Almost didn't come out tonight, but I'm really glad I did... learned a ton, and some really interesting things happened.
My vibe going in was super mellow, when I arrived at Washington square park I actually took a nap on the bench.
One of the things I really wanted to work on though, was creating a
seductive nonverbal narrative for myself as I carried myself through the park. I did this by sexyfying my walk to be more like number 2 on
this video as he's walking away. Also whenever I sat near a girl to open, I would do a simple process
which forced them to look at me for a moment. I would pretend to text and just as I was right in front of her, I'd stop and plant my feet as if I was really engaged in my texting, using a
super low A.R. Then I'd just notice there was a bench near me or a wall I could lean on near me(and near her) and plant myself right there. I think this sequence worked well. Haven't actually opened using it though, but will soon.
To the girl watching me, she sees a little story take place, and she's forming a version of me in her head.
Cute Indian Lone Wolf
In my first approach opportunity I realized I had a little trauma leftover from my last outing. Right when I wanted to say something... a thought crept its way into my mind.
What if she pretends to ignore me again...
Sucks to say, but being ignored by women, or anyone for that matter, as if I don't even exist, seriously triggers me. I remember being in 4th grade and I had that happen to me a lot, perhaps it is some childhood anger.
With that thought though, I just decided to eject.
I do the same text maneuver on another girl and she is looking at me, but I slip to old bad habits and actually make eye contact with her as I'm about to sit down.... lmao. Would have been fine social frame wise if I just opened her when I made eye contact, but I sat down for some time and did the fake texting, following a script. Should have opened regardless but I didn't.
Don't make eye contact before open
Hot Asian
I then venue swap as the park was infested with couples and two sets. I see a sexy asian girl in heels and a
tight dress that ends a little below her hips.
I open with... "hey" and I got ignored here. She didn't move or acknowledge my presence.
But I've learned from my mistakes
I continue shortly after with "have you ever been in there"
while pointing towards the comedy/bar in front of us.
After this she actually looked up at me and we started talking. I could see the hook was almost there as she was even asking me questions, but then her friend came a long, which happened to be a middle aged balding white man. I'm astonished by how many unattractive guys occupy these girls, I could have ripped her from him if I were better.
@Lofty about it and he talked about how the "hey" that I've been using and been ignored on, is just an attention thing, which I knew... attention grab. However, often times you also just need to latch something right after it, so they have something to react to. Which is what happened in this case. I actually intentionally paused a bit on the hey to test it out.
Two set Jada Routine
Walk back to the park and I notice a girl in a two set eye fucking me. I walk right past her though. These situations are tough for me...
I don't know how to spontaneously open in a spezzaturatic way. I sit and msg lofty thinking of ways to make this approach. I ultimately walk over there using the same phone prop thing as before and sit on the bench right next to the girls.
Then after about 5 or so min,(not really sure when I could interject with calibration as they were both talking with eachother) I decide to tap the friend of the girl who was eye fucking me(turned out to be WAAAAAY hotter) and open with
"Hey(tap)... you guys think you could help me with some advice... its for a relationship.. not for me though, for my friend
first off... before I go any further here... should I be refering to a group of girls, as guys? Genuine question.
"yea sure what's up" say the hot friend
Lobo: " Ok... so... have you ever been out with your friends... trying to have a good time and let loose and forget all about the stress you had over the week... and then suddenly, a weird and strange man shows up, and starts to touch you uncomfortably, or just do other creepy things that just ruin your night?
OMG I've definitely experienced my fair share of this"
Lobo: "yes exactly.. these creepy men have see women as pure sexual objects, and neglect to realize that there is a human underneath it all... and that girls would much rather prefer to experience a genuine connection with someone"
girls" omg yes"
Right here I should have moved closer. It's clear these girls were HOOKED. A vibrant smile that subcommnicated "omg we need to talk about this" would have been perfect
Lobo:"so, what ended up happening, was that while she was out partying at some bar down there(i point down there) she got touched by these creepy guys and texts me about it, of course, I wasn't there... so there wasn't anything I could have done about it... But now, she's said that she wants to end her night because of that and headed back home
Here was my fuckup... I gave WAAAAY to many details about this fake girl, and the girls got really invested in giving me quality advice.
