On the contrary, most newbies who have just watched some daygame Youtube videos and have not yet tried daygame, they are absolutely shocked by the "legwork" or "grinding" that goes into this. YT infields are just the snapshot of the 3-4 best interactions of a session of 15- 20 approaches.
You writing about putting in the reps may show someone who is reading, the reality of what daygame actually is.
But I have reframed it in several ways instead of looking at it as rejection after rejection until a "success" comes along.
I used to play videogames for an hour or two after work, instead now I have a different hobby where I take a walk for an hour or so and get myself next to hot girls when I see them. If the resistance is not strong, I end up talking to them, if it goes well I might meet them again and so on and so on.
I just view it as a walking meditation. You clear your mind and walk around outdoors. Anything else that happens is a bonus. Its a great hobby with zero downside and potentially amazing upsides. There is no pressure to perform, no pressure to live up to any standards. Its simply a healtheir hobby than being indoors looking at a screen.
Only this has allowed me the freedom to do this, day in and day out for over a year without burning out.
This as well. Having this frame leads to massive frustration and burn out for me. Every date I went on felt like "an exam" not something to be enjoyed. You had to perform and if you did not get xyz result, it would read 0/1 on your report card. Instead now I consider anything and everything that happens apart from me taking a walk as a bonus and try to just enjoy it.
Otherwise I think burnout is inevitable. Because its a constant endeavour to do things "right" and you are on dates and not even enjoying them. But of course, a different mindset and frame works for everyone. I am just describing what works best for me.
But just reading your explanation, I felt you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself to make it work. Maybe if you just chilled out and just enjoyed the process without needing her to meet you again, girls would like you more. Just a thought.
Thanks for the thoughtful advice.
I agree that I could work on reframing. It's easy for me to reframe when I'm not doing a lot of pickup, but as soon as I get into it, I guess being in it, wanting to improve (investing), and experiencing it firsthand makes it a little more difficult for me to do.
As far as the D2 suggestion goes, I have notes in my phone from the past of going on "connection dates" where I literally didn't try anything but have a good time, be myself, and "connect" with the girl -- this did not seem to reduce the D2 rejection-rate. Even dates where I had no pressure to do anything, like this last D2 I had, I enjoyed myself and the conversation, felt like I connected with the girl, everything seemed fine, still D2 rejection. I'm not being defeatist when I say I sincerely feel like it's out of my hands, as I have done just about everything, which I won't rattle off here.
There are some things that seem to make a difference for the D2s, however. Before I moved to NYC and in the van for two year in the past, I lived in Ohio where I would approach on local campuses. The campus was close to my house. I personally think girls would D2-reject me more while in NYC because the fucking van thing, which is understandable from a woman's safety perspective, I actually get that. Ironically, as soon as I moved out the van I noticed the D3s started to increase somewhat where I was beginning to get f-buddies and some girls I dated as much as 9 months, etc. And in Ohio I remember D2 rejections weren't as common for me either, so I think the van had a lot to do with girls not seeing me again.
Regardless, I have reframed the D2 thing the best I could, which I think I will adopt more moving forward:
1. Attempt to D2-lay on every new D2. Why? Because if it's somewhat normal to not get D3s then I might as well attempt to get something out of the work I put into it
2. As long as you can attempt the D2-lay where you don't come off as weird or pushy or whatever ("snapping the line"'), then attempting the pull for the D2 lay, and even slightly escalating, will not detour a girl who wants to see you again. In other words, if she's interested, she'll see you again regardless if you attempt the pull or not, so I'm not losing anything by trying; it doesn't matter regardless
3. Me sincerely feeling, from lots of infield experiences, that "there's not much else I can do" is actually freeing and it allows me to accept it as part of the process and not try to be technical or anything. It frees me to enjoy the process, stick to the process without putting pressure on myself, and accept certain things are out of my control
4. Putting everything together: A) go for D2-lays for every new D2 because if it doesn't really matter what I do on the D2, then at least I can be getting laid in the meantime while I get more dates, accrue interested girls over time, etc., B) If it doesn't really matter what I do, as the girls mostly will reject after the D2, and if I attempt the pull in a non-pushy manner, this will
not detour girls who are interested, so I'm not losing anything by attempting the pull, C) these things free me of putting pressure on myself and I can see it more as a number's game since I'm following a fairly simple process
I'll continue to reframe it in this way and I'll see how my mind feels after some time