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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
In field now, but need to post this. Fuck civilians. I will never try to help one get laid again
i recently got one laid, (is on one of the videos), made the girl the gf, got her prego (facepalm), the broke up, called the girl i am seeing to tell her i splet with a mutual girl we know....... but i was 3 steps ahead, i had already told her.... she answered "i already knew".... Yeah is useless to help people not in the community, it backfires..


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
Update for this week and this weekend

Yeah, had forgotten I posted when I was out last night haha. For context, I had an uber busy week at work including a late night on Friday, so I didn't go out until yesterday night. Just prior to leaving I was hanging out with one of my roommates and a friend of his that lives in our building for few hours so by the time I headed out I was pretty warmed up socially. Went to the first venue because the leader of this meetup group I'm apart of was wondering where I'd been for the last couple meetings (I'd skipped them lol) so I promised I'd be at the one held yesterday night.

Get there and the venue is kinda rowdy dive bar. There's an area cordoned off for the group so I make my way there and immediately remembered why I stopped going to these things, at least for game purposes: pretty bad ratios (I only saw maybe three or four women in the sea of people who showed up) and the talent on offer was just okay for the most part. Still, a lot of the guys there were pretty alright and so I just socialized for the most part while keeping my eyes peeled for any opportunities.

A little while later the host of the group shows up with this baddie and introduces her to the circle I'm talking too. She's this very cute Kenyan girl who I can tell the host wants, but hasn't quite sealed the deal with or anything yet. Now I knew it was pretty risky making plays with the girl the leader of the group has heavily implied that he's called dibs on, but I went ahead anyway lol.

After chatting her up briefly I went ahead and moved her to a seating area just adjacent to where the group was at. I had her hooked and was just about to make the conversation more sexually charged, when the group announced they'd be moving to the second of three venues for the night. That timing definitely sucked, and after that I decided not to push things further. Why? Cause on the way to the second venue I was talking to the host a bit and he seemed like a really cool guy and he was chasing after this girl HARD. It definitely looked like she was enjoying the attention and validation (not sure if she would put out for him though)

Anyways, since he seemed cool and to avoid getting on his bad side, I didn't push things with the Kenyan girl any further.

The second venue was kinda lame, so we bounced after a short time to this third venue in the East Village. It en route to this third spot where I started getting annoyed with some of the other guys there specifically this one chubby Hispanic dude.

Basically we hopped into the hosts cars and drove to over a few avenues to the next spot. Despite the relatively short distance, traffic made it take forever so there was time for people to talk. I intended to ride shotgun in the front with the host, but he immediately announced that the Kenyan chick got that spot lmao. So I had to ride in the back with the previously mentioned hispanic dude and one other guy.

For the whole 10 minute ride both of these mofos were pretty much gargling the hosts dick. The amount of praise they were hopping up to this dude made the whole ride insufferable. Don't get me wrong I'm down to hype up friends and whatnot, but not to the degree these two guys were doing it. By the time we got to the venue, I already didn't really like either of them as a result.

When we get in, I'm quite impressed with the spot, it's big but not to big, and there's some pretty good talent on offer. I immediately start chatting up this one girl who was there by herself as a warm up. She's not really my type, but I'm able to peel the host and from the Kenyan chick into our convo, which brings everyone else along with him which was pretty fun. Again the guy's pretty charismatic, but just had tunnel vision the entire night.

After that I go to the bathroom for a moment and rejoin the group. Out of the corner of my eye I see a two set of these two super thick, super sexy women standing by themselves looking bored as fuck. One of them was this blonde while the other was Latina. In my head I planned on opening the set then bringing in the host to tackle the friend while I chatted up the one I wanted (the Latina one).

To open I made eye contact with the Latina, smiled, then leaned over and said (paraphrasing), "You are way too sexy to be looking this bored right now" lol. She smiles and we get into conversation. Turned out the were in a bit of a fender bender on the way to the venue. Nothing too serious, but it had understandably put a damper on their moods. The friend turned out to be visiting from Finland for a short time too. At this point they're both into me and I'm already thinking, okay let's get me and one of these other guys laid.