Girls" wow that's so bad... is she ok"
Lobo:"not sure.. she just went right back home"
Girls:" yea idk if it were me though I would definitely want a friend to come check on me and maybe bring me my favorite food... wait do you know what sign she is? Like has she ever told you"
Lobo: "hmm.... not sure to be honest... i think she once told me she is a Sagittarius
I really dug myself into this one, haven't I....
I then basically play into my own lie, thank them for the advice and head out where I said she lived. It was a learning experience however, seeing how invested these girls were in my fake friend. Made me laugh.
Next time though, I will using this
Jada routine for what it really is... an intriguing vehicle to set productive frames for the interaction and steer towards
The frames I would like to set is that most men are creepy/uncalibrated and don't understand women. That I'M not like most men. Girls value a strong and intimate connection with someone, but more importantly, that this connection can happen instantaneously in the right circumstances, with the right guy, if we just let ourselves live life to the fullest. Girls are sexual creatures, but not pure sexual objects. Sex itself isn't bad... but bland, boring, handshake type sex, is something I don't like... I instead prefer to have a strong, almost electric, connection with my girl, so we can be really passionate with eachother.
I missed a bunch but these were the ones that came to me.
Good set
Awkward Spontaneous Open on Moving Target
I'm trying to practice opening spontaneously(with minimal planning) just to get one step closer to an intuitive approach. I whip out my phone and use it as a prop.
I open the girl with "Hey, how's your night going" when she is about 2 meters in front of me. She walks by me and murmurs something. I think she just wasn't expecting it tbh, and didn't snap out of her pocket universe fast enough.
What I should have done was, pivot towards her and said
"Wait hold on... I have an important question to ask you"
"Wait hold on... could you help me with some relationship advice... its not for me... its for my friend
And once I hook her move her immediately to a bench or a wall nearby.
Soon after though... I see a
pleasent surprise... and my partner agrees readily

Hottest girl of the night
This is why I'm learning this I thought to my self soon after seeing her... I was honestly freaking out. SOOO HOT. I even took a picture. YES. I took a picture haha.
And now I can perfectly describe her and what she was wearing.
She was a tan, curly brunet with blonde highlights. Wearing daisy dukes with black calf length boots and a black sweater tucked into her daisy dukes to complement her toned body. She also sported a
fantastic walk and could easily pass for a runway model.
Things of note here... Lone hot girl at 11 pm... walking like a bad bitch looking like that... wearing airpods... Interesting circumstances indeed.
Out of nowhere though... I hear my name
wtf, I thought. I turn and I see my best friend from highschool exiting his taxi. What the actual fuck. Such a small world we live in. Turns out, a lot of my good friends from highscool are eating pizza in the store RIGHT NEXT TO ME. LMAO I was shook.
The universe really thought it could stop me.
I tell my friend I'll come back in a second, there's something I need to take care of and get on my way to that girl.
Catch up to the girl like two blocks down and here's how it goes. We actually were passing W 4th street station.
I overtake her while fake texting
Look over to the side and say
Lobo: "Hey, how's you night going"
Girl: "eh, could be better"
Lobo"Hmm really.... real quick(stop her) if you were to take a moment and rate your night from 1-10... what would you say?"
Girl:"I'd say its a 3"
Lobo: "ah thats rough why is it like that"
This is where I fuckup. I should have related and reframed and opened up the possiblities of the night. Instead I offer myself as her emotional tampon which was DLV.
Girl:' is that why you were following me... just to ask me about my night"
Act low value, get treated like low value. sheeeeesh
I was shook inside, outside I calm and smiling. "Yea, I guess you could say that... but let me ask you something..."
