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Lobo - Sexiest Man Alive


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
I've lurked around this site for long enough, and after seeing the results of people like Lofty, someone who is also a college student, I've decided to commit myself further to this hobby so that I may eventually drown myself in the slippery, warm embrace of results. Before embarking on this journey, I want to first clarify my goals with this journal, as I feel like not having a goal in seduction would be akin to a sailor without a compass, navigating unknown waters. Having a goal will give me the guidance and perseverance to stay afloat even if I'm getting decked by the waves to come.

Ultimately, my goal is to be the sexiest man alive.

Right now, however... my goal is to stop being a pussy. I need to approach more and find a way to get rid of that annoying beating sensation coming from my chest whenever I notice a cute girl... For my and the girl's sake.

EDIT: Background: I'm tall (good bit above 6ft, dark skin with an athletic build) I look in the mirror everyday and think I'm hot af.

I was really busy this Saturday so I didn't have many opportunities to approach. In the morning I was set to record a women's sports game for my school.

I noticed two possible points where I could have approached had I been more aggressive.
1) This tall, tan-skinned athletic beauty walked past with her friend and did a double-take on me as I confidently walked by. I feel like I could have easily used this as an approach invitation, I was just caught lacking at the moment and did not react fast enough before they walked away.
- I need to work on my trigger finger, I hesitate too much.
2) There was another girl who was recording the game just like I was. She was a blond wearing short shorts that highlighted her toned legs and bountiful derriere, however, her face wasn't doing her any favors. I wanted to approach her but felt like it would be nearly impossible to do so midgame without breaking the law of least effort. I wanted to approach her at the end of the game but she vanished at some point. My campus is really small right now because of covid, I'd say about 1000 people... which is really annoying because cute girls are rare(and so are these approach opportunities), and I constantly see the ones I've banged or been rejected by.

Later in the afternoon, a friend of mine brought a cute sorority girl we both knew over to the dorm common area. She has silky smooth hair and a chocolaty complexion to match her captivating hazel eyes and she wore an almost inexistent top and short shorts. I've actually been texting her lately and she's been avoiding all my date requests, but now that she's here in person with me I figured I might as well make some sparks fly. While my friend, who is extremely inept at game, begins talking about his homework assignments(like come on now...), I decided to scan the environment for a bit and concluded my friend is getting absolutely nowhere with this chick... so when their conversation dull's I chime in and start to thread-direct to a SOT such as losing control and submitting to desires when she starts talking about binge eating while drunk.

I can tell this SOT is working(Thanks Bacchus!!) as I see the glow in her hazel eyes lock themselves onto mine with an ounce of curiosity. I start to talk slowly and give her stronger eye contact as I deliver the rest of the SOT, I don't remember the exact words... I'll write the report earlier next time so the words are fresh...
There were still a few people in the room while I was talking to her, but they all left and she was about to leave as well... but then, I call out her name and ask her to come back for a second. She's on her way back to me, and almost sits right beside me, but just before she fully commits, I get a phone call from my drunk friend, and the other friend who's terrible at game snakes his way back into the room after he already left and just made the whole vibe awkward. The girl then proceeds to leave and ignored my request to come back.... yikes man. I need to find friends that can game.

I tell my socially-inept friend that he fucked me over and he starts to get salty that I'm prioritizing the coochie over our friendship.... dafuk. What kind of manipulation is this? Why is he acting like my girlfriend. Where can I find friends that can pull and understand the value of game in the same way I do?

What went well today
1) The SOT went well with the girl... it was fun and exciting to talk about and I feel like it made her more curious towards me and more invested.

What to improve
1) Develop a mantid-like reflex--quick and precise, to approach invitations.
2) Find friends that are interested in getting better with girls.
3) Write this report sooner after the interaction to remember the details better

Tomorrow is Sunday, I'll do my homework in the morning and get some approaches done in the afternoon. I find that I have had zero success with direct approaches thus far even though I find myself very attractive... seems out of the place where I've tried it (library, gym, and a couple of times outdoors). So tomorrow I will try a more indirect style with SOT techniques sprinkled in.

Let's get it. Tomorrow will be fun ;)
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Finally finished my chemistry homework and showered and am about to go approach. It is 5 pm, campus looks dead as fuck so I'm going to lower my standards a bit.

I'm dressed in acid wash grey jeans, a white long fit t shirt, a black cardigan, a black bead like chain(idk wtf it is I bought it from some chinese jewelry shop for 40 bucks haha) and a samurai sword charm attached to it, and my shoes are black and white converse. I look really good... maybe a little too good I worry. I've been upgrading my wardrobe recently and I feel out of place on a college campus of sweats and sweatshirts. I'll have to look further into this

Chemistry drained my vibe so I'll do some mindfulness meditation before I head out. If anyone has some solid meditation videos that they use I would gladly try them out.

EDIT: Just finished a 10 min meditation. My goal today is to approach 3 semi-attractive girls indirectly and push for a SDL or number close as plan b.

