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List Of Escalation Windows Noticed IN FEILD


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
I was looking through some of my old seduction notes and I compiled a list of escalation windows I've noticed and capitalized on in field.

Even though learning advanced seduction techniques are fun, I feel like a lot of us can run into the problem of over gaming. Meaning we don't realize the girl is giving signs that she's ready to go home with us right now.

Because although some of these signs may seem subtle, the girl throwing them at you may lose faith if you don't take the opportunity to escalate

So here is my list of common and slightly odd escalation windows that women have presented when it was time to bone.

Common Verbal Cues
Where do you live?

- She's trying to figure out your logistics for a possible hookup

Hinting at wanting to go somewhere more intimate?
- She might drop a line in the bar saying how she hates public gatherings and loves being at home... Meaning she may be down for something more low key with you

She repeatedly mentions... I'm gonna be leaving soon
- She will repeatedly tell you that she's either leaving the bar/date location or state. But will still linger around
- She's really dropping hints that if you plan on making a move, this is the time to do it

She says "I'm Bored/Tired/Sleepy"
- I used to think this was an insult. Like she was saying I was boring
- But it was half true. She was just bored of talking with her mouth and preferred to talk with her body instead

Using Freudian slips
- She starts talking about sex or using lots of words that pertain to sex... Arousal, Penetration, Deep
- Guess girls be learning about NLP too ;)

Overly complimenting your physical appearance
This should be obvious

Complaining about dating
- She may start to talk about guys she used to fuck, guys that failed to close, or complain about men not being direct
- In the past I used to get mad when girls did this, because I thought they viewed me as an emotional tampon. But with more experience, I found out that this was actually a sign of dating fatigue and sexual frustration. So now I use it as a green light to help them with their intimacy problems

Non Verbal Cues
Getting quiet and letting conversation drop multiple times

- Okay enough chit/chat.... make something happen... ANYTHING... and NOW
- I noticed that sometimes I'll be interacting with a girl and having a great time. Then all of a sudden the connection would drop off while she stayed put just staring at me
- Realized that she was actually bored of talking and wanted us to do something more fun

Piercing and prolonged eye contact
Similar to above

She get's bratty/angry... And is visibly losing patience with you
- Brattiness can actually be a sign of horniness... who would've thunk it
- I notice this mostly with older women or girls going through dating fatigue
- It also sometimes means I've missed multiple windows and she's starting to lose faith in me being able to give her a release

Heavy Breathing
She's getting aroused

Mutual Touching
- When physically escalating she will mirror and reciprocate
- Not sure how this couldn't be more obvious but I actually miss this sometimes when I'm too focused on running through my process... Guilty of over-gaming cuz the "8 Orgasm Routine" is just too good

Reluctance to end date/encounter and wants to stay in your company longer
- When trying to eject from the encounter she may give an olive branch to hold your attention some more
- She's hoping the interaction goes longer so it may eventually end up somewhere with a higher climax

Curious to also hear from some of you guys. Especially when it comes to odd or super subtle escalation windows you've noticed
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Nicee thanks for sharing,

Curious to also hear from some of you guys. Especially when it comes to odd or super subtle escalation windows you've noticed

I’ll add a really situational one i’ve never seen talked about

This'll happen when there’s a cute waitress and i’m seated with a group. They’ll come take our order by me but they’ll stand close and bump legs consecutively under the table. I’ve pulled from this afterward every time that it has happened.

sounds weird but happens way too frequently to be coincidental haha


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Nicee thanks for sharing,

I’ll add a really situational one i’ve never seen talked about

This'll happen when there’s a cute waitress and i’m seated with a group. They’ll come take our order by me but they’ll stand close and bump legs consecutively under the table. I’ve pulled from this afterward every time that it has happened.

sounds weird but happens way too frequently to be coincidental haha


I've noticed something similar with girls accidentally touching me in an interactions too

It's like girls are into seduction as well because my brain goes... did she just do incidental kino on me for the seventh time?

