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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Thursday, August 20

To start is to do, and I need to be involved in lots of doing.

So, it’s about time that I started my journal here. Hopefully, this journal will record my progression from a fledgling seducer into a skilled seducer.

This coincides with my return to college, and hence the field, after my COVID layoff was spent in a logistically abysmal area. I spent the time dedicated to self-improvement, and my mind now feels clearer than ever. My fundamentals are much better – voice, body, understanding of game concepts, etc. In a sense, the break was rather useful to refocus myself away from the distractions of my classes, career preparation, and social life. Now that I had this opportunity, I feel like my potential has now increased in all of these areas.

Of course, I also am extremely excited to experiment with my newfangled understanding of game. As all of you surely know, studying game without being able to in the field is frustrating. Really frustrating. So, the chance to try out some techniques on Thursday was too good of a chance to pass up.

I have a natural inclination towards daygame, but I’m trying to become more well-rounded, so I decided to hit the nightlife of my college town for my first approach opportunities of the school year. Dressing in my typical style, I wear one of my favorite shirts (white, long-sleeved with green accents), slim-fitting washed jeans, and a pair of stylish green sneakers that always get a ton of compliments. I leave my apartment around 10:45 thinking that the streets will be at least a little active with the excitement of a new semester even amidst the pandemic. These are college kids, after all, at a university with a massive Greek scene and that infamous “party school” reputation.

NOPE. At least, kind of.

Foot-traffic wise, it’s pretty dead. However, the bars are packed, even despite city-wide mandates for reduced capacity at all bars between 25-50% depending on the size. Yeah, right! They were more like at 200% capacity – with no masks at all! This is the reason everyone was in the bars and not on the streets. The police were only enforcing mask restrictions outside of the bars…

With Gunwitch’s recent article and SMMA fresh in my mind, my original plan was to strategically post-up with strong body language in what is usually a high-traffic area near my apartment and pretend to be looking at my phone, and then open a lone wolf or small group as they gave me eye contact. That was no longer going to work, so I needed to readjust my plans quickly. Going into the bars wasn’t an option, though, as I am tested weekly for COVID at my two campus jobs and that type of absurd exposure in an area with already high positivity rates was simply jeopardizing too much, as a positive test would put me out of my research for at least two weeks.

It was already risky enough being out, but I NEEDED to game. Street approach was still the best option as I could be outside and keep relative distance, so I reasoned to walk closer to campus in hopes that the foot traffic would be a bit higher.

I guessed right, and when I arrived around the most popular nightlife street closest to campus around 11:30, the police were just leaving (HA!). So, everyone proceeded to take their masks off. Not long after, I saw my first approach opportunity walking in my direction.

She was a well-dressed, petite brunette with curly hair. Alone. A black mini-skirt and low-cut navy top made her quite enticing. Looked young, probably a sophomore. I’ll call her HBPolitico for reasons that will be explained soon. I soon see that HBPolitico is more cute than stunning - maybe a bit lower level of physical attractiveness than what I would typically pursue – but definitely still an attractive girl and within the fuckable realm. And, I’m not about to be overly selective in this situation.

As she nears, I give a distracted look into the distance and wait for her to make eye contact. She does, and I reciprocate with strong, sexual eye contact of my own and really try to focus on emitting my sexual vibe. Then, I try out some ideas that I learned from SMMA:
Me: You have a really strong sense of fashion…

HBPolitico (immediately stops walking and faces me): Oh my god, thank you! You do too! I LOVE your shoes! (told ya about the shoes, LOL)

Me: I like to wear clothing that represents how I feel… you know, you look like someone I know, except there’s something different about your eyes… (she actually did have really pretty brown eyes)

HBPolitico: *blankly stares*

Me: Maybe you’re more open-minded than she is…

HBPolitico: *blank stare turns into sexual stare* (still doesn’t say anything o_O)

Me: I get the sense that you’re the type of girl who really knows what she wants, isn’t afraid of what other people think, and isn’t afraid to go after it.

HBPolitico (doe-eyed already. I realize she is 100% DTF): What’s your political affiliation?!!?!

Haha, she’s already turned on and ready to go! Just trying to screen if I’m “okay to fuck”! I was surprised by her question, though. Luckily, I caught on after taking a moment to calm myself and process what she was doing. Needed to be careful here because of the tense political climate.

Me (with sexual eye contact): What’s your name…?

HBPolitico: HBPolitico. What’s yours?

Me: Lofty, baby.

HBPolitico: Lofty… what’s your political affiliation?

Me: What’s your political affiliation?

HBPolitico: Lofty, I NEED to know your political affiliation. PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!