First I try to call over the host. When I look over he's still working on the Kenyan chick, but she's looking aloof as fuck. I figured I'd throw him the friend (who again was really cute too just not my preference) and I had to urge this cat way to hard to come join our conversation. I'm already bewildered at this, but he comes over and I introduce him to the other two. Again he has great charisma, and we're actually all vibing pretty well. I know the guy can't leave the group hanging as he's the host and all, but as long as he kept the other girl entertained for long enough that would be all I needed.

My girl ended up being a Middle School history teacher and we were all talking about that. The host challenges her to ask him a question on U.S. history as he claims to be an ace on it. So she goes ahead and asks him what constitutional amendment freed the slaves. I'm thinking he for sure knows this (he's black) but this man unironically whispers in my ear that's he's gonna say the Emancipation Proclamation. LOL I whisper back the right answer (the 13th Amendment for the nonamericans reading this) which he tells them. They accuse us of cheating which we deny and it was a whole heap of fun and the optimal time to move them at this high point.

But the right then and there the host decides to irish exit from the conversation just like that. I guess he figured he'd left the Kenyan chick for too long and went back out to go find her, but yeah that had me fuming on the inside. The guy didn't even eject in a socially savy way or anything, he just randomly fucked off lol. So know I had to deal with the fallout with that with both of them.

At first, I continued the conversation with both of them for a second, and the friend made it easy for me by heading to the bar and buying drinks so I took that opportunity to take my girl out dancing. I had a feeling this would happen, but every two seconds she was looking back at the bar making sure her friend was okay, and constantly making sure she had direct line of sight on her. It was obvious that unless the friend was taken care of, she would not allow herself to be seduced.

It was here I looked around and saw the hispanic dude doing fuck all in the venue. So when the friend came back, I introduced him to the set and fuck me I wish I hadn't lol. It's not even that he had bad game (it was shit though) it's that he had zero common sense. Rather than chatting up the friend he was zoning her out and trying to chat up my girl and I instead lol. At first I thought he was just trying to crash my set, in which case I would be pretty annoyed, but would be able to deal with him easily. But no, he was just acting like a social retard.

At one point the two girls headed back to the bar to get another round of drinks (we were posted pretty close by to it so it wasn't a big deal) I tried to talk to this dude about who to go for and he just wasn't getting it. He then proceeds to follow after my girl like a puppy on their way to the bar and was awkwardly talking to her as she was positing herself through the crowd to get there. Yeah I'm pretty shocked lol and was for sure thinking he was trying to do some snake type shit on me. It once they got back that I zoned his ass out and went back in on my girl, settling grabbing her contact information before the group bounced to another part of the venue.

Once there the Kenyan chick was asking me where "my woman" was lol. He butts in though agreeing with her, saying that I was gonna slay them. Here I'm thinking wtf is this dude really that clueless haha.

Somewhere in the middle of all that I must have sent my post. When it was all said I tried to make impromptu wing men out of both of these guys and they failed miserably. Definitely not helping anyone anymore haha.

Anyways, I'm gonna be working on doing more approaches (only did a couple all last week) and working on running the three keys more quickly in my interactions.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
Very busy this past week and will be for the next week so not much to report. Good news is that I've met a couple dudes in my building who seem to have decent game and will be going out with them in the near future.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
Still in a very busy period work wise but I managed to squeeze in some time for socializing and snagged two dates from social circle. As you’ll see were affected by me not sexualizing things enough, which I know is a common sticking point for beginners and one I’ve dealt with in the past.

Date 1: Curvy Cameroonian Frenchie
The first date was with the Cameroonian French girl I’ve mentioned in the journal before. I was going through WhatsApp messages afterwork Friday and realized that she had reached out to me earlier in the week. The deluge of messages WhatsApp notifies me of often leads to the whole app getting muted and that’s how I missed it. Anyways, I reach out learn that she has nothing going on that night and I invite her out to my part of town for some drinks and to catch up.

The venue is this two story bar I stumbled upon with friends. The downstairs area is always pretty packed, but they have another bar upstairs that’s always pretty much empty and has a more intimate atmosphere to boot.

