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Im really giving up on women this time. I really hate them


Feb 3, 2020
probably me losing my job

what ways?
Sorry to hear about that. Losing a job can be one of the worst moments in life. I was similarly in a dark place when I was close to losing my job.

What helped me was processing the pain by talking with friends and family, as well as having their support. I also distanced myself from negative or toxic people.

Guys on here suggested a lot of ways to help turn your life around.

My suggestion is to not associate with negative people, thoughts, media, etc. I've found that what one consumes tends strongly influence what they believe. It's almost like brainwashing yourself. If you have to brainwash yourself, do it with great material like GC or positive, optimist material.

There are plenty of guys here that have the total opposite view of the world that you do. It's possible for you to be like them and just as content/fulfilled/etc. It's a matter of adopting their mindsets and actions (as per their suggestions here).


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Gee. I wonder. Maybe because they are privileged beings who were always extremely complicated and super fickle creatures that you and others have to go out of your way to converse about their weird Psyche on a forum because they are soo simple right
Nobody said women were simple.

But you are wrong. They are not privileged. Unless you think choosing which dick you're going to put inside you is privilege.

You've obviously never thought about what it would like to be a woman. Instead of getting tangled up in these ideas about 'complicated creatures', how about just imagine, if you were going to get fucked by a man and have to spend nine months carrying his offspring around and then give birth in hours of blinding pain, you would be pretty fickle and choosy too.

Women are followers, not leaders. They are not consistent, because they are there to adapt to a strong and worthy man. They are as consistent as a man causes them to be. They must juggle submitting to a man and getting what they want/need, whereas a man just goes and gets whatever he wants.

Instead of leading them, dominating them, giving them a simple, clear way to get what they need while they are with you (dick, cuddles and conversation) you are getting tangled up trying to figure out what goes on in their heads. Don't bother. Even they don't know. They just have notions and emotions. The way through this chaos is to dominate the interaction, lead her to something exciting and satisfying the way you want it to be. Stop trying to understand her and negotiate with her, just lead.

But you can't lead her until you lead yourself. The blind can't lead the blind. You are overwhelmed with emotion and neediness, this is the domain of women. This is how she should feel right before you take her to bed. But instead that's what you're feeling. You need to pull yourself and your identity together, build your life outside of women, and then as a relaxed, chill, confident man you can deal with them.

No. I really wish I didnt. But seeing as I'm a guy. Im cursed by my desires so here we are. Because if I wasnt cursed by those I would have gave up years ago
Well then use those desires to build yourself up not tear yourself apart.
That wont happened we me unless a memorize a crap tons of lines, tricks, and moves to hack into their female brains
No. I told you, a woman's head is chaos. There are no tricks, there is just knowing how to have conversations that make her feel something, and then taking her to bed.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
What are you hoping to attain by writing a post like this?

If you are "really giving up on women", why are you telling us about it?

Why not just leave it all behind you without telling us?

Everybody's trying to convince you to stay on track, but you are too caught up in your frustrations that it's not having an effect right now. And I learned long ago to stop helping people that don't want help. But I can appreciate if you tell us your intentions with this thread.
Im just fed up with these creatures who are supposed to be just like us. I figured more men on here would get what I am saying then venting on it about reddit.

That catch even a whiff on that and you are immediately a fedora wearing neckbeard incel name Carl.

Like im so sick of the overwhelming amount of tricks and rules you have to go by just to keep a women interested in you because their chaotic minds cant keep themselves interested in you long enough unless you a have fat wallet.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
Like im so sick of the overwhelming amount of tricks and rules you have to go by just to keep a women interested in you because their chaotic minds cant keep themselves interested in you long enough unless you a have fat wallet
Dude, for the second time, get the fk out of the States or whatever hellhole you are in before you lose it. There are plenty of "target-rich" places on this planet where you're considered a good catch by virtue of your nationality.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
Nobody said women were simple.
Obviously not because that would be ludicrous

But you are wrong. They are not privileged. Unless you think choosing which dick you're going to put inside you is privilege.
Getting your pick of the choices is not privilege?