I'll report back in a few hours ;)
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Was out for 2 hours, walking the streets surrounding my college and found one girl that I found attractive...
When I was walking back to my campus after circling pretty much every block in the town, I noticed this one asian girl who had a nice ass in blue jeans and a light sweater with some funny patterns on it. Most notably, however, was that in the dreary,cloudy, and rainy weather, this girl was dancing to the music coming from her headphones as she was walking. This intrigued me... and since she was quite far, I started to stealthily jog over to her and used the fact that she couldn't hear me to get a little closer. I think if she saw me, it would have been pretty creppy but I'm sure I could have turned that around.

One thing though, is I never got to see her face before I approached because of those darn masks we're all wearing.

As I neared her, I said "Hey!" pretty loudly, but she didnt hear me. So I opted to lightly touch her to grab her attention. I looked to the side opposite of her while I did this to preopen. She turned around and was pretty startled.
Also, as she turned around I could see that this whole mask situation is doing her a tremendous favor(yiiiikes was my first reaction), but I sucked in my judgement for the approach.

Me: "Hey... sorry, didn't mean to startle you. It's just that I noticed your dancing (she smiles a bit), and I figured you'd be a somewhat interesting person to meet... I'm Lobo (Hand clasp her)

HBDancer: "I'm HBdancer... did I look a little crazy or something(puts on a worried look)

Me:"Oh no, I found it interesting... in a good way haha. What music are you listening to to make you feel so happy and free because I'd like to have some of that :)"

HBDancer: Shows me her phone. "Oh, I'm listening to xyz(i forgot haha), it really helps put me in a good mood, especially with all the college stuff I have to deal with"

Me:"Hmm... I've never heard of xyz, Mind if i listen a bit?(I motion to her headphones)"
she hesitantly reaches for them

Me: "Look, I promise I dont have covid ;)"

HBDancer: "haha ok, if you say so"
I listen to the song and it sounds ok i guess. I notice its in japanese and I ask her what the lyrics say. She says she doesent know( Bruh lol) and that she likes to listen to foreign songs"

Me:"Ah, I see... so you like to experience new things, I got you... Have you ever listened to latin american music?"

HBDancer: "No, i dont think I have."

Me:" ok, well, let me open you to a new world of music, I think I know just the song you might like. To be honest, I'm spanish and I dont fully know the lyrics but I like the way it sounds :)"
I motion over to her phone and this time there's no hesistance... nice :)
I then proceed to put El Farsante(remix) on and she listens to it for like a minute, I just sit back and look of into the distance and sometimes look at her with a warm smile.

wow it sounds really good, I like it" whilst head bobbing to it

Me:"Yea its really great stuff... hey, just wondering, what do you have going on right now and 30 ish minutes from now"

HBDancer:"I'm walking over to the hospital to get vaccinated and then later I really need to get some work done"
the SDL seemed impossible at this point so I switched my goal

Me:"Ah, ok I also need to get going, but before we part ways... how about we grab a bite sometime?"

HBDancer: "Uhm... ok i guess(like pretty awkwardly. I think this was more to do with how socially inept this girl was then my bad game haha)"

Me:"Cool, let me get ur cell and we can chat about it"

I get the number and leave. My legs are tired of walking the shitty streets of my college town, hunting for coochie, so I make my way back to my dorm(its a massive hill too so fml)

I think the important lesson learned here is that the streets around my college are terrible for cold approach. They seemed really ghetto and that has to be a chick repellant. Next time I go out, I'm going to try some approaches at my library... I need to figure out a way to make these approaches seem natural though when they are seated doing work. Any tips on library game? My library is deathly silent and with covid restrictions everyone is wearing a mask and the seats are SUPER spread apart so in most cases I can't even grab a seat next to the girls.

The last time I did a library approach I went direct and the girl loved it, but then said she had a boyfriend. I tried to talk about having some thriple action but she wasn't having it haha. Her guy friend sitting next to her laughed though.

What went well
1) I went outside even in this shitty weather. I almost didn't go outside but I didnt want my first journal report to be a wuss out. So I guess the whole journal thing actually works at keeping me consistent.

2) I approached a girl... always a W in my book

What went wrong
1) I looked too good... to the point where it was isolating and im pretty sure intimidating. The ghetto people around the town would move out of the way I was moving when I made eye-contact, and so would pretty much every girl. I saw one girl that I was about to approach switch streets before I could even get to her... WTF. She was wearing sweats and a sweat shirt btw... Does anyone know a college style that looks good, but not too good where its out of place?

2) I NEED to find a good place to practice cold approach. I'll never get good with one approach a day, and having to walk around 1 hour just to find it. My school has like 1500 people on campus right now because of covid. So 750 girls... which ill say 30% of them are attractive enough to approach(i got to a business and engineering school fml). So 225 girls that I need to find haha. I'm going to try the library, as well as uber to the local mall later this week to scout it out.

3) Regarding the set itself... I wanted to get into some sexual framing like I've seen many of the seducers on this forum do, but wasn't entirely sure how to bring it into the conversation. I also want to work on my touch a lot more. I really only did incidental touching and the handclasp in the open. Just feels tough because of covid.

Tomorrow I will go to the library after classes and try to make my approaches feel like fate.

edit: for formatting


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Just finished my first class and I talked with my hot TA for a bit. I really just tried to practice my seductive voice and nonverbals. I could see she was a bit intrigued by me.

