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Im really giving up on women this time. I really hate them


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
That's so true, guys nowadays buy hard into sensationalistic fatalist evopsybullshit people like Jordan Peterson and Red/Black Pill communities push out there that only the chadest of chads gets pussy, and you should just give up, which makes no sense. Basic knowledge of math should tell you it follows more of a natural distribution, and getting decently better than the average men gives you good results. I think not only they wanna create this bitter cult of sad men behind them, but also make enough men give up on women so that they, average losers, can get better women lmao

@Shake&Bake If you feel like you're humilating yourself to go for women, you're doing something wrong, and should reconsider what are you really doing and why. Maybe some time away from whatever "pickup" you're attempting will be healthy for you.
No its true. They only ever go for the the top 20 percent and maybe settle in once they are much older or more than likely stay single and bounce around. Don't know where you guys are getting this


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015

Forget women for a while. Focus on this:

No woman in the world can fix this. Until you fix it, getting a decent woman will be like trying to climb a mountain with your wrists broken.

Read this:

Then DO it.

There are parasitic men, and there are parasitic women.

If you attract them (and you're not just repeating some stuff you heard on the web), it means you're deep in codependency, probably struggling with self-esteem issues, and need to get yourself out of that.

Codependent people are like free energy resources to needy, parasitic people. They will come to you to feed until you fix that issue.

Again, that article on depression is going to be where you start.

This is exactly, verbatim the kind of emo thing I used to say when I was deep in victim mentality depression in my teens / early twenties.

I used to fantasize about finally meeting the one great, beautiful girl who really saw me and got me, and telling her about how women didn't want me and her telling me I was so wrong, because she thought I was incredible and she was in love with me.

(gotta say, the one thing I still do now is if I'm getting too bored fucking some beautiful girl, I will look at her and think, "Hey, just imagine if I was despairing teenage Chase again, fucking this girl" and suddenly I will be having a GREAT time fucking her. #workseverytime)

I had a music album I was putting together called Shadow in the Dark, and the title track was all about how invisible I was to women, like a shadow in the dark.

I hadn't approached a woman in years.

Imagine thinking you are invisible to women, when you haven't approached any women.

It's like thinking you can't get a job when you haven't applied anywhere. How do you know?

Or, worse, when the only place you applied is via online job application sites... where companies get 1000s of applications for every one single job... or online dating, where women get 1000s of applications for one single vagina...

If you've tried online anything, and that's all you've tried, it's basically the same as "haven't approached in N years."

Even when I was deep in depression, I went around applying for jobs everywhere. In-person.

I didn't get any of the jobs I wanted... the cool clothing-store jobs working with hot girl coworkers. I ended up applying at a tire store that had no girls working at it. That ended up being one of the best moves of my life, because it taught me sales.

In actual fact, if you do not approach women, you ARE invisible to them.

If you only swipe on women on dating apps, you ARE invisible to them.

Your visibility is directly proportional to the amount of approaching you do.

No "beautiful ones" mouse utopia preening or online dating posturing will fix that for you.

You have to approach.

But if you're too depressed to do that -- I assume you are -- fix the depression FIRST.

No they don't.

Take that word 'privilege' and excise it from your vocabulary. It's a gibberish word that's lost all meaning.

So long as you use it, you're just a captive of the Matrix.

A woman can log onto her smart phone and everyone is praising her and the media is performing cunnilingus on her and people are talking about how strong she is and she's got 500 matches on Tinder and 10,000 followers on Instagram and heaps of DMs from simps all up on her shit talking about how beautiful she is. That's the Matrix. A digital control grid. But none of it's real.

Because when her phone runs out of power, the fake world turns off, and she's plunged back into reality, where she's just average-looking without all her makeup and hair dye, and no one in the real world thinks she's a Queen except a couple of her besties who are puffing her up the same way she puffs them up.

She goes to the Starbucks and waits in line like every other pleb, she gets manhandled by the TSA if she wants to fly anywhere, she has to go work her dead-end job at the office for middling pay because it's all she knows how to do, and the men in her life are disappointing guys who aren't good-looking or cool or interesting or rich or anything remotely exciting, but she's still chasing after one or two of them anyway because he's the best she can get.

