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Lobo - Sexiest Man Alive


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Also, I believe I was talking with Dreamer earlier about this, but my internal frame on Social Frame questions is just wrong. I've seen it as something that derails my seduction... but if I were to instead have deliberate and carefully thought out answers for these questions... I could display a lot of DHV in a non-needy, smooth way, making it help me instead.

if the girl ask you why are you here alone?

tell her that you are not alone that you are with your best friend... if she does not bite, cont. with he is right here...

when she ask you where? grab your package, then say just kidding.... and then if you want tell her that you like more going out alone by yourself cause most guys are just uncalibrated, get too drunk, or do not know how to act correctly in social situations, get into fights, and that you lose freedom, like for example if you meet a good cool girl like her and you vibe and have strong chemestry, but your friend does not meat anyobdy, they be like come on lets go... She will relate...
Lmao yea that's also a really good answer, spikes her hard and escalates the vibe. Will remember it for next time


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
I was talking with Dreamer earlier about this, but my internal frame on Social Frame questions is just wrong. I've seen it as something that derails my seduction... but if I were to instead have deliberate and carefully thought out answers for these questions... I could display a lot of DHV in a non-needy, smooth way, making it help me instead.
Re-listened to Social Frame from smma and I honestly think its my worst key, and for good reason. I'm a college student with no money, no job, young, and I'm trying to seduce older women who are at a completely different stage in life. I'd say the average age of the girls I've talked to is like 24-27 in nyc and they are all working decent jobs or pursuing graduate degrees. Meanwhile, I'm a rising sophomore in college and have no idea where I want to take my professional life lol.
Socially speaking, these girls should not be fucking me, however, none of that matters, because we have game, charm, and influence.

Using Machiavellian tactics, we can downplay the negative and exaggerate the positive.... or just outright lie ;)

So, here are some answers I've thought of for common social frame questions I've gotten so far. I'm not sure if they work, but I want to test them out. My aim with these is that they can spike emotions or even boost some of the 3 keys.

HB: "How old are you"
Lobo: "I'm not sure tbh, I was raised by wolves" (say in jokey, playful manner)
HB: hahaha
Lobo: "although I'm curious, how old you think I am. Take a wild guess"
HB: age (usually always older than I actually am)
Lobo: hmmm (age she said)… I feel like I'm closer to (whatever number you think she wants to hear. I usually go up)

Ex 2)
HB: "How old are you"
Lobo: "haha are you trying to profile me?"
HB:"blah blah"
Lobo: "you know, its interesting that you bring that up, because I was just talking to my friend the other day, about how society tries to put boxes and labels on literally everything, and telling you what you can and can't do inside that box. Like for example (whip out your favorite ASD technique or whatever framing you could make with a box analogy) "

If girl asks for age again just say
Lobo: "haha ok, listen, don't put me in a box, but just for the record, I'm (whatever age she wants to hear)."

so many other ways this could be answered in a way that benefits the seduction, but this is what I've thought of so far. The first one I got from Dreamer I believe. And the second one I believe I rewired from the supermarket reality place from skippy's journal.


HB: "(Why) Are you here alone/Where are your friends/Do you come out alone often?"
From Skills
Lobo: "My best friend is actually right here... we're always together ;)"
HB: wdym where is he?
Lobo: *grabs package*
Lobo: haha i'm just kidding

This one spikes the sexual arousal key while also being emotionally stimulating.

Ex 2)
HB: "(Why) Are you here alone/Where are your friends/Do you come out alone often?"
Lobo: "Why do you want to know... are you planning on kidnapping me and harvesting all my organs and selling them to mexico?"
Emotional stimulating and chase frame

Ex 3)
HB: "(Why) Are you here alone/Where are your friends/Do you come out alone often?"
Lobo: I enjoy the thrill of being out alone... Let's you do whatever you want without anyone holding you back. Like for example, if I go out with my friend, I obviously need to make sure she's safe and isn't being bothered by creepy dudes who have no clue on how to treat and excite a woman. Don't we just live in a ridiculous world?... where girl's can't feel safe and understood for who they truly are unless they luck out and find the right guy?

Adapted this from Lofty. Really good for social frame, and leads cleanly into and SOT. Also you can contrast heavily and point to yourself to show that you ARE that guy... that can understands women and can excite them with ease.

Living situation?
HB: Do you live here/Are you from here/ Where do you live
Lobo: I'm actually not from here, I like to come and visit... reexperience the city.
HB: Oh where are you from!
Lobo: Why don't you take a wild guess
HB: guesses
if she can't get it give her a hint
Lobo: hint... women often find the men from this country irresistible

Ex 2
HB: Do you live here/Are you from here/ Where do you live
Lobo: "(chuckle) why do you want to know... you're not the stalker type right?
(make sure this does not hurt her, but is instead playful)
Hb: no i swear
Lobo: I'm actually not from here, I like to come and visit... reexperience the city. Coming back and forth also lets me dodge the crazy girls(grin at her)
last part here is experimental, I want to see how it would go. Would be very emotionally simulating.
riff off what she reacts to

These are the most common SF questions I get. I haven't tested all of these, but would like to have them in my back pocket to effortlessly work the social frame key.

In regards to this key, I also need to make my approaches seem more spontaneous and less planned. Just a simple change in voice tonality(acting surprised) should be able to do it.

If you(the reader) have any social frame questions you get asked a lot/answers for them that DHV, feel free to reply.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey Lobo,

Great work as always to analyze your game and identify areas of improvement. It's a hallmark of a nascent seducer and pivotal to unlocking a tremendous potential.

Remember how the dramatic seducer has the upper-hand to elicit preferrable states from the girl rather than the comedic seducer.

I'm not saying that any form is better than the other. Plus it's important to note that Bacchus and I were both very witty before seeing for ourselves a new path, a path we follow based on our own reference experiences. Of course, field-test and uncover these things for yourself.

Though what I am saying is that you surely have seen the pivotal nature of congruency, and you may also see that oil and water do not mix.

For example...
HB: "(Why) Are you here alone/Where are your friends/Do you come out alone often?"
From Skills
Lobo: "My best friend is actually right here... we're always together ;)"
HB: wdym where is he?
Lobo: *grabs package*
Lobo: haha i'm just kidding
Are you going to do this before continuing to talk about how the brisk air feels against her skin, or how being out at night, out on the moonlit streets, can just seem to release your mind from all of your concerns and transport you to a place of beautiful escapism?

Congruency is a part of social frame. Stark transitions from one thing to another can make you seem rather incongruent. Furthermore, imagine using this tactic in a loud, rowdy nightclub versus two minutes into a streetgame interaction in the late hours. Your behavior in unique contexts is also a vital component of social frame. It's calibration/co-regulation.

Re-listened to Social Frame from smma and I honestly think its my worst key, and for good reason. I'm a college student with no money, no job, young, and I'm trying to seduce older women who are at a completely different stage in life. I'd say the average age of the girls I've talked to is like 24-27 in nyc and they are all working decent jobs or pursuing graduate degrees. Meanwhile, I'm a rising sophomore in college and have no idea where I want to take my professional life lol.
Socially speaking, these girls should not be fucking me, however, none of that matters, because we have game, charm, and influence.
Yes, you can be anyone you need to be at anytime, and this can also be crafted to the specific girl. Our identities are only limited by our egos and a disrespect to our imaginations.

In one set with an MBA student, you may be a 24 year-old computer science professional who is an independent contractor for fledgling clientele.

In the next with a young alt-girl, you may be a 20 year-old professional WoW gamer who also is taking online business classes to learn how to build your personal brand over the coming years.

In the next with a college girl uncertain of her career interests, you may be so so similar to her but now pushing yourself to discover more about what you like and what you don't like through the wonders of the beautiful progress that occurs when you begin to grab life by the horns and living life to the fullest so you don't look back on this very moment years from now with regret. Perhaps you can even make these discoveries together...

For these common social frame occurrences, think about why they happen. And how they can sometimes be frame grabs, and sometimes they can be that and more. In my experience, the best way is to quickly handle them and return back to more seduction-conducive material.

Here's an example of two ways that I've personally seen destroy any concerns of age while we keep moving things closer and closer to orgasmic sex.
Examples - Handling Age Question

HB: How old are you?
Me: Hmm, take a wild guess.
HB: 18?
Me: Wait... how old are you?

*Example Route 1*
HB: 21.
Me: Wait, omg, me too. Hey, you know, I've just realized something about campus life. Have you ever thought about how we only have like one year left of college, and it's like, hey, now's the time... THIS is the moment... where we really have to give ourselves permission to live life to the fullest so we're not looking back on this very moment on our deathbed with regret because isn't it so much better to live without social restrictions weighing us down? [*re-routing to previous highpoint/new highpoint*]

*Example Route 2"

HB: You first!
Me: Okay, sure, no problem, I completely get that. I'll tell you if you ask me VERY nicely.
HB: Hmmmm... will you please tell me how old you are?
Me: Wait, did you say you were a senior?
HB: No haha.
Me: So yeah you're like what, a junior then...?
HB: Yeah!
Me: Wow, seriously... me too. Hey, you know, I've just realized something about campus life. Have you ever thought about how we only have like one year left of college, and it's like, hey, now's the time... THIS is the moment... where we really have to give ourselves permission to live life to the fullest so we're not looking back on this very moment on our deathbed with regret because isn't it so much better to live without social restrictions weighing us down? [*re-routing to previous highpoint/new highpoint*]
But the overall point here is to handle something that actually may be important to her (age) while also building compliance and leveraging the opportunity into a SOT with dexterous conversational framework.


Ex 3)
HB: "(Why) Are you here alone/Where are your friends/Do you come out alone often?"
Lobo: I enjoy the thrill of being out alone... Let's you do whatever you want without anyone holding you back. Like for example, if I go out with my friend, I obviously need to make sure she's safe and isn't being bothered by creepy dudes who have no clue on how to treat and excite a woman. Don't we just live in a ridiculous world?... where girl's can't feel safe and understood for who they truly are unless they luck out and find the right guy?

Adapted this from Lofty. Really good for social frame, and leads cleanly into and SOT. Also you can contrast heavily and point to yourself to show that you ARE that guy... that can understands women and can excite them with ease.
I see what you're doing here... but why would you frame yourself as not wanting to support your female friend and ditch her instead? And is finding a genuine guy really just her luck, or is it maybe instead the combination of fate and the willingness to be spontaneous when you finally find someone who wants to connect with you at a deeper, more intimate level?

Here's again what I quickly recommended in the chat for the simple handling of this. Which is something I also get fairly often on the streets:
“oh my friends just left but I didn’t want to call it a night yet” / “was thinking about meeting up with some friends but not sure yet” / “was on my way to meet up with some friends but I don’t know, they kind of do the same thing every night” / “on my way home” / “waiting for a ride home"
These almost always will satisfy her while building your social frame and setting up a pull situation. In cases where I feel the opportunity to do something more advanced, I'd say something similar to what you wrote but note the differences in frame:
You know, I actually just walked my best friend Jada home... and now thinking about what to do next, might go back to my place and produce some music or something. But you know what Jada is stuggling with, something that really makes my blood boil?

You see, it's that she just recently got out of a relationship, and you can probably understand what I'm about to say... and now she's hoping to move on to better times by meeting someone new and interesting. But it's like every time we go out together, it's like all of these guys will just grope and grab her as if she's a sexual object... isn't it such a shame that most men will just look to exploit women solely for their bodies nowadays?

And I feel like I need to hear your thoughts on this too, I mean, like, no woman wants a man to objectify her anyway... like she won't like him for that, right... like wouldn't you rather want someone who actually values personal connection and intimacy, someone who wants YOU for YOU, someone who sees you far beyond the surface level and is the special someone who you truly deserve? Those types of guys are out there, aren't they, and don't you just have to pounce on the opportunity when they do come, then?
Make sense?

Ex 2
HB: Do you live here/Are you from here/ Where do you live
Lobo: "(chuckle) why do you want to know... you're not the stalker type right?
(make sure this does not hurt her, but is instead playful)
Hb: no i swear
Lobo: I'm actually not from here, I like to come and visit... reexperience the city. Coming back and forth also lets me dodge the crazy girls(grin at her)
last part here is experimental, I want to see how it would go. Would be very emotionally simulating.
riff off what she reacts to
Unless you're solely screening heavy for ONS/SDL/SNL, I don't see from a social frame perspective why you'd say you're not from there? That can be ASD/FSC dynamite.

What about...
Example, keeping FB/LTR/ONS frames intact:
I actually live in a town really close by, like it's right across the river and just a short bus ride away. So every once and a while, I just come over here, hang out with some friends, maybe do some shopping, relax in the park, and expereince the enlivening vibe of the city [etc, etc, you know how to flesh it out.].

So... where do you stay at...? Oh okay, that's near [blank]... cool, yeah, what's it like to live in a place where it's still close to all of the exciting hustle and bustle but it's also like you have a little space to yourself to relax and get away from it all?

if only exploring a ONS/SDL/SNL:
Above still works, traveling frames like you said, visiting friends, etc. Context here, you know how it goes. Barcelona and all.
This is just one way you could keep some more doors open for yourself, though there are surely plenty of others.

Overall, you're just trying to handle these frame grabs so you don't become knee-jerk in her personal worldview and route the convo to something better instead while adding some bonus points aling the way.

Social frame can be difficult to understand - again, it surely was the most foreign to me - but as you continue to study and experience, you'll be amazed by how much social frame makes everything make sense.
Last edited:


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Re-listened to Social Frame from smma and I honestly think its my worst key, and for good reason. I'm a college student with no money, no job, young, and I'm trying to seduce older women who are at a completely different stage in life. I'd say the average age of the girls I've talked to is like 24-27 in nyc and they are all working decent jobs or pursuing graduate degrees. Meanwhile, I'm a rising sophomore in college and have no idea where I want to take my professional life lol.
Socially speaking, these girls should not be fucking me, however, none of that matters, because we have game, charm, and influence.

Using Machiavellian tactics, we can downplay the negative and exaggerate the positive.... or just outright lie ;)

So, here are some answers I've thought of for common social frame questions I've gotten so far. I'm not sure if they work, but I want to test them out. My aim with these is that they can spike emotions or even boost some of the 3 keys.