One question that keeps coming to mind is if I'm allowed these girls. Like can I fuck this TA or not, but also, how do I seduce her in a calibrated fashion. She's a permanent fixture in that class after all...

Now I'm at the library, and it is very quiet... the loudest thing is my heartbeat. I plan on approaching throughout the day here in between my classes as they are all virtual. Will do indirect openers.

Also, I'm wearing blue chinos, a light blue long t-shirt, a black cardigan, and my chain with the samurai sword charm. I look really good, however, I dialed it back this time with my light blue sneakers. I like the feel much more now. I kinda look like a model.

It's currently 11 am...Let's see what today brings ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
1 pm now... Sneaked in my first approach of the day:
Latin American babe about 5'3' i in height with a cute heart-shaped face, brown silky hair, and a average body.

I was walking out of the library to head to lunch when I noticed this one girl walking towards me and talking on the phone in Spanish.

I open her as she gets close
Me: holds one finger up towards her "Wait... un segundo(one second in Spanish)"
she then immediately hangs up on the person she was talking to on the phone lmao(turns out it was her mom). Already looking good I tell myself.

We then talk in spanish for a bit and ima be honest... my spanish is dogshit rn but I made it work haha.

Turns out she's from El Salvador, so I ask her about why she came AALLLL the way over here. I forgot what she said but it was something along the lines of a good education. In hindsight, I should have sneaked in the classic "be honest... you came here to get away from your parents ;)" To bring in a more sexual frame. My mind was mainly focused on strong eye contact and a seductive voice tonality and pace.

I ask her what grade she is in... freshman
and she asks me the same.

she's like, "how come I've never seen you before" with a curious expression on her face
I told her with deep eye contact, "Not sure... I kind of just materialize sometimes and disappear other times. If I want you to see me then you'll see me ;)" Legit the corniest shit ever haha I felt like batman or some shit.

I then test out some reality pacing by cutting the thread
Me: "I have a question for you... It's been on my mind for a while and you kind of remind me of the person who first made me think about it...
Isn't it interesting how the weather pointing to the sky can have such a huge impact on how many people are outside" " like when its sunny out, suddenly the campus is full of life and excitement, but on cloudy day's like this its like where did everybody go? All thats left is the birds chirping in the trees."

she wholeheartedly agrees and says something along the lines of "yea totally! when its sunny out its like the hunger games trying to find seating here(points at a seating spot) but now, it feels weird to even sit around there because then I'd be the only one."

Me: "yea I get that... but even then, when the campus is a ghost town, you still have the chance to meet someone(hint hint) completely unexpected(I wish I talked more about how this person is enjoyable or pleasant to be around... like hyping this person(me) up)"

Me"hey, what are you up to right now and 30 minutes from now"
Her: "Oh, I need to get this work done before my next class"
* that's unfortunate, I had like an hour before my next class and wanted to see if I can do a sorta insta date with this girl.

Me: "ah bet, I'm heading over to lunch.... but you know what, before we go our own ways, how about we grab a bite at (food place on campus directly under my dorm hehe-- I really want to get girls coming out to meet me here. Super good logistics.)

Her: sure let me get your number.
We both pull out our phones haha

Her:" Oh let me just give you my number"
Me:" yea that works too ;)"

I grab her number, give her a light one arm hug and bid her farewell and walk towards the cafeteria.

About an hour later I text her:
"Hey (girl's name)... happy to have met someone a little different for once :) - Lobo"
makes sense since there aren't a lot of Spanish speakers at my college.
she responded with
"It was nice to meet you too" about 10 min after...

Now the question is... where to from here. My in person interaction with her was about 2 minutes long so I feel like I should build a bit a rapport over text before I go for the date ask.
I've gotten numbers before where I quickly go into the date ask and the girls have flaked 70% of the time.

I really need to work on making these number grab sets longer from 2 min to 5 min. I feel like the girls are attracted to my vibe, but I eject a bit earlier than I need to because I run out of juice or think I've done enough, but I feel like more is typically better at my stage.

What went well:
Reality pacing works like a charm. Pretty much instantly hooked this girl and made her more intrigued about me... a mysterious handsome fellow who seems to see things she doesn't.
2) Indirect approach seems to work well for me since my vibe and almost sultry voice tone kind of communicate my intent.
3) The hug before I said goodbye to her--something I've never tried to do in a set before-- seems to leave a good impression and gives me just a little bit more compliance. So, I'll try to incorporate this in other number grab sets.

What to improve
Make sets longer.
2) Move the girl a little bit before going for the number. I think right after I intrigued her with the reality pacing, I could have moved her to a seat nearby or at least out of the sidewalk. This would have easily made my set longer. It also would have made it way easier for me to incorporate touch into my conversation.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
4 pm now, Just finished working out. I saw these two super cute girls basically eye-fucking me. I made the mistake of locking eyes with one of them at one point and we got into a little eye contact competition. I won :rolleyes:. But I think it destroyed my attainability or something because as soon as I did that they stopped checking me out.

I have a limited amount of time to workout so I wasn't really thinking on approaching them mid set while im out of breath and sound like a 13 year old.

However, If I were to approach these girls at the gym, what would that look like?
I've approached girls in the past as we're leaving the gym (because covid we all leave at the same time) I've gotten their numbers everytime but they've all flaked. I used direct approach for these btw.

