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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Reflecting on my results;

Improve my texting to increase the number of girls that come on dates.

I have long applied the following principles
1. Text 1-3 messages a day - usually taking hours to respond
2. Text for 3-4 consecutive days before pitching a meet
3. Asking her schedule and selecting a day when she's available
4. Making informative statements about what I'm doing and I've done
5. Very little use of flirting - almost no humour - avoid coming across gamey
6. Persisting and trying again the next day if she doesn't respond
7. Rarely asking questions
8. Occasionally, send cool pictures or videos of places I'm at
9. Text in the morning, afternoon and early evening

Personally, I don't think there's much room for improvement here. In my opinion, her perception of you from the initial interaction and her availability are greater factors if she's to come out, once you have solid text game and aren't making basic mistakes.

Every girl is different. Some girls need more text attention to avoid auto-rejection, whilst others are of higher value and take ages to respond themselves. As such, I'm flexible and try to read the girls requirements. I've noticed younger girls auto-reject when I apply the aforementioned number and frequency.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Increase the number of girls that I bed from dates

Rehearse and remember mid-game and end-game material - It's been a long time (years) since I practiced the material so I need to go over it again. I'm winging the conversation on insta-dates and dates at the moment and I'm not as methodical as I once was, as I've forgotten half of the material.

Identify a dating process that I can consistently apply - As I moved to a new area, I've explored various date venues and locations to identify the best options. Every date I went on was a new place I hadn't been to before. The idea is to have a repeatable process, which means taking every girl to the same spot and taking her through the same steps.

I applied the process I want to use moving forward on my date with the Irish girl.

Schedule meet in front of a tube station 10 mins walk from mine > walk to cocktail bar 2 mins from station > walk to second drink venue 10 mins from venue 1 > walk straight to mine

Inviting her - Rarely invite as I prefer to remove them from the decision making process - Prefer just leading them straight to the sex location - Have occasionally had negative reactions on the doorstep or in the location but by this point, they are already so invested that they come in. - I don't know if this lowers the odds of her putting out which is why I'm mentioning it - Irish girl had a negative reaction inside my place

It was a process I repeated consistently in a previous place I lived - I would just say that I wanted to charge my phone before I walked her to the station - worked every single time - but that was then and this is now

I have also changed the process from 3 venues to 2 venues - as I found that 3 hours is the sweet spot before the energy and vibe starts to dissipate - so ideally you want to pull by this point - so 3 venues tend to feel rushed if I'm trying to pull in that time frame
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Reflecting on my results;

Improve my texting to increase the number of girls that come on dates.

I have long applied the following principles
1. Text 1-3 messages a day - usually taking hours to respond
2. Text for 3-4 consecutive days before pitching a meet
3. Asking her schedule and selecting a day when she's available
4. Making informative statements about what I'm doing and I've done
5. Very little use of flirting - almost no humour - avoid coming across gamey
6. Persisting and trying again the next day if she doesn't respond
7. Rarely asking questions
8. Occasionally, send cool pictures or videos of places I'm at
9. Text in the morning, afternoon and early evening

Personally, I don't think there's much room for improvement here. In my opinion, her perception of you from the initial interaction and her availability are greater factors if she's to come out, once you have solid text game and aren't making basic mistakes.

Every girl is different. Some girls need more text attention to avoid auto-rejection, whilst others are of higher value and take ages to respond themselves. As such, I'm flexible and try to read the girls requirements. I've noticed younger girls auto-reject when I apply the aforementioned number and frequency.

1.- The limiting the text to 1-3 makes no sense.... If you are having momentum in the texting she is getting pumped up and is horny that day, do you go i hit my 3 message limit let me stop... This makes no sense, don't put a limit, makes 0 sense...

2.- what if on they 1 she is ovulating and wants dick are you going to wait 4 days? this remind me of mm 7 hour rule but in texting...

3.- noooo, first soft close to gauge where she is act (testing waters) pre hard close (asking schedule)

4.- only if is dhv combine with flirting "at the gym trying to look buff and fit for hour upcoming date" " I text you in a bit finishing with clients" "at gymnastics/capoeira text you in a bit"

5.- DEATH SENTENCE/ this should be a priority, this is most important in texting...

6.- Don't do this

7.- bad come on!

