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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
I broke up with LTR over 5 years ago and I was very active in the 3 years that followed. I have slept with 30 girls since, almost all of which were in the first 2 years. One of the biggest factors to my success was lowering my standards, building up momentum and then getting the women I truly desired. In the third year, I decided after major successes to secure a LTR with a girl I considered my personal 10 and then focus on other aspects of life. Unfortunately, after a summer affair I was never quite able to secure her, and went on a long cold streak which lasted almost a year.

I had basically turned my attention from women to investing and whilst I would periodically sarge, game was no longer at the forefront of my life and my successes were long behind me. Furthermore, I had stopped trying to approach anyone other than my personal 10's, which compounded my failures because I was out of momentum and was going for the hardest target. One of my friends helped break my streak by inviting me to a threesome with his now wife and a few months after that, I embarked on a new career which doubled my earnings.

All of my attention then went on succeeding in this new job, so I had no time for game and women, even though I was burning inside. After settling in my new job, I reduced my standards and got a lay, and then a while after I got another. Even the latter was not my personal 10, but she was young and hot enough to forgo my type, so I became focused on sticking with her so that I could concentrate on more important stuff, like investing, education and career. Unfortunately, the lockdown put an end to our relationship as she lived far away and I could no longer manage her emotions over text. Futhermore, I had moved to one of the wealthiest and most touristy parts of London, where I was now amongst the finest women the city has to offer.

My aim was to continue studying and working whilst spending a couple hours sarging per day. Unfortunately, the higher calibre of women I was now approaching has led to an almost beginner like success rate. In addition to that, I am now surrounded by my personal 10's, so I am approaching them in even greater quantity than before, with no momentum behind me. I've also realised that if I am to succeed in this environment, I will need to brush up on my skillset, journal my approaches and learn more content. Unfortunately, it will come at the expense of my education but I have hit just short of 100 approaches with only one date to show for it, which is the ratio I had 5 years ago. Towards my peak, I was often getting girls on my first approach of the day.

Some factors to take into consideration;

All of my daygame successes in the past came in a slow paced shopping mall. Now I live next to the largest park in the city, a fast paced high street, and a different shopping mall. Most of my recent 100 approaches have all been street approaches, where I have never had any success even in the past. The new shopping mall nearby is not ideal because every one is wearing a mask.

I have not yet approached a girl in a mask for the obvious reason that anyone wearing one is clearly concerned by Covid, whilst anyone who isn't is not. So it makes sense to me to approach girls who are seemingly unconcerned, if I am to sleep with them. As such, the high shopping street and the mall are from the ideal. I have tended to focus on the streets nearby and on the street adjacent to where I live where people aren't wearing them.

I have almost exclusively been approaching blondes, but I think I have to lower my standards and open myself to other races, if I am to get a few notches under my belt and gather the momentum to pull what I actually want.

My previous process was to instadate girls and either SDL or take their number and setup a day 2. The instadate was often a defining factor in whether a girl met me again or not. Unfortunately, since I moved, I have not been able to instadate even once, largely because of the fast paced nature of where I live. Everyone is always going somewhere fast. I have had to accept a fast number close, but ideally I would like to derail them but thus far, it's been to no avail.

Phone game is continually where I lose most girls. I'd previously adopted a high status approach of only responding with 2-3 texts per day and asking for a meet after 3-4 days of texting. I have since responded more frequently to increase attainability and requested a meet much earlier after 1-2 days. I have also dropped any humour or risque texts to avoid miscommunication and kept it neutral about my day.

I approached 5 girls today;

Girl 1 - Russian/Romanian brunette. Absolutely terrible approach. I had a bender a few days ago and it's taken me more than a few days to recover. Said my opener but could barely get the words out. She turned her back to me after some back and forth.

Girl 2 - Russian blonde showed me her ring and told me she was married. A significant percentage of girls I have approached have been married. I live in an affluent area with an abundance of trophy wives walking around. One of the reasons why I haven't focused on the park as they're all there. Wished her a good day.

Girl 3 - Finnish blonde. She immediately jumped back and spoke about social distancing. To be fair, this hasn't happened as often as you would think. Soon after, her bus came and she left.

