Get the T test (both total and free T), just to ease your mind. For what it's worth maybe get the lipid panel as well, since HDL/LDL/triglycerides can sometimes indicate things as well.
Once that's normal, see if there's a difference in hardness between masturbating with porn vs without. If they're different, and you're 100% hard with porn, I think that would indicate the problem is more psychological/mental in nature.
You could also always try dietary changes. I would suggest increasing the amount of fat in your diet-good fats (extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil, wild caught cod liver oil-though be careful not to OD on vitamin A with that, grass fed+grass finished A2 butter). The dietary supplements I like (cacao powder-
this one I like bc it seems to have lower amounts of heavy metals,
maca-make sure to buy Peruvian, not Chinese, and adding nitric oxide to diet-beets, arugula, cruciferous vegetables-
this is concentrated beet juice powder, but from experience it tastes fucking disgusting..., Tim Ferris swears by Brazil Nuts, and I use them as well...).
I think you're most likely fine, and psyching yourself out.
^Not doctor's advice, but stuff I've been optimizing/trying to find what works for me