Conversation goes okay, at least that’s what I’m thinking in the moment. There’s already been a pretty flirtatious vibe between us (We often roleplay husband and wife when we meet random people and in our friend group haha) but looking back on it I think I was being too social and not flirty enough. Not enough chase frames, sexual innuendo or anything. I did touch early and often on high points, but idk. I did manage to set nonjudgmental frames well though and the pull back to my place was pretty smooth.

However once we get back and I make a move, she talks about being “surprised” believing we were just friends lol. I do get her to stay for about an hour and I could tell she was keeping herself from being turned on by my escalation attempts, but at the end I eventually gave up and walked her back to her station.

She did text me later that it was a “good surprise” and that she wanted to consult her friend about this situation, but I think I’m toast here. In the moment I thought it was just some weird fluke so I wrote it off as such. Plus I had another date planned the next night that I was sure didn’t have the same mismatched expectations.

Date 2: Chick from Cinco de Mayo
Met this girl at a Meetup event on Cinco de Mayo that I had promised to go to. It was her first time and she was easily the most attractive girl there. Got into a conversation with her and we vibbed well. The original plan for the group was to hang out at the current venue then go see the new Dr. Strange flick, but the two of us end up bouncing and grabbing a bite nearby before rendezvousing with the rest of the group with the theatre. By the time the night was done I’d already grabbed her number with plans to hang out the upcoming Saturday.

She lived about an hour away by train, so the logistics were terrible, but luckily the same group was meeting at a bar near me. I proposed we meetup a couple hours beforehand for some drinks then go to the venue together. Of course, if all goes well I’d get her to flake with me back to my place, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.

Same issues as date 1 now that I look back on it. Some subtle flirting here and there but not enough. The vibe after drinks was so unsexual I didn’t even bother trying to pull and just went to the meetup with her.

There I vibed with some of the regulars and chatted up some of the fresh tail that I hadn’t met for a bit before returning my attention to my girl. Can’t remember how this came up but she joked that she was 50 to which I chuckled and said, “there’s no way I’m attracted to a fifty year old right now”

**Record Scratch**

To my amazement this woman is shocked I said that and tells me she thought we were just friends. She then quickly puts my interactions with her in context, and says she’s a but clueless at times lol.

The whole situation is a pretty funny to me so I’m laughing about things but she’s clearly a but embarrassed. We eventually bounce from the venue and she goes on this thing talking about how she came to the meetup to make friends and that she’s not ready to date right now as she’s going through therapy after a past relationship she had. (We did talk about our dating histories at the bar and so I knew about this relationship already). She offered for us to be friends which I told her I wasn’t interested in.

I do my best to frame things as us just getting to know each other more at first (i.e. not dating seriously) but she doesn’t budge. I kinda feel bad too as she starts tearing up at this point. If I had to guess I think she liked me, but just wasn’t available for any semblance of romance, but idk how much I can trust my reads anymore.

Anyways I think it’s obvious to me that I’m not flirting enough in general and my vibe isn’t sexy enough yet to be able to get away with that. My options are to either go away from my more indirect approach to being more forward or to make a conscious effort to throw in chase frames, sexual frames, and sex talk into my interactions earlier and with more frequency.

For me it’s a bit of a bummer as I think I could have laid both these women with better game, but at least I know what I need to work on.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
Work is finally starting to die down so this past weekend I went out seriously for the first time in a minute.

Friday I attended a party with a good friend of mine that a friend of mine in my building was throwing. I didn't game too hard as it was more of a social circle thing, but I did ramp up my seduction powers on two girls I talked to there. The first one was this really sexy Asian who was very obviously into me, but her boyfriend (not to sure) hovered around us and gave her a look, making her eject the conversation pretty quickly lol.

The second one was this okay looking Indian girl who actually ended up asking me for my number. Since I knew a day two wasn't something I was interested in with her I let her take my number knowing she wouldn't contact me haha

But for the most part most of the interactions that night were social. There has been some light flirting between me and the girl who invited us, but I see her ALL the time. If shit went south between us it would be annoying, so I've slated her in the female-friend-I-flirt-with role.