HB: "How old are you"
Lobo: "I'm not sure tbh, I was raised by wolves" (say in jokey, playful manner)
HB: hahaha
Lobo: "although I'm curious, how old you think I am. Take a wild guess"
HB: age (usually always older than I actually am)
Lobo: hmmm (age she said)… I feel like I'm closer to (whatever number you think she wants to hear. I usually go up)

Ex 2)
HB: "How old are you"
Lobo: "haha are you trying to profile me?"
HB:"blah blah"
Lobo: "you know, its interesting that you bring that up, because I was just talking to my friend the other day, about how society tries to put boxes and labels on literally everything, and telling you what you can and can't do inside that box. Like for example (whip out your favorite ASD technique or whatever framing you could make with a box analogy) "

If girl asks for age again just say
Lobo: "haha ok, listen, don't put me in a box, but just for the record, I'm (whatever age she wants to hear)."

so many other ways this could be answered in a way that benefits the seduction, but this is what I've thought of so far. The first one I got from Dreamer I believe. And the second one I believe I rewired from the supermarket reality place from skippy's journal.


HB: "(Why) Are you here alone/Where are your friends/Do you come out alone often?"
From Skills
Lobo: "My best friend is actually right here... we're always together ;)"
HB: wdym where is he?
Lobo: *grabs package*
Lobo: haha i'm just kidding

This one spikes the sexual arousal key while also being emotionally stimulating.

Ex 2)
HB: "(Why) Are you here alone/Where are your friends/Do you come out alone often?"
Lobo: "Why do you want to know... are you planning on kidnapping me and harvesting all my organs and selling them to mexico?"
Emotional stimulating and chase frame

Ex 3)
HB: "(Why) Are you here alone/Where are your friends/Do you come out alone often?"
Lobo: I enjoy the thrill of being out alone... Let's you do whatever you want without anyone holding you back. Like for example, if I go out with my friend, I obviously need to make sure she's safe and isn't being bothered by creepy dudes who have no clue on how to treat and excite a woman. Don't we just live in a ridiculous world?... where girl's can't feel safe and understood for who they truly are unless they luck out and find the right guy?

Adapted this from Lofty. Really good for social frame, and leads cleanly into and SOT. Also you can contrast heavily and point to yourself to show that you ARE that guy... that can understands women and can excite them with ease.

Living situation?
HB: Do you live here/Are you from here/ Where do you live
Lobo: I'm actually not from here, I like to come and visit... reexperience the city.
HB: Oh where are you from!
Lobo: Why don't you take a wild guess
HB: guesses
if she can't get it give her a hint
Lobo: hint... women often find the men from this country irresistible

Ex 2
HB: Do you live here/Are you from here/ Where do you live
Lobo: "(chuckle) why do you want to know... you're not the stalker type right?
(make sure this does not hurt her, but is instead playful)
Hb: no i swear
Lobo: I'm actually not from here, I like to come and visit... reexperience the city. Coming back and forth also lets me dodge the crazy girls(grin at her)
last part here is experimental, I want to see how it would go. Would be very emotionally simulating.
riff off what she reacts to

These are the most common SF questions I get. I haven't tested all of these, but would like to have them in my back pocket to effortlessly work the social frame key.

In regards to this key, I also need to make my approaches seem more spontaneous and less planned. Just a simple change in voice tonality(acting surprised) should be able to do it.

If you(the reader) have any social frame questions you get asked a lot/answers for them that DHV, feel free to reply.
Yeah I have used with success light humor banter grand master, follow by a question, follow by influence/seductive type talk...

With the age I usually say 69, cause sexual undertone follow by the how old do you think I am? The raise by wolves is a bit cringe.... I say what are you a reporter when they ask too many questions...

There is 0 statistical evidence other than posturing that something yield a higher odd than something else is like techno better than rock just because... but drop joking around too much cause it kills tension, from what I read you have the right balance just calibrate...you have the right idea...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Thank you for your feedback Lofty, it was enlightening to read as always.
Reading this I see the drawbacks of the younger sibling frame. It can seem gamey to the girl, and also cause her to scrutinize you more heavily, which would cause more FSC hiccups than covert influence, all the while violating the law of least effort. I think I've instinctively fallen into a younger sibling frame at least with the girls who are older than me, which perhaps can explain the scrutiny I've experienced. Will have to keep this in mind for future interactions because I don't feel like I can firmly attain and wield the older sibling frame consistently.
Though what I am saying is that you surely have seen the pivotal nature of congruency, and you may also see that oil and water do not mix.
Yea I see that. The sexual banter/GM style game and covert influence based game seem to be from entirely different universes. If I were to do an opener like that, I'd definitely have to be congruent with the character I introduced myself to the girl as. Although I think there can be intermingling of these two styles, where the banter can fractionate from the deep emotional stimulation from covert influence.
Furthermore, imagine using this tactic in a loud, rowdy nightclub versus two minutes into a streetgame interaction in the late hours. Your behavior in unique contexts is also a vital component of social frame. It's calibration/co-regulation.
Reading this I pictured how the more sexually explicit response might trigger FSC or even make the girl worried at the beginning of the interaction before she's completely comfortable with my presence. The GM style assumes the girl has a level of comfort in her environment where she won't freak out from the banter. High levels of coregulation are needed for this to work.
But the overall point here is to handle something that actually may be important to her (age) while also building compliance and leveraging the opportunity into a SOT with dexterous conversational framework.
Yea this is where I want to get to in terms of my responses. Right now the social frame questions are slight hiccups to my seduction, but they could benefit the process instead.
I'd say something similar to what you wrote but note the differences in frame:
Yea the implicit frames are much better than what I was thinking up haha. Much more DHV and shows that you are safe, seeds the pull, intrigues her, heavy contrast frames, and sets you up nicely for an SOT on connection.
One thing though, is that this also frames the girl into what she values(not being objectified, connection, intimacy), turning what you say into the reality she believes in(even if that wasn't the case before hand). I remember with my instagram texting you noted I framed her to prefer a more direct approach, which caused her to prefer that.
Unless you're solely screening heavy for ONS/SDL/SNL, I don't see from a social frame perspective why you'd say you're not from there? That can be ASD/FSC dynamite.
The main reason why I don't give my real town is because its bad haha. I used to say where I was from and I could notice an almost disappointed vibe from the girl. I've also stumbled in conversation with these girls about NJ(keep in mind I've already lied and said I'm from barcelona) and they usually joke around and throw insults to the NJ crowd. Sure they are jokes, but surely the jokes must be grounded in something real. My town is also prob one of the worst across the river too, and just as culturally and ethnically different to NY as Spain is. Spain just sounded more interesting in my mind.

But I see what you mean, when I say from Spain I also slide in that I come often and the city is almost like a second home so I'm not completely othered.
Social frame can be difficult to understand - again, it surely was the most foreign to me - but as you continue to study and experience, you'll be amazed by how much social frame makes everything make sense.
haha yep, I think I've learned a good amount but have only scratched the surface to what it entails. I believe a firm understanding of social frame would supercharge my game, and make the process of seducing women much much easier. The other two key's seem to happen naturally in my interactions... so long as I have workable social frame.
Thank you for your thoughtful response


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Wednesday July 28th

With the Olympics going on I can't help but relive the competitive edge I had as a highschool swimmer. I wanted to be the BEST... and seeing these Olympic swimmers conquer their goals ignited a rising passion in me... felt electric.

Today's sets however, were reminiscent to the swimming practices where I was cramping half the time... and really couldn't get much done. Keep in mind, I noted these on my phone right after the approach, so there are some thoughts I wrote down chronologically, but also the thoughts I'm thinking of right now.

My very first set was a short interaction in which I noticed an attractive middle aged woman posing and taking pictures on the bus. I got the sense she had a boyfriend and did not feel like opening and running an entire seduction to get "I have a boyfriend"
Latina babe
So my opener was first a "hey"
followed by another "hey"
but she had airpods on lmao, the bane of my existence.
I then tap her and motion for her to remove them. And while smiling and trying to pump as much SECT as possible, say "Are you taking pics for your boyfriend"
she says "ah yes my Husband actually"
"that's adorable :)" I say
Look to the side and try to focus on my sexual vibe for the rest of the bus ride.

NYC almost feels like a second home to me now. I was able to get to the park without using google maps.
Blond Bombshell
My first open here was a situational one.
Adorable baby walks by and I notice it captivates the attention of this blonde bombshell. I take notes obviously.... because clearly this baby is running the attention grab game way better than I can :)

I turn my head and say:
"That's adorable" expecting it to grab this girl's attention. No dice, seemed like she didn't even hear it. I'm sure she did, but NYC's have a tendency to ignore.
I then say "Hey" ignored as well yikes
I poke her and say "Isn't just so adorable to see babies... and how passionate they are about all the little things in life"
I was shocked I said this... pretty good I thought

She then says "I don't speak english" in a heavy accent "I'm from Ukraine"

I say "Ah that's interesting... how long ago did you come here"

"I don't speak english" as she turns her head back to her phone.

I got the sense that she did actually speak english because she didn't look utterly confused by what I was saying. I think with a better opening sequence, I could have helped her remember her English.

Common Problem So far(and this was the case even with HBShroom who I laid)
My attention grabbing before the open is atrocious lmao. I got ignored A LOT on the open today... and I believe it has to do with the knee jerk some girls have to a random "Hey" as I've been doing in my last couple of outings.

Seems like a pickup is about to happen... which is the opposite of covert.

I actually met with Kvothe today at the park and told him about it..

Turns out I've been doing it wrong.

I've opened with hey and expecting to get eye contact with that as my attention grab,

But instead I aught to open with hey as well as something else, and then look at her as I finish the statement.

"Hey, have you ever noticed…" turn towards her at the end of that.

"Hey, have you ever noticed... how relaxing this park can be… it gets you out of your head and allows you to relax and enjoy the world around you, and be, in the moment.

Picnic girl

This was a girl sitting in a picnic area alone, a bit off the main path, so I had to walk over a bit to even get to her. My intuition before was that this was very low probability, as I'd have to walk all the way up to her, and open her as she is laying on the ground.
My curious side decided to ignore this as I really wanted to see what would happen, even with it being low odds(at least for me at my level)

Walked over an noticed the airpods so my opener was a wave and motion her to take them off
"Hey, I noticed you just chilling here, and was wondering if I could sit here until my friends arrived"
Ended up that she was talking with her mom. Did not go well haha.

I was facing her directly, instead of over the shoulder and facing away from her.

Fit Dirty blond

Tan,dirty blonde to my left and she is turned slightly away from me, but she looks toward my direction sometimes.
I then say "Hey"
ok now I got a little triggered
This was before I met with kvothe so I didn't know I was opening incorrectly.
But now that I think of it from the girl's perspective, she's engrossed on her phone or whatever, and suddenly has someone saying Hey to her. Much easier to just ignore that then to stop from what she's doing and turn around.
But if I were to instead say something, and just assume she is listening as I say and look at her, I imagine this scenario panning out differently.

Philly girl
Situational opener approach girl from philly see looked attracted when i opened. Turned out she's from philly and here with a friend. I vibed for a bit and ejected.
The opener was based on this guys being a rat furry and how liberated he must feel, and how it shows you, you can be much free than you really think.

Weird thing here. I do the solid phone tech into sitting down. Don't make eye contact with the girl

I say hey to the girl and she completely ignores me, when I'm right next to her.
Then i say hey, excuse me, and she lets out this extremely exasperated sigh and says
"Sorry I'm busy"

Where did I go wrong?
I think i need go into my rpo faster…

"Hey ;)"
"You know… I've just realized something"

My main problem is girls ignore my attention grab.

Maybe this girl really was having a bad day, or I did something incorrectly here? I've done the same thing to other girls and its worked(seems like a more of in spite of thing now).

Honestly don't know what I could have done better, I got knee jerked at "hey"

Never made eye contact with her pre open
Sat down while pretending to text.
The only thing perhaps was that i opened her about 25 seconds after sitting? Does time matter at all when doing this sit down approach?
This was before I met with Kvothe and learned that the problem was "Hey". But it seems I was slowly getting to that realization on my own.

Met with Kvothe after this point and we talked for a bit about common sticking points. We both struggle to consistently grab attention.

Kvothe then noticed a girl giving me an AI and mentioned it to me. I then went after it. I was walking pretty slowly and kvothe said I needed to pick up the pace haha. Half a block down I open her over the shoulder and say "Hey :)" TBH I had no clue what to open with before I opened, wanted to see if I could be completely spontaneous like that.
I then open with a isn't the weather so nice opener haha my head was blank. Shows how I still have much progress to make.
Set some chill vibes with my framing and.
Tried to get her to stop and I did for a bit. Locked in some strong sect. There were a couple of juicy pauses(mainly because I was thinking of what to say). But she wanted to keep moving. I try to get logistics(strong sect), she says she has a party at 8, i tell her…
"Seems like you have time to kill… how about we go grab something"

She did ask what I wanted to go grab however… I said coffee since she said she wanted to nap. Then she said she already drank 2 coffes and it caffeine doesent work on her. I think here was the make or break point. Had the opener been stronger I think this would have been fine. She seemed on the fence

I keep walking with her and she says shed like to keep talking with me.
I feel like walking and talking without eye contact is the easiest way to kill a set if you go indirect. It was hard for me to work the sexual arousal key, as I have been relying on my eye contact and smiles. We keep talking and I opt to eject, try to hail mary close with strong sect and vibe, was holding her hand too.

"How about… when we're not busy… we go grab something… sometime"

Yeah but only platonically she says haha

I say of course, just friends. Here, let me give you my number.

She said she doesn't give number to strangers
I prolly could have said. Wait but we are friends now :)

But set was pretty dead tbh, walking sets are rough, and I don't have a solid grasp of influence and leading her emotions. Right now, it seems like I can only accidentally do it, and like its not in my control.

This girl wasn't investing as much as I'd like and now that I think of it, a walls rainbow ruse to reframe her resistance would have worked magic when I stopped her.
"Wait hold on... I've just realized something about you.
Just from talking to you so far and feeling your energy... I get the sense that you put up these walls around people, not because you're a bad person or anything, but because you want to protect yourself from weird and low class people that would make you uncomfortable. But I also get the feeling that these walls cause you to miss out on really cool and interesting people you would have liked to meet. People who you feel like you could let your walls down around, and express yourself the way you really want to be seen. Is that right?

transition into the excitement of meeting new people, the fresh perspectives and experience, and the possibilities of what could happen if we just let ourselves experience life to the fullest.

While walking back to the park i noticed kvothe absolutely slaying this cute one set. lets fucking go. Her body was fully turned to him and she seemed animated. Solid hook.