You've obviously never thought about what it would like to be a woman. Instead of getting tangled up in these ideas about 'complicated creatures', how about just imagine, if you were going to get fucked by a man and have to spend nine months carrying his offspring around and then give birth in hours of blinding pain, you would be pretty fickle and choosy too.
I understand that but most of these guys arent even trying to impregnate a woman

Women are followers, not leaders. They are not consistent, because they are there to adapt to a strong and worthy man. They are as consistent as a man causes them to be. They must juggle submitting to a man and getting what they want/need, whereas a man just goes and gets whatever he wants.
Ugh see what I mean when you start talking like this. Its just bad when you think about how women are only going tk respond to the best of the best men. These kinda even proves my point of the 80/20 rules.
Instead of leading them, dominating them, giving them a simple, clear way to get what they need while they are with you (dick, cuddles and conversation) you are getting tangled up trying to figure out what goes on in their heads. Don't bother. Even they don't know. They just have notions and emotions. The way through this chaos is to dominate the interaction, lead her to something exciting and satisfying the way you want it to be. Stop trying to understand her and negotiate with her, just lead.
you cant lead if you don't understand your followers. Understanding their chaotic brain is literally part of the equation. The people who dont think about are the people who have enough success from women to NOT think about it
No. I told you, a woman's head is chaos. There are no tricks, there is just knowing how to have conversations that make her feel something, and then taking her to bed.
One of the points we an definitely agree on


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
Dude, for the second time, get the fk out of the States or whatever hellhole you are in before you lose it. There are plenty of "target-rich" places on this planet where you're considered a good catch by virtue of your nationality.
That sounds like a losing game dont you think? You're just gonna get a bunch of foreign games trying to get one over on a virgin tourist


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
That sounds like a losing game dont you think? You're just gonna get a bunch of foreign games trying to get one over on a virgin tourist
Well I meant you go overseas to go for local girls not foreign tourists.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 24, 2019
The OP is an idiot who doesn’t want to do the work on himself to get with women.

So that’s his shit.

it’s down to him to sort himself out, and if he doesn’t, one less competitor.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 24, 2019
I think from the disrespect that he's shown Chase alone, the OP should be banned from this forum.

Not sure why you'd let that slide.
Hey, he’s a chump. But allow him his free speech and let it be a lesson to us all what happens to you if you’re too much of a pussy to do the work needed to get with the women you want.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
The OP is an idiot who doesn’t want to do the work on himself to get with women.

So that’s his shit.

it’s down to him to sort himself out, and if he doesn’t, one less competitor.
How about fuck you and eat a dick clown. you blocked btw


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
That sounds like a losing game dont you think? You're just gonna get a bunch of foreign games trying to get one over on a virgin tourist
OK, I think I know what you meant now. Well, you need to do your research. I'm not running a pussy refugee camp but there are places around the world where Western dudes who have a hard time with women in their own backyards can have fun without games. Many of these places have low cost of living and lots of hot girls, depending on your taste.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
I figured more men on here would get what I am saying then venting on it about reddit.

When I read this, I couldn't take your statements at face value any longer. I'm certain you just want someone(s) to tell you that yes, women can be difficult sometimes.

I'm sure you're going to sleep with girls again even if you are bitter about them, and telling us you're not sleeping with them any longer. You said it yourself that you still have a drive. It's inevitable that you will meet a girl one day and sleep with her.

Best of luck on your journey


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
OK, I think I know what you meant now. Well, you need to do your research. I'm not running a pussy refugee camp but there are places around the world where Western dudes who have a hard time with women in their own backyards can have fun without games. Many of these places have low cost of living and lots of hot girls, depending on your taste.
I dont know where those places are
When I read this, I couldn't take your statements at face value any longer. I'm certain you just want someone(s) to tell you that yes, women can be difficult sometimes.

I'm sure you're going to sleep with girls again even if you are bitter about them, and telling us you're not sleeping with them any longer. You said it yourself that you still have a drive. It's inevitable that you will meet a girl one day and sleep with her.

Best of luck on your journey
Thanks for the kind words. Appreciated


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
Thanks for the kind words. Appreciated
Well, you're welcome. But let me tell you about the things I have been through before you judge it as "kind words".

I have been where you are at, and it's not a good place when it comes to the quality of girls that I let into my life. The few times I felt like giving up on girls, I let girls into my life that were WORSE, like WAY worse than the ones I approached myself. They are not as pretty, not as cute... their personalities are just okay, nothing spectacular.

