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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I’ve been messaging some other girls, haven’t asked anyone out because I’m not feeling much motivation rn, but…

I think I might be catching a limited form of one-itis. There are 4 basic issues:
1) I’m not currently meeting new girls so I’m limited to previous acquaintances
2) I’m not interested currently in girls who don’t meet a specific profile, which this girl and maybe one other seem to meet
3) My social life is too narrow and static. Addressing this is too much work right now.
4) This girl seems to be really into me, more even than I was her until recently, yet she is hard to get ahold of. I still think this is naïveté rather than girl game. But it’s driving me crazy, and I can’t help feeling that I’m driving in circles not trying harder.

In fact, I was falling asleep when somehow my mind fastened on this and it’s like a cognitive itch. I briefly considered trying to forget about her completely, but that would be awfully premature.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Two major events happened in the past week. But first…

I’ve now mentally moved on from last semester’s leads. Right now in terms of mixed-gender SC I’m cooling my heels for a couple weeks while things gear up, but after that I have some ideas.
In fact, there’s an outside chance I can get a free venue to experiment with a pilot project I’ve been dreaming of: holding small classy events on Thursday nights with wine and actual glasses instead of red plastic cups.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
So. The two things kinda pulled me in opposite directions but they were both very positive.

On Monday morning I had a very deep and interesting conversation with an older, taken chick whom there clearly was chemistry with. I think we’ll become good friends.

However, without intending to, I ended up showing her my inner essence and she liked it and even bonded with it. I really would like to find someone younger and more single who can do that. Doesn’t mean I can’t rail chicks on the side but I need a queen who can relate to that on my own level.

“Whoever [sic] you choose to ride or die with, is a really lucky human…they will definitely be an intriguing human…takes one to know one sort of thing”
—her words

Another thing about this was that I couldn’t have had this convo two years ago bc I’d have been too horny to be chill.

So that experience nudged me in the direction of seeking a deep and complete partnership. Easier said than done but in the meantime…

[cont part 2]
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
The second experience was the polar opposite. It’s possible that I could have gotten action if I had played my cards differently, but I was tired and not feeling risky or impulsive.

This was one of several errands I ran in a big loop around the metropolis in the course of several hours with a friend.

Without disclosing identifying details, I had to pick up an important business package from an old dude who was out of town. His mid-40s daughter, whom like him I’ve known for most of my life, answered the office phone and told me to come by by a certain time. She mentioned that the office would be locked (no regular clients coming by since her dad was gone) and also called me “babe” seemingly in passing. No flirty tone or anything, but something about it suggested slight sexual tension.

I put on fairly flashy clothes and went with Swiffer around town.

After a stop at my bank to deposit a check, where my favorite teller was clearly happy to see me (I want to numclose her but I keep getting a different teller, this time she was busy with an old Persian lady) we went to a Nike location so Swiffer could return an overpriced T-shirt. No sets presented themselves there.
Then we went to UCLA to pick up free stuff a certain dept was giving away. They’re finishing up summer sessions so it was quiet but still some hot girls. We didn’t walk around and game because it was 90 degrees, but it was my first time there in most of a year and it stoked something in me. Also, we did something slightly testosterone-inducing involving idling somewhere we weren’t supposed to because his bladder was bursting. I got behind the wheel, prepared to bug out in case someone bothered us, despite my not having even a permit (today I set up the appointment with the DMV). In the end, that wasn’t necessary but we, being from uptight families, both enjoyed the rule-bending.

A guy from the department gave me a box thankfully because there was so much rare and potentially valuable (intellectually and monetarily) stuff that I couldn’t carry it all.

Finally, we arrived at the office minutes before she was going to leave. I went up alone and she appeared in a tank top that showed her age. Despite the sun damage and her not being that conventionally hot, I would have gladly put her on a table because she’s tiny with a cute face and the size contrast is a massive turn-on for me. There was definitely sexual tension, but she showed no sign of playing ball so I didn’t probe much. I dragged things out a bit by asking for a water bottle and stuff but in the end I left, with a barely noticeable half-boner, and continued to the next stop.

There, Swiffer returned an insane amount of gear he didn’t need. He had gone backpacking with an ex-military dude whose family we know and this dude had told him to be overprepared. He also returned climbing shoes because they “didn’t fit him with thick warm socks” despite my explanation that you’re not supposed to wear them that way.
Anyway, while there he was 20 min in the bathroom. I found a DeLorme topo atlas of the state which I’ve wanted for a long time, and am now ready to put to good use 🏎️🚵⚡️, while in exchange for the unopened MREs and whatnot he got a gift card loaded with credit that he doesn’t need.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
The cycle of cool events at a certain campus begins today. I will be there.