Things like tripping over you, bumping knees, playing footsie, her putting her hand beside her thigh so she can low key feel up on your leg when sitting next to you


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Yep. Seen these all.

Definitely something to pay attention.

Some of these are small, but damn it can change the whole trajectory of the courtship if you are attentive and you strike while the iron is hot.

Derek da man

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 24, 2020
@TomInHo and @SunKing - Thank you for these - I probably wouldn't have recognized them, so I'll add my own although it is talked about here in other places.

Adding a time constraint
-Almost any time constraint has a meaning - you only have so long to respond, position things and set up the escalation or direct the interaction

I was out with friends and a girl who I'd been getting on really well with told me that her rotation was up and she was moving on (as a junior doctor they only spend a limited number of months in any hospital position so have to move every 3-6 months for their next assignment). She was due to pack up and move the following day - I didn't recognize it and missed it and she left!! This is similar to @TomInHo "I'm gonna be leaving soon"

About 5 minutes later she was back to collect something she had lost allegedly but couldn't find it and making sure she spoke to me about her lost item. - She even came back and gave me another chance and I missed it again !!!!!!! - this was a couple of years ago, and not so aware as I am now but ...... I must have been some kind of idiot lol.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Solid list @TomInHo

To add:

1. Who do you live with / do you live alone?

I can picture myself coming to your place & want to know what to expect

And My favourite litmus test in night game:

2. You close the physical gap & she’s cool with it

If she’s green she’ll stay put or close it more.

(Obviously be congruent/socially saavy here)

my brain goes... did she just do incidental kino on me for the seventh time?

Hahahah man I can relate to this. Found myself liking it & understanding why it works lol

Derek da man

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 24, 2020
- getting rid of her friends to stay with you.
This is so true - you should be getting your coats and leaving right now

1. Who do you live with / do you live alone?
I use this type of question on her, partly as I need to know, more importantly as it tells her what I'm thinking and where I want our interaction to go. From her responses and body language I know if she is green=time to escalate and move, amber=need some more charming, or red=not wasting more time time on her.

did she just do incidental kino on me for the seventh time?
I had this happen to me when a girl was cutting my hair, she kept rubbing her boob against me "accidentally" when she didn't really need to. I was quite young and thought she might be after a larger tip, maybe she was, but now-a-days I have the confidence to direct the conversation and find out if she wanted more.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Things I've noticed in the last months to add. ( and a bonus)

1. If she's showing you pictures and some Lewds/suggestive pics are sprinkled in or innocuously in the background while she scrolls her camera roll. (This is some of the most obvious I've seen and usually bolder girls do it. So far had a freaky high school senior, a stripper, and a girl who just broke up with her man and was on the cock carousel use this. All were isolated. It was just me and her and plenty of untapped tension)

2. She starts unloading something deep sorta out of the blue or layers deeper than your question and or the mood. Could be a sign she's going for more connection before the final decision. ( I usually catch arousal after things like this. I think @fog has talked about this too. They usually have something fucked up to say and or very highly emotional. Stripper, druggie, cluster b, and or extremely aroused girl.)

3. Or if you miss a window she goes to another guy not in her immediate circle. Vice versa she goes to you from another guy. (Could be looking for dick through and through and you're moving too slow with her. Which I'm a pro at haha)


4. She literally says she's into you and or is forward + compliant + escalating.

I've fumbled this bag before as well haha. Sadly the more forward she is the shorter the window and faster the auto rejection unless she is very sexually aggressive ( had a decent milf and recently a ugly college girl be pretty cavemanish for me. Except one was offering to "destroy me" the other is trying to nag and educate me into being her boyfriend. The one that depressed me was this bar hottie who got very forward and then went cool as fuck when I didn't make a move back hot young and just out of a relationship. Not an every day thing, but it happens. Don't be retarded like I have been.)
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James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
I’ve made a huge list of non-verbal cues at all stages of the interaction, but here are some that I’ve seen when she wants you to take her home that aren’t so obvious:

Super Attentive:
If she was chatty at first but then becomes super attentive with laser eye contact, mouth slightly open byt relaxed - with rapt attention. She’ll usually be agreeing with everything you’re saying, by nodding slightly or saying “mm, ahuh” etc. and her eyes follow your every move.
This means she is literally waiting for you to pull the trigger at any second to take her home or escalate immediately.

