What I would say from the few times I approached, then realised the girl is not really a girl, but stayed in the set enough out of politeness:
Approach with a genuine compliment and just let the trans close you. Believe
me, sooner or later it’s gonna happen.
That's been my experience.
I have zero sexual interest in trans-anything. Women, men, zebras, water buffalo, you name it.
But I am endlessly fascinated with people, and like hearing from people living different lives, and when I can talk to trannies about themselves to me that is interesting.
However, what my observation has been is that if you talk to a transsexual for more than a couple of minutes, just regular old chitchat showing interest in this person as a fellow human being, they are very quickly all over you.
At which point it is time to hit the eject button ⏏
I said that to
@Teevster when he said there was a dude wanting to ask about picking up transsexuals:
Chase said:
My experience with transsexuals is that generally THEY try to pick YOU up.
I have had different trannies:
- Grab my hands and put them on their stomachs
- Stick their hands in my shirt and feel up my chest
- Grab my crotch
- Try to invite themselves home with me
- Ask me if I've "ever had a blow job from a transsexual"
Teevster's neo-direct observation is interesting.
Direct compliments + caveman game.
If that isn't working, you can just do what I have done...
I had a hormone tranny in a nightclub I'd been chatting with (zero girls in the club and I was trying to keep social momentum up + preselection for whenever the girls finally arrived... newsflash they never did that night

). It got late, guys got drunk, we were near the dance floor, dudes kept coming up hitting on this tranny, grabbing the tranny, trying to get this guy/chick/whatever to go and dance because they thought it was a legit girl, but the tranny kept fending them off then coming onto me, trying to show me how soft its skin was, coming onto me... I was like "Bro I was legit just trying to talk, come on!"... had to flee outta there...
One thing to keep in mind with trannies is they do not want to FEEL like trannies, they want to feel like "real women", which means they do not want "tranny chasers"... they want "straight guys"... I have heard them talk about this a lot, how tranny chasers (dudes who want to bang trannies) disgust them and they only want guys who want real women... it is like tranny-ception...
But basically: if you seem like just a normal dude, who is NOT into trannies, but who is chill around them and not weirded out by them, they are probably going to chase you for some "non-tranny chaser 'straight guy'" action -- at least that has been my experience.
(nowadays I basically just do not ask them anything about themselves because it is mostly the same stuff and I know just talking to them is a trigger for them to start chasing you)
Oh and for the dudes curious for the pre-op hormone trannies, I had one of them tell me that sex for them is "usually oral but sometimes anal"... for the post-op ones they do vaginal but they need to lube it up first since the neo-vagina is not self-lubricating... though we had a puberty blocked stealth tranny in the comments of
my "how to spot a transsexual" article claiming to have a self-lubricating neo-vagina; I don't know how that works though. Dude seemed honestly pretty out there.
And that is all I know!