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If cold approach is rarer these days... why does it seem like it's not more appreciated


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 6, 2022
I've been getting back into things after a hiatus and I've been reading other people's experiences about the current state of socialising. People seem to think that cold approaching women is rare now because of apps.

Now I only have a couple of interactions to to extrapolate from but so far it seems like I'm not getting any "bonus" points for approaching women in person.

For example a while back I was in a bar watching a band perform and there was a girl on her own dressed really nicely. It looked like she had come out on her own to meet someone. So I started talking to her and although I was extremely rusty at least I gave it a shot. It was a small venue and I noticed that she was not approached by anyone else even though there were quite a few guys there.

The feeling I got from her was that she gets approached all the time and it was nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe she gets so much attention online that real world interactions don't have any impact.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Most hot women get approached all the time, just not by calibrated men in a calibrated way. The point of learning game is to do it in a way that actually gets results.
Any chance you could elaborate on the calibrated men in a calibrated way, Atlas?

For instance, if you were to cold approach this insane Latina, walking her dog, passing my car at the intersection.
If I was able to park and approach her, use the tap on her elbow...my opener would've been - "Oh hey, it's totally crazy, but I just watched Harold & Kumar go to White Castle, and you just walked by me, and you totally look almost exactly like Maria in the movie. Except she didn't wear a nude color one piece jumpsuit like you walking your dog..."

And then I brainfart and what do you say next?

I feel hashing out how you'd play this set this would be a good model for Cold Approach whether it's in Day Game, or like our fellow here, at the bar with an attractive female by herself at the bar...
Like Maria going to "Sixteen Candles" by herself in Harold & Kumar...

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
Any chance you could elaborate on the calibrated men in a calibrated way, Atlas?

For instance, if you were to cold approach this insane Latina, walking her dog, passing my car at the intersection.
If I was able to park and approach her, use the tap on her elbow...my opener would've been - "Oh hey, it's totally crazy, but I just watched Harold & Kumar go to White Castle, and you just walked by me, and you totally look almost exactly like Maria in the movie. Except she didn't wear a nude color one piece jumpsuit like you walking your dog..."

And then I brainfart and what do you say next?

I feel hashing out how you'd play this set this would be a good model for Cold Approach whether it's in Day Game, or like our fellow here, at the bar with an attractive female by herself at the bar...
Like Maria going to "Sixteen Candles" by herself in Harold & Kumar...
Tbh I've never heard of that movie. Unless it's a mainstream film/actress most people know, I wouldn't open with a reference to an old movie like that, as it'll just confuse her and also show your age. Stick to characters from movies/shows that are recent and popular (my go-tos are Game of Thrones, Sex Education, Wednesday Adams, and sometimes Marvel movies).

These days though I've personally found that detailed openers like that are actually unnecessary. Nothing beats a simple a non-looks-based compliment - "you've got a killer walk, as if you've just nailed a fashion photoshoot", or "I love your confident vibe, as if you've just closed a million dollar deal in your side hustle" delivered with a playful vibe. Something silly but empowering for her - usually gets a giggle and good response in my experience.

From there, if she's really interested, she might hook (ask a question about you). If not, make some assumptions. "So, I'm guessing you're a ___ student?" or "You don't look like you're from ___" or maybe "you look like you just finished an intense workout and are high on endorphins, am I right?" etc. Relate to whatever she says and expand on it a little with a personal anecdote/story. Rinse and repeat until she hooks, then build a little rapport, time-bridge and number close. That's basically my day game structure.

As for brainfarts, don't be afraid of a little awkwardness. I just smile and address it with something like "I know this is kinda strange, I just thought you're interesting and wanted to stop and say hi". Keep the conversation simple and light, and focus on your fundamentals (eye contact, posture, distance, touch, smile, voice tonality, etc) - that stuff is way more important than worrying about saying the perfect thing (actually there's no such thing as the perfect thing to say - it's 99% about how you deliver it)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I beat my AA precisely because I was shocked how appreciated it was. It was pretty obvious the girls were extra excited that they got approached. And mind you, I only approach hotties that are 15-20 years younger. I'm definitely seeing the extra points.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Alright Jolly Roger,
I have some ideas from what little you wrote above, but for Night Game in which you said there was an attractive girl by herself and you got the feeling she gets approached all the time and it's pretty ordinary....
(And I am a Day Game guy, but getting good at Day Game actually makes Night Game a lot easier! - I'll have an example at the end...)

