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Is it normal to not get morning wood at all?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
most peptides are not illigal per se, but they are design for experimentation to get around it, so you can buy it for "research" and you will be fine

Yeah I read that, but that's only for the US. In france it is on the doping list.



Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
@POB it also good for injuries (do research on it if you are having pain, is the go to for guys with injuries, i have an injury now and this stuff is amazing for healing)....
I have heard of it before.
Apparently we can buy them here, but it's not easy to find (and they are very expensive!).
For joint pain I take type-2 collagen with hyaluronic acid (there's only one brand that I recommend).
Best thing for my back!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
Get the T test (both total and free T), just to ease your mind. For what it's worth maybe get the lipid panel as well, since HDL/LDL/triglycerides can sometimes indicate things as well.

Once that's normal, see if there's a difference in hardness between masturbating with porn vs without. If they're different, and you're 100% hard with porn, I think that would indicate the problem is more psychological/mental in nature.

You could also always try dietary changes. I would suggest increasing the amount of fat in your diet-good fats (extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil, wild caught cod liver oil-though be careful not to OD on vitamin A with that, grass fed+grass finished A2 butter). The dietary supplements I like (cacao powder-this one I like bc it seems to have lower amounts of heavy metals, maca-make sure to buy Peruvian, not Chinese, and adding nitric oxide to diet-beets, arugula, cruciferous vegetables-this is concentrated beet juice powder, but from experience it tastes fucking disgusting..., Tim Ferris swears by Brazil Nuts, and I use them as well...).

I think you're most likely fine, and psyching yourself out.

^Not doctor's advice, but stuff I've been optimizing/trying to find what works for me

I did a blood test:

Total T: 804 ng/dl

Triglycerides: 32

HDL: 52

LDL: 93

Non HDL: 102

Also a bunch of other stuff like T3 T4 creatine and etc. Lmk if y’all need those


I’m still experiencing problems with morning wood. I dont even have wet dreams that often and it’s still a problem. Tried some L-cartinine I found in my Dads drawer as well and I didnt see a difference.

I may try and go a while without masturbating and see what happens. The issue with that is the last time I went that long I felt a drop in libido instead of a rise.

I’m home often as well, & I dont want my dick to lose function - same way muscles get smaller due to lack of use - since I sometimes go days on end without an erection.

I dont get hard throughout the day either. It also takes a very focused mental visualization (as in 10+ minutes, laser attention, no distractions, vivid detail) for me to get any substantial boner from my thoughts.

When I was getting twerked on last week I noticed I got near 80-90% hard pretty easily, but thats not good enough. I’m 18 so my shi should be rock hard quickly and often like @Skills said.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I did a blood test:

Total T: 804 ng/dl

Triglycerides: 32

HDL: 52

LDL: 93

Non HDL: 102

Also a bunch of other stuff like T3 T4 creatine and etc. Lmk if y’all need those


I’m still experiencing problems with morning wood. I dont even have wet dreams that often and it’s still a problem. Tried some L-cartinine I found in my Dads drawer as well and I didnt see a difference.

I may try and go a while without masturbating and see what happens. The issue with that is the last time I went I’m home often, & I dont want my dick to lose function - same way muscles get smaller due to lack of use - since I sometimes go days on end without an erection.

I dont get hard throughout the day either. It also takes a very focused mental visualization (as in 10+ minutes, laser attention, no distractions, vivid detail) for me to get any substantial boner from my thoughts.

A girl was twerking on me last week tho, and I noticed I got near 80-90% hard pretty easily, but thats not good enough. I’m 18 so my shi should be rock hard quickly and often like @Skills said.
Where is free t test?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
Where is free t test?

Yeah I went to get a meningitis shot for college and told them to test my blood at the same time. My parents wouldnt let me go to doctors for my own reason like that, so I used the fact that I needed a vaccine for college as an opportunity to ask for a test when I was there. Unfortunately for some reason it didn’t have the free T results on there. I would go back and test but I dont have the chance anymore.

I would imagine it’s decent though, because free T effects muscle growth (i think?) and I went from skinny to a massive physique people compliment me all the time on in just 1 and a half years of lifting. I didnt even use creatine, protein powder or any supplements either. I just used home dumbbells only
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
I would imagine it’s decent though, because free T effects muscle growth (i think?)
Free T is more important than total T.
Don't assume muscle mass = healthy free T levels.
There's a lot more to it.
Get the test as soon as you can to see if it is ok.

P.S. your total T is nice for someone your age. Lipid panel seems decent too.
Damn I wish I was 20 years younger lol


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Free T is more important than total T.
Don't assume muscle mass = healthy free T levels.
There's a lot more to it.
Get the test as soon as you can to see if it is ok.

P.S. your total T is nice for someone your age. Lipid panel seems decent too.
Damn I wish I was 20 years younger lol
yeah my total t was higher than the op in my 40s but my free t was in the toilet due to shbg, my point is total t does not matter, problem now a days with a bunch of fitness people just talking about total all over the place, vs addressing free t which is the important one...

and yes muscle does not mean shit you have top bodybuilder with horrible panels, actually walking vegetables that look like superman.... Again does not mean shit...

@Kaida find out your free t, see if your results have the shbg and albumin plug in krove calculator...

learn about free t https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/ency...contenttypeid=167&contentid=testosterone_free


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
I re-read, and I think you may want to try actually ejaculating when you masturbate like once a week. Even Multi-orgasmic Man basically suggests that for someone your age.

Just don't masturbate while using porn.

I'd be curious to see you try that as an experiment. Reading your posts, it seems like you're ejaculating around 1.5x/month?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
@Kaida find out your free t, see if your results have the shbg and albumin plug in krove calculator...

learn about free t https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/ency...contenttypeid=167&contentid=testosterone_free

For sure doing that once I fly back home. Hopefully the test has the SHBG and albumin

I re-read, and I think you may want to try actually ejaculating when you masturbate like once a week. Even Multi-orgasmic Man basically suggests that for someone your age.

