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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020

I would also recommend trying to build habits and processes around your goal, as opposed to relying on "motivation", which is inherently more prone to going away with complacency.
Thank you for the video... i can see why this guy has insane state and frame control.

And yea, i hear you on the motivation part, which is why im working on keeping a tighter morning structure to build strong habits. Also rereading atomic habits.

Before, id make habits just to break them, which is what i aim to work on with impulse control. Ty for the feedback


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020

The last 3 days have gone well in terms of process and working on impulse control. Here's what I did:
1) Sent 300 cold outreach emails. While prospecting I listened to the "The Game" by Alex hormozi. fire podcast from a 100+millionaire

2) Scheduled 2 weeks worth of fire twitter posts and videos (10 videos and 28 tweets) One is a thread with a CTA so hoping to see some action there.

3) Created a simple Google calendar schedule that keeps me focused and efficient, got the idea from Lofty. Basically, I have 6 two hour blocks thorughout the day, and 20 minute breaks for most but 1 where i have a 30 minute break to take a nap.

I have a pretty intense schedule, which is something I already experienced back when I practiced swimming all day. What I found helped me recover my focus and motivation is taking a nap in the middle of it all. Doing that so far has helped a lot.

4) Meditated for 15 min everyday. I cannot understate how useful this is. I feel like a monk/jedi before I start working.

5) Created a See Believe Achieve poster that basically lists my past achievements and also shows me my future. Put some super motivational things there and honestly, my favorite part of the day is looking over it.

6) Watched 3 hours of videos worth of mindset which is where I got the ideas for most of the above

7) until I have to schedule tweets again, I'll be engaging with the market place and prospecting for next week's email outreach

What didn't go so well:
1) Mornings are a bit slow. Overslept first two. This morning I woke up sore as fuck from the lift yesterday and watched a random youtube video which cost me like 30 minutes that would have went into my workout. So, gotta move quick in the mornings
2)Ate a shit ton of sugar last 3 days. like 10 oreos and 5 fruit gummy snacks. Has to stop as I get brain fog from the sugar, also is not congruent with what i'm trying to do as it places short term pleasure over long term gains. Just going to throw all the stuff out
3)I missed a few breaks in my schedule. Need to be on top of those so I don't burn myself out.

What went really bad:
1) I used a banned website on my phone. So I installed a blocker on the phone
2) missed a few core workouts because not on top of the schedule
3) Became outcome depended on results at a point which killed my vibe/momentum. Need to be outcome dependent just like with girls because I noticed something.

When you become outcome dependent, you put the outcome on a pedestal, and when you do that, you disassociate yourself from the result you want. You basically other yourself from doing what you want to do. Also you frame the outcome as difficult to achieve, when really, it should be easy.

Until this upcoming sunday, I'm going to focus on engaging more with the market on twitter, prospecting more qualified prospects, and maybe thinking about making youtube vids/ going into linked in.

With everything scheduled for the next two weeks on my youtube and twitter, I have a lot of time to dabble in other areas.

Until next time


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

The last 3 days have gone well in terms of process and working on impulse control. Here's what I did:
1) Sent 300 cold outreach emails. While prospecting I listened to the "The Game" by Alex hormozi. fire podcast from a 100+millionaire

2) Scheduled 2 weeks worth of fire twitter posts and videos (10 videos and 28 tweets) One is a thread with a CTA so hoping to see some action there.

3) Created a simple Google calendar schedule that keeps me focused and efficient, got the idea from Lofty. Basically, I have 6 two hour blocks thorughout the day, and 20 minute breaks for most but 1 where i have a 30 minute break to take a nap.

I have a pretty intense schedule, which is something I already experienced back when I practiced swimming all day. What I found helped me recover my focus and motivation is taking a nap in the middle of it all. Doing that so far has helped a lot.

4) Meditated for 15 min everyday. I cannot understate how useful this is. I feel like a monk/jedi before I start working.

5) Created a See Believe Achieve poster that basically lists my past achievements and also shows me my future. Put some super motivational things there and honestly, my favorite part of the day is looking over it.

6) Watched 3 hours of videos worth of mindset which is where I got the ideas for most of the above

7) until I have to schedule tweets again, I'll be engaging with the market place and prospecting for next week's email outreach

What didn't go so well:
1) Mornings are a bit slow. Overslept first two. This morning I woke up sore as fuck from the lift yesterday and watched a random youtube video which cost me like 30 minutes that would have went into my workout. So, gotta move quick in the mornings
2)Ate a shit ton of sugar last 3 days. like 10 oreos and 5 fruit gummy snacks. Has to stop as I get brain fog from the sugar, also is not congruent with what i'm trying to do as it places short term pleasure over long term gains. Just going to throw all the stuff out
3)I missed a few breaks in my schedule. Need to be on top of those so I don't burn myself out.