Turned to home after… need to study

More notes
Whenever I talk loud I lose out on voice tonality heavily. Need to figure out a way to bypass this. Perhaps this is an excuse to move closer to the girl.
I want to Rainbow ruse more to immerse deeply.

Also try to work the frames a lot more so they become internalized.
Walking sets are tough hard to show sexual vibe if shes not looking at you. Bring up non judgemental frames and transition into sex talk?

Also as I was walking back, I was practicing my model walk. One foot in front of the other, long strides, shoulders swaying. While doing this... I decided to practice my pivot turn in one corner and I noticed two girls instantly look at me. Seems like a powerful attention grab waiting to be tested. I imagine doing this instead of opening over the shoulder when walking a good bit in front of the girl, and then suddenly noticing her notice you.

For future use

Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad | Girls Chase


Articles by Author: Daniel Adebayo | Girls Chase


Articles by Author: Allen Reyes | Girls Chase

Last edited:
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
A consistent way to get the instant date is to ask the Golden question and once she starts going into the answer, suggest grabbing a quick coffee nearby so that she can tell you more. Can also be used to quickly move her. I think it would be good to get some level of investment from her before asking for the instant date though.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Almost didn't come out tonight, but I'm really glad I did... learned a ton, and some really interesting things happened.

My vibe going in was super mellow, when I arrived at Washington square park I actually took a nap on the bench.

One of the things I really wanted to work on though, was creating a seductive nonverbal narrative for myself as I carried myself through the park. I did this by sexyfying my walk to be more like number 2 on this video as he's walking away. Also whenever I sat near a girl to open, I would do a simple process which forced them to look at me for a moment. I would pretend to text and just as I was right in front of her, I'd stop and plant my feet as if I was really engaged in my texting, using a super low A.R. Then I'd just notice there was a bench near me or a wall I could lean on near me(and near her) and plant myself right there. I think this sequence worked well. Haven't actually opened using it though, but will soon.
To the girl watching me, she sees a little story take place, and she's forming a version of me in her head.

Cute Indian Lone Wolf
In my first approach opportunity I realized I had a little trauma leftover from my last outing. Right when I wanted to say something... a thought crept its way into my mind.

What if she pretends to ignore me again...

Sucks to say, but being ignored by women, or anyone for that matter, as if I don't even exist, seriously triggers me. I remember being in 4th grade and I had that happen to me a lot, perhaps it is some childhood anger.

With that thought though, I just decided to eject.

I do the same text maneuver on another girl and she is looking at me, but I slip to old bad habits and actually make eye contact with her as I'm about to sit down.... lmao. Would have been fine social frame wise if I just opened her when I made eye contact, but I sat down for some time and did the fake texting, following a script. Should have opened regardless but I didn't.

Don't make eye contact before open

Hot Asian
I then venue swap as the park was infested with couples and two sets. I see a sexy asian girl in heels and a tight dress that ends a little below her hips.

I open with... "hey" and I got ignored here. She didn't move or acknowledge my presence.
But I've learned from my mistakes
I continue shortly after with "have you ever been in there"
while pointing towards the comedy/bar in front of us.
After this she actually looked up at me and we started talking. I could see the hook was almost there as she was even asking me questions, but then her friend came a long, which happened to be a middle aged balding white man. I'm astonished by how many unattractive guys occupy these girls, I could have ripped her from him if I were better.

Told @Lofty about it and he talked about how the "hey" that I've been using and been ignored on, is just an attention thing, which I knew... attention grab. However, often times you also just need to latch something right after it, so they have something to react to. Which is what happened in this case. I actually intentionally paused a bit on the hey to test it out.

Two set Jada Routine
Walk back to the park and I notice a girl in a two set eye fucking me. I walk right past her though. These situations are tough for me... I don't know how to spontaneously open in a spezzaturatic way. I sit and msg lofty thinking of ways to make this approach. I ultimately walk over there using the same phone prop thing as before and sit on the bench right next to the girls.
Then after about 5 or so min,(not really sure when I could interject with calibration as they were both talking with eachother) I decide to tap the friend of the girl who was eye fucking me(turned out to be WAAAAAY hotter) and open with
"Hey(tap)... you guys think you could help me with some advice... its for a relationship.. not for me though, for my friend Rose."
first off... before I go any further here... should I be refering to a group of girls, as guys? Genuine question.
yea sure what's up" say the hot friend
Lobo: " Ok... so... have you ever been out with your friends... trying to have a good time and let loose and forget all about the stress you had over the week... and then suddenly, a weird and strange man shows up, and starts to touch you uncomfortably, or just do other creepy things that just ruin your night?
girls" OMG I've definitely experienced my fair share of this"
Lobo: "yes exactly.. these creepy men have see women as pure sexual objects, and neglect to realize that there is a human underneath it all... and that girls would much rather prefer to experience a genuine connection with someone"
girls" omg yes"
Right here I should have moved closer. It's clear these girls were HOOKED. A vibrant smile that subcommnicated "omg we need to talk about this" would have been perfect
Lobo:"so, what ended up happening, was that while she was out partying at some bar down there(i point down there) she got touched by these creepy guys and texts me about it, of course, I wasn't there... so there wasn't anything I could have done about it... But now, she's said that she wants to end her night because of that and headed back home

Here was my fuckup... I gave WAAAAY to many details about this fake girl, and the girls got really invested in giving me quality advice.

Girls" wow that's so bad... is she ok"
Lobo:"not sure.. she just went right back home"
Girls:" yea idk if it were me though I would definitely want a friend to come check on me and maybe bring me my favorite food... wait do you know what sign she is? Like has she ever told you"
Lobo: "hmm.... not sure to be honest... i think she once told me she is a Sagittarius

I really dug myself into this one, haven't I....

I then basically play into my own lie, thank them for the advice and head out where I said she lived. It was a learning experience however, seeing how invested these girls were in my fake friend. Made me laugh.

Next time though, I will using this Jada routine for what it really is... an intriguing vehicle to set productive frames for the interaction and steer towards SOT.
The frames I would like to set is that most men are creepy/uncalibrated and don't understand women. That I'M not like most men. Girls value a strong and intimate connection with someone, but more importantly, that this connection can happen instantaneously in the right circumstances, with the right guy, if we just let ourselves live life to the fullest. Girls are sexual creatures, but not pure sexual objects. Sex itself isn't bad... but bland, boring, handshake type sex, is something I don't like... I instead prefer to have a strong, almost electric, connection with my girl, so we can be really passionate with eachother.

I missed a bunch but these were the ones that came to me.

Good set

Awkward Spontaneous Open on Moving Target
I'm trying to practice opening spontaneously(with minimal planning) just to get one step closer to an intuitive approach. I whip out my phone and use it as a prop.
I open the girl with "Hey, how's your night going" when she is about 2 meters in front of me. She walks by me and murmurs something. I think she just wasn't expecting it tbh, and didn't snap out of her pocket universe fast enough.

What I should have done was, pivot towards her and said
Wait hold on... I have an important question to ask you"
"Wait hold on... could you help me with some relationship advice... its not for me... its for my friend Rose."

And once I hook her move her immediately to a bench or a wall nearby.

Soon after though... I see a pleasent surprise... and my partner agrees readily ;).

Hottest girl of the night BAD BITCH
This is why I'm learning this I thought to my self soon after seeing her... I was honestly freaking out. SOOO HOT. I even took a picture. YES. I took a picture haha.
And now I can perfectly describe her and what she was wearing.
She was a tan, curly brunet with blonde highlights. Wearing daisy dukes with black calf length boots and a black sweater tucked into her daisy dukes to complement her toned body. She also sported a fantastic walk and could easily pass for a runway model.

Things of note here... Lone hot girl at 11 pm... walking like a bad bitch looking like that... wearing airpods... Interesting circumstances indeed.

Out of nowhere though... I hear my name

wtf, I thought. I turn and I see my best friend from highschool exiting his taxi. What the actual fuck. Such a small world we live in. Turns out, a lot of my good friends from highscool are eating pizza in the store RIGHT NEXT TO ME. LMAO I was shook. The universe really thought it could stop me.

I tell my friend I'll come back in a second, there's something I need to take care of and get on my way to that girl.

Catch up to the girl like two blocks down and here's how it goes. We actually were passing W 4th street station.

I overtake her while fake texting
Look over to the side and say

Lobo: "Hey, how's you night going"
Girl: "eh, could be better"
Lobo"Hmm really.... real quick(stop her) if you were to take a moment and rate your night from 1-10... what would you say?"
Girl:"I'd say its a 3"
Lobo: "ah thats rough why is it like that"
This is where I fuckup. I should have related and reframed and opened up the possiblities of the night. Instead I offer myself as her emotional tampon which was DLV.
Girl:' is that why you were following me... just to ask me about my night"
Act low value, get treated like low value. sheeeeesh
Lobo: I was shook inside, outside I calm and smiling. "Yea, I guess you could say that... but let me ask you something..."
Lobo: "do we ever come out at night with the expectation of having a 3/10 night?
Girl:"No actually... never do that"
Lobo:"Yea exactly... I feel like we instead come out looking for new experiences and to let loose after a stressful week"
Under normal circumstances I feel like this frame would have worked well, but Social Frame was obliterated by her noticing me earlier.

This was the turning, make or break point, and I couldn't tear through her walls. Perhaps a walls rainbow ruse would have sufficed. Need to remember to use it when its useful.

Also need to think of stronger reframing of the girl's rating. So it all flows naturally and packs a powerful, persuasive punch.

I believed she noticed me when I made eye contact with her while walking in the opposite direction as her... and ofc she remembered me(who wouldn't lmao). Next time, I'll need to ground my approach with an excuse as to why I suddenly changed directions as lofty suggested.

Something like
Lobo: "Hey how's your night?"
girl: "eh, could be better"
Lobo: "yea same... ever make plans with some friends to go to this one place and suddenly they dip on you... that's where I'm at right now... If you were to rate your night so far out of 10, what would you rate it?
would be perfect.

Best for last. Train Ride to Hoboken
When finding my way back home, I decided to take the path train back to hoboken to cross the river instead of the northeaster corridor NJ transit train. I heard this one runs 24/7, which is very useful, so I wanted to check it out.
Turn's out hoboken has some baddies..(I already knew that haha). Time to bring the Hoboken Chronicles back to Hoboken.

I first notice this blue eyed, blond baddie while she's waiting for the train to arrive. I position myself nearby and fake text for a while. I think I positioned myself too far(was like a good 2.5 meters). So doing the jada routine like I wanted would have been weird. So I opted to open her on the subway. I let the rushing people pass me and I entered shortly before her, and she actually positioned herself right next to me. Is this the power of a seductive narrative I thought.

1 min in the ride after fake texting and smiling to myself and fake chuckling a bit I open the girl with a genuine question.
"hey... do you know... (girl had airpods on OF COURSE.(I fucking hate airpods...))"
takes both of them off
"do you know whens the latest this train leaves the city?"
Girl: "hmm I'm not entirely sure... I think it runs most nights but I this is the lastest I've been out so I'm not sure"
Lobo: "hmm ok... well... I really hope they have rides around 3 pm ;)... I mean its a friday like come on... this is the time where most people just want to let loose and have all the fun they wish they had throughout the week"
Girl:"yea totally"
Lobo: "but yea thanks for the advice... still getting new to the city and hoboken"
Girl: "Oh really are you new to hoboken?"
Lobo: "Yea I actually moved like 3 months ago... really liked the warm vibes of the people... everyone seems more open minded here, at least compared to my home town"
Girl: "ah where did you come from"
Lobo: "i came from...(thinking of BULLSHIT to feed her) Newark... yea... the people there see you like your and enemy all the time... it gets really hard to form genuine and powerful connections with people

Note, at this time, SECT IS ON BLAST . Proximity check, Eye contact, check, Voice tonality(could be better), Voice tempo, check, Touch(some light touching here and there) Sexual smile, check.
I look into her eyes and I can visibly see her pupils dilate. Very cool.

I set some we frames somewhere along the interaction with the intention of her not just dipping right after we arrive
we talk about her situation, why she moved, college and college experiences.
at one point she asked me what my favorite college experience was and I gave it some thought(though about this night, and this one too even though it wasn't at college), and with a sheepish grin, I say

"I'd like to tell you... but I don't think I could around all these people on the subway... maybe at another time... But I can give you a PG experience that really changed my outlook on life"

Girls" haha ok... let me hear it"
Lobo: "ok sooo... one night... me and my friends... went deep into the woods. It was a spontaenous thought, we were all just sitting together and thought, hey... why dont we just go trek into the woods at 1 in the morning. Fuck it you know? So we head over and while were there we hear some noises. Most of my friends got spooked, but I noticed that it was just a bunch of deer, and the deer at my school are super friendly to people and they even got close to us. At one point, I remembered we brought some food and I got the idea of feeding these deer some of that food. So, i grabbed some of it, and extended my hand to the deer, and the deer, while hesitant at first, came closer and closer and started eating from my hand. At that moment, I was overcome by emotion... if I could explain it to you, it would be like having this surging excitement rush through your body as you feel a powerful connection with nature. I thought wow... this thing in from of me are different but were also the same..."

Good story... but I feel like I could have POUNDED the juice after that last bit with something like
"Like we both took a risk, and made a decision to live life despite our hesitance... and I'm sure in that moment where the deer finally trusted its gut and went with what it felt was right in the moment, it was relieved... and I hope, it remembers it just like i have haha ;)"
and then to make the IMPLICIT, EXPLICIT... I add what @Lofty suggests here

"That experience really showed me what was possible when we grab life by the horns, and helped me realize how often people hesitate when doing the things they really want you know?"

We keep talking, some minor juice here and there, but I really dont have much of an arsenal. Need to learn to incorporate more sex talk and nonjudgemental frames. I mean I could do it, if someone were to mention in my ear "yo lobo bro dont forget about anti asd"I'm sure I would slip right into a(this would have flowed perfectly from that quote above"
Lobo:"Actually... do you know what I find really ridiculous" (she obv doesen't haha)
girl" what"
lobo: "ok so get this... my girl friends from university tell me how they have these strong desires to be passionate with the guys they like.... but are scared of making a move because of the stigma they'd face"
Girl:" agrees/relates"
Lobo" Like, in today's society... a sexually expressive women is known as a slut, which I think is horrific"
^This is the part I can do easily as of now, what comes next is the juice on overdrive
Lobo" Honestly... I think a girl who understands herself sexually... is very attractive...
"she's confident in her own skin..."
"know's what she wants..."
"and isn't scared to go after it and get what she really desires"
and then as Lofty suggested. Make the IMPLICIT frame, EXPLICIT.