Me: Where we live right now, politics are so binary. They don’t recognize the spectrum of beliefs that we all have, and they aren’t accepting of thinking… differently. I believe in justice… compassion… and treating people… just the right way…

HBPolitico: Ugh, LOFTY, that’s just something I need to know about you! (by this point, I can tell that she’s likely the strong leftist, feminist type)
She then grabs my hand. This girl is aggressive and surprising. I did not expect her to break the touch barrier herself in the current pandemic. I’m taken a bit off guard, but I take a deep breath and regain my composure. I take a deep stare into her eyes – which she reciprocates – and then after making sure to hold her hand for a bit longer than socially normal, I make a few soft strokes on her palm while staring deeply into her. She then gets really close to me and begins to feel my chest! Oh yeah, she knows what she wants! Looks like the rainbow ruse was right after all ;)

Okay, two thoughts now.
  • Those summer workouts are really paying off!
  • This girl is already sexually aroused and ready to go – I need to move her NOW!
With those in my mind, I press her hand tighter against my chest. She lets out a little sound. Then, I get to business.
Me: I bet you’re stressed after a long, hard first week back at school… let’s take a nice, relaxing walk towards [park across the street from my apartment] and continue this pleasant conversation…

HBPolitico: You’re so intriguing… ugh!!!! You can’t just pick-up girls on the street like this! Why don’t you go to a bar?! You’re so intriguing, but you scare me! You’re going to turn me into a lamp or something!

Oh okay, she’s fighting with a bit of ASD. But I think I can handle it with some playful banter, plausible deniability, and subtle sex talk.

Me: Well… you do have nice skin ;p

HBPolitico: OMG!!!!! (girlish giggling)

Me: I understand how hard it is for women… to always be judged for their sexuality… feeling so, so restricted by the expectations that society places on you… all the time. But you should know that I’m not like that. I want you to be able to freely express yourself… and relax…. when you’re around me. Let’s go for that walk, and stare up into the stars… together.

HBPolitico: You’re so intriguing, OMG!!!!!!!!
At that moment, her phone rings. It’s her best friend/roommate checking to see where she is. Oh.

Fortunately, she excitedly tells her friend that she’s doing fine and met an awesome guy! I chime in a few quick comments to gain her approval – it works – and HBPolitico hangs up the phone. Phew!

Alright, back to action. But I may need to reset the sexual vibe now. Damn.

Suddenly, out of absolutely nowhere, we hear, “HBPolitico, HBPolitico!” from across the street. It’s two more of her friends (they’re not physically attractive), and they come right over to us. Apparently they’re neighbors as well. Ah.

Guess it couldn’t be easy on my first night back in the field! HBPolitico is excited to see them, and introduces me. They’re very, very skeptical. But I really, really want to have sex, so the last thing I’m going to let happen is for her randomly appearing friends to cockblock me without a fight.

After getting their names with a friendly smile, I tell them how unique of a girl HBPolitico is and how much fun we’re having, and wouldn’t they want her to have fun? They ask me why I started talking to her; I respond that I was struck by her dazzling fashion sense. Both agree that she’s a fashionable girl, then give me some more tests, and I handle them. Soon enough, I’ve pacified her friends. They like me now and remark how cool and mysterious I am. Phew.

Okay, now I definitely need to isolate.

BUT WAIT. Her friends have a pizza being delivered to their place and want HBPolitico to come with. Not too long ago, HBPolitico was groping my pecs. Now I’m fighting cheese and toppings.

I’m doing all that I can to stay cool at this point. I feel like I could go back to their place, but I don’t know where they live and would have to deal with her friends on their turf. Plus, that would eliminate all other approach opportunities for the night.

Not happening. I need to isolate her.
Me (to HBPolitico): You know, pizza is great! But you can get pizza anytime. And we’re having so much fun… together… right now. Would you really want to take away all of this… our connection… and the opportunity to spend time together?

HBPolitico: Well… no.

Me: Good, I feel the same way. Would you want to give up a special, mystifying experience for something you can do every… single… day of the week?

HBPolitico: No…

Me: Right, I wouldn’t either. So, let’s go on that walk, and really, really enjoy the presence of one another for just a while longer. (my attempt at a “no ladder” haha)

HBPolitico: What’s your phone number???


I HATE phone numbers, especially during nightgame. Not doing that, but I’m not giving up yet, either.

Me: Don’t you think that numbers are so… impersonal? I’d much rather prefer… the intimacy that face-to-face conversation provides. And I’m having such a good time talking to you, right now. Aren’t you having a good time talking to me?

Friend1: I agree with Lofty – phone numbers are impersonal! I wish more guys thought like you! (thank you girlie :p)

HBPolitico: Yes, I am having a great time talking to you!!!

Me: Perfect, so how about you and I continue getting to know each other on our pleasant, alleviating walk… and Friend1 and Friend2 can go get their pizza… and they can call you if they need you.

Friend2: You seem like a great guy –

HBPolitico: He’s so intriguing!

Friend2: - but we’re not letting HBPolitico go alone with some guy she just met on the street. She’s coming back to the apartment with us. (still had a social frame issue I guess :confused:)
Well, it was a good try, Lofty. Valiant effort, perhaps, but no dice – at least not yet, that is.
Me: I understand your concern. I really do. Letting your dear friend go alone… with a stranger… would be very scary. I wouldn’t want that either. But I’m not a stranger… we’re all already friends. You know me, you know my character and strong values… I’ll make sure that HBPolitico checks in with you later and she’ll be perfect… and very happy.

Friend2: I’m very sorry, Lofty, but I can’t let her do that. *Grabs HBPolitico’s hand and starts to pull her away*

Friend1: She offered to take your phone number, why don’t you just do that and meet some other time?

Me: What would be the difference… between then… and now? There is no difference… you already know me.
Time for the last resort.

I then pull HBPolitico close to me, look her in the eyes, cuff my hand behind her ear, and whisper as tantalizingly as possible, “Don’t you want to live a life with no regrets?”