Lobo: "do we ever come out at night with the expectation of having a 3/10 night?
Girl:"No actually... never do that"
Lobo:"Yea exactly... I feel like we instead come out looking for new experiences and to let loose after a stressful week"
Under normal circumstances I feel like this frame would have worked well, but Social Frame was obliterated by her noticing me earlier.
This was the turning, make or break point, and I couldn't tear through her walls. Perhaps a walls rainbow ruse would have sufficed. Need to remember to use it when its useful.
Also need to think of stronger reframing of the girl's rating. So it all flows naturally and packs a powerful, persuasive punch.
I believed she noticed me when I made eye contact with her while walking in the opposite direction as her... and ofc she remembered me(who wouldn't lmao). Next time, I'll need to ground my approach with an excuse as to why I suddenly changed directions as lofty suggested.
Something like
Lobo: "Hey how's your night?"
girl: "eh, could be better"
Lobo: "yea same... ever make plans with some friends to go to this one place and suddenly they dip on you... that's where I'm at right now... If you were to rate your night so far out of 10, what would you rate it?
would be perfect.
Best for last. Train Ride to Hoboken
When finding my way back home, I decided to take the path train back to hoboken to cross the river instead of the northeaster corridor NJ transit train. I heard this one runs 24/7, which is very useful, so I wanted to check it out.
Turn's out hoboken has some baddies..(
I already knew that haha). Time to bring the
Hoboken Chronicles back to Hoboken.
I first notice this blue eyed, blond baddie while she's waiting for the train to arrive. I position myself nearby and fake text for a while. I think I positioned myself
too far(was like a good 2.5 meters). So doing the jada routine like I wanted would have been weird. So I opted to open her on the subway. I let the rushing people pass me and I entered shortly before her, and she actually positioned herself
right next to me. Is this the power of a seductive narrative I thought.
1 min in the ride after fake texting and smiling to myself and fake chuckling a bit I open the girl with a genuine question.
"hey... do you know... (girl had airpods on OF COURSE.(I fucking hate airpods...))"
takes both of them off
"do you know whens the latest this train leaves the city?"
Girl: "hmm I'm not entirely sure... I think it runs most nights but I this is the lastest I've been out so I'm not sure"
Lobo: "hmm ok... well... I really hope they have rides around 3 pm

... I mean its a friday like come on... this is the time where most people just want to let loose and have all the fun they wish they had throughout the week"
Girl:"yea totally"
Lobo: "but yea thanks for the advice... still getting new to the city and hoboken"
Girl: "Oh really are you new to hoboken?"
Lobo: "Yea I actually moved like 3 months ago... really liked the warm vibes of the people... everyone seems more open minded here, at least compared to my home town"
Girl: "ah where did you come from"
Lobo: "i came from...(thinking of BULLSHIT to feed her) Newark... yea... the people there see you like your and enemy all the time... it gets really hard to form genuine and powerful connections with people
Note, at this time, SECT IS ON BLAST . Proximity check, Eye contact, check, Voice tonality(could be better), Voice tempo, check, Touch(some light touching here and there) Sexual smile, check.
I look into her eyes and I can visibly see her pupils dilate. Very cool.
I set some we frames somewhere along the interaction with the intention of her not just dipping right after we arrive
we talk about her situation, why she moved, college and college experiences.
at one point she asked me what my favorite college experience was and I gave it some thought(though about this
night, and
this one too even though it wasn't at college), and with a sheepish grin, I say
"I'd like to tell you... but I don't think I could around all these people on the subway... maybe at another time... But I can give you a PG experience that really changed my outlook on life"
Girls" haha ok... let me hear it"
Lobo: "ok sooo... one night... me and my friends... went deep into the woods. It was a spontaenous thought, we were all just sitting together and thought, hey... why dont we just go trek into the woods at 1 in the morning. Fuck it you know? So we head over and while were there we hear some noises. Most of my friends got spooked, but I noticed that it was just a bunch of deer, and the deer at my school are super friendly to people and they even got close to us. At one point, I remembered we brought some food and I got the idea of feeding these deer some of that food. So, i grabbed some of it, and extended my hand to the deer, and the deer, while hesitant at first, came closer and closer and started eating from my hand. At that moment, I was overcome by emotion... if I could explain it to you, it would be like having this surging excitement rush through your body as you feel a powerful connection with nature. I thought wow... this thing in from of me are different but were also the same..."
