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How to increase my number to date ratio?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Hi all,

TLDR: I'm getting 2-3 numbers a week from daygame but my number to date ratio is probably about 1 in every 6 - how can I increase it?


This is based of my process here. I'm seeding the date conversation on the 1st approach & following up with warm voice notes that say nice but random to meet you, what's your schedule like/ does that time & day still work?

Where things end

Girls either ignore the opening message (which I actually don't mind as they were just not into me). Or they respond nicely but we never nail down a day because they're flaky & non-committal e.g. saying they're free Friday but they don't reply when I try to nail down an exact time or most recently a student saying "I'll let you know as I may be tired after lectures" lol.

What I'm considering

Taking less numbers depending on how down she seems. Qualifying girls out and saying "hey if you aren't fully single no hard feelings & it was nice meeting you anyway". Only issue with this approach is I'll lose out on girls who don't seem that interested but may pleasantly surprise me.

Alternatively I keep going as is

It may be that my number to date ratio is pretty normal and that's just part of the game.

Bonus Question

I'm considering picking up online again on the side as it's the only other avenue available to meet girls atm. If anyone is still getting results in a Western city, let me know what's working and how to make it super streamlined e.g. automation tools & best time's to get replies etc.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Good topic! I'm kind of having the same problem as I ramp up my day/evening game from a long break, and here are my thoughts.

I believe that the main reason she doesn't respond or flakes is simply because the interaction wasn't that exciting.

Why wasn't it exciting:

- Low energy (this is an issue for me, I can tell because I'm having trouble stopping girls even when they smile and respond well). I know I have to really step in and captivate her from the get-go, and keep a sort of baseline aggression to pin her down even while talking mundane topics, give her those butterflies when she thinks of me later.

- Lack of qualification this is massive. Qualifying is basically chase-framing and the foundation of getting her to chase you. I have found myself saying "cool!" "Really?!" and giving way too much positive reaction without even thinking - it makes her feel good in the moment but wrecks the chasing dynamic.

- Too long interaction. Chase has a great article on this that was an eye opener for me a while back, but I've realized I forgot it and I'm spending long times in interactions thinking "I need to get a lot of facetime with women to get momentum going" which I believe has shifted me toward the 'nice encounter/friendzone'. Some girls have merrily and very comfortably told me "maybe we'll run into eachother again!" rather than give me the number after long, deep interaction. The easiest date I set up this year was an interaction that lasted about 30 seconds (she was on the phone and had to run) and then I spent way too long on the date with go-nowhere talk, and it all fizzled out (she probably thinking, doesn't this guy have important stuff to do?).

Was thinking about some good lays I got before 'rona hit, and they were almost all fast, energetic interactions, plenty of qualification/teasing/emotional spikes, very little texting and hard leading toward the date and then home. That's what I'm aiming at now.


Case in point, I was talking to a smoking hot 19 y/o student couple of days ago, I thought the conversation was getting stuck but I just wanted to see how far I get, so I'm carrying on with a nice conversation. She's looking a bit tense and I'm thinking, OK get the digits if you can, it's probably a total write-off at this point. Well, she gives me the digits and then says "I kind of want to kiss you though" looking around like the gestapo is after her. I'm trying to figure out whats going on but fortunately I stay cool.

Well, short story even shorter, I get that delicious kiss, but my mind was so stuck in low gear and strategic bullcrap that I end it quickly and make off with the number thinking I've kept my 'value'. Predictably she has vanished for good. I should have taken her literally anywhere and given her what she wanted.

Half an hour later I come to my senses and think "what the fuck did you just do?". It was hard to shake off (even now it makes my teeth clench) but I thank the gods for the timely lesson: you're either exciting a woman and closing the deal, or you're wearing out your welcome. There is no in-between.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
Devil’s advocate question: Why are you going for phone numbers/future dates? Why not instant dates, makeouts, or same day lays?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Lack of qualification

I think this may be it. I tend to skip this step when in a rush.

Was thinking about some good lays I got before 'rona hit, and they were almost all fast, energetic interactions, plenty of qualification/teasing/emotional spikes, very little texting and hard leading toward the date and then home. That's what I'm aiming at now.