They just happened to be there and send a couple of signals. And because of my own scarcity, I slept with them and perhaps became FWB. But you know girls. They get feelings for you and want things to be going somewhere. And suddenly I had given the wrong impression to a girl I barely cared about, and she left in a storm. Not that I care on a personal level, but it still stings.

This is what I mean by "it's inevitable that you will meet a girl one day and sleep with her". This is the kind of experience that is making me stop being passive in the mating game as we speak.

So yeah. You may sleep with a girl if you give up on girls. But is it the kind of girl you are attracted to? The kind of girl whose brain - and pussy - you want to give an exceptional experience? The kind of girl you want to settle with?

Every choice is a thousand renunciations...
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
The game is hard, but not impossible.

The only way is through, through that pain and frustration.

I can recognize that OP is desperate and in pain because he has tried, and tried probably a bunch of different things and put in serious effort.

Yet the issue is that sometimes even good advice is not the "right" advice. There is plenty of good advice here on this thread.

But the right advice is something that both solves his specific issue and is something OP can trust enough to try. He's finding it difficult to trust the good advice here anymore because it hasn't worked for him. It's not what he needs right now.

I don't know what that right advice is. I would say it's probably close to what Chase said (focusing on the depression and inner shit going on), but that is a difficult journey too. NOT IMPOSSIBLE though.

My only suggestion can be what has helped me. Meditation, self-care, and finding people who are uplifting and a positive presence in my life.

For me, my biggest issue was chasing women, instead of being where I belong. Imagine a fresh water fish trying to game salt water fish. He's fucking himself up, and it's not because of his game. He needs to get the fuck back to that fresh water. That doesn't mean abandoning game (maybe temporarily to do some deeper work), it means that sometimes a lack of attractivesness comes from not having some serious personal needs met.

OP, If you're not feeling grounded and stable then I suggest you look at your troubles with women as "non-game related". It's bigger than game, and working on that shit will be much more productive and bring rewards in more areas than just in game/dating.

Remember that the guys here are trying to help you. And the advice here is solid and works for most men. If it doesn't work for you, it's not because it doesn't work. It's because it's not what you need right now.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
I dont know where those places are
Depending on what kind of women you prefer looks-wise, there's South America, Thailand, some (not all) Eastern bloc former communist countries ... I've also heard good things about Dominican Republic. You'll have to Google where the current hot spots are for "pussy refugees" of your nationality/race etc. There's surely a discussion on that somewhere. This may not not be the deep philosophical/psychological advice that others are offering here, nor a long-term solution, but if you want to get laid that badly, get the fuck out of wherever you are. You can work on whatever you need to work on at the same time.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
The game is hard, but not impossible.

The only way is through, through that pain and frustration.

I can recognize that OP is desperate and in pain because he has tried, and tried probably a bunch of different things and put in serious effort.

Yet the issue is that sometimes even good advice is not the "right" advice. There is plenty of good advice here on this thread.

But the right advice is something that both solves his specific issue and is something OP can trust enough to try. He's finding it difficult to trust the good advice here anymore because it hasn't worked for him. It's not what he needs right now.

I don't know what that right advice is. I would say it's probably close to what Chase said (focusing on the depression and inner shit going on), but that is a difficult journey too. NOT IMPOSSIBLE though.

My only suggestion can be what has helped me. Meditation, self-care, and finding people who are uplifting and a positive presence in my life.

For me, my biggest issue was chasing women, instead of being where I belong. Imagine a fresh water fish trying to game salt water fish. He's fucking himself up, and it's not because of his game. He needs to get the fuck back to that fresh water. That doesn't mean abandoning game (maybe temporarily to do some deeper work), it means that sometimes a lack of attractivesness comes from not having some serious personal needs met.

OP, If you're not feeling grounded and stable then I suggest you look at your troubles with women as "non-game related". It's bigger than game, and working on that shit will be much more productive and bring rewards in more areas than just in game/dating.

Remember that the guys here are trying to help you. And the advice here is solid and works for most men. If it doesn't work for you, it's not because it doesn't work. It's because it's not what you need right now.
You summarized my troubles tenfold. I dont know what to do anymore