She has no direction in life, no great passion, and no top 20% guy is ever going to pay any attention to her, except maybe to pick her up one drunken night for a pump-and-dump, which is only going to make her feel worse after because she realizes she can't really have him (i.e., he will not commit).

That's life for the average woman.

Average, as in "right smack dab in the middle... 50% of the way from the bottom, 50% of the way from the top."

The vast majority of women are not super hot genius charismatics with perfect bodies, nor are the vast majority hideous retarded morbidly obese land whales.

The vast majority are these average chicks, right smack dab in the middle.

And that is what their life looks like -- at least when it's unplugged.

Who cares?

Get in the top 30%.

Then get a woman from the top 30% too.

Or the top 35%.

I guarantee you, if you're top 30%, and she's top 30%, she's gonna seem top 1% to you.

Stop comparing yourself to everyone.

Social comparison is a killer. It'll drown you.

Again, go read that article on depression.

And, chin up.

If you can fix the depression, and change your perspective, the world transforms.

If you can't fix it, it doesn't matter if you wake up tomorrow and can fuck 1% girls. You'll just find something else to get depressed about.

Fix the real problem first. Everything starts self-correcting after that.

I freaking cant stand women. They are supposed to human who bleed like us and share our wants and needs but they dont. They are totally different species. Thats why I would never marry these creatures its a fools game.

I told you how I I literally lost my job over this dumb creatures ugh. Man I honestly dont know how the earth lasting this long with these things on earth. I dont wanna feel like Im dealing with complex computers everytime I converse with other people. And women are that in every shape of the word.

No chase you reaaaaaly don't get it. You're articles just feel like a cheap way to make feel better about the overly handicapped dating landscape as it is. Again if all these women were just dating these average men as you say then Your site would generate very little traffic. Supply and demand


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Well they do make it impossible for most men. Since we have incels and women don't and many men die without reproducing
There are incels because they are unwilling to do what's neccesary and stay on the path of self improvement because of how difficult it is initially. There will never be 0% incels and there will always be a lot. It's just the way the cycle of society is. Biology is brutal for men,but once you reach a certain level those odds are irelevant to you.

The fact that you keep referring to women as creatures show that you have a serious distaste for them just because they won't fuck you. I'm betting you're looking at a girl like this https://www.instagram.com/p/CRoh2AqlOLm/?utm_medium=share_sheet
and thinking girls are privileged because you see a gorgeous girl with big titties who travels around the world because of the simps who fund ber,but because she wouldn't fuck you that means all women make it impossible for men to get in their pants.

You're applying this kind of fatalist, negative, defeatist thinking to every woman and believing all women are the same and won't give you a chance. Well if you're as toxic as you are now of course they will make it impossible. They don't want a guy who hates women and just wants to take value and use her for their own pleasure. Do you ever think of what it's like to be a regular average looking woman? They're limited in the men they can get and they don't have the abundance that you think they have. If you uninstalled ig you would fucking realize that women aren't the queens that ig makes them out to look like. They're regular people like us with their own problems and issues.

Do you actually talk to women irl? Do you approach? Do you work on your fundamentals? Do you practice socializing and add new things? It doesn't sound like it at all. If you did any of these things you would make some progress and you wouldn't believe women only fuck the top 20% of men it's literal fucking bullshit. I bet you have tunnel vision and literally only pay attention to the hottest girls u see on ig or irl on the street and think since those girls don't seem interested then women only fuck the top 20%. Maybe you look at a girl like this https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ_c2gtBQvM/?utm_medium=share_sheet
(look at her page not just that one post) who just got impregnated by a 6'5 NBA player making millions and that fuels your confirmation bias that women only fuck the top 20%.

You have the mindset of Eliot Rodgers the kid who shot some sorority girls because he blamed women for him being lonely and a virgin. Do you wanna be like that kid and get shot by the police or kill yourself and die a meaningless death?