I have daygame lays that match this too. I've also had low energy ones work and I think it's not a problem as long as you keep it engaging and fun even if it is chill/ low energy. Definitely possible to do both.
Predictably she has vanished for good

Lesson learnt for next time!

Why not instant dates, makeouts, or same day lays?

1. My experience here is very low. Wouldn't even know where to start with this. In my head SNL is a nightgame only thing.

2. Most of my approaches are when we both have a time constraint e.g. lunch break. Perhaps I could seed drinks for later that night?

Honest enough to admit that reason 1 is the biggest thing holding me back - good guides or resources on how to do this would be welcome! :)


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I think this may be it. I tend to skip this step when in a rush.

I have daygame lays that match this too. I've also had low energy ones work and I think it's not a problem as long as you keep it engaging and fun even if it is chill/ low energy. Definitely possible to do both.

Lesson learnt for next time!

1. My experience here is very low. Wouldn't even know where to start with this. In my head SNL is a nightgame only thing.

2. Most of my approaches are when we both have a time constraint e.g. lunch break. Perhaps I could seed drinks for later that night?

Honest enough to admit that reason 1 is the biggest thing holding me back - good guides or resources on how to do this would be welcome! :)

Yeah, if running around talking to girls is the frame of you chasing them, then qualification is what turns it around 180 degrees.

My favourite thing is to have a list of things I want in her personality (adventurousness, curiosity, spontaneity, self-belief) and press her on these. Thing is, I actually am screening her - if she's hot enough I give her a pass on most things and aim for more teasing, but if she's around average I sometimes end it if she's not interesting enough or there's something I specifically don't like. I think that if there's nothing a girl can do (within reason) to fail in an interaction, then your frame is almost certainly wrong, and it's necessary to throw a few fish back in to keep the others interested - they can smell it on you.

I think there's even no problem if a woman thinks you're ticking off a list. At worst she'll probably start asking you questions to try to get back the initiative (which isn't bad) and at best she's thinking "wow, this guy has balls just coming up to me and evaluating me as a woman .. I wonder if I make the cut?".

I always ask if/why she enjoys her job/study. If not, why are you doing it? I really don't like girls that wander around in life like lost souls, because they tend to be not only difficult to bed, but just as ambivalent and limp about sex as they are about their life goals.

I always ask "what do you like to do when you're not working/studying?" - basically, prove that you're a fun girl to be with. Netflix not acceptable.

For teasing I like to say things that imply my authority over her (especially if she's younger, a tourist or otherwise high attainability compared to me).
"getting into any trouble later on tonight/this weekend?"
<if she accepts a compliment too comfortably> "don't jump the gun, I'm still getting to know you".
"Are you a good student?" if she's studying - I always say this, too easy to pass and perfectly ambiguous.

Moving her is always good, especially if it's a busy place and you say "come over here, let's step out of all this traffic". I need to do more of this.

I almost always try to touch her arm/shoulder.

Basically, I am relearning my instinct on all these things since it's been a while.


I have one SDL (nearly two, the second one started questioning me and got cold feet near my place, and ultimately bailed). So I'm no expert. But it seems to me to be about sensing when a girl is highly emotionally reactive and compliant (probably means she's horny) and just basically leading her home without hesitation or second thoughts. The successful one happened to be very near my place (which is probably the only reason it even occurred to me) but it wasn't fundamentally different from any other except that I was horny and she was reacting to me, and things that I probably would have hesitated on before, I simply didn't.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 1, 2019
Make sure you:
- Set a clear sexual frame
- That you have qualified her during the interaction
- That you have your number in her phone as well as yours.
- That you stay at least 5 minutes after you get her number.

Always go for an instant date at first but if you are unable to do it, get her number. I like to seed a date idea before I leave her, which comes in very natural if you go for instant dates. This will make it easier for you to set up the dates.

Make the opening message as personal as possible. If you had an inside joke use that.

When it comes down to arranging a date make sure you strike while the iron is hot, and not just out of nowhere do it When you are texting with her and the interaction overall is very positive and flirty.