8.- Not needed, but not bad, you want to keep yourself a mystery but have couple of dhv type pics that are FIELD TESTED, and have work with other women (aka you always get positive responses from the pics) you can keep using them over and over...(women do this too)

9.- this does not matter....(i do recommend morning with emoji as ping)

Bro if you keep doing what you been doing you will get same results (3 different seducers tons of communalities):

Actually the new member did not write it he took from yohamis ( i like what not to do samples a lot of his structure meh):

p.s. the discussion about touch i found the article, read for yourself: https://www.girlschase.com/content/touch-during-seduction-how-much-too-much
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
I trialled texting more frequently and using humour/flirting for a couple years and I've reverted to the above principles because my success rate didn't improve. Most likely due to incongruence.

One's texting style is usually an extension of there personality and in-field interactions. I'm not talkative, all that funny or very charismatic in person so expectedly I was unable to keep girls engaged nor was I successful when trying to text like that. After a bit of back and forth, they would ghost, as I couldn't keep it going.

I have charismatic extroverted friends who tell me tales about texting marathons which go on for hours but they are also incredibly funny and charismatic in person.

I use indirect daygame where I don't verbally establish a man to woman frame. I rely on non-verbal and subcommunication to demonstrate sexual threat during the initial interaction. So to then start flirting and setting man to woman frames over text comes as a surprise to the girl. Girls don't respond positively when I've done it and they usually ignore.

Bare in mind, I am talking exclusively about my texting strategy from number close to date/s. Once I escalate on the date and establish man to woman frame, then I flirt over text. After that, it's open season.

I also text infrequently because I want to establish the frame that I am not available to text. My phone is on silent and I don't like to constantly be on my phone, so I don't want to set an expectation that I will be there when she wants dick or wants to chat. I lose girls because of this but my needs/sanity/focus/ lifestyle takes higher precedence over her. Also, the reason why I couldn't hold on to girls I wanted to keep despite sleeping with them several times.

Last night, a girl I slept with earlier in the month messaged me around 10pm. I rarely ever respond to people past 8pm. I saw it and it was her asking if I was up. I responded and momentarily fantasised about what seemed like a booty call. Then I left it and woke up to messages asking where I was and her stating he want for cuddles. I know if I'm not available again when she wants it, she's gonna move on.

I want to fuck her again but I don't regret being unavailable yesterday. I was done for the day, and was watching Mad Men, lol. I know being available in the night is a key tenet of fucking girls and being a good FB. But I value my sleep and schedule more. So it is what it is.

I don't have a quantity problem, I have a quality problem.

3-4 consecutive days?!?!! I pitch a meet within four messages of meeting a girl. Usually day after if she's responsive.

Texting for logistics has never worked for me. Tried it hundreds of times and girls just ignore the pitch. It's only after 3-4 days of daily texting do they ever agree and come out.

I've tried texting more and texting less. Being conversational and being funny. Using voice notes and sending texts. Sending short texts and sending long texts. Being descriptive and being logical. Making statements and asking questions. Can't say there's anything that works more than the other. It's all confirmation bias, in my opinion. If a girl is down everything will work, if a girl is not l, nothing will. Absolutist? Sure.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
1.- The limiting the text to 1-3 makes no sense.... If you are having momentum in the texting she is getting pumped up and is horny that day, do you go i hit my 3 message limit let me stop... This makes no sense, don't put a limit, makes 0 sense...

2.- what if on they 1 she is ovulating and wants dick are you going to wait 4 days? this remind me of mm 7 hour rule but in texting...

3.- noooo, first soft close to gauge where she is act (testing waters) pre hard close (asking schedule)

4.- only if is dhv combine with flirting "at the gym trying to look buff and fit for hour upcoming date" " I text you in a bit finishing with clients" "at gymnastics/capoeira text you in a bit"

5.- DEATH SENTENCE/ this should be a priority, this is most important in texting...

6.- Don't do this

7.- bad come on!

8.- Not needed, but not bad, you want to keep yourself a mystery but have couple of dhv type pics that are FIELD TESTED, and have work with other women (aka you always get positive responses from the pics) you can keep using them over and over...(women do this too)

9.- this does not matter....(i do recommend morning with emoji as ping)

Bro if you keep doing what you been doing you will get same results (3 different seducers tons of communalities):

Actually the new member did not write it he took from yohamis ( i like what not to do samples a lot of his structure meh):

p.s. the discussion about touch i found the article, read for yourself: https://www.girlschase.com/content/touch-during-seduction-how-much-too-much
I've often gone back to your first(?) texting blog post and have used some of the lines religiously. The dream line for example. Good to see you've posted some more to clarify your method.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I trialled texting more frequently and using humour/flirting for a couple years and I've reverted to the above principles because my success rate didn't improve. Most likely due to incongruence.