"because isn't it just so empowering to be someone who is willing to break away from the chains of conformity and social norms so that each and every moment can be an experience other people can only dream of. But our lives are really decided by US right. like don't you thin you can be the person you want to be whenever you want to be her, like you can decide how amazing your life can be?"
sets us up well for a nice opportunities and challenges.

I noted that Lofty likes to make the implicit, explicit like this and make the girl agree with the frame. And its good stuff. Why would she disagree with what you said? She listened to your framework all throughout, and then you told her the underlying stuff behind it all which are all desirable qualities people imagine themselves having in their idealized version of themselves. So it would be weird for her to disagree, she'd expose herself as a loser.
You also build a yes ladder doing this.

a nice example of this can also be seen in Teevster's example in this article where he reframes her resistance by manipulating her vanity.

Good stuff tonight... still, so much to learn. Need to get the hand of just rolling out these productive frames effortlessly in each of my seductions.

Remember. those that control the frame, control reality. I feel like I was on the verge of developing this skill before I took a break, but now its all starting to trickle back in.

Next I want to write 25 SOT's, as well as the useful frames that I could incorporate from them, so each of my conversations bounce from SOT and productive frames to the next.

Then I want to look at common pitfalls in my conversations, and see how I could better respond(cred lofty).
What happened:
HB asks where I'm from and we discuss our hometowns"
More optimal route:
"HB asks where I'm from and we discuss how we want to travel to Spain, relax on the warm sandy beach, and perhaps even indulge in spontaneous romance if we find an interesting and open minded person."


What happened:
Got in dead spot and asked HB for her age
More optimal route:
In dead spot, I use bait and intrigue, to introduce how my friend Rose was talking to me how crazy it is that she posts a pic of her with her baby brother and gets 200 likes, but when she posts a bikini pic, she gets 1000 likes. Which shows how over sexualized women are in media.. I could then ask hb if she's had a similar experience

let's get it


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
25 SOT's

The goal here is not to have a preplanned monologue, but to develop an awareness of the different opportunistic paths I can take throughout a conversation that will benefit the seduction. A compass.

I'll do a branching path off each SOT to other SOTs (edit I won't branch off a branch because then things get exponential...)
Also I don't expect anyone to actually read all of this. This one is probably my longest entry. But I feel just writing these thoughts down has shown me what was possible in terms of routing SOTs and developing my internal compass. Suffice to say, you reading this won't help as much as writing it did for me.

Every conversation begins somewhere... so lets hope that the beginning of the conversation provides solid roots to grow and branch out onto other SOTs. While I won't always open like this, I'll use this reality pace and lead as as opener example. (Day game at a park)

"You know... I've just realized something... about this park and the people that come here" (intrigue/ curiosity bait as she is one of those people in the park)
girl looks at you as you look at her

"It seems like this place has the ability to draw all types of people to one spot... you get the busybody's, the quirky-perhaps slightly crazy people, the young students from NYU, and I've even seen some older folks come in and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere. But somewhere in the middle of all that, I feel like there is an opportunity for each and everyone of us to experience something new... perhaps a show from one of those crazies I was talking about, or maybe, if we're brave, even the chance to meet someone new and exciting, whose fresh perspectives give us a different outlook on ourselves and the city."

So this opener has a few SOTs to branch to:

  • Meeting New People
  • New Experiences(and the inherent value they come with)
  • The Value of Being "Brave" / how rare that is in today's society
  • The Park's Relaxing Atmosphere/ how it makes us be present in the moment

Won't go too deep into mapping out each SOT as that's not the point of this exercise... we want to develop an internal compass to guide our conversations in the right direction.

Also in conversation, I want to practice repeating the implicit stuff I stated in the framework, and make it explicit to the girl and make her agree on it by framing what I say as the positive we should all have in life. Making a yes ladder and getting her to fully buy into the frame.

Subtopic 1 Learning about yourself/new perspectives
"Have you ever noticed... the best way to learn about yourself is through meeting new people"
sharing perspectives... see what you like/ what you don't like
perhaps even find something in yourself that you never knew existed.

Related Thoughts
Self discovery, finding things in common with this new person, the differences(and how they aren't actually that bad because they give use a new perspective to look at the world through), the value of being open minded, sharing a part of yourself with someone else(and how a part of us needs to be vulnerable when trying to form a connection with someone... but if you trust that person, it feels relieving to let your walls down and be vulnerable with them, as that allows them to truly understand you, and at the end of the day, we all want to truly be seen by someone. This can launch right into a vulnerability SOT/ chemistry/intimacy/ Connecting with someone can be liberating(walls are gone)

^this sub-subtopic feels more like another SOT... making these subtopics/SOT's is really frying my brain right now, so many things intertwine that the possibilities are INFINITE. I've been doing this on and off for the last 5 hours just because my head hurts haha.

Subtopic 2 Meeting new people is rarer now than ever
"While we have these opportunities to strike a conversation and perhaps even form a genuine connection with others every day... with the way things are these days... social media and especially the recent pandemic... people have become really closed off and almost antisocial or... social-phobic... so having these moments have become quite rare"

Related Thoughts
people are in their heads, not being present in the moment, which causes the hesitance when meeting others, it takes bravery to connect with others in a society where connections are seldomly made. social media can't penetrate past the surface level(only likes and followers). we get distracted from day to day life because of social media(cant appreciate the little things anymore) (from this social media thing can also go to the oversexualization of women and then go into a Jada routine)
THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS. this is annoying, but also liberating. Just need to have this on the back of my mind to lead conversations where I want them to go. Just the idea will suffice

Subtopic 3 The Unpredictability of Meeting New People
"Do you know what's really fascinating?"
"one of the most enjoyable aspects of meeting new people... is just how purely unpredictable it all is... you never know how these interactions might turn out, where the conversation might go, the possible connection you could make with this person, the fresh and exciting experiences you could share with this person"

its like a two person adventure, might do thing's you've never done before, shows the importance of being in the moment and spontaneous however because if we hesitate, and don't act on what feels right in the moment, we may miss out on that adventure and live a life filled with regret. Grab life by the horns and thrust yourself into the thick of it. trust your instincts and the way you feel(they are there for a reason). when we set expectations though, we ruin that fun unpredictability, and instead put unneeded pressure on ourselves, and dissapoint ourselves when we don't meet those expectations, live life without expectations!
Jesus this is going to take a while
On to the next

Subtopic 1 Life is the Experience
"You know... the more and more I think about it... the more I start to believe that life is really about building fresh experiences... like all the memories we have and hold on to because we enjoyed so much... they were all experiences, and as we go through life we keep having more of these moments, sometimes good, sometimes bad. If I were to ask you what your most enjoyable memory was... surely it was an experience, right?" can talk about her most enjoyable memories (which can segway into childhood memories and then influences and who we are now(an opportunity to reframe social blocks imprinted on us as kids) Anti ASD frames, Sexual Liberation Frames, and down the sexual rabbit hole we go

we can have these fresh experiences by doing anything, but most of the time, this comes from actively doing something. By taking part in your own life, by grabbing life by the horns and actively doing something about it. Perhaps, taking a trip abroad into foreign lands, trying out a new hobby, or even, forming a powerful and even electric connection with someone else as to do so, you need to let your walls down.

Subtopic 2: Unexpectected, pleasureable outcome
"I'm curious... as I was actually thinking about something that happened to me the other day... but have you ever had an experience where you were hesitant at first, but at one point you suddenly stopped thinking with your head so much and instead, listened to how you felt in the moment and what you could FEEL was the right thing to do, and everything from there on was just an amazing, riveting experience"

when we're in our heads, we're not experiencing the moment, and everything life has to offer. When were present, our senses are magnified, you focus intently on what's right in front of you(me haha) and you start to live by the second and... understand the value of living a life without regrets as your never going to get that second back.
the unexpected things seem to be the most exciting and pleasurable things sometimes. Like, have you ever been given a surprise by family or a good friend... think back to Christmas for a second... those unexpected moments where you could barely wait to open your presents were so exciting that they felt electric as we were filled with anticipation for what could happen.
you know... I've actually noticed that you can also feel those same feelings with the unpredictable nature of meeting new people and forming genuine connections with them...(subtopic discussed in meeting people) except, these feelings, when mutual can lead to so much more potent emotions... passion, intimacy

Wow, I'm getting better at riffing these mid exercise. To really nail these SOT's, I feel like I just gotta have the right frame of mind when going into my seductions. When I was thinking of the subtopics for Meeting New People it was waaaay harder to get some juice rolling, but now that I got into a flow, it comes out with ease. I think this is because I'm thinking more seductive thoughts and less unproductive ones. So the purpose of this compass is to get you into the good and avoid the bad.

Subtopic 3: These experiences shape who we are
"You know... life is just filled with new experiences... and each time we find ourselves embarking on a new one, I feel like we have the opportunity to learn something new or even rediscover ourselves and what we want out of life"

these new experiences can be pretty much anything, with the only thing being in common is that we need to be ACTIVE and grab life by the horns. This could be travel,hobby, or even meeting people ETC (ALL THESE TOPICS ARE LINKED SOMEHOW)
being open minded is important to do this... if we're rigid like a wall, we'll stay the same forever... and leave no room to evolve, as we are stagnant. If girl is a loser and somehow objects to change ask her if she'd rather be HS self.(can then segway to childhood imprints as well)
“Have you ever noticed. . . the best way to learn about yourself is through meeting new people and the experience you share with them?
“As you have this fresh experience with them . . you can learn things about yourself that you like. Things you don't like. . . through the conversation
And perhaps. . . you might even discover things you didn't know existed.”
2 down 2 to go
Subtopic 1: Social media/society meta frame/"just be who you are" is a lie
"you know, I had this funny thought the other day... how in a society that's constantly telling people to be themselves... nobody actually really is... so many of us develop a fake life online through social media... showing others what we think they want to see instead of being "ourselves"... and the thing is... I think this has extended into the real world as well... where people rarely form a genuine connection with someone else... which, really only makes that connection all the more special"

connecting with someone is rare, that feeling of being understood by someone... like someone truly sees you.... is a feeling we all would like to have deep down.

When feeling a connection with another, it can seem like it comes out of thin air sometimes.... but really, it's the mutual understanding each person has for the other, and from there, stronger emotions can arise. Have you.... ever had a strong connection with someone.... a family member, a friend.... a lover...
with this mutual connection, you'll start to feel this electric feeling of passion arise, and as you follow your emotions and do what feels right in the moment... you might even start to feel the feelings of passion arise and overcome you. And with me, once this burning passion arises... it seems the feeling of intimacy, are imminent and even natural.

social media just places so much unneeded pressure on us... to live up to a certain standard... Like for example... my girl friends from college(social media oversexualization pace) into reframe girls want sex but the connection needs to be there. Not pure sex objects... girls are people too who have insecurities, passions, and want to feel understood just like anyone else.

quite the juicy subtopic. the more I write the more I can see how easily any of these topics can escalate into a sexual conversation.
I say that one counts for two subtopics haha im getting lazy

Subtopic 2 So many people live a life of regret
"you know... its quite brave of us that were talking to eachother right now... but do you know what's interesting?"
"the more and more I think about it... the more I notice that most people live a life filled with regret... and it mainly comes from one thing...
being hesitant. When we hesitate, we get in our heads, and we let life blow right past us, and we miss the moment... instead of doing that, how about we just grab life by the horns, and live second by second... moment to moment"

life is short... trust your feelings they are there for a reason...
have you noticed how the best experiences come when we just let ourselves go with the flow and what feels right at the time... when we are in our head we miss out on all of that.

Subtopic 3 Meta frame on hesitation
"you know... I've been thinking lately... on why people hesitate all the time... and I've noticed, that it really just comes from mixed feelings. When you feel hesitant, you find yourself in a novel circumstance where anything could happen.... Like lets say you were to suddenly find yourself in a new situation... such as meeting someone for the first time... you might feeling some excitement going through you as who knows, good things might happen... but then another part of you is feeling anxious or maybe even a little uncomfortable because you remember all those times you've met a new person and they turned out to be awkward or boring.... so when you hesitate... its because you're not sure which of those two polar situations you might find yourself in. With me however, I find that following your instinct, which are there for a reason right? Is the best way to go about these things"

follow your feelings, how amazing is it when your right, the connection that can be formed, dropping the hesitation and being in the moment, perhaps even a little spontaneous as the excitement overcomes you.

Only one more to go... Note, I said 25 SOTs, but I never actually kept count.
Subtopic 1: Park Relaxation Reality Pace
"have you noticed just how relaxing this park can be... just think about it for a second.... here we are, relaxing on these benches, and if we just feel the environment for a second.... you could feel the cool air brushing past your skin... the birds chirping in the background... and the sun shining so brightly above us... and the soothing smell of nature all around us. It really just lets us release all the stress we've been building up out there(point to the city) and have a moment where we can be free from all that and be present"

Subtopic 2: Indulging in the park
"you know... I've been coming here a lot recently... and I've been trying to figure out what is it that keeps drawing me and others back in to this place... and I think I've figured it out."
"this place just has an intoxicating energy to it... the kind that lures people from all over the city in... so that they can indulge in it as much as they can before having to go back to their stressful city lives

Subtopic 3: The importance of being in the moment
"ever since I've been coming here... I've started to realize just how important it is... to be present and in the moment. I've noticed the stark differences of when I'm in my head and when I'm out of it and actually living, I'm sure you have as well... Like when you're in your head... everything seems sooo much bigger than it actually is and you might find yourself stressing over the smallest things... you also start to hesitate so much more and begin to neglect what your body and feelings are trying to tell you . But when your present, and live life second by second....
all those stresses and worries just seem to magically disappear... and you find yourself in so many enjoyable experiences seemingly out of nowhere..."

ok I'm going to bed now I'm totally fried.... this was a very useful exercise however definitely recommend if you want to take your conversation pathing to another level.
If you read all of that.... go to the field and get some sets in haha nah jk hope you learned something as I have.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Monday August 2nd

I came in today with a focus on the frames I want to set... sprezzaturatic openers, seductive walk/narrative, sexual vibe. Reread my journal on the bus and tried to absorb the frames.. recited the opener a few times and then I did some breathing exercises while harnessing my sexual energy.

