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mrman's Newbie Assignment


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
OK, I did a 20 min walk just now. Couldn't pick just one walk, but I stuck mostly to a cowboy walk. I was staring at some women in conversation and they started saying something about "weapons." The male model walk feels overly sexy. Seems like I had women checking me out more than usual. Had a guy yell to me from the car asking for directions (I gave him wrong directions because I'm a genius). A beautiful girl looked and smiled at me and I said hi but she was walking away too fast. Had a woman and her mom or something sort of trying to get in my way, it seemed, but I didn't make a move. That's all.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
This is weird for me because I have gone from being 50/50 conscious body language/unconscious body language to 100% unconscious body language. In other words I rely entirely on my internal state being good to control my body. Instead for this I tried being 100% conscious body language, so I was consciously moving my hands like a cowboy, etc, Still using my imagination a bit, but not trying to be congruent to an internal state.

I think I may take 3-4 days to work on this. My walk is really out of whack when I'm not feeling totally great.
IDK... Is that too much extra?

Today... did I notice anything... not really anything that I want to rely on... I was high and I thought I could hear peoples thoughts... like when I was doing CEO walk they thought oh he's dreaming about being a CEO...

Will report a sober walk tomorrow.

I got a curly reddish blonde haird nose periced nice fat ass woman in scrubs's instagram on the walk to the grocery store.

She walking past me.
Me: "Hi"
Her, still walking past.
Me: "Can I ask you a question?"
She stops and takes out her earbud.
Me: "Could I make a painting of you?"
Her: "Sure!"
Me: "Ok, lemme give you my instagram? I mean, i mean..."
Her: "I only have 5 minutes I have to go to work."
Me: "OK. lemme give you my instagram, i mean, lemme type it into your phone, i mean..."
She's giving me her phone I'm typing it in
Me: "I mean, or your number, I mean, if this is fine..."
Her: "No, that's fine!"
Me: "Ok I'm also gonna dm you... no... the algorithm...I could but I'm not gonna..."
Her: "Hahaha you're like, I know how to use instagram!"
Me: "Hahaha! Yeah. Ok"
Her: "Ok, Nice to meet you!"

Something like that.

I walked back carrying an enourmous bag of groceries feeling like a weakling, good workout for my walk.

And I haven't been to the gym in months.

paradoxically focusing on my hands helped my walk.

Note:I remember I've done the other Chase ebook beginener assignment. So this is at least my second go round. Possibly third.
Ended up fucking this one up. I said Hey, then she "read" it right away, then I said Are you free tonight. No response
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Day 12: Indirect direct. It's time you learned to tell girls you like them. No beating around the bush here - you're not going to be comfortable around women until you're used to laying it all out on the table without a second thought, period. And the way you get used to that is by doing it.

Day 12's exercise builds on the the previous assignments and gives you some choices. The assignment is to open four (4) women using the openers you've previously tried out, and to follow your opener up by saying, "I thought you were cute and wanted to come meet you. I'm [name]."


  • If you're using "Hi, how's your day going?" you'll be saying this: "Hi, how's your day going? [pause and wait for her response] I thought you were cute and wanted to come meet you. I'm [your name]."


  • If you're using "Are you single?" you'll be saying this: "Are you single? [pause and wait for her response] I thought you were cute and wanted to come meet you. I'm [your name]."

Defintitely gonna use "Hi, how's you're day going?"


"I thought you were cute and wanted to come meet you. I'm Hank."
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Went for a really long walk and got lost (6 hrs...cringe) it was good for my walk. I mean, it was ok, but my neck and shoulders hurt a lot so it was a good workout for my posture.

Approached 8 girls.

Not gonna recount the dialogue right now.. lotta mumbling...i was high...trying to get a couple mexican chicks over to my studio was the highlight. I should have said, yo do you guys smoke weed.

I was awkward.

However, I noticed a lot of it was me going, "no? ok" when she was just sitting there nervously not answering. Doesn't mean a rejection. it just mean she doesn't know what to say. She wasn't breaking eye contact or anything...

On the way back, I saw a slim woman with a cute butt in black yoga pants with her mat. It was dark, and I said, not very loudly,

Me: "Can I ask you a question?"

She turned even though she was far away and with headphones in.

Me: "Could I make a painting of you?

she said I have to run to class! and runs away.


