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Limerance Journal: Help Needed

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
Appreciate the supportive comments, brother. To be clear I’m not losing the house. I’m selling it. I have to keep my situation flexible since I’m on a waiting list for a well known artist colony and it gives me a great opportunity to do the traveling that I’ve been dreaming about for decades. It’s now or never, gotta carpe the muthafucken diem!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I see. I guess I misunderstood something, I thought you were forced to leave the house for some reason.

Good to know that's not the case. Enjoy your travel adventures, and make sure to keep us posted! I'm always excited to read your journal entries.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Very excited to hear what’s next for you in terms of the big move - sounds like a great adventure awaits you. Hopefully things went well with limerance girl too. I have been very much enjoying your posts this summer my friend!

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
Hit a snag on escrow. I'm hoping that an extension is sufficient to deal with it. I owe the IRS a non-trivial amount of money and it turned into a major ordeal to get the amount I owe so that we can pay them and close the deal and get me my money. Plus all correspondence has to go through the U.S. mails and here we are.

Anticipating that the IRS had done what they said they were going to do, and faxed the number to the title company, I moved out all of my stuff into storage. Turns out that they are now claiming they can't provide the number because of a complication, so I am living in my bare house with a futon and virtually nothing else. Weird limbo. I hope the buyers don't take advantage of the situation to back out, because that would be very bad for me. I have no Plan B.

Life is pretty much on pause. I did have an amazingly lovely time with Limerance Girl last week, and a few pleasant exchanges since. I felt like I'd secured a place in her heart, and she was close to surrendering her beautiful self to me again. And my volatile Ex-Ex really came through for me in a big way. But I texted Limerance Girl about a plan to hang out, and she's left my text unreplied for a day now. And the Ex-Ex and I were supposed to attend a few events this weekend as another festival is in town. Nothing from her either. Plus my computer is on its last legs and I don't have the money to replace it.

Oh well. It's time to find my inner Stoic and soldier on. As we used to say in the service, "Embrace the Suck."

I have seen Melancholy Beauty a few times this past week, and did a direct stop on her to tell her not to have me whacked for giving up her cover in the Witness Protection Program, my silly playful bit of mistaken identity. Wow, she is a frosty one! If I don't do a full stop on her, she will walk right by me without so much as a glance. It makes me want to get a reaction from her. Even a bad one.

I almost asked for her number today, but the timing was a bit off. But next time, I'm going to go for it. I figure she's either very shy or very, very shy. So it'll take me busting a bold move to break through the frosty exterior. She is very cute, perhaps cuter than either Limerance Girl or the Ex-Ex.

Other than that, I've been trying to radiate positivity and smiles. It's been getting a good reaction, generally. I have been seeing a few supercuties out and about, and it gives me hope.

So I won't be able to check in regularly as I'm in this in-between situation. I vacillate between feeling excited about the future, and scared and lonely. It's been nearly two years since my last relationship and I wonder if I'll have another. And if I don't, can I be happy? My single friends seem fine, but I crave regular doses of feminine energy and sex.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Appreciate you taking the time to update the journal in this situation!

As for being single, I actually found it dreadful the first couple of years missing the ex like crazy even though it was a shit relationship. Then I started doing the sugar baby thing once or twice, and as I had sex again I started feeling better. And once I started doing cold approach... I actually love being single! No drama, no one you have to wait for and coordinate everything with, plus you're free to hit on the cuties.

Of course I do want a girlfriend again, sooner or later. I don't see myself doing the PUA lifestyle with rotations of FBs and all. But meanwhile, I'm enjoying myself!
Last edited:

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
Quick update:
House-sitting for the Ex-Ex. I get the impression she thinks we're back in a relationship, as she's asked me to stay on after she gets back early part of next week. I will probably take her up on it as I'm still stuck in escrow limbo on the house sale. But given our long and volatile history, it will likely go bad quickly. It might be she just wants a big strong man in the house, too. Or some combination of both. I'd really like to keep our relationship in a strictly fuck-buddy situation, though.

Limerance Girl has shut me out the past two times I suggested a hang-out. So I will let her alone for now. I really thought I was making progress. Of course it could be that she's got a legitimate reason for being unavailable, still I will wait for her to reach out. She enthusiastically agreed to be my date for one of the major local events next month, so there's still some enthusiasm on her end.

I'm truly sprung on this girl, and it is a stark reminder that my limerance situation is a true mental disorder. I've been girl crazy as far back as I can remember, even 3-4 years old trying to look up ladies' skirts. But I'm working on it! Opening and flirting with women every day.

Early this morning I got my lazy ass to the gym, had a decent workout. No trace of Melancholy Beauty on the bike trail, though. At the gym I see one of my favorite regulars, the cutest little blonde, wearing the tightest little volleyball booty shorts. Such a doll. But she never gives me anything to work with and studiously avoids eye contact.

However, I dropped into the grocery store afterward to treat myself to a $1.50 coffee and pastry (gotta lock down my diet better, but I felt like my weight was only five pounds off target so why not treat myself?), and who do I see? Yes, booty shorts girl. I open her "Hey are you here to get junk food and undo all your hard work at the gym?" No she was picking up bagels for her mom. She laughs and we proceed to chat it up for a good five minutes. Exchange names. She's got a name that's as adorable as her. Nominative determinatism.

