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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
I know what you mean. I spent over a decade following guys who did Daygame on YouTube, and then also was in a community of people who also did it, so I never doubted it didn’t work. I guess I was lucky in that regard.

To be honest, Daygame is just one way to meet women. Basically, any way were you can approach women, chat them up, and ask them out works (day, night, online, through friends, throughout your day/night, work, hobbies, etc). I personally just gravitated toward Daygame because I like it best and I like being alone and doing it on my own time. Also, there are tons of girls walking around if you’re in the right city, which I wasn’t starting out, so I literally moved to Chicago then to NYC in a fucking van for 2 years just for Daygame. So, this is the dedication and belief I had. The only reason I live here now is because I moved here years ago for Daygame. Before that I would do “sniper game” literally waiting in Walmart parking lots for girls to go into stores so I could approach. I was too dedicated.

What I read from your post is you likely need outside motivation, especially when it comes to pickup and Daygame because belief it can work is just the beginning. You really need to believe through the rejection you will face. If you’re serious, I highly advise you to subscribe to all pickup material, especially Daygame material like Tom Torero, Nick Krauser, even old shit like Simple Pickup, etc., because you’ll need that motivation. Natural lifestyles is another one; Todd Valentine and whatever else is out there nowadays; Tusk; Troy Francis, etc. I personally don’t follow pickup stuff online anymore because I don’t need it, but you sound like you need that motivation. I highly recommend Tom torero’s material, even if parts of it seem a little gimmicky at least you can get motivation from it.

So yeah, any fucking time of the day/night can work. You say you work at 1:30pm or something, you have PLENTY of time before work to do approaches! In fact, my current schedule is 11am-1pm myself! I’ve also done morning approaches too, which actually can be very good because this is where girls are solo the most and you’ll see a lot of hot girls. Yes, they might be on their way to work, but you don’t need much time to chat them up and collect numbers for dates later. You’ll also find early bird girls who aren’t working just up doing shit at that time. Yes, Daygame is the morning definitely works. I’ve done it.

Im laughing now to myself because I’ve met plenty of girls in the morning doing Daygame because I used to work nights. I literally am remembering them now.
That was a really motivating and insightful post. I bet you got some really interesting daygame stories. And you’re right, I’ve got plenty of time to make some moves before work. Sitting here in my car, I'm realizing I don’t have any solid options right now. Had to cut off two girls in one week because they didn’t meet my standards and were draining me. Honestly, they were decent, but I settled because I had no other choices. I’m really at my breaking point; I’m tired of not having attractive women I can hit up when I want. No more complaining , starting tomorrow, I'm serious about this. I'm going to make it journal and keep everyone in the loop. In the meantime, keep doing your thing , you're a solid source of inspiration.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
That was a really motivating and insightful post. I bet you got some really interesting daygame stories. And you’re right, I’ve got plenty of time to make some moves before work. Sitting here in my car, I'm realizing I don’t have any solid options right now. Had to cut off two girls in one week because they didn’t meet my standards and were draining me. Honestly, they were decent, but I settled because I had no other choices. I’m really at my breaking point; I’m tired of not having attractive women I can hit up when I want. No more complaining , starting tomorrow, I'm serious about this. I'm going to make it journal and keep everyone in the loop. In the meantime, keep doing your thing , you're a solid source of inspiration.
Or should I say they cut me off because of my needy behavior


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
Update – Grinding It Out + D2 Rejections

Not much to report. I've been pretty consistent with going out for DG, but I'm still not approaching as much as I'd like (always a work in progress). Not many girls are hooking, either. The lastest D2 girl used an excuse not to meet for the D3—or at least that's how I interpreted it. I'd love to say D2 rejections are uncommon, but they aren't, at least for me.

So yeah, I'm just going to continue grinding it out and see what else happens. I might try doing some NG in the near future.