She lets out a little girly moan while giving me doe-eyes and pleads for my phone number as Friend2 pulls her away again and tells me that I’m very interesting, but they’re leaving now.

HBPolitico tries reaching for my hand as they start to walk off, but I just playfully pull my hand away because I’m not going to reward them for that.

I turn my back and hear her yell out, “Disgusting, UGHHHHH!!!”

While I guess I explained myself well enough about not liking phone numbers to avoid her feeling rejected at that point, she must’ve felt rejected then. I felt a bit bad about it, but she had her chance. She likely thought about me all night – if not longer.

Oh well. Obviously, that was frustrating. It was going so well, and I tried so hard to keep my composure through unfortunate circumstances. While it didn’t end how either of us wanted, I felt a bit proud about handling my first approach back in the field like that.

Maybe I should have broken my no numbers during nightgame policy. After all, she was begging for my phone number. I almost certainly could have fucked her the next day. But I wanted sex that night and didn’t want to set any precedent other than pushing it as far as I possibly can. Something to think about – perhaps I should have made an exception here, especially considering the poor condition of approaching in my state due to the virus.

Definitely curious to thoughts on that situation.

Anyway, I still didn’t give up for the night. I remembered reading someone on the forum saying, “The night isn’t over until your head hits the pillow.” And my head wasn’t hitting the pillow just yet.

By that time (about 12:30), it was completely dead where I was due to all of the bars closing early nowadays. I figured that everyone must be partying in their dorms or apartments now. Walking aimlessly through an apartment complex hoping for a girl to come by seemed far too inefficient, so I knew that my only chance left would be to head for the freshman dorms across campus, particularly those known for wild parties. Gotta do what you gotta do.

It took me a while to walk there, but I was right. There was some activity. I posted-up in this cool courtyard in front of the dorms and pretended to look at my phone.

Soon afterwards, a group of three freshman appear in my peripheral vision. They’re walking fast – they must be headed somewhere. In the middle is a really hot, slim-thick redhead baddie in black jeans and a white crop top. Nice!

I hear her whispering to the others, “Oh my god, look at that guy’s shoes. They’re so fuckin’ dope.” (again, LOL)

She’s HAWT - the most attractive girl I’ve seen all night. As the group gets closer (I still haven’t looked away from my phone), she opens me and says, “Your shoes are so fuckin’ dope.”

I look up, give her strong eye contact, and say, “Thank you. Actually, you’re very stylish yourself… you’ve put together quite the interesting… and fashionable look.”

Eh, not the worst, not the best. Probably could have done better.

She giggles, but they keep on walking right by me! As they do, she keeps giggling and responds, “Thanks, we try!”

I don’t react quick enough and they keep on going, fast. I thought she would’ve at least slowed down a bit as we started talking? I would have had to run after after them, and I didn’t think that would have been a good look.

For a few minutes, I am upset with myself. Why didn’t she slow down while talking to me? Could I have tried to walk with them?

As those terrible emotions of frustration are going through my mind, there’s a drop of rain. And another. And then a hell of a lot more. It begins to pour. Ah, maybe they wanted to make it back to their place to avoid the rain! Upon checking the forecast, it was supposed to rain all night.

Didn't have much of a choice other than to take cover until it slowed to a drizzle before starting back to my place. One group of three sorority girls passed by me on my way back – two of them gave me IOIs. All of them were very attractive. Among them was this ultra-skinny, really innocent-looking blonde that stared at me while stroking her hand through her hair. Though, it was clear that the girl leading them was the “sorority mom” type (she was the one who ignored me), and would have cockblocked me at all costs.

I quickly thought to open with a rainbow ruse opener and say (while looking at the tempting blonde), “You three seem like really close friends – the type that sometimes gets into fights, but always has each other’s best interests in mind.” Then I’d follow with, “Are you calling it a night? That would be shame. I am going to enjoy this calming drizzle by taking a nice, relaxing walk before going to sleep. How about you come with?” And then just see if that worked. I had nothing to lose.

But I didn’t. I only smiled at her. She looked at me nervously while still playing with her hair. Through the entire night, not opening her was my worst mistake. I was tired, walked a lot, and gave a lot of mental effort, but there are no excuses. I can’t let that happen again.

The next morning, I read a new report about the COVID positivity rates in my city. They’re not good. Truthfully, they’re appalling. All controversy and differing opinions aside, I simply don’t want to test positive and miss my research for two weeks. So, I can’t risk nightgaming among people not wearing masks until the situation improves. For now, I’ll be daygaming on campus where everyone is spread out, masks are mandatory, and the rules are enforced.

I should be doing that a few times this week, hopefully. As long as I get the chance, I’ll be recording my progress here.

FR Summary:
What I did well:
-Recognizing approach invitations
-Sexual vibe and tone of voice
-Persisting without chasing
-Trying to work through unfortunate circumstances
-Incorporating many of my new learnings from GC and SMMA
-Decent job with pregnant pauses and building sexual tension (plenty of room to get better, though)

What I could have done better:
-No excuses for not opening the hot blonde sorority girl after that IOI/approach invitation regardless of circumstance
-Probably should have more aggressively touched HBPolitico after she touched me (I wouldn’t have touched her until escalation due to the virus, but her touching me first changed the situation)
-Ensuring better logistics – should have gotten out earlier so I could have stayed closer to my apartment. Also should have been aware of the weather forecast.
-Moving HBPolitico – what else could I have done?
-Consistent body language – wasn’t terrible, but I let my posture slip at times
-Never really quelled HBPolitico’s ASD – how come?