I think if I were to try again, I'd do something indirect direct or simply indirect. Incorporate some sexy topics and see how it turns out ;).
I've read the article that gym is pretty much like social circle game, where you strategically talk to her a little bit and get her used to you... but that seems like sooo much effort for me.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020

Been a second, but we're back on the journey...

Took some time since my last approach and listened up to immersion on SMMA(thanks lofty for the rec) and I'm feeling pretty fired up.

I'm wearing blue chinos(rolled up a bit at the ends) and a long white t, my black crystal chain with the silver samurai sword charm, and a long beige cardigan. I look like a model, minus my shoes(im wearing grey and blue sneakers for comfort and attainability)

One thing though, is that I'm at my home town now and not the college campus. So two things to consider from my first two approaches
* Average female quality went waaaay down. Lots of fat latinas here
* I need balistic missile stopping power ti get these girls to stop moving. They just will not stop for shit and I think this mainly has to do with the poor area and lots of undesirable people(handout guy, panhandler guy, the church mission guy) giving the girls a general bad experience to being approached.

First approach...
I really wanted to try the ex girlfriend opener that gunwitch talked about in SMMA, and i saw this super cute light skin latina with dark silky hair, tight blue jeans and i think a bomber jacket with a super seductive walk walking in the opposite direction as me.

As she got about a 3/4 of a meter away from me I said woah and made eye contact and planted my feet(fully expecting her to stop so i can deliver my opener) and then she completely walks past me lmao. I turned around and started saying "hey! Hey you" and waved a bit but she just kept truckin
I think she struggled to say "busy" in a spanish accent(might have been a bit of a language barrier too)
Suffice to say I was salty for a bit. I really wanted to try that ex girlfriend opener!

The next girl I approached was a tan skinned latina with curly dirty blonde locks and a juicy ass in tight blue jeans. She was walking behind me for the most part and i started to slow down to open her but then I lost her. Later, when i was writing in my game notebook... trying to figure out a way to get these girls to stop, i saw her again walking past(i was stationary by the wall) and I waved my arm out a bit and said "hey! hey you" and put my hand out to shake hers.

She had a slightly disgusted look on her face and kept trucking.

I've banged way hotter girls but she looked at me light some pest... what gives?


I think covid makes the hand shake gesture out of place. Might have given the negative knee jerk reaction there.

Also i kinda want to take off my mask and show off my face a bit and my smile. Maybe then i would have enough stopping power. But im not vaccinated so not yet

Anyone have some tips to get these girls to stop? Theres not enough cute girls around here so them walking passed me sucks since it will take some time for me to find another to practice on.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
I think covid makes the hand shake gesture out of place. Might have given the negative knee jerk reaction there.
Yep, agreed.
Anyone have some tips to get these girls to stop? Theres not enough cute girls around here so them walking passed me sucks since it will take some time for me to find another to practice on.
Remember that effectively stopping girls moving in the opposite direction on the street entails high levels of sprezzatura. Which means that it's not just your words, but also your presence before and during your approach. Try to catch her making eye contact - essentially making her think that she invited you to approach. You can increase your chances of doing this with refinements such as acting captivated by your phone and having a sexy walk. Then following this with an attention-grab opener.

And also check out this thread for further ideas.

Good stuff Lobo - I'm excited to follow your progress here.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Thank you @Lofty for the abundant reference material...

While I've heard about pre-opening, it never occurred to me how drastically it affects the social frame of the interaction, and now that I think of it, I have a handful of day time approaches where I didn't even think to use preopening techniques and I could tell the vibe felt weird and if I could put into one word: contrived.

Which sure... cold approach and pick up in general will always be "contrived" but it certainly doesen't need to feel that way.
And if there's anything I've learned about being a seductive individual thus far... the way you make someone and the experience you share with them feel is usually all that matters.

My unnatural approaches, as I've just learned from Bacchus' post in that thread you linked, is also likely the cause for girls I think I did well with in person, flaking on me constantly over text. Out of the last 5 numbers I've got on my phone, only one actually came out to meet me, and it was also the most natural approach of the 5.

With that in mind...
Tomorrow I'll go to the same location, and I'll try to effectively pre-open all my sets. I'll especially focus on what Bacchus says here:
"Instead walk past them for a few brief moments. . . so they can catch a glimpse of your sexy walk and fashionable clothing of choice. Then look behind you. . . she'll notice your turn since she's already given her attention to you. . . and you'll be looking right in her eyes. She'll think she saw you first."

and if they are walking in the opposite direction, I'll let them walk past me, and then I'll turn around and do the above.

Once again, thanks for giving my journal a look, Lofty, the help you've given me is immense and I feel like doing the above will drastically improve my opening success.

I still have a bit to read... If I notice anything else that catches my eye, I'll put it in this journal just to look back at it later.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020

Yesterday's approaches were unnatural and weren't done with sprezzatura and as a result, they both flopped pretty badly.

Today, my focus will be to sub-communicate the "sexy guy going about his day" narrative with each approach I orchestrate.

For each of these unique approach situations, I'll always have a sexy walk and confident body posture.