Instead of asking when she's free I like to ask her what her schedule looks like this week. In that way, you know her schedule and you know when she's free. It will be way easier for you to smoothly set up when to meet.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
1. My experience here is very low. Wouldn't even know where to start with this. In my head SNL is a nightgame only thing.

2. Most of my approaches are when we both have a time constraint e.g. lunch break. Perhaps I could seed drinks for later that night?

Honest enough to admit that reason 1 is the biggest thing holding me back - good guides or resources on how to do this would be welcome! :)
I don't think experience is all that necessary here. I think it's just leading the interaction in a different direction. When you meet a 10, do you actually want to part ways and grab drinks some other time? Nope! You really prefer the interaction to continue and progress right then and there.

By leading the interaction right off the bat to parting ways and going for a date, you're not going for what you want. So what I'm saying is, simply try to go for more. Lead the interaction assuming you want a SDL and that the girl does too. If the girl puts on the brakes, that's okay. At least you tried to lead it toward what you really want, which is an attractive trait.

Some examples:
- If you're both on a lunch break and absolutely have a strong time constraint, then try to schedule that coffee/drinks that same evening.
- Or ask her to join you for lunch, rather than the both of you sitting/eating alone.
- If you're meeting girls at a mall or on the street, then there's got to be a coffee shop nearby. Ask her to come grab some coffee with you.
- If you meet her in a mall or shopping area, ask her to join you in walking around. Maybe you need her female opinion in a store?

Then at that point treat it like a standard date.

Just my two cents.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
Hi all,

TLDR: I'm getting 2-3 numbers a week from daygame but my number to date ratio is probably about 1 in every 6 - how can I increase it?


This is based of my process here. I'm seeding the date conversation on the 1st approach & following up with warm voice notes that say nice but random to meet you, what's your schedule like/ does that time & day still work?

Where things end

Girls either ignore the opening message (which I actually don't mind as they were just not into me). Or they respond nicely but we never nail down a day because they're flaky & non-committal e.g. saying they're free Friday but they don't reply when I try to nail down an exact time or most recently a student saying "I'll let you know as I may be tired after lectures" lol.

What I'm considering

Taking less numbers depending on how down she seems. Qualifying girls out and saying "hey if you aren't fully single no hard feelings & it was nice meeting you anyway". Only issue with this approach is I'll lose out on girls who don't seem that interested but may pleasantly surprise me.

Alternatively I keep going as is

It may be that my number to date ratio is pretty normal and that's just part of the game.

Bonus Question

I'm considering picking up online again on the side as it's the only other avenue available to meet girls atm. If anyone is still getting results in a Western city, let me know what's working and how to make it super streamlined e.g. automation tools & best time's to get replies etc.

I like the level of analysis here.
I like that you wrote out your process.

And I think your number to date ratio is decent for the process outlined. That is 1 out of 6 numbers is a good thing in 2021.

Without changing your process or questioning your goals, I would focus on amping up the emotions during all steps of the process.

1) Your Outfit
My guidelines (for guys that are lurking)
- Don't smell like a bum, always smell good (wash your balls bro, and everything else.)
- Don't look like a bum
- Don't dress the same as other guys do in your demographic. (For me, that's guys wearing Jordans and Jerseys)

- If you want to look "normal" - make sure everything is better quality, better fitting, and better coordinated.

That is, most guys in the winter are dark coat + sweater + long sleeve shirt + mask + hat + jeans + boots. (usually no jewelry or other accessories - if he has them on, they're hard to see)

So instead of a grey/black coat - you go military.
Long sleeve button up? Go with a waffle shirt.
Mask - basic blue surgical? Buy something that coordinates

Even if you're wearing the same basic stuff, you need to look better.

Consider adopting an archetype rather than wearing a Ralph Lauren Polo vs a Walmart Polo.

How would a punk rocker dress for the snow?
A hip hopper?
A country music listener?
A guy that works in an office?

The goal here is that when she texts her girlfriends later, this cute Armenian Folk Dancer talked to her.
She has a way to describe you visually - which reinforces the impression you made on her.