I likely won't post anything unless it's noteworthy or if I feel like it. Posting my daily DG sessions on this thread feels kind of redundant at this point, to be honest. It's probably because I'm not necessarily learning anything new, and the rest is just a bunch of grinding it out and rejection until a success comes along.

All the "technicalities" of DG and dating I've either already heard of, done, or have the internal dialogue to feel like I can come up with a solution myself if I'm stuck. So I'm not really sure what the point is of me posting anything here lately. Even if I started hooking up with a new girl every week, I might be excited to post about that for a while, but even that would eventually feel redundant. So, I'm not sure why I would keep posting in general. Maybe I'll post more for accountability in the future, but right now, I'm pretty good with that on my own. Motivation is always nice when you're part of the community, of course.

D2 Rejections

When it comes to the D2s, I realize that in many of my older experiences, I tried to bang on the first date because I wanted to "up my weekly/monthly lays"—not even necessarily because I was horny or anything. This actually worked in that I was able to increase my lays, especially from D2s. But often, the girls wouldn't see me again. I think a lot of this had to do with me being proficient in D2 lays, but the lays were with girls who really weren't interested! Lol. I used to call this the "slippery-slope method" to sex—the girls weren't necessarily interested, but you could still hook up with them. You only really knew they weren't interested when they didn't see you again after, but they still went along with it in the moment.

Obviously, you want girls to keep seeing you again after the bang. But aside from having good sex, I'm not convinced there's much else I can do. I feel it's kind of out of my hands if the girl wants to see me again. For me, yes, repeat girls do happen, but they seem to be much less frequent than girls who aren't interested after the D2.

The Most Emotionally Upsetting Aspect I Face Personally with the Entire Pickup/Date Process (Date Rejections)

With all that said, perhaps I'm being too arrogant to assume I'm doing everything right on the dates, because I don't feel the need to ask for advice to help retain girls after the dates. I don't think I have issues with escalation or leading, or else I wouldn't have been able to achieve so many lays on D2s in the past. I seriously doubt it's a comfort issue, as that's the easiest thing to do, and it always happens on dates on many levels—or else the girl wouldn't even accept the bounce, for the most part. So if it's not a problem with me doing comfort, escalation, or leading, then the only thing I can think of is that "it's out of my control" as to why girls reject me after the D2. I've been on over 100 first dates, at least, and I've tried everything. So I don't want to get into the weeds talking about logistics or venues, etc., as I feel I've done them all and still experience a high D2-rejection rate. I sincerely feel like it's just out of my control at this point, and perhaps I should just chalk it up as part of the process. This remains something that still stings emotionally after it happens (likely due to investment on my part). If anyone has any good advice that maybe I'm not considering as to why D2s aren't retaining more, I'd be interested in hearing it.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Posting my daily DG sessions on this thread feels kind of redundant at this point, to be honest. It's probably because I'm not necessarily learning anything new, and the rest is just a bunch of grinding it out and rejection until a success comes along.
On the contrary, most newbies who have just watched some daygame Youtube videos and have not yet tried daygame, they are absolutely shocked by the "legwork" or "grinding" that goes into this. YT infields are just the snapshot of the 3-4 best interactions of a session of 15- 20 approaches.

You writing about putting in the reps may show someone who is reading, the reality of what daygame actually is.

But I have reframed it in several ways instead of looking at it as rejection after rejection until a "success" comes along.

I used to play videogames for an hour or two after work, instead now I have a different hobby where I take a walk for an hour or so and get myself next to hot girls when I see them. If the resistance is not strong, I end up talking to them, if it goes well I might meet them again and so on and so on.

I just view it as a walking meditation. You clear your mind and walk around outdoors. Anything else that happens is a bonus. Its a great hobby with zero downside and potentially amazing upsides. There is no pressure to perform, no pressure to live up to any standards. Its simply a healtheir hobby than being indoors looking at a screen.

Only this has allowed me the freedom to do this, day in and day out for over a year without burning out.