This was mentioned above but when she seems like she is almost mindlessly mirroring you and everything you’re doing without thinking, almost like she’s in a trance or like she’s a drone or she’s just on auto-pilot = she’s ready to go right now.

Removing Clothing
This may sound obvious but when a girl removes clothing, especially exposing more of her breasts or legs or generally to emphasize whatever her best sexual features are
I’ve had this happen to me a few times where I was on a date or just in a pickup and she’s taking off her jacket even though it’s gotten COLDER so makes no logical sense. Or she “adjusts” her top to be far lower cut to expose more of her breasts or pulls her skirt very high in a deliberate way, especially while making eye contact.
Or she pulls up her top to expose her stomach because “she’s hot” or saying, “I’ve been going to the gym lately - what do you think” while stroking her very flat stomach.

If we’re at the beach (I live in Australia, this has happened several times), she pulls out her bikini top or bottom very very slowly, like she’s adjusting it but very slowly - exposing her nipples or pussy briefly but surely, especially when she does this a few times slowly - she’s ready to go. She has the plausable deniability that she’s “fixing it” but did it so slowly and in an almost sexual way that you could see it, that she’s clear about what she wants.
Another one (if she’s in a bikini) and starts casually, and briefly, rubbing under her bikini, usually in circles, (this is sometimes done when “applying sunscwhile you’re looking at her = I’m touching myself/exposing myself so you can see that I’m horny and I would rather you do it now.

Drawing your attention to a Body Part of hers

Another one I haven’t seen written about is when she starts talking about a body part that is sexual or close to her sexual body parts: “oh, I was getting out of bed and pulled my groin, (points to just below her pussy) it’s been hurting walking around tonight, but I’ll get over it haha” (this is a direct quote).
Or “Omg, my back’s been hurting soooo much, I’ve been thinking of getting a breast reduction, it’s abit sore now”
or “My neck and shoulders are abit sore at the moment, it just needs a good rub” (in a non-whiney/complainy sensual or even neutral tone
Or constantly keeps leaning over in front of you to show her breasts in a low cut top.
Or Everytime she’s near you, her breasts and nipples keep magically coming out of her dress, even in a club/bar or party and they usually just stand there and don’t fix it, even when you’re looking at it (yes, this has happened to me several times)
= I need someone (you, a man) to touch me & make me orgasm with their penis/I want you to think about my tits/ass/pussy to get you in the same mood as me

All My Friends have gone/I’m here all alone

This is one I’ve missed a few times years ago but not anymore:
“All my friends have gone home” or “all my girlfriends are busy/have left me” or she says, “My friends have clearly left without me” but she’s not looking for them or doesn’t seem worried
= they left me here because I told them to because I want you to take me home
Or I also want to go home - to your home for sex, so lets go now.
This almost looks like a “Damsel in Distress” play but it’s fake and is really just a big hint. Or they do this fake disappointment & look up at you expectedly like, “are you going to solve this problem of “my friends leaving me” with your dick or what?
Or they wave at their friends (real or fake) from a distance and tell you “oh, I was just waving to all my friends leaving” but is standing still in front of you.

Can you help me find my friends? Then she just walks you outside because she says “they said they were here” and there’s no-one there and then she looks at you expectedly once you get outside or to an empty area.
Another Bonus:
She says she’s going to say bye to her friends and asks you to come with and then she says bye to her friends and then comes back to you and say, “ok, I’ve said by to my friends” and just lets it hang = I’m ready for you to take me home now, the obstacles are gone/no-one is here to judge me & you’re free

“Where are you going?”
When she asks you “where are you going or what area of town do you live in?” and suggests you split a taxi/uber or I’ll just ride with you. Generally they’ll say this without telling you where exactly they live - because it doesn’t matter where they live because they’re going to your house. This has happened to me a few times and the girls usually live nowhere near me.
This one is most common in social circles/house parties where they don’t want anyone else to know they’re about to fuck you and need to keep it low-key.

