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Nick's Journal - PrettyDecent


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

PrettyDecent said:
As soon as we start talking, it's visibly apparent she's in an irritated mood - which really means... she's horny. I asked her why she's leaving so early for the Friday night when she's so visibly dressed up? She remarked "Uh, yeah. I didn't want to leave either...". We converse with a bit of spaced out small talk before the vibe escalates from "brief acquaintance talk" to "extremely sexually tense".
Seems like a dream setup, Nick... having trouble understanding why you didn't push for the close? Was it just that you weren't "in state" after a 3-day break?

I know you'd hold me accountable just the same! ;)

PrettyDecent said:
I figured I could outdo his resistance with some frame control (sound familiar, anyone?) and argued with him for 15 minutes before he let her on the bus. She thanked me, and we got to talking again.
You're a good person to know! :)

Seducing an au-pair in her host family's home has to be the height of badassedness... keep working at it and you'll get there!! ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

By the way, Nick:

PrettyDecent said:
She says "So is this what you do!? You walk around at night trying to find girls who you can get drunk so you can have SEX WITH THEM?"
She's a bit off the mark here, actually, at least in my opinion.

The beauty of night-street game (to me) is that you don't actually have to get the girls drunk; they've already had a few before you even go out. (Let me just say right upfront that I go for girls who are what the Brits would call "tipsy" as opposed to drunk as such; meaning they've had maybe a couple cocktails, enough to reduce inhibitions but not enough so that they're out of control or would do something they'd regret later—I wouldn't want to get involved with the latter.)

Anyway, where your East Asian cutie is off base is that you can go out stone-cold sober and they've already done all the work for you. I don't really drink (or hardly at all anyway) so I don't have the Dutch courage issue that some men seem to rely on. But I have to tell you, the girl's state of sobriety does make a difference to me in terms of overcoming hesitation. Where I might have a little approach anxiety in day game, I have practically none in night-street game. They're out, having a good time, they've let their hair down and they're practically asking to be opened.

That's why I'm quite a spectacular wuss in day game when it comes to girl-groups, but in night-street game I actually prefer girl-groups. Sure, you have to do the process work to isolate, but the opening is natural enough if there are 2 or 3 girls together each with a half-bottle of wine or so inside them and pretty loud and engaging. I'm still feeling under the weather but as soon as I recover I can't wait to get out there and do some more night-street game. From only 3 night outings to date, it seems to me that getting numbers (let alone dates) off day game is actually harder than making real progress on the spot in night-street game.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Hey all! Took a leave of absence for a short time; preparing for the next leap of progress :).

I was having a lot of issues with ED, but I've been "porn-sober" for about 6 months now, and my libido is just now returning to normal. Apparently as you stop watching porn, your libido "flatlines" (for a few months, at least, if you've never had sexual encounters prior to porn), and that's what happened to me. I also stopped cumming while masturbating, and practicing sexual technique while doing it, so there's recently been a huge, steady surge in sex drive. And it feels great! I really enjoy meeting women now and the blazing sexual tension that comes with it. Also hitting the gym and focusing on nutrition with a PT, so that'll be a nice boost to testosterone.

Which brings me to this: https://www.girlschase.com/content/invite-her-home. Such a great article, and if you've past a few sticking points yourself, I highly recommend reading it!

Per that article, I'm going to work strictly on inviting the girl and I over to her house/hostel/whatever. No more "game"; just genuinely having a sexual, fun time where I work on overcoming logistical issues on the fly. And after I overcome that, I'm going to work on public escalations again. They're really fucking difficult in terms of getting hard speedily, but they're certainly worth the investment! I have some more goals I'm working on; will post 'em later.


Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

PrettyDecent said:
I was having a lot of issues with ED, but I've been "porn-sober" for about 6 months now, and my libido is just now returning to normal. Apparently as you stop watching porn, your libido "flatlines" (for a few months, at least, if you've never had sexual encounters prior to porn), and that's what happened to me. I also stopped cumming while masturbating, and practicing sexual technique while doing it, so there's recently been a huge, steady surge in sex drive. And it feels great! I really enjoy meeting women now and the blazing sexual tension that comes with it. Also hitting the gym and focusing on nutrition with a PT, so that'll be a nice boost to testosterone.

I've been there. It's somewhat embarrassing when you're with a girl and turned-on mentally, yet the rest of you is like a wet noodle. Flat-lining is certainly a weird feeling, where not much turns you on. Glad to see that you're making a lot of progress in that arena though, it's really amazing how bad porn is for impetus/success with having sex with real girls. It sounds like you've largely gotten past the crux of that issue.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Ozz, that's what I mean, it's a strange feeling. You feel into girls mentally, but not physically. Weird shit man, but the best feeling when you're back to normal!