Will Be Working On:
-“Ok to fuck social frame” – why did I not achieve that with HBPolitico and her friends?
-More types of openers – I like Gunwitch’s examples and they worked well. Also need to increase experience using more variety such as reality-pacing openers (campus daygaming will be really good practice for this like in Bacchus’ article)
-Subtle gesturing while posting-up/hovering to attract approach invitations (read more Glow, Bacchus, Cody Lyans)
-Fundamentals still need more refinement
-This week will be my first approaching girls with masks. Think I have a plan for doing this. Must be flexible and adaptive.
-Sleep schedule and eating habits must improve. If I don’t start sleeping and eating more soon, I’m afraid that I will lose some of my muscle and mental clarity gained over the summer
-Need to keep building approach experience – I must be mentally ready to do so at every moment!

Here’s to a great week with a lot of improvement!
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Great FR, Lofty.

I feel like I could go back to their place, but I don’t know where they live and would have to deal with her friends on their turf. Plus, that would eliminate all other approach opportunities for the night.
A couple lessons I learned from RSDMax on this set which you may find useful.

His mantra was always: Decide, Commit, Baby step. If this is the girl you wanted to fuck
definitely still an attractive girl and within the fuckable realm. And, I’m not about to be overly selective in this situation.
Then commit to her. There'd be no, "that would eliminate all other approach opportunities for the night". Cause they wouldn't exist. Then just baby step to the pull.

Another thing, is that if he saw a girl by herself, he'd ask her, "where are your friends?" then get their names. So that in case they'd show up, he'd be able to say their name as he greeted them, to show the friends that he was cool/trustworthy. ("oh hey you must be Brianna. No yeah, she's been telling me so much about you").

Then you'd turn to your girl and ask, where'd they live? and would they be mad if you came with them to have a slice of pizza before you went home?". Providing her with plausible deniability to feed her friends.

To me the friend's objection wasn't that you weren't fuckable. It was that they didn't trust you yet. So walking home with them back to their place (they can keep their eye on you) was the move because, it'd give you a decent amount of time for them to get to know you. and see for themselves, "Ok yeah this guy's cool". And then once at their place, leave you guys space to do your business (they'd be on your side now. So if there was another girl at their place who didn't know anything about a guy coming over, you've got social proof of 3 girls thinking your cool to overrule that one friend).


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
A couple lessons I learned from RSDMax on this set which you may find useful.

His mantra was always: Decide, Commit, Baby step. If this is the girl you wanted to fuck

Then commit to her. There'd be no, "that would eliminate all other approach opportunities for the night". Cause they wouldn't exist. Then just baby step to the pull.

Really appreciate the input, Velasco! I'm always very impressed with your overall knowledge of the community and ability to reference material.

This mindset will be of great use to me in future sets without a doubt. I was so focused on pulling back to my place (and opening another, maybe even hotter girl if I couldn't isolate her) that I didn't strongly enough consider going with them.

Just that little bit of desire to keep my options open held me back from going to their place, but it would have been the efficient move as she was already emotionally stimulated and sexually aroused.

Damn, kicking myself a bit now. I thought that I pushed it as far as I could, but I actually didn't.

Will do everything possible to not make this mistake again.

Another thing, is that if he saw a girl by herself, he'd ask her, "where are your friends?" then get their names. So that in case they'd show up, he'd be able to say their name as he greeted them, to show the friends that he was cool/trustworthy. ("oh hey you must be Brianna. No yeah, she's been telling me so much about you").

Then you'd turn to your girl and ask, where'd they live? and would they be mad if you came with them to have a slice of pizza before you went home?". Providing her with plausible deniability to feed her friends.

Wow, that's a great tactic! Definitely going to keep that one in mind. If she says that she's out alone, I could even transition it into a conversation about confidence/commonalities/societal expectations and then further merge that into SOTs and sex talk.

To me the friend's objection wasn't that you weren't fuckable. It was that they didn't trust you yet. So walking home with them back to their place (they can keep their eye on you) was the move because, it'd give you a decent amount of time for them to get to know you. and see for themselves, "Ok yeah this guy's cool". And then once at their place, leave you guys space to do your business (they'd be on your side now. So if there was another girl at their place who didn't know anything about a guy coming over, you've got social proof of 3 girls thinking your cool to overrule that one friend).

Hey, I think you're right! Her friends made comments about me being "cool" and "interesting" - not about me being a fuckboy or weird.

Their reservations were about leaving her alone with me. I may have pacified them, but I didn't gain their trust, which I could have on the way to their place. Despite the appearance of her friends being extremely annoying, I should have seen them as an outlet to help me fuck her, not as obstacles.

This taught me a ton. Thanks again!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Tuesday, August 25

Like I said in the chat, things were up-and-down today. Here’s how it went:

I finish my last class around eleven and decide to do some approaching on campus. Volume is a major issue and even more so with today’s rainy weather, but I’m feeling confident and want to get some work in. While I’m not in my preferred streetwear due to having work later (dress code is business casual, so I’m in a Nike polo and khakis :confused:), I do have a longer hair style that makes me look a bit edgy.