Keep in mind... my jewelry finally came into day and I feel like it strongly boosted my seductive abilities with its edginess. On my left wrist, two leather ropes conjoined by vampire slaying silver attention grab like nothing else. On my right index finger, a titanium steel ring with black and silver accents compliment the rest of my kit. Of course, I'm also wearing my sword necklace chain, as always. Here's what it looks like

When I got out of the bus, focusing on projecting my sexual vibe through my walk... I could feel heads turning. Keeping a low AR and using my periphery, I could tell these small changes had an impact.
Took the train to my usual spot and after cooling down a bit(I heat up and sweat )quick, got to work.

I'm casually walking around the park... slowly scanning when I see her. A dark haired beauty wearing tight black jeans that made me think of one word... vixen. She had a perfect tan and a really curvy body, with those honey eyes I've always been so addicted to. Probably my hottest set to date, but I've said that like 3 times this summer so who knows where the bar will go to next.

Embracing sprezzatura, I slowly enter the aisle of benches she's seated at while fake texting... as I near her I slow my walk to a halt while pretending to be in an animated texting exchange(smiles and all that). I then notice the open bench next to her, conviniently at my side and walk over to it. But I don't sit immediately I pretend once more to in an interesting texting conversation and slowly sit down after. 30 more seconds of fake texting and i put my phone away and ponder life for a second.
Sexual Vibe
Some black trash starts screaming at eachother and stop. I use this as my cue and alter my opener a bit so its more situationally relevant.

Lobo: "You know... (slowly turn face)I've noticed something about this park, and the people that come here(win eye contact battle)... There's just always something going on :)(she smiles too). Also... I feel like it has some ability to just bring all types of people into one area... You get the busybodies(point to a man in a suit who happened to be right there), you get the young kids(point to skateboarders), you even got those quirky but a little crazy people everyone putting on a show :)... and look(motion towards an older person), you even got some of the older folks coming in and enjoying the relaxing vibes. But I think in the middle of all of that we each have the opportunity to experience something new... something different... Maybe its one of those crazy people I was talking about... or maybe, if were brave, we can even meet someone new.(forgot to say the last part of it all, regardless she was at least immersed)
HBVixen: "If were brave"
Lobo: "(sexy chuckle) Heh... yea... if.. we are brave... and to be honest... that's quite rare these days. I feel like with covid out and about... and everyone being on their phones these days, the bravery needed to connect with another person, just isn't there anymore, get what I mean"
HBVixen: "yea, i've noticed that"
Lobo:"and sure, we have our social media which makes us think we have connections with all of our followers and likes.... but that kind of stuff doesn't run deep and is pretty superficial... it can't penetrate past the surface level(motion penetration into my skin, while showing her my cool ring ofc. Keep in mind this is happening with pretty deep eye contact and sexual voice tone)
Lobo:"and you know... I've noticed something else... especially when out there(motion to the outside of the park)... it seems most people live with a one track mind. Like you'll see them and they will pretend like you don't even exist. Like I've tried to even smile a bit at them and nothing. People walk around with these walls you know... but just from talking to you so far, I get the feeling that while you may also have walls, mainly to protect you from weirdos, you lower them when you meet someone who you feel understands you, and can be a really genuine person."
HbVixen: "Are you from here?"
Lobo:"(slight smile) No, I actually arrived 2 week ago :)"
HbVixen:"Ah, where are you from?"
Lobo: "I'm originally from Spain"(should have made her guess w/e"
HBVixen:"ah that's cool....so do you feel like that's one of the more noticeable difference here in the city and from spain"
Lobo:"hmm... yea the walls are bigger here..."
HBVixen:"so what made you want to come over here"
Lobo:"honestly... i'd say it'd have to be need for something new and different... have you ever experienced doing the same thing with the same people over and over again to the point where it becomes a monotonous grind?"
HBvixen:" Omg yes... I'm originally from LA and it got suuuuper boring"
Lobo:"interesting... what made you want to pack bags and travel all the way over here?"
HBVixen:"I think I just wanted to do something different and didn't really like the environment over there, so many people are fake"
Lobo: "ah yea and in this city, it seems like there's always an unlimited amount of things to do, the only thing being, we have to let ourselves do them first... it seems like every day is an opportunity for a fresh experience that can change the way we look at life, would you agree?"
HbVixen: "yea totally"
HbVixen:"hey what's your name"(extends hand to me)
Lobo: "I'm.... (my real name)..."
HbVixen:" I'm HbVixen... it took you a while to say your name"
Lobo: "ah yea haha I just had to make sure I said the english version of it. (total BS I was just wondering if I should give her my real name or fake name)
HbVixen: Ah whats the spanish version?
Lobo: spanish pronunciation of my name
HbVixen: thats interesting
Lobo: When you're not out enjoying the park... what is it that you do in this city?"
HbVixen: like work or ..."
Lobo: whatever
HbVixen: I do photography and i'm a director.. doing blah blah blah"
Lobo: thats really cool... do you have any photos you could show me
HbVixen: Oh yea I have my instagram. Do you use instagram? (is this some way to insta close me? I meant on her phone)
Lobo: Oh yea., let me get my phone out... I stand up and sit next to her while looking away out in the distance(I think this is necessary to avoid trigerring FSC and being nonchalant) she then shows me some pics and what not and wow these girls are fucking hot and they are nude. Tiddies out and everything. I get hard
Lobo: wow that's very progressive... they must really be comfortable with you
HbVixen: what do you mean?
Lobo: These photos... they speak so much... these girls are expressing a powerful vulnerability to the world, and I'm sure you make them feel comfortable by creating a nonjudgemental environment where they are free to express themselves(deep eye contact... I can see her pupils dilate in her honey iris)
HbVixen: "oh yea... i sure do :)"
HBVixen: "what do you do"
Lobo:(decides to ruin the set) Oh I'm still in college
Hbvixen:"Oh... so your young"
HbVixen:"how old are you... 20 something?
Lobo: "I'm 21... (sexy smile) how old are you?
HbVixen:"I'm 23..."
Lobo:"oh... so you're a cougar huh ;)"
she starts laughing
Lobo:" taking advantage of 21 years olds huh...
more laughs
Lobo: haha Im just fucking with you. let me see those other photos"
she shows me one with a really cool car... also happens to have a famous tik tok girl in it(i think to myself who is this chick)
HBVIxen:"That's my car btw"
Lobo:*an approving look stretching on my face* that's sick
HbVixen:"jk.. i wish"
Lobo: "oh man, you almost activated my gold digger haha(she laughs)... ok I gotta stop haha"
Lobo: "what would you say got you started in photography"
HBVixen:" hmm idk... I think I was just always doing it with my friends in highschool"
Lobo: "ah so it stuck with you since you were good and it just felt natural to do"
HbVixen: "haha yea ig I am good"
I elicit some more and she asks about my carrer goals and plans, I try to keep social frame high . Eye contact is really strong and what not. I start thinking about where to insta date this girl but have no clue. Start asking her where all the good coffee shops are but she says the ones she goes to are closed. I decide an idate is risky since I have no clue where to take her. I then say
"Well... HBVixen...(she says my name back to me) I gotta head out to meet up some friends... however...(increasing tension)... I really enjoyed talking with you... and would like to continue this conversation sometime...
HBVixen:" yeah me too!"
Lobo:"sounds good, how about I give you my number then and we can set something up later this week"
HbVixen:"I'll give you my number(no clue why she does this)
Lobo: sure
As were doing the number, she asks for my logistics, when I'm leaving and when she's leaving. She leaves this sunday back to cali. I say thats no problem, I'm sure we can figure something out. If I am to see this girl, maybe a thursday night? Will have to see what her logistics are like, if not I'm bringing her to central park. Here is the texting so far.

I feel good about this one, I really want to fuck her.
I won't be as descriptive with the other sets as that last one honestly took like 40 min to remember and type out, and I had like 8 sets today. She was also the hottest.

I tell her I must leave and I actually do leave to maintain the lie. I wish I went the SDL route, but that opens up a clusterbomb of shit I don't know how to do and I really want to fuck this girl. She's the type of girl I would jerk off to 5 years ago and I'm certain you guys were doing the same. Need to get at least one insta date before I go back to college though.

I keep walking down W 4th street station and I notice the immense AI I'm getting. Its nuts. And I'm not even in my final form. If I was an 8 before the drip and a 8.5-9 after, I still think I can pump myself to a 10 with a cleaner physique, lower bf to accentuate my sharp face, better walk, and style(I've only scratched to surface to my style, and actually wear the same thing everytime i go out lol). World-class fundamentals is the goal, and I've definitely made progress on what I wanted to accomplish this summer(minus the 7 more lays that was a bit ambitious of me haha). I'm leaner, and I can bench the 180 pounds I started doing 4 reps of, 8 times now. Sexual Vibe is a focus of mine always, and I think there's so much more development I can make with it. Just ooze it instead of wielding it.
Funny thing though, is that I've always been trying to upgrade my fundamentals ever since I was in highscool(before game), and I recently saw some freshman year photos of me. I was astonished, if I were to show photos, it would be hard to tell they are from the same person. I think the main difference for my extreme difference( I also look way different than anyone in my family), is the mewing I started to do at the end of sophmore year which altered the way my face looked. It became to look more like that of a model. If you click that link note that this is something that requires immense persistence until it becomes second nature to you, and real results take years as this works as braces work. I actually saw my aunt who I haven't seen in like 2-3 years and she was surprised with my look. She said my entire face changed as if it was lifted(she was actually very correct as that is what happened, my bone structure changed). And I'll be the first to say looking more attractive definitely makes life easier... I've experienced both worlds... not to say looks are everything, as we are not women and our character(game) has a larger impact.

Anyways, onto the next set, 20 minutes later I find myself eyeing a Russian princess, which a lean but seductive frame, and silver, excited eyes. Turns out she's a bit older than me, my erection does not care however...
I see this girl on the street and try to think of a spezzaturatic open. I walk over to her street, with my phone in hand and slowly turn to her and say
"Hey, you seem like you know your way around her(look over and make eye contact)...
Do you know where I can find a really good coffee shop"

She's immersed, strong eye contact and all. Says she's not from here and we get into a conversation about travelling and new experiences. It seems like she's gaming me with all the beautiful frames she's setting about having new experiences and and always being willing to try new things. Now that I write this, this might be the hidden key needed to make her FSC sleep with me later. I feel age cockblocking me atm in the texting.
I ask if she's a philosopher, giggles laughs, I'm now pretty close to her. Intense eye contact as I set more productive frames(I think still on experiences, but I also go into the meeting new people frames)
"Have you ever noticed that one of the best ways to learn about yourself... is through meeting new people?"
"Throughout the conversation, you'll find yourself seeing these different perspectives and you see what you like and what you don't like... and sometimes, if you're lucky, you might even see something in yourself you didn't even know existed."

I can her pupils dilate in her very light blue eyes.... We talk some more and I bring up connection frames.

Everything is good, but then she says her boyfriend is here and asks for my number and seeds a meetup. I laugh and give her my number. Her boyfriend was actually very close it seemed like she was trying to be discreet. Asked for my name and I extended my hand but she didn't take it, I think this was because of BF.

here are the texts so far, notice her language with me, she's trying to baby frame me and basically dry her pussy up.IG this is what happens when you have social frame issues, girls don't want you to make them wet.
I followed some of the advice from Skills, I think the first text saying "tell your boyfriend I am your gay friend" is good as it is still in line with the person I was in set, I was jokey here and there while setting some frames, but, in hindsight, I think I should have gone back to who I was with the texts after. She closed me and seeded the meetup, but what I said after reverted that chase frame. Will text her more tomorrow. Don;t even remember her name though haha.
I think I hooked the milf mainly with my vibe and fundamentals, my opener was pretty basic but good in terms of spezzatura.

5 minutes later I see a cute girl next to me on the cross walk and I try a situational opener

"you know... I feel like when its me waiting, the light's always red :)"
she looks at me a bit confused as she couldn't hear me because airpods OF COURSE. (I fucking hate airpods)
I then repeat it and she laughs and agrees. I'm trying to finesse my way into a set and hook her but then the magical light turns green and she goes into automatic mode, just like every other robot in the city.

"you ever notice how when moving from point a to b, you turn almost into a robot? Everything around you just seems to disappear as your only focus is getting to your destination. Your legs move automatically and you stop and go by the signals of a mechanical light. But then, it takes the smallest things to snap you out of it, and suddenly you find yourself in a unique situation where you don't really know how it will turn out, but a a part of you is excited to find out(suggestive eye contact)"

Just thought of it, but maybe I try that opener next time, with a lot of self pointing and suggestive eye contact.

Soon after I see a two set from behind and my oh my is one the girls blessed. Sporting these tight ripped black jeans to accentuate her toned and bountiful derrière and tease her tan skin(which is a favorite of mine), I see her from a far, and my eyes LOCK in.
I increase my walking pace.
Catch up to them and I'm actually not sure how to open. I whip my phone out as I near trying to see if I can get an easy in, but no avail, I walk and pretend not to notice them when all of a sudden some dude is attacked by a big ass bug and he starts boxing the air lmao it was a funny sight.
Thank you

I look over to the hot babe and notice her blessed chest as well, bonus
When the bugs attack!"
they start laughing
Instantly I can see the hb is slightly interested, just by her eye contact. Her body reminds me of HBvixen, but her face did not match up. Perhaps if she invested in an acne treatment she'd match her.
"did you see that" she says
No i did not fucking see that but magically reacted to it instead? I swear girls have no game.
"can never be to safe in the city you know"
"everyday is like an entirely new experience. You might be walking down the street and suddenly, a bug has beef with you... who know? isn't that exciting :)"
they giggle some more
I'm gradually getting more of their attention. However, before I can fully hook them, their route takes them a turn to the right, and not knowing what to do I bid them farewell. FUCK.

Maybe I could have done some
"you ever walking somewhere and suddenly realize your going the wrong way?"
to sneak my way into a hook

I then decide to walk back

While walking back to wash square after getting in a pretty animated discussion with a 70 year old lesbian lady and her dog(no I am not fucking 70 year olds lmao, she is not the milf)
I see this blond blue eyed stunner, walking like a bad bitch towards me. We lock eyes, and her eyes drag themselves towards mine even after I pass her. This will be the first time I've acted on this MASSIVE AI.