When it comes to the D2s, I realize that in many of my older experiences, I tried to bang on the first date because I wanted to "up my weekly/monthly lays"—not even necessarily because I was horny or anything. This actually worked in that I was able to increase my lays, especially from D2s. But often, the girls wouldn't see me again. I think a lot of this had to do with me being proficient in D2 lays, but the lays were with girls who really weren't interested! Lol. I used to call this the "slippery-slope method" to sex—the girls weren't necessarily interested, but you could still hook up with them. You only really knew they weren't interested when they didn't see you again after, but they still went along with it in the moment.
This as well. Having this frame leads to massive frustration and burn out for me. Every date I went on felt like "an exam" not something to be enjoyed. You had to perform and if you did not get xyz result, it would read 0/1 on your report card. Instead now I consider anything and everything that happens apart from me taking a walk as a bonus and try to just enjoy it.

Otherwise I think burnout is inevitable. Because its a constant endeavour to do things "right" and you are on dates and not even enjoying them. But of course, a different mindset and frame works for everyone. I am just describing what works best for me.

But just reading your explanation, I felt you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself to make it work. Maybe if you just chilled out and just enjoyed the process without needing her to meet you again, girls would like you more. Just a thought.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
On the contrary, most newbies who have just watched some daygame Youtube videos and have not yet tried daygame, they are absolutely shocked by the "legwork" or "grinding" that goes into this. YT infields are just the snapshot of the 3-4 best interactions of a session of 15- 20 approaches.

You writing about putting in the reps may show someone who is reading, the reality of what daygame actually is.

But I have reframed it in several ways instead of looking at it as rejection after rejection until a "success" comes along.

I used to play videogames for an hour or two after work, instead now I have a different hobby where I take a walk for an hour or so and get myself next to hot girls when I see them. If the resistance is not strong, I end up talking to them, if it goes well I might meet them again and so on and so on.

I just view it as a walking meditation. You clear your mind and walk around outdoors. Anything else that happens is a bonus. Its a great hobby with zero downside and potentially amazing upsides. There is no pressure to perform, no pressure to live up to any standards. Its simply a healtheir hobby than being indoors looking at a screen.

Only this has allowed me the freedom to do this, day in and day out for over a year without burning out.

This as well. Having this frame leads to massive frustration and burn out for me. Every date I went on felt like "an exam" not something to be enjoyed. You had to perform and if you did not get xyz result, it would read 0/1 on your report card. Instead now I consider anything and everything that happens apart from me taking a walk as a bonus and try to just enjoy it.

Otherwise I think burnout is inevitable. Because its a constant endeavour to do things "right" and you are on dates and not even enjoying them. But of course, a different mindset and frame works for everyone. I am just describing what works best for me.

But just reading your explanation, I felt you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself to make it work. Maybe if you just chilled out and just enjoyed the process without needing her to meet you again, girls would like you more. Just a thought.
Thanks for the thoughtful advice.

I agree that I could work on reframing. It's easy for me to reframe when I'm not doing a lot of pickup, but as soon as I get into it, I guess being in it, wanting to improve (investing), and experiencing it firsthand makes it a little more difficult for me to do.

As far as the D2 suggestion goes, I have notes in my phone from the past of going on "connection dates" where I literally didn't try anything but have a good time, be myself, and "connect" with the girl -- this did not seem to reduce the D2 rejection-rate. Even dates where I had no pressure to do anything, like this last D2 I had, I enjoyed myself and the conversation, felt like I connected with the girl, everything seemed fine, still D2 rejection. I'm not being defeatist when I say I sincerely feel like it's out of my hands, as I have done just about everything, which I won't rattle off here.