Girl 4 - Swedish blonde who responded positively. She was very talkative and from the face of it, enjoyed the interaction. This was an ideal instadate option, but she had to go to pick up her child, as she's an au pair, so we weren't able to talk for long. Asked her if she would like to get an ice cream or milkshake sometime, she agreed eagerly. Took the number knowing that it wasn't going to lead anywhere, as I didn't speak to her long enough, and in my experience, if a girl is enjoying the interaction and makes it super easy, she's just an agreeable or friendly girl and doesn't know how to say no or what she actually thinks. Sent her an icebreaker an hour later and no response. In my experience, it's the ones who show some resistance even if it's token and are somewhat unsure who are the ones that I actually have success with.

Girl 5 - English blonde who had that confused look on her face like all English girls do when day game approached. Spoke to her for a bit as we walked down a busy street until we reached her destination. I told her to wait for a second, she agreed but then asked the shop keeper what time they were closing. They were closing at that very moment, so she left.

Positives - I approached more than the 3 I had intended.

Negatives - All but one were moving targets on the street, which is not the type of target or venue I have any positive reference experiences of.
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Aug 12, 2020
Interesting post. I've just started getting back into the Game after my 2 year LTR ended abruptly several months back.

I've found Daygame much more difficult then it was a few years back. I don't know if it's my mindset or the increased Covid fear. Heavy mask use has also made day approaching a lot more difficult. I'm combining daygame with online game, where I'm having more success.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hey-lover nice to see you back... I notice similar stuff like you with day game, for me the biggest problem is the lack of targets, volume in the city i am in ( i can go hours before seeing a target, at least you don't have that issue), the mask has been a bit challenging as well, women are friendlier now though, at least here...

P.s. Contact @Teevster so they raise your ranking...


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Nice to see you on here hey_lover!

I enjoyed reading your post and agree that approaching girls with masks (while you wear one) isn't ideal, as it muffles speech and hides part of your face, which is important to display emotions. However it is not impossible and can even be done successfully. As for girls wearing masks out on the street yes that's probably a bad sign.

Congrats on landing a flat in a touristy part of town. This should mean you have access to more girls and can live a fuller sex life. I agree with you that street stops are very hit and miss and stationary sets tend to be better as well as approaching indirectly.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 14, 2012
Really well done on the approaches! You're way ahead of most guys now. Keep up the good work and practicing. I enjoyed reading your approach reports.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Went to the park today with the intention of finding leisurely or aimlessly walking girls. Unfortunately, the weather had turned and I spent around 20 minutes before aborting mission. I decided to take the bus down to the shopping mall, rather than doing the 20 minute walk, in order to avoid becoming distracted and spending my efforts on low probability street targets. Turned up to my destination and decided to sarge on the pathways between the mall and the tube station.

Approach 1 - I was on the bus and a cute looking girl with a mask came down and stood next to me. The upper part of her face and her body looked attractive so I decided I would approach her once we got off. Unfortunately, for her, I noticed a blonde outside who seemed lost and was on her phone. I got off and raced towards her, however, before I could get there, I noticed another blonde to my left who was trying to cross the street. I switched targets and immediately approached her. Tried to engage her in a conversation whilst crossing the street which was less than ideal. We reached the tube station and she said she really had to go.

I walked around for a while and into the mall with little success. I had spent about an hour and decided to go back towards the bus stop and call it a day.

Approach 2 - As I reached the bus stop, a fake blonde walk passed me so I pivoted to catch up. Unfortunately, there was a guy lying down on the street. She slowed down and looked on with a sad expression on her face. I thought against approaching with my usual opener so made a remark about how someone should call the police. She said he's probably just drunk, so I said that I had left my hometown to avoid seeing things like that. At this point, she had resumed her initial speed (hot girls have a tendency to power walk everywhere) and got quite a bit in front of me and said that's London for you. I should have persisted and caught up to her but she was walking at speed and I would have had to run to get side-by-side. I usually don't run after girls if they're walking at speed.