She talks about something she’s wearing

This happened a few times when I was younger:
“Oh, just so you know, I’m sitting like this because I’m wearing see-through underwear” while looking at you = I want you to see my pussy and take these off and fuck me (this is a direct quote that I didn’t prompt from a girl I had juat sat near for about 2 mins into the convo).

I didn’t wear underwear tonight because it wouldn’t look good with this dress” or saying “oh shit, I totally forgot to wear underwear, I can’t uncross my legs or ait on this couch” while looking at you or squirming = fuck me asap please. Lol, the first time this happened, I really just thought it was a comment about fashion lol. So naive.

Has an almost pleading or frustrated tone in her voice
She’ll be qualifying herself or just talking about herself/having mostly normal conversation about herself in an almost pleading tone - which seems so out of place with the normal word content she’s talking about herself.
= she can’t help pleading because she really just wants you to take her home and fuck her
She may also have a frustrated tone creep into her voice while she’s talking to you about something that doesn’t align with her being frustrated and out of context for the conversation.
She also might have a pleading AND frustrated tone mixed that is completely out of context with her words.
I’ve missed this once and never again.
I thought we were early the pickup but she was at the end & ready to go then and there.
She seems like she’s running out of breath, her mouth may be drying up because she’s overwhelming

Looking you over
Another fairly obvious one - if she starts getting quiet and looking between your eyes, lips, and then down at your cock.
Or she asks you to turn around (and looks at your ass) or just does a circle walking around you checking you out, looking you up and down.
= I want to know what to expect when we get naked and I want a preview now because I can’t wait to get that body on top of me/cock inside me

Red Face (for no reason)
This seems really obvious but if she’s got a dark red face but is acting normally or trying to act normally (and isn’t an asian drinking with asian red flush) = she’s horny and wants to be taken home because the arousal is overwhelming.
Especially if her ears and/or neck are red and nothing clearly embarassing has happened or she’s not laughing hysterically = she’s embarrased that she’s soaking her underwear with arousal
Bonus if you look in her eyes and the iris’s are huge, even though there’s plenty of light and she’s clearly not on drugs.

Needs to “Cool off”
When she says “she needs to cool off” and invites you to come sit somewhere with a breeze or near air con/fan or a away from people to “relax” to cool off, starts rubbing her cold drink on herself, around her face, nexk or chest - this is especially true if the atmosphere is normal temperature or even cool/cold and she hasn’t exerted herself at all.
She also may start fanning herself excessively, wiping sweat off her neck, her arms, our of her eyes, from her forehead, fanning her hair out alot to cool down, or even keeps wiping her (sweaty) palms on her dress or on you
= her body is overheating with arousal and she’s ready to go

Hip Shaking/Leg Crossing/Itching
Her hips are moving alot like she’s shimmying or swinging (out of context - no music & she’s not dancing or she’s sitting down) or she keeps changing and crossing & uncrossing her legs frequently, almost like she’s somewhat frustrated and she’s trying to scratch an itch (she is - between her legs).
She may also start scratching repeatedly near her inner thighs or underneath her breasts for no reason
= She’s frustrated & horny and it’s making her uncomfortable because she wants you to fuck her and she’s aching

If she starts humping the air or rolling her hips in a sort of humping motion, even if she’s sitting (not not dancing) - she’s ready right now.
Or she starts grinding her crotch into or onto you while dancing or just accidentally while standing and talking.

Forcefully Directing your attention to her
If you look around a few times while talking or she’s talking, she’ll eventually get closer and physically turn your head back to look directly at her or turns your body a little to position you where you can only see her & facing her
= look at me because I’m horny and I need you to NOTICE I’m horny and do something about it now please!

