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Is it normal to not get morning wood at all?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
I accidentally came on my own tits recently

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I accidentally came on my own tits recently


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
@Kaida in all seriousness, I can tell you have a health concern. Its hard to gauge how much concern there aught to be and how much you might be psyching your self out a bit. Personally not sure what the healthy range is for this sort of thing. Your best bet might be to find a solid doc you trust.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
@Kaida in all seriousness, I can tell you have a health concern. Its hard to gauge how much concern there aught to be and how much you might be psyching your self out a bit. Personally not sure what the healthy range is for this sort of thing. Your best bet might be to find a solid doc you trust.

Yeah, I’m not super worried about it cuz I know I’ll at least get hard during sex. I was talking to a girl yesterday and I got a good boner with just my hand on her thigh, so I know I’ll be good when it comes to it.

Main problem is I feel like my boners should be much stronger and faster-acting they are now, especially at 18. Especially because supposedly erection strength is a big factor in how much the girl enjoys the sex

I believe it may be due to chronically tight pelvic floor muscles. When I was doing sexual kung fu more frequently and working on lasting longer - which forced me to relax my pelvic floor - my boners were stronger and triggered more easily, and morning wood was more frequent.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
At what hour do you wake up?

I observed in my case that if I wake around 6-7am(how I was used for 18 years, at home) then I get a morning wood.

If I wake up late, 9-10am, then I don t usually have it(and 6/7 days I wake up at 9).

For quality erections, I do some type of intense cardio(football or sprints once epr week seems to do its job). I do gym as well, but it doesn t improve my cardiovascular capacity so that s limited.

When I wasn t doing cardio, I think my erections were affected, even if total testo/free testo were good.

This whole morning wood thing is kind of a hoax for me right now because I fuck multiple rounds with a good erection, I have energy, blood work is very good, I have drive in life, aggressivity is there, I m progressing at gym almost every workout.

I don t overthink the fact that I don t have an erection in my sleep. I have it when it s needed.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
As I test more and more stuff to try to narrow down and get to the root of the morning wood problem, I got a question for you guys:

How far do you guys ejaculate?

I remember once when I was younger a cumshot I had was so strong it literally hit the wall. Now I shoot out a maximum 1-2 inches.
It depends on a lot of factors but if it’s never ever going further than a couple inches you might have a problem.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
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Staff member
May 27, 2018
Hate to scare anyone relaying this story. But I had a full widowmaker heart attack at 31, died and had to be shocked back. They put a stent in my main artery. I woke up with a boner like a child first time in years, most mornings since, could feel pulse in my hands and feet even like a child for long time. Stopped smoking too while in the coma. Might have contributed of course. Have heard of guys getting testosterone replacement shots, no interest in sex even at like 50, then they are couple weeks later when it kicks in morning wood, jacking off to shit they never woulda.

Can be circulation, chemistry, jacking off too much maybe, yeah I wouldn't worry about it long as you can function with a real live woman and not either get so turned on you cum too fast, or your body tells you to cum before you go limp cause it's not able to sustain it for other health reasons.

If anything yeah improve cardio, quit smoking if can, have test checked, maybe go one fap a week. I wouldn't worry about involuntary erections though.

Sorry if any overlaps I didn't have time to read whole thread.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
You said you used to use porn 2-3 times daily. I presume this is for years. Give up porn and all artificial sexual stimulation for 6 months completely. If you masturbate do it only with your imagination. No pictures, no videos nothing. Most likely it will sort itself out. 1 month of no porn is too little to notice a change if you have used it continuously for years.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015

I didn't usually get morning wood for whatever reason in my 20's. But I have been doing kegels for some days now, usually just 10-15 reps and at least 5 seconds each rep. And this is the best thing that has worked for getting quality morning wood the last two days. It is worth trying. Easy to do it in the shower



Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Dude, I am not sure how to highlight this point because I feel that I have made it many times already. Perhaps I wasn't being clear though.

You can't be a miser with your seed. "storing as much seed as possible" is not the end goal of sexual kung fu. The practice is about leading a balanced, even flowing life, and managing the natural rhythms of your libido.

This means having a healthy level of sexual release so as not to strain the sexual organs (and the sexual aspects of the mind).

As @POB pointed out young men will have general have to release sexual energy more frequently when managing their libido.

The idea is to ejaculate just enough so that the energy remains flowing, and the sexual fires are stoked, but not so much that you are draining your yourself.

you gotta listen to your body, not try and strong arm it into some idea you have about what you aught to be doing.

I know a guy who got so miserly with his seed, he started doing tons of finger locks on his taint to avert ejaculation, homie literal tore one of the tubes in his nut sack.

ejaculate regularly (every day/ every other day) for a period of time, then once you have the sexual fires stoked again reduce to semi regularly (once a week is a good baseline for a beginner/someone your age, as long as the sexual flames are consistently stoked and your libido is balanced).

And stop going Scrooge Mcduck on your balls thinking that not cumming for months at a time is going to make you go super saiyan (mixing cartoon metaphors here, but you get the point) You're gonna give yourself a complex.
I wanted to follow up because I had a thought. I've largely been noFap/occasional imagination only masturbation every now and then. If I don't consciously ejaculate, around the 18-20 day mark, I start getting wet dreams. A part of me wonders if that would be considered the optimal time for semen retention (obviously if you get wet dreams faster that may be different for you).

Was wondering your thoughts.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I'm in a similar boat; I rarely wake up with morning wood but instead kinda get horny like 10 minutes after waking up and laying there (sleep with boxers)

Also, noticed that I wasn't able to maintain erections as easily even though I had no trouble getting hard. Then as an experiment I started using porn again

I used to use it like 3-4 times a week (basically since getting internet and never had problems with real life women other than the nervous first time where I overthink it) and then as a test went to like twice a month for around 5 months. Still used imagination whenever the urge hit me. Mostly as an experiment to see if I was addicted. My sex drive in general went down during the experiment

Now my erections are as they should be after around a week. Very strange

Best way I can figure it is that I needed the dopamine hit (which is why I'm back to cutting back again) OR the timing coincided with life stresss

Not sure which. Probably stress plus placebo of using porn again. Just a guess though

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Welp... I figured out what was wrong with my erections because it happened again...

Tonight's girl asked me to turn on a fan...

I feel so retarded especially since I honestly thought it had something to do with porn (and to be fair there was like 2 weeks where I didn't have amy issues)

So yeah, think about if maybe you're getting overheated? Worked for me


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Welp... I figured out what was wrong with my erections because it happened again...

Tonight's girl asked me to turn on a fan...

I feel so retarded especially since I honestly thought it had something to do with porn (and to be fair there was like 2 weeks where I didn't have amy issues)

So yeah, think about if maybe you're getting overheated? Worked for me
loool yep can relate.

Also not being hydrated enough, or forgetting to eat the whole day before doing it…

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
loool yep can relate.

Also not being hydrated enough, or forgetting to eat the whole day before doing it…
Not gonna lie though, as absolutely stupid as I felt I did feel young again

Having an erection issue hit my mental a little bit and made me feel old. I never feel old

But then I felt like my usually young self lmao :D