One's texting style is usually an extension of there personality and in-field interactions. I'm not talkative, all that funny or very charismatic in person so expectedly I was unable to keep girls engaged nor was I successful when trying to text like that. After a bit of back and forth, they would ghost, as I couldn't keep it going.

I have charismatic extroverted friends who tell me tales about texting marathons which go on for hours but they are also incredibly funny and charismatic in person.

I use indirect daygame where I don't verbally establish a man to woman frame. I rely on non-verbal and subcommunication to demonstrate sexual threat during the initial interaction. So to then start flirting and setting man to woman frames over text comes as a surprise to the girl. Girls don't respond positively when I've done it and they usually ignore.

Bare in mind, I am talking exclusively about my texting strategy from number close to date/s. Once I escalate on the date and establish man to woman frame, then I flirt over text. After that, it's open season.

I also text infrequently because I want to establish the frame that I am not available to text. My phone is on silent and I don't like to constantly be on my phone, so I don't want to set an expectation that I will be there when she wants dick or wants to chat. I lose girls because of this but my needs/sanity/focus/ lifestyle takes higher precedence over her. Also, the reason why I couldn't hold on to girls I wanted to keep despite sleeping with them several times.

Last night, a girl I slept with earlier in the month messaged me around 10pm. I rarely ever respond to people past 8pm. I saw it and it was her asking if I was up. I responded and momentarily fantasised about what seemed like a booty call. Then I left it and woke up to messages asking where I was and her stating he want for cuddles. I know if I'm not available again when she wants it, she's gonna move on.

I want to fuck her again but I don't regret being unavailable yesterday. I was done for the day, and was watching Mad Men, lol. I know being available in the night is a key tenet of fucking girls and being a good FB. But I value my sleep and schedule more. So it is what it is.

I don't have a quantity problem, I have a quality problem.

Texting for logistics has never worked for me. Tried it hundreds of times and girls just ignore the pitch. It's only after 3-4 days of daily texting do they ever agree and come out.

I've tried texting more and texting less. Being conversational and being funny. Using voice notes and sending texts. Sending short texts and sending long texts. Being descriptive and being logical. Making statements and asking questions. Can't say there's anything that works more than the other. It's all confirmation bias, in my opinion. If a girl is down everything will work, if a girl is not l, nothing will. Absolutist? Sure.
you could field test @DoWhatWorks https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/texting-guide-for-guys-who-hate-texting.24556/ i don't have an opinion but he has similar personality to yours...


May 6, 2020

hold your horses man. Plastic surgery? Sugar daddying? Test? Do you really need all of this to get laid or a blonde gf? I swear you don’t. Your height don’t matter either. Jesus Christ. You’re seriously considering going to this length for a girl who’s pubes grow out naturally yellow???
Something tells me your self esteem needs a tune up, not your body.
This is borderline bimbo thinking. No disrespect.

Imagine you go through all of that and you still get rejected? Bruv imma say it now, you’re looking in the wrong direction.
Fucking thank you! I literally resurrected this account to thank you for this. Thank You @topcat

I’ll never understand why people will put themselves under the goddamn pedestal to lift up a girl because of physical/racial trait. Like how does it fucking help you and frankly comes off as a creepy and or racial fetishist. Which hey if race play is his thing have fun with it.


Homie, why do you care? I like blonde chicks, I like brown chicks(Latina, Native American,South/East Asian/Mixed ect.) Ethnic background means little to nothing to me. I’ve dated from white to black and everything in between. Why do you think a blonde girl is any better than other girl or YOU because she blonde?

I really feel like bad texting game, uncalibrated and racial insecurity is your biggest problem.

You should follow the text guide listed by the other users. As well as a general rule text to get a date and little to nothing else.

You don’t need to be handsy, especially in public and with a new girl. Indirect touching during high points will get you further than trying to rush the kiss and grabbing tits.

You’re a brown guy! You’re probably not going to get any more or less brown anytime soon unless you take ridiculous measures like bleaching or…this.(https://images.app.goo.gl/h7C97447bZanUkym6)
Are some girls racist or will at least deny you on the basis of race,height, ect. Yeah a few will but considering you can and have dates and bedded blonde girls should be a pretty big sign that it’s not important for dating and bedding blonde girls.
Get your kino calibrated. Move as fast with the phone as you do with touching the girl and wake up every morning saying you’re the true god of Karma Sutra and will teach these western wenches 33 true planes of pleasurable existence.