Touching you out of sight
Again, this may seem obvious but if she’s touching you where here friends or people’s she with can’t see and she’s trying to hide it, even touching you in innocent places but HIDING IT = please fuck me now, I’m ready to go.
Bonus if she touches you (out of sight of anyone else), then looks at you and then looks at the exits of the venue or the taxi rank or in the gneral direction to go back to a place you can fuck soon.

Losing Focus
She keeps trailing off in her sentences (while looking at you) where she wasn’t earlier in the interaction.
OR She can’t seem to be coherent with her thoughts and she seems un-co-ordinated with her hand movements or body movements where she was co-ordinates earlier (obviously assuming she isn’t getting drunk or high on drugs or extremely tired looking as the interaction goes on).
= she’s so focused on being horny and wanting to fuck that it’s taking up all of her attention & willpower to be normal.
If they start swaying their whole body or hips back and forward (out of context) + are focused on you = I’m ready to fuck now

Showing Pictures
I think this was mentioned above but this has happened to me alot:
She offers to show you pictures and “accidentally” (on purpose) shows you a picture of her pussy or tits or her basically naked, even if she’s not showing all her naughty bits.
This has happened to me with 2 seperate housemates in addition to girls on dates and by the second housemate, I knew the deal
= I’m showing you my tits & pussy to get you horny and inspire you to fuck me now please.

If she “accidentally” sends you a nude or partially nude pic = please come to my house to fuck me now, I’m in the mood and horny.

Note: if she’s showing you bikini pictures or just underwear pics = she’s just qualifying herself to you and isn’t necessarily trying to pull you home in that minute.
It’s only blatantly naked, even with a handbra in front or pictures taken in the bedroom that are the signals for sex now.

Can you take care of me at the end of the night?
I’ve had this happen a few times, in social circle situations/parties and sometimes from just clubbing when building social proof:
You see them at the start of the evening and they say, “Hey, can you take care of me at the end of the night” after your interaction.
Then they will generally throw you some looks across the venue throughout the night & keep tabs on you by sometimes coming over to chant for a second or bumping into you.
Then when they want to go home, they’ magically be near you saying; “they’re tired, their feet hurt” and generally act drunker than they are (I’ve had this happen to me and I saw them nurse 1 or two drinks the entire night).
= I was going through this social charade but now I want you to take me home & fuck me and be discreet about it.
This one can be a friendzoning if the other signals aren’t there though.

Trying to get you intoxicated/Her intoxication
If she’s actively targeting you to encourage to you to drink alcohol or do coke/mdma with her then says things to you only like;
“I shouldn’t do coke/mdma/drink this much - it really does something to me”
Or “I’ve really had alot tonight, I feel so free” only to you - while giving you eye contact
= I need an the intoxication excuse so you don’t think I’m a slut for insisting you fuck me now please/I thought if we were both drunk - you would be more likely to make a move to fuck me.
This is usually in social circle/party situations but has also happened in clubs/bars.

Please note: If you’re in a sketchy neighbourhood or a tourist in a 2nd or 3rd World country - she’s trying to rob you and get the fuck outta there.
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James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
I’ve made a huge list of non-verbal cues at all stages of the interaction, but here are some that I’ve seen when she wants you to take her home that aren’t so obvious:

Super Attentive:
If she was chatty at first but then becomes super attentive with laser eye contact, mouth slightly open byt relaxed - with rapt attention. She’ll usually be agreeing with everything you’re saying, by nodding slightly or saying “mm, ahuh” etc. and her eyes follow your every move.
This means she is literally waiting for you to pull the trigger at any second to take her home or escalate immediately.

This was mentioned above but when she seems like she is almost mindlessly mirroring you and everything you’re doing without thinking, almost like she’s in a trance or like she’s a drone or she’s just on auto-pilot = she’s ready to go right now.