Beyond that, I want to see if I can do serious semen retention without it messing with my sleep and mood.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Yesterday I did my first cold approach in a couple months. Screwed up the close, which taught me a valuable lesson:

It doesn’t matter how much she likes you, if you can’t smoothly bridge to the close, she won’t comply.

Even just asking “hey, wanna trade numbers/socials?” as you’re about to go can be a little too abrupt for some girls, especially more reserved or conservative ones who don’t see themselves as the kind of girl who gives her number to a guy she met 15 min ago.

Lesson learned. Implementing it is less trivial.

Beyond that, I got plenty of implicit feedback over the afternoon and evening on my fundamentals. It’s time I took some of them to the next level; a few I’ve already started.

At the event itself, I didn’t meet any girls I liked even though there were 60% girls in the room. There will be many more, though.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Argh. This girl responded after 48 hours with:

And some follow ups.

If this were an average white girl, I’d say she was being a tease. I don’t think she is at all, in fact this girl has less girl game than pretty much any 18+ normal non-Korean I’ve met; she even prioritizes volunteering somewhere over spending time with guys she likes. This sort of thing makes my response times look instant.

I’m not sure how to communicate more effectively with her. She seems to be still crushing on me and I like her quite a lot (partly because she appreciates me with a depth most other girls who sort of like me don’t ) but if I can’t sit down with her IRL, well nothing doing. Argh.

The other thing is she transferred to a place that I’ve already been shuttling out to weekly for an event. So it should be easy to meet up (although I would prefer to get my foot in the door before classes start).

Should I just leave a clear date offer on the table and wait? Or even state my thoughts and feelings clearly and take the leap of faith that she will bite and let me lead?

For now, I think I should persevere. But I’d better also reach out to other girls as well if I want dates in the immediate future. And maybe start cold approaching again.

At the time I signed up here and created my first journal, I was definitely manifesting something that I no longer feel. I would like to recreate whatever it was, in an improved form that fits the growth I’ve made.
Yeah so she just responded after I had almost forgotten about her:
omg hiiii Surveyor !! I’m so so sorry for not responding sooner, honestly the transition to a university from cc has been quite the experience
I am not sure how to reply. But given the fact that as of yesterday I’m visiting her campus anyway weekly, I may as well see if I can get her out with me. I sense once I do so she’ll be putty in my hands and we’ll have a very romantic time, which I secretly crave due to having missed out entirely on love as a teenager.

I do rather understand the feeling of intentionally delaying responding to potential partners due to other things going on, so let’s see whether she is willing to go along with me now.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
I am not sure how to reply.

If it was me: ah no worries X, can understand, a lot going on in this period for u, hows the transition been?

Bla bla bla then id soft close with sth like, sounds stressful, bet u need to unwind a bit, maybe a drink and a chat would help, i heard it works miracles for stressed uni students.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Quick updates:
-Some progress lining up the venue for my planned weekly event.
In fact, there’s an outside chance I can get a free venue to experiment with a pilot project I’ve been dreaming of: holding small classy events on Thursday evenings with wine and actual glasses instead of red plastic cups.
-I’ve decided to actively pursue more girls this coming week.
-As I mentioned in my other journal, I’m about to do a systematic and aggressive fat-loss program. I hope the consistency will be sustainable.
-The older African girl who pretty much asked me out early in the summer just posted about her baby’s first birthday. I guess I may have yet again dodged a bullet there, but I still remember her warm vibes.
-I had a good walkntalk-cum-scouting expedition with Swiffer, who has matured a lot, and near the end we were approached by an older lady who, albeit tall, healthy, and comfortably braless, didn’t catch either of our fancies. Besides, by that point we were both footsure. Either way, I gathered some valuable data about various things.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Today I went hiking with a few bros. After three miles of clambering up and down awful terrain, we reached a more chill canyon-bed trail and soon after ran into a cute Russian couple, with whom I had a fairly long conversation in both langs. The girl (or wife as she may have been lol) told me that I should definitely get a Russian girlfriend, as it would among other things speed up my journey to fluency.

Perhaps I should at some point, but for various reasons I don’t think any EE girl would be a good fit right now. That said, I intend to hunt for a solid gf more intensively. I don’t expect to find one thru cold approach, but I’d like to do a few approaches this week. Mainly I want to develop SC though.
The urge for companionship (not even sex, I’m still controlling my mood/sleep by getting off too often) is getting really strong, and it’s spurring me into action, if gradually, then irrepressibly.

I think the next few weeks will be at least interesting.