First (and anyone on the group feel free to jump in and correct me)... First, if she's attractive and alone at a bar drinking, and she's not an alcoholic, according an article I read that Alek Rolstad wrote, that means she is horney and looking to hook up. Quite possible you warmed her up. Made her feel noticed, and then whoever guy swung in and probably scored her later.

I don't know for sure, but that's what I am hearing here.

Second, you got the feeling she gets approached a lot and it's quite ordinary. It sounds to me you probably gave her what a coach I began with calls "the thirty minute conversation to nowhere" or the "interview conversation." At which at the end you get the "nice ta meet ya," from her. And as he jokes in his coaching video, at a certain point you hear "Nice ta meet ya..." So many times you want to punch the wall, and that's when you START TAKING A CHANCE with the Girl and begin talking to her MAN to WOMAN...

That's when you start to TEASE, PUSH PULL, FILRT, and begin doing sex frames, misinterprets, or what they call chase frames. Something like if she says "Ohh, I had such a long-hard week, I'm exhausted" you jump back with "Whoooah. Hey. We just met here and are complete strangers... (Devious grin, deep eye contact, then normal) But I get what you're saying about a tough week at work." Something like that.

It all starts on how you opened her. Depending on how busy or crowded it was. Or noisy. If she can hear you. Do what Alek writes, approaches next to her, but not obvious, Pre-Open - "Wow, it's a bit slow here tonight." Or "It's pretty crazy here tonight..."
Have her acknowledge. "I came here to check out Band XYZ, but I haven't been to this place alot." Or say the opposite depending on whatever... Have her respond. Then check for "logistics" - "Just curious... (Pause) Where's you're group?"
See if she's really alone, or not, or BF is coming. Assuming she is alone and says "No, just came here to see XYZ Band..." Then you can begin to tease, Push-Pull, "Well, maybe we ould get alongm cuz you like XYZ Band, but I gotta say you seriously don't look like an XYZ Band fan. You look too nice. Or too much like trouble. Or whatever. The model the coach above uses is called "Question, Answer, Tease." And it really doesn't matter what you tease, as long as it's not an insult.
You can tease about fashion. her taste in things. BUT NOT anything Physical that she can't change...

Do this and then you have to MOVE HER. Isolate her. "Hey it's getting crowded her, let's go over here where there's some space...."

Someone on here told me a month ago "Open, Banter/Tease, Qualify and Win, then Deep Dive - Win, Escalate" Wash rinse, repeat, based on how she responds...

Finally. Like AspringStoic says - You gotta do at least 100 approaches. I'd recommend Day Game. But there are guys here who are experts at Night Game...

I wasn't even trying to Approach and I put in 3 today with 3 very different reactions.

First Girl I had to literally had to jog a block to catch up to her, and by the time I did, she took a hard right as I did the "Policeman Stop." She kept walking, faster this time... I said "Hey, 2 seconds, any chance you could stop, you looked so much like "Jen Logan" a girl I dated in High School, I had to come over and say hi... What's your name?" She replied "Oh, sorry I'm in a rush on my lunch break, my name is Kennedy." I asked her where she was going, and what her job was, all while dodging tourists and people in Little Tokyo like an action scene from Rush Hour and finally we got to the entrance of the coffee shop, with me out of breath and having heavy Approach Anxiety because I haven't approached in 2 weeks. I said, "Listen, I'm illegally parked and I literally have 2 seconds, but you reminded me that girl from high school, and I we're strangers, but I also know we'd never cross paths again, so I had to come say hi. Is there a way we could connect and have a real coffee when there's time?"
She stared at me this this heavy smile, and these open eyes, and oddly said "Well no, I can't just give my number out to a stranger but..." And kept staring at me with those open eyes, and smile.
***And this is where I Fucked Up. And I'm still kicking myself.
The Approach Anxiety got to me. Plus the out of breath (and I'm not out of shape), but also I got nervous about the illegally parked car. I said - "That's cool. It was nice meeting you..." And she was like "Yeah... Thanks so much for coming to say Hi!"