Today, I was planning on heading to a new, chic bar in town; I'd applied for it, but they hadn't got back to me, so I was going in again to find out whether they were still interested. They said I'd start on Tuesday, as a "glassee" (no idea what that means haha), but they're going to have me serving drinks, so fuck yeah!

I had a date scheduled with another gal today, but she cancelled. We'll call her Clara. Because that's her name. Anyways, she said she had to reschedule for tomorrow for some reason, and now I had a good chunk of time with no plans! I swung over to Perth, but when I got there I wasn't feeling it at all. Figured I'd just head back home and do something; not sure what the hell I was going to do, thinking back on it.

Either way, I was taking the bus back home when I saw a group of 5 young lads and lasses (one guy and 4 girls, actually) hop on and take a seat directly next to me. They were wearing matching Christmas apparel, so I said something like, "Company party, huh?" and they responded "No! haha we're going for a pub crawl!", and we exchanged some fun chit chat for a second when one of them offered for me to come. I said "yeah, why not?". I was really excited, especially since I thought I could use them as a base friend group (I'm trying to build/integrate into a social circle right now, which means I'm trying to friendzone women and get more guy friends).

These were an objectively attractive group of young kids, and there was a blonde (Steph) and brunette (Lena) whom I found especially attractive. The blonde I found out, pretty early on, had a boyfriend. Lena seemed to be touchy with the guy, so I thought she was off-limits. No worries! Wasn't looking for a hook-up, lol! We got off at a bus stop to the first bar of the night, when I found out I didn't have money on me. Basically, I had to go back home, but I was afraid of losing the entire group. I made it there and back fine, and brought some extra money for the other people :D.

When I go back to the bar, I get bombarded with questions from the girls and I'm getting a lot of interest all of the sudden. It was the biggest ego-boost haha. They said they were going to get me "as drunk as they were", so I thought, awesome! I say I'm heading up to the bar, and the Lena says she'll go up with me, and this gets commentary from the peanut gallery. We're just talking chit-chat, but I'm definitely getting 'interested' signals.

With the group of friends, it was the fucking best time. I love hanging out with a group of friends, and now I'm way interested in continuing it! Back to our story...

I get paid for drinks by Lena, so I reciprocate by giving her some added attention and physical affection (like putting arm around her waist and body). And later, when I ask her to pass me a drinks menu, we lock into this really sexual EC for like, 10 seconds. I thought, great, but I'm not pushing for the close. As we're leaving, we have our arms around each other, and somehow we start holding hands; getting near each other's faces. When we head for a McDonald's though, I sit on the other side of the table as her. I think this upsets her, because she gets kinda quiet. I tell her to sit next to me, but a few minutes later she sits away again. "No worries, I'm having fun!", I'm thinking.

At some point she starts talking to the guy, and literally walks out of McDonald's without saying goodbye. The guy had to say "soo...apparently she's done for the night! That's it!". One of her friends gets up to catch up with her, but I know this is about me, so I decide to go instead.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________(line to build the suspense..)

I see her down the road, so I run up to her, and say "hey, what's up!", she replies how she's feeling not too well, and she's heading back home. I say awesome, and we start walking down the road together. We're holding hands again as we sit at a bus stop. I say at some point "You know, when I first saw you on the bus..." She looks at me in wonderment. "...I didn't know I'd have this much tinsel on me". We laugh, and go back and forth. And it's true. I had everybody's fucking red tinsel on me! Her friend calls and Lena replies how she's feeling way too tired (a BS excuse), and keeps remarking how I should go back and have a fun time with the rest of the group instead. I see through the BS, and I say for her to point where we're going (toward her place). There's a little push and pull between whether we're going to her place. Nothing forceful, pretty airy. We get a little distance and she says

Her: Look, I can't do this tonight. I'm supposed to be out with friends. (something else I can't remember, I was a little buzzed/drunk...)
Me: We're just going to watch a movie, and then we'll head back.
Her: I'm sorry, I can't tonight
(she puts her arms around my shoulders seductively)
Her: But, after tonight, I'll be more than happy to show you all around Perth (slowly and seductively)
Me: ...Cool (couldn't think of anything else to say, hahahah)
(she goes into kiss me, and we french kiss for a brief couple of seconds. we pull out mutually, even though I was trying to get out first)
Her: I'll see you later.
Me: Yep, see ya.

I look down on my red shirt, where all the red tinsel from the group was and I can't help thinking about how crazy tonight turned out to be.