There are some things that seem to make a difference for the D2s, however. Before I moved to NYC and in the van for two year in the past, I lived in Ohio where I would approach on local campuses. The campus was close to my house. I personally think girls would D2-reject me more while in NYC because the fucking van thing, which is understandable from a woman's safety perspective, I actually get that. Ironically, as soon as I moved out the van I noticed the D3s started to increase somewhat where I was beginning to get f-buddies and some girls I dated as much as 9 months, etc. And in Ohio I remember D2 rejections weren't as common for me either, so I think the van had a lot to do with girls not seeing me again.

Regardless, I have reframed the D2 thing the best I could, which I think I will adopt more moving forward:

1. Attempt to D2-lay on every new D2. Why? Because if it's somewhat normal to not get D3s then I might as well attempt to get something out of the work I put into it

2. As long as you can attempt the D2-lay where you don't come off as weird or pushy or whatever ("snapping the line"'), then attempting the pull for the D2 lay, and even slightly escalating, will not detour a girl who wants to see you again. In other words, if she's interested, she'll see you again regardless if you attempt the pull or not, so I'm not losing anything by trying; it doesn't matter regardless

3. Me sincerely feeling, from lots of infield experiences, that "there's not much else I can do" is actually freeing and it allows me to accept it as part of the process and not try to be technical or anything. It frees me to enjoy the process, stick to the process without putting pressure on myself, and accept certain things are out of my control

4. Putting everything together: A) go for D2-lays for every new D2 because if it doesn't really matter what I do on the D2, then at least I can be getting laid in the meantime while I get more dates, accrue interested girls over time, etc., B) If it doesn't really matter what I do, as the girls mostly will reject after the D2, and if I attempt the pull in a non-pushy manner, this will not detour girls who are interested, so I'm not losing anything by attempting the pull, C) these things free me of putting pressure on myself and I can see it more as a number's game since I'm following a fairly simple process

I'll continue to reframe it in this way and I'll see how my mind feels after some time
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
3/7/25 - Approach 6 + 1 #close

I had two main goals today: A) approach more, and B) approach college-age girls

The "approach college-aged girls" is a big one because I'm really deceiving myself in many ways thinking they "are too young". I realize this, and I know approaching them frequently will rid me of this excuse. I think I did pretty good with it today, though.

The LDM approach works:

I hate to say it, but the LDM (London Daygame Model) on the approach works, folks. And please, don't think I'm kissing ass to the LDM, or that I'm trying to promote anything (i.e., Tom T. is fucking dead, so I don't think he'll be profiting), I just mention it because it just works.

For example, this is kind of fundamental here with approaching in general, but conviction is extremely important. Strong eye contact, strong stop -- basically, like you REALLY want to say something; you REALLY want her to stop (conviction). Also, "attraction" (teasing, flirting, etc.) is good starting off after the approach to get her interested, then you can dial it down a bit on rapport, then close. This is basically the approach in the LDM, and it just works. My approaches for the last week have been weak (weak conviction, weak stops, not much attraction). A lot of why everything is weak for me is because of conviction and also because I don't feel that comfortable yet, so I feel weak, but you got to fake it sometimes, and you'll see more girls stopping and hooking, etc.


Anyway, one highlight was near NYU and I saw a "college-age girl", I went to approach, and she was NOT a college-aged girl as I saw crows feet near her eyes. She was probably late twenties, early thirties, so my mind is deceiving me. Interesting. BF deflection though.

The other highlight was when I started giving strong eye contact, a smile and conviction starting off my approaches. The girls were stopping. The second girl stopped, smiled, I did some attraction shit, she was giggling, crossed her legs and began to invest and ask me questions. I was like, "dude, the LDM shit really works" in my head. I number-closed her. And it's not magic or anything, it's basic human interaction in a lot of ways, but works very well with cold-approach.

Anyway, my computer keeps fucking freezing on me and I lose what I was typing, so probably going to start writing reports from my phone for a bit...

