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Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
Reaping Rewards
Hello everyone. This week I approach 18 girls and got my first lay. I am still working on my voice and hook game.

M - 11 approaches - working on using hooks and a strong voice.

Half the girls didn't last more than a minute. Some just gave glaring buzz off signals. “Uhm, do you go to school here” “Can I help you” said with nasty tones

Two girls were polite and didn't hook

Three girls hooked, laughed a bit, and I grabbed their numbers and went. It always Happened when I least expected it to.

The last girl I contemplated approaching thought “I already hit my number today. There's no reason to not approach though. She might respond well. But… It might backfire. This is a bad idea”. Then it hit me like a truck. Why not test if it's a bad idea. Might as well. Turns out… she responded the best.

T - 5 Approaches - no goal today, just working on the same thing as yesterday

One girl did not enjoy me even speaking to her

One girl was very polite, and then brought her husband into the conversation. Should've checked for a ring

Three girls responded very well, explaining themselves and asking me questions. It was just too easy to propose a date and then they agreed.

One of the three girls was in a restaurant and me and her were the only ones there. My brain said “nah, that won’t work. She’ll be disgusted cause it's just you and her, and the 5 employees next to us. You better not approach her” and then I was like, huh, why not test this theory. I just asked what she got, started chatting and flirting for a couple minutes... BOOM.. Date! My brain is wrong on so many levels, and I just have to go against it sometimes.

W - 1 approach

Th - 1 lay and 1 extra approach. The lay report is here: https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/status-update-lost-my-virginity.29981/


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 20, 2024
Great work. I just read through your journal. I admire your consistency and commitment. Looks like you've made some great progress .


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
Back in the game

Hello everyone. Don’t worry, I’m didn't up and leave after one lucky lay. I still have a lot more to do. I just took a break to do something, but I’m back now. I hit my goal of getting laid (far sooner than I expected), and now I’m moving onto the next step. Wish me luck

This week I started using pings, tried new venues, and openers (due to the change in venue style).

PINGS: Before I started using pings, I discounted them on the fact that they can give you an excuse to not approach. I thought it was for the faint hearted. Turns out it's pretty useful to save myself from public humiliation and get approaches in, in a crowded area.

I used the offhand comment pings like “the train is soooo slow in the winter” or “These lights take forever to change” whenever waiting in a quiet crowd. That way I can get an extra approach or two if I get AIs. Then it's a double whammy because it's a welcome approach.

VENUES: I tried out some new venues, mostly indoors. Winter's coming and I personally don’t want to be outside at a park or street running game for 2-3 hours. I much rather be inside, and I bet these girls do too.

The venus I tried are the trendy health food stores. They are crawling with so many young women. However, I have to go on weekdays. Couples and families go on weekends. Made that mistake yesterday.

I also tried some situationally relevant openers. Ones like “do you think I should pick this or this for?” and “What do you think I should add to make this smoothie?”. It's different and a bit of a challenge. I think I'll get used to it in time.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
offhand comment pings like “the train is soooo slow in the winter” or “These lights take forever to change”

A positive spin:

situationally relevant openers. Ones like “do you think I should pick this or this for?” and “What do you think I should add to make this smoothie?”.

An additional idea to try, putting the focus on her:



Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
Hello everyone. These past two weeks I just focused on my basic fundamentals and game.

I’ve been trying to add plenty of new stuff to my approaches, but I noticed I was forgetting the core basic stuff. Smiling from the outset, strong eye contact, pacing, showing interest, etc.

So that’s been my focus recently and right now.

I’ve found my handful of indoor venues to approach in. The list includes a library, health foods store, train station, bar, and mall. I’m sure I can practice being a lot more sexual and escalate at the bar.

I had to be more strategic about when and where I go, because some days there few practically no girls. It’s colder outside, so fewer girls going out. It’s also winter break for most college students, so that isn’t ideal either.

Guess it’s the time of season. Winters tough, but so am I.

Sneak peak: I’m going to a tropical place next week. Maybe I can get a SDL


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
Identity and Compliance
Hello Everyone. These past two weeks I focused on compliance and my presentation of identity. I also got some beach approaches while traveling.

I have found compliance very useful, even at the outset of learning it. I can screen out disinterested girls by trying to move them, while moving the seduction forward with the ones that are. When I was on vacation, I moved a girl 30 seconds after meeting her, and then moved her again.

There's another tactic I wanted to get down: Using compliance to break the touch barrier.

I wanted to establish touch and get closer to a girl sooner in interactions, so I would shake their hand. This felt a bit boring, so I tried letting my hand out for them. Once they grabbed it, I would twirl them around. They usually smiled harder after. It felt good.