Approach 3 - I returned to the bus stop and saw a blue-eyed brunette walking towards me. I approached her and delivered my usual spiel. Some moments later, some guy appears and hugs me from behind. It turns out to be one of my friends from the area. This threw me off quite a bit, but he left after saying hello. I reengaged the girl but could see her losing interest. She then told me she had a boyfriend and then took my number after I had suggested a meet.

Approach 4 - This time I was sat at the bus stop intending to go home, only for a ridiculously curvy girl to walk past. I'm not into curvy girls but she had very pretty face so I naturally followed. Caught up to her and opened. A hood rat from the street interjected and told her how beautiful she was. I remain unphased ignoring him completely until he finished and then continued on with my stack. He walked away for a brief moment only to return again and ask me what I thought was beautiful about her. The girl was clearly uncomfortable at this point, I continued to ignore him and he finally walked off. The girl ejected pretty much straight after.

Approach 5 - I walked back to my bus stop for the umpteenth time and as I stood there a tanned dark-eyed brunette was stood in front of me. She was not my type like the two previous but I found her really cute despite her hair being tied back (I am a sucker for flowy hair). She slowly walked past and all I had to say was hello, so I did. It was a very low effort approach. We spoke for a bit and she returned every question back to me, so I was sure she was interested. I asked her to join me to sit down, which she agreed, so we began to walk towards the mall. It wasn't quite an instadate as we didn't drink anything but we sat down on some seats near the entrance. We deep dived quite a bit and I tried to engage her in as much eye-contact as possible to create a bubble. Then another guy appears and asks if we were a couple, as he wanted a cigarette from the girl. I joked that we were divorced and that we had reconnected after 5 years. He asked why, I told him because we couldn't make babies and the girl told him that it was all my fault, joining in the role play. Unfortunately, the guy was quite spiritual and started going off on one. Eventually he left after rolling a cigarette and we continued our talk. Soon after we exchanged numbers with the intention of meeting up again and I walked her back to the tube station. Sadly, she gave me a foreign number which I can't seem to send a text to, despite adjusting the pre-fix to format the number correctly. She also showed me her phone so that I took the number down correctly, yet I've tried numerous variations of the number to no avail.

Interestingly, as cute as she was and as much as I would had liked to fuck her, especially as Mediterranean girls are so passionate in bed, I couldn't help but be distracted by every blonde that walked past. Obviously, I maintained my focus on her, but it's something I always experience when I'm with girls who aren't my type, regardless of how much I like the girl.

Positives - Delivered a quasi-instadate. Approached more than the 3 I had intended.

Negatives - Call the girl next time to ensure you get the right number. I have always opted against this as it shows you don't trust the girl. To be fair, I have taken countless foreign numbers before and know how to format it correctly so she can receive messages. However, this number just doesn't seem to work for some reason. She first put in the number herself for whatsapp and then she showed me her phone for another number to send SMS to. Neither numbers work.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Interesting post. I've just started getting back into the Game after my 2 year LTR ended abruptly several months back.

I've found Daygame much more difficult then it was a few years back. I don't know if it's my mindset or the increased Covid fear. Heavy mask use has also made day approaching a lot more difficult. I'm combining daygame with online game, where I'm having more success.

It's annoying. I doubled down on my daygame efforts and deleted all social media and dating apps from my phone. I don't like online game as the girls are never as attractive as their pictures and I'm also short, so I hate spending time trying to figure out how tall they are. Unfortunately, daygame has been most affected during Covid, whilst online is booming. All of my friends are getting laid from online.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Hey-lover nice to see you back... I notice similar stuff like you with day game, for me the biggest problem is the lack of targets, volume in the city i am in ( i can go hours before seeing a target, at least you don't have that issue), the mask has been a bit challenging as well, women are friendlier now though, at least here...

P.s. Contact @Teevster so they raise your ranking...

Good to see you again brother! I suffered severely with this issue in the past but I really can't complain about this since I moved. I often have trouble getting to my destination due to the number of hot girls walking around. There has been countless times where I have approached a hottie on my doorstep.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Nice to see you on here hey_lover!