It’s raining fairly hard as I search for my first approach, but luckily I remembered to check the forecast and brought an umbrella – which I plan to strategically use. Didn’t see too many attractive girls for a while, but eventually I see a toned, spectacled blond in athletic shorts heading in my direction and getting soaked by the rain. I alter my route and approach her as she nears. Her glasses are this interesting translucent gold color – pretty stylish – and I compliment them. I open with, “Hey there… your glasses have quite the interesting and fashionable look to them.”

Quite strangely, she is startled by my approach. My vibe wasn’t perfect, but I think that she was socially awkward, too.
Me: Oh, I just thought that your strong style deserved a compliment.
HB: Uh…. Uh…. Thanks!
Me: Here, you’re getting soaked by all this rain. Come under my umbrella.
HB (complies, but with strange body language and avoids eye contact): Uh… thanks!
Me: See, isn’t that better now? So, what’s your name? I’m Lofty.
HB: Uh… [Name]
Me: Ah, I always thought that [name] has a very pretty sound to it. I get a sense that you’re not from around here – where are you from, HB?
HB: Uh…. Virginia Beach.
Me: Virginia Beach is a wonderful locale… a beautiful beach and tactful shopping area. Do you like to go to the beach often?
HB (livens): Yes, I love to tan on the beach!
Me: Who wouldn’t? You have the strong, warm rays have sun beaming upon you… the cool, swirling water beside you… peaceful and relaxing would be a good way to describe it. Wouldn’t you agree?
HB: Yes!
Me: Speaking of that area, what high school did you go to? I know people from [big high school in Virginia Beach].
HB: Oh, I actually went to [really preppy charter school] (that explains a lot!)
I ask her if she knows my friends anyway – she doesn’t – and then we arrive at a crosswalk. She says she has to go one way, thanks me for letting her stay under my umbrella, leaves for that direction, and I don’t go with because I’m not really liking her personality much. I tell her to take care and look for the next approach.

For some reason, that approach dampened my mood. I think it was because I was so confident, yet she didn’t reciprocate much interest. Definitely part of that was her personality, but the other part… eh, guess I didn’t have the initial attraction.

As a result of reflecting on this interaction too heavily while walking to a nice post-up spot, I miss an approach invitation from a cute, well-dressed girl in a pink skirt. She was definitely giving me IOIs but was already far away by the time I recognized this. Seconds later, I look over in her direction and catch her staring back at me. She gets embarrassed and increases her pace, so going after her wasn’t a realistic option.

Damn, that could’ve been a good one. Have a short-term memory while in field or stuff like this happens - an important lesson.

Afterwards, there is a poor stretch of traffic despite being in what is typically one of the busiest parts of campus. As such, I’m not as loose on my next approaches and didn’t calibrate them correctly. That led to a little bit of AA, and I miss a few approach invitations. I snap myself out of it by moving to a different location. Well, nothing was really happening where I went either. I return to the previous area feeling frustrated but not yet defeated.

It’s not going to well for me, but I still have time for one more approach. I knew that I had to make this one count.

The rain suddenly stopped (uh, symbolism?), and I’m sitting on a bench with open body language when I see a briskly-paced girl give me a glance. I slowly look up….. WOW!

This girl is probably the second-most attractive girl I’ve seen in person. She’s black-haired with that trendy wavy/curly style at the tips, and her clothing of choice is a revealing white tank flaunting her impressively perky cleavage and black leggings that masterfully emphasize her FANTASTIC bubble butt. This is topped off with the pointed eyeliner du jour that compliments her hazel eyes. I’ll call her HBSwoop. Of note, she’s not wearing a mask over her tantalizing lips… but I do have one on.

Yeah, not missing this one. I calmly rise from the bench, catch up to her, and warmly open her from the side.
Me: Excuse me, have we met before? You have this very… very… familiar look.
HBSwoop (giggling): Hi! I don’t know?! Maybe!? Probably!!! (she’s warm and receptive)
Me: Hmmm… well… there is something about you that is rather… intriguing. Yes, I feel as if our encounter… was not by chance. There is something here… not to be forgotten.
HBSwoop: (still giggling)
Me: Hmmm… well… What’s your name?
HBSwoop: It’s HBSwoop!
Me: HBSwoop… I’ve always thought that that was a pleasant-sounding name.
HBSwoop: Hey, what’s yours?!
Me: [I give her my alias, and she likes the name]
HBSwoop (all starry-eyed): [repeats my alias]
HBSwoop: Hey, you have an accent! Where are you from?!!
Me: Take a guess.
HBSwoop: I have no idea! Tell me!
Me: Where do you think I’m not from?
HBSwoop (giggling again): ….here!
Me (chuckling): You have an uncanny sense of geography… where are you from?
HBSwoop: Well, I was born in [faraway small town], but moved here when I was a baby.
Me: Well isn’t that interesting… I’m actually from [faraway small town 15 minutes from her birthplace]. Yes… I’m quite sure that you would like the nature of things here… much better than the nature of things there.
HBSwoop: I’ve never been back – been here ever since! How old are you?
Me: [my age]
Me: Ah… and you are…?
HBSwoop: [she’s a little older than me]
Me: Wow, HBSwoop, you’re so old… do you think you can handle my youthfulness?
She laughs and puts up a little test about needing to get to her car. I say that’s no problem since I’ve finished my classes for the day and will walk with her. HBSwoop gives me a really warm smile, which I really like because she is damn sexy :p

We then continue learning more about each other (she has had an unusual academic path), and I continue to playfully tease her by withholding information. She’s uncertain about her career prospects, but I tell her that uncertainty can lead to the best of revelations. All she needs to do is explore within herself. She likes this comment. We reach the parking garage. Here comes another test about how nice it was to meet me, but I tell her that I enjoy her company and will continue walking with her to the car.