Possible D2 for Monday (but weak approach and forced number close, so probably flaky):

Also, yesterday I did a weak approach on a Kazakhstan, I persisted a little and got her number, but the number close felt forced and not solid. She was receptive via text but not really too invested, I managed to get her to agree to a D2 date, but it seems flaky since it was a weak approach, forced number, and I got the feeling she was faking being interested via text by the way she was texting, so I expect her to flake for the date Monday. I would be shocked if she actually came out. I'll keep updated on that.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
The LDM approach works:
I’ve had solid success with LDM, it’s a refreshing and unique approach. I’ve got video footage showing how well it works when I stick to the model, but things start going sideways when I freestyle, get in my head, and overthink.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
but conviction is extremely important. Strong eye contact, strong stop -- basically, like you REALLY want to say something; you REALLY want her to stop (conviction). Also, "attraction" (teasing, flirting, etc.) is good starting off after the approach to get her interested, then you can dial it down a bit on rapport, then clos
Yes, I 1000% agree conviction is the secret sauce.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
Also, yesterday I did a weak approach on a Kazakhstan, I persisted a little and got her number, but the number close felt forced and not solid. She was receptive via text but not really too invested, I managed to get her to agree to a D2 date, but it seems flaky since it was a weak approach, forced number, and I got the feeling she was faking being interested via text by the way she was texting, so I expect her to flake for the date Monday. I would be shocked if she actually came out. I'll keep updated on that.
in this case if you unsure I would say call her to strengthen the connection.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
in this case if you unsure I would say call her to strengthen the connection.
The issue was the approach. If the approach was good, and she was genuinely hooked, then I wouldn’t be having this issue. It’s a lost cause at this point. She already flaked as I predicted. Thank you for your input!
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
3/7/25 - Approach 6 + 1 #close

I had two main goals today: A) approach more, and B) approach college-age girls

The "approach college-aged girls" is a big one because I'm really deceiving myself in many ways thinking they "are too young". I realize this, and I know approaching them frequently will rid me of this excuse. I think I did pretty good with it today, though.

The LDM approach works:

I hate to say it, but the LDM (London Daygame Model) on the approach works, folks. And please, don't think I'm kissing ass to the LDM, or that I'm trying to promote anything (i.e., Tom T. is fucking dead, so I don't think he'll be profiting), I just mention it because it just works.

For example, this is kind of fundamental here with approaching in general, but conviction is extremely important. Strong eye contact, strong stop -- basically, like you REALLY want to say something; you REALLY want her to stop (conviction). Also, "attraction" (teasing, flirting, etc.) is good starting off after the approach to get her interested, then you can dial it down a bit on rapport, then close. This is basically the approach in the LDM, and it just works. My approaches for the last week have been weak (weak conviction, weak stops, not much attraction). A lot of why everything is weak for me is because of conviction and also because I don't feel that comfortable yet, so I feel weak, but you got to fake it sometimes, and you'll see more girls stopping and hooking, etc.


Anyway, one highlight was near NYU and I saw a "college-age girl", I went to approach, and she was NOT a college-aged girl as I saw crows feet near her eyes. She was probably late twenties, early thirties, so my mind is deceiving me. Interesting. BF deflection though.

The other highlight was when I started giving strong eye contact, a smile and conviction starting off my approaches. The girls were stopping. The second girl stopped, smiled, I did some attraction shit, she was giggling, crossed her legs and began to invest and ask me questions. I was like, "dude, the LDM shit really works" in my head. I number-closed her. And it's not magic or anything, it's basic human interaction in a lot of ways, but works very well with cold-approach.

Anyway, my computer keeps fucking freezing on me and I lose what I was typing, so probably going to start writing reports from my phone for a bit...

Possible D2 for Monday (but weak approach and forced number close, so probably flaky):

Also, yesterday I did a weak approach on a Kazakhstan, I persisted a little and got her number, but the number close felt forced and not solid. She was receptive via text but not really too invested, I managed to get her to agree to a D2 date, but it seems flaky since it was a weak approach, forced number, and I got the feeling she was faking being interested via text by the way she was texting, so I expect her to flake for the date Monday. I would be shocked if she actually came out. I'll keep updated on that.