Your clothes, your hair, your accessories, your physique, your word choice - they all tell a story, and the more it diverges from the norm, but stays within acceptable limits, the more memorable you are, and the more she can imagine/fantasize.

Peacocking and Dressing

Me personally? My fro is big and curly and girls/women want to touch it. So they remember how I look, I am an image in her mind. A lion's mane.

When I was younger and really hitting the clubs, I'd pick my t-shirts specifically. When it went from dance clubs to bars, a pink dress shirt with deep red silk knots would catch the eye and tell a story. A pink shirt is a point of contention among men and it often involves having to shut some random dude down - but that gives me an opportunity to AMOG in front of a female. Or if she get something to say, she'll say it, and that's an approach invitation disguised as a shit test....

I digress.

Making changes at this stage should bump up your conversion rate, because has more to think about, more to feel later on.

2) Approach (More Angle of Approach)

Not the way I would do it necessarily, but it's your method. And there isn't much good emotion you can add here. You can certainly pop up and scare her, but that's less than ideal.

3) Openers (more first words than what I consider open)

What this describes are the first words you actually say to a girl. I don't consider this an opener, even though that might be PUA heresy.

In my experience it's rare that the first words actually open the conversation because - what I consider an open conversation is the road to the social hook point.

If you're doing approaches in broad day light with a moving or already busy target (not the type that's standing around socializing) - in my experience - there's only high risk/high emotion first words.


Great if you're 20 and she's 19. I'm in my 40s and I would have a hard time pulling this on a chick in her late 20s/early 30s during the day time.

You can be creative here, but the ultimate key is what you have below.

4) Follow Up Conversation (How to get to the social hook point)

The social hook point is where she's become so involved in the chat, she doesn't want you to walk away, because she's getting so much emotional stimulation and engagement. She's not just getting it from you, she's giving it to you, and her acts of giving actually gets her more into it.

So this is very context specific.

But after your first words, after your sub-communications let her know this is a sexual/romantic approach (direct)/display of an interesting personality (indirect), she has a list of go to emotional responses for you to trigger and play with. (because in my reality, that's what this is. Showing up, pushing her buttons, getting her to want more of that)

But she must be lead, imo. You have to do the work.

AFC's ask questions.
Newbie PUAs use tactics (stories, jokes, cold reads, games, etc)

What happens here this post first words chat is the what makes her answer your texts.

In short this has to be the best 5 minutes of her day, week, month.

In my opinion, that's the goal you should be looking to. 300 seconds of her laughing, crying, shouting, jumping up and down, filled with wonder/dread/despair...and then returned to her normal state of being...with the idea that she can get more....if she hangs out again

This is where you'll make your most headway in turning that 1:6 (which I think is good) into 1:3

How you accomplish this is why it's Pick Up Artistry not Pick Up Science.

That said, whatever you do - you are going to plant an emotional seed.
  • Call back humor
  • Nickname
  • "Anchor"

Whatever it is needs to be incorporated into the strongest part of your process. This will tie to step 5

4.5) The Number Close

I think you need to break this out in your outline, because it ties into
- time bridge by making plans, and the number is incidental
- de-escalate the emotions, get the number, and then time your next message to when she's in the same headspace
- devalidate her and escalate the emotions - "you're not gonna call" "Oh i'm so gonna call" -

5) The Follow Up Message (Switching from offline to online + time gap + tech)

No matter how good or hot you are, if she's young/cute/attractive she has more options than you (though probably not BETTER options than you because, let's face it, you're the shit and most other guys are losers)

She has more guys calling her. More social media pings. Her school, work, friends, family, pet, etc.

So when you hit her up again, using the basic text rules, you want to tie back to the initial meeting. See step 4.

Over text, you want those feelings to come back, and in that moment hit her with a low effort way to meet up with you. Make it easy for her to say yes, and she's in a position

If it's a "formal" date like "drinks" or "coffee" - that puts pressure on her. That might be a good thing, might be a bad thing.
Dates/one on one meets = creates a flake possibility situation.

But if you have her come out to something where she doesn't feel will be the focus of your attention (and you're gonna be there anyway havngi fun), it might be an easier sell.