I turn around, catch up to her and tap her on the arm
"Hey ;)"
HBMilf: 'Hey"
Lobo: "you ever walk somewhere and then suddenly realize your going the wrong way... yep... that's about me right now"
HBMilf:"ah so where is it that you are trying to go?"
Lobo: "wherever the wind takes me you know(while being suggestive with my smile and eye contact), which actually, (i feel the wind), is pushing me back there but it is what it is you know? Sometimes, you need to go against the original plan and just let loose and feel the moment. Get what I mean?

I am hooking this girl at an astonishing speed, we actually stop walking to eyefuck eachother and this is when she hits me with a carefully set up trap

HbMilf" I take it you've been having a hot summer" (is she trying to say hotboy summer?)
Lobo:"yea... i'ts been interesting... lots of new experiences
HbMilf: "oh... I get the feeling that you might be too young for me.. how old are you"
Lobo:" heh, how old do I look..."
HbMilf: "Hmm... you look 22 to me"

pfft, that will be my new lie age from now on fuck 21.

Lobo:"not at all haha, I'm actually 25
HBmilf:"well I'm 39, just a bit different in age"

I didn't note the rest of what I said because it didn't matter, it was game over. I think I tried to do some reframing to no avail
At the end she reaches her hand for mine and I hand clasp while rubbing the backhand area with my thumb in circles and giving intense eye contact. I can feel her getting burned by this intensity but she leaves anyways.

would have looked amazing on my dick.... as I walk into the park

I get to the park and my my... I see this petite asian walking with gusto wearing no bra and one of those schoolgirl outfits. The sheer energy and passion those things bounced with under her half shirt forced me to make a quick infield adjustment. Remising my lovely night with HBShrooms, I feel as if I've grown an appetite for asian pussy. However, things don't go to plan unfortunately, as much as me and my raging erection would have liked.

I stand from by bench nonchalantly and begin to follow her while looking at my phone. I expect to open her near the end of the park, but where we are there is actually a curvature and an obstructed view, so I actually lose sight of her and pick up my pace. But then it seems she turned around and headed in my direction and I walk right pass her while making eye contact. I couldn't react quick enough and the lighting was very bad and we were both alone so I was very hesitant. Decided to pass and made a loop around the park

I open this shy awkward blonde with massive eyeballs( I think the problem is she never heard of bedroom eyes) Her body was hot, but her energy disturbed me.
Either way, I worked my park reality pace and framing, connection and what not and new experiences. Although I need to figure out a way to elicit the emotions better.
We talk for like 3 minutes but she doesn't ask me anything, I thought I would have hooked by then as she was interested in what I was saying so I stop talking to put some pressure on her to contribute. Nothing. I could have just kept going on and on, but she wasn't that attractive to me, with HBVixen in consideration..

I get up, tell her my friends are here, bid her a farewell, and turned for home.

Although something interesting happened as I left the park....

I opened spotify and tuned into that playlist Lofty shared a few days ago... Badgal Ri-RI was the first track. I put my phone to my ear so I could hear it and something different happened in that nightime air as I listened to the music.

My walk became even more confident and deliberate, and a sinister grin began to stretch across my face. Suddenly, this jolt of feeling overcame me and I felt this electric tingling rising everywhere...
I smiled and thought to myself
"I'm going to conquer this city at some point:"
I felt like a menace... capable of terrorizing the panties of any HB in my vicinity.

I'm going to cause some local flooding at some point, just watch ;)

What went well
Frame jujitsu
Sprezzaturatic Opener
Sexy Walk
Sexual Vibe

What could be better
Sexual Framing
Stronger Sexual Vibe
Insta date(game plan)
Having a bigger number on my ID

maybe i get a fake that says im 29, who knows, anything to smash

lets get it
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Met with Kvothe and did 3 sets today. Keeping it brief since i want to spend more time on some material.
But first, one general trend with all my approaches is that it seems I forgot my sexual vibe back home or something. I think if I had some sexual vibe I would have hooked girl one as I was almost there but the interaction seemed on the platonic side and she went back to her book.
My pre-approach for stationary sets has also improved significantly, I can attention grab pretty much any girl prior to approach mainly by using hovering, stillness, and by creating a seductive narrative(good body language goes with this). And none of my approaches seemed planned so thats good. I'm also not getting ignored anymore on the open which makes me happy haha.

Was with kvothe when I noticed her. Did my fake texting while walking slowly and slowed down as I got closer to her until I was about 3-4 feet away and then I stop and looked very engaged on my phone. I noticed her peeking at me and preening herself. I fuck up a little and immidietly turn to sit, instead of noticing it and then walking over because it was convinient. A small but crucial detail.

Fake text kvothe a few times, msg him "game time" to up our states because i noticed he was also about to approach on the other side of the park. With a good voice I open with

"You know... I've noticed something, about this park(look at her).. and the people that come here.."

I accidentally look away first and had no sexual vibe. Forgot the frames I wanted to set so might have to review 25 SOTs. The vibe was good however, and I had her eomtionally stimulated, but it seemed like the book was beating me in terms of raw attraction lmao. She continually tried to return to her book and I think it was my first impression and lack of sexual vibe that did it.

I noticed a girl from my HS and wanted to try to game her. I remembered this girl because she ignored me, she was one of those attractive popular types... turns out she's a model now. I still think she's overrated though, but I have a vendetta... and I now have game.

I do my standard fake texting and sit down near her. I didn't want to go in naked so I open a girl nearby and just get positive reactions from her. About 3 min of this and then the HS girl opens me and I drown her in my sexual energy.

It was a beautiful sight. This girl who used to ignore me, leave me on read etc was tripping over her words and seemed awkward as fuck haha. It was all going well and I was setting some frames on fresh experiences, but then her friend said they had a reservation and she reluctantly had to bounce, asked for my insta and I said I don't have one stress and stuff. (this girl also unfollowed me randomly years ago lmao)

Thank god for game.

What went well
Attention grabbing
Spezzaturatic opening

What To Improve
Sexual vibe
Review framework
Setting sexual frames verbally
Don't accidentally ejaculate(i think this is why my vibe and energy was so low today, could also be the heavy lifting I did from my mom but that shouldn't affect my sexual vibe) I really just noticed a lack of desire for girls today and that was reflected in my sets.

Will be out tomorrow with a focus on sexual vibe and sex talk. Maybe some jada routines as well


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Went out yesterday and had two solid interactions that could have led to pulls, but first I had to deal with some psyche problems.

It was pretty hard for me to feel motivated, almost like I didn't have any skin in the game. This caused me to not really grab life by the horns and enjoy it as much as possible yesterday. I would cop out on juicy opportunities and wouldn't persist. A part of me felt like I wasn't even trying as if I didn't want to get laid, but I very much did. I also seemed to have a lot of self-doubt as I wasn't taking initiative as I would have liked, might have to look over the assume the positive video again. This is all part of the learning process I imagine. However, I definitely have regrets from yesterday, and wasn't as present in the moment as I would have liked. I find it funny that I'm trying to influence girls into this frame when I'm not living it myself yet haha, perhaps I should seduce myself first.

First solid set was with a lone wolf who seemed to be wandering around the park looking at art and checking out the scenery. I later found out she had a boyfriend but wanted to see if I could still fuck. There was a guy bathing in the rushing fountain which drew a lot of attention. She then began to record the guy showering in the high pressure fountain and I approached her by getting close and pretending to record him too.

"you know.... I feel like we all wish we could be as carefree as that guy is right now"
HB: "yea totally, that guy gives zero fucks"
"The interesting thing is here is that as you can see, this draws a lot of attention from the crowd, almost as if this is supposed to be bizzare as if that guy is crazy, but it turns out that guy is completely normal. Not on drugs or anything. I've seen him finish this dance, bow to the spectators, and put on his covid mask"
HB: "wow yea, I wouldn't say he's the crazy one... i think it's all of us instead"
Lobo:"wow... that's pretty fucking deep, are you a philosopher?"
at this point, the girl was pretty much hooked

we talk a bit more and I tell her I'm tired of standing, lets sit near the fountain and continue this conversation

we talked for about 40 minutes and during this time, we transitioned from topics on:
* emotional release (the guy dancing in the fountain was a perfect example of this)

* the judgement we cast on ourselves and the judgement we expect society to put on us(talked about why we don't do the things we want when we want),

* how bad it is to be judgemental(here I brought on details of how my doctorate degree coeds experience these desires for guys that they really like, but they feel this sort of shame when wanting to express themselves, and it really holds them back from enjoying life)

*how sex is natural to humanity, without it none of us would be alive, and to bring shame to others for wanting to express their sexualities, desires, and passion is ridiculous

* then transitioned to how we should follow our guts and what we are feeling in the moment because they are there for a reason and when we don't act on them we wake up the next day or even years down the line regretting not taking action and living life to the fullest.

*This topic really gets the girl going and she begins to basically set anti ASD frames herself and talked about how feminity and feminine energy is repressed in this society. She talks about how she is a social media filterer and how these days it's wrong to simply feel something is right, and it all has to be backed up by facts (a masculine paradigm).

*From here I go off what she said and say that's where our judgements come from... we look at everything through this masculine and logical lens and from there we force a reason onto everything, judging it. Doing this has made us forget to focus on what we feel in the moment... the anticipation and excitement of a new experience. I want to get better at influencing emotions and making girls feel things from my words
Then we transition onto vulnerability and how in order to fully utilize our feminine energy, we must be fully vulnerable in order to absorb outside energy, letting our walls down in the process. She mentioned how feminine energy received while the masculine is more like a sturdy pillar. It was a very interesting conversation

*From there we went onto Self Discovery which made for a very easy transition into sex talk which is when things got juicy. We talked about self-discovery and she mentioned how covid was a time where she grew immensely as she was isolated and was forced to deal with her thoughts and listen to her body. We then talked about meditation and how it has helped us both become in tune with ourselves(I really need to get back into meditation haven't done it in a bit)

*From there I mention how so many people don't know themselves or even understand their own bodies...

"You know what's crazy... in my college I was talking with my girlfriends and many of them tell me that they have never experimented with themselves... which I honestly could not believe... but this made me realize an underlying issue with female sexuality... Most people, especially females, don't understand it... Like the other day I was thinking of the different ways a girl could be brought to orgasm and I counted a total of 8.. could you believe that"
this girl was astonished by that number and wanted to hear more
and I was happy to deliver

From here I went on to give vivid descriptions of each type of orgasms and went to length describing the pleasure the girl would feel. Using language such as "by teasing this area and building up her anticipation for the pleasure to come... the girl would start to gradually and gradually become more and more aroused until she'd beg to release and succumb to the pleasure." I described clitoral, gspot, deep spot, a spot,nipple orgasm, and mental. I said there was 8 but actually only gave her 7, the effects were intense, however. I could see that these verbal descriptions were affecting the girl. She would fidget here and there, give me stronger eye contact as I gave the descriptions and then look away when she couldn't handle my warm eye contact anymore.
What really hit her like a truck was when I was talking about how most men just want to fuck and get it over with, but me.... I don't even like sex (good sex gambit from teevster)
then I talked about how good sex requires simple attention to the minor details.

"when a girl starts to feel arousal and gradually starts to turn on... the first thing that will happen is she will start to have shallower breaths as the anticipation and those electric feelings of excitement start to grow their way through her body... Her skin starts to become very warm to the touch( I would lightly graze her forearms and upper arms with my forearm and my backhand) and she starts to feel this heat as the arousal grows almost like a volcano... waiting to be released... her eyes become filled with desire(deep eye contact here, I noticed her pupils dilating haha) as she absorbs sexual energy"

I keep talking more and more about how arousal works such as how the pussy starts to fill with moist warmth and begins to have an overwhelming craving to be filled and I noticed she would move her legs a bit and fidget more and more. At one point she put her arm and rested it on a stone structure as if she was going through something haha. It felt really good. I think, however, once I noticed this uptake in her arousal(as she was obviously wet at this point) I should have done another move, perhaps to an isolated bench or even asked for her logistics and pull to her place.

I think I aroused her too much because, at one point, she abruptly said that her back was starting to hurt from where we were sitting and bid me farewell. I look to where she was sitting and noticed a wet stain. Should have set a discretion frame just for her. I feel like she played with herself after talking to me.

I think this is also my problem with motivation, I think I could have fucked this girl or at least got the boyfriend objection and tempted and aroused from there, but her leaving didn't seem to affect me at all. Instead, I was happy as I was able to use sex talk and arouse her... satisfied, but I didn't get any pussy.

I was walking around and I saw this hot girl eye fucking while I was fake texting. I got near the group and was fake texting. The girl even bumped into me but somehow I didn't find the initiative to just open.. could have just done a hey how is your night going. This was my biggest regret last night. I want to learn to just let go and trust my gut... I would enjoy life so much more doing so.

The last good set was one where I took a more banter style approach while setting some subtle chase frames and also some frame jujitsu.
This girl pretty much gave me her life story and I could see she was practically seducing herself. Her body was facing directly towards mine while I was looking at her at an angle. She followed me on my train and we kept talking and I set good frames, although didn't go through anti asd or sex talk. The main problem though was her friend who liked to frame grab. She would also unconsciously shit test me by holding eye contact in a way that would make most people look away, but instead, I melted her which I think helped with the frame grabbing. My main focus was ongoing home but this again goes in line with my motivation problem... I could have easily fucked this girl if I just willed it. I had social frame and emotional stimulation, just needed to turn the sexual vibe on and even a little sex talk. Handle the friend and figure out a way to get the girl to take me with her. As I was leaving the girl actually even hugged me smh... I feel bad now for not fucking her, she was well in HB territory. The only thing I did was ask if i could tag in a rather sheepish way, to where the friend gave me a bitter response. I didn't bother doing much after that.

I think now I understand my most glaring problem and it's a mindset issue. I can attract and arouse these girls seemingly well and while my process isn't perfect that doesn't really matter, I need to focus more on pulling the trigger. Seeing the opportunities as they arise and jumping on these windows to further the interaction. I don't remember having this lack of motivation in college and was actually running through my process just fine so maybe it's because of my nonexistent logistics, but even so, there will always be variable circumstances and I want to learn the ability to get laid in any battlefield, any circumstance.

Getting laid. That is the priority.
Last edited:


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Went out yesterday and had two solid interactions that could have led to pulls, but first I had to deal with some psyche problems.