Wow! She is even more adorable up close; bright green eyes with lots of sparkle. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was finding me very attractive. Of course, I was dropping my classic never-fail "smiling eyes" on her. I've been told they are irresistible. She might not even be out of her teens yet, but shitagadamn I love flirting with girls, even older non-attractive ones if I'm being honest. It's just to keep my skills sharp.

Now I will have an adorable little gym buddy. She's there most days at the same time as I.

I was getting my hair cut yesterday. Next chair over was a surly teen with that stringy hair-in-his-eyes look that I find very off-putting. Mumbling, inarticulate as hell. The poor hairdresser (very cute with a perfect thick little figure, almost within an acceptable age range, which I define at 20 years younger) was working hard to engage him, but every question was met with a "huh?" Maybe I was hating on him because he reminded me of myself at that age.

But as I was leaving, who was sitting there waiting for him but his mother. What a classy, elegant blonde lady! We made eye contact that extended into undeniable flirting. Both our heads were swiveling to keep eyes locked as I passed by. If I had gumption (balls) I would have asked for her number right then and there. Oh well, maybe I've still got it. It does help when I realize that I am still in the game.

In the meantime, I am waiting for one little piece of paper from the IRS so I can close escrow and get on with the rest of my life: Travel, reading, writing, fishing, adventure. I've been fortunate to build a business that's enough (barely) to support me with the flexibility to do it part-time, and to do it remotely as I travel. If I don't take advantage of this incredibly lucky situation, I will regret it.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Love seeing the update! Now you’ve got a name and an in with the gym-hottie. Maybe you can be her spotter next time she’s there 😉

Hope the escrow hell ends at some point. Buying a house was awful, can’t even imagine trying to sell one.

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
Limerance Girl has now blown off my suggested hangouts three times in a row. It's long past time for me to move on. But damn I'm mentally dis-regulated and sad.

She was very excited to attend a big event as my date when I asked her a week ago. Now it turns out she'll be out of town at that time (a month from now). I was excited because it was another chance for me to be to show up as a leader and man of action, to be the big fish in the small pond that I am.

Whether her trip was already booked and she just forgot to check dates, or she booked it between when I asked and now, it's clear. I am low on her priority list. Ouch. A new dude? An ex coming back into the scene? Scared of getting more deeply involved with me? A general lack of enthusiasm when it comes to me? I have no idea.

But I do know I've got to get in touch with my inner Stoic. Time to, in the immortal words of Shoresy: "Give my balls a tug."

It's all-too-reminiscent of the time in my life after my first divorce. I was 38 years old, missing my kids like crazy, broke and depressed. My friend, a professor, set me up with one of his students, she was 36 at the time, a home-health aide and a part-time fitness model. Problem was she lived two hours away, and she wasn't as attractive to me as my ex-wife, who was a great beauty and very voluptuous. Fitness model was very pretty, and had an incredibly tight body as you would expect, but didn't have that sheen of glamour as my Marilyn Monroe-looking ex did. But she was smart and funny and I really enjoyed talking to her. Especially since I was living in an area with very few decent romantic prospects. The dangers of having a super-hot wife were that all the women around seemed like a serious downgrade.

We only met up twice, never fucked her, only kissed once, a very sweet and lingering kiss but far from a full-on makeout. She was supposed to come up for the weekend twice and begged off at the last minute. Then it turns out she told me she met someone else. I was devastated. But why? The way she described the dude he seemed pretty lame and low-rent. She wasn't as hot as my ex-wife, who I was happy to be getting divorced from (as much as my heart was broken because of my kids). It truly took years for me to get past the fitness model. It was truly a mental illness, my constant obsession with her.

When I moved to my present town nearly 25 years ago, there was a fitness magazine with her on the cover. For months I had to see her mega-wattage smile and gorgeous booty every time I worked out. I should have just tossed it, but instead made it a point to pour my frustrations into my workouts. I got very fit, but I couldn't stop obsessing about her. Even when I was banging women almost as hot and even one who was every bit as hot.

This was deep into my Nick Cave era, so this song was on heavy rotation. It would make me cry every time I'd hear it. Such a perfect summation of how vulnerable I was at at the time:

I have everything I need to get past this. I've got my Ex-Ex back in rotation (who 17 years ago was easily the greatest limerance obsession I've ever had, now I'm the dog that caught the car), there's at least three lovely girls who would be thrilled to service me, a couple dozen prospects from last year and earlier this year with the dating apps, so why am I feeling so lovelorn and broken?

I need to be focusing on the future. If I can get the IRS letter and close escrow this week, I'll have all my bills paid and a substantial sum of money in the bank, I'll have a very flexible schedule and miles and miles of open road in front of me. This should be the most exciting time in my life.

It's probably not a great idea for me to be dumping it all out here, where I face a gauntlet of metaphorical bitch slaps, but it does feel better to just get it all out. The entire point of this journal was to share my struggles with this latest incident and it's been helpful. I already feel a little lighter and brighter.