So the latinas. Wow this is a lot of work, but this isn't a formal field report.

It's getting late on the next day, but I think I'll keep working on my walk. It's really embarrassing. It's unnecessary, because my walk wouldn't that bad be it for the weed, but I do go out and take long walks when I'm in this state where my legs are trashed, and I just block it out, but it's really embarrassing. Like when i played tennis with my ex, she was like, woah you just have this gay (she probably didn't mean literally gay) floppy thing with your feet or something, and then something like a gay bodybuilder walk, and then an autistic run, (I was sober for this, I'm super out of shape and my mental health causes me to tense up, I don't know if it's literally the weed.), and I was like, well it's not always like that, and she was like, it should never be like that. BTW hanging out with a woman as a friend seems kind of gay lowkey, but that's not right, is it. I haven't tried to hang out with her since she booty called me that night I wasn't available. I say booty call, it was 8pm, more like gay bestie call? I usually put it in her when we get drunk but neither of us enjoy it that much? She doesn't give me good sex and I'm not willing to do whatever she needs...actually I was gonna try to use this new line on her, which is that my mom (actually) said why don't you marry her, I actually think that would be an easy trap to fall into though. And then I lost my phone and I'm still phoneless.

TLDR- anyone (almost everyone) either keeps their whole body (INCLUDING THEIR FEET) always in line because they have good posture or they force themselves to stay somewhat in line. I'm really unhinged with my walk, and it's not pretty. So I'm going to keep working on my walk for one more day.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Talked to some young chicks (a fat and skinny pair of below-mid chicks that looked really young, I said to myself, I'll only approach if i get an invite, and then they turned around right when I was walking past to walk next to me!) while practicing my walk in the shop windows...

"hey. Hi. Could I make a painting of you guys?"


"Could I ask you a really random question?"

"Ok, sure."

"Could I make a painting of you guys?"

"Ummmmmm....we're just going this way."

"OK. ... What do you guys go to school here, or what."


"I live here. I just moved back in with my parents. "


"yeah. Hehe"

....and yelled "Could I ask you a random question!" at an Indian chick when going down into the Train Stop, didn't feel like going back up to get her, leaving me free for the IG I just got (below)...

one IG just now. She remembered my handle and found me later. In front of the shops, after letting the fat and skinny pair of young chicks get away from me by practicing my walk again and examining a real estate display, I saw a girl in a short black dress hugging her nice thick music girl fat ass compact type with medium breasts figure, (I bet she works at the music store) going to her car,

"Hey. Hi. Do you mind if I ask you a relaly random question."

Curly hair light brown hair, plain face with two slutty nose rings.


"Coould I make a painting of you?"

"I'm an artist"

"OK, I mean..."

"lemme just give you my instagram that's all I can do right now. I like your dress."

"Thank you"

"nice, all black...black sneakers, cool... hahah dope. That could be the painting. Dope outfit. Ok so lemme write down my instagram for you. What's your name?"

" [name that doesn't match her insta] Oh, ok...Oh, I don't have my phone. Tell me and I'll remember and follow you."

"Oh, OKAY, ok, it's [@] OK? got that? it's underscore, OK, haha. blah blah blah it's a joke my name is []. OK, haha I'm gonna go check and see if you follow me haha, blah blah, OK, what's your name gain? I already forgot. I'll have to just go check when I get home. Sorry, I'm high, I just went to smoke at the lake."

Now, I am totally getting the vibe that local people found me on here, but who knows. So I may, for my own mental health, have to resign from this forum, although, if I could just put points up on the scoreboard, and finish off the newbie assignment, I think it would be chill.

"So what are you up to, whatcha doing right now."

"Oh, I'm just working, I'm going back to work"

"Ok, well... "

"I'm just waiting for my boss and I have to give him something from the trunk of my car."

"Oh, ok, well, sorry if this is super awkward."

"No, I mean, I've never been asked to be painted before..."

ehh not sure what I said...

I was being retarded but I got the follow

"Oh, ok, so what are you doing after? We could do it tonight"

"Oh, I'm not sure, I'll follow you."

"Ok. Cool. ... I just have to go to the store right here"

"Nice to meet you. Thank you."

"Cool. ... so do you work around here do you live around here. Do you work in the area"

"Yeah, I work in the area."

"Ok, cool. I live here, I'll be around here."

