Here's my latest field report: FR: Multiple Acceptance. It's good to know I'm making progress. Ree pardon me. I'm yet to send you a PM. I'll do that soon enough.
Well, I have no choice. It's either I keep on failing and feeling like shit till I succeed or I keep on failing and feeling like shit till I succeed. Thanks for the kind words Alex.Don't give up, man! I've been where
you were...frustrated with myself and
my own inability. The fact that you
think it's terrible you're not
productive shows me you've still got
that fire to get out there and kick ass
inside you; it's just waiting for you to
let it out.
If there's one thing I'm convinced of,
it's that the most important time to
try your best is when you feel like
shit. You can do it
I meditate in the morning for about ten minutes. I first concentrate on breathing in and out for 2 mins to put me in a relaxed state. Then for the remaining 8 mins I use Ricardus's method from his "How to pick up girls" series. Here's how I do it. I bring to my memory my best, most confident and happiest moments socially. Memories of when girls were complimenting me on my dressing, or on how good looking or awesome I am, etc. I then imagine how confident I'd feel and walk. I then further imagine myself in this confident state walking to talk to the hottest girls and all of them being very receptive and attracted from the beginning of the interaction. I think this is what Chase calls visualization. I observe that most times when I do this and head out, I feel happy, more confident and social. So it's possible to control your state or feelings through visualization (that's some advanced meditation skill and I can't say I know how to work my way around it). Also at the end of the day, you're supposed to meditate using this: concentrate on your breathing for about 2 mins. After that you bring to your memory to your approaches and social interactions for that day and you review your strengths and mistakes without being emotionally attached to them. When you review this approaches/interactions you find out your mistakes and imagine yourself saying or doing the right thing. For the parts where you do well you can decide to imagine doing even better. At the end you then only attach your emotions to the solid approaches/interactions that happened that day and feel happy. The second part should last for 8 mins too.Hey.... Care to elaborate on
meditation....?....seems like an
intriguing topic
Hey...where is the u been man....Mystique said:Is this journal dead? Nah, coz my seduction career has only begun. I got laid last night and it made me realize my problem was the fact that I had no place and all along I was trying to use logistics on the fly. For a beginner, that's a tall order. I faced a huge LMR that lasted for a while but I overcame it (a huge achievement for a newbie). An FR will be coming up soon (I'd have probably shagged another girl again so maybe two!). To all my readers out there I say - Cheers!