For the girl sitting on a bench:
I'll walk towards the bench engaged with my phone and sit down without batting an eye towards her. Then, a few seconds later I'll look up for two seconds or so and open with an interesting bait.
The one I'm thinking right now is "You know... I've been thinking... places like these(look over to her), where one can be free and let their mind just wander... are essential in a society like ours where we're always working and moving forwards because, without them, we'd forget how to relax and enjoy the moments right in front of us..."

Girl walking in front of me:
Sexy confident walk while walking in front of her a bit and let her admire my fundamentals and then open over my shoulder.

In thinking of saying "Woah!.. (make eye contact) you know... you look just like a good friend of mine, except... there's something different about you. Yes... I think it's in your eyes... you have this deep feeling about you.. like your the kind of girl to just absorb her environment and focus on the most important thing in front of her"

Girl walking towards me:
I'll walk sexily and confident and then let her pass me without giving her any attention, then same as above

Let's get it


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Quick observation...

Walking around with earphones on makes you look like your not just outside to pick up girls

Definetly some good applications to this.

Also let's you build a good vibe because of the music and gets you out of your head.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
'll especially focus on what Bacchus says here:
"Instead walk past them for a few brief moments. . . so they can catch a glimpse of your sexy walk and fashionable clothing of choice. Then look behind you. . . she'll notice your turn since she's already given her attention to you. . . and you'll be looking right in her eyes. She'll think she saw you first."

This is a really good one., I have a high rate of success doing that.
Quick observation...

Walking around with earphones on makes you look like your not just outside to pick up girls

Definetly some good applications to this.

Also let's you build a good vibe because of the music and gets you out of your head.

thats a great realization, the more you can make it seem natural/fit into your environment, the better.

for example, in colombia, one time i went to a new neighborhood to game. i got out of the taxi and immediately a tour guide comes up to me. the tour guide only spoke spanish. at the time my spanish was pretty bad so i didnt really understand what was going on. i look to my right and see a stationary girl observing us. i got her to help translate (she spoke a bit of english) and then afterwards we continued talking and i got her number. the situation of getting out of the taxi and then needing some help really helped with making it seem natural and spontaneous.

earlier today i was gaming at a subway station and i was hovering near the lineup for the bus ..im hoping to get it just right so that when girls come into the line they will ask me if im in line...their first thought is that i am waiting for the bus, not picking up girls.

even carrying a shopping bag at the mall can really help. a backpack on campus. etc


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020

What is an effective way to approach a girl walking on the other street parallel to yours?
Do you wait until you pass her, then cross the street while behind her, catch up and then open from the side?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020

What is an effective way to approach a girl walking on the other street parallel to yours?
Do you wait until you pass her, then cross the street while behind her, catch up and then open from the side?
And what about girls traveling at mach speed?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Fucked around in union city for 4 hours and I've gained some valuable intel...

This town sucks!
... unless you're into spherical women

I'm going to check out hoboken now.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019

What is an effective way to approach a girl walking on the other street parallel to yours?
Do you wait until you pass her, then cross the street while behind her, catch up and then open from the side?
Yeah you could try that, or maybe turn around and cross the street ahead of her. Then post-up in a casual spot and open when she passes. Or alternatively, slowing your pace after crossing and letting her catch-up to you.

But yeah, portraying an evident urgency to track her down can lead to a negative knee-jerk reaction.
This town sucks!
... unless you're into spherical women
Scouting and knowing the area is very important - keep trying to find those sweet-spots where you can find stationary lone wolves.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Yeah you could try that, or maybe turn around and cross the street ahead of her. Then post-up in a casual spot and open when she passes. Or alternatively, slowing your pace after crossing and letting her catch-up to you.

But yeah, portraying an evident urgency to track her down can lead to a negative knee-jerk reaction.

Scouting and knowing the area is very important - keep trying to find those sweet-spots where you can find stationary lone wolves.
I scouted Hoboken and the difference is night and day. It was so different that I felt some culture shock.

Will definitely use it as my summer playground :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
This is a really good one., I have a high rate of success doing that.

thats a great realization, the more you can make it seem natural/fit into your environment, the better.

for example, in colombia, one time i went to a new neighborhood to game. i got out of the taxi and immediately a tour guide comes up to me. the tour guide only spoke spanish. at the time my spanish was pretty bad so i didnt really understand what was going on. i look to my right and see a stationary girl observing us. i got her to help translate (she spoke a bit of english) and then afterwards we continued talking and i got her number. the situation of getting out of the taxi and then needing some help really helped with making it seem natural and spontaneous.

earlier today i was gaming at a subway station and i was hovering near the lineup for the bus ..im hoping to get it just right so that when girls come into the line they will ask me if im in line...their first thought is that i am waiting for the bus, not picking up girls.

even carrying a shopping bag at the mall can really help. a backpack on campus. etc
Thanks for checking out my journal, Fog.

The more I learn about these different narrative techniques, the more I see how important these little details are. One thing I definitely struggled with on my college campus was that girls KNEW I was out hunting for pussy.

However, with these strategies in mind, this won't be a problem anymore.
I think its kinda creepy that this works so effectively lol, seems like some psychopathic shit orchestrating an approach like this... but it works
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Thursday April 22nd

Coworker that I haven't opened before
Gave me really busy vibes throughout which made me scared to approach at first. She was grinding on her laptop
Had one opportunity to open when we we're doing rounds and she neared me but I didn't because I was scared. Heart was beating and everything.

