirls be ?

of course depends on the city and on your game but still, I imagine if you
talk to 4 girls you usually hook at least one right ?

Might be my problem is lack of eye contact on the opening, not getting enough compliance, not smiling enough or not bantering enough ? Or simply bad targeting as you previously mentioned.

Also, do you find that hooking takes place on the opening ( if they don’t hook on the open they almost never do )or is it more common to make girls hook after 30 seconds ?

Hopefully my questions are useful for all the guys who want to go from good to gods with their social skills and girls.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
That could be a problem right there.

In my opinion, 99% of daygame results depends on state. It's no coincidence that you see some of the best daygamers out there espouse meditation and place a lot of emphasis on state control in general. James Marshall (who probably more than anyone inspires my general approach to daygame) considers it a cornerstone of seduction, and even life in general.

The reason why it's so essential, the way I see it, is because state control is the only really effective means of creating context out of thin air. Think about it, at clubs women are already horny and they've gone there prepared to find someone to go home with. Online, women know what the deal is, they swipe with the intention of giving a guy a chance. There is already context, the women there are somewhat self-selected as women who are looking to find a guy to do something with.

That means that in some sense, in those contexts, women have a certain expectation of what is going to happen next, and if a man fulfills it, then there's a good chance something will happen. He does not need to lead her to the starting point from somewhere different.

In daygame, there is no such thing. A woman who doesn't get approached a lot will often have no idea what to expect, what is 'normal' in a daygame situation, beyond her social instincts. That means that a guy must lead her to the starting point, by creating context.

It's very debatable what is the right context to create - some guys like to be very direct, others very indirect, so on - but the point is that the guy is in a position of having to provide a context that the woman can work with. And I don't only mean a logical context but also an emotional context, a set of circumstances that 'clicks' with a woman in some way so that she can respond in certain ways.

But the moment that a woman is approached in daygame, she is already in a context - whatever she is doing, whatever her mood is - that could be anything. And from this, the man must lead her to the context that allows the encounter to move forward. So first he must dissolve the original context before he can replace it - and in my opinion, this is where state control comes in.

State control is a collection of things. The first and most essential in the approach I believe are 1) being fully present and 2) being deeply relaxed. Being present allows him to focus entirely on her - something that she feels like being under a warm spotlight, that captivates her - and enables him to be very sensitive to how she feels. Being deeply relaxed allows him to absorb awkwardness and turn it into lightness - it allows her to be able to not know what to say or do without feeling the need to escape the pressure - as well as enabling him to finely tune his reactions to her based on what he is perceiving about how she feels.

After this comes more action-oriented manifestations of state control, like tuning the level of desire so that the encounter becomes sexual without being too pressurized, and also releasing his own authentic emotions without them getting in the way of the seduction, which is very important in creating connection.

The point is that when you don't feel all that interested or excited about the whole thing, your state is neutral. Everything becomes a mask rather than an embodiment - to illustrate an analogy with dancing, it's the equivalent of pulling and pushing her rather than her feeling the current of your desires and intentions and being inspired to move with you.

And in daygame, this can create enough of a sense of separation and distance that she just doesn't feel it later on when she thinks about what happened. It's like something that had the right shape but lacked energy, so she cannot move forward with it.

I would also say, to your mention that you don't feel approach anxiety, this is not necessarily a good thing. I don't know anything I've ever done that mattered that I didn't feel excitement or trepidation about, and that's part of the energy that I transform and direct to fuel the action I take. And believe me, she feels it too, more than the words you say or the techniques you use. When you are in highly energized, intentful state that nonetheless is calm, she feels the potential energy pointed at her like a cock, and there is nothing that validates a woman more than an attractive man who becomes electrified in her presence, she wants to feel it all released into her body. But a man who is going through the motions does not offer her that kind of experience, only the possibility that he will go through the motions of intimacy, which is something no girl in history has ever wanted.

Regal Tiger has basically laid out exactly everything I have been coming up against. This thread is a breath of fresh air.

Will_V, just brilliant.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I guess a small update:

It's still cold, I'm still getting shorted on hours because of weather issues and the fact that construction is generally slow this time. Supposed to pick up soon. Plan on doing more when I have a little more money and it's warmer still as promised.