And also, how my friend-building always leads to sexual encounters. I'm trying to meet some damn platonic lady friends!!! haha



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Nick, this is a very sexy and romantic pre-Christmas story.

Nice job opening a group with a guy in it (I tend to avoid those as I'm not confident I'm able to pull it off). Also:

PrettyDecent said:
Lena seemed to be touchy with the guy, so I thought she was off-limits. No worries!
Until I read "so I thought she was off-limits" my interpretation was actually the opposite: that she's sexually open and looking for something to happen. Interesting.

PrettyDecent said:
When I go back to the bar, I get bombarded with questions from the girls and I'm getting a lot of interest all of the sudden.
This is purely speculative but I think it has to do with preselection. The group is almost all girls and they all know one another—far better than they know you. So the moment you disappear to get your wallet, what do you think they do? Start talking about you, of course.

With your new-and-improved fundamentals ;) sooner or later one of the girls is going to remark that you're "sexy", or some such comment that women make when men aren't around (the lone guy, being so familiar, is by this point effectively invisible or FZed and thus an honorary part of the girl-group). It could be the one with the BF (Steph?) as she won't be accused of having an agenda (ASD). The moment the others hear that, they'll take up the refrain and by the time you return, you'll have magically earned celebrity status =)

PrettyDecent said:
Lena says she'll go up with me, and this gets commentary from the peanut gallery.
After-the-fact confirmation of what I just wrote.

PrettyDecent said:
I tell her to sit next to me, but a few minutes later she sits away again. "No worries, I'm having fun!", I'm thinking.

At some point she starts talking to the guy, and literally walks out of McDonald's without saying goodbye. The guy had to say "soo...apparently she's done for the night! That's it!". One of her friends gets up to catch up with her, but I know this is about me, so I decide to go instead.
Fantastic push-pull into auto-rejection and out again. Chase writes somewhere that this manuever is incredibly strong (but high-risk) if you can pull it off!

PrettyDecent said:
"You know, when I first saw you on the bus..." She looks at me in wonderment.
Great way to hit an escalation window and then "come up for air" and get her laughing. More of the same... this is straight out of Chase's playbook!

I love it, Nick! Make sure you see her again :)


Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

PrettyDecent said:
Ozz, that's what I mean, it's a strange feeling. You feel into girls mentally, but not physically. Weird shit man, but the best feeling when you're back to normal!

It's a horrible feeling before, and a great success when you're past it!

PrettyDecent said:
I get paid for drinks by Lena, so I reciprocate by giving her some added attention and physical affection (like putting arm around her waist and body). And later, when I ask her to pass me a drinks menu, we lock into this really sexual EC for like, 10 seconds. I thought, great, but I'm not pushing for the close. As we're leaving, we have our arms around each other, and somehow we start holding hands; getting near each other's faces. When we head for a McDonald's though, I sit on the other side of the table as her. I think this upsets her, because she gets kinda quiet. I tell her to sit next to me, but a few minutes later she sits away again. "No worries, I'm having fun!", I'm thinking.

The way I read this: the escalation window was open between when you left the bar and headed to McDonalds but before you got there. She wanted you to pull her in that time, around when you began to hold hands and were getting near each other's faces. That's her making clear to you "I want to go home with you," and it was a transitional moment for the entire group and you could have probably done it without it being too awkward for her and her friends. Then when you didn't act by the time you got to McDonalds and sat away from her, she began to auto-reject because the window was missed and she was disappointed, so she left.

Then you went back to get her...

PrettyDecent said:
I see her down the road, so I run up to her, and say "hey, what's up!", she replies how she's feeling not too well, and she's heading back home. I say awesome, and we start walking down the road together. We're holding hands again as we sit at a bus stop. I say at some point "You know, when I first saw you on the bus..." She looks at me in wonderment. "...I didn't know I'd have this much tinsel on me". We laugh, and go back and forth. And it's true. I had everybody's fucking red tinsel on me! Her friend calls and Lena replies how she's feeling way too tired (a BS excuse), and keeps remarking how I should go back and have a fun time with the rest of the group instead. I see through the BS, and I say for her to point where we're going (toward her place). There's a little push and pull between whether we're going to her place.

You pulled her out of auto-rejection. Very risky (as Marty wrote) but very well done. I hope that you get another nice time with her out of this...all around Perth ;-)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Marty and Ozz, cheers for the advice and kind words, guys. Her reaction was definitely symptomatic of auto-rejection, I'm trying to analyze when/how I should have passed the escalation window.

I met a guy the other day who's a natural, and he's pretty good at seduction. We just went out yesterday winging, and it was really a lot of fun! We're heading out again tonight, and apparently he has a chick he's trying to hook me up with tonight..