I enjoyed reading your post and agree that approaching girls with masks (while you wear one) isn't ideal, as it muffles speech and hides part of your face, which is important to display emotions. However it is not impossible and can even be done successfully. As for girls wearing masks out on the street yes that's probably a bad sign.

Congrats on landing a flat in a touristy part of town. This should mean you have access to more girls and can live a fuller sex life. I agree with you that street stops are very hit and miss and stationary sets tend to be better as well as approaching indirectly.

Likewise. Good to see most from the old forum having migrated here.

I feel that street stops are too jarring for girls. The streets are vast and you have to go out of your way to approach her, and will end up doing so in a very direct way. It may initially impress girls as it displays a ton of confidence, but you also give off the impression that you do this often and I think that's something you want to avoid. She is also going somewhere specific, so it's difficult derailing her. Ideally, indirectly approaching stationary targets is best, but they are incredibly rare in London because of the pace of the city and I have previously gone home without a single approach looking for such women.

I've had great success with slow moving targets and generally avoid anyone who is walking at speed. I often try to manufacturer situations where she just happens to walk by me as I am unwittingly going about my day. For example, in field I expand my vision to see as far and wide as possible. I have trialled approaching from the front when a girl is walking by, but this too can be a little jarring. So what I often do is if I see a girl in the distance, I immediately turn around and start walking in the same direction her, and then use my peripheral vision to try and position myself so that we are walking in the same line. Then I will slow down and allow her to walk by and then approach her as she's passing along my side. It's very hard to manufacture as you can imagine, but I've had it work many times.

Thanks! Meeting an abundance of hot women was one of the key drivers to moving here and I will do whatever it takes to make it happen.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Need to continue going out between 6-9 pm. I have found this to be the best time to game in the past as girls are more likely to be walking around aimlessly or on the way home and more prone to being derailed.

My mid-game is out of whack and I need to rehearse some stuff at home. Would also like to trial strawberry fields the next time I bounce a girl.

I suggested the bounce after delivering an SOI I had recently worked on. Delivered it twice so far with good results.

You know...I was wrong about you...I thought you'd be nice...(both times the girls interrupted and pleaded they were)...but actually....you're very nice. *said with a slowly emerging smile and change in tonality from disappointment to well-pleased.*


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Went to the same spot as yesterday. I think this will be the location for the forseeable future.

Approach 1 - Saw a tanned Mediterranean stood outside a smaller shopping center opposite the tube station. Opened her and within a couple minutes we started walking towards a nearby park. She was hot but she had coffee teeth which really turns me off and she was also 27 years. I can be really particular like that but I stuck with her. I delivered the strawberry fields upon sitting down and left an open loop by telling her she wasn't ready for what the farmer represented. She really enjoyed the routine. Then I asked her what was the most interesting thing that had happened to her in the past few years. She told me about the drugs she had tried. I've tried many myself so was able to relate. She then told be she had taken GHB which is a sex drug but she took too high a dose, so didn't feel horny enough to fuck but felt like she had made love to the music. Asked her how the feeling differed from MDMA. She said it was different, like she became really wet from it. So I asked her if she got wet normally from music, she said she did, but on this occasion she became incredibly wet. I could see her getting turned on as she recalled the encounter and....then asked for my instagram so she could leave. We had been speaking for about an hour at this point.

I have had this happen often where a girl becomes sexually aroused and jumps ship. I don't sexually arouse during daygame for this very reason, but it's something that happens more of than not when arousal does take place. Which is why I leave it for day 2 or if it's a SDL, much later on when I've bounced her to a second location.

Approach 2 - I was waiting in the queue to go inside Zara when I saw a girl walking by in a mask. She had dark blonde hair with big blue eyes, she saw me and did a double take. I pounced on her without a moments hesitation. She asked why I had just left the queue, I told her I was minding my own business until I had become distracted by her. She was very receptive and exactly my type. She had her head tilted to the side which is something I always do and then offered her hand to exchange names. The handshake hand hold was a staple pre-Covid but I have not attempted it thus far for obvious reasons. We had a long lingering handshake which showed that it was on. She asked me where I was from and she got it after dropping a few hints. Then I said, don't tell me you are from Lithuania and walked off in faux-shock with my hands on my head. She followed behind me as I moved to the side and asked how I knew. Told her I had deep history with women from her country, that they were warm at first but then turned icy cold afterwards. Told her I had an ex from there. By the way, I love Lithuanian women, I must have met several hundreds during my daygame escapades over the past 5 years, which is how I knew she was from there. They're hot like Russian girls but lower status and without the bitch shields.

