Boom and Bust
TLDR: Currently there is a lot of variance in how my night goes. One night I'm pulling off some fairly advanced shit while others I can't hook a hoe to save my life. Will make some posts to get more clarity on my sticking points.
Had some real highs and lows this week game wise. Sometimes I felt like a total adonis. Other times like Quasimodo. There are 4 key events that lead to this roller coaster of a week
1. Tepid Thursday Night Date
Had a date on Thursday with this woman I met at a party that was thrown in my building. She was rather plain, but very sweet and would provide a good opportunity to sharpen my skills. Went in prepared to have this sexy vibe, make her hot and bothered, and go for the pull as the venue was a stupid close to my building.
Things got off kinda rocky as the venue I'd originally picked out was packed due to the upstairs section being closed off for a private event. The mistake I made here was not having her meet me in front of my building originally and then having us walk to the venue. That would have avoided this awkward thing of looking for each other, seeing that the place was packed, then bouncing to another nearby bar. Still I handled this transition pretty smoothly all things considered.
What really made this a meh date though was me. I was way too platonic during the whole thing. Every time I tried to guide the conversation down a more sexual path, it just wouldn't stick lol. I never really broke the touch barrier, either so the whole thing had this very platonic, two friends catching up atmosphere to it. I
did manage to frame myself as having some sexual experience and being nonjudgmental about sex in general, but the conversation was too logical, too analytical, too UNsexy. I was very disappointed with myself.
2. Cute FOB Korean
This girl was cute Korean national who's only in the city for a short time. The same friend from the previous report (I'll refer to him as Built Brit), myself, and a third friend of ours, this tall Spaniard (Tall Spaniard), were out getting food when she got brought up. Now BB always seems to attract Asians, both from the west and FOB, so I wasn't surprised when he said that he'd already went on a couple dates with her and had even made out with her in common area of the building. Yet for whatever reason he said he didn't think she was DTF at all...
Naturally, I took exception to this. Telling him he was out of his mind and that I'd prove it to him by getting her hot and bothered right in front of us lol. So upon returning back to our building I marched him to the common area where a lot of the yuppies work and knowing she'd be there. I pretend to just notice her sitting there, jokingly chide her for working so hard so late into the night, then convince her to sit with us to take a break "for 5 minutes".
Here for the next 10 or so minutes I'm doing everything I should've done on the date. I smoothly guided the conversation to seduction oriented topics, talked about how unfair it that women get judged for being sexual, how she should take the opportunity to do things she doesn't normally do back in Korea, with people she doesn't meet back in normally meet Korea... lol.
Obviously it's impossible to write down the exact subtext and the way I was speaking when I was laying these frames, but it was 1000% working. You could see the doggy dinner bowl eyes boys.
I asked her when she was going to be free from the work obligations that brought her to the city and she said Sunday. After suggesting she makes sure she has fun then she literally looks at me and says "I wanna see you on Sunday", with a ridiculously lavacious expression on her face. Not wanting to step on my BB's toes I promptly left the two of them alone haha. I had more than proved my point and it looks like I do have it in me to be sexy and turn women on with a sexual vibe. I just need more consistency.
3. Crazy Early 30s Banker
Friday night rolled around and I ended up going to this venue in Meatpacking district with Tall Spaniard. Now TS is a natural with more than a few lays under his belt, but he's a lover and tends to fall HARD for girls he likes. Right now he's talking to this half Iranian, half Mexican chick (who I won't lie is pretty bad) but she's sucking up all this guys romantic attention. So basically while he's normally a good wing, I couldn't rely on him as much last night due to those aforementioned circumstances with him.
Anyways we pregamed at our building where where we met this Russian girl who just moved in. The three of us were chatting and I was flirting with this girl like a fiend haha. It didn't go anywhere, but it definitely got me in a great social rhythm by the time we got to the venue.