Good story... but I feel like I could have POUNDED the juice after that last bit with something like
"Like we both took a risk, and made a decision to live life despite our hesitance... and I'm sure in that moment where the deer finally trusted its gut and went with what it felt was right in the moment, it was relieved... and I hope, it remembers it just like i have haha
and then to make the IMPLICIT, EXPLICIT... I add what @Lofty suggests here
"That experience really showed me what was possible when we grab life by the horns, and helped me realize how often people hesitate when doing the things they really want you know?"
We keep talking, some minor juice here and there, but I really dont have much of an arsenal. Need to learn to incorporate more sex talk and nonjudgemental frames. I mean I could do it, if someone were to mention in my ear "yo lobo bro dont forget about anti asd"I'm sure I would slip right into a(this would have flowed perfectly from that quote above"
Lobo:"Actually... do you know what I find really ridiculous" (she obv doesen't haha)
girl" what"
lobo: "ok so get this... my girl friends from university tell me how they have these strong desires to be passionate with the guys they like.... but are scared of making a move because of the stigma they'd face"
Girl:" agrees/relates"
Lobo" Like, in today's society... a sexually expressive women is known as a slut, which I think is horrific"
^This is the part I can do easily as of now, what comes next is the juice on overdrive
Lobo" Honestly... I think a girl who understands herself sexually... is very attractive...
"she's confident in her own skin..."
"know's what she wants..."
"and isn't scared to go after it and get what she really desires"
and then as Lofty suggested. Make the IMPLICIT frame, EXPLICIT.
"because isn't it just so empowering to be someone who is willing to break away from the chains of conformity and social norms so that each and every moment can be an experience other people can only dream of. But our lives are really decided by US right. like don't you thin you can be the person you want to be whenever you want to be her, like you can decide how amazing your life can be?"
sets us up well for a nice
opportunities and challenges.
I noted that Lofty likes to make the implicit, explicit like this and make the girl agree with the frame. And its good stuff. Why would she disagree with what you said? She listened to your framework all throughout, and then you told her the underlying stuff behind it all which are all desirable qualities people imagine themselves having in their idealized version of themselves. So it would be weird for her to disagree, she'd expose herself as a
You also build a yes ladder doing this.
a nice example of this can also be seen in Teevster's example in this
article where he reframes her resistance by manipulating her vanity.
Good stuff tonight... still, so much to learn. Need to get the hand of just rolling out these productive frames effortlessly in each of my seductions.
Remember. those that
control the frame, control reality. I feel like I was on the verge of developing this skill before I took a break, but now its all starting to trickle back in.
Next I want to write 25 SOT's, as well as the useful frames that I could incorporate from them, so each of my conversations bounce from SOT and productive frames to the next.
Then I want to look at common pitfalls in my conversations, and see how I could better respond(cred lofty).
What happened:
HB asks where I'm from and we discuss our hometowns"
More optimal route:
"HB asks where I'm from and we discuss how we want to travel to Spain, relax on the warm sandy beach, and perhaps even indulge in spontaneous romance if we find an interesting and open minded person."
What happened:
Got in dead spot and asked HB for her age
More optimal route:
"In dead spot, I use bait and intrigue, to introduce how my friend Rose was talking to me how crazy it is that she posts a pic of her with her baby brother and gets 200 likes, but when she posts a bikini pic, she gets 1000 likes. Which shows how over sexualized women are in media.. I could then ask hb if she's had a similar experience
let's get it