It's interesting how some guys are attracted to trannies. I was talking to this dude about getting laid then the topic shifted to tranny fucking.
According to him, getting his dick sucked by a tranny wasn't gay, and is considered to be an achievement... FYI this was a "straight" dude
Brah there are many straight dudes that get sucked by tranny (only sucked) does not mean they are homo, means they are horny like your friend.... But yes i used to think the same...
there are also men in prison mess around with "boys" aka prison trannies and they are straight when they come out... Human sexuality is complex... By the way on the matter a lot of top guys (no pun intended) naturals and seducers are bi..... go figure...
jmlv likes trannies for example (post op)... and he is straight.... but many guys are like that, and many in the community.... All of these is complex, but human sexuality is complex... just lol this whole forum post with 4 pages and going and all the top guys out exile to talk about trannies is over for the community officially rip..... Jesus!