Just my thoughts, please feel free to criticize.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
What I'm considering

Taking less numbers depending on how down she seems. Qualifying girls out and saying "hey if you aren't fully single no hard feelings & it was nice meeting you anyway". Only issue with this approach is I'll lose out on girls who don't seem that interested but may pleasantly surprise me.

Qualifying like this is weak and try hard. You want to qualify like a champ. Because her qualifying to you is about her adopting your frame, about you being the decider of reality.

That said - your frame over hers decays with time and not being next to her.

It might add some percentage points to your close rate.


Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
By getting the number after the date....

Seriously. Don't overcomplicate it. You are getting numbers from low probability women. You have shown you can ask for them, be more discerning on who you ask.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Make sure you:
- Set a clear sexual frame
- That you have qualified her during the interaction

Thanks for this. This shows that I've been skipping steps in these quick number grabs.
Instead of asking when she's free I like to ask her what her schedule looks like this week

Will copy this. It's easier for her to tell you when she's busy so I can propose time(s) when I know she's free.

It's these little tweaks I'm after that I think will make a difference!

Lead the interaction assuming you want a SDL and that the girl does too. If the girl puts on the brakes, that's okay

That makes sense, will try to push my interactions further - more quality and less quantity.

I like the level of analysis here.
I like that you wrote out your process.

Thank you! I find that the better the question I ask the better answers I get. Appreciate your in-depth response!
in my experience - there's only high risk/high emotion first words.


Multiple ways to bake a cake. Your example works but it doesn't fit my personality. Making eye contact raising my hand and saying "excuse me" has worked just as well for me. (Adding this for lurkers sake too... I have to be friendly but firm in my voice tonality though).
but the ultimate key is what you have below.

4) Follow Up Conversation (How to get to the social hook point)

Agreed 100%

In short this has to be the best 5 minutes of her day, week, month.

Damn you've hit the nail on the head. I've made it too scientific & routine / "do my 4th approach of the day" that I've forgotten the whole emotional excitement that I should give her. Right now I'm playing the low % talk to enough girls & one will eventually like you.

When I think back to the girls that came out on dates with me they nearly all had an element of emotional spikes.

Unsure what you mean by this... Please explain?

come out to something where she doesn't feel will be the focus of your attention

This is worth a try... For lockdown I'll frame it as I have a ritual walk most Sunday afternoons, feel free to join :)

Qualifying like this is weak and try hard. You want to qualify like a champ

Re-reading my post I can see that. Would a better way be *"You with a boring boyfriend who isn't that exciting but you keep around just because?" with a big smirk on my face*

By getting the number after the date....

Seriously. Don't overcomplicate it. You are getting numbers from low probability women. You have shown you can ask for them, be more discerning on who you ask.

Your advice is always blunt but admittedly often right lol. Getting the number after a date isn't always possible but note taken :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
Multiple ways to bake a cake. Your example works but it doesn't fit my personality. Making eye contact raising my hand and saying "excuse me" has worked just as well for me. (Adding this for lurkers sake too... I have to be friendly but firm in my voice tonality though).

My point is that at every step in your process, you need to inject more emotion, to make it more memorable for her later.

So in your 4-5 steps, the question I ask is "How do I amp these things up to make them stronger?"

I think what you're doing is fine for the results you want. I would happy with those day game results and not seek to improve. That said, I'm not a day game guy. If I see a chick during my regular day time activities, I'll just make eye contact and spark the chat. But I'm not running after/chasing down a female/breaking the general social dynamics, no matter how hot she is.

Some of the more common day game scenarios
- her walking ahead
- her trailing behind
- her walking in the opposite direction
- her sitting down

Not really things I have gobs of experience with.

The day game situations I tend to flourish in are the ones are public transit, elevators, in the same store/doing the same stuff. Much more of "spider" bringing her into the web, rather than a lion on the savannah. (which is what Day Game largely is, imo)

Unsure what you mean by this... Please explain?

Anchoring is from NLP. I'm not an expert, but there are a few on the board and lots of information online generally.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 14, 2020
Great responses . I wouldn’t worry too much about numbers to date close ratio .
You can improve the ratio by hitting on low caliber girls , but do you want to this ? Of course no .
or approach less , do you want to do this . Of course no.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
My point is that at every step in your process, you need to inject more emotion, to make it more memorable for her later.