I can't believe everyone is chiming in to help you including Chase himself and you refuse to listen and all of this advice is just coming out the other fucking ear. It's a shame. If you wanna forever hate women and look at them as toxic creatures who are against you then it's your choice. You have a victim mentality,but you seem to enjoy it because it robs you of any responsibility to change. Anyways i'm done. I've said everything I could to help. If you don't want to change deep down then nothing anybody says will make a difference.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
There are incels because they are unwilling to do what's neccesary and stay on the path of self improvement because of how difficult it is initially. There will never be 0% incels and there will always be a lot. It's just the way the cycle of society is. Biology is brutal for men,but once you reach a certain level those odds are irelevant to you.

The fact that you keep referring to women as creatures show that you have a serious distaste for them just because they won't fuck you. I'm betting you're looking at a girl like this https://www.instagram.com/p/CRoh2AqlOLm/?utm_medium=share_sheet
and thinking girls are privileged because you see a gorgeous girl with big titties who travels around the world because of the simps who fund ber,but because she wouldn't fuck you that means all women make it impossible for men to get in their pants.

You're applying this kind of fatalist, negative, defeatist thinking to every woman and believing all women are the same and won't give you a chance. Well if you're as toxic as you are now of course they will make it impossible. They don't want a guy who hates women and just wants to take value and use her for their own pleasure. Do you ever think of what it's like to be a regular average looking woman? They're limited in the men they can get and they don't have the abundance that you think they have. If you uninstalled ig you would fucking realize that women aren't the queens that ig makes them out to look like. They're regular people like us with their own problems and issues.

Do you actually talk to women irl? Do you approach? Do you work on your fundamentals? Do you practice socializing and add new things? It doesn't sound like it at all. If you did any of these things you would make some progress and you wouldn't believe women only fuck the top 20% of men it's literal fucking bullshit. I bet you have tunnel vision and literally only pay attention to the hottest girls u see on ig or irl on the street and think since those girls don't seem interested then women only fuck the top 20%. Maybe you look at a girl like this https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ_c2gtBQvM/?utm_medium=share_sheet
(look at her page not just that one post) who just got impregnated by a 6'5 NBA player making millions and that fuels your confirmation bias that women only fuck the top 20%.

You have the mindset of Eliot Rodgers the kid who shot some sorority girls because he blamed women for him being lonely and a virgin. Do you wanna be like that kid and get shot by the police or kill yourself and die a meaningless death?

I can't believe everyone is chiming in to help you including Chase himself and you refuse to listen and all of this advice is just coming out the other fucking ear. It's a shame. If you wanna forever hate women and look at them as toxic creatures who are against you then it's your choice. You have a victim mentality,but you seem to enjoy it because it robs you of any responsibility to change. Anyways i'm done. I've said everything I could to help. If you don't want to change deep down then nothing anybody says will make a difference.
Gross. I thought Reddit was bad you are far worse and perpetuate everything wrong with people online trying to give advice to men on dating. Not only is your thinking extremely limited you are super prone to thinking I fit every stupid sterotypical mold I fit in every cliche incel book.

first off Jeffro I approach women all the godamn time and work on my fundamentals and I dont go after super models all the time. I rarely run into girl like that in public. You need to stay off the nice guy subreddit bro.


Feb 3, 2020
What specifically was the turning point that made you come to this realization in your post about women and life?

I've been at a similar point in my life and it was just a string of bad experiences that it seemed like I had no control over. I was able to readjust course and things are way better. You don't have to feel that hopelessness; there are ways out.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 16, 2015
I freaking cant stand women. They are supposed to human who bleed like us and share our wants and needs but they dont. They are totally different species. Thats why I would never marry these creatures its a fools game.

I told you how I I literally lost my job over this dumb creatures ugh. Man I honestly dont know how the earth lasting this long with these things on earth. I dont wanna feel like Im dealing with complex computers everytime I converse with other people. And women are that in every shape of the word.

No chase you reaaaaaly don't get it. You're articles just feel like a cheap way to make feel better about the overly handicapped dating landscape as it is. Again if all these women were just dating these average men as you say then Your site would generate very little traffic. Supply and demand

Man... after reading this thread, I don't know how Chase can bother sometimes. If you didn't have green rank, I don't think he would have.

You are just throwing back everything people say right back into their faces. Why should they spend their time on you?

No they don't.

Take that word 'privilege' and excise it from your vocabulary. It's a gibberish word that's lost all meaning.

So long as you use it, you're just a captive of the Matrix.