Just don't masturbate while using porn.

Definitely worth testing out

Reading your posts, it seems like you're ejaculating around 1.5x/month?

If even that. Whenever I ejaculate its always on accident, I hold it in 90% of the time. I was trying to store as much energy as possible

I only ejaculate on purpose when im having sex, which isnt too often right now (improving quickly).

Ejaculating too little may be the issue, definitely gonna test. @StrayDog what do you think?


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
If even that. Whenever I ejaculate its always on accident, I hold it in 90% of the time. I was trying to store as much energy as possible
There's a reason young man should masturbate more than older dudes.
To this day, I masturbate at least once every 15 days, even when I'm on a high tide.
Sometimes I also masturbate after I have sex.

If I don't do it, it hurts when I cum.
What I recall from my last spermogram, which to be fair was done 20 years ago, is that my sperm cells are larger and more numerous than normal.
This creates a bottleneck on my penile channels.

@Kaida I don't know if you have something similar, but if you do, you should really forget that nofap nonsense and start to masturbate daily to see if you improve. If it works, gradually decrease frequency to once a week like @Kvothe suggested.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
If even that. Whenever I ejaculate its always on accident, I hold it in 90% of the time. I was trying to store as much energy as possible

I only ejaculate on purpose when im having sex, which isnt too often right now (improving quickly).

Ejaculating too little may be the issue, definitely gonna test. @StrayDog what do you think?
Dude, I am not sure how to highlight this point because I feel that I have made it many times already. Perhaps I wasn't being clear though.

You can't be a miser with your seed. "storing as much seed as possible" is not the end goal of sexual kung fu. The practice is about leading a balanced, even flowing life, and managing the natural rhythms of your libido.

This means having a healthy level of sexual release so as not to strain the sexual organs (and the sexual aspects of the mind).

As @POB pointed out young men will have general have to release sexual energy more frequently when managing their libido.

The idea is to ejaculate just enough so that the energy remains flowing, and the sexual fires are stoked, but not so much that you are draining your yourself.

you gotta listen to your body, not try and strong arm it into some idea you have about what you aught to be doing.

I know a guy who got so miserly with his seed, he started doing tons of finger locks on his taint to avert ejaculation, homie literal tore one of the tubes in his nut sack.

ejaculate regularly (every day/ every other day) for a period of time, then once you have the sexual fires stoked again reduce to semi regularly (once a week is a good baseline for a beginner/someone your age, as long as the sexual flames are consistently stoked and your libido is balanced).

And stop going Scrooge Mcduck on your balls thinking that not cumming for months at a time is going to make you go super saiyan (mixing cartoon metaphors here, but you get the point) You're gonna give yourself a complex.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
Damn, unfortunately my test results dont have sbhg on there. My albumin was 5.2.

Ill try and see if i can get a free T test somehow


I know a guy who got so miserly with his seed, he started doing tons of finger locks on his taint to avert ejaculation, homie literal tore one of the tubes in his nut sack.


And stop going Scrooge Mcduck on your balls thinking that not cumming for months at a time is going to make you go super saiyan (mixing cartoon metaphors here, but you get the point) You're gonna give yourself a complex.

My bad for not listening bro. I’ll be less rigid with my practice.

I tried it yesterday and it was insane how much I came. I felt much lighter as well, def needed that

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
These days , due to return of a certain medical condition ....I am not being able to get boners ...let alone morning wood .

But ......this time will pass .

Getting them a lot these days (even morning wood) cuz I am curing that condition .

There is definitely some mental part to not getting boners .

I don't fap anymore and it works for me . (Maybe I am the black sheep here)

Do what works works for you @Kaida .


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I know a guy who got so miserly with his seed, he started doing tons of finger locks on his taint to avert ejaculation, homie literal tore one of the tubes in his nut sack.

Yeah, there is this method getting taught online about squeezing yourself a certain way to not bust a nut.

But urologists are online saying if you do that, you end up screwing up your piping down there... dudes get way too extreme on this stuff.

And stop going Scrooge Mcduck on your balls thinking that not cumming for months at a time is going to make you go super saiyan (mixing cartoon metaphors here, but you get the point) You're gonna give yourself a complex.

The opportunity to turn that into "Scrooge McDick" was sadly missed.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
The opportunity to turn that into "Scrooge McDick" was sadly missed.
The opportunity to turn that into "Splooge McDick" was even more sadly missed :(


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
The opportunity to turn that into "Splooge McDick" was even more sadly missed :(

I think you've probably got to choose.

Splooge McDuck or Scrooge McDick.

Try and do them both at once and people probably think you're talking about a porn actor.

"Hello, did someone call for SPLOOGE MCDICK? Was it all you ladies who called?"

[90s porn music begins]


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
I think you've probably got to choose.

Splooge McDuck or Scrooge McDick.

Try and do them both at once and people probably think you're talking about a porn actor.

"Hello, did someone call for SPLOOGE MCDICK? Was it all you ladies who called?"

[90s porn music begins]
Sometimes I'll joke around with girls I'm dating and call myself "Cunt Lickula" and talk like the Count from Sesame Street. Sadly, some girls need me to explain it, but it is so hysterical to me I keep using it anyway.

Maybe I'll start using "Cunt Dracula" or "Count Lickula" for the more smooth-brained girls.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
As I test more and more stuff to try to narrow down and get to the root of the morning wood problem, I got a question for you guys:

How far do you guys ejaculate?

I remember once when I was younger a cumshot I had was so strong it literally hit the wall. Now I shoot out a maximum 1-2 inches.