Re-lay with HB #2 from
two botched escalations
Early Saturday morning I was invited by the chode in a social circle I was in last year to go to a party he was throwing in his new rented house. I find it funny because he specifically told me to not do "my typical fuck shit" and to "be chill."
Does he even know who I am?
I show up to his party and the only girl there is HB#2 from two botched escalation wearing a top that reveals her bountiful cleavage and short shorts for her toned ass and legs. She looked different than when I last saw her... a lot more refined. If she was hot before, now she is a certified bad bitch. And there's like 5 dudes trying to talk to her like she's a celebrity but she sees me coming in and we make eye contact above the crowd. I just got here, but I can already feel that it's on. I slowly walk over to the group and start chatting with some of the guys and at some point "my legs start to get tired" so I reposition myself to the laundry machine right next to HB and when I see I have her attention, I open with...
"you know... I've got to say.. this is one of the most lively parties I've seen here at (school name)... you can just feel the overflowing energy and vibes in this basement. Reminds me of a frat rager"
said with tongue in cheek as this was obviously the lamest party ever, but she giggles and hooks shortly after. The sexual vibe is good and I can feel her getting melted, and I think the sexual tension is already there, because I actually took her virginity last year, and I still might be the only guy to fill her up, so this definitely boosts my social frame and if she were to think of that passionate night we had, she might even arouse herself.
So we talk a bit more and banter, nothing juicy at this point, but I can see she's hooked as the other guys can't even lay a finger on me. They tried to interject but I just oozed frame control and they shut themselves up and got on their phones like good boys. I then go "to explore" another area of the basement which was secluded from the other room and she followed and I framed her as my bodyguard, ready to protect me if anything
spooky happens.
we find an old couch and I remove the dust on it and we both sit there together in the dark. The sexual tension is ripe and I haven't really said anything. I believe at this point I lead a conversation into anti asd frames, discretion, and a little bit of sex talk.... but then... one of my fucking roommates comes in and asks for a charger??? like what the fuck? Liminality is broken but I just seem unfazed. The girl goes to help him find the charger. And this is actually one thing I notice throughout the night, the girl is obviously very attracted to me but the main obstacle was the other dudes getting her to do dumb shit and making the pull exponentially harder.
So after my roommate comes and asks for a charger she goes upstairs which causes a whole clusterfuck of problems. I think I could have pulled like 5 minutes after if he didn't come, but after the charger stuff she got dragged around the house playing uno or some shit.
At this point, other girls came and there were now like 10 girls and 5 guys who can't talk to girls... and then there's me trying to run a jealousy plot line.
So I position myself near one of the girls without making much eye contact and look over my shoulder and say
"hey there

"how's your night going"
immediately 3 girls turn to me and ask me "where is the party"
because this really is NOT a party lol. The 5 dudes aren't even in the basement. They all got high on weed and were upstairs, so it was basically me and 10 girls downstairs. Now... if I had exceptional skills maybe something interesting could have happened on that basement... but for now we work the social proof and jealousy plot as HB#2 in standing nearby and I can feel her gaze. I consider this punishment for breaking the bubble earlier.
"not sure... I was told there was going to be a rager here... but I think more people will be coming later" (i can already tell these girls want to leave)
"but you know, why do we come to parties if not to have fun and meet new and interesting people? If you take a look around... I say we have all we need to get this party started."
then they start asking me social frame questions like "are you a sophomore" and I ask them "do you really think I'm a sophomore?"
and then they guess that I'm a senior but that they've never seen me before. I then look to a hot babe next to me and whisper in her ear "don't tell those girls but... what If I don't even go to this school" and she giggles a bit and says you're lying I don't believe you.
we talk more and get to a high point and then I just leave and go back to HB#2 who is now alone again. There are now two options for the night as I can feel the other HB's gaze as I talk to HB#2.
I reopen HB#2 and say "you know... I find it really interesting, that someone would throw a party and not even be there for it"
she says "yea I don't know what's going on"
and then I tell her to look around the room just to see how all of the girls and now a couple of guys here... they're all looking for something... something fun and interesting, but how none of them are really doing anything to get what it is that they want.. they just hope someone takes action for them"
I then motion my eyes to exhibit A, "you see that guy right there? how he's awkwardly dancing in front of those girls. Everyone in this room consciously or unconsciously understands that he wants to get in a conversation with one of those girls.... but for some reason, he won't do it"
"maybe he's scared... worried about getting rejected. But can you
see how much that fear is helping him right now? He wants to do something... but he won't do it... and for what? Some future projection that might not even happen? What if he were to just strike up a casual conversation and talk to one of those girls... who knows how his and her night might end

she then says "yea who knows

but I don't think it's just that guy who has this kind of problem... I feel like most of the people in this room are scared to get what they want. Like Idk if you noticed but there's that girl to my 9 staring at me, but won't come over and say hi?"
she says "lobo you need to chill what are you doing to these girls"
"I honestly don't know... I just come to have a good time just like anyone else"
I then go back to that topic of people wanting to do something and not do it. I really need to review the 25 sots or maybe even write up new ones as not going to lie I was mad rusty on them and they didn't flow out as I would have liked. But we go on that topic and I say we miss out on opportunities right in front of us(while self pointing) when we get caught up in our heads instead of being present in the moment, and listening to our feelings and instincts which are there for a reason, right?
I then go into a anti asd frame saying that we hesitate sometimes because we are scared about what other people think. Like for example, I've noticed at this college that there are
many people especially girls who have these strong sexual desires that feel very real, but they never act on them for fear of being seen as a slut... which is just ridiculous isn't it? Why are people judging others for wanting to express their sexual desire... Think about it, you and I... we wouldn't be right here, right now, having this chill conversation in this basement, if it wasn't for something as natural as sex. Like your parents at one point had these powerful desires and acted on them... and now.. here you are