A woman can log onto her smart phone and everyone is praising her and the media is performing cunnilingus on her and people are talking about how strong she is and she's got 500 matches on Tinder and 10,000 followers on Instagram and heaps of DMs from simps all up on her shit talking about how beautiful she is. That's the Matrix. A digital control grid. But none of it's real.

Because when her phone runs out of power, the fake world turns off, and she's plunged back into reality, where she's just average-looking without all her makeup and hair dye, and no one in the real world thinks she's a Queen except a couple of her besties who are puffing her up the same way she puffs them up.

A few years ago I would have disagreed, but nowadays I am starting to understand what you mean. I guess I am moving out of the matrix.

I just see angry people attaching the world 'privilege' to huge groups full of people with different experiences, and I am wondering what the heck they are thinking?

Love the online/offline example Chase. That is a good way to illustrate the situation and helps put into words the feelings I have been starting to have about the aforementioned word usage


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
I've definitely been there before. If you don't take care of your emotions, they'll run and rule your life, giving you thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that plunge your mind into pain and chaos.

If you don't fix your depression, nothing can help you.

There are several things you probably need to do, the most important for me was my chemistry.

If you have some kind of chemical imbalance, you need to fix that first. Mine was actually my diet... I did low carb for 9 years... recently switched to a fruit and veggie diet and I haven't felt this good for years... didn't realize that the amount of fat I was consuming was destroying my health and that my mental health would be so impacted by it... but it was.

That may not be your problem. I have no idea what it is... but that's one thing to look at.

The next is your mind... you need to take charge of your focus and the meaning that you give to events. If you're focusing on shit and how things suck, your life is going to be shit and everything will suck. If you take the failures you have in life and make it mean that you're not cut out for this and women are bad and all that shit, you'll be a product of that.

Instead, focus on what inspires you, encourages you, and strengthens you... IE... your goals, words and thoughts that make you feel strong, what you're proud of, your successes, etc. Change the meaning of events in your life so that instead of seeing them as tragedies, you look at them as something that is challenging you to be greater... that you have a destiny that is greater... and that you need to go through this in order to reach that destiny.

And the last thing is how you use your body. There's been a ton of research on this but the tldr of it is that you need to exercise and how yourself like you're strong and proud and the chemicals in your body will shift so that you become that person who would stand like a fucking champion that you want to be.

Good luck.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Okay guys.. we have seen this before with this very same user.. he will vent he will diss other users and after being called out on it he will resurface after some time.

@Chase nothing you will say will help him. This will keep on going.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
No chase you reaaaaaly don't get it. You're articles just feel like a cheap way to make feel better about the overly handicapped dating landscape as it is. Again if all these women were just dating these average men as you say then Your site would generate very little traffic. Supply and demand

This is just pathetic. I really hope you get a grip on yourself and get healthier dude.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 30, 2020

Men have been learning to fuck women for eons, there is nothing new under the sun. Whatever failure you've been through, many men have been in your position before and managed to pull themselves through it to a life of abundance.

You are a man. You have in your blood the strength of 1000 generations of warriors who were victorious before you, your very nature is to go out in the world, conquer it and get what you want out of life. No wonder you're depressed, you're not fucking meant to put your hands up in defeat and run with your tail tucked between your legs.

I would take a big break from women and start reading up on philosophy if I were you - especially stoicism, it has an uncanny knack for whipping men into shape. As Epictetus harshly put it -
"You bear God within you, poor wretch, and know it not"


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
I think from the disrespect that he's shown Chase alone, the OP should be banned from this forum.

Not sure why you'd let that slide.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
I just not going to bother anymore. The depression I feel on a daily basis and inner turmoil I cant fuck with it anymore. Im so done. My biggest problem is operating without them. I mean I could never get them but I have to prevent myself from ever trying.