Currently: approached a girl in a Waffle House. All she wants to do is play games though so I've blocked her and moved on. Probably spent too much of my energy on her as is

Approached another girl in a Home Depot. I believe I fucked this up in the texting though. I was feeling myself a little too much with how witty my responses were and when I asked her out she gave a half-no that made her out to be the prize. I threw out a response that I felt was funny at the time but solidified her as the prize and probably didn't come off right. So I think I fucked that one up myself, we'll see. I may give her another try in a few days and let that mistake kinda cool off a bit

So I'm currently 0/2 since making this thread if I'm counting right. Although that's still 2 more approaches than I thought I'd have... ya'll don't understand how much I hate the cold. Plus, I'm broke lol

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Small update copied from my journal:

Throughout the past month or so I had 3 incidental approaches that ended at numbers. 1 was a tease, another I fucked up and the third I'm not too sure what happened there.
*edit* --> just realized the first one was actually early February lmao, so quite a while ago

Started approaching in earnest last week. Not putting in the crazy numbers I originally started with, just not motivated for it honestly. I feel fine while approaching, even in a positive mood but afterwards I just feel like shit :/

Even before going to specifically go do some approaches I really don't want to, just kinda force myself to do it

Current stats since the restart: 0/10 + 3 in progress (one of which cancelled todays date :/ )
1 marriage, 4 boyfriends

The 3 in progress could lead to something, who knows. One of them seems extremely warm/interested but she doesn't reply to my texts very quickly. Thinking that'll go nowhere (story down below). The date canceller probably won't go anywhere either since the precedent is set. The third said upon meeting that she wouldn't be available until the weekend (so a full week away) which means that'll likely fizzle out too since dates scheduled out so long rarely work out

I've noticed that a lot of my natural core persona shines through on my approaches, I think that's a big problem. I'm basically a big kid which is probably why kids and animals like me. Not so sexy though. Trying to tone it down into a different vibe. We'll see how it goes.

As for why I think the warm chick won't work out: I was walking back to my car at the park and she was kinda/sorta crying while talking to someone on the phone. Gut instinct told me that it was probably a guy. Decided to hell with it, approached anyways after she got off the phone. It was a quick approach since she was waiting on someone to come pick her up. She said it was a guy but it wasn't serious (probably because she was mad at him).

She's more than a little warm to me, but once the guy apologizes she'll likely be right as rain with him lol


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Hi @Regal Tiger, kudos for keep on trying!!
You definitely are putting the effort and success will come in time.
I like that you are doing approaches but I am concerned that you end up tired/disappointed too fast.

Let’s do a little diagnosis:

- How often you go out?
- How many approaches do you make on average?
- How long it takes?
- Which locations?
- Are you going for girls you like or just going for any girl?
- With the girls who seem to like you, how much do conversation last?
- Do they seem excited to talk with you or just ambivalent?
- Are you trying to get them in instadates?

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Hi @Regal Tiger, kudos for keep on trying!!
Thanks lol
You definitely are putting the effort and success will come in time.
I like that you are doing approaches but I am concerned that you end up tired/disappointed too fast.
Yeah, I'm an emotional twat lol
Let’s do a little diagnosis:

- How often you go out?
Now or a few months ago when I put in some serious effort?

This last week like 3 times. A few months ago it was almost every day

A few months ago it would be for a minimum of 3-4 hours. But I deliberately waited on getting a job so that I could put in that time. One specific Saturday was damn near all day back then. Even got blood blisters on my feet at one point and had to stop for a few days

Now it's like 1-2 hours
- How many approaches do you make on average?
Not too many recently

Honestly thinking that I'm a bit more picky nowadays. I've thought about it after seeing an okay cute girl but not wanting to approach and kinda analyzed myself while walking around. I'm betting that it's probably to avoid the ego hit, like if I'm going to put myself out there and get rejected more often than not then I want her to be as much as my type as possible

But at the same time, I'd be happy to fuck some of them. So I've been thinking about if I wanna continue on that path or not

- Which locations?
Shopping plaza if it's busy enough and I feel like grabbing a tea

A busy park with a loop around if I just wanna walk. Most people seem to show up around the 5-7 time zone so that's when I plan my walk with it

Other than the here and the shopping plaza I'm not too sure of anywhere else to go other than coffee shops. Which adds up after a while and are more hit or miss in my limited experience

When I first got here I tried a bunch of coffee shops, tried a few different parks and a few different mall areas. These were the only two places that seemed to have any kind of consistency in approachable women at the time
- Are you going for girls you like or just going for any girl?
The easier a girl makes the approach the more forgiving I am lol. But that's how the 3 random approaches happened. One was in waffle house, another home depot and the third was in Wally world

Otherwise she's gotta have something that I really like. Either a look, a vibe or physical feature. But then it gets harder to control my own energy and clamping down on my natural excitement gets more difficult