Got a six pack around the corner and then checked if she was still there before I crossed the street and went home, yelling at the indian girl on the way home who looked at me. Shoulda gone for it.

Then I went out again later because my grandmother wanted eggs for tomorrow morning.

stopped by Train Stop on the way back to smoke a ciggarret:



"Can I ask you a question?"

"Oh, no speak english."

"Oh, yo hablo espanol!"

I sit down next to her and have the rest of the conversation in spanish.

blah blah fucking blah basically


"Tell? haha it's not a story. Ok."

"Tell me the question."

"Could I make a painting of you?"


"I'm an artist"

"OK, sure."

ok, the translating aspect is confusing me. OH well, good for me if I do manage to do night game tonight.


"Whats your name"


"nice to meet you"

horny handshake from Attractionzilla on YouTube

"oh, you're cold"

"Oh, I'm always cold"

"You're always cold?"

"Yeah, I need love"

"You need love?"


her mom was on the other line listening the whole time

her train arrived and i left. Got her to follow me on IG.

I suppose after this beer, I will walk down towards the bar, see how far I make it.
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
OK, I'm back, and I am still working on my walk. Really, my legs are trash. So I should also include some sports and squats and calf raises? Go to the gym? I'm not looking forward to the winter, so as soon as creepy slut season tm is over, imma go to cali... tho.. I was just thinking... I'm well overdue for a tour of Europe...

New walk remigem (in addition to walking the 4 Newbie Locations
tm) scoot around the house looking at your reflections.)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
oh my god, I didn't go for a walk on 10/9!

Must go for a morning walk tomorrow, and at least go on one more extra walk or college campus walk or workout, as punishment.

what i really need to do is gunsliner walk around the college campus... but I'm gonna feel like a weirdo... an old lady's dog snapped at me while I was doing it around the lake. My theory is that I was doing hookup behavior in a non hookup environment, so it waas innapropriate and that's why the dog almost bit me. Never happened to me before.

So obviously I am a bit apprehensive now, but in theory it should work on campus around hot girls.

According to the Newbie theory, Winner effect theory, Newbie journal, by the book, I am going to stick to the 4 Newbie Locations. And I am taking time to fix my walk. Incidentally during my break (not focused on walking or anything at all) I got, like 3 more train stop pickup attemps (one was 2 sisters, the one with the super nice ass didn't give it, her sister did), well I got one IG of one girl, and I gave my IG to one of the sisters, but she didn't follow me or the thing didn't work or whatever, Next time, DM her when she gives it to you to enter your IG.

So dont do the newbie assignment on the campus.

I saw a "[local college] dad" "oficer [so-and-so]" stickers on a van in my neighbors driveway. I saw it again. I am fucking pissed off because I think my neighbor is all0wing the police to illegally surveille me. I gues I should call the FBI?
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
I might move a bunch of mirrors in place; either way, I need to scoot around the house. Then go out. Not sure if I wanna take the T to the bar. But the good thing is, I finally realized how easy it is to take to the T to that bar that I was trying to walk to, because of this Newbie Assignment.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Ok I have to go for a walk to my besties place. I think that I could take the T but I am gonna do another walk for the newbie assignment. Last time I walked for six hours and couldn't find the museum and walked to my studio instead. Good thing is, actually as I type this I realize, that’s nice, I could go to that museum a lot that’s conveniently located near my studio!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017

walk out my house go down the hi traffic st but don’t see anyone walking. I cut across to the train station as usual and see no one. Go up to the mini mart. Get stuff and sit on the beach outside. See 4 hotties and don’t do anything. “Fuck! Fuck!”

oh I did say hello to an Indian girl next her her super hot friend talking on the phone in Russian. See then again when I’m walking away.

I say to Russian girl hi, how’s your day going?

“terrible. Sorry”

They walk away. I walk away. “Fuck this shit! Abort!”

“fuck! Fuck this! This is fucking stupid!”

I walk to the lake instead of walking to CVS as is part of the newbie locations.

When I’m leaving the lake, I hear a man saying oh a couple times is fine, but not like…

then I do end up going to CVS anyways, and I say to a cute chick waiting outside:

“could I make a painting of you?”


“a painting. Haha! I’m an artist.”

“oh I can’t I’m waiting blah blah”

“Oh ok”

“Sorry Thank you I appreciate it”

i had already turned around.

“NO NO The pleasure Is all mine.