Removing Clothing
This may sound obvious but when a girl removes clothing, especially exposing more of her breasts or legs or generally to emphasize whatever her best sexual features are
I’ve had this happen to me a few times where I was on a date or just in a pickup and she’s taking off her jacket even though it’s gotten COLDER so makes no logical sense. Or she “adjusts” her top to be far lower cut to expose more of her breasts or pulls her skirt very high in a deliberate way, especially while making eye contact.
Or she pulls up her top to expose her stomach because “she’s hot” or saying, “I’ve been going to the gym lately - what do you think” while stroking her very flat stomach.

If we’re at the beach (I live in Australia, this has happened several times), she pulls out her bikini top or bottom very very slowly, like she’s adjusting it but very slowly - exposing her nipples or pussy briefly but surely, especially when she does this a few times slowly - she’s ready to go. She has the plausable deniability that she’s “fixing it” but did it so slowly and in an almost sexual way that you could see it, that she’s clear about what she wants.
Another one (if she’s in a bikini) and starts casually, and briefly, rubbing under her bikini, usually in circles, (this is sometimes done when “applying sunscwhile you’re looking at her = I’m touching myself/exposing myself so you can see that I’m horny and I would rather you do it now.

She’ll adjust her position in the seat to show you her panties in a lingering way or pull up her skirt to (slowly) and casually adjust her panties in full view of you while you’re in conversation.
= I’m showing you my vagina so you get the hint that I want you to play with it soon.

Drawing your attention to a Body Part of hers

Another one I haven’t seen written about is when she starts talking about a body part that is sexual or close to her sexual body parts: “oh, I was getting out of bed and pulled my groin, (points to just below her pussy) it’s been hurting walking around tonight, but I’ll get over it haha” (this is a direct quote).
Or “Omg, my back’s been hurting soooo much, I’ve been thinking of getting a breast reduction, it’s abit sore now”
or “My neck and shoulders are abit sore at the moment, it just needs a good rub” (in a non-whiney/complainy sensual or even neutral tone
= I need someone (you, a man) to touch me & make me orgasm with their penis/I want you to think about my tits/ass/pussy

All My Friends have gone/I’m here all alone

This is one I’ve missed a few times years ago but not anymore:
“All my friends have gone home” or “all my girlfriends are busy/have left me” or she says, “My friends have clearly left without me” but she’s not looking for them or doesn’t seem worried
= they left me here because I told them to because I want you to take me home
Or I also want to go home - to your home for sex, so lets go now.
This almost looks like a “Damsel in Distress” play but it’s fake and is really just a big hint. Or they do this fake disappointment & look up at you expectedly like, “are you going to solve this problem of “my friends leaving me” with your dick or what?
Or they wave at their friends (real or fake) from a distance and tell you “oh, I was just waving to all my friends leaving” but is standing still in front of you.

Can you help me find my friends? Then she just walks you outside because she says “they said they were here” and there’s no-one there and then she looks at you expectedly once you get outside or to an empty area.
Another Bonus:
She says she’s going to say bye to her friends and asks you to come with and then she says bye to her friends and then comes back to you and say, “ok, I’ve said by to my friends” and just lets it hang = I’m ready for you to take me home now, the obstacles are gone/no-one is here to judge me & you’re free

“Where are you going?”
When she asks you “where are you going or what area of town do you live in?” and suggests you split a taxi/uber or I’ll just ride with you. Generally they’ll say this without telling you where exactly they live - because it doesn’t matter where they live because they’re going to your house. This has happened to me a few times and the girls usually live nowhere near me.
This one is most common in social circles/house parties where they don’t want anyone else to know they’re about to fuck you and need to keep it low-key.

She talks about something she’s wearing

This happened a few times when I was younger:
“Oh, just so you know, I’m sitting like this because I’m wearing see-through underwear” while looking at you = I want you to see my pussy and take these off and fuck me (this is a direct quote that I didn’t prompt from a girl I had juat sat near for about 2 mins into the convo).

