@Skills I'm a bit confused. perhaps you can help me with some clarity here.
it sounds to me like you are saying that there are two types of screening
The first is traditional screening. This type of screening has a number of facets. Like using your fundamentals to produce iois, and screening logistics when you talk to her. If she is she is not in a position to be pulled, be it because her attraction is not quite there, or her logistics are tricky, you leave set. Maybe number close, maybe re open later. Basically de prioritize her, but still keep as an option is possible. Basically screening is a strategic pipeline to get which girls you prioritize at a given moment, in order to maximize your odds. But still game girls who are not immediate priority, because 'maybe' girls can be flipped.
The second type is what we would call Neo-direct where guys are basically going in super direct and the moment the girl starts to lack compliance they totally abandon her as a possible lead. Basically no it's on or it isn't.
I think we can all agree that the second type is generally going to minimize your playing field, and you can miss out on a lot of potential women that just needed a little gaming to convert.
where I am confused is when you are saying that screening game is dead.
are you talking about the first type? or the second type? which type is the time machine seducer?
it sounds like you are saying that since a lot of DTF girls have moved to online, that it is important to not pass on 'maybe' girls, since they are going to be more common in the club.
wouldn't this mean that you are still using screening in the traditional type one sense? but just that you might not immediately find DTFs. You're still screening for girls you can game over time, be it grabbing number, or re opening.
I guess I am not sure exactly what you are saying is the best strategy for the current era.
obviously you are not advocating for Neo-direct. but I am unclear how you see screening as an optimal strategy in 2025