listening to me
If anything, "I feel like sex is as natural to being human as being alive is itself... its at the very core of everything. Like have you seen that pyramid of needs on psychology? well guess what... it technically has sex on the third row but... you wouldn't have needs to begin with if we weren't having sex... so I think it should be at the very bottom haha"
at this point she's turned slightly away from me but in a seductive way. I'm talking from behind her grazing her ass cheeks and talking into her neck/ ear area.
I then communicate discretion again and when the sexual tension gets really ripe I notice all the girls leaving and use this as an opportunity to pull while doing the finger technique and say "it seems like this party is dying... and there's not much we can do to save it.. how about we leave as well.. I know a place with better drinks and AC

but the girl wants to stay ffs. I didn't know this at the time but the chode guy that invited me actually drove 4 fucking hours to pick this girl up in new jersey and bring her to the school. what the actual fuck. So now the girl is saying that she'd feel like a bad friend for leaving. I then pace her on it and then reframe saying "yea... you are such a sweet person for trying to help him with this party... and putting others first... but let me ask you something... when was the last time that you put yourself first... did the things that you
really, really wanted to do(self point). Don't you think that you deserve to do all of the fun and enjoyable things you
really want to do? I could see she was getting into a semi trance as I was also feather touching her with my index finger and had a finger in her neck. (i got to say though, the escalation didn't feel as smooth as exhibitionists but it was more than enough). Except, the chode pulls up wanting to play uno again, breaks her from the trance and spices in a little FSC so i go into social mode and go when she goes to play.
but basically
the next 2 fucking hours
from 12-2
is just her feeling bad for leaving, and me trying to reframe.
at one point one of her friends that I know facetimes her and I basically take over her phone and start talking to her while walking to the basement steps which are secluded, HB follows. and I spend the last 45 minutes prior to pulling talking to this girl for the purpose of making me and my girl a ghost to all the guys in the house. Mid call I was escalating with her friend on the phone, but the camera on me. I think the girl found this really hot and she was VERY horny.
Near the end chode comes in and says some retarded as shit trying to make me lose frame
"wait lobo... i just realized something... You said you don't drink but you give the girls you're with drinks all the time... aren't you like a serial rapist?"
I look at the girl like what the fuck
"what do you mean? I don't give girls drinks and I don't force them to do anything. They drink because they want to. I don't drink because I don't want to. I'm not their dad who's going to tell them what they can't do, and I never and never will risk myself for a girl that isn't 100% there at that moment with me regardless.
my tone made him seem super uncalibrated and awkward because he was. He then asked if we wanted to play some game with the group but I just held frame and later on the girl was like thank god we didn't go because the game is very boring.
I then escalate a bit on the girl to where shes horny again and say "hey, lets go. this place is dead and there's nothing you or I could do to fix it"
she then says she's going to tell the chode and I think all I could do here is pray he doesn't fuck me over, which he EASILY could. Girls are so silly smh.
But yea it's 2 am so it's late anyway and she comes and we leave through the back door. She's like I can't walk through here I'm wearing slides (as there is a lot of grass everywhere) so I say, no problem and just princess carry here over it all. She drops her slides and I'm doing squats with her lmao. Those summer workouts paying off she's like 160 pounds. But I basically carry her halfway to my house until I get gassed. Like panting and shit and I'm still sore today. I really pushed it to the limit haha, we were both having fun in the moment. At one point she said that she was cold so I took off my shirt and gave it to her, and I looked pretty ripped after that pump from lifting her up lol. Also my dorm advisors were awake on the top floor and saw me with the girl shirtless which was funny, I was like "hey how are you

" like nothing was happening.
get to my apartment dorm, show her around, and into the room we go, which has the vibe lights already on and my lavender/ vanilla scented aromatherapy mist.
We're sitting on my bed and I create a liminal space with verbals, sexual vibe/eye contact. I believe I was talking about release and how instead of holding in these powerful emotions.. we should just let them all out and enjoy them as much as we can.
loftys seductive sounds in the background(lowkey really good for the vibe)
start kissing and do lots of foreplay, like her pussy and everything. Not going to lie tho, my sex game lowkey is atrocious. I need to read the david shade manual. I also had severe sensitivity when fucking her. Like 2 strokes and I'm about to bust. and it does not help that she is ridiculously tight. My pc exercises helped me stay in for a bit longer than a minute but i had to pull away and start fingering her. I also did not put my condom on so I did that too. I honestly need to stop going raw( I ended up buying this girl plan B today. I never came inside of her but it's still just so risky). my fingers did the job though but only after like an hour lol, I came inside the condom and fingered her immediately after and I noticed what really worked was the come hither motion will hitting her clit somehow. 30 minutes later (hand tired as fuck) she's losing it. Legit looks fucking possessed. Almost falling off my bed and shit. It was a sight. Although I liked this result I want to spend MUUUUCH less time getting there. She is relatively inexperienced so maybe that was a cause.
had bedroom talk and she slept on me. I could not sleep at all though

. I want the girl to go back to her place but I also want fuck buddies this year so I don't know how to handle these situations. Def need the oxytocin doing its thing to get repeat sex however and skin to skin can do that.
Wake up the next morning and buy the plan B while making sure she actually takes it lol.
was a fun outing, I think we have a happy customer.
But I need to review the SOT's again and also read the david shade stuff on sex.