We'll see what happens!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Landmark: Lost full virginity!

Was waiting to write in the journal again until I had something better...and I'm pretty happy with this one! On to the report...

Took a train to the big city, yesterday. After an approach, and a while of walking around, I thought I'd swing over to the local music store to check out their gear section - and that's when I passed by a long reddish-brown haired, and thin gal, sitting and reading with her tray of Asian food under a sign that exclaimed "Japanese food!". I felt a surge of nervousness, and thought better, so I walked up to the side of the table and said "excuse me". She looked over from her book, and looked at me with a slightly puzzled look. I open direct and she just smiles; introducing herself as "Sakiya" (not her real name - but she was Chinese).

We start with small chat. I discovered she's from Hong Kong; apparently in Perth because she's a flight attendant (Oh man, here's my chance...) We talk about travel pictures and such. That's when I noticed her book, and when asked what she was reading, she became really hesitant. Ohh, this shall be good, I thought! When she handed the book, the title was Get the guy, written by a fellow named Matthew Hussey. "You can't judge me for this!" she exclaimed. She was really cute.

I invite her to the music shop, and we talk on the way there about relationships, her career, men in general. She remarks that I look like a "party animal" and that I'd love Hong Kong, as Western guys usually do. Funny enough, there's a chance I could move to Hong Kong in the very near future, but I wasn't going to spill the beans on that... That's when I found out she's only in town for the night, and that she leaves back to HK in 6 hours. I needed to work fast in order to be successful here.

When we couldn't find the music shop, we decided to grab some hot chocolate. I casually find out her logistics (staying at the nearby Hilton) as we're sitting down for the hot chocolate. She starts talking about relationships, how her necklace is supposed to bring her luck, and she asks me questions about guys in general. Legitimately a good conversation. Here's an excerpt of the conversation:

(I can't remember verbatim, but this is the jist of it)
Her: So let's say a woman, cute or not, drops something important while she's walking. Would you pick it up and give it back to her?
Me: Well, if she's close by, and I happen to be next to the object she dropped...yeah, why not. Would you do it for a guy?
Her: Yeah! It doesn't matter to me if he's cute or not, I'd just do it.
Me: But if he was really cute, maybe you'd be nervous?
Her: (laughs) yeah, I'd probably be pretty nervous...but that sounds kind of shallow (pauses) so I'll take that back.
Me: (I smile because she's used the word "shallow" a few times now, and I want to hit that dead on) There's nothing wrong with being shallow. We're all human; we all have needs, wants, and desires.
Her: (pauses) True. (pauses again) But isn't shallow a really negative term?
Me: For most of society, yes. But it ignores the fact that men and women are passionate, sexual creatures. Some people choose to ignore it, and other, much happier, people are honest and embraceful about it.

At this point in the conversation she falls silent and somewhat aloof. This is my escalation window, so I say "shall we go for a walk?", and she returns, "yeah!". As we walk, I'm attempting to go in the direction of the Hilton, trying to figure out an excuse to get inside. I mention how I need to use the restroom, and since I have to pay for bathrooms, I could just use hers? She gives me a funny look and says I can just use the McDonalds bathroom. If I push to use her bathroom, the excuse is going to look pushy, so I say "great!". She offers to hold my water bottle while I'm inside.

Leaving McDonalds, I say "which way is the Hilton?"; she pointed it out. And after a few minutes , she asked if I was walking her to her hotel. I said "You're game is just too good...I really don't stand a fighting chance", making fun of her for the book.

When we get inside the hotel, I say, "so are you on the top floor?", she said "No", and I push again and she explains to me that "she knows how this works, and she's had enough of "jerks" before". That's when I said "Well, do you have a computer? I can show you those travel pictures we were talking about earlier." and she said, "Well...not in my room, but there's a business room with computers down here!". I figure this will get her more comfortable with me in the same hotel with her, so I oblige.

We go in the business center and we're showing each other our travel photos. It's really cool though, this gal has been a lot of places in the world, since she's a flight attendant. Anyways, I remember at one point I tease her and she slaps me on the knee. I think, "awesome, it's still on". Then, out of the middle of nowhere, she pulls out her phone and shows me this weird video of a woman pulling out her breast and pouring milk into cups for customers in a restaurant. I compliment her for showing me something like that, and say it's cool how open she is.

I insist a few more times about going to her room and she keeps declining...probably 5 or 6 more times. That's when the conversation turned deeper into how she's looking for a relationship, nothing casual. I say that's cool. I shift the conversation into how I've been in relationships before and how I'm "really bad relationship material". And she starts asking me advice for this current guy she's chasing (they have sex, she's trying to pull him into a relationship), and I say how her room would be a better place to talk about this than the business room. She exclaims "alright! fine! you convinced me!".