I made a mistake by getting a little too excited by her receptiveness, so I miscalibrated and suggested we sit down before I had gone through my early game routine. She said she had to go, so I took a step back and continued talking. After talking about travelling and hiking, I delivered my SOI and her response was dynamite. She said she knew there would be a twist. I suggested to sit down again and she was like she has to go as she has plans later. Said that I should take her contact details and asked for my instagram. I told her I deleted social media earlier in the year. I had actually done that but downloaded Instagram yesterday to find a lost girl from last weekend, which is also how I closed Approach 1. However, I did not want to close this girl the same way so insisted on the number. She said she doesn't trust anyone that doesn't use social media. I told her that I lived life in the present and was not consumed with sharing my life with others. She said she respected my decision and then gave her number. We hand shaked and double cheek kissed before parting. Was a little disappointed she didn't comply with sitting down, but perhaps she was short on time. I could also sense she disagreed with me on my social media stance and also that I didn't connect with her on her passion for hiking.

Anyway, at this point I was flying and really wanted to continue gaming. Unfortunately, I was inside the mall and usually when I get a number I feel good about, I end up leaving to avoid being seen with another girl. I've seen many guys in field get a solid number and jump straight into another set. I would like to do that but I think it defeats the purpose of gaming. If you've got a good lead, then why sabotage it by attempting to get another girl in the same vicinity?
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Approach 5 - I walked back to my bus stop for the umpteenth time and as I stood there a tanned dark-eyed brunette was stood in front of me. She was not my type like the two previous but I found her really cute despite her hair being tied back (I am a sucker for flowy hair). She slowly walked past and all I had to say was hello, so I did. It was a very low effort approach. We spoke for a bit and she returned every question back to me, so I was sure she was interested. I asked her to join me to sit down, which she agreed, so we began to walk towards the mall. It wasn't quite an instadate as we didn't drink anything but we sat down on some seats near the entrance. We deep dived quite a bit and I tried to engage her in as much eye-contact as possible to create a bubble. Then another guy appears and asks if we were a couple, as he wanted a cigarette from the girl. I joked that we were divorced and that we had reconnected after 5 years. He asked why, I told him because we couldn't make babies and the girl told him that it was all my fault, joining in the role play. Unfortunately, the guy was quite spiritual and started going off on one. Eventually he left after rolling a cigarette and we continued our talk. Soon after we exchanged numbers with the intention of meeting up again and I walked her back to the tube station. Sadly, she gave me a foreign number which I can't seem to send a text to, despite adjusting the pre-fix to format the number correctly. She also showed me her phone so that I took the number down correctly, yet I've tried numerous variations of the number to no avail.

Interestingly, as cute as she was and as much as I would had liked to fuck her, especially as Mediterranean girls are so passionate in bed, I couldn't help but be distracted by every blonde that walked past. Obviously, I maintained my focus on her, but it's something I always experience when I'm with girls who aren't my type, regardless of how much I like the girl.

I liked reading about the role-playing, I've never tried that before! And just a thought, since she's foreign do you reckon her number would show up on WhatsApp, or telegram, etc...?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016

With the end of the year approaching - I thought it was time I reflected back on my escapades and identified areas to improve and concerns to overcome.

A little background. I moved to the centre of London in March 2020. This coincided with Covid and as much as I don't give a shit about it, it has undoubtedly impacted by results. In November 2020, I moved back home as I was made redundant and then moved back to the centre in April 2021 where I've been since.

I've approached 400 women since May 2021

I number closed - 1 in 5 women
I instadated - 1 in 80 women
I dated - 1 in 8 number closes
I slept with - 1 in 4.5 dates = 2 in total

The numbers are frankly atrocious and my results are similar to what I achieved when I went full-time into day game almost 7 years ago now.

