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How to increase my number to date ratio?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
I improve myself so that women notice me, I pick up on their interest and engage in a high percentage interaction.
No matter how much you build your value, if you don't deliver it, it doesn't matter in terms of getting girls. You still have to approach. A girl throws AIs at guys who have the right social frame. What if you aren't her type, then how do you seduce her? This is where the skillset comes in. This is how ugly guys who aren't particularly successful financially either manages to bang hot chicks. They cracked the code. I'm heavy into self-development, but it isn't the full story in getting girls. When seducing a girl, YOU don't matter. Only her, and the emotions you give her, matters.

All the girls i banged off cold approach didn't give me approach invitations, so there you have it. On the other hand, i did have a few girls giving me AIs, but i didn't bang those few. Still approached them though. But don't rely on that shit. Girls don't notice guys the same way we notice girls. If i just approached off AIs i would very quickly get bored walking around the city doing 0-0,5 sets per hour and getting no pussy.

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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
Why that opener though? A smile and a 'saw you walking past and had to say hi because X' seems enough.

I always operate with the notion that the only thing strong enough to cut through social awkwardness is genuine desire, and hiding it is never a good idea.
Yes... but they disapprove of opening girls with a compliment, which has been my daygame style for the most part since starting out, so i'm tryna hear them out on stuff i could do differently.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Yes... but they disapprove of opening girls with a compliment, which has been my daygame style for the most part since starting out, so i'm tryna hear them out on stuff i could do differently.
I'd go for 'stylish' over 'cute' if she hadn't shown interest - what woman doesn't like to hear that she's got a great sense of style?

Maybe I just never learned all the gambits, but as soon as I veer away from the basic premise of 'I'm here because I like YOU' I start feeling like a dork.

My goal has always been for game to be a way to meet girls who I otherwise wouldn't know how to, not as a means for sparking attraction in the first place. Maybe that means I don't get every fish in the sea, but probably saves me a lot of time, and makes it easier to maintain my frame.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
If a girl is walking towards me. . . I will ignore her presence as she passes.

Then I just turn around, and pick up my pace to set up the meet cute I described in my last post here.
Ah awesome, this is how i open indirect too on walking sets. I go up until i am beside her and slightly ahead of her, ask her a question and slow my pace down until she stops. Vast majority of the time they stop. And then i just smoothly lock her in standing face to face, either by circling in front of her, but usually she turns to face me.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
First and foremost, it is imperative. . . that whenever you are seducing women during the day. . . that each girl you approach. . . believes she saw you first.

Because without this perception you risk framing yourself in their minds as a person who does this kind of thing all the time.

Exchanging phone numbers to meet up with girls for a later date is a romantic invitation. Consider the point-of-view of these girls you chat up. Do you think it would be socially acceptable. . . for these girls to meet up with a guy. . . who they think goes around approaching random girls all the time?

Think of the way romance is portrayed in modern media programming and consider its social agenda. . . the innate "specialness" of women. Realize now that men who seem to callously disregard social norms aren't going to be seen as trustworthy sex-candidates to most of these girls. . . when they're sitting alone in their pajamas. . . after the rush of emotions inspired from your approach have already faded. . . reading your texts in a more critical state.
I re-read your post. Yeah i walk ahead and look back too when i do it like that. Hooks very well.

What you write in your quote... Damn. That is so true. Dude, i have gotten so many girls that hook, ask me questions, cross legs, follow my hands when i gesticulate etc. So into the thing in the moment. They even go "Yeah that sounds like a good idea" when i ask them out... And then... Either ghost or what i started calling the "Dear John message". Basically it's a wall of text from these girls that praise you for how brave you were to come talk to them, how flattered they were by you approaching them, how well they wish you luck in the future... Buuut they aren't interested in meeting up again for a second time because XYZ. And you know what man. I think it's because of what you describe. They get back home, they settle into a baseline where they are able to more rationally assess the situation, then they read my text and they just don't feel the emotions anymore. It probably hits them... He probably does it all the time. The spell is broken. And the social frame is down low. Perhaps it's an attainability issue? Idk man.

Maybe either tune down the sexual arousal and emotional stimulation in person to balance the social frame or amp up the social frame with making the approach more smooth and natural...