I didn’t wear underwear tonight because it wouldn’t look good with this dress” or saying “oh shit, I totally forgot to wear underwear, I can’t uncross my legs or ait on this couch” while looking at you or squirming = fuck me asap please. Lol, the first time this happened, I really just thought it was a comment about fashion lol. So naive.
“i just needed to take off my bran and panties or my panties because they were getting annoying”
= I’m getting ready to fuck you and I’m making it easier access when the time comes.

Has an almost pleading or frustrated tone in her voice
She’ll be qualifying herself or just talking about herself/having mostly normal conversation about herself in an almost pleading tone - which seems so out of place with the normal word content she’s talking about herself.
= she can’t help pleading because she really just wants you to take her home and fuck her
She may also have a frustrated tone creep into her voice while she’s talking to you about something that doesn’t align with her being frustrated and out of context for the conversation.
She also might have a pleading AND frustrated tone mixed that is completely out of context with her words.
I’ve missed this once and never again.
I thought we were early the pickup but she was at the end & ready to go then and there.
She seems like she’s running out of breath, her mouth may be drying up because she’s overwhelming

Looking you over
Another fairly obvious one - if she starts getting quiet and looking between your eyes, lips, and then down at your cock.
Or she asks you to turn around (and looks at your ass) or just does a circle walking around you checking you out, looking you up and down.
= I want to know what to expect when we get naked and I want a preview now because I can’t wait to get that body on top of me/cock inside me

Red Face (for no reason)
This seems really obvious but if she’s got a dark red face but is acting normally or trying to act normally (and isn’t an asian drinking with asian red flush) = she’s horny and wants to be taken home because the arousal is overwhelming.
Especially if her ears and/or neck are red and nothing clearly embarassing has happened or she’s not laughing hysterically = she’s embarrased that she’s soaking her underwear with arousal
Bonus if you look in her eyes and the iris’s are huge, even though there’s plenty of light and she’s clearly not on drugs.

Needs to “Cool off”
When she says “she needs to cool off” and invites you to come sit somewhere with a breeze or near air con/fan or a away from people to “relax” to cool off, starts rubbing her cold drink on herself, around her face, nexk or chest - this is especially true if the atmosphere is normal temperature or even cool/cold and she hasn’t exerted herself at all.
She also may start fanning herself excessively, wiping sweat off her neck, her arms, our of her eyes, from her forehead, fanning her hair out alot to cool down, or even keeps wiping her (sweaty) palms on her dress or on you
= her body is overheating with arousal and she’s ready to go

Hip Shaking/Leg Crossing/Itching
Her hips are moving alot like she’s shimmying or swinging (out of context - no music & she’s not dancing or she’s sitting down) or she keeps changing and crossing & uncrossing her legs frequently, almost like she’s somewhat frustrated and she’s trying to scratch an itch (she is - between her legs).
She may also start scratching repeatedly near her inner thighs or underneath her breasts for no reason
= She’s frustrated & horny and it’s making her uncomfortable because she wants you to fuck her and she’s aching

If she starts humping the air or rolling her hips in a sort of humping motion, even if she’s sitting (not not dancing) - she’s ready right now.
Or she starts grinding her crotch into or onto you while dancing or just accidentally while standing and talking.

Forcefully Directing your attention to her
If you look around a few times while talking or she’s talking, she’ll eventually get closer and physically turn your head back to look directly at her or turns your body a little to position you where you can only see her & facing her. This is escpecially done when she’s sitting very close to you (on purpose) or s
= look at me because I’m horny and I need you to NOTICE I’m horny and do something about it now please!

Touching you out of sight
Again, this may seem obvious but if she’s touching you where here friends or people’s she with can’t see and she’s trying to hide it, even touching you in innocent places but HIDING IT = please fuck me now, I’m ready to go.
Bonus if she touches you (out of sight of anyone else), then looks at you and then looks at the exits of the venue or the taxi rank or in the gneral direction to go back to a place you can fuck soon.