My goal at this stage and has been since 2018 is to secure an 8+ as a girlfriend. I want to settle down for 3 years and focus on something else.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Factors, Status/Education, Venue:

I grew up in a lower middle-class household and I developed many attractive behaviours compared to people and girls in my area. I honed my day game skills in a shopping mall in a lower-class area of the city near where I grew up. During this time, game was my only focus in life. You could say I completed a three-year undergraduate degree in game where I learnt, memorised, rehearsed, researched and applied game material, techniques and theory for over 10,000 hours in the field. The girls I met during this time were hot, low-skilled immigrants (waitresses, cleaners etc.) with limited English. Leveraging my status, learning game and looks maxing meant that I slept with 3 personal 10's within 6 months, two of which were affairs lasting a few months.

Now, I live in an upper class/rich area where I no longer have a status edge. The girls I meet are high-skilled immigrants (investment bankers, tech consultants), highly educated and on average even hotter. My game is not as sharp as it was back then, but I have still retained most of it. So expectedly my results have plummeted. It's not that the girls aren't responding to me. In fact, they are responding far better than the limited English speakers, but these girls are proving to be more difficult. I have number closed so many 8+ who I had excellent interactions with, interactions that would have previously landed me dates, but getting them out has proved to be impossible.

My results are telling me that this demographic of woman - educated, highly skilled, upper-middle, upper class - is by far the least receptive day game target. My intuition is telling me that this type of woman has her pick of men, and simply doesn't need to take the social risk of meeting a stranger off the street. Furthermore, I have always preferred 'dumber' women who are more in line with their biological drives and nature. The educated women come across far more calculated and more stringent in their mate selection criteria. I had one girl use the Cube on me for fuck's sake.

I'm also meeting these women on high streets and main roads which is different to the shopping mall that I had success with in the past. I also no longer use public transport which was the source of many dates and lays as I live within walking distance to work and amenities.

In short, the status and hotness of women have increased, whilst the daygame environment I had success in has also changed.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2021

With the end of the year approaching - I thought it was time I reflected back on my escapades and identified areas to improve and concerns to overcome.

A little background. I moved to the centre of London in March 2020. This coincided with Covid and as much as I don't give a shit about it, it has undoubtedly impacted by results. In November 2020, I moved back home as I was made redundant and then moved back to the centre in April 2021 where I've since been.

I've approached 400 women since May 2021

I number closed - 1 in 5 women
I instadated - 1 in 80 women
I dated - 1 in 8 number closes
I slept with - 1 in 4.5 dates = 2 in total

The numbers are frankly atrocious and my results are similar to what I achieved when I went full-time into day game almost 7 years ago now.
The only numbers that seem "atrocious" in this are overall approach count (you should easily be doing 200 per month in Central London) and your date -> lay conversion.

1 in 5 approach -> number is standard.
1 in 8 number -> date is fantastic. Many guys don't get above 1 in 25, myself included.

My results are telling me that this demographic of woman - educated, highly skilled, upper-middle, upper class - is by far the least receptive day game target. My intuition is telling me that this type of woman has her pick of men, and simply doesn't need to take the social risk of meeting a stranger off the street. Furthermore, I have always preferred 'dumber' women who are more in line with their biological drives and nature. The educated women come across far more calculated and more stringent in their mate selection criteria. I had one girl use the Cube on me for fuck's sake.
Spot on. There's a reason why all the London Daygame guys pretty much only fuck tourists.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012
Factors, Status/Education, Venue:

I grew up in a lower middle-class household and I developed many attractive behaviours compared to people and girls in my area. I honed my day game skills in a shopping mall in a lower-class area of the city near where I grew up. During this time, game was my only focus in life. You could say I completed a three-year undergraduate degree in game where I learnt, memorised, rehearsed, researched and applied game material, techniques and theory for over 10,000 hours in the field. The girls I met during this time were hot, low-skilled immigrants (waitresses, cleaners etc.) with limited English. Leveraging my status, learning game and looks maxing meant that I slept with 3 personal 10's within 6 months, two of which were affairs lasting a few months.