What you said is good stuff. I will definitely think about it.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
You guys doing "street stops" remind me of door to door salesmen, not hunters, not fishers of women. You make it a job and I don't want a job. It is an amusing past time. I improve myself so that women notice me, I pick up on their interest and engage in a high percentage interaction.
I really don't get the point of this thread, like are you trying to make fun of people that have the balls to approach women like that out of the blue saying it's ineffective? I don't do streets stops myself or much daygame at all, but I think the way you put your "argument" is not very favorable for a rational discussion.
You don't wanna do it, don't do it, but to come here talking shit about it... Did you even try it, or are you just here to speculate and feel better about yourself?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
To avoid repeating these mistakes and get more responses to your ice-breakers, you'll need to scrap walking up to girls in motion to use direct openers. Instead walk past them for a few brief moments. . . so they can catch a glimpse of your sexy walk and fashionable clothing of choice. Then look behind you. . . she'll notice your turn since she's already given her attention to you. . . and you'll be looking right in her eyes. She'll think she saw you first.
If a girl is walking towards me. . . I will ignore her presence as she passes.

Then I just turn around, and pick up my pace to set up the meet cute I described in my last post here.
So you're avoiding eye contact when you're walking forward, before you turn around, is that correct?

Do you only walk up after turning around if she makes eye contact, or do you also approach without the eye contact?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
No eye contact until you turn to look at her over your shoulder and stop walking.
Okay thanks. If she hasn't noticed your walk/clothes/style and she is not turning around and keeps walking, so no eye contact when you turn around because she just kept walking without looking back at you, do you approach in that scenario?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
I re-read your post. Yeah i walk ahead and look back too when i do it like that. Hooks very well.

What you write in your quote... Damn. That is so true. Dude, i have gotten so many girls that hook, ask me questions, cross legs, follow my hands when i gesticulate etc. So into the thing in the moment. They even go "Yeah that sounds like a good idea" when i ask them out... And then... Either ghost or what i started calling the "Dear John message". Basically it's a wall of text from these girls that praise you for how brave you were to come talk to them, how flattered they were by you approaching them, how well they wish you luck in the future... Buuut they aren't interested in meeting up again for a second time because XYZ. And you know what man. I think it's because of what you describe. They get back home, they settle into a baseline where they are able to more rationally assess the situation, then they read my text and they just don't feel the emotions anymore. It probably hits them... He probably does it all the time. The spell is broken. And the social frame is down low. Perhaps it's an attainability issue? Idk man.

Maybe either tune down the sexual arousal and emotional stimulation in person to balance the social frame or amp up the social frame with making the approach more smooth and natural...

What you said is good stuff. I will definitely think about it.

Chase recently wrote an article on exactly this:



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
Your reply has a strong odor. . . fear.

Do not ask me any more questions about this strategy until you've field tested it.
I wanted to know if this strategy was "targeted" approaching. The woman turns around, thats an IOI. They don't turn around, it's not an IOI, so you don't approach in that scenario, correct/incorrect? Only go with targeted?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
I wanted to know if this strategy was "targeted" approaching. The woman turns around, thats an IOI. They don't turn around, it's not an IOI, so you don't approach in that scenario, correct/incorrect? Only go with targeted?

If you wait for girls to give you IOIs, you're probably going to be walking around all day approaching nobody.

If you're attracted to her, approach.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
this is your main problem low odds as you can see for yourself (your follow up and texting is bad):

5) Follow Up Message

The beauty of this approach is that all the "game" was done in the interaction. I typically send a voicenote on whatsapp saying:

A) "Hi X it was cool but random meeting you aha, have a good week and see you on X date
B) "Hi X it was cool but random meeting you aha, let me know when you're next free"\\\
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Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
I really don't get the point of this thread, like are you trying to make fun of people that have the balls to approach women like that out of the blue saying it's ineffective? I don't do streets stops myself or much daygame at all, but I think the way you put your "argument" is not very favorable for a rational discussion.
You don't wanna do it, don't do it, but to come here talking shit about it... Did you even try it, or are you just here to speculate and feel better about yourself?
These guys SPAM-approaching women who have no interest in them is really making women put up walls. A lot of them come off creepy.