Interestingly, HBSwoop now compliments how extraverted she thinks I am… that’s really not the case. But it shows how variable and controllable perception is.

We’re walking up to her car now. It’s literally the only car left on the entire level, and it’s 2:30 on a Tuesday. Usually, it’d be rare to have a single open space at this time of day. Yep, this virus has changed our lives in so, so many ways. Anyway, I now stare into her and give her a rainbow ruse:
Me: HBSwoop… you seem like the type of person who is trusted by all of your friends. I can tell that you’re a loyal companion… but aren’t afraid to hold your ground. Regardless, you value truth… and honesty… in order to live a life that you believe in.
HBSwoop: (completely stops, fully turns her body to me, and shows me her hot, hot, hot doe-eyed look)
I used that rainbow ruse because I didn’t want her to try anything stupid, so I’m glad that she responded so well. From here, the conversation somehow transitioned into that of her new puppy. So I’m like, “ZOMGGGGG do you have pictures!!???!!!!!” – obviously, I do this so I can get very, very close to her. Pictures she does have, and close I do get. We enjoy this moment together. And she does have one cute little puppy… hopefully I’ll get to meet him.

I’m out of time at this point and need to get to a meeting, but I’m not leaving without making sure that I’ll see her soon. I ask for her number (ugh, numbers), and she gives that ostensibly surprised but really fulfilled look that women give when they’ve been waiting for this question. Without any prompting, she provides her first and last name. That’s a good sign! I ask her what her night looks like; she replies with “studying.” Yeah, right. Like she’s going to be studying when it hasn’t even been a week since the semester started. I know that I need to do everything possible to see her again very soon.
Me: I’m quite interested in what you’re learning. In fact, I’d really like to see for myself… just how much knowledge we can gain together. At 6:00, bring your books to [park near campus] and we can continue to become comfortable with this material… and each other.
HBSwoop: Okay!
Me: Yes… I expect to see you at the park tonight at 6:00 PM. You’ll be at the park at 6:00 PM, won’t you?
HBSwoop: Yes!
Me: Very good… tonight at 6:00 PM… at the park… studying… will be a great time of enjoyment for us both. (I don’t fully trust her yet, if you couldn’t tell :rolleyes:)
HBSwoop: Definitely!
It’s time for me to go now, but I make sure to take a long, deep stare at her sexy body and bring her in for a hug. She has no initial objections, and damn, she has such a great body! Only thing was that she squirmed after a few seconds and squeaked, “COVID!”

I tell her to… just relax. And that she’s actually the one who isn’t even wearing a mask. HBSwoop says that she knows that, which is why she was concerned (for me – aw <3)

Looking at her again and gently playing with the willowy tips of her hair, I tell her to drive safely and that I’ll be seeing her at 6:00 PM at the park.

We part ways – I’m ecstatic! She was so responsive and would be such a big milestone for me. Plus, she’s just a pleasant girl as well. It’s always fascinating to see the dichotomy of how the hottest girls treat you compared to the average ones…

But yep, all those frustrating prior approaches led me to her, so it was all good! If you keep approaching, good things will happen, after all!

Though, I’m thinking that I could have played with her body a little before we separated. No idea how far I could have escalated, but I was out of time… should have still done some booty grabbing :confused:

Now, it seems that my best lay is within reach! Following normal procedure, I send her an anti-flake text around 4:00.
Hey there HBSwoop, it’s Lofty :p

It was great talking to you earlier, and I’m excited to continue our conversation tonight! See you soon ;)
And guess what?


Ugh. She never responded to the text and didn’t come to the park.


It just doesn’t make sense based on our interaction. Am I missing something here, perhaps?

Of course, it was tempting to send her another text, but I held off. I’ll send her a meme with some playful bantering tomorrow afternoon. We’ll see what happens. Such is life in the game, I guess.

Even so, I tried not to be completely demoralized. At my meeting, I learned that one of my social circle friends from last year is back in town despite her recent graduation. Unfortunately, it seems she lost her big-time corporate job due to COVID. Ouch.

This an attractive, high-quality girl with graduate degrees. I didn’t pursue her last year due to not wanting to deal with the social circle drama… but now that’s not the case. Unluckily, she was not available tonight. So, we made plans for Thursday. Looking forward to that.

Still, that didn’t solve my desire of having wonderful sex tonight. Accordingly, I went out approaching once again.

It was terrible. Truly a waste of time. Due to harsher nightlife rules being recently introduced in the town, I saw about five girls total– one being approachable. This girl opened me herself, but it didn’t go anywhere. Didn’t gain anything from going out tonight, at all – except for learning just not to do it again until the situation changes.

