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How often you DON'T have sex with a girl you bring home? (100 lays >only)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Hey Skills,

50% is the overall date-to-fuck ratio. About half of the time, the pull happens on date 1, and the other half on date 2. I very rarely go beyond date 2. I normally don't bounce between locations, as I try to keep the total date within 2 hours (there are more interesting things to do in my home :)). If I see that she may not be ready yet, I do a second date, rather than a bounce.

My system is very similar to BlackDragon's (though I derived my system before I knew about BD). And it is mostly based on online apps. I screen out the time wasters very early, so when I get her on a date she is most likely (i) available, and (ii) interested. Maybe that explains the high success rate.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
50% is the overall date-to-fuck ratio. About half of the time, the pull happens on date 1, and the other half on date 2. I very rarely go beyond date 2. I normally don't bounce between locations, as I try to keep the total date within 2 hours (there are more interesting things to do in my home :)). If I see that she may not be ready yet, I do a second date, rather than a bounce.

I'd like to hear more about what your method is for determining if she is ready for the bounce yet or not. How much refining did it take? Are you always confident that when you go for the bounce she will be willing to fuck, and if you're wrong (she is at your place but won't screw), how successful are you at date #2?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014

When you say "ready for the bounce" I assume you mean ready for following me at home.

In deciding whether or not I'll attempt a pull, I first evaluate the logistics situation. If it's already too late in the evening, I may decide it's risky to attempt. She (or I) may have to wake up early for work in the morning. I normally want to have two good hours in front of me. It could be that the date lasted longer than anticipated, or we started it too late in the evening. What I don't want to happen is, we go to my place and within 20 minutes she has to leave. I find it better to defer to a second date rather than taking chances if it's too late.

Next, I evaluate her overall response during the date, mainly from physical cues. There are not-so-subtle positive cues (e.g. she is giggling all the time, or she speaks super-excitedly all the time). Some are more covert. How did she accept all my touching? Did she reciprocate the touch? Was there any feeling of her resisting my touch? Or did it feel that she would leave her hand in mine, or stay in my arms? How well did she follow my lead? How was the overall tone of conversation (looking for sexy tones)? If I was able to place a sexual innuendo, how was the response? How did she respond to sexual tension? What was her body language? There are also some subtle signs of horniness. For instance, I watch for subtle sighs, sudden silences, or changes in breathing patterns.

Overall, I make a read of the situation. If it's overall positive, and the logistics is good, I decide to pull.

But if it's less than ideal, I still make a judgment call. If I defer, will I get the second date? (Note that now that I'm more experienced, it's much easier for me to get a girl on a second date.) Do I really care if I lose her? So I may still decide to attempt the pull anyway. Sometimes there are positive surprises. Pulling a girl home on date 1 is ballsy, and girls dig it.

As per my statistics, once a girl comes to my home, it will be a happy ending 80% of the time. There were hard cases, for sure. One girl with whom I had to put a one hour fight over her trousers - LOL. Some LMR I had to overcome. Some LMR I was able to recover from on a further date. And some fatal LMR.

But most of the time though it is going smoothly.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Seppuku, Thanks very much for your response - I am starting to understand your dating model and more consistently putting it into practice.

One follow up - what do you typically do for a second date when you have deferred to that? The standard model of a 1st venue drink at a normal bar, then 2nd venue drink at a dimly lit lounge bar, then bounce back formula has already been used up. Do you simply repeat this pattern again for a second date or do you get more creative?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
No need to be too creative. The second date is about pulling. This time it has to happen. I make sure we start the date early in the evening, and just use another nice lounge bar. Pull early. That's it.

The only "creative" alternative I have used for a second date, is a cooking date at my place. That's ideal if you can do that. We cook, we eat, have wine, then escalate for dessert :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I like it - no nonsense, just going for what you want and holding the frame. I like the cooking date. Thanks again.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 22, 2020
Wow, where do I even start to answer this?

Don't know how many women I've been with, lost count many years ago. Probably close to 500 if I were to guess.

By the way, does having sex with 5 girls at the same time count as 5 or 1? When you have multiple girls at your place, do you need to penetrate all of them count or is it enough with just one of them? And what counts as sex, is it penetration, oral sex, fingering, foreplay, completely naked etc

(didn't read the whole thread, so maybe these were already answered, sorry!)

The number of times I was alone with a woman or several women and didn't have sex: <10

Most of those were when girls got last minute cold feet for a threesome, foursome etc (2 or more girls) or one of us were too drunk :)