What went really bad:
1) I used a banned website on my phone. So I installed a blocker on the phone
2) missed a few core workouts because not on top of the schedule
3) Became outcome depended on results at a point which killed my vibe/momentum. Need to be outcome dependent just like with girls because I noticed something.

When you become outcome dependent, you put the outcome on a pedestal, and when you do that, you disassociate yourself from the result you want. You basically other yourself from doing what you want to do. Also you frame the outcome as difficult to achieve, when really, it should be easy.

Until this upcoming sunday, I'm going to focus on engaging more with the market on twitter, prospecting more qualified prospects, and maybe thinking about making youtube vids/ going into linked in.

With everything scheduled for the next two weeks on my youtube and twitter, I have a lot of time to dabble in other areas.

Until next time
If you hsve a sweet tooth try protein bar my favorite is quest and pure protein salted chocolate caramel... this does not make you want another and another and another like regular candy


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Noticed a shift in my focus over the last few days.

I started to treat the business more like a sport, just like if I was swimming again, and also how I view game.

This in turn has made me MUCH less reactive to the ups and downs that happen. Much more outcome-independent. So I think I worked on that pretty well.

Over the last 3 days:
* I increased my follower count on twitter by like 40.

* Made an absolute banger thread that's going to come out soon. I'm expecting some good results from it.

* Made a 40 minute video as a feature to someone elses course. He has like 1,000 followers so some of this clout will rub off on me and I'll get positioned as a giga authrority. Plus the video is really good.

* Worked out consistently, and I feel much stronger, yet sore at the same time.

* I cut my hair. It was up to my shoulders before, now its like a quarter inch in length. I miss the locks, but tbh, I just can't be arsed to manage that everyday.

* I also learned to give myself the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I stray off the path and beat myself up too much, but the majority of the time, it's not fully my fault. Usually there were some systemic problems that happened prior.

EX) I let my little brothers bug me for too long, killing my focus
My scheduling also had some faults in it as well, which made it harder for me to recover in between a grind sesh
Candy and other self-destructive things were too close to reach.

Making the right small tweaks made it much easier for me to operate at 100%

* Chatted with some real G's

What didn't go well:
I ate a lot of candy. My main thing with this is that I'm not too focused on getting a killer physique atm, but even then, just the general frame of someone who eats candy isn't congruent with what im trying to do.

It's a clear short term feeling > long term gains association, and even if I don't see it that way in the moment, my subconcious will.

Also, I feel i make worse decisions after eating candy, like the next

* Spend like 3 hours learning about bees. I don't fucking know why lmao.

Did you know that bees can carry pollen about 1/2 its weight over miles? And people still think its hard to build a business in 2022 smh -.-

*Broke my schedule a couple of times, missing breaks here and there. The end result is that I would feel a bit more burned out and that would carry into the next day. Need to protect my drive by taking calculated breaks. To do this, I've added a better notification system so I don't miss my breaks.

* I didn't engage as much as I would have liked with my niche on Twitter. Commenting on other people's post and networking is by far one of the highest ROI activities I can do rn.

What went really bad:
Nothing wen't really bad, but I recently witnessed a super calm dude, and I'd like to work on my own calm vibe. I feel it will help me position myself as an authority and really give less shits.

next week is shaping up to be great


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Feels like time is moving at light speed.

Makes you realize how little of it we have, and how we really need to make the most of it.

Earlier today I got on the phone with an eager prospect, I explained my SEO process, they liked it and they believed in my insane skills(I'm actually crazy good at this shit), so now I'm drafting up a $2000 proposal for 20 hours a month.

Will be closing them on a set meeting this Friday.

Crazy how much you can get done when you start trying. I read this quote the other day and it really hit me like a truck...

"You will never be your highest dream. You will be the lowest version of yourself that you will tolerate"

Depressing, but true. The good news is that if you match your lowest self to your highest, then this quote doesn't matter.

But it really makes you think about some of the self-destructive habits you have that you do and just go, "oh, that's ok"

If you were operating at a higher level, it simply wouldn't be ok. It'd go against basic hygiene standards.

First thing that happened after I got off that call is that I wanted to watch some Netflix, to "reward" myself.

Was only till I saw that quote on my wallpaper that I realized the loop I was about to get myself in.

Instead of being complacent, how about I just WIN MORE. Crazy thought.

And so that's what I'll do in the next few days.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Man, i thought the call was in the bag but turned out I didn't qualify them enough.

Also i fucked up on the second call as well by giving them a high value doc before the call. This led to them already seeing it before hand and made it less interesting for me to go over it in the call and follow my process

This culminated in me spending like an hour answering questions, losing control of the call.

As of now, not sure if he'll sign... I'll follow up until he says no, but for now im moving on to the next.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Deal blew up

Was my fault though, need to be more mach

Back on the warpath
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020

didn't hit 10k like I planned, but i did close another deal for $2k/mo. at 4k/mo now

tbh i slacked super hard these last 2 weeks, super low energy... but this deal brought me back to life. Going to go all the way now.

also going to start fitting in some approaches when i can😍