We go to her room and she's a bit fidgety, cleaning up her room while I laid on the bed. I told her to come lay next to me while I turned on the news on the TV. She says "I can't believe I'm about to sleep with a stranger, the same day I met him". I say "actually, you're just in a hotel room with a guy. We're just hanging out". She smiles, and that's when I lift my head, put my fingers under her chin, and give her a soft peck on the lips and say "you're lips are so soft". She says "so are yours". That's when I turn up the passion dial and escalate!

I put my hand over her pants on her pussy, and she game me LMR. Made out again, then I escalated passionately, I started rubbing her through her pants. She moaned and kind of just put her hand on my hand and didn't move it. Token resistance. Soon after, I shoved my hand down her pants and got a finger in her. She moaned loudly this time. Kept fingering her and I threw her pants and underwear off at the same time. We were foreplaying for a little while when her head moved down my stomach to "get me ready". I put on the condom, threw her on bottom, and I teased her by putting my member on her inner thighs, taking my time watching her. This is finally what I set out to accomplish, so I soaked it in. And she actually grabbed my dick, and pulled it in her. And as I slowly made my way inside of her, she said "fuck me...please...".
Life is good!

After sex, we showered and then cuddled on the bed. She asked me about men in general, my "player friends", and advice for the guy she's trying to reel into a relationship. Thought that was kind of funny lol.


Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Re: Landmark: Lost full virginity!

Nick, congratulations! This is great material, and NICE JOB on the cold approach lay. Very clean execution start to finish.

PrettyDecent said:
That's when I noticed her book, and when asked what she was reading, she became really hesitant. Ohh, this shall be good, I thought! When she handed the book, the title was Get the guy, written by a fellow named Matthew Hussey. "You can't judge me for this!" she exclaimed. She was really cute.

Haha, this is perfect for chase framing with her, as you noted later:

PrettyDecent said:
Leaving McDonalds, I say "which way is the Hilton?"; she pointed it out. And after a few minutes , she asked if I was walking her to her hotel. I said "You're game is just too good...I really don't stand a fighting chance", making fun of her for the book.

PrettyDecent said:
That's when I found out she's only in town for the night, and that she leaves back to HK in 6 hours. I needed to work fast in order to be successful here.

Nice job given the circumstances.

PrettyDecent said:
I insist a few more times about going to her room and she keeps declining...probably 5 or 6 more times. That's when the conversation turned deeper into how she's looking for a relationship, nothing casual. I say that's cool. I shift the conversation into how I've been in relationships before and how I'm "really bad relationship material". And she starts asking me advice for this current guy she's chasing (they have sex, she's trying to pull him into a relationship), and I say how her room would be a better place to talk about this than the business room. She exclaims "alright! fine! you convinced me!".

I love this framing, disqualifying yourself as BF material. It worked. Just goes to show not to listen to everything they say, but judge women instead by their actions. I love how she went from "nothing casual" to "you convinced me" in what seems to be an instant--you set yourself as the short term lover for the night.

How did you insist a few more times about going into her room?

PrettyDecent said:
I told her to come lay next to me while I turned on the news on the TV. She says "I can't believe I'm about to sleep with a stranger, the same day I met him". I say "actually, you're just in a hotel room with a guy. We're just hanging out".

Nice job applying plausible deniability, and probably this reduced LMR later on.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Nick, this is very, very, very cool.

I hadn't quite appreciated that you had no prior experience of full sex. What a way to get it—not in some tame, conventional social circle environment, but with a sexy Cathay Pacific stewardess in town overnight on a layover... (Pun fully intended!) :D Not all men care much for their first memory of sex, but it seems you really do have something to remember here!

I've always had a thing for flight attendants. I think it's probably the uniforms that excite me, or maybe just the glamour and aspiration that the job evokes, but even in casual dress there must be something about them, as I cold approached a woman in a store once who then told me she was an air hostess (she was married, but said she was very flattered anyway).

What I really liked about your report is that you executed everything cleanly from opening to closing without fuss—and without having to arrange a separate date, it was all instantaneous. Terrific! This part I found educational:
PrettyDecent said:
And she starts asking me advice for this current guy she's chasing (they have sex, she's trying to pull him into a relationship), and I say how her room would be a better place to talk about this than the business room.
That is actually very smart thinking on your feet. You'd seeded the idea in her mind already by pushing several times to go to her room, and she was still talking to you (as opposed to, say, walking off in a huff at the very idea you suggested), so by this point, you conquer any logical objection by pointing out, quite correctly, that a hotel business center is unsuitable for this kind of conversation, both because of confidentiality and because of context. Very, very smooth.