Now, I live in an upper class/rich area where I no longer have a status edge over. The girls I meet are high-skilled immigrants (investment bankers, tech consultants), highly educated and on average even hotter. My game is not as sharp as it was back then, but I have still retained most of it. So expectedly my results have plummeted. It's not that the girls aren't responding to me. In fact, they are responding far better than the limited English speakers, but these girls are proving to be more difficult. I have number closed so many 8+ who I had excellent interactions with, interactions that would have previously landed me dates, but getting them out has proved to be impossible.

My results are telling me that this demographic of woman - educated, highly skilled, upper-middle, upper class - is by far the least receptive day game target. My intuition is telling me that this type of woman has her pick of men, and simply doesn't need to take the social risk of meeting a stranger off the street. Furthermore, I have always preferred 'dumber' women who are more in line with their biological drives and nature. The educated women come across far more calculated and more stringent in their mate selection criteria. I had one girl use the Cube on me for fuck's sake.

I'm also meeting these women on high streets and main roads which is different to the shopping mall that I had success with in the past. I also no longer use public transport which was the source of many dates and lays as I live within walking distance to work and amenities.

In short, the status and hotness of women have increased, whilst the daygame environment I had success in has also changed.
hey bro,

could be off the mark here, but here’s what my gut feel is in this.

You’re in an area where the women are clearly higher status than you. Cool. So competing on statue is out. Perhaps working from a compliance angle might work better, perhaps a more indirect approach, where you immerse and intrigue a girl first?

Avoid triggering their status concerns and instead knock at a door less guarded.

Not many men can create an experience for a woman, I don’t care how “high class” a girl is.

Given the chance to be swept up in a unique, immersive experience, where discretion is established and any sign of negative consequences to her status quelled - why would she not jump for it?

Spitballing. But perhaps this could be an avenue you explore…


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
I'll detail dates I had with girls since March 2020 to identify patterns and areas to improve;

Bulgarian Blonde 23y Accountant - Met at the end of a shopping street - Number closed her under 5 mins in the afternoon - Met for a walk in the park - Didn't let me kiss her at the end, saying she recently decided to take things slow - Never met again

Bulgarian Blonde 22y Tech Consultant - Met on a shopping street - Number closed under 5 mins in the evening - Met three times - Told me she wanted to be friends first - Ended up at mine and she slept over twice - Tried every sexual arousal tactic in the book - Got her down to her thong but never let me fuck her - Said she wanted me to respect her - then said she's leaving the country and is getting back with her ex - She wanted to control the pace and take things slow which obviously didn't fly with me so it never worked

Polish Blonde 19y Waitress - Met on a shopping street (on pedestrian crossing) - Instadated her in afternoon - Slept with her over three times (the so-called conversion number) - She auto-rejected as I didn't give her enough attention (not messaging her for 5 hours after we slept together) - Reconnected a year later - She chased me - Ended it as I didn't want a repeat of the first time

Romanian Brunette 40y Clinic Manager - Met on a shopping street (on pedestrian crossing) - Number closed after a long evening walk - Met her twice and had lengthy makeouts - She lived outside of the city where I'd drive to see her - I had moved back home at this stage so no logistics - she was very secretive about her place so no place to bang -

Moldovan Brunette 29y Hotel Manager - Met on a shopping street - Number closed under 5 mins in the late afternoon- Met her twice during furlough period and had lengthy makeouts - No logistics as I lived at home and she lived where she worked - Didn't want to pay money for a hotel - Told me she has a very busy schedule normally and will struggle to find time when she returns

American Brunette 34y Investment Banker - Met on a high street (on pedestrian crossing) - Number closed under 5 mins in the late afternoon - Slept with her over three times (conversion rate) - Girl was perfect GF material if she wasn't two years older than me or a brunette - Hot, educated, affectionate, low drama - Sadly had to let her go