I also wanted to focus on the presentation of my identity. Chase wrote a great article on The 9 Male Identities and How They Affect You with Women. If I had to describe how I present myself, even if it's not how I see myself, I’d say I’m the normal guy. It’s not bad, but its not particularly good if I want to be attractive.

I’ve been in sports most of my life so I chose to be an athlete. Athletes are physically attractive, take up space, move slow and relaxed, and are confident approaching people. They are used to being the center of attention and putting on a show, if they're good at their sport. They can even be a bit cocky. This is how I modeled myself.

Choosing an identity allows girls to identify me as a guy with attractive traits from the outset, while letting me bend a couple social rules in my sets. A normal guy wouldn’t get away with that, but an athlete would.

While I was out hundreds of miles away on a tropical beach island, I noticed the pace of life got slow. No one was in a rush, and I felt I could take my time in sets, still acting fast, even if I moved slow. A lot more girls seemed a lot more open to meeting me on the beach.

I ended up taking the interactions very far, but I didn’t make a plan for logistics, so I learned some very painful lessons. Logistics are king.

Over and out.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
Breaking through a plateau
Hello everyone. These past couple weeks I have been analyzing myself and making adjustments to get past a plateau I’m hitting.

Lately, I have been struggling to get dates. Well I have one planned for tomorrow, but that’s because I’ve been making adjustments. Before that I was wondering why I was going out so much without any dates to show for it.

I started to write field reports to see where I was going wrong. After a couple days of this, I saw recurring themes over many approaches, and made a list of problems I was having, and solutions to go with them. I should’ve done this a lot sooner, but I’m glad I came around to the idea. Anyways, here the list.

I am not going out / make it easier to go out, pick spots closer to home, secure results, give myself something tangible to focus on during outings

I am not approaching and using excuses / approach as soon as I get out there, get closer to the girl, just do it

My vibe comes off meek, lifeless, and uninterested / open up my body language first, then my voice, be animated

I don’t say in set long enough to hook / focus on staying in set, set the mood with my fundamentals, bring up the energy gradually and slightly more energy than her

I don’t move fast enough through conversation / don’t break eye contact, keep it going

I don’t banter or flirt with words or my body / eye contact out corner of my eye, sexy smile, question her, tease her

I don’t find something she likes to talk about and stay on it / ask what she finds stimulating, what she does with friends, if she’s passionate about her job, what she likes to watch, where she got her clothes.

I don’t go for the close / close any girl I stay in set with more than five minutes, at a high point or not

These are the common ones, and working on these resulted in fewer approaches. Isn’t fewer approaches bad? No. I had fewer because they were higher quality and longer lasting. I learned more with less volume. I played the numbers game where I can always meet more women, but did play the “numbers” game where I shoot my shot without thought (that rhymes).

Before this problem solution approach, I would approach a few girls, get nowhere, and read niche GC articles to find that “one tech” I was missing. But I have all the pieces. I don’t need to read more and add pieces to my shaky foundation, I need to find where I fail more, then maybe read.

Besides that, I have been focusing on being more sexy through my body language and mindset. Mostly posture, expression, eye contact, etc. always correcting myself if I notice unsexy body language.

I also noticed that I haven’t been exploring new places recently, so I’m scheduling it into my routine, without having the pressure to explore and meet girls that might not be there.

Lastly, I got rid of some false time constraints in how fast I need to make it to the next step in seduction. I’ve settled into understanding that I will improve relatively fast and don’t need to worry about the exact date. Just like how body builder doesn’t stress about puttin on 12.2 pounds of muscle by summer, he just goes to the gym and knows the muscles will come with time. When the time comes, it’ll come.

Over and out


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 9, 2024
Changing strategies
I am not enjoying getting no responses and flakes. I practice going through the same 10-20 minute conversation on dozens of girls every week, tweaking my process, with similar responses. I don't feel llike I am learning seduction. At least not the sexual tension, push-pull, escalting touch, deep diving seduction. Just the beginning.

And adding and intermission between meet and date isn't fun either.

So instead of going for number -> date -> close, I can go for instadate -> close. That way I know if the girl was into me or not alot sooner. A week later from flaking vs not agreeing to move and instadate. I can recognize failure points more clearly and tweek a complete seduction. I'm sure theres alot of other benifits I'm not aware of.

I am still willling to take girls numbers if they seem interested and hers plans for the day dont allow, but I expect more succsess when everything happens right there. It definitly beats looking through my phone of 30 dead end conversations where I dont know where I went wrong.