PrettyDecent said:
That's when I noticed her book, and when asked what she was reading, she became really hesitant. Ohh, this shall be good, I thought! When she handed the book, the title was Get the guy, written by a fellow named Matthew Hussey. "You can't judge me for this!" she exclaimed.
This was a gift, man. Kudos to you for capitalizing on it immediately. Opportunities like that don't come knocking every day. Get The Guy, huh? Oh, boy!

PrettyDecent said:
And after a few minutes , she asked if I was walking her to her hotel. I said "You're game is just too good...I really don't stand a fighting chance", making fun of her for the book.
Awesome chase frame. I can learn from this...

PrettyDecent said:
She says "I can't believe I'm about to sleep with a stranger, the same day I met him". I say "actually, you're just in a hotel room with a guy. We're just hanging out".
I think this was not a test, it was an escalation window, nonetheless I admire the way you handled it smoothly. What is also very cool is how you dismissed an objection earlier:
PrettyDecent said:
I push again and she explains to me that "she knows how this works, and she's had enough of "jerks" before". That's when I said "Well, do you have a computer? I can show you those travel pictures we were talking about earlier."
A lesser man would have protested: "I'm not a jerk!" and probably lost her.

PrettyDecent said:
This is finally what I set out to accomplish, so I soaked it in.
Smart move. Leave the best till last :)

PrettyDecent said:
she said "fuck me...please..."
Haha! Always nice to be of service...

You made a "Pretty Decent" job of that, Nick!! Fist-bumps on the way to the Antipodes for you!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Wow, honestly I'm really jealous of you (please take that as a compliment!). I have nothing more to say but to congratulate you on your approach, everything looks perfect and your process is tight, but not too stubborn (good foresight to go share photos instead of continuing persistence of going to her bedroom)- no criticisms here :)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Way to go, Nick. Super solid perseverance even in the face of a number of refusals by her. You did a great job at recovering and rebounding from failed escalations that a lot of guys would just give up at.

This reads more like a report from a guy with 20 lays than a guy with 1. You're going to be a lady killer.


Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Chase said:
This reads more like a report from a guy with 20 lays than a guy with 1. You're going to be a lady killer.

Can I "second" these statements? Haha.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 3, 2013
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Very nice, Nick. Forgot to post earlier when I first saw this, but congrats! Keep it up!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
FR: Went out with my bro

Hey all,

Been a while! After the LR, I took a break for a while to get other things in my life sorted. Everything being resolved, and having had a break full of reflection, I'm ready to go head first into making progress again. A few things I've learned since I've been away:

- Focus on adding value to people's lives (without expecting anything in return, but target the people who can add value to your life in return) and always aim for a win-win

- Improve upon the ways I write FR's and LR's by instituting these principles: The Structure of Field Reports. <--- This is used for academia. I may also add the link to the Off-Topic section so people can learn how to structure FR's this way even if they aren't following my journal.

So - here's the FR today.

FR: Went out with my bro

My goals for the day:
- Get over AA
- Make sure my voice goes down instead of up at the end of sentences

My aim:
- Set up a date and grab a number

The FR: My little brother has recently decided he wanted to learn how to "use the force" with women, so I thought it'd be a great bro-to-bro type of trip out in town. We bought some gum and headed out to the streets.

1. "Adalina" was a long blonde-haired Italian, probably 30. I went up with heart-pounding and all (haven't approached in a month) and basically this:

Me: Excuse me
(I always look at my watch while I'm saying this, and then look at the girl to my side. I do this because I notice better investment from women if I seem a bit aloof in the beginning - like now they're chasing to get my attention. We both stop)

Her: Hi!
(I open direct; here we small talk about bullshit, but basically asked why she was in Oz, if she liked it, how's it compare to Milan, etc. we have good EC)

Me: Cool, cool. Well, I got to get going because I ditched my brother back there and I got to get back to him. But how about we meet up sometime this week?

Her: Oh...well...I have a boyfriend, and I don't think he'd like that.

Me: (laugh, admittedly because I couldn't handle the tension while people were walking past us) Well, I'm not trying to replace him.
And I'm leaving in 6 days to Melbourne, so we could just chill out? Grab a coffee like they do in Milan?
(just look at each other for a second, and she laughs)

Her: I'm sorry, I can't.

Me: Well, no worries Adalina, hope you have a good day (<-- been using this line at the end of my approaches because I want the situation to feel like a win-win, even if we don't get a chance to date each other)

Analysis of the interaction: She said she couldn't see me because she had a boyfriend, but was giving investment by standing around with me after I went direct. Perhaps it actually was a lost cause, but looking back, here's what I could've done: get compliance with something other than scheduling a date (having her sit down with me somewhere/grab and inspect the jewelery on her hand), and then go for it again.