The second set was a Duo. Turned out to be Sisters. Both exotic as Hell, Columbian or Venezuelan. This time in East L.A.
Told the older sister, who was dressed down - "You and I could totally get along, but you're sister here, she's trouble!" My target the sister Wicked, Red Hair, mid-riff, etc... Older sister said "I'm the trouble, she's the good girl..." And they both laughed. We bantered. I said "Hey, let me get to know your 'good girl' sister. Maybe coffee?" The older sister said "You seem like you'd be cool to date my sister, but she has a boyfriend." I was like, "Ah, that's cool." Looked at my target, deviously "I don't want to make your boyfriend jealous. Or get you in trouble..." Then I went back to the sister and gave what I call the "consolation prize." Basically had her look me up on google to see my creative stuff. I don't do IG, but you can add them to your IG as a "consolation prize." It seems to be a calibrated way out of a no go - she has a BF.
Seemed sincere. Both sisters were cool.
And AGAIN they were enthusiastic I approached.

Why am I writing this?
To get you to get out there and start approaching more than 2 experiences... And have experiences like these.
(And I'm learning as I write it out.)

Last note. The first girl. If it were Night Game, I probably could have gotten her A LOT easier. I think she was stunned about the Day Game approach that's not in the Frame, like she would be if it were Happy Hour, and she was at a Bar where an approach like mine could've landed easier. Maybe not because of the racing to get her.
Should have used the Coaches line for running sets like this - "Man, I got all my cardio in to just come say hi to you..."
However, I brain-farted on how to play it, because given her behavior, it seems like she didn't want me to leave, or wasn't trying to shake me off...

There you go!
Inviting Advice for how Jolly Roger should get out there and do better than I did above...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Honestly, I think all of this is overkill and not necessary at the moment for @JollyRoger . I have been at this stage not very long time ago and I know this trap all too well.

Wondering about details, meta and big picture stuff. All this puts you more and more in your head and makes you worry about things that are not a factor at all at this stage.

All I would say is: @JollyRoger walk up to women, open your mouth say some words and just talk to her about the most basic stuff (where she is from, what she does, her hobbies and tell her about yourself.) After that conversation ends, find another girl and do the same. Rinse and repeat a 100 times.

If you do that a 100 times, you have now got the basic skillset of starting a conversation with a girl and holding that conversation for a few mintues. After this, you can worry about everything else.

Thinking about flirting, teasing, frame control, sexualizing, feminism, modern women, western civilzation, looksmaxxing, social media culture, whether women are approached more or less nowadays, whether they appreciate it or hate it and everything else under the sun will only make it harder for you to learn cold approach at this point in time.

In fact, a good rule to follow would be that you can only post a question here after every 25 approaches you do. The question that you had after doing 1 approach might be answered from your own experience if you are out infield by the time you finish your 25th approach.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I've been getting back into things after a hiatus and I've been reading other people's experiences about the current state of socialising. People seem to think that cold approaching women is rare now because of apps.

Now I only have a couple of interactions to to extrapolate from but so far it seems like I'm not getting any "bonus" points for approaching women in person.

For example a while back I was in a bar watching a band perform and there was a girl on her own dressed really nicely. It looked like she had come out on her own to meet someone. So I started talking to her and although I was extremely rusty at least I gave it a shot. It was a small venue and I noticed that she was not approached by anyone else even though there were quite a few guys there.

The feeling I got from her was that she gets approached all the time and it was nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe she gets so much attention online that real world interactions don't have any impact.


All women have had guys come up to them, in some context, with the aim of getting into their pants.

Very few women have had guys approach them the way they would like it to happen.

Women differentiate these two by how it makes them feel, not by the details associated with the approach. So just focus on improving your seduction process and girls will suddenly seem to forget that they were ever approached before, because this one feels different.

That's one of the beautiful things about women, they are emotionally driven and reactive by nature. 1000 guys could approach her a certain way and get rejected, and then you can come in differently and she might be completely open. They rarely hold grudges or develop ideological positions on anything substantial, they mostly just react to who you are then and there. This drives guys mad (especially red pill guys) because they attribute all sorts of ulterior motives and agendas to this reactive behavior that doesn't really exist, at least not generally. And then you get this wild stuff you see on yt like guys rounding up a gaggle of women and trying to debate them on how they are wrong.

In the end, she only really cares about who you are, today, right now, in front of her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 20, 2024
Honestly, I think all of this is overkill and not necessary at the moment for @JollyRoger . I have been at this stage not very long time ago and I know this trap all too well.

