Yeah I worry about it because I know that if I get into another one without getting all my areas handled with health, money, and women, I’ll go crazy and resent my relationship, I’ll feel that I settled and never got to where I wanted to get to, and I don’t want that to happen to the girl.I don't know exactly dude, I don't have a big sample size on it.
I will just say I have used it for years, and heard the "you've been saying it for years and I haven't seen it yet" bit used on me.
And when I have gotten that it makes me start snickering, and I start ushering the girl out the door telling her, "You're right, it'll probably never happen. Go on! You should go. Definitely go. You could find a guy who's worth a million dollars right now. Two million! There's no reason for you to suffer in a relationship with me."
But I could only do that because I was just that confident in myself that I would be successful. So to me as soon as I am saying something like that, I have the picture in my head of me having moved up to that level of success, and this girl having jumped off the train before it pulled into then blasted past the station that she is saying she is so concerned about pulling into, griping and grousing to herself about how she didn't know those things I kept saying would come true, and me lol'ing it up. And that is very funny to me, picturing that.
Of course, when the girl perceives you ushering her out the door while laughing mirthfully, she realizes there is probably something going on there that she does not get, and starts to question her entire grasp of the situation.
That obviously only works if you are actually ambitious, and confident in yourself.
If you are not, then you need another strategy.
The "normal guy" strategy is to date a woman who is less ambitious / more submissive than yourself.
It seems like 95% of guys have this strategy, and as I grow older it seems increasingly clear to me this is a "drama mitigation" strategy.
As in, she is not going to cause nearly so much drama if you are already meeting or exceeding her standards.
If I was an unconfident, unambitious dude, and did not otherwise have some outstanding frame I subscribed to (like the "life is art and philosophy" one) I would probably do that.
High maintenance women need much stronger frame control on the man's part. Otherwise they will eat you alive.
But again, there are different kinds of frames a man can have that are successful: one is "I am already there"; another is "I am on my way there, it is just a matter of time"; still another is "I do not even care about getting there because something else in life is far more important and significant; here let me share it with you." The key to all of them is you must believe them for them to work.
For men without such frames, the simple solution is "choose women who are not so high maintenance."
Yeah, but this is women.
This is what being in a relationship with another person is about.
Humans are a social species, and social species thrive on in-group comparisons.
Men compare their women to other women to decide if their women are still hot or if they are putting on pounds or getting sloppy.
Women compare their men to other men to decide if they are making enough money, being attentive enough, or turning weak.
And when someone is dependent on you in any way (emotionally, financially, etc.), she is going to tend to worry about ways she might lose you. One of those ways is if you start shagging someone else, then fall in love with that someone else, and leave her.
This stuff is more or less unavoidable.
I realize guys will try to construct entire relationship systems where they attempt to avoid this stuff.
Ultimately IME you check in on how those guys are doing 10 years down the line and they have run into that stuff anyway.
The cliché of "Women: can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em" is basically the ultimate truth re: relationships.
If you don't want a relationship, then don't have relationships.
Do that for as long as you want to, or care to.
Typically most guys at some point have a switch go off in their heads that says "Whoa, I am really tired of running around chasing tail all the time. It would be nice to have that on tap with a really hot girl who is also cool." Or they start to want kids. Or they get too busy with other things to stay bachelors and girls start becoming too much of a distraction -- they need sex and female companionship but can't be out every weekend hunting for it or spending hours on dating apps swiping and messaging. Or they meet some girl who pushes all the right buttons for them and they decide that's it, I'll get out of the game for this one.
Most probably that'll happen for you at some point.
But I mean, if it doesn't, that's cool too.
Really no point worrying about it. Either it happens or it doesn't happen, worrying about it does nothing.
I did that once and it’s not a good feeling ( felt I was missing out, gained a lot of weight, etc.) plus now that I’m getting older it’s like I have to go extra hard now before I’m too old and I want to avoid settling.
My main goal with women is to be able to meet and sleep with attractive women at any age that I am. I want that skill and abundance mindset. I want to always be attractive.
I’m just gonna keep trying all I can and not worry about it. I’ll probably still work on seduction even if I’m in a relationship because I can’t stop thinking about other women and self-improvement
Thanks for the reply.