I opened her an hour later when we were in the same position again.

Opened with curiosity bait. Didn't give eye contact until I got her attention. And my voice was very relaxed and deep... maybe a little sultry too
You know.... I've been thinking... this job... where we just have to get up and clean for like 2 minutes every hour... has to be the best job I've ever had". Hooked her immediately
she agrees wholeheartedly
I continue with
"like... why even go to college when I can get 20 an hour for doing practically nothing"

She kept talking to me even when I wasn't even in hearing distance cleaning some equipment.

Bantered a bit about how I might get a side gig to do while I do this job since its so easy.

She brought up a library friend and I brought up my library friend (who i make sure to say is a girl with the she pronoun)
I asked her for her name by saying "what was your name?" Then left a void so she would try to figure out my name. She already knew my name and I look at my nametag and say oh yea its right there. But I'm pretty certain she knew it from before we even talked.

I transition to more personal topics by asking "has this job always been this easy?"
This lets me know if she's an upperclassmen or a freshman like me. She says I'm not sure or something like that.

And then I say ah so you're a freshman?
She says yes...

I'm not sure how I transitioned from here to her major but at some point I asked what she was majoring.

she said she just registered like an hour before I asked and i just retort "that's exciting... what did you end going with"

Deep dived a bit on why she picked environmental studies. She gave lame and vague answers.
So I asked her when she registered on that major... what was the top reason on her mind for doing so.
She says she wants to travel.

Rainbow rused her on being a little reserved at first but also being open to having a little adventure here and there.
I say "just from talking to you a bit... i can sense that you're the kind of girl whos a little reserved typically but also very open to little spontaneous adventures here and there"
She whole heartedly agrees.

So... she said she wants to travel, i asked where...

She said Latin America

I teased her really hard here saying "oooh of course... i know exactly why you want to go there...."

Gave her a knowing look until she cracked...
I laugh and she laughs
"Its always the same story with you girls... (she knows I'm impersonating even though my voice didn't change men) Oh, Latin American men... they're so sexy and know exactly what to say huh ;) (note, I am Latin American too and speak in Spanish to her later and critique hers)"

At one point she talks about the Greek stuff and how its so easy for girls to get in but not me. I tell her "ah no worriers I know u can get me in... we're friends right... ;)"

What I like about my voice and way of speaking is that it makes everything sound slightly sexual and non needy no matter what I say

To work on the sexual key, I should have taken this Greek life thread to a more sexual corner. Sex gambits and stuff. Maybe even Madonna whore complex. But I'm not too well versed in these to just bring them out naturally in conversation.

She also talks about not joining a sorority and how she sometimes wonders if she should have joined since all her friends are in it.

I say" that's cool that you've made lots of friends, but don't have regrets about not joining... us independents need to stick together!"
Us vs them frame.

She then asks where I'm from. I should have played with her a little on it but I went super boring and just gave the flat answer.
She then says "oh just like everyone else at this school"

This right here is a tell tale sign i should have lied and said "where do you think ;) what kind of vibes do i give you?" After she guesses wrong ill say... I'm from a Latin American country... but please don't go chasing me now that I said that... I can already see that desire in your face ;) (super tongue in cheek but the chase frame is immense). Then at the very end once I feel she's earned it, I should have said I'm from DR.

In response to her little frame grab, I said" aww come on now... don't put me in a box" (warm smile, strong gaze, and deep almost sultry voice)

the nonverbal stuff is super important. Not only does it subcummunicate what I want it to, but it also puts me in that state of mind itself. Its a positive feedback loop. Really powerful stuff.

She smiles back after the pressure i just dropped on her, and then i asked where she was from. 6 hrs drive away from campus. I showed her a slight "woah" expression, but i should have used this as an opportunity to say the classic "oh... you just want to get away from your parents huh ;)" worked like a charm when I used to hit frat parties and I'm sure it would work great here.

At one point she asked if she could eat a yogurt here... I said well you're already drinking that coffee there... but even if you can't I wont tell anyone... it'll be our little secret. Secrecy frame, not sure if I needed to develop it more, later she said she had a boyfriend so it was very needed.

At one point she starts talking about her assignment, this paper she REALLY needs to get done as its due tomorrow and hasn't even written the first sentence (I just sucked her in so much that it doesn't matter)
I asked about it and she said it was about a boring movie
I said "ahh is it because there aren't any sexy Latino men" and she giggles
Shows me the clip and its this guy stretching out his tongue and cutting it off

Def not a seductive scene, but I could have used this as a perfect opportunity to playfully be grossed out and touched her as to shield me from that grotesque sight.

At some point she says something at not being good at Spanish and I tell her " say something in Spanish... I think id be a pretty good judge"

She says basic shit, nothing too interesting

We talk some other stuff that I can't remember and later I ask if she listens to Spanish music, she says yes and begins to go into Spotify to show me the playlist.

Before she does I notice she has mad playlists and i interrupt her for a bit and say something like "oh you got a lot of playlists... lets see.... where is the sex playlist at tho?" She giggles. Here I assumed her sexual nature and showed her that I understand her world a bit. I also commandeered her computer which assumed the rapport and compliance. No resistance from her here.