2. "Ella" was in the cutest pink dress - she was tiny, had those california girl glasses on. A rather clumsy start: we were standing about the same area when she decided to head down the side walk so we kind of bumped into each other. (maybe that could have been a good thing, like "fate had brought us together when we bumped", but I think the opener neutralized it)

Me: Hey, I saw you walking up the road and had to leave my brother to tell you that you're absolutely gorgeous.
(we stop, and she takes off glasses)

Her: Wow!

Me: My name is Nick

Her: My name is [her name]

Her: Where do you live?
(This came up pretty soon in the convo, but I couldn't ditch my brother who doesn't know how to get back home.)

Me: I live over in Bicton, how about you?

Her: Well, I live over in North Fremantle (she was stumbling over her words - perhaps in part due to the spontaiety of the situation)

Me: Very cool. What brings you out today?

Her: I was doing (something and something) earlier, and I'm (going back home - I think she said?).

Me: Right on.

Her: Are we walking that way?

Me: Yep, let's do that.
(small talk, I honestly have no idea what we talked about for 5 minutes. My heart was still pounding really hard. Little while later we schedule a date for Thursday night and we exchange contact info. We end on a handshake, and I try to instill a bit of sexy EC, but it was clear the escalation window had been missed)

Analysis of the interaction: It's possible that she was just making small talk, but the fact that we scheduled a date and she didn't answer my icebreaker text confirms I missed an escalation window. If I wasn't with my brother, I'd still ask where she lived because I don't want to appear so easy/make her chase. But the question is, how would I have invited myself over? I mean she wasn't super close to where we were either, so we couldn't just walk, we'd have had to take a bus and that would have killed the mood hardcore. Come to think about it, perhaps I would have invited her to walk with me, and then taken her to my nearby public escalation spot.

Any criqitues would be appreciated :). And if there's tips you guys have on writing a better FR (i.e. "more details for this part of the story" or "you don't need to write the opener because it's the same everytime") would also be REALLY appreciated so we can all learn more from these FR's.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Nick that's a pretty cool link. I've been writing kind of long looping FRs so I could definitely use it. I'd keep the opener in the FR. You never know when someone will want to use your line, and you use a bunch of good ones.

I'd love to hear you expand on how you focus on adding value to people's lives. What ways do you do this?

Anyways, on to the interactions:

I think you could have at least moved the first girl. She seemed interested, but it was tough because it seems like she cares about her bf. I would have moved her and sat down with her too.

With the second girl, the escalation point started when you were walking. If you just wanted her #, then you end the interaction here, "well I have to go this way, but let me grab your number and we can get coffee some time"

I would have walked with her, ramped up the sexual tension, and then gone to your spot if you wanted sex. For inviting yourself over, just explain the situation. Girls understand. I have a roommate, and I've straight up told girls, "What's is your apartment like? I have a roommate, and I think he's asleep/ with another girl/ doing homework/ whatever". Maybe the parents thing might make you seem young, so maybe just explain how your situation is difficult and they'll more often than not offer you a place. The main page also has an article on this.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Re: Nick's Journal (PrettyDecent)

Thanks V - digging the new profile pic and name!

Well, I'm following Chase's recommendation about giving value - it's just the epiphany I've had recently was to ask not "What do I have to do for this person?" but more "What can I do for this person?". In the second, you go above and beyond what's normally required, and you bring more net value to someone's life. And even further, can I help someone in a way that also helps me? I'm still working on this.

Verisimilitude said:
I think you could have at least moved the first girl. She seemed interested, but it was tough because it seems like she cares about her bf. I would have moved her and sat down with her too.

With the second girl, the escalation point started when you were walking. If you just wanted her #, then you end the interaction here, "well I have to go this way, but let me grab your number and we can get coffee some time"

I would have walked with her, ramped up the sexual tension, and then gone to your spot if you wanted sex. For inviting yourself over, just explain the situation. Girls understand. I have a roommate, and I've straight up told girls, "What's is your apartment like? I have a roommate, and I think he's asleep/ with another girl/ doing homework/ whatever". Maybe the parents thing might make you seem young, so maybe just explain how your situation is difficult and they'll more often than not offer you a place. The main page also has an article on this.

Good shit. I hadn't thought about how the escalation window opened when we started walking...that makes sense. That second recommendation is something I've done before, and girls always spike in attraction when you say your place is unavailable (as they think nothing can happen) and then ask about theirs (which gives them hope again).