Saturday was a little more interesting.

Went to a venue I like in the East Village, but this time got a friend of mine to come along with me. Now this friend and I have speak about women and dating often, and he sees me as someone who has a ton of game so I wanted to be on my A-game this outing. I think one of the writers on GC has mentioned some of their most memorable pickups being when they were "performing" in front of friends and I can now attest that this is a real effect.

We got to the venue and grabbed some drinks at first. This place is kinda unique in that one one side it's two floors with the first level being a narrow bar with a little seating on the side, with the second floor featuring another bar that's in a bigger more spread out room. On the first floor though, there is a doorway leading to a dance floor next door.

We hung out on the lower level, but there was nobody worth talking too for us so we went upstairs. He saw a girl he wanted to talk to and I volunteered to occupy her friend once he got in (she was kinda fat but I had dragged him out that night so it was the least I could do lol). So I stood to his right while he opened them on the other side, asking if they came there often or some other cliche thing haha. She responded with something about her boyfriend and he ejected right away.

Damn! This friend of mine is actually really cool, and isn't starving for women, but his game was pretty mid at best. It was at this point I decided to show him how it was done.

I had us transition to the dance floor a bit, where I talked and interacted with people to get my social momentum up while throwing in some warm up approaches here and there. I then opened this two set then brought him into the conversation. My girl said she had a boyfriend, and I proceeded to tease her about leaving him at home while she came out to have fun. We were vibing until a couple of their friends joined the conversation and I immediately made the decision to switch my sites to one of them, this BAD Dominican chick who was thick in all the right places.

So I get into a conversation with her and am able to escalate things on her SEAMLESSLY. Easily the smoothest game I've ever spat in my life. It gets to the point where we're dancing and making out pretty heavily in the club. I pull her out of the venue and tell her we should head back to my place and fuck and she's 1000% down, talking about how wet she is and how she's dying to have me inside her lol, BUT her friends...

I swear we were outside the venue for a good 30 minutes with me trying to fractionate between kissing her and escalating a bit and getting her to come back with me but her resolve to "not be a bad friend" was iron clad. Coming to thing of it I probably could have pulled her to a secluded spot and just fucked her there as I did briefly whip out my dick and she stroked it for a beat or two while we were out there and I slipped a portion of her dress off and fondled her bare breast as well. But, for whatever reason I didn't think to do that, eventually we went back to the venue and got separated and that was that.

I did get her number, but we know how this shit goes boys. Odds are I'm never hearing from her again lol.

Still if anything the experience has made me realize the power of logistics. I'm currently about a 15 minute subway ride to that venue. Had I had a place that was a short walk away, I could have brought her back, fucked her, the returned to the venue before her friends even noticed!

Won't be able to go out next weekend as I'll be flying back to my parents place for a family thing this week, so I'll have to wait a bit to redeem myself, but I can feel myself making progress which is good. More consistent outings and approaches will only accelerate my growth.

Plus my boy has seen me in action and now knows my game is legit lol
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
Boom and Bust
TLDR: Currently there is a lot of variance in how my night goes. One night I'm pulling off some fairly advanced shit while others I can't hook a hoe to save my life. Will make some posts to get more clarity on my sticking points.

Had some real highs and lows this week game wise. Sometimes I felt like a total adonis. Other times like Quasimodo. There are 4 key events that lead to this roller coaster of a week

1. Tepid Thursday Night Date
Had a date on Thursday with this woman I met at a party that was thrown in my building. She was rather plain, but very sweet and would provide a good opportunity to sharpen my skills. Went in prepared to have this sexy vibe, make her hot and bothered, and go for the pull as the venue was a stupid close to my building.

Things got off kinda rocky as the venue I'd originally picked out was packed due to the upstairs section being closed off for a private event. The mistake I made here was not having her meet me in front of my building originally and then having us walk to the venue.
That would have avoided this awkward thing of looking for each other, seeing that the place was packed, then bouncing to another nearby bar. Still I handled this transition pretty smoothly all things considered.

