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Process Development Questions

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Continuing from this thread:

Here is the reposted current work in progress. Whole point is to then heavily field test. Please feel free to share any opinions - what can be removed, reordered, or anything else. This is meant to be a process of action steps for quick reference, so it omits fundamentals, etc. I would recommend reading the source material mentioned in the thread linked above to really understand it.

I will post questions in a reply.

  • A1
    • Opening is a social screening process that can require multiple rejections to builds momentum, social proof, and required preselection for later
    • Look for proximity and eye contact. Get her to look at you first. Otherwise 3-Second Rule, energy level slightly higher
    • Face away as if leaving, open over shoulder. If moving, walk same trajectory, slightly in front
    • False Time Constraint if possible. Open group, indirect. Situationally relevant opener if possible. If moving, genuine compliment (fashion, hair, energy, walk).
      • "You are having way too much fun over here."
      • "You can't look at me like that and not say hi."
      • "How's your day/night going?", or "How's this place been so far tonight?"
      • "What brings you out tonight?", or "What are you celebrating?"
    • Handclasp opening with name introductions, to gauge interest with lingering silence until she releases
    • End A1: Social hook point

  • A2
    • Banter about her or situation (with rich sensory and emotional descriptions if possible). Cold Read.
    • Tease within first 30 seconds and continually throughout to set clear sexual frame (and chase frame if possible). Telegraph disinterest with false disqualifiers (wouldn't work out; she is too nice)
    • If group, "So how do you all know each other?"
    • DHV (to rest of group if possible): preselection, leader, protector, emoting, successful risk-taker
    • Nonverbal:
      • Hold deadpan face contact, seductive smirk, and visualize kissing. Get close and allow silent tension. Kino escalation (from hand). Be unreactive to resistance.
      • Two minutes in: move her if possible (especially if solo), with protective touch (depending on comfort: back of arm, upper back, lower back)
      • Lock in (lean against something with girl facing) sometime during A2
    • Compliance Test, then give IOI, then IOD. If no compliance, give IOD, then DHV, then retest
    • End A2: receive IOIs

  • A3
    • Inquire current plans, explore logistics during A3
    • Screening (passions, if you could be anything, best qualities, school, growing up)
    • Kino escalation, then push away. Use Takeaways
      • Three minutes in: forearm touch during a tease. (Repeat every five minutes throughout, escalating up arm, down to waist)
    • Compliance Test, then give IOI, then IOD. If no compliance, give IOD, then DHV, then retest
      • Touch and verbalize inspecting jewelry, clothing, etc.
    • Qualifiers, IOI, then IOD. Statement of Interest. Compliment style/energy/poise, behavior
    • End A3: Bait her DHV, reward, repeat. Early Time Bridge if time constrained, or quick pull.

  • C1
    • Five to ten minutes in: move to seating with hand on lower back if close, or linked arms/hand if far. Sit with legs touching. Put arm around and pull her in if needed, then remove arm.
    • Only IOD used in C1 is freeze-out
    • Deep dive
      • Start deep dive into motivations, rapport building. Ask questions with lingering touch (five seconds). Hand on thigh (20 seconds) during her deep disclosure
      • Chase framed tease and touch, interspersed every four to eight minutes during deep dive.
      • Elicit values, then passively show attitude similarity
    • Seed the pull on a high note during C1
    • Rich description of emotions experienced from her favorite activity in ideal setting
    • Vulnerable grounding story from childhood to current identity
    • Look for escalation windows. Otherwise pull after 90-120 minutes. Leave with linked arms/hand, lightly flirting/teasing.
    • End C1: Bounce or Time Bridge

Gambits to possibly incorporate:

Worth reading:


KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023

  • A1
    • Open group, indirect.
      • Assuming 3-set for example where the girl's attention and body language is NOT obviously wandering outside her group - is opening the group all at once still the best move?
      • Thoughts: MM assumes girl starts at higher value. However, we can focus more on the point that this is meant to buy time to show your personality and avoid auto rejection (either too low attainability obvious player approaching cute target, or too high attainability being tenth guy to approach super HB with bitch shield). It avoids telegraphing too early interest and removes her ability to reject you. Super indirect since you are simply being social with the group until the target shows IOI. Point is to "not hit on her" per Mystery.
    • If moving, genuine compliment (fashion, hair, energy, walk).
      • Still open direct if moving set is inside night game venue?
      • Are there any other easy defaults for daytime street stops? Say a girl is going to class in the most basic outfit ever, hair pulled back, in school zombie mode with no special energy or pep to her step, but she has the most beautiful facial features you have seen all week. Is there a last resort default you can use without thinking too hard? Maybe her "energy" is still the best option?