Wondering about details, meta and big picture stuff. All this puts you more and more in your head and makes you worry about things that are not a factor at all at this stage.

All I would say is: @JollyRoger walk up to women, open your mouth say some words and just talk to her about the most basic stuff (where she is from, what she does, her hobbies and tell her about yourself.) After that conversation ends, find another girl and do the same. Rinse and repeat a 100 times.

If you do that a 100 times, you have now got the basic skillset of starting a conversation with a girl and holding that conversation for a few mintues. After this, you can worry about everything else.

Thinking about flirting, teasing, frame control, sexualizing, feminism, modern women, western civilzation, looksmaxxing, social media culture, whether women are approached more or less nowadays, whether they appreciate it or hate it and everything else under the sun will only make it harder for you to learn cold approach at this point in time.

In fact, a good rule to follow would be that you can only post a question here after every 25 approaches you do. The question that you had after doing 1 approach might be answered from your own experience if you are out infield by the time you finish your 25th approach.
This is great advice.

I did something similar and banned myself from coming on here until I had done 25 cold day game approaches in 1 week. Because if you're asking questions but not actually out in the field making approaches then its just procrastination.

@JollyRoger At the moment your sample size is too small to draw any conclusions from. I think I'm pretty good at cold approaches and yet its not uncommon for 2 girls in a row to not be interested, that just happens. You need to do 20+ approaches in about a week and then reflect on what worked well, what didn't etc. Share those reflections with this forum and ask for comments, and then based on that advice do the whole thing again using what you have learned. Keep following that process (action / reflection / action) until you are super confident in your opening.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 6, 2022
Thanks for your extended reply.

Alright Jolly Roger,
I have some ideas from what little you wrote above, but for Night Game in which you said there was an attractive girl by herself and you got the feeling she gets approached all the time and it's pretty ordinary....
(And I am a Day Game guy, but getting good at Day Game actually makes Night Game a lot easier! - I'll have an example at the end...)

It was the way she behaved that gave the impression that she gets approached all the time contrasted with the fact that on that particular night she wasn't being approached at all (it was a small bar so I know this for a fact).

And I live in a city and country where the average guy is scared to do cold approach without alcohol. So while I acknowledge I'm very rusty and the attempt wasn't great, at least I made an attempt, not like the other guys there that hovered nearby nursing their drink but not daring to start a conversation.

I'm not angry or annoyed at her, I just thought it was funny how I hear that cold approach is very rare these days and having been out of the game for a couple of years I was looking forward to getting back in to it with perhaps a bit of a +1 boost, but it turns out I still need to have a bit of game as it were. But that's ok, I'll work on that.

First (and anyone on the group feel free to jump in and correct me)... First, if she's attractive and alone at a bar drinking, and she's not an alcoholic, according an article I read that Alek Rolstad wrote, that means she is horney and looking to hook up. Quite possible you warmed her up. Made her feel noticed, and then whoever guy swung in and probably scored her later.

Exactly my thoughts but she left at the end of the night on her own (around 22:30 on a week night). Although a girl like that could easily find whatever she wants on an app.

I don't know for sure, but that's what I am hearing here.

Second, you got the feeling she gets approached a lot and it's quite ordinary. It sounds to me you probably gave her what a coach I began with calls "the thirty minute conversation to nowhere" or the "interview conversation." At which at the end you get the "nice ta meet ya," from her. And as he jokes in his coaching video, at a certain point you hear "Nice ta meet ya..." So many times you want to punch the wall, and that's when you START TAKING A CHANCE with the Girl and begin talking to her MAN to WOMAN...

I wrote a more in depth FR in my journal. But yes I'm very rusty and making a lot of beginner mistakes.

That's when you start to TEASE, PUSH PULL, FILRT...

My game is rusty at the moment. I'm re-learning and re-calibrating.
Why am I writing this?
To get you to get out there and start approaching more than 2 experiences... And have experiences like these.
(And I'm learning as I write it out.)

Much appreciated. I must have done thousands of approaches in my life. As I said, I'm rusty having been out of it for a few years.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 6, 2022
Honestly, I think all of this is overkill and not necessary at the moment for @JollyRoger . I have been at this stage not very long time ago and I know this trap all too well.

Wondering about details, meta and big picture stuff. All this puts you more and more in your head and makes you worry about things that are not a factor at all at this stage.