All of a sudden, all these women have their guard up, and think the next guy that says hello to them is going to make some suggestive comment to them so they reject guys automatically. it's like watching Night at the Roxbury.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
These guys SPAM-approaching women who have no interest in them is really making women put up walls. A lot of them come off creepy.

All of a sudden, all these women have their guard up, and think the next guy that says hello to them is going to make some suggestive comment to them so they reject guys automatically. it's like watching Night at the Roxbury.

So, let me get this straight... you don't want guys cold approaching during the daytime without some kind of AI because then when you cold approach her during the daytime she's going to have a wall up because they did a bad approach?

Is that what you're saying? I'm just trying to understand exactly what your complaint is because it just sounds like you're being a dick for no reason.

My last two gfs came from daytime approaches where the girls gave me no signs or signals of interest or anything... one was in the park sitting and the other was walking the opposite direction from me at the subway station.

Should I not have approached them because they didn't show interest? You need to spell this out to me like a small child because I don't understand what the complaint is.
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Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
These guys SPAM-approaching women who have no interest in them is really making women put up walls. A lot of them come off creepy.

All of a sudden, all these women have their guard up, and think the next guy that says hello to them is going to make some suggestive comment to them so they reject guys automatically. it's like watching Night at the Roxbury.

As a cold approach (mostly daygame) guy who rarely goes to clubs/parties, I definitely think it takes more actual social skills, and a lot more calibration, to stay in good taste.

The truth is that getting hit on by a random strangers regularly in an awkward way is off-putting to girls. It's not the same as for a guy - a woman is way more vulnerable physically and psychologically. As bizarre as it might seem for many guys, some girls are psychologically unable to stop an interaction with an assertive guy of her own accord, unless in a panic. Bad approaches can seem like a threat, and make her feel much more on guard when alone.

If guys can't understand what it feels like to have unwanted, poorly calibrated sexual attention, they should visit a gay nightclub sometime.

This doesn't mean I stop doing it, nor do I think others should either. But it does mean that a daygamer should focus primarily on being a social creature, someone who is easygoing and 'good with people' and who understands social nuances, who delivers good vibes and front-loaded value wherever he goes and whenever he opens his mouth, and who takes the girl into account in his approach, rather than being a homing missile delivering a generic payload of pickup lines or operating with that fuck-my-life (contagious) apathy of a door-to-door salesman filling a quota.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
So, let me get this straight... you don't want guys cold approaching during the daytime without some kind of AI because then when you cold approach her during the daytime without AI she's going to have a wall up because they did a bad approach?

Is that what you're saying? I'm just trying to understand exactly what your complaint is because it just sounds like you're being a dick for no reason.

My last two gfs I had came from daytime approaches where the girls gave me no signs or signals of interest or anything... one was in the park sitting and the other was walking the opposite direction from me at the subway station.

Should I not have approached them because they didn't show interest? You need to spell this out to me like a small child because I don't understand what the complaint is.
Not only you but a dozen other dudes, most people don't get ais but force via body language or Hoover none verbal responses. Most people unless are in the beginning stages of pick up or rsdtards don't even spam approach

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
All of a sudden, all these women have their guard up, and think the next guy that says hello to them is going to make some suggestive comment to them so they reject guys automatically.
Yeah but that has nothing to do with what you said. A lot of people here (most, hopefully) are trying to actually improve their game, to get the girls they really want, and the path to that involves a lot of grinding, approaching lots and lots of girls, socializing for thousands of hours to get experience. To just blame on other people on the reaction girls will have to you later does you no good. If that's the case, you have to deal with it. It's just the way of the game.

I get that a lot of average girls will act like the hottest shit if you allow them to, just because of the validation all the clueless guys will give them (nowadays, with the internet, and on it, even more so). But you gotta be the one communicating to them you won't put up with this, not expect the other desperate guys to stop trying.