  • A2
    • Telegraph disinterest with false disqualifiers (wouldn't work out; she is too nice)
      • This I may remove. I still want to withold interest until she shows it. This may be too flirty and not a true IOD. Mystery would use more serious negs (is she always like this; how do you roll with her; nice nails are they real). Could maybe simply calibrate the teasing and the 60YOC style tension to show lower interest until she shows some.
    • DHV (to rest of group if possible): preselection, leader, protector, emoting, successful risk-taker
      • How to verbally communicate preselection? One is through gambits (I was talking to my friend Maria about...)
      • Discard all DHV stories and keep focus on cold reads and asking about the group? Unless specifically asked about self (I rob banks to help animal shelters because the Sarah McLaughlin commercials touch me deeply)
    • Hold deadpan face contact, seductive smirk, and visualize kissing. Get close and allow silent tension. Kino escalation (from hand). Be unreactive to resistance.
      • Note unreactive means emotionally and don't let her bait you into breaking rapport. Take step back then persist, but this doesn't mean keep touching her if she's pulling away.
    • Compliance Test, then give IOI, then IOD. If no compliance, give IOD, then DHV, then retest
      • What is a good early compliance test to use in A2? I.e. handclasp in A1 and inspecting jewelry etc. in A3. An easy default that does not communicate too much interest at that point.

  • A3
    • Screening (passions, if you could be anything, best qualities, school, growing up)
      • Add screening for seduction oriented qualities like adventurousness, impulsivity, etc.

If C2 time bridge: Add Skills 3 bounce if possible. First location quick meet/bounce. Second location, start over from A2 with teasing (can include Grandmaster, cocky funny). Micro escalations. Third bounce arousal gambits

Add plausible deniability for pull (come check out my cool ceiling - jk that's a Chase deep cut. Unless you have glow in the dark star stickers)

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
@PaulieFlyn10 what do you think is the main aspect missing for day game? I figured it all applies except ignore group stuff in most cases?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
yes i would remove this, does not work well with gen z, outdated... There are some things you got a be careful with, with the old models, need to be adapted to gen z...

  • Telegraph disinterest with false disqualifiers (wouldn't work out; she is too nice)
    • This I may remove. I still want to withold interest until she shows it. This may be too flirty and not a true IOD. Mystery would use more serious negs (is she always like this; how do you roll with her; nice nails are they real). Could maybe simply calibrate the teasing and the 60YOC style tension to show lower interest until she shows some.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Relevant reference article. Part 2 linked within

Will revisit this soon to touch on gambits. Hope to field test without them in the meantime. Sticking point right now is not turning off the 9pm napping alarm.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Slightly revised outline.

  • A1
    • Opening is a social screening process that can require multiple rejections to build momentum, social proof, and required preselection for later.
    • Look for proximity and eye contact. Get her to look at you first. Otherwise 3-Second Rule, energy level slightly higher
    • Face away as if leaving, open over shoulder. If moving, walk same trajectory, slightly in front
    • False Time Constraint if possible. Open group, indirect. Situationally relevant opener if possible. If moving, genuine compliment (fashion, walk, hair, energy).
      • "You are having way too much fun over here."
      • "You can't look at me like that and not say hi."
      • "How's your day/night going?", or "How's this place been so far tonight?"
      • "What brings you out tonight?", or "What are you celebrating?"
    • Handclasp opening with name introductions, to gauge interest with lingering silence until she releases
    • End A1: Social hook point

  • A2
    • Banter about her or situation (with rich sensory and emotional descriptions if possible). Cold Read.
    • Tease within first 30 seconds and continually throughout to set clear sexual frame (and chase frame if possible). Otherwise mirror interest and reward as she seeks rapport
    • DHV (to rest of group if possible): preselection, leader, protector, emoting, successful risk-taker
    • If group, "So how do you all know each other?"
    • Nonverbal:
      • Lock in (lean against something with girl facing) sometime during A2
      • Hold deadpan face contact, seductive smirk, and visualize kissing. Get close and allow silent tension. Kino escalation (from hand).
      • Two minutes in: move her if possible (especially if solo), with protective touch (depending on comfort: back of arm, upper back, lower back)
    • End A2: receive IOIs