In the meantime, I'm still trying to approach regularly, but in a small town, opportunities are scarce. It's been good for my social skills, as my business shrank since the pandemic and I'm having to handle a larger load of sales.

The only pretty girl that has my interest at the moment is the Melancholy Beauty, and I haven't seen her in a week. She's quite frosty, probably just shy. I'm telling myself that I'll be the best thing that ever happened to her. Next encounter I'm going for the number pull.

In the meantime, I'm telling myself that the fact I'm susceptible to romantic obsession is because I'm a man of grand emotions, of sweeping narratives, of vivid colors in a dull gray world. I'm a walking, talking, loving real-life Nick Cave song. That's better than telling myself that I'm a needy little bitch boy who didn't get enough love from my mommy, which is probably closer to the case.

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
Things have improved. Escrow is closing within hours. I'm officially homeless, but I've got heaps of cash and all my bills paid for the first time in years.

My vagabond phase of life starts next week when I pick up my immaculate vintage trailer and start traveling about the country. In the meantime I'm staying with the Ex-Ex. She's emotionally volatile and impossible to get along with for any length of time, but she is rock solid when I need her. I'm trying not to get re-involved, but damn she's very sexy for a woman of a certain age. I mean, damn!

Limerance Girl did text me shortly after my pissing-and-moaning session a couple days ago. I think she wanted me to go hiking with her, but it was too short notice and, besides, I can either be at her beck and call, or I can respect myself. But I can't do both.

Since she canceled on the big annual fundraiser for this organization which I am a leader, and which she supports and wants to become more involved with, I am ghosting her. I'm too busy and the logistics suck now in any event.

I'm still fixated on her though. It's interesting that the Ex-Ex, who is objectively hotter, is available to me, and I'm hung up on this wishy-washy gal. It shows me that I've got work to do. I've got to choose a woman who chooses me, as people are fond of saying here. Truth.

I haven't seen Melancholy Beauty around at all this past week. Maybe she's on vacation or sick or who knows? Next time I see her, I am going for the number pull. Logistics be damned!

In the meantime, I have been sparking up conversations with women, and, in fact, everyone lately. It's been going well. A positive state of mind is contagious. And I want people to associate the good vibes with me.

That's it for now. My situation is in flux, but I'll check in from time to time. Keep on rocking in the free world, brothers.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Enjoy your freedom brother! Good to hear you're doing fine.

I'm still pretty sure you could have Limerance Girl if you really want. At least that's the impression I'm getting.

Keep us posted, and have a good one :)

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
Heading out Wednesday on the first of what I hope are many road trips. Picked up my beautiful vintage trailer yesterday and really feeling good about the purchase. There's a lot to learn about its operation and maintenance, and it won't be easy to do this all alone for long stretches, but I will figure it out.

First stop is Vegas, going to check out the Sphere and have a couple of extraordinary meals. Then to Dallas to see a friend, then to Nashville to pick up my son for a little fishing in the Great Smoky Mountains and touring around Asheville, NC, where I've never been. The entire point of this vagabond phase I'm in is to fill in the blank spots on the map.

As far as romancing goes, I will figure out how to use the geo-locators on the apps to find local women while on the road. What could be better than having a sexy local guide?

Limerance Girl is fading into the background. It stings. I found her, still find her, exquisitely attractive with her perfect little figure and her teasing intelligence. Those big brown eyes are intoxicating. Texted her this morning to show her my new trailer, no reply. I can take a hint. I really felt like things were heading my way with her as recently as last week. But three strikes? Three times she couldn't meet up? You are out player. Gives your balls a tug and move on.

Ex-Ex is under the impression that we are figuring out the terms of a reconciliation. I am not. Already, when she is supposed to be on her best behavior, she is so emotionally mercurial and prone to picking fights over stupid stuff and always having to be right, that I am being re-traumatized. Still, she's really (really) hot - hotter than Limerance Girl. And it's been nice to get laid after a several-months dry spell. I've got to hold on til Wednesday, and get this period of my life in the rear-view mirror.

There's a part of me (a miniscule part) that feels like I could adjust to her supercilious tempestuousness. She picks a fight, gives me the silent treatment, then comes back happy to cuddle and make love. But no, I can't spend the rest of my life like this. It's time for peace and quiet and quality relationships or nothing. I'm better off alone.

Plus her recently divorced ex-husband is sniffing around and I am not going to get into a romantic rivalry. They can have each other.

Work is finally heading in the right direction. I would not trade my self-employment for any amount of money (less than say $1 million a year) but it can be very stressful. I will have to do all this dancing to keep the business afloat and do it from the road. But I'm a resiliently tough bastard and I will figure it out.

Chances are I won't be able to post much in the coming weeks. I will look forward to checking in on my boys @gameboy and @JT Sunshine as I can though. In the meantime, peace out yo.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Excited to hear about your new journey! Enjoy that freedom of the open road my friend.

I am battling with the same thoughts about my ex - is the reward greater than the downsides of the emotional turbulence? I think in the end we all deserve someone we don’t have to question… better off alone now could be the road to meeting someone ten times better for you. I’m convinced us tough bastards will find it in the end