"had the third party been fulfilling the part of the contract that the woman expected of him, then this would have never happened to begin with."
Franco: I was with everything you said until the above.
Please, I call upon ANYONE on this board who was ever married (for at least a few years) to comment on this, for or against.
The idea that "if a woman is tempted to cheat, her husband must not be doing his job." is UNINFORMED.
Look, marriage is wonderful! It beats the shit out of bagging and tagging random chicks every night of the week.
But it is also a bit of work. We are all imperfect human beings with our faults and stresses, we all make mistakes.
And no matter how hot, or how wonderful a relationship is, it is unlikely that the same searing hot level of excitement and engagement will
be consistently maintained forever. There are good times and not so good times. There are conflicts that need resolving. There are worries and annoyances and perhaps even a few regrets, occasionally. Those are almost always countered by high points of total satisfaction. The idea that a 'slump' spells the end of the marriage is absurd. It's the beginning, not the end.
We are ALL attracted to other people.
We ALL have sexual fantasies.
We are ALL tempted to indulge our urges, despite our commitments.
And if we are tempted during 'the good times', then we are five times tempted during the rough times.
EVERY MARRIAGE has rough times.
Ultimately marriage is about PARTNERSHIP. And while I firmly believe that it is the responsibility of both partners to stay attuned to their respective others' needs and work to make sure their partner's emotional, sexual and practical needs are fulfilled.....the point is that without commitment (including fidelity, unless otherwise agreed) then THERE IS NO PARTNERSHIP. You can't be concerned about your partner's emotional needs and at the same time be doing something emotionally hurtful for your own selfish reasons. If there's a problem in the marriage, you have to fix it. It's your job, and it's a wonderful, blessed job to have.
Ahhh, but women. Those emotional, irrational, fickle creatures.
There are some women—strong, self determined—who are "relatively" impervious to "game."—And ESPECIALLY after they are married and settled.
But others——"I hate how women always know exactly what they want," said NO MAN, EVER.
Women really, really, really like attention. And women with a bit of insecurity CRAVE the shit out of it. They are insatiable.
For an attention-needy woman in a good marriage in a bit of a slump recently——attention from a suave, game-educated man is like water to a sponge.
In Byronic's case, this woman was CLEARLY conflicted.
She was enjoying Byronic's attention, and his coolness.
He's younger than her husband, it's exciting, naughty, etc.
But on the other hand——she is married, and clearly was uncomfortable with what she herself was feeling.
By agreeing to this thing with Byronic, and escaping whatever anxieties she might have with the marriage,
she is also escaping HER side of the responsibility with her husband.
We don't know the husband...it's true that he might be a real unredeemable dick head, and that the marriage might be doomed one way or another, and for the better.
It is possible. But since that information has not been presented, let's just presume that it's not that simple, and that the guy is basically human like the rest of us.
THAT is where empathy, restraint and judicious decision making comes in.
Using GAME to take advantage of a married woman's marital difficulty is not clever.
It's not admirable. It's not justified. It's not 'fair game.'
And it's sure as fuck not this preposterous notion of being a 'savior' in some way.
Byronic is not 'saving' this woman....he's just "looting the city while the walls are burning."
It's downright predatorial.
Franco: I was with everything you said until the above.
Please, I call upon ANYONE on this board who was ever married (for at least a few years) to comment on this, for or against.
The idea that "if a woman is tempted to cheat, her husband must not be doing his job." is UNINFORMED.
Look, marriage is wonderful! It beats the shit out of bagging and tagging random chicks every night of the week.
But it is also a bit of work. We are all imperfect human beings with our faults and stresses, we all make mistakes.
And no matter how hot, or how wonderful a relationship is, it is unlikely that the same searing hot level of excitement and engagement will
be consistently maintained forever. There are good times and not so good times. There are conflicts that need resolving. There are worries and annoyances and perhaps even a few regrets, occasionally. Those are almost always countered by high points of total satisfaction. The idea that a 'slump' spells the end of the marriage is absurd. It's the beginning, not the end.
We are ALL attracted to other people.
We ALL have sexual fantasies.
We are ALL tempted to indulge our urges, despite our commitments.
And if we are tempted during 'the good times', then we are five times tempted during the rough times.
EVERY MARRIAGE has rough times.
Ultimately marriage is about PARTNERSHIP. And while I firmly believe that it is the responsibility of both partners to stay attuned to their respective others' needs and work to make sure their partner's emotional, sexual and practical needs are fulfilled.....the point is that without commitment (including fidelity, unless otherwise agreed) then THERE IS NO PARTNERSHIP. You can't be concerned about your partner's emotional needs and at the same time be doing something emotionally hurtful for your own selfish reasons. If there's a problem in the marriage, you have to fix it. It's your job, and it's a wonderful, blessed job to have.
Ahhh, but women. Those emotional, irrational, fickle creatures.
There are some women—strong, self determined—who are "relatively" impervious to "game."—And ESPECIALLY after they are married and settled.
But others——"I hate how women always know exactly what they want," said NO MAN, EVER.
Women really, really, really like attention. And women with a bit of insecurity CRAVE the shit out of it. They are insatiable.
For an attention-needy woman in a good marriage in a bit of a slump recently——attention from a suave, game-educated man is like water to a sponge.
In Byronic's case, this woman was CLEARLY conflicted.
She was enjoying Byronic's attention, and his coolness.
He's younger than her husband, it's exciting, naughty, etc.
But on the other hand——she is married, and clearly was uncomfortable with what she herself was feeling.
By agreeing to this thing with Byronic, and escaping whatever anxieties she might have with the marriage,
she is also escaping HER side of the responsibility with her husband.
We don't know the husband...it's true that he might be a real unredeemable dick head, and that the marriage might be doomed one way or another, and for the better.
It is possible. But since that information has not been presented, let's just presume that it's not that simple, and that the guy is basically human like the rest of us.
THAT is where empathy, restraint and judicious decision making comes in.
Using GAME to take advantage of a married woman's marital difficulty is not clever.
It's not admirable. It's not justified. It's not 'fair game.'
And it's sure as fuck not this preposterous notion of being a 'savior' in some way.
Byronic is not 'saving' this woman....he's just "looting the city while the walls are burning."
It's downright predatorial.