I assumed she had one and lo' and behold... "drugs and sex"
I immediately click on it (using her laptop and everything and I'm pretty much looming over her at this point)
and ask her, "what's this, huh ;)" with a knowing look. She lets out a bratty smile like she knows she just got caught.

Said she rarely listens to it and just happened to add it after seeing it as some point.
I said something like "ah ok" while reading out some of the more explicit titles of the songs.

In hindsight, I should have said, "oh for future use huh?"( and a little shoulder nudge just to get the touch going)

The set was around 30 min... really proud of myself for that. Of course she couldn't move but she didn't go back to her homework either.

I would go back and forth on closing the distance. I felt like this was fractionation and worked because were still at our job. I could feel the pressure increase the closer I got to her. When I was looking at her songs, I was really close, had the sexual arousal key been developed further, she would have melted.

Sexy voice was on check
Warm eye contact is really strong.

I could see her visibly affected by my presence. Hair preening, eye contact breaks, playing with fingers here and there.
Stumbled a few times on her words...

I felt like if I had more time or if I got the sexual key faster this would have been an easy number grab or a pull if we both didn't have class right after the job.

I didn't touch her at all which was unfortunate... def need to incorporate that better. I had a couple opportunities when I was close to her.

Need to work on sexual key... I tried by closing the distance, manager walked in(and I got back up immediately) I feel like if I had more time i could have started touching her a little bit more when I closed the distance and she would have melted... she was very high interest. She had a boyfriend, but was fully immersed in my eye contact and sexual voice. I should pounce on any opportunity to do sex talk, they usually happened quickly, but I wasn't sure how to cleanly transition to this topic(also this is in a job setting lol, not sure what I could get away with).

Also fuck masks, sexual arousal key would have been a joke if she could see the other half of my face and the sexual smiles I frequently did. I think the bottom half of my face looks way better than the top half just because of mewing(I'm proof this shit works I had terrible facial structure through middle school and highschool until I found this out in junior year. Im almost unrecognizable by face alone in my freshman year photo to now because of mewing(and maybe puberty as well) and everyone says my jawline is insane and that I was blessed by genetics(I'm not, no one in my family looks as good as me haha). I wouldn't recommend doing this much if you are above 24 as the bones in your face are likely locked in place already. Also know what your doing as putting pressure in the wrong places will cause more damage)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 31, 2020
Thursday April 22nd

Coworker that I haven't opened before
Gave me really busy vibes throughout which made me scared to approach at first. She was grinding on her laptop
Had one opportunity to open when we we're doing rounds and she neared me but I didn't because I was scared. Heart was beating and everything.

I opened her an hour later when we were in the same position again.

Opened with curiosity bait. Didn't give eye contact until I got her attention. And my voice was very relaxed and deep... maybe a little sultry too
You know.... I've been thinking... this job... where we just have to get up and clean for like 2 minutes every hour... has to be the best job I've ever had". Hooked her immediately
she agrees wholeheartedly
I continue with
"like... why even go to college when I can get 20 an hour for doing practically nothing"

She kept talking to me even when I wasn't even in hearing distance cleaning some equipment.

Bantered a bit about how I might get a side gig to do while I do this job since its so easy.

She brought up a library friend and I brought up my library friend (who i make sure to say is a girl with the she pronoun)
I asked her for her name by saying "what was your name?" Then left a void so she would try to figure out my name. She already knew my name and I look at my nametag and say oh yea its right there. But I'm pretty certain she knew it from before we even talked.

I transition to more personal topics by asking "has this job always been this easy?"
This lets me know if she's an upperclassmen or a freshman like me. She says I'm not sure or something like that.

And then I say ah so you're a freshman?
She says yes...

I'm not sure how I transitioned from here to her major but at some point I asked what she was majoring.

she said she just registered like an hour before I asked and i just retort "that's exciting... what did you end going with"

Deep dived a bit on why she picked environmental studies. She gave lame and vague answers.
So I asked her when she registered on that major... what was the top reason on her mind for doing so.
She says she wants to travel.

Rainbow rused her on being a little reserved at first but also being open to having a little adventure here and there.
I say "just from talking to you a bit... i can sense that you're the kind of girl whos a little reserved typically but also very open to little spontaneous adventures here and there"
She whole heartedly agrees.

So... she said she wants to travel, i asked where...

She said Latin America

I teased her really hard here saying "oooh of course... i know exactly why you want to go there...."

Gave her a knowing look until she cracked...
I laugh and she laughs
"Its always the same story with you girls... (she knows I'm impersonating even though my voice didn't change men) Oh, Latin American men... they're so sexy and know exactly what to say huh ;) (note, I am Latin American too and speak in Spanish to her later and critique hers)"

At one point she talks about the Greek stuff and how its so easy for girls to get in but not me. I tell her "ah no worriers I know u can get me in... we're friends right... ;)"

What I like about my voice and way of speaking is that it makes everything sound slightly sexual and non needy no matter what I say

To work on the sexual key, I should have taken this Greek life thread to a more sexual corner. Sex gambits and stuff. Maybe even Madonna whore complex. But I'm not too well versed in these to just bring them out naturally in conversation.