Overall, I’m really curious to hear any insight. Did I misstep anywhere with HBSwoop? What’s the best way to move things forward with her?

FR Summary:
What I did well:
-Not giving up after a bad start
-Really making my most important approach count
-Persisting with HBSwoop

What I could have done better:
Everything regarding the date? Not sure about any of that, at all.
-Should have been much more consistent
-Poor sexual vibe in early approaches
-Had a temporary bout of AA after the early disappointment

Will Be Working On:
-More aggressive touching when appropriate
-Reducing all hesitation with approach invitations
-Additional practice opening multiple girls at once
-Being less selective with approaches – just need more experience!

Important couple of days coming up!
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
We’re walking up to her car now. It’s literally the only car left on the entire level, and it’s 2:30 on a Tuesday.
I ask her what her night looks like; she replies with “studying.” Yeah, right. Like she’s going to be studying when it hasn’t even been a week since the semester started
out of time at this point and need to get to a meeting,
It looks like thinking about your upcoming meeting clouded your mind, and didnt allow you to think of how you could make this SDL happen.

Because I can see that you've got enough compliance to ask for her to give you a ride back to your place (which is 5 minutes away ;)). Sexually escalating things in the car on the way. Then asking her to come up for a drink (or maybe to show her something that you've seeded) before she goes back home to "study" lol.
I’ll send her a meme with some playful bantering tomorrow afternoon. We’ll see what happens
Fingers crossed :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
It looks like thinking about your upcoming meeting clouded your mind, and didnt allow you to think of how you could make this SDL happen.
Yeah, this is true... looking back, maybe I should have tried to escalate at her car and see how far I could've went in 5-10 minutes, then been just a bit late for the meeting. If I was playful with it then being more aggressive wouldn't have impacted my chances for the date. Like you say, I need to be pushing for SDL every time! I'm gonna be thinking, "What would Velasco do?" from now on when it comes to stuff like this.
Because I can see that you've got enough compliance to ask for her to give you a ride back to your place (which is 5 minutes away ;)). Sexually escalating things in the car on the way. Then asking her to come up for a drink (or maybe to show her something that you've seeded) before she goes back home to "study" lol.
Definitely keeping this in mind, as my instinct is always to get a girl to walk with me because I don't have a car (and I like walking). If I'm on campus, my apartment is about a 25 minute walk, though - maybe a bit too long to try to bring her back from a daygame approach. If I can screen for a car or if she involves it like here, then I can use it to my advantage.
Fingers crossed :)
Very much appreciated! You're really helping to push me forward - can't ask for anything more than that!

Unfortunately, it's not looking great with this smokeshow. After reviewing this GC article, here's what I went with for the text:
Hey HBSwoop, didn't hear from you yesterday, so I thought I'd check in. I certainly understand how busy life can be at times, especially when you have a super cute puppy at home. Hope this awesome geography meme (she's a geography major) can take away a little stress in your life.
~Lofty :)
And nothing yet. I want this girl, so I'm not giving up. Will plan on sending something else in a few days if she still doesn't respond.

I've been enjoying reading these adventures in your journal posts, you have lots of potential so I hope you'll keep up the good work. Now let's see if we can nudge your persuasive skill-set and practical understandings of seduction. . . along the path towards a condensed and sped-up learning curve.
Hey, Bacchus! Your help means a lot... I'm sure you've recognized that you're a big influence for me.
Remember the importance of balance with the 3 keys. . . the more you jack up the emotional stimulation and sexual desire. . . the more you must also increase or maintain a high level of social frame. Or else you will end up in a situation. . . where her analytical mind is wrestling aggressively with her primal side. . .
In introspection, it does seem that I need to do much more studying about social frame. This sort of thing is happening too often and was confusing me, but I understand now... that's big.
Something else you may also want to consider learning, is a persuasive tech called opportunities and challenges.
Expect to see this implemented in my next FR :)
What you're missing is social frame. . . lots of it actually.

Your ability to stimulate and arouse women is strong, but like I wrote above. . . balance between all 3 is vital. In the previous journal post you made a social frame mistake by opening a moving-set. . . with a compliment on her outfit. Given the context of you stopping a girl in motion, that was too direct, too close to hitting on her. So adding emotional stimulation and arousal to that crack in frame. . . was gonna cause hiccups in the pickup sooner or later.

There are two options here, you can either focus primarily on static chicks. Or you can approach a combo of stationary girls. . . and moving girls during the day. . . as long as you remain as covert in your verbal game as possible. That means let go of the clever and overtly flirty banter. Don't compliment her style. Or her name, none of that.
No doubt that my preference is for the stationary lone wolf. But so few girls are actually just hanging outside on campus that I must learn how to properly approach moving girls as well. My thought to do this has been to post-up in a high-traffic area, wait for the approach invitation, and then go after it. Now, I must think of some ways to do this much more indirectly... all that direct stuff is gone. It felt rather fumbling to use, anyway. Time to level-up.
Stick to profound insights on her perspective, or her expressions of personality traits that'll move a seduction forward.