Understood - thanks for the feedback and I agree with your analysis I'll work on making my interactions more memorable.
I think what you're doing is fine for the results you want. I would happy with those day game results and not seek to improve

That's fair enough. I just like to sense check on this forum as obviously this isn't the kind of info you can easily find lol. Let's me know that I'm on the right track and need to keep going vs I've got big improvements I need to make.

The day game situations I tend to flourish in are the ones are public transit, elevators, in the same store/doing the same stuff. Much more of "spider" bringing her into the web, rather than a lion on the savannah. (which is what Day Game largely is, imo)

Nice! Can imagine your approaches will come across smoother than mine lol. Is what it is I just can't resist the volume of girls that opens up when you're willing to put yourself out there a bit more. Definitely an individual preference though.

Anchoring is from NLP. I'm not an expert, but there are a few on the board and lots of information online generally.

Got it - gave a quick search & in summary it's when we associate feelings with an experience, object or person.

You can then re-trigger that feeling later. For dating it's useful as you want a girl to associate good feelings with you as they'll be more likely to text back, sleep with you, keep sleeping with you or whatever it may be.

Great responses . I wouldn’t worry too much about numbers to date close ratio .
You can improve the ratio by hitting on low caliber girls , but do you want to this ? Of course no .
or approach less , do you want to do this . Of course no.

I had similar thoughts. Still picked up some great tips and wanted to make sure that I was right in my assumption and not trying to take the easy way out!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
To avoid repeating these mistakes and get more responses to your ice-breakers, you'll need to scrap walking up to girls in motion to use direct openers. Instead walk past them for a few brief moments. . . so they can catch a glimpse of your sexy walk and fashionable clothing of choice. Then look behind you. . . she'll notice your turn since she's already given her attention to you. . . and you'll be looking right in her eyes. She'll think she saw you first.

This is a perfect moment to use your mirror neurons to influence her.

Then add some good verbals to capture her attention and make her stop instantly. You already know that direct openers won't do it most of the time. Cold reads are better though, however I recommend you test interest bait and curiosity-based attention grabs. Since they'll hook far more consistently. For example, here's a tweaked version of one opener that @Gunwitch breaks down in this article. . . that I've used in these situations. It goes like this:

"Has anyone ever told you who you look. . . exactly like?" Notice how it draws her in with intrigue and plays on her vanity.
If a girl walks past you, how would you tackle that? Turn around and run up to her and say "Hey there, do you know who you look just like?"?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
This is a common day game sticking point.

So rest assured that there's a variety of ways to solve it. But frankly, the most effective solutions will require radical changes to your current process. First and foremost, it is imperative. . . that whenever you are seducing women during the day. . . that each girl you approach. . . believes she saw you first.

Because without this perception you risk framing yourself in their minds as a person who does this kind of thing all the time.

Exchanging phone numbers to meet up with girls for a later date is a romantic invitation. Consider the point-of-view of these girls you chat up. Do you think it would be socially acceptable. . . for these girls to meet up with a guy. . . who they think goes around approaching random girls all the time?

Think of the way romance is portrayed in modern media programming and consider its social agenda. . . the innate "specialness" of women. Realize now that men who seem to callously disregard social norms aren't going to be seen as trustworthy sex-candidates to most of these girls. . . when they're sitting alone in their pajamas. . . after the rush of emotions inspired from your approach have already faded. . . reading your texts in a more critical state.

To avoid repeating these mistakes and get more responses to your ice-breakers, you'll need to scrap walking up to girls in motion to use direct openers. Instead walk past them for a few brief moments. . . so they can catch a glimpse of your sexy walk and fashionable clothing of choice. Then look behind you. . . she'll notice your turn since she's already given her attention to you. . . and you'll be looking right in her eyes. She'll think she saw you first.

This is a perfect moment to use your mirror neurons to influence her.