What really made this a meh date though was me. I was way too platonic during the whole thing. Every time I tried to guide the conversation down a more sexual path, it just wouldn't stick lol. I never really broke the touch barrier, either so the whole thing had this very platonic, two friends catching up atmosphere to it. I did manage to frame myself as having some sexual experience and being nonjudgmental about sex in general, but the conversation was too logical, too analytical, too UNsexy. I was very disappointed with myself.

2. Cute FOB Korean
This girl was cute Korean national who's only in the city for a short time. The same friend from the previous report (I'll refer to him as Built Brit), myself, and a third friend of ours, this tall Spaniard (Tall Spaniard), were out getting food when she got brought up. Now BB always seems to attract Asians, both from the west and FOB, so I wasn't surprised when he said that he'd already went on a couple dates with her and had even made out with her in common area of the building. Yet for whatever reason he said he didn't think she was DTF at all...

Naturally, I took exception to this. Telling him he was out of his mind and that I'd prove it to him by getting her hot and bothered right in front of us lol. So upon returning back to our building I marched him to the common area where a lot of the yuppies work and knowing she'd be there. I pretend to just notice her sitting there, jokingly chide her for working so hard so late into the night, then convince her to sit with us to take a break "for 5 minutes".

Here for the next 10 or so minutes I'm doing everything I should've done on the date. I smoothly guided the conversation to seduction oriented topics, talked about how unfair it that women get judged for being sexual, how she should take the opportunity to do things she doesn't normally do back in Korea, with people she doesn't meet back in normally meet Korea... lol.

Obviously it's impossible to write down the exact subtext and the way I was speaking when I was laying these frames, but it was 1000% working. You could see the doggy dinner bowl eyes boys.

I asked her when she was going to be free from the work obligations that brought her to the city and she said Sunday. After suggesting she makes sure she has fun then she literally looks at me and says "I wanna see you on Sunday", with a ridiculously lavacious expression on her face. Not wanting to step on my BB's toes I promptly left the two of them alone haha. I had more than proved my point and it looks like I do have it in me to be sexy and turn women on with a sexual vibe. I just need more consistency.

3. Crazy Early 30s Banker
Friday night rolled around and I ended up going to this venue in Meatpacking district with Tall Spaniard. Now TS is a natural with more than a few lays under his belt, but he's a lover and tends to fall HARD for girls he likes. Right now he's talking to this half Iranian, half Mexican chick (who I won't lie is pretty bad) but she's sucking up all this guys romantic attention. So basically while he's normally a good wing, I couldn't rely on him as much last night due to those aforementioned circumstances with him.

Anyways we pregamed at our building where where we met this Russian girl who just moved in. The three of us were chatting and I was flirting with this girl like a fiend haha. It didn't go anywhere, but it definitely got me in a great social rhythm by the time we got to the venue.

And I must say it was pretty sweet. The line took no time at all, the cover was a mere $10, and the ratios were excellent. I quickly opened up this 2-set and brought TS into the mix. Already there may have been some potential to pull my girl right then and there, but for whatever reason her friend wasn't feeling TS or something and had them both eject to find they're other friends. Later he told me he thought both chicks were ugly lol. Guess he didn't put his heart into it. Before they left I did grab my girls number and we even made out a little bit, but I still haven't figured out how to get night game numbers to convert. Will probably play around with video messages to see if they yield any better results.

The night continued with me and him opening a few more sets until around closing time. The venue was emptying out and most girls had already paired up already. TS was talking to some blonde so it was just me. Undeterred, I spot this one guy talking to a girl who didn't seem that interested and I smelled blood in the water. After talking to him first and getting in the conversation, I turned my attention to the girl and kinda swooped in on this chap. After I kinda zoned him out and it was just me and his girl I was WAITING for him to try to reenter the set but he just fucked off somewhere. It's weird how non confrontational a lot of guys here are...