All I would say is: @JollyRoger walk up to women, open your mouth say some words and just talk to her about the most basic stuff (where she is from, what she does, her hobbies and tell her about yourself.) After that conversation ends, find another girl and do the same. Rinse and repeat a 100 times.

If you do that a 100 times, you have now got the basic skillset of starting a conversation with a girl and holding that conversation for a few mintues. After this, you can worry about everything else.

Thinking about flirting, teasing, frame control, sexualizing, feminism, modern women, western civilzation, looksmaxxing, social media culture, whether women are approached more or less nowadays, whether they appreciate it or hate it and everything else under the sun will only make it harder for you to learn cold approach at this point in time.

In fact, a good rule to follow would be that you can only post a question here after every 25 approaches you do. The question that you had after doing 1 approach might be answered from your own experience if you are out infield by the time you finish your 25th approach.

Thanks. I've done thousands of approaches in my life. I'm a not new at this but I've been out of it for a few years. I was hoping for an easy boost after hearing that cold approach is rare but it seems that's not the case for me at least.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 6, 2022
This is great advice.

I did something similar and banned myself from coming on here until I had done 25 cold day game approaches in 1 week. Because if you're asking questions but not actually out in the field making approaches then its just procrastination.

@JollyRoger At the moment your sample size is too small to draw any conclusions from. I think I'm pretty good at cold approaches and yet its not uncommon for 2 girls in a row to not be interested, that just happens. You need to do 20+ approaches in about a week and then reflect on what worked well, what didn't etc. Share those reflections with this forum and ask for comments, and then based on that advice do the whole thing again using what you have learned. Keep following that process (action / reflection / action) until you are super confident in your opening.
I've done thousands of approaches in my life (day and night) but as I mentioned in my original post I was on hiatus for a while.

On this forum I've read that people feel that cold approaching is easier now because so few guys do it. So I thought perhaps I'll get some 'bonus points' for at least giving it a shot. But so far that does not seem to be the case and I can not cruise by with sub-par game. It is what it is.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
yeah things have changed - im sure between 2010-2014 pre the online dating app boom were people were lonelier it wouldve been appreciated more but thats just the way it is

but there is opportunity out there as long as you're interesting , calibrated and have decent smv. I did almost all my daygame after the online dating boom and still got a lot of good reactions and met my girlfriend from cold approach in 2022 while doing daygame in Dubai - so the opportunities are still there to be seized .

obviously some places have more confident men then others, when approaching in cities with a lot of shy/low smv men the reactions were generally a lot better - maybe because cold approach isn't much of a thing in places like China when i did daygame there in comparison to London which has a decent volume of gamers .


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Thanks for your extended reply.

It was the way she behaved that gave the impression that she gets approached all the time contrasted with the fact that on that particular night she wasn't being approached at all (it was a small bar so I know this for a fact).

And I live in a city and country where the average guy is scared to do cold approach without alcohol. So while I acknowledge I'm very rusty and the attempt wasn't great, at least I made an attempt, not like the other guys there that hovered nearby nursing their drink but not daring to start a conversation.

I'm not angry or annoyed at her, I just thought it was funny how I hear that cold approach is very rare these days and having been out of the game for a couple of years I was looking forward to getting back in to it with perhaps a bit of a +1 boost, but it turns out I still need to have a bit of game as it were. But that's ok, I'll work on that.

Exactly my thoughts but she left at the end of the night on her own (around 22:30 on a week night). Although a girl like that could easily find whatever she wants on an app.

I wrote a more in depth FR in my journal. But yes I'm very rusty and making a lot of beginner mistakes.

My game is rusty at the moment. I'm re-learning and re-calibrating.

Much appreciated. I must have done thousands of approaches in my life. As I said, I'm rusty having been out of it for a few years.
getting back at it is tough what's good is at least you're actually getting back there and not using your age or previous relationships as an excuse to procrastinate


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 6, 2022
yeah things have changed - im sure between 2010-2014 pre the online dating app boom were people were lonelier it wouldve been appreciated more but thats just the way it is

but there is opportunity out there as long as you're interesting , calibrated and have decent smv. I did almost all my daygame after the online dating boom and still got a lot of good reactions and met my girlfriend from cold approach in 2022 while doing daygame in Dubai - so the opportunities are still there to be seized .

obviously some places have more confident men then others, when approaching in cities with a lot of shy/low smv men the reactions were generally a lot better - maybe because cold approach isn't much of a thing in places like China when i did daygame there in comparison to London which has a decent volume of gamers .