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Nick, to get straight to the point:

PrettyDecent said:
Little while later we schedule a date for Thursday night and we exchange contact info. We end on a handshake
I think this close is weak.

Have a look at this post by Chase if you haven't already seen it.

Although it may not suit your style, Nick, as you know I almost always follow a number-close with a cheek-kiss, and though Franco disapproves of it, I was pleased to see that Chase includes it as a good option, as it has gotten me good results on occasion.

You should be able to find something from that recent post by Chase on closing that is congruent with your personality. A handshake has to be one of the worst options ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
FR: Girl in my Living Room + Dutch girl

Marty - Cheers for the tip! I'll put that into effect next time I'm out.

1st girl - got rejected, said she was too busy and had to go.

2nd girl - (used the same "excuse me" + direct opener as before)
Her: Aw! That's so sweet! (I knew I was friendzoned right here, lol - too nervous on the opener/she had a boyfriend) - but we had a decent conversation and I was on my merry way

3rd girl - Long blonde haired Dutch gal with the biggest purse - "Aya"
Me: (Excuse me + direct-opener - but she was really taken aback, it was quite funny haha)
Me: I'm Nick
Her: I'm Aya
(we shook hands, but I'm just remembering now that she left her hand limp in mine after we were done shaking. And we held on for a little longer, like ~4 seconds more. I ought to have just kept holding hands)

Me: Nice to meet ya. So what brings you out today?
Her: I'm heading back from work, going home. (something about long day in the office)
Me: I see. Here, let's get out of this foot traffic. (we move a couple feet)
(small talk - found out she's from The Netherlands, what she's doing here)
Me: So what do you do for work?
Her: Well, I'm studing Health Science.
Me: Ah. So I'm guessing you're incredibly strong?
Her: No way! I have no muscle!
Me: Here, let me see (grabs her bicep), that's not too bad! (moves her arm away - but is laughing. This stumps me)
(she mentioned something about leaving in 21 days, and then I told her not to worry because I'm leaving in 5 :D)

Me: So how about we grab coffee this week?
Her: Yeah! That would be great.
Me: Do you have a phone number?
Her: No - but I do have Facebook (which yeah, no. I'd rather opt for an email address)
Me: Well...I don't have a Facebook - do you have email?
Her: Yeah, its "xxxxxxxxxxx@hotmail.com"
Me: That is so Dutch.
Her: It's so Dutch? (laughs)
Me: Yep. Hey, it was really nice meeting you. I'll email you later.
Her: Nice to meet you!
(I always try and end with strong EC to cement that last emotions we feel)

Email I sent her: (No Subject Line - should I change this?) Glad to have met you :) - Nick
E-mailing girls confuses me - I don't want to appear needy by searching for a date in the first e-mail I send her, but sending an "icebreaker email" feels like I'm doing something off.

Other analysis: I think the touch was fine, but our actual proximity was off...I had to reach to touch her arm, so I ought to have been closer. Which is something I should do with all my first interactions...noted to self!

4th girl - "Claudia"
So I arrived home to a living room with my mom, an older woman, and a girl who looks just my age. And then I remembered my mom telling me about her friend and a girl that was my age, whom she described as "really cute". I enter the room, said "hi" to everyone, I shook the ladies' hands and went to the bathroom. By the way that my mom and other woman were talking about me, I assumed this was a setup to "hook us up". I have a liberal-minded mom (who mentioned in passing yesterday about my PU and being cool with rejections. Thanks mom haha) so I didn't doubt it.

I come back in the room and chill on my computer at girlschase.com, of course. While the ladies are conversing, Claudia and I make strong EC once, and then she turns her attention back to the group. I'm hardcore assuming that this a hook-up because the other woman is discussing how she "makes the BEST matches for guys and girls". So while everyone is leaving, I tell Claudia to stay put for a second and:

Hands her my phone
Her Uh, wait, what?
Me: We can grab coffee this week. Put your number in my phone.
Her: Do you have Facebook?
Me: (looks around for a second, smiles) I don't have a Facebook - is that how you keep in touch with people?
Her: Yes! That's why I have a smartphone, so I can keep in touch with people from Germany, too.
Me: Cool - can I see the phone?
Her: Sure! (shows me) it's kind of cheap
Me: Well, it's sure less cheap than this one.
Her: Yeah! Well, it was nice to meet you!
Me: Yep! See ya later.

Analysis of the interaction: Perhaps she just wasn't looking for an ONS, or perhaps the situation wasn't supposed to be a setup, and I evaluated things wrong. Of course, I probably should've stated my intent before handing her my phone...but I feel like it'd work if she was interested. The major problem was isolating her without her risking her reputation to her Aunt.