Like a bookish looking introvert the other day. Love that look, I'm pretty sure if I'd come in with a more low key energy I would've had a better chance

Women seems to hook more often when I have that energy vs my natural one
- With the girls who seem to like you, how much do conversation last?
Waffle house lasted for a while since I was eating. Wally world didn't last but a few minutes because she was on hold on her phone for something

The chick from the park just a few minutes as well since she was waiting on someone to pick her up

Gas station girl more down below

Another park girl probably an hour-ish
- Do they seem excited to talk with you or just ambivalent?
It's a mix. But the ambivalent ones, unless I'm going for a hail Mary because I really like her, I'm not even trying to set anything up with
- Are you trying to get them in instadates?
I guess you could call one of my approaches an Instadate last Saturday. Just walked with her from the park to the grocery store. She said she had something come up with the next day date and cancelled

The other in progress gal was while I was pumping gas and she was leaving. Just called her on the phone for a few minutes since we couldn't talk too long right there, so maybe 10 minutes total? She's the one lightly scheduled for next week


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Man, I really like what I am reading.
Your dedication and the analysis that you are doing tell me your mind is in the right place.

I really think it’s just a matter of time for your brain to better internalize this stuff and start seeing deeper patterns.

Some small pointers:

- Your momentum seem to be very variable. Maybe you will be well served by committing to chat with 4 different (decently attractive) women everyday… it will seem a hassle at first but that is going to give you a feeling of success and raise your testosterone.

- Perhaps scouting new places may help too.
Some months ago when you scouted last time, maybe there were COVID restrictions and people were acting weird and staying at home. Maybe some places you dismissed could be good or ask some locals about popular places you don’t know.
There’s gotta be one or two gold mines somewhere near you.

Also, how do you rate your fundamentals?
Could there be something obvious that you’re choosing to ignore? (high pitched voice or something)

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Man, I really like what I am reading.
Your dedication and the analysis that you are doing tell me your mind is in the right place.

I really think it’s just a matter of time for your brain to better internalize this stuff and start seeing deeper patterns.

Some small pointers:

- Your momentum seem to be very variable. Maybe you will be well served by committing to chat with 4 different (decently attractive) women everyday… it will seem a hassle at first but that is going to give you a feeling of success and raise your testosterone.
Personally I've always found it better to put in blocks of time and to not worry as much about the numbers. Like, just get out there for X amount of time. If you wanna stay longer go for it. If not then leave
- Perhaps scouting new places may help too.
Some months ago when you scouted last time, maybe there were COVID restrictions and people were acting weird and staying at home. Maybe some places you dismissed could be good or ask some locals about popular places you don’t know.
There’s gotta be one or two gold mines somewhere near you.
Hope so! Feeling under motivated to go scout anywhere new. Plus the weather is going to be crappy this week, so we'll see what happens next week/weekend lol
Also, how do you rate your fundamentals?
Could there be something obvious that you’re choosing to ignore? (high pitched voice or something)
When I have what I'm aiming for I'd rate my fundamentals pretty well, like an 8 or so

The biggest issue is when I let my excitement get away from me and speak a little faster/too much. Voice probably goes up a bit as well

So yeah, voice is still something I have to pay attention to. Everything else should be solid though. Fashion, grooming, walk, posture and etc.

For some reason voice refuses to become an unthinking habit though

Quick Edit as well:
Besides the general vibe/energy I try to put out into the world, which I've notes above, I've also changed up my little routine. As noted earlier in the thread I'm more of a similarity guy by nature, so I've tried to change it up to include more arousal as well as what I'm gonna call an upbeat playfulness that Chase described (for lack of a better term)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
You know what you got to do and you’re doing it. Very well.

Keep at it, tiger.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Alright, here's a problem I've only ever experienced with women I meet in real life (I've never had this problem with online dating) and it's really starting to get on my fucking nerves

Extreme mixed signals. Girls who say they're all about it, yeah let's hang out, I really like you blablabla

But they don't make plans. They randomly ignore me (it's gotten to the point where if a girl ignores me twice within a week I just block her and move on).

Girl from Waffle House did this to the extreme to where she would even call me up at one point wanting to hang out. But then when I tried to set up a time she said she had to finish grocery shopping first and then shower and she'd call me back. Two hours later I sent a text and never heard back from her.

Chick back from October would go out of her way to text me if she hadn't spoken to me. But just wouldn't make plans beyond the first date (which was a same day date).