And I must say it was pretty sweet. The line took no time at all, the cover was a mere $10, and the ratios were excellent. I quickly opened up this 2-set and brought TS into the mix. Already there may have been some potential to pull my girl right then and there, but for whatever reason her friend wasn't feeling TS or something and had them both eject to find they're other friends. Later he told me he thought both chicks were ugly lol. Guess he didn't put his heart into it. Before they left I did grab my girls number and we even made out a little bit, but I still haven't figured out how to get night game numbers to convert. Will probably play around with video messages to see if they yield any better results.
The night continued with me and him opening a few more sets until around closing time. The venue was emptying out and most girls had already paired up already. TS was talking to some blonde so it was just me. Undeterred, I spot this one guy talking to a girl who didn't seem that interested and I smelled blood in the water. After talking to him first and getting in the conversation, I turned my attention to the girl and kinda swooped in on this chap. After I kinda zoned him out and it was just me and his girl I was WAITING for him to try to reenter the set but he just fucked off somewhere. It's weird how non confrontational a lot of guys here are...
But yeah after talking for a few minutes I can tell she's ready and I call a Lyft back to my place. We get to my room, the clothes come off, I have the tip right there, but I just can't get it in or something. I was pretty drunk at that point, and it wasn't a performance thing, but she was just so tight or something that no position we tried was working and we just kinda gave up on sex smh. Never thought I'd feel like Daniel Jones but here we are:
Still this girl was wild. She kept talking shit about how no guy could handle her. I told her to stop capping and that she hasn't done shit with me to show that. She then proceeds to try to hop on top of me and try to strangle me with both her hands. Total wtf moment here guys. I get her off and tell her how cute she is for trying to be so hard and she behaves after that. Again it was just loopy lol.
Interesting morning after convo though. Girl had a lot of sadness in her life. She reached a career milestone and is pulling a decent chunk of change in annually, but still said she wasn't happy. There was also a strained relationship with her brother, and the fact that she wanted to settle but couldn't find a guy she liked (granted she wanted a dude making more than she was making in high level private equity lol) while all her friends were settling down and getting married. I sympathized with her, but it was a good reminder that the girls in nightlife tend to be more broken like this. And not to be mean, but without the dark lights and the alcohol she was no where near as attractive as I thought she was in the venue. Girls in nightclubs are really don't tend to hold up when you leave take them out of that environment.
4. Bad State at Same Venue. No Fish Biting
After last night I'm thinking I might have stumbled upon a great venue. So Tall Spaniard and I go back again with Built Brit tagging along this time. Once we get inside though it feels much different from the night before. After last night I didn't drink nearly as much, and while I did socialize before coming out, I still felt very much in my head.
The girls were in much bigger groups this time around and things were much more packed. I opened some girls here and there with BB, but every time I tried moving them in the interaction they cited waiting for other friends or something like that.
This venue did have a rooftop terrace where I got into a convo with this Colombia student, but BB was talking to her as well while I was, and since I wasn't really feeling it I left her to him. Tall Spaniard did his usual thing of standing back and letting girls come to him which he has the looks to pull off, but because he is still hung up on some other girl he's talking to he's doing this catch-and-release thing with this girls and it's pretty funny to watch them chase so hard while he's not having it haha.
But yeah nothing really going on so I bounced.
Other Happenings, Thoughts, and Conclusions
- Something interesting I learned was that the girl in the building who I thought about breaking my rules and fucking was actually really into Asian guys. In fact, we first met at a small afterparty she had in her apartment and she was fuck buddies at the time with this short (like 5'5) Korean dude who was there. Just makes me laugh how this pretty sexy, yet cute, swarthy French chick who a lot of guys would assume only goes for Chads or something was fuck buddies (and wanted something more with) a dude most guys online would say would be struggling to date anyone. The internet is not of a reflection of real life at all gents.
- One thing I need to work on is my consistency. These wild swings in the strength of my game just show me that I am improving but still have a long way to go.
- One thing I'm noticing though is that both my friends: Tall Spaniard and Built Brit get way more "freebies" or girls who are really into them from the start. I on the other hand always seem to be starting from a more neutral position. My fundamentals have improved and I'm still working on them, but either I still have way more work to do on that front or I'm super ugly lol. Probably the former, but I'll solicit some advice in other posts on this front