If guys can't understand what it feels like to have unwanted, poorly calibrated sexual attention, they should visit a gay nightclub sometime.
Lol so true, I had been approached by guys two times at least, but those two times I remember very well.
One guy came up to me like I would approach a girl on a good day: walked confidently, in a chill way, rest his arm on me and made his intention very clear. I told him I wasn't into his type of stuff but respected his approach/his balls (even as a gay guy, I mean, even more, because if he's gay, he's in even more danger when he gets rejected, I suppose, like we can get into false accusations, gay dudes may get punched by some crazy dude they misjudge, right, which I suppose would only happen to a straight guy if he approached some dudes girlfriend and the guy was nuts).
The other one came really like indirectly, I could tell he kinda wanted it, he was like creeping on me (sometimes it's hard to picture what girls mean when they say this, but just think about how a desperate beggar looks at you, and you feel like this guy isn't on your level at all, but his thirsty for something you have, like clearly showing it in a stalker-ish way, so you feel threated). I told this guy I wasn't interested at all, but he kept following me and my friends, for like half an hour, I legit wanted to punch him. Eventually I just decided, you know what, enough is enough, so I just went very directly at him and said "dude, get a fucking clue, I don't anything with you, stop following me around, or I'll have to get physical with you, and not in a way you'll enjoy", so he fucked off. But it was emotionally draining, like man, I already have to worry about my friends being well, about pulling girls, and this dude is there, pissing the hell out of me.
It was also funny how the guy with the good approach had his fundamentals handled, like if he was straight I think he would give me some good competition, if not beat me lol, but the other guy was weird and chubby-ish (not to offend fat people but c'mon) and I feel like he would get pussy from a dead cat if he was straight.
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
My last two gfs came from daytime approaches where the girls gave me no signs or signals of interest or anything... one was in the park sitting and the other was walking the opposite direction from me at the subway station.
So true, there are many girls that I'm sure will give me a great reception if I try to approach them and that give me no AIs because they are just distracted, then I go and approach and indeed most of them are thrilled to meet me.

In fact approaching girls that are not aware of you can be a real good experience.
I, myself, am quite intense with my eye contact and the way I approach girls in general, so girls can get a bit nervous before even meeting me, which can be good but also can be unproductive, depending on the situation. Girls that are not aware of me, though, I have to go more chill and really feel it in, make the girls slowly realize who I am and what I'm up to, going slower can make the seduction really chill and enjoyable, too... Dunno if I made my point clear but whatever lol


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Exactly. Of all the girls I've dated from daygame over the last four months (like eight or nine), I can't think of any that gave me firm IOIs beforehand. In like one or two cases we might have locked eyes beforehand but that was it. But it is more ideal if she see's you first of course, this is why in the street I almost always pass her and then loop back (unless she's ahead of me walking away)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Wow I didn't expect this to re-surface haha... Let me tie it all together. 1st off thanks @Bacchus for practical tips and keeping the thread on track.

There seems to be 3 schools of thought:

1) You have @Fuck This & @Skills who advocate waiting for signs of interest before approaching (makes perfect sense)

2) You have @Beam, @Beck Bass , @Phoenix, @Will_V & @Vision who say approach regardless

3) Lastly @Bacchus & @Gunwitch - say approach regardless but only do it in a certain way e.g. "walk past and loop back" to maximise your results

Think this thread is a classic example of how there's different ways to bake a cake & it doesn't make any one strategy "wrong".

What the direct guys are missing is that at some stage you have to shed the basic "Hi you're hot game" and move to more advanced levels where the approach is so smooth - it doesn't even feel like an approach to her and more like "destiny".

These are rarely direct but what the “approach only after invites” guys are missing is that you have to put up high numbers at the start to get good.

The other element is if you're a cool guy who gets results with direct game, it's a bit of a blow to the ego to think fuck I have to re-do my whole strategy that's "already working".

It also takes a lot more humility & mental energy to think of "situation openers" and "curiosity gambits" e.g. the exact celebrity that the girl reasonably looks like when opening in the more advanced way vs easy compliment.

This is similar for me and texting - I'm glad @Skills brutally calls my texting bad lol as knowing my weaknesses is the only way I'll improve & increase my %.

With that said... I think the potential end results are worth it - how many men can say they consistently meet and sleep with amazing women while casually living their lives?

Very few and that's why I'm here.
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