She also talks about not joining a sorority and how she sometimes wonders if she should have joined since all her friends are in it.

I say" that's cool that you've made lots of friends, but don't have regrets about not joining... us independents need to stick together!"
Us vs them frame.

She then asks where I'm from. I should have played with her a little on it but I went super boring and just gave the flat answer.
She then says "oh just like everyone else at this school"

This right here is a tell tale sign i should have lied and said "where do you think ;) what kind of vibes do i give you?" After she guesses wrong ill say... I'm from a Latin American country... but please don't go chasing me now that I said that... I can already see that desire in your face ;) (super tongue in cheek but the chase frame is immense). Then at the very end once I feel she's earned it, I should have said I'm from DR.

In response to her little frame grab, I said" aww come on now... don't put me in a box" (warm smile, strong gaze, and deep almost sultry voice)

the nonverbal stuff is super important. Not only does it subcummunicate what I want it to, but it also puts me in that state of mind itself. Its a positive feedback loop. Really powerful stuff.

She smiles back after the pressure i just dropped on her, and then i asked where she was from. 6 hrs drive away from campus. I showed her a slight "woah" expression, but i should have used this as an opportunity to say the classic "oh... you just want to get away from your parents huh ;)" worked like a charm when I used to hit frat parties and I'm sure it would work great here.

At one point she asked if she could eat a yogurt here... I said well you're already drinking that coffee there... but even if you can't I wont tell anyone... it'll be our little secret. Secrecy frame, not sure if I needed to develop it more, later she said she had a boyfriend so it was very needed.

At one point she starts talking about her assignment, this paper she REALLY needs to get done as its due tomorrow and hasn't even written the first sentence (I just sucked her in so much that it doesn't matter)
I asked about it and she said it was about a boring movie
I said "ahh is it because there aren't any sexy Latino men" and she giggles
Shows me the clip and its this guy stretching out his tongue and cutting it off

Def not a seductive scene, but I could have used this as a perfect opportunity to playfully be grossed out and touched her as to shield me from that grotesque sight.

At some point she says something at not being good at Spanish and I tell her " say something in Spanish... I think id be a pretty good judge"

She says basic shit, nothing too interesting

We talk some other stuff that I can't remember and later I ask if she listens to Spanish music, she says yes and begins to go into Spotify to show me the playlist.

Before she does I notice she has mad playlists and i interrupt her for a bit and say something like "oh you got a lot of playlists... lets see.... where is the sex playlist at tho?" She giggles. Here I assumed her sexual nature and showed her that I understand her world a bit. I also commandeered her computer which assumed the rapport and compliance. No resistance from her here.

I assumed she had one and lo' and behold... "drugs and sex"
I immediately click on it (using her laptop and everything and I'm pretty much looming over her at this point)
and ask her, "what's this, huh ;)" with a knowing look. She lets out a bratty smile like she knows she just got caught.

Said she rarely listens to it and just happened to add it after seeing it as some point.
I said something like "ah ok" while reading out some of the more explicit titles of the songs.

In hindsight, I should have said, "oh for future use huh?"( and a little shoulder nudge just to get the touch going)

The set was around 30 min... really proud of myself for that. Of course she couldn't move but she didn't go back to her homework either.

I would go back and forth on closing the distance. I felt like this was fractionation and worked because were still at our job. I could feel the pressure increase the closer I got to her. When I was looking at her songs, I was really close, had the sexual arousal key been developed further, she would have melted.

Sexy voice was on check
Warm eye contact is really strong.

I could see her visibly affected by my presence. Hair preening, eye contact breaks, playing with fingers here and there.
Stumbled a few times on her words...

I felt like if I had more time or if I got the sexual key faster this would have been an easy number grab or a pull if we both didn't have class right after the job.

I didn't touch her at all which was unfortunate... def need to incorporate that better. I had a couple opportunities when I was close to her.

Need to work on sexual key... I tried by closing the distance, manager walked in(and I got back up immediately) I feel like if I had more time i could have started touching her a little bit more when I closed the distance and she would have melted... she was very high interest. She had a boyfriend, but was fully immersed in my eye contact and sexual voice. I should pounce on any opportunity to do sex talk, they usually happened quickly, but I wasn't sure how to cleanly transition to this topic(also this is in a job setting lol, not sure what I could get away with).

Also fuck masks, sexual arousal key would have been a joke if she could see the other half of my face and the sexual smiles I frequently did. I think the bottom half of my face looks way better than the top half just because of mewing(I'm proof this shit works I had terrible facial structure through middle school and highschool until I found this out in junior year. Im almost unrecognizable by face alone in my freshman year photo to now because of mewing(and maybe puberty as well) and everyone says my jawline is insane and that I was blessed by genetics(I'm not, no one in my family looks as good as me haha). I wouldn't recommend doing this much if you are above 24 as the bones in your face are likely locked in place already. Also know what your doing as putting pressure in the wrong places will cause more damage)
with the topic of greek, that would have made a good place for verbal sexual frames to blossom

ancinet greece was wilding back in the day with the idea of sex,

you can use the entry point of mythology-> the sex goddess->non judemental frames and doubling down we should be embrace sex as a natural thing to do like the ancient greeks did