But yeah after talking for a few minutes I can tell she's ready and I call a Lyft back to my place. We get to my room, the clothes come off, I have the tip right there, but I just can't get it in or something. I was pretty drunk at that point, and it wasn't a performance thing, but she was just so tight or something that no position we tried was working and we just kinda gave up on sex smh. Never thought I'd feel like Daniel Jones but here we are:

Still this girl was wild. She kept talking shit about how no guy could handle her. I told her to stop capping and that she hasn't done shit with me to show that. She then proceeds to try to hop on top of me and try to strangle me with both her hands. Total wtf moment here guys. I get her off and tell her how cute she is for trying to be so hard and she behaves after that. Again it was just loopy lol.

Interesting morning after convo though. Girl had a lot of sadness in her life. She reached a career milestone and is pulling a decent chunk of change in annually, but still said she wasn't happy. There was also a strained relationship with her brother, and the fact that she wanted to settle but couldn't find a guy she liked (granted she wanted a dude making more than she was making in high level private equity lol) while all her friends were settling down and getting married. I sympathized with her, but it was a good reminder that the girls in nightlife tend to be more broken like this. And not to be mean, but without the dark lights and the alcohol she was no where near as attractive as I thought she was in the venue. Girls in nightclubs are really don't tend to hold up when you leave take them out of that environment.

4. Bad State at Same Venue. No Fish Biting
After last night I'm thinking I might have stumbled upon a great venue. So Tall Spaniard and I go back again with Built Brit tagging along this time. Once we get inside though it feels much different from the night before. After last night I didn't drink nearly as much, and while I did socialize before coming out, I still felt very much in my head.

The girls were in much bigger groups this time around and things were much more packed. I opened some girls here and there with BB, but every time I tried moving them in the interaction they cited waiting for other friends or something like that.

This venue did have a rooftop terrace where I got into a convo with this Colombia student, but BB was talking to her as well while I was, and since I wasn't really feeling it I left her to him. Tall Spaniard did his usual thing of standing back and letting girls come to him which he has the looks to pull off, but because he is still hung up on some other girl he's talking to he's doing this catch-and-release thing with this girls and it's pretty funny to watch them chase so hard while he's not having it haha.

But yeah nothing really going on so I bounced.

Other Happenings, Thoughts, and Conclusions
  • Something interesting I learned was that the girl in the building who I thought about breaking my rules and fucking was actually really into Asian guys. In fact, we first met at a small afterparty she had in her apartment and she was fuck buddies at the time with this short (like 5'5) Korean dude who was there. Just makes me laugh how this pretty sexy, yet cute, swarthy French chick who a lot of guys would assume only goes for Chads or something was fuck buddies (and wanted something more with) a dude most guys online would say would be struggling to date anyone. The internet is not of a reflection of real life at all gents.
  • One thing I need to work on is my consistency. These wild swings in the strength of my game just show me that I am improving but still have a long way to go.
  • One thing I'm noticing though is that both my friends: Tall Spaniard and Built Brit get way more "freebies" or girls who are really into them from the start. I on the other hand always seem to be starting from a more neutral position. My fundamentals have improved and I'm still working on them, but either I still have way more work to do on that front or I'm super ugly lol. Probably the former, but I'll solicit some advice in other posts on this front


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
Late update gents as I've been dealing with a persistent cold these past couple weeks that I'm finally starting to get over. I still pushed myself to go out a bunch and got a quick lay over the weekend. Anyways the three major events over the past couple weeks have to be this sexy NYU student I cold approached, a mid-thirties nurse I gamed on a that same random night, and finally the lay I pulled from a club in the East Village.

Sexy NYU Student
This took place last Tuesday. Built Brit was itching to find better nightlife venues to pickup at so I went with him and Tall Spainard to a few around us in Midtown. Tuesday is definitely and off night and that coupled with the fact that most of the clubs in Midtown are downright awful made the initial places we stopped at total busts. This part of the city has some really nice bars that are excellent date spots, but if you want to meet women in nightlife it's night the best in my experience. To ensure the night isn't a total bust I make the call for us to head to the East Village.

Once there we stop at a couple spots we already know to before doing the real exploring. We're crossing the street to get into this one place that looks promising when I get some IOIs from this one beautiful girl on the other side of the street. We pass each other and I look back and smile, somehow knowing she would do the same. It was at that point I excused myself from my friends to track her down and approach.