Yes wherever I live the competition will be different and I will need to learn and calibrate for the environment.

All I can say is that so far in the big Western European city that I live in I'm not noticing any particular difference in reactions compared to 5 years ago. Whether that's because they are being approached just as much or that online attention is taking up the slack I don't know.

And as I acknowledged in the OP. I only have a handful of approaches to base this on.

It's just casual speculation on my part and I was wondering what other's thought.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Yes wherever I live the competition will be different and I will need to learn and calibrate for the environment.

All I can say is that so far in the big Western European city that I live in I'm not noticing any particular difference in reactions compared to 5 years ago. Whether that's because they are being approached just as much or that online attention is taking up the slack I don't know.

And as I acknowledged in the OP. I only have a handful of approaches to base this on.

It's just casual speculation on my part and I was wondering what other's thought.
Usually Universities are a good place to do daygame from my personal experience as you are dealing with a lot of young students who may have been approached for the first time who haven't experienced men with a lot of confidence yet at that early stage of life.

I still believe there are a good percentage of women that want to be approached even in this day and age- of course smv improvements and strong game increase chances of a positive reaction but you most likely already know this


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
All women have had guys come up to them, in some context, with the aim of getting into their pants.

Very few women have had guys approach them the way they would like it to happen.

Women differentiate these two by how it makes them feel, not by the details associated with the approach. So just focus on improving your seduction process and girls will suddenly seem to forget that they were ever approached before, because this one feels different.

That's one of the beautiful things about women, they are emotionally driven and reactive by nature. 1000 guys could approach her a certain way and get rejected, and then you can come in differently and she might be completely open. They rarely hold grudges or develop ideological positions on anything substantial, they mostly just react to who you are then and there. This drives guys mad (especially red pill guys) because they attribute all sorts of ulterior motives and agendas to this reactive behavior that doesn't really exist, at least not generally. And then you get this wild stuff you see on yt like guys rounding up a gaggle of women and trying to debate them on how they are wrong.

In the end, she only really cares about who you are, today, right now, in front of her.
I'm shocked no one commented on this piece yet.
@Will_V is spot on in his analysis!

Girls do live in the moment and jump from emotion A to emotion B in a matter of seconds, depending on the situation.
She can be approached by ten good-looking guys in the same night and feel nothing...then a mid-guy with tight game comes in and swoops her to his place in less than an hour. Or fucks her in the bathroom after 30 minutes of conversation.

Yes, they are overwhelmed by online attention...and this is why they crave real interactions with real men that know how to seduce them...even if they don't show it in the moment.
Last edited:


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Usually Universities are a good place to do daygame from my personal experience as you are dealing with a lot of young students who may have been approached for the first time who haven't experienced men with a lot of confidence yet at that early stage of life.

I still believe there are a good percentage of women that want to be approached even in this day and age- of course smv improvements and strong game increase chances of a positive reaction but you most likely already know this
Based on how I was taught: I Day Game whenever/wherever based on a couple factors:
1. How are my fundamentals - do I look like shit, or am I fresh n' clean enough?
2. Do I have the energy, can I handle a 15 minute interaction?
3. Do I really have the time? Time for a 15 minute interaction?
4. Can I close, meaning - can I realistically fit her into my schedule this week when I make the push for the meet up?
I want to make the meet up within 2-3 days of meeting her (not 2-3 weeks) so life doesn't take she and I away from the opportunity

I don't care if a girl is approachable or not in terms of how she seems to be approachable. Cash in point - "resting Bitch Face." I've opened many girls with "resting Bitch face" who light up once I say Hi. Cuz I got them out of their head. I go with my Gut. If there's something about her that's interesting or attractive and my Gut says - "you gotta talk to her" I'll approach. Whether she's in a group, alone, walking whatever.
With obvious consideration of course - in an obvious business meeting, tucked in with her parents/Grandma, etc...
I don't make excuses for why I shouldn't approach, though.
You can check out Hector's Day Game product on the site as a start...

Night Game is the same thing, except one has to learn a lot more about opening groups, especially in very loud venues. I need practice on this one. Except I'm actually pretty good opening groups in Day Game.
There's plenty of material on the site about opening groups.