New girl from the park is showing signs and it irritates me so much.

Then there are other women who do this same shit. But every single one of them I've met in person. Whether that be through daygame, or just randomly meeting them somewhere through something (like dance, or one was at a strip club, another was through a friend and etc.)

In my mind all I see when someone does this is a woman sitting on the fence. And I have this enormous urge to metaphorically drop kick her off the fence. Then in my mind it's settled. It's an absolute no, even if I'm the one who went out of my way to cause it. And it's a win and makes me feel better lol

I've tried ignoring women who do this, I've tried calling them out on it. And the only thing that "works" (and I say that in quotes because it makes me feel better and frees me from this emotional drain) is basically either blocking them or dropkicking them off the fence by getting more and more stupid with them.

The chick from last October kept trying to message me all the way through to February. Finally I just got mad one day and texted her "Hey I'm horny, let's fuck"

Obviously she never responded. But god damn if I don't feel relief from it lmao. And before you say anything, yes I know that something like that will never turn it around. But that's not why I did it. I did it to get rid of her.

So after that rant, I guess the question is this:

1. What on God's Green Earth am I doing that makes these women behave in such a hot and cold fashion? Are my fundamentals not as good as I think they are? Is it a value problem, or even an attainability problem? Could it be a texting problem? Is it something that's not even within my control problem? It's very annoying, and I'm getting to the point where I'm probably just going to start blocking women left and right if I even think they do it which isn't a great solution either. And might even cost me women I otherwise should have had, but whatever at this point

2. Is there a way to turn it around? --> honestly the only reason that I 'drop kick them off the fence' is because I don't know how to turn it around and other than blocking them it's the only thing that makes me feel better. In my mind it frees me from them and from the possibility, the maybe. Because now it's an absolute no. And I'm very happy with that, because it frees my mind to focus on other women


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Alright, here's a problem I've only ever experienced with women I meet in real life (I've never had this problem with online dating) and it's really starting to get on my fucking nerves

Extreme mixed signals. Girls who say they're all about it, yeah let's hang out, I really like you blablabla

But they don't make plans. They randomly ignore me (it's gotten to the point where if a girl ignores me twice within a week I just block her and move on).

Girl from Waffle House did this to the extreme to where she would even call me up at one point wanting to hang out. But then when I tried to set up a time she said she had to finish grocery shopping first and then shower and she'd call me back. Two hours later I sent a text and never heard back from her.

Chick back from October would go out of her way to text me if she hadn't spoken to me. But just wouldn't make plans beyond the first date (which was a same day date).

New girl from the park is showing signs and it irritates me so much.

Then there are other women who do this same shit. But every single one of them I've met in person. Whether that be through daygame, or just randomly meeting them somewhere through something (like dance, or one was at a strip club, another was through a friend and etc.)

In my mind all I see when someone does this is a woman sitting on the fence. And I have this enormous urge to metaphorically drop kick her off the fence. Then in my mind it's settled. It's an absolute no, even if I'm the one who went out of my way to cause it. And it's a win and makes me feel better lol

I've tried ignoring women who do this, I've tried calling them out on it. And the only thing that "works" (and I say that in quotes because it makes me feel better and frees me from this emotional drain) is basically either blocking them or dropkicking them off the fence by getting more and more stupid with them.

The chick from last October kept trying to message me all the way through to February. Finally I just got mad one day and texted her "Hey I'm horny, let's fuck"

Obviously she never responded. But god damn if I don't feel relief from it lmao. And before you say anything, yes I know that something like that will never turn it around. But that's not why I did it. I did it to get rid of her.

So after that rant, I guess the question is this:

1. What on God's Green Earth am I doing that makes these women behave in such a hot and cold fashion? Are my fundamentals not as good as I think they are? Is it a value problem, or even an attainability problem? Could it be a texting problem? Is it something that's not even within my control problem? It's very annoying, and I'm getting to the point where I'm probably just going to start blocking women left and right if I even think they do it which isn't a great solution either. And might even cost me women I otherwise should have had, but whatever at this point

2. Is there a way to turn it around? --> honestly the only reason that I 'drop kick them off the fence' is because I don't know how to turn it around and other than blocking them it's the only thing that makes me feel better. In my mind it frees me from them and from the possibility, the maybe. Because now it's an absolute no. And I'm very happy with that, because it frees my mind to focus on other women
lack of investment over text? failing to recall positive emotions over text ie. state change? hard closing without prior investment?

what’s your texting like…?

maybe try video messaging..
I say this because i’ve been testing it in combination with @Skills soft-close -> hard close model, to good effect.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
lack of investment over text? failing to recall positive emotions over text ie. state change? hard closing without prior investment?

what’s your texting like…?

maybe try video messaging..
I say this because i’ve been testing it in combination with @Skills soft-close -> hard close model, to good effect.