It was pretty hard for me to feel motivated, almost like I didn't have any skin in the game. This caused me to not really grab life by the horns and enjoy it as much as possible yesterday. I would cop out on juicy opportunities and wouldn't persist. A part of me felt like I wasn't even trying as if I didn't want to get laid, but I very much did. I also seemed to have a lot of self-doubt as I wasn't taking initiative as I would have liked, might have to look over the assume the positive video again. This is all part of the learning process I imagine. However, I definitely have regrets from yesterday, and wasn't as present in the moment as I would have liked. I find it funny that I'm trying to influence girls into this frame when I'm not living it myself yet haha, perhaps I should seduce myself first.

First solid set was with a lone wolf who seemed to be wandering around the park looking at art and checking out the scenery. I later found out she had a boyfriend but wanted to see if I could still fuck. There was a guy bathing in the rushing fountain which drew a lot of attention. She then began to record the guy showering in the high pressure fountain and I approached her by getting close and pretending to record him too.

"you know.... I feel like we all wish we could be as carefree as that guy is right now"
HB: "yea totally, that guy gives zero fucks"
"The interesting thing is here is that as you can see, this draws a lot of attention from the crowd, almost as if this is supposed to be bizzare as if that guy is crazy, but it turns out that guy is completely normal. Not on drugs or anything. I've seen him finish this dance, bow to the spectators, and put on his covid mask"
HB: "wow yea, I wouldn't say he's the crazy one... i think it's all of us instead"
Lobo:"wow... that's pretty fucking deep, are you a philosopher?"
at this point, the girl was pretty much hooked

we talk a bit more and I tell her I'm tired of standing, lets sit near the fountain and continue this conversation

we talked for about 40 minutes and during this time, we transitioned from topics on:
* emotional release (the guy dancing in the fountain was a perfect example of this)

* the judgement we cast on ourselves and the judgement we expect society to put on us(talked about why we don't do the things we want when we want),

* how bad it is to be judgemental(here I brought on details of how my doctorate degree coeds experience these desires for guys that they really like, but they feel this sort of shame when wanting to express themselves, and it really holds them back from enjoying life)

*how sex is natural to humanity, without it none of us would be alive, and to bring shame to others for wanting to express their sexualities, desires, and passion is ridiculous

* then transitioned to how we should follow our guts and what we are feeling in the moment because they are there for a reason and when we don't act on them we wake up the next day or even years down the line regretting not taking action and living life to the fullest.

*This topic really gets the girl going and she begins to basically set anti ASD frames herself and talked about how feminity and feminine energy is repressed in this society. She talks about how she is a social media filterer and how these days it's wrong to simply feel something is right, and it all has to be backed up by facts (a masculine paradigm).

*From here I go off what she said and say that's where our judgements come from... we look at everything through this masculine and logical lens and from there we force a reason onto everything, judging it. Doing this has made us forget to focus on what we feel in the moment... the anticipation and excitement of a new experience. I want to get better at influencing emotions and making girls feel things from my words
Then we transition onto vulnerability and how in order to fully utilize our feminine energy, we must be fully vulnerable in order to absorb outside energy, letting our walls down in the process. She mentioned how feminine energy received while the masculine is more like a sturdy pillar. It was a very interesting conversation

*From there we went onto Self Discovery which made for a very easy transition into sex talk which is when things got juicy. We talked about self-discovery and she mentioned how covid was a time where she grew immensely as she was isolated and was forced to deal with her thoughts and listen to her body. We then talked about meditation and how it has helped us both become in tune with ourselves(I really need to get back into meditation haven't done it in a bit)

*From there I mention how so many people don't know themselves or even understand their own bodies...

"You know what's crazy... in my college I was talking with my girlfriends and many of them tell me that they have never experimented with themselves... which I honestly could not believe... but this made me realize an underlying issue with female sexuality... Most people, especially females, don't understand it... Like the other day I was thinking of the different ways a girl could be brought to orgasm and I counted a total of 8.. could you believe that"
this girl was astonished by that number and wanted to hear more
and I was happy to deliver

From here I went on to give vivid descriptions of each type of orgasms and went to length describing the pleasure the girl would feel. Using language such as "by teasing this area and building up her anticipation for the pleasure to come... the girl would start to gradually and gradually become more and more aroused until she'd beg to release and succumb to the pleasure." I described clitoral, gspot, deep spot, a spot,nipple orgasm, and mental. I said there was 8 but actually only gave her 7, the effects were intense, however. I could see that these verbal descriptions were affecting the girl. She would fidget here and there, give me stronger eye contact as I gave the descriptions and then look away when she couldn't handle my warm eye contact anymore.
What really hit her like a truck was when I was talking about how most men just want to fuck and get it over with, but me.... I don't even like sex (good sex gambit from teevster)
then I talked about how good sex requires simple attention to the minor details.

"when a girl starts to feel arousal and gradually starts to turn on... the first thing that will happen is she will start to have shallower breaths as the anticipation and those electric feelings of excitement start to grow their way through her body... Her skin starts to become very warm to the touch( I would lightly graze her forearms and upper arms with my forearm and my backhand) and she starts to feel this heat as the arousal grows almost like a volcano... waiting to be released... her eyes become filled with desire(deep eye contact here, I noticed her pupils dilating haha) as she absorbs sexual energy"

I keep talking more and more about how arousal works such as how the pussy starts to fill with moist warmth and begins to have an overwhelming craving to be filled and I noticed she would move her legs a bit and fidget more and more. At one point she put her arm and rested it on a stone structure as if she was going through something haha. It felt really good. I think, however, once I noticed this uptake in her arousal(as she was obviously wet at this point) I should have done another move, perhaps to an isolated bench or even asked for her logistics and pull to her place.

I think I aroused her too much because, at one point, she abruptly said that her back was starting to hurt from where we were sitting and bid me farewell. I look to where she was sitting and noticed a wet stain. Should have set a discretion frame just for her. I feel like she played with herself after talking to me.

I think this is also my problem with motivation, I think I could have fucked this girl or at least got the boyfriend objection and tempted and aroused from there, but her leaving didn't seem to affect me at all. Instead, I was happy as I was able to use sex talk and arouse her... satisfied, but I didn't get any pussy.

I was walking around and I saw this hot girl eye fucking while I was fake texting. I got near the group and was fake texting. The girl even bumped into me but somehow I didn't find the initiative to just open.. could have just done a hey how is your night going. This was my biggest regret last night. I want to learn to just let go and trust my gut... I would enjoy life so much more doing so.

The last good set was one where I took a more banter style approach while setting some subtle chase frames and also some frame jujitsu.
This girl pretty much gave me her life story and I could see she was practically seducing herself. Her body was facing directly towards mine while I was looking at her at an angle. She followed me on my train and we kept talking and I set good frames, although didn't go through anti asd or sex talk. The main problem though was her friend who liked to frame grab. She would also unconsciously shit test me by holding eye contact in a way that would make most people look away, but instead, I melted her which I think helped with the frame grabbing. My main focus was ongoing home but this again goes in line with my motivation problem... I could have easily fucked this girl if I just willed it. I had social frame and emotional stimulation, just needed to turn the sexual vibe on and even a little sex talk. Handle the friend and figure out a way to get the girl to take me with her. As I was leaving the girl actually even hugged me smh... I feel bad now for not fucking her, she was well in HB territory. The only thing I did was ask if i could tag in a rather sheepish way, to where the friend gave me a bitter response. I didn't bother doing much after that.

I think now I understand my most glaring problem and it's a mindset issue. I can attract and arouse these girls seemingly well and while my process isn't perfect that doesn't really matter, I need to focus more on pulling the trigger. Seeing the opportunities as they arise and jumping on these windows to further the interaction. I don't remember having this lack of motivation in college and was actually running through my process just fine so maybe it's because of my nonexistent logistics, but even so, there will always be variable circumstances and I want to learn the ability to get laid in any battlefield, any circumstance.

Getting laid. That is the priority.
did you touch the girl at any point, the one with the boyfriend, you were not horny enough, and by you touching her and she responding to physicality that will get the horny momentum going...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
did you touch the girl at any point, the one with the boyfriend, you were not horny enough, and by you touching her and she responding to physicality that will get the horny momentum going...
yea i touched a bit, but none of the highly erotic touch. More like touching her when delivering the juice or grazing her forarm. I actually remember I had a semi while going through the sex talk so I was making myself horny in that moment, but I think I wasn't quick enough to move the interaction forward and she ended up leaving. With the second girl on the train, I definitely was not horny enough and didn't push to make the lay happen.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
yea i touched a bit, but none of the highly erotic touch. More like touching her when delivering the juice or grazing her forarm. I actually remember I had a semi while going through the sex talk so I was making myself horny in that moment, but I think I wasn't quick enough to move the interaction forward and she ended up leaving. With the second girl on the train, I definitely was not horny enough and didn't push to make the lay happen.

again as we privately discuss you are also no seeing the girl due to your logistics, your horniness level(motivation low)...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020

again as we privately discuss you are also no seeing the girl due to your logistics, your horniness level(motivation low)...
I read it and I think yesterday I was struggling with 3 and 4. Maybe two,(with girl 1) but that was mainly because we were in the open at a public park. And I like to think 1 doesn't apply to me anymore haha.
But I was way too happy to go through my sex talk and not get laid, but I think that's been a trend with me the first time I successfully pull something off. I remember like 2months or so back I was talking in the chat with lofty while I was at hoboken and I used to be ecstatic from just approaching even if it didn't go anywhere, these days I'm much grittier than that.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I read it and I think yesterday I was struggling with 3 and 4. Maybe two,(with girl 1) but that was mainly because we were in the open at a public park. And I like to think 1 doesn't apply to me anymore haha.
But I was way too happy to go through my sex talk and not get laid, but I think that's been a trend with me the first time I successfully pull something off. I remember like 2months or so back I was talking in the chat with lofty while I was at hoboken and I used to be ecstatic from just approaching even if it didn't go anywhere, these days I'm much grittier than that.
Your sex talk delivery and content and twist of 8 orgasms amazing I even like it more than the creator. I took notes lol


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Tuesday, August 10th Thunderstorm Game

Honestly should have checked the weather forecast but fuck it
Anytime Seducer

Everything is looking fine until I take my first step out the subway at 7:30 pm and I hear thunder... and then the spattering sounds of a tropical rainstorm. Remembering what I once said to @Nicko about bad weather suddenly appearing when we seducers come out onto the streets, a devilish grin stretched across my face as I nonchalantly walked to my favorite park as everyone else ran for cover. During this walk I think of an rpo fitting for this unique situation.

"You know... I've just realized something fantastic about this weather...
"It reminds of just how human we all are... and how little control we have. Like... just a second ago, we were all enjoying the 80 degree weather like we would any ordinary day, then one second later and we are all running frantically away from our own world."

then I'd lead into a SOT on how its not bad that we don't have control, and how exciting it is to be reminded that we are in fact, alive.

Did a total of 3 approaches before I started shivering and went back home. It's astonishing how cold wet clothes can get as the water evaporates, sucking my heat with it as it returns to the skies.

the first attempt was a hot asian walking briskly wearing a mask.

"you know, I've realized something fascinating about this weather"

HB: Ignored
and that was that lmao. She didn't even slow down. Was talking with lofty about these tricky sets and I think a possible option here was to catch up to her and subtly point out how much of a bot she was while flexing my superb fundies.
"You know... this city has an ability to force people in their little secluded boxes... but that doesn't mean we all need to be that way"
I WILL actually use this next time a girl ignored my opener. It's actually laughable that I get ignored... just consider the experiences I've given the girls who haven't ignored me. Ofc, these girls have no clue of that, however.

I was also thinking of slacking on this journal entry but that above realization of what I will do has assured me that detailed journals will always be helpful. I find it crazy more people aren't journaling actually... especially those that complain about not getting the results they want.

I noticed one thing today, and it was that all of my sets gave me strong eye contact from the get go. Maybe it's the bonus attraction from having curly wet hair and my muscles showing through my clothes?

Either way, our next set is a two set under some cover from the rain.

I attention grab with an exclamatory remark "wow... unbelieveable" as I am absolutely drenched.
attention has been grabbed...
then I go into the pro, eager to see its effectiveness
"You know... I've just realized something fantastic about this weather...
"It reminds of just how human we all are... and how little control we have. Like... just a second ago, we were all enjoying the 80 degree weather like we would any ordinary day, then one second later and we are all running frantically away from our own world."

turns out it hooks fantastically, (or maybe it's the wetness factor on my fundies)

I then go into an sot on how exciting it is to lose control, and ask the girl to recall the last time she was really excited... it was a time where she didn't have control of the situation.

the mom compliments my looks(lmao)

But the daughter has such an eager look on her face, as she is faced completely towards me and almost sucked into my warm eye contact. The mom is watching this seduction on the sidelines.

Daughter then starts asking me some questions about myself, do I go to school here/ major

I tell her and she says that I have a really cool major. I said she's one of the first to say that and describe how cool cs is... being able to turn rigid structures into whatever fits your imagination... reminds me a lot of art.

Turns out she's looking forward to studying music somewhere.

I elicit on that and talk a bit more. Idk how to escalate or anything with the mom right there, but I feel like I could already on this girl if she wasn't there.

Eventually the mom calls in an uber. I opt not to number close because I just didn't think it was a high probability for lay... but now that I think about it that's dumb, none of my lays were high probability lays on the outset and the entire point of this skillset is to make each set a lay either ways. Maybe get her out to central park when she's not touring with her mom... under the pretenses of meditation open up the creative mind...bada bing bada boom. Interestingly enough, I described to my friends the other day how I used hypnosis to fuck a girl, and as I was saying what I told the girl, I inadvertently hypnotized my friends as well!! One of them even fell asleep after being put in a trance by me. And were freaking out a bit when I broke them out of it because they didn't know what happened... they said they just listened and kept listening.
You've all been warned if you talk to me hehe.

Felt like a good set, good momentum

Next set was a cute girl who I somehow didn't attempt to number clothes even through the obvious IOIS. I open with the same RPO and instantly hook. My tonality is amazing, never before been this good on open. I sound like a sex fiend. Always work on the fundies no matter how good you think your game is.
Use similar verbals as I did the last girl, but get her to guess about where I'm from.
She leaves for a bit and comes back and reopens me.
Then asks for my name and we shake hands seductively lmao

She was a foreigner, however, so again I was thinking low odds logistics, but you don't need ideal logistics to get laid. So that was silly of me. Overall, now that I write this, today could have led to something spectacular if I just kept on pushing for the lay on each scenario. I will try to adopt that mentality. In my last lr I thought all about the lay and nothing else the entire night. "what would lobo do?" well, lobo fucks

We talk and she turns herself to face me and gives me decent eye contact. I think she was timid. I also think this was the reason I didn't number close, I wasn't feeling much towards this girl even though she was cute, her vibe seemed a bit mellow/nervous. Either way, I should have number closed at least to build up a women cloud. Perhaps seeing her naked would have changed my mind.