  • A3
    • Inquire current plans, explore logistics during A3
    • Screening (passions, if you could be anything, best qualities, school, growing up)
    • Compliance Test, then give IOI, then IOD. If no compliance, give IOD, then DHV, then retest
      • Touch and verbalize inspecting jewelry, clothing, etc.
      • Three minutes in: forearm touch during a tease. (Repeat every five minutes throughout, escalating up arm, down to waist).
      • Kino escalation, then push away. Use Takeaways
    • Qualifiers, IOI, then IOD. Statement of Interest. Compliment style/energy/poise, behavior
    • End A3: Bait her DHV, reward, repeat. Early Time Bridge if time constrained, or quick pull.

  • C1
    • Five to ten minutes in: move to seating with hand on lower back if close, or linked arms/hand if far. Sit with legs touching. Put arm around and pull her in if needed, then remove arm.
    • Only IOD used in C1 is freeze-out
    • Seed the pull on a high note during C1
    • Deep dive
      • Start deep dive into motivations, rapport building. Ask questions with lingering touch (five seconds). Hand on thigh (20 seconds) during her deep disclosure
      • Chase framed tease and touch, interspersed every four to eight minutes during deep dive.
      • Elicit values, then passively show attitude similarity
    • Vulnerable grounding story from childhood to current identity
    • Rich description of emotions experienced from her favorite activity in ideal setting
    • Look for escalation windows. Otherwise pull with plausible deniability when comfort is built and trust established. Leave with linked arms/hand, lightly flirting/teasing.
    • End C1: Bounce, or Time Bridge


A2 replaced false disqualifiers with mirroring interest and rewarding her seeking rapport - almost withholding attention (while still teasing) to keep consistency with Mystery Method. It's important to read the source material, since this is more of a checklist to help as a roadmap and sticking point guide along the timeline. Also using proximity, tension, and touch as A2 compliance test.

MM does have lots of kino in A2 and more so A3 (one of his lock-in examples is you sitting on a bar stool with her standing between your legs, and C1 example her sitting on your lap then you push her off). I guess it depends how early you want to screen and physically compliance test, since 60YOC is "escalation itself is attractive", like that's your nonverbal DHV within A2, whereas Mystery uses lots of kino more as a reward.

Another important point is Mystery aims to play "higher levels of game", where he pawns the girls by inviting them out on subsequent nights and even weeks later. It's almost lifestyle design, involving meeting large numbers of girls and inviting many to your Sunday BBQ. He guesstimated preselection at 80% of attraction, so blowing out sets with heavy physical escalation in A2 could hamper this sort of long game, depending on your goals.


Reference for early game, 3-second rule, etc:

Reference for friction moving along the timeline (also see Vin DiCarlo's Attraction Code):

Reference for C2 (and GC articles Dating section) if you meet another day (since this is a cold approach outline):


KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Gambits outline. Please remove if you do not want the content posted outside articles.

  • A2
    • 3 Sex Gambits: Good/Bad Sex, Sex is Unfair, and the Dark Side("unfair" section)
      • You know what I find so unfair?
        [*]That women in our society get labeled as sluts for acting on their sexual impulses – in other words, judged and socially excluded for doing something as natural as just being a woman! It is a bit disgusting, as sex is one of the most natural, exciting, and beautiful things in life!
        [*]It is so unfair that a guy can fuck around… say, with 10 girls, and be seen as a king… and if a girl does it, she is a slut. We should both be judged equally. Both should be allowed to experience their sexuality freely – free from judgement!
        [*]It doesn’t matter whether or not a person is having sex within a relationship or just a casual one-nighter. If one of the individuals happens to be judgmental, the other will not allow herself (I use “herself” on purpose here) to truly liberate herself sexually… and guess what… the sex will just become worse. Wouldn’t it be so much better if you could meet someone (here you can point to yourself) you can be yourself with, allowing all your desires to come true without having to live in fear of judgment? Wouldn’t the sex be so much better?
    • End of A2: The Mirror("who are you" transition)
      • Removed due to length