Could be... I read over some articles after making this post and I'll look into it. Thank you

If one of those are my main problem then hopefully it should crack something open for me. I think I'll tackle the state change thing first, which means I need to find some anchors for women to latch onto in the future. Will report back after I've tested this a little bit

After thinking about it, it could also be an investment issue. At least now I have things to test and try out, many thanks!

Side question: what kinds of anchors (or other ways) have you guys found to prevent state change issues?

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Since the reset from a couple months ago where I was 0 over 100, the new numbers are 0/13 starting mostly last week

Going to look up some stuff about compliance/investment/anchors (or other ways to prevent state changes/breaks). I'll test them out and let ya'll know what happens

I dunno, I feel like this might be the answer to a problem if that makes sense


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Side question: what kinds of anchors (or other ways) have you guys found to prevent state change issues?
Video messaging has worked for me as an anchor as she gets to ‘feel’ you again, in ways she can’t with text on a screen.

I also use low investment emoji pings, using ambiguous/creative/fun emojis, varying the emoji i use to keep things fresh..

Basically create feelings of cool/chill/fun/non-needy. State change comes when texting you feels like a chore. You want to tease intrigue & fun over text while getting her wanting more, where meeting you is the only logical next step.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Video messaging has worked for me as an anchor as she gets to ‘feel’ you again, in ways she can’t with text on a screen.

I also use low investment emoji pings, using ambiguous/creative/fun emojis, varying the emoji i use to keep things fresh..

Basically create feelings of cool/chill/fun/non-needy. State change comes when texting you feels like a chore. You want to tease intrigue & fun over text while getting her wanting more, where meeting you is the only logical next step.
Also, the low investment ping is your best friend. You can ping and test her investment on a weekly basis till she ignores you if you really want to without looking needy or risking a big rejection if she’s not interested (at that moment)

Study @Skills text material. I can’t recommend it enough..

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
@topcat I appreciate the replies! I'm glad to have a direction to go into to try and fix this lol

Was getting really annoyed again there for a bit

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Currently going over notes I've amassed over the years, specifically looking at these things:

1) Qualifying
2) Investing
3) Anchoring
4) Compliance

I've been taking notes since I started on my journey, so close to a decade's worth of stuff to go through. I'll update when I've tried daygaming again after tweaking my system. But first I wanna finish going through everything.

Honestly, there's a lot of cool stuff that I've remembered from way back when as well. Anyone remember how great 21 studios was like 8+years back? I remember that they were the GOAT back then. Nowadays they're just run by an egomaniac with small penis syndrome :/

Anywhoo, that's what I'm up to for anyone still following along. Will update eventually, but probably won't be for a while (hopefully lol)

Edit: Side Note, I remember coming across that dudes online dating profile back in like 2015 when I was creating different womanly profiles (great for research, highly recommend it btw). It was horrendously needy back then and from what I've seen on YouTube within the past year, he hasn't gotten better. So if you do check out 21 Studios, I recommend going back suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper far.

They honestly have some amazing shit on there. It's just you have to ignore everything in the past 5 years at a minimum to get to it. Maybe even ignore more than just that.

Although to be fair, I'm sure they do have some good shit from time to time that's more recent (again, like 5 years or so). But I just don't wanna go through all the terrible crap to find it

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
So I feel kinda dumb right now. Today I am going over notes about yes-ladders and compliance.

And I just realized that I constructed two yes-ladders for online dating as well as one for LMR. Without knowing what they were or even really thinking about it, why they worked or anything. The online dating ones, since they were so long ago may have been on purpose. But the LMR one I pulled out on the fly one day and then remembered how well it worked when I needed it again like 2 weeks later (last year). The reason I feel dumb? I never thought to do this with anything else...

The LMR one is kinda fun, so far it's 2/2 for me and is fairly recent. Starts with asking her to imagine how great it would feel for me to be inside her. Then it amps up until she's literally begging me to fuck her. Takes like a minute or two.

But yeah... I feel stupid that I've never consciously used them. Especially when I basically need them for daygame it seems. Kinda fun :D

As another update, currently doing work away from where I live. Probably won't be able to test anything for a little over a week. But I'm looking forward to it again, which is nice