Losing Focus
She keeps trailing off in her sentences (while looking at you) where she wasn’t earlier in the interaction.
OR She can’t seem to be coherent with her thoughts and she seems un-co-ordinated with her hand movements or body movements where she was co-ordinates earlier (obviously assuming she isn’t getting drunk or high on drugs or extremely tired looking as the interaction goes on).
= she’s so focused on being horny and wanting to fuck that it’s taking up all of her attention & willpower to be normal.

Showing Pictures
I think this was mentioned above but this has happened to me alot:
She offers to show you pictures and “accidentally” (on purpose) shows you a picture of her pussy or tits or her basically naked, even if she’s not showing all her naughty bits.
This has happened to me with 2 seperate housemates in addition to girls on dates and by the second housemate, I knew the deal
= I’m showing you my tits & pussy to get you horny and inspire you to fuck me now please.
Note: if she’s showing you bikini pictures or just underwear pics = she’s just qualifying herself to you and isn’t necessarily trying to pull you home in that minute.
It’s only blatantly naked, even with a handbra in front or pictures taken in the bedroom that are the signals for sex now.

Acting Overly Drunk
If she’s with you and you only and acting overly drunk, even if you’ve only seen her drink one drink or none at all.
Moreso if she keeps asking for your help or leaning on you.
This is especially true if she stumbles off and acts far less drunk when with other people, espcially guys.
She’ ask you to “help her outside” or “help her get home”.
CAUTION: If you’ve seen her drink 3+ drinks - you need more info and she may just be a lightweight drunk or you haven’t seen her drink the other drinks she’s had.

If you’re on a date with her and it’s just you two and she’s drinking quite heavily - for no apparent reason - she’s doing it to not appear slutty when she goes home with you soon.
Again - exercise caution - she may have had a long week/had a terrible thing happen so feel around to see her state of mind - if nothing is amiss - it’s a slutty plausable deniability.

You remind me of my Ex
If a girl ever says to you or her friends (within earshot of you) that you “remind her so much of her ex” after a few mins of convo with a playful or even slightly seductive tone
= she wants to fuck you right now and is justifying that decision to herself and her friends as a good “emotional reason/decision” that seems to somehow make sense to girls. I suspect she can say to herself and her friends, “Isn’t it better I fuck (that guy) than go back to my (abusive) ex so I can get it out of my system” and all her friends agree and think it’s a healthier alternative or some non-sense.

If a girl says that you remind her of a “really close friend” that she doesn’t see anymore or moved or died = you remind me of a guy that I wanted but couldn’t get or a Chad that friendzoned me or just pumped and dumped and I want to fuck you to satisfy that same desire for him. This does require some other signals to go along with it though.
I’ve seen girls justify why they fucked me in both of these ways several times or say that about other guys to justify sleeping with at the time and after the fact.

Smelling You
If they lean in to smell you a few times and purrs how “goooood” you smell or mentions how you smell a few times = fuck me now I’m overwhelmed by your pheremones.
Again - this is context specific.
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Derek da man

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 24, 2020
@James Cruse That's quite a detailed and informative list - thanks.

I think I need to be more aware and look carefully in social circle as I know I've seen a lot of these and only percieved them as innocent wiith no other intent.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
@James Cruse That's quite a detailed and informative list - thanks.

I think I need to be more aware and look carefully in social circle as I know I've seen a lot of these and only percieved them as innocent wiith no other intent.
Yeah, I honestly thought the same the first time they happened to me. I thought, it’s innocent but I thought she was into me. Then it happens again with a different girl and then another and you realisit was never “innocent” or a “coincidence”.

Women are constantly worried about rejection and that’s why they give THE MOST subtle indications.
Sometimes they’re not even logically aware of what they’re doing or even admit it to themselves - like the “you remind me so much of my ex” - they’ll say that to other girls that are clearly competing for you to get them to “stand aside” because she “deserves you more” because you’re like her ex - and other girls actually see that gymnastic emotional logic.