  • A3
    • Make Yourself the Sexual Prize by Showing Her Your Sexual Standards(second scenario)
      • You are very beautiful… BUT… something else is required in women other than looks (challenging her by telling her I look for something more than looks; I also show mixed signals).
        [*]Well, one of the things is a confident woman… who is able to release herself fully when the moment comes to please each other (another linkage phrase)... that she is able to… let go… fully…. Now, with me (another linkage phrase), this is something very beautiful (rich adjectives) when she knows and feels safe enough (command) to allow herself to release her inner beast fully (weasel phrase + command) and just let herself get carried away (command)… in the moment… and get to enjoy the deepest pleasure. A true piece of beauty.
    • End of A3 preceding physical move and C1: Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Femme Fatale(whisper in ear; combine with Takeaway; bold)
      • You know what I find quite interesting?
        [*]How French (or any women from any country) differ from German girls (if you happen to be in Germany, you say Californian girls, etc.) in their way of talking to or seducing men.
        [*]Well, here, talk is more straightforward and platonic, but in France, girls are more deadly, like femme fatales.
        [*]I can show if you want; don’t worry, it is nothing dangerous.
        [*]Okay, so I will play the part of a French girl now, and you play the part of a poor male victim, alright?
        [*]Okay, cool. So the French girl will grab the guy like this (grab the girl’s shoulder) and will get closer to the guy, just like this (get closer to her) and whisper something in his ear, something along the line of: “You have no idea what I would love to do to you tonight. I would push you into a wall, stare deep into your eyes, lick your whole body, and make you beg for more.”
        [*]And then, she will just walk away. Totally out of the blue (turn around and slowly walk away).
    • How to Use Sexual Qualification to Prime Women for Sex
      • Removed due to explicitness

  • C1
    • Sex Talk Gambit: Female Submission
      • Do you know what a real woman is to me? (bait)
        [*]A woman who submits! (Since this is a controversial statement, she will react!) But please let me explain before reacting. (It is critical to mention this to avoid potential anger.)
        [*]Alright. A real woman is a woman who can submit, not to a man, but to her own passions and desires.
        [*]And if her passion is toward a guy, she is not submitting directly to him but to her feelings toward the man.
        [*]Yes, so many women are holding back their true desires and passions because the social world tells them they shouldn't do X and Y. But what happened to strong, confident, and independent women?
        [*]Here’s what I suggest: A woman should be strong and SUBMIT to her passions! That makes them strong and independent, and that’s beautiful!

  • C1/2
    • The Purity Gambit: Open Up Sexual Topics in a Surprising Way
      • I like what I see; you strike me as a pure woman. (assumption and bait)
        [*]Unlike most men who fear women and see purity as an ideal meant to control her, I prefer enjoying women "naturally," as in "free.". That is purity to me.
        [*]I do not fear her lust that I know is there, but I embrace it and want to see it; I want to see her, and I am convinced she loves expressing who she truly is without shame and fear. How is that not purity?
        [*]Well, it depends if she is a strong and independent woman, though. Only they can reach this point of transcendence. (Sometimes, I even go further with "transcending the sexually restrictive patriarchy.")
        [*]And people have sex for many different reasons: vengeance, status, validation, and so on. But what is purer than a woman who has sex out of PURE lust?! With no other intentions, no other motives, no schemes-just pure lust, passion, and desire! It is all about sex-for sex itself!
        [*]What is purer than having sex simply for the joy of sex? It is clean, honest, and pure! Hence the purity!
    • Pickup and Seduction Gambit: Sexual Frustration(short version)
      • I’ve noticed something fascinating about women (bait phrase).
        [*]Yup. I believe women will never be satisfied (light provocation is immersive).
        [*]Consider that you have really bad sex. The guy is bad in bed, awkward, and cums fast. You will obviously feel frustrated, right?
        [*]Yet, if the sex is mind-blowing, taking you to a new orgasmic peak, with repeated orgasms, you will eventually be left wanting more. Because after all, women are not like men; they don’t just orgasm once but can orgasm multiple times. So you may be left wanting more, which is frustrating, too!
        [*]So no matter what, women will always be frustrated.
        [*]Yet, the first type of frustration is different than the second, because in the first case, it is a negative, unpleasant form of frustration, but the latter is positive and pleasant; wanting more, desiring, feeling lust is, after all, pleasant! Also, you did ultimately have great sex!
    • Making a Girl Trust & Feel Comfortable with You (Seduction Gambit)
      • Removed due to length
    • Pickup and Seduction Gambit: Narratives (somewhat bold)
      • Removed due to length