Run out of sets under that cover area so I start walking somewhere else when I see an absolute baddie latina. Shes wearing like this skirt thing, but you can see her thong by her hip area and her seductive hips swayed left and right with mesmerizing rhythm. Needless to say, I was aroused, and I believe it helped with my opener. Best approach today

I see the babe in the umbrella about 25 meters in front of me and briskly walk towards her without being noticed. I see she's turning right to cross the street perfect I think to myself. So I take a wide angle around her so I'm not seen and it appears as if I came from the perpendicular street and not from behind her.
with the most seductive voice I've ever used
"Sooo... you came prepared ;)" *wins initial eyecontact*
pointing out the fact I'm drenched as fuck and she's chilling under her umbrella.
I believe she says something, but we are crossing the street and I'm a little too ahead of her. Regardless I get to the end of the road and re-open her on the other block with the same RPO i used in the other two sets.

Instantly hooked

She even offers me her umbrella. Of course, I'll take your umbrella baby.

I talk to her and as we bump shoulders under her umbrella and say how its actually a good thing to not be in control as it makes it all more exciting and if she could recall a moment when she was excited and I asked her how in control she was. She then asks me social frame questions and I get her to guess where I am from.
I lie and say spain but then she says she's from Mexico and starts speaking in Spanish. I respond in Spanish as well but i get her speaking English again because I'm not trying to embarrass myself with gringo Spanish haha.

We talk some more and I get her talking about Mexico experiences and the biggest difference when coming to the city. I'm also holding her arm/far shoulder at some points to keep her close to me. She complies with it all without any resistance. My sexual vibe is also oozing out of me as I have an erection while talking to her.

She did ask me where I was going at some point however, and I say 3 blocks straight on the spot not knowing where she was going.

I then start talking about how nice the city can be though hinting at the situation we are in... and how it has this peculiar ability to draw people together like this. Wish I had more time to work this SOT but we get to her exit
We then slow to a halt as she says she turns to the subway or something at this point and I say
"Oh... I guess this means that we will never see each other again"
she says"yea... what a bummer"
Infusing my verbals with strong pauses and tonality as well as piercing eye contact I say
"but you know(walk in front of her and face her)... things don't have to end here..."
"from the few moments I've talked to you... I got the sense that you're a really kind and passionate girl that I'd like to continue talking with..."
"how about... when we are both free sometime this week... we grab a coffee sometime and ... continue this conversation... sound like fun?"

she says "yea I'd like to do that. I can give you my number"
I look and see she already has her phone out so I say oh yours is already there I'll just give you mine

put my number in while keeping the vibe well. Here I actually ask for her name and she asks for mine. Hand clasp her.

I message my self Hey cutie ;) -hbwhile telling her not to look at it

2 hrs later I respond, Wow hb first the umbrella and now this... you really know how to make a man feel special *hearts happy face*

she has not responded haha. Fuck not good.
I think my ice breaker to myself was too playerish when I attracted this girl so quickly. I was doing things on auto pilot instead of assessing the girl and what she thinks of me. I was really confident and aroused her hard with the number clothes. (Pupil dilation, bowing under the tension and doing a hair flick while looking away)

So what I have left is decent emotional stim and sexual arousal... but shitty social frame...

Will try to revive through texts if she doesn't respond back. If anyone has any ideas I'm all ears.

Was also talking with lofty and I should try to push these interactions forwards from approach to lay. And try to last as long in set without blowing social frame.

Of interesting note... this will be my 100th post on this site, and I'm astonished by the progress I've made. Approach anxiety isn't a thing for me anymore unless I'm deliberating how to open with sprezzatura, but eventually, that will become natural to me as well. I've also learned how to better use my sexual vibe, making rpos on the fly, sots, frame jujitsu, better walk, eye contact, vocals, and better pulling with tempt and arouse, sexy meditation, manage my own state, and even some sex talk... and now the recent development of having my seducer persona ingrained in who I am always. I've come a long way since I started this journal in April, and I have all of you to thank for my progress.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Friday 8/14/21 Nighttime street game

Details of this friday were a bit foggy because I am writing this at 3 am on a Sunday, so I won't really go into specifics, but focus more on what went well in my sets and what didn't.

I take the bus over to the city at around 9pm while listening to some solid music. My favorite was Heartless- The Weeknd... pretty much sums up how I feel these days.

Wearing long fit white t, gray washed jeans, canvas sneakers, sword chain and black and silver bracelet and 2 rings.

I get to the park and do my loop around while listening to music and doing a model type walk. Notice that there is not a single lone wolf in sight haha... one of those days. And also it was hot as fuck that night, so I had to go somewhere lowkey and take off my shirt so I could ventilate and stop the sweating(I'm a profusive sweater). Here I also brought out the sexual vibe.

Find my first set, I notice this super busty philipina in the middle of a 3 set of girls. Do my fake texting and sit nearby while fake listening to my music.
Try to find a low point in the convo but end up opening situationally when drunk guy comes to flex his soccer achievements (lul)
"Such a crazy place this city is..."
girl turns to me and says something about how there is always something like this everyday
"and that's what makes this city so exciting... you never know what might be waiting for you outside, like a mini adventure every day"
girl: ":)"

from there we continue talking about new experiences and how they are desirable and we get to where I'm from and I lie and say I'm from spain. Here we talk about travel experiences and different cultures and how these different cultures flirt in unique ways.

One problem though, is that I let on a frame that I am a new tourist in the city and am looking for good spots to visit. This is a trap. Makes it really easy to fall into a little sibling frame as the girl spews advice I don't care about.

So what ended up happening is I immersed this girl for like 30 minutes but she just kept talking and talking about places I could check out. I would try to direct the conversation into something productive but before getting to the juice she'd go on a side tangent. I've noticed that some girls just can't shut the fuck up lmao. This was the case with the sex in the city girl until I got her to be quiet with hypnosis. Talked to @Lofty about it and he said these girls can often times seduce themselves with proper conversational guidance... I'll have to look into this nudging. But gotta keep the older sibling frame.

Also this girl asked for my age and I said I was 27, a full 8 year lie, but still was not enough lmao. This chick was 34. So when girls ask my age, I'll just ask them to guess, they always think I'm older than I say it seems, and I could pass for 30 given my stature, vibe, and voice tonality.

and also in the case that i do get the age thing wrong, I could reframe right after with
Oh yea my ex was 37, that relationship really taught me the value of maturity and true intimacy(or something of the sort)"
Also, while this girl was in the HB range, she was not the target I wanted lol, I wanted to talk to her friend right next to her, but wasn't sure how to get there lmao, so I was stuck with this girl, who wouldn't even turn back to look to her friends.

First of all, my vision in the night time is horrendous, I thought I saw a blonde babe, but I do the fake texting routine and it turns out to be a 60 year old crack monkey trying to get me to look at the stars. WTF. I entertain her peculiar imagination for a bit but then feign a phone call to escape with grace... but then an idea hit me as I noticed a hb lone wolf on a bench nearby.

Normally, I just fake text to get near a set... but what if instead, I did a phone call. In this fake phone call, we can dhv like crazy(while still being realistic) and showcase our mesmerizing voice. And most people like to eavesdrop... so you undoubtedly get her attention. And then when you are done with the fake call, you can ponder for a few seconds, look to the side and engage in casual conversation that transpires into much more.
Will have to test this out. Unfortunately, I probably won't be daygaming in the city for a little while.

Open this HB after the call and casually say "Hey there... how's your night going"
go into a peaceful reality pace on what she said and how nice it is to vibe.
She asks me what I'm up to and I talk about how I was about to head to a bar but something strange yet interesting happened which had me thinking for a bit(it was also related to the fake phone call I just had)

Go into jada routine, pacing her reality, and contrasting hard. I then talk about how my friend rose ended up meeting a guy same night after thinking tonight was just going to flop like the others and this guy was different... he understood her in and out, made her feel comfortable, and as if she was truly seen for the first time. She also told me how this mysterious guy had this intoxicating vibe to him that just exuded sexuality and she mentioned how she just couldn't help but get turned on being in this guy's presence. Also mention how the guy was open minded so the girl felt shameless for the first time in a while... where she felt like she could truly let go, and experience her desires without the fear of being judged.

I get her talking about it and I wrap up the thread by saying that's the beauty of every night... you never know what might happen or what exciting opportunities might present themselves to you. From here my compass takes me into the follow your instincts and how these opportunities only become realistic to us when we live in the present and not in our heads. So many people are stuck in their heads yada yada and miss out. Instead wouldn't it be better to listen to your instincts as they are there for a reason and live second by second.

At this point I see that the girl is gigga hooked. Not even turning to look away from me. Here though, I really needed to get her closer to me. Maybe a:
Hey.. its getting harder to hear you and I'm a little hard of hearing on this side, mind coming over here so I could hear you better?
then pat next to me.

I then talk about my college friend who didn't listen to her instincts and regretted it. Talked about how she had these powerful desires for a guy she really like... those butter flies and tingling sensations rising up her body... but she didn't act on it... not because she didn't want it badly, but because she felt like she would be judged for expressing herself that way. Enter anti asd talk

From there I transition into sex talk with 8 orgasm routine, but tbh I didn't seem to hit as hard as it did the other day. And I believe this all had to do with proximity... I was not close enough to touch the girl as I would have liked.

Need to isolate in these situations however, or at least try to isolate.

Girl had a boyfriend but lowkey felt like he was a non factor.

She also lived out of state, so I figured there were better opportunities elsewhere.

Third set was a hot latina girl that gave me a solid erection as I fake texted nearby.

I open her after I see her fanning herself with her hand and I do the same and go like

"wow... it got really hot out of nowhere..."
we lock eyes
she agrees

I talk about how we're just sweating standing here... but I can't even imagine how that must be for a girl... all that work going to waste

she laughs and I ask her how her night is going, which gets her hooked in.

we talk some more and the vibe is good with this girl, bantering here and there and setting some good frames.
she starts to wonder where I'm from and I ask her to guess. Guesses dominican republic immedietly and I'm like woah both my parents are dominican how did you know? turns out she's dominican as well

This gave me a realization... I feel like I have insane social frame with latinas... partly because I look, and talk, like one of the sexy dudes they grew up watching on tv with telenovelas(well if any of them were black lmao).

talk more with this and it turns out she's introverted, so I say I am as well and pace her reality (because it was my reality as well not so long ago) and the pacing is extremely accurate which ramps up the familiarity. I move in a little closer when some smoke blows into my face and now we are really close, to the point where we can smell each other. She smelled sweet.

Get a bit more physical as I talk and I can feel the vibe escalating. Start asking for her logistics and she says she's out with her mom RIP SNL.
Talk a bit more and number close her using sexual tension.

Fade into the night

i got text screenshots and voice notes if any of the boys are curious(never know if there's a narc in seducer's clothing...)

but basically ice break with what she was doing "mom's night out" before i went to bed, reopen in the morning with intrigue bait "i have a question for you"

try to see what she likes to do, elicit on that, and flow from there

I incorporate voice notes to great effect and I can see the impact it has on this girl based off her messages. She views me as a free spirity and good vibes and how I sound so articulate and how she likes that.
heres a quote

"I like how you put that you definitely opened my eyes and inspired me, I will be booking a solo trip soon, I feel as if that's what I'm missing"

based off me talking about traveling alone in the voice note.

I get on a phone call with this girl for like 40 minutes where I go through deep sex talk and anti asd frames. We talk about books which makes it really easy to segway into sex talk through my secret garden. She says that my depiction of the book was "intense" which makes me feel like the sex talk got her wet.

Tried to see logistics and if I can go to her place, turns out she lives with her mom and younger brother and that's a no go, so going to my favorite rock in tomorrow.

To get this lay however, I'll devise a plan that goes through every possible resistance she could have, and the best ways I can frame them out of existence and also, how I could turn her on the point where she does not care about anything else except getting my dick in her wet pussy. This is my last chance to get laid in the city

Last set was a lesbian state killer. She lost her wallet in the bar, should have known it was a done deal at that point because no way I pull her with the wallet in the bar(bouncer wouldn't let her in). But this girl was just not in a state to be seduced, and was also a lesbian lol.
For lesbians however, I'll focus more on sexual prizing next time.

While I was walking back home however, something interesting happened.

I walked past this black lady who was there with her friends and they legit catcalled me... exclaming how my gifts would be wasted if I wasn't modeling. I thought to my self "hmm, maybe this model walk is starting to take effect" and I took it as a compliment to my ever evolving fundamentals.

I also walked passed a group of 3 gays where they all stopped to cat call me and say stuff like "wow I like that one."

Felt like a walking peace of meat and gave me some insight into what girls feel, but I liked the validation.

But this also gave me the opportunity to reflect on how far I've come in terms of fundamentals. I've kept a consistent work out routine and weight 210 at the start of the summer and now weigh like 195-198, while being able to lift heavier weight. I've lost a considerable amount of fat, to the point where if I flex, I have a six pack. and the physique reminds me of what I had back when I was a competitive swimmer. Also my face has sharper lines and sharper jawline, all of which help my seductions bit by bit. Additionally, my voice is just baseline deep. Don't even need to try... I noticed this after Exhibitionists. And as for my walk, it seems I could officially model if I wanted to. Although I'd like to take this moment to mention that I was ugly for most of my life... just saw a freshman year HS pic and couldn't tell i am the same person in those photos. I also look nothing like anyone in my family and i think this comes from being active all of my life and mewing. I say 50% is genetics and the other 50% are things YOU can control and improve on. And I'm probably halfway to my potential

Going forward, I think I can still lose even more fat, better haircut, better fashion, some more muscle wouldn't hurt either. Working on my victory V. But mainly the fat... I'd say i'm like at 13% rn, I want to hit like 10% by September.

also got a re-lay lined up with a baddie(who apparently got even hotter over the summer) when I hit my college again... she wants me to help her explore her sexuality :cool:
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
How’d you nail down the sexy walk?