Being that it was sometime ago I forgot exactly how things went down. I do remember opening direct, deep diving her briefly about what she was doing in the city, then grabbing her contact details. Not too shabby of an approach. Even though I forgot to send an ice breaker text and she didn't respond to my message the next day, it was good to get a solid approach under my belt.

Mid-Thirties Nurse
Right after I rejoin my friends after what went down in the previous section, we enter the bar we saw. It's not the biggest crowd, but things are way more lively than any other place we've been tonight. We get a round of drinks then post up at a table. Built Brit sees a chick he likes drinking alone at the bar and we encourage him to approach. Tall Spainard and I were cracking jokes guessing what was going on and trying to distract him with our laughing lol. We're just supportive like that. Anyways he comes back and says she was waiting for friends but that they may see each other later. I advise him to grab her number when we're on our way out

Next these two blondes enter the bar and seeing as they're Tall Spainard's go-to, we get him to approach. Things seemingly go okay for him, but he comes back later saying he couldn't get anywhere.

Finally, I see a woman I like sitting at the bar alone. She was this bespectacled brunette with a cute face. Definitely a plain jane, but I am a complete sucker for woman in glasses so I went ahead and approached.

I've gotta say it was my most technical approach due to having to overcome a couple social frame stumbling blocks that would have tripped me up if I didn't disarm them properly. First she was surprised that I approached her (note not at my approach as I made sure to pre-open and she saw me first). She was asking if I did this all the time (only with people who've peaked my curiosity), where I came from (see that table with those two guys over there...), and why I approached her (I like girls who look like they read Pride and Prejudice for fun). After passing the initial torrent of shit tests she surprised me with the next one: that I looked way too young for her.

Normally I'm pretty decent and gauging a woman's age and I pegged this gal to be no more than 28 or 29. So when she guessed I was 25, I neither confirmed or denied this and guessed her age at well no more than 28 and she just laughed. Turns out she was 35 lol. (As an aside this gal did NOT look 35 at all at least facially. So I was rather impressed at how well she was aging.)

I was definitely surprised, but I knew what to expect next and how to handle it. She immediately wanted my age next which to which I smiled and told her I was 25. She jokingly balks at this and tells me it was nice meeting me lol, but I tell her I didn't see what the big deal was. Sensing she was teetering on auto-rejection due to attainability issues I went on a semi-rant about how these days I much preferred gals who were older than me as I was tired of "dumb-bimbos" I was meeting in clubs. When she tells me I should just stick to them and not an "old lady" like her, I tell retort "please half of them haven't even heard of Pride and Prejudice" which gets her dying and she admits she's actually read it lmao.

Had I played my cards better here I could have 100% gotten the lay, but I made a couple tactical errors at this point. To be fair it was getting rather late, my friends had bailed, and I was thinking about the walk home and a presentation at work I had to give next day, but the next morning I was kicking myself.

She went to use the bathroom and we headed off from the bar. Earlier in the interaction I had grabbed her number and told her I was taking her out sometime which she didn't believe me on joking I'd run back to the dumb-bimbos in no time flat lol. As we're leaving the bar I pull her into me and tell her to believe. We're close and she asks if I'm going to kiss her, which I respond with something cheeky before doing so. This was the first mistake in my book. I released all the tension that had been building up between us here. The second mistake I made was not going for the same night lay. She lived close by and didn't have work the next day. All I had to do was insist that I walk her home then ask to use the bathroom or something as a plausibly-deniable excuse to head up. I honestly don't know why I didn't think of this. Basically shortly after making out a couple times we split off on our own separate ways. Texting with her fizzled out as FSC hit hard over our age difference.