Such bullshit creatures they are. They are just parasites that just leech off of you. I don't want them anymore even though they never wanted me. It is what it is. Women live a super privileged life and most men arent going to worthy of being the top 20 percent. Most of us are going to lose so most of us gonna get fucked in the end. So why even bother with them in the first place but wasting time.
Don't know what age you are, what nationality, where you are based, what sort of financial resources you have. Lots of good motivational advice above but fuck all that, just go to a country where YOU are considered a "top guy" with respect to the local dudes by virtue of your nationality. If you can, before you do some incel shit. Do your research, stay at least a month. Do your game there, where the women are friendlier and more "forgiving of mistakes". You'll feel rejuvenated.
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Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I freaking cant stand women. They are supposed to human who bleed like us and share our wants and needs but they dont. They are totally different species. Thats why I would never marry these creatures its a fools game.

I told you how I I literally lost my job over this dumb creatures ugh. Man I honestly dont know how the earth lasting this long with these things on earth. I dont wanna feel like Im dealing with complex computers everytime I converse with other people. And women are that in every shape of the word.

No chase you reaaaaaly don't get it. You're articles just feel like a cheap way to make feel better about the overly handicapped dating landscape as it is. Again if all these women were just dating these average men as you say then Your site would generate very little traffic. Supply and demand

Take a step back and look at yourself.

Why don't you respect yourself outside of women? Because if you had an ounce of self respect, you wouldn't be so desperate and sore about whether or not women liked you, or come on these forums with your misguided ravings.

Since you have no self respect, no woman can respect you. It doesn't matter who you are, handicapped or not, no woman has ever, ever put herself alongside a man who has anything less than a LOT of self respect.

Life is not just about women. It's about self-realization, learning, growth, adventure, pushing yourself toward things you never experienced before.

If you were doing things right, the idea of women not liking you would be a trivial thing. You would be too busy validating your own life with all kinds of rich experiences. Because a man is more than simply a thing that women accept or reject, he is a force of nature, with the capability to adapt, to grow, to drive himself toward anything, through any pain or setback. Women are only spectators to this, and as far as your sense of self goes they are irrelevant.

Do you want to waste your life worrying about whether some silly woman likes you or not? Or are you going to conquer the world, realize every bit of potential you've got, transcend whatever limitations threaten you with a boring and unfulfilling life?

When you do this, when you step onto the path that is all about you, you will not care about pussy, because you will have too much to do. And (even though this is completely irrelevant) it's very likely women will appear out of nowhere suddenly curious as to why you are so driven, so self-controlled, so un-selfconscious, so dominant in your life and the environments you find yourself in.

Does that sound better than where you find yourself now?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
What specifically was the turning point that made you come to this realization in your post about women and life?

I've been at a similar point in my life and it was just a string of bad experiences that it seemed like I had no control over. I was able to readjust course and things are way better. You don't have to feel that hopelessness; there are ways out.
probably me losing my job

what ways?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
Take a step back and look at yourself.

Why don't you respect yourself outside of women? Because if you had an ounce of self respect, you wouldn't be so desperate and sore about whether or not women liked you, or come on these forums with your misguided ravings.
Gee. I wonder. Maybe because they are privileged beings who were always extremely complicated and super fickle creatures that you and others have to go out of your way to converse about their weird Psyche on a forum because they are soo simple right
Do you want to waste your life worrying about whether some silly woman likes you or not? Or are you going to conquer the world, realize every bit of potential you've got, transcend whatever limitations threaten you with a boring and unfulfilling life?
No. I really wish I didnt. But seeing as I'm a guy. Im cursed by my desires so here we are. Because if I wasnt cursed by those I would have gave up years ago

When you do this, when you step onto the path that is all about you, you will not care about pussy, because you will have too much to do. And (even though this is completely irrelevant) it's very likely women will appear out of nowhere suddenly curious as to why you are so driven, so self-controlled, so un-selfconscious, so dominant in your life and the environments you find yourself in.
That wont happened we me unless a memorize a crap tons of lines, tricks, and moves to hack into their female brains


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
I feel the opposite I love women flaws n all.

What I do hate is people who tear others down further during moments of weakness.

It’s true he’s being irrational but im sure he knows that at some level.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
What are you hoping to attain by writing a post like this?

If you are "really giving up on women", why are you telling us about it?

Why not just leave it all behind you without telling us?

Everybody's trying to convince you to stay on track, but you are too caught up in your frustrations that it's not having an effect right now. And I learned long ago to stop helping people that don't want help. But I can appreciate if you tell us your intentions with this thread.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take