The issue was the approach. If the approach was good, and she was genuinely hooked, then I wouldn’t be having this issue. It’s a lost cause at this point. She already flaked as I predicted. Thank you for your input!
I get it, man. It’s frustrating when things don’t click the way you hoped, especially when you put in the effort. But don’t be so quick to call it a lost cause, every approach is a chance to learn. Maybe it wasn’t about the approach itself, but just her circumstances or interest level. Either way, keep at it, adjust where needed, and don’t let one flake shake your confidence. On to the next one!
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
3/8/25 - Approach 3 + 1 #close

Didn't get much sleep last night. I woke up early for some reason and didn't feel that tired, so I decided to head out. Later, near the end of my session, I felt it though—and I was tired.

I walked all the way down SoHo on Broadway, and it was so packed that it was difficult to do approaches. This is a note I’ll take away from the weekends: SoHo is way too packed for daygame, and you’ll be much less frustrated going down less busy areas. Ironically, they’ll still be busy anyway due to the weekend. Also, on weekends, you see a lot of couples out, but there are so many people out that you still have opportunities with solo girls.

Yesterday I did pretty well not passing up girls. Today was different. I didn’t really see anyone I’d like to approach for a while, and then they just popped out. I probably passed up at least six I should have taken a shot at.

Anyway, the approaches:

  1. I was tired at this point and finally saw a slow-walking Asian girl, lol, so I decided I had no excuse not to approach. I approached. The conversation was shaky, and she eventually excused herself.
  2. A hot, dressed-up Asian girl in a short skirt and makeup—very sexy. I approached her near St. Marks. I was still tired, but I approached. No hook point—she used the "boyfriend deflection."
  3. For this third girl, I was basically done with my session. I saw her by my apartment walking fast. I had to walk fast to catch up, and when I did, I approached her. She seemed like a "Yes girl," in the sense that everything about me—my vibe, conversation, etc.—was subpar, but she still hooked and invested. This made me feel a little better. I teased her about being a marathon runner training for a 5K since she walked so fast. Not much teasing or anything beyond that. I made sure to state my intent and made it man-to-woman by saying I approached her because I thought she was pretty. I invited her out for coffee in the future. I took her number and sent her a text probably 20 minutes ago. No response yet, but I think she was meeting a friend for coffee. The interaction and number close seemed solid, so I’m pretty confident she’ll respond. If I get a sense she’s still interested via texting, I don’t think I’ll have an issue getting her out on a date. She seemed interested in person. A huge lesson from this approach is you can feel like crap, have crap game, and there will always be a "Yes girl" eventually. You just need to recognize it and close her.
Last night, I had a bit of an epiphany about my daygame. I know this sounds dramatic and sudden, but this is something I’ve been dealing with for years. I think it’s really going to help me out, mostly mentally, considering D2s. I wrote a long post on this thread yesterday about it but deleted it because it felt a little strange to put it up. Basically, I’ve mentioned it before here already. I’m sure I’ll talk about it again very soon, as it’s a crucial part of my new D2 strategy based on years of experience in the past.

Also, keep in mind, I literally haven’t daygamed in like three years. So, me going through excuses and feeling weak—I see this as completely normal right now. I know from experience that the more I go out and approach girls, the more I naturally get better at everything related to it. It always happens that way. Right now, it’s all about going out, approaching, desensitization, etc., and keeping that momentum going. I’ll get there again :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
3/9/25 - Approach 3 + 1 #close

Been out every day for an entire week. It's been pretty easy to accomplish given my location. Most of the time I've been doing pickup in the past, my logistics were horrible, but they are very good now. But that's another story...

Not too lively as it has been on the streets, but I did approach this one girl who was very dreamy, and it was very addictive, which I'll write in the approaches...