Thick Mixed Race Zambian
Despite this being a lay I am not happy with this one. I almost want to not count this lol But it was a good experience and I learned a lot. On Friday Tall Spainard and I went out together. He's actually heading back to Spain for a few months so we've been hanging all this past week. Anyways we hop from venue to venue and nothing is really happening all night before we hit up a go-to spot of mine in EV. Luckily the dance floor is open and so we head there. What's nice about this place is that it's there's a bar and seats off to the side so you can always pull a girl off the dance floor and chat her up, or meet girls at the bar and chat with them there. I go into a few sets here and there and nothing really bites. It's almost closing time and I see the target and go ahead and open her. To be honest, I was pretty drunk so I'm not even sure what was said initially but she's attracted and I'm able to move her outside as the venue is closing. I convince her to head to another drink spot near my area with great drinks and she's down. Of course, it's back to my place lol. I order the Lyft and we're there in a snap. She knows what's up. We get to my place and a dog that one of my roommates is dog sitting for starts barking and greets her at the door. My other roommate then greets us before taking her off our hands. Thanks man!

So yeah we go to my room and proceed to have some shitty drunken sex. I was too inebriated to really fuck her properly and she's tries talking shit to me about it but I laugh it off saying I'm too drunk for this shit lol. I deep dive her a bit to buy time to sober up and that's when I find out about her background and other things about her. This gal thinks very highly of herself. When I tell her she looks good, but I wanna know if that's all she has. She tries to correct me in saying she looks very good lmao. A couple interesting exchanges here though: first she tries to "son" me by saying that I give her "younger guy energy" despite us being the same age. Can't remember how I handled this but I know I won the ensuing frame-battle. Next she digs into my background and when I tell her my ethnicity she claims it's a major red flag lmao. Now this is actually a pattern I'm seeing with the African chicks I talk to. Essentially they've experienced or head second hand that men of my background are pretty much all fuckboys who will cheat on them without second thought lol. This is hilarious to me so I generally just laugh at this, but now I'm gonna think of ways to use it as a boyfriend-disqualifier or something haha.

Anyways after discussion I sober up a bit and fuck her for a little bit. The sex is still shitty, but at least I have some fun. On nights I plan to pull I'm gonna cut back on the drinks even more after this. She spends the night then I walk her out the next morning. I seeded taking her out the following day and like the nurse she didn't believe me. When I reached out for her schedule no response. This is a sticking point of mine, thus far: getting girls to stick around even after strong initial interactions. I'll be working on this.

There were some other events that happened since the last update. For instance this cute Polish-American chick I met in a venue at meatpacking that unfortunately was playing mother and I happened to chase too hard, but that wasn't really relevant outside of a reminder to A. not chase and B. stop making out with girls in clubs. I don't think it's any coincidence that my first lay happened to come from someone who I didn't kiss and instead let the tension build before releasing it at my place.

Also again I need to get better at converting these girls man. I'm going to try some different things out to improve on that front.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Next she digs into my background and when I tell her my ethnicity she claims it's a major red flag lmao

You don’t have to answer but I’m 99% confident the country begins with a “N” those guys (many are my friends) are something else ahaha

I seeded taking her out the following day and like the nurse she didn't believe me.

This is good as you can be a pleasant surprise

When I reached out for her schedule no response

Too much too soon man. Next time keep a short & light text especially for nightgame pulls.

“Fun meeting you [name] [emoji of your choice if that’s your thing] how’s your head today?”

Then depending on the enthusiasm of the response determines how you ease her into scheduling a meet.

Solid progress though man - keep going


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
It's been almost a month since my last update. I'm still around but between work and social obligations I haven't had much time to game until yesterday. Thankfully, I pulled.

I'll write up a lay report for that since it was a bit of a breakthrough with me on a few fronts. Edit: link here

Social circle wise I'm seeing a lot and am navigating past a lot of potential stumbling blocks thanks to the knowledge from here. I may post updates from my social circle exploits as there are a handful of women around me I wanna fuck just to see if my predictions about the effects of doing that pan out haha. There's also this Algerian-French cutie who I KNOW wants me, but says she only dates Muslim guys. Could I make her turn her back on Allah for a night at least? I dunno, but it'd be fun to try!

Speaking of the French, a big portion of my friend group is from there. The ones of North African ancestry... Let's just say I've added a few days in Paris to the itinerary of my next trip to Europe.

Anyways, my updates won't be so spread apart next time. Thanks to everyone who's commented and helped me out.
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