Then add some good verbals to capture her attention and make her stop instantly. You already know that direct openers won't do it most of the time. Cold reads are better though, however I recommend you test interest bait and curiosity-based attention grabs. Since they'll hook far more consistently. For example, here's a tweaked version of one opener that @Gunwitch breaks down in this article. . . that I've used in these situations. It goes like this:

"Has anyone ever told you who you look. . . exactly like?" Notice how it draws her in with intrigue and plays on her vanity.

And if you were to resist her attempts to get an answer from you in response. . . such as choosing to use reality pacing techs or a meta pace opener instead. . . then the two of you would quickly fall into an immersive conversation and tune out your environment. What's more is the open loop of her look-alike. . . gives her an extra reason to continue a longer conversation with you some place away from where the two of you initially stopped.

On the other hand, you can use pre-opening techs to meet smooth when approaching static girls. But regardless of where you meet new women during the day. . . once you gain the ability to hook consistently. . . you'll also need conversation management to continue this cycle of building emotional investment and trust in the girls you meet. Learn how to elicit and frame yourself as a relatable guy, while discussing the mindsets, pleasurable feelings and sensory details surrounding her favorite activities. . . then she'll be more likely to reply your text and your date ratio could increase several-fold.

Because from this point onwards you don't even need that much solid text game to get dates.

You can easily get a string of texts. . . and social investment. . . moving forward using a call-back topic from your deep and stimulating conversation. Then just cash-in on this investment with another bit of call-back. The date invitation you already made before exchanging numbers. Now, I know this is a lot of information, to absorb and apply. . . so don't forget the extra-ordinariness of your objective. Meeting random babes during the day and charming them into the sack. . . the vast majority of awesome life-goals will require a journey towards technical savvy of some kind. . . yours happens to be no exception.

Thanks for this thorough response - I'll take it in and apply it.

It's easy to forget just how out of the ordinary seducing complete strangers is. This forum sets the bar high & it's why I re-visit so much.

If a girl walks past you, how would you tackle that? Turn around and run up to her and say "Hey there, do you know who you look just like?"?

Very fair question. Would love your thoughts on this too @Bacchus

For me I've had good results from walking past a girl then circling round, walking past her from behind and looking back before saying my opener.

It can feel weird as I think will she notice I walked passed her the 1st time? Though it's in my head as in reality most people are in their own world/unaware of what's going on around them. It's also perfectly plausible to change direction... If a girl calls you out on it you can just say I forgot that I needed to go to xyz store.


Staff member
May 27, 2018
If a girl walks past you, how would you tackle that? Turn around and run up to her and say "Hey there, do you know who you look just like?"?
I can't tell if you're trying to be rude or sarcastic to Bacchus here, but if you're genuine asking this....

Yeah obviously if you can't get any approach invite going, you just open.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
I can't tell if you're trying to be rude or sarcastic to Bacchus here, but if you're genuine asking this....

Yeah obviously if you can't get any approach invite going, you just open.

Run around, do a street stop and open or when she is close, sort of put your hand out and stop her and then open? And open with the "Hey, you know who you look just like?" opener? Vast majority of my sets are walking sets when i'm out, barely any stationary ones. My city isn't that big.

Also, i wasn't being rude to Bacchus at all, i was genuinely curious.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Run around, do a street stop and open or when she is close, sort of put your hand out and stop her and then open? And open with the "Hey, you know who you look just like?" opener? Vast majority of my sets are walking sets when i'm out, barely any stationary ones. My city isn't that big.

Also, i wasn't being rude to Bacchus at all, i was genuinely curious.
Why that opener though? A smile and a 'saw you walking past and had to say hi because X' seems enough.

I always operate with the notion that the only thing strong enough to cut through social awkwardness is genuine desire, and hiding it is never a good idea.

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
You guys doing "street stops" remind me of door to door salesmen, not hunters, not fishers of women. You make it a job and I don't want a job. It is an amusing past time. I improve myself so that women notice me, I pick up on their interest and engage in a high percentage interaction.

Your street stops and number grabs might be good practice but you can get better at socializing just by working retail or service industry. It reminds me of the young bears chasing salmon up and down the river, while the older bears sit on the prime spots and catch the salmon in the air.