  1. Fast walking Asian Soho. She basically blanked me.
  2. This one was very interesting. It was a very dreamy, beautiful artist girl, dark hair, olive skin, and what she was wearing looked artsy, but she was extremely sexy. But the most interesting thing about this girl was her fucking vibe. It was so god-damn chill. I was reveling in it, feeling like a vampire, and it felt so fucking good.
    Anyway, I noticed her totally dreamed out walking, with the lazy, dreamy eyes, slowly walking, looking around like she has been meditating all day. I just knew she'd open nicely because of all these signs. I had to open her. Low and behold, I was right, and it was like talking to Jesus or something because she was so damn relaxed.
    I have to say, my conversation is so, so, so bad right now. She really helped me out. I feel like if I was sharper with my conversation, this girl easily could have been a SDL (same day lay) girl. She was on her way to get a matcha tea, she tells me she's an artist who does trance music and tattoos. I have her show me her tattoo, and I have to say it was sexy. I took her hand and looked at them on her wrist and forearm, and it was sexy holding this calm, beautiful girl's hand. It felt really good. My conversation was weak, unfortunately, and I literally told her I don't have much to say (LAAAMMMMEEEEEEEE) and legitimately wondered if I could steal some of her vibes.
    Anyway, there was a part in the conversation where I think I sparked some interest in her, and at one point she was talking, it was like a subconscious thing where sparks exploded, and I was noticing how fucking sexy she was just staring at her... I almost said it out loud, which I should have... but I know she felt it too because she kind of grinned, and sparks were flying, dude. I would love to just hang out with this chick for a day and leach off her vibes. It was really cool. Anyway, I offered her to give some ideas on my next tattoo and took her number. Remembering how good it felt to hold her hand earlier, before she left, I just stuck out my hand so I could hold hers again, not because I was trying some technique or anything, but because it felt so good before, I wanted to do it again lol. She gave me her hand again.
    This chick was completely SDL material written all fucking over it, but honestly, I was unprepared and tired, and I wasn't even aiming for that. I know if Tom T. or Nick Krauser were here, they'd run with this girl so hard... It was a very cool and fun set. I would love to see her again. Absolutely beautiful girl with amazing vibe, but unfortunately, my conversation was weak, and I think it's 50/50 my chances.
  3. This was a funny one. I approached a girl near NYU, and she said, "I'm only 16." LMAO. I said, "No fucking way!?" Haha. It was funny. I laughed to myself on the way back home.

So yeah, I did pass up some girls early, which I'm making sure to note in my phone.

Overall though, I was kind of stricken by the second girl, as you can probably tell. Just the vibe. And it really made me think to myself why daygame is so cool, man. Like, you meet these types of girls you wouldn't even imagine. It comes out of nowhere. When your game gets good, you can really have fun with these girls on the street, on instant dates, on dates, regulars... and I'm not even talking about just the sex, just these amazing kinds of people exist. Talk about great memories that would make. This is why daygame is awesome, and I'm hooked again.

D2 for Wednesday:

Also, approach #3 from yesterday, the "Yes girl," the texting with her was very on. We agreed for drinks Wednesday. She lives near me, so logistics are amazing. I'm having all kinds of epiphanies lately that came out of nowhere. I'm telling you right now, if I can get consistent dates, you guys are going to see an explosion in my results. Just watch. It's one of those epiphanies I know it's right. I can feel it in my bones, and I ironically have confirmed it through some Nick Krauser podcasts I stumbled upon by complete accident.

I know I'm speaking abstractly here, but I don't want to get into the specifics. I will talk about it shortly though, because it's like a huge essential shift in how I'm going to be treating my dates. ANYWAY, all that said, I will be going for the D2-lay with this girl, so this means escalating and leading. We'll see what happens, but she seems very, very keen, and I made sure she knows it's man-to-woman. Will keep posted.
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