Australian Brunette 26y TV Presenter - Met on a residential street - Number closed under 5 mins in the night - She was so drunk she didn't remember me and came out because she was curious to see who I was LOL. - Had a BF who was in her DP - Met up for a drink where I kissed her - She invited me back to hers - We had gone through 3 bottles of wine at this point - She lighted a spliff and I saw that glazed look come over her eyes - Tried to get her to sit on my lap - she resisted and then asked me to leave straight after

French 24y Brunette Fuck Knows - Met on the main road (on pedestrian crossing) - Number closed under 5 mins in the early evening - Met for a coffee in the afternoon - was in CBA to wait mode - tried to kiss her after 20 minutes - didn't work

Russian 23y Brunette Barista - Met on a shopping street on a bench - Friend had approached her group - Number closed after 20 minutes - Met for a walk in the park - Thought everything went well - Never met up again

Russian 27y Blonde Investment Banker - Met on a shopping street - Instadated in the early evening - Met for a coffee in the evening - turned out to be a non-drinking obedient Muslim - completely threw me off - got way too emotionally invested over text - Friendzoned me

Russian ??? Blonde Finance Student - Met on a shopping street - Instadated in the early evening - Met for dinner - She wouldn't tell me anything about her - her name or age - weird as fuck - Challenged my sexual reframe about how men and women should be free to sleep with whoever without judgment - Didn't have a good enough response - Date derailed from that point

Irish 25y Brunette Language Therapist - Met on a shopping street at a bus stop - Number closed her on the bus as I reached my stop - Mapped out a 3 date bounce in the evening - Started making out at venue 2 - Walked her back to mine, got her inside. - Offered her a drink - talked a little while - took her glass and put it the table - escalated - she resisted and left immediately - Later told me she is tired of guys who move fast

Albanian Brunette 24y Student - Met on a high street - Number closed after a lengthy walk - Met for a drink after I finished work and she finished uni- has a kid and lives far away so first date sex odds were low - was pissed at herself for letting me kiss her so quickly LOL - Went cold over text - I've reengaged and am speaking to her at the moment - Very likely to see her again when she returns from holiday.

Estonian Red 26y HNW Account Manager - Met in shopping mall - Number closed under 5 mins - Lost her number - She reached out to me - Met for a drink in the evening - Went to a club after - Went back to hers and slept with her.

Pedestrian crossings are a relatively good place to meet girls. Had a few other instadates and number closes that started at the crossing.

In the past, I always aimed for instadates as I almost never got dates from quick closes. Still prefer them to quick closes but harder to manufacture as people are busier.

Drink dates make for quicker intimacy and physical touching. In the past, I did milkshake dates and used verbals to arouse. I think alcohol is a crutch and your odds are better if you rely on influence to elicit all the emotions you want.

Having said that, controlling the interaction to such a degree is mentally demanding and sometimes I just want to let loose on a date.

I also have no patience or containment - I escalate very quickly - Handhold followed by kiss - sometimes I just go straight in - I had better results when I showed restraint - I just can't be asked to wait anymore - I go on dates now with the mentality of just kissing her as soon as - I know it's hurting my results
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
hey bro,

could be off the mark here, but here’s what my gut feel is in this.

You’re in an area where the women are clearly higher status than you. Cool. So competing on statue is out. Perhaps working from a compliance angle might work better, perhaps a more indirect approach, where you immerse and intrigue a girl first?

Avoid triggering their status concerns and instead knock at a door less guarded.

Not many men can create an experience for a woman, I don’t care how “high class” a girl is.

Given the chance to be swept up in a unique, immersive experience, where discretion is established and any sign of negative consequences to her status quelled - why would she not jump for it?

Spitballing. But perhaps this could be an avenue you explore…

So I've written a lot about what I've done but not so much about how I've done it.

My game is predicated on Gunwitch 3 Key's, Bacchus opening game, and Teev's sexual game. I establish non-judgmental frames from the off and use verbal influence to intrigue, stimulate and arouse.

I have had uber-hot girls compliment me on my approach, compliment my vibe, compliment me on my behaviours, tell me how much they enjoyed my approach and be completely immersed during the interaction. But then go cold or flake over the phone. I lose most girls over the phone which seems consistent across the board. More than anything it's highlighted to me how much availability is also a factor.
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