Social frame boils down to making her think you deeply understand her as an individual, in such a way that encourages her to invest in the ongoing seduction. So you need to make use of other ways to stimulate women early on. . . without wandering into the superficial realms of verbally direct.
The ideas in these three sentences are my primary focuses now. I'm committing myself to do this early and often in the interaction. I know that I can do it, just need to keep my mind very active and observant.
My last piece advice for you today is about phone numbers. Yes they can be tricky. Because the only aspect of your interaction. . . that will determine her response. . . or lack thereof. . . to your ice-breaker text is social frame. It won't matter how turned on she was when you met. Or how well you managed to mesmerize her.

So next time you really should send a casual ice-breaker text to test the waters.
Points taken - won't let your wisdom go to waste.

Overall, I can now look back at what I was doing before and see many inefficiencies :oops:

Lost what should have been a couple definite lays (and a major hottie) as a result.

Big improvements coming very soon.

In other news, my meetup with the former social circle girl is getting messier by the minute. I'll call her HBRitzy because there's a chance that she becomes a reoccurring character.

Quick introduction to her:

She's an elegant, refined women with loads of intelligence. Very good academically and has a couple graduate degrees. Worked at an investment bank for a few years before returning to school. Takes great care of herself aesthetically, and is quite aware of fashion trends. Tall, skinny type with sharp features. Looks pretty and acts pretty.

High-quality person all-around. I met her last year through my work, and we became good friends after an awkward introduction. I had plenty of chances to move things forward but didn't due to our shared social circle, and more importantly, she would have struggled to be in an any sort of open relationship. Emotional girl. Plus, she's in her mid/high-20s with plenty of successful life experience, so I learned a lot from her as a friend. It just wasn't worth the risk.

Apparently, she lost her corporate job due to the COVID situation, and now she's back in the college town while getting back on her feet. It must be a tough time for her. Anyway, I hoped to see her yesterday after the disappointment with HBSwoop, but she wasn't available, so we scheduled for Thursday (tomorrow). Now, she's sent a few flaky messages and has a ton of logistical issues with her living situation. I've tried to manage that as well as I could, and things are still on at the moment. Logistics in this one are a nightmare, however. We'll see what happens here, but my main priority right now is gaining better, more focused approaching experience.

So, I'll be daygaming on campus tomorrow. Big thanks to @Velasco and @Bacchus - it's going to be a new Lofty out there :p
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Thursday, August 27

So, wow. I felt extremely improved in this outing by really focusing on the advice that I was so graciously provided. The results left me feeling like a much more capable, refined seducer. But... I ran into a bad egg of a girl in one of my final approaches of the night.

If you have the time, please read through this post or at least skip towards the end (I put asterisks where the big problem occurs). If possible, I could use some advice.

Anyway, onto the entry.

Since my last post, I’ve reviewed a bunch of material on social frame and elicitation with the hopes of being able to better balance my usage of the 3 keys. After encouragement from some of the best seducers in the community, I was remarkably excited to test these techniques and gain more experience.

As mentioned in my last entry, I had plans with HBRitzy for Thursday. However, she was periodically sending me flaky messages. On Wednesday, I did my best to pacify all of her logistical concerns to keep the plans intact. It worked at the time.

I send her an anti-flake message a couple hours before we're scheduled to meet, but she says she can’t make it. I try to still work something out, though nothing materializes from it. I don’t push too hard because I really wanted to do more approaching anyway.

It was raining hard most of the morning and afternoon, so I’m not able to head towards campus until the early evening. By this time, the weather has shifted to sunny and pleasurable. Upon reaching campus, I walk around some to see if there is any foot traffic – there isn’t – and I decide that I need to try somewhere else. Accordingly, I decide to check the nearby grocery store to see if there’s any activity.

It’s pretty empty. I peruse the aisles for a while without seeing any approach-worthy girls. I’m frustrated and thinking of my next location as I’m turning towards the exit. What is in my view is a pleasant surprise: a super hot girl.

This girl is certainly quite attractive – brown hair, slim-thick, olive-skin tone, and big, perky breasts. She’s wearing a navy sleeveless top tucked into black, skin-tight jeans. Her look is put together by a stylish belt with a circular gold buckle. We make eye contact for a moment before she enters an aisle about 20 feet away from me. Yeah, I’m not leaving the store now.

Casually, I wander around the place for minute before circling back to the aisle that she was in. She’s there, and I enter from the opposite end while examining the variety of food on the shelves. With the recent advice that @Bacchus gave me in mind, I enter into my first approach of the day after I work my way into her general area. Again, my focus is on social frame and making profound insights about her perspective and avoiding the direct game that I was previously using. I’ll call her HBTight.
Me: Isn’t it so peculiar… how there are so many different brands for the same type of food? The labels are different… but the content is the same. It’s almost like people. Many people posit themselves with the label of being different.. but most end up actually being the same – perhaps selfish, greedy, and ruthless. I prefer good people with strong moral and ethical values just like I value a good product… don’t you agree?
HBTight (warm and receptive): Oh my god, that’s so true! All of this stuff is really the same. And yeah, good people are hard to find!
Me: Yes… that’s why it’s so important to value the good, interesting people that you do find… in order to increase your understanding and perception of the world.
HBTight (stares sexily): Do you go to school here? What year are you?
Me: I do go to school here… how old do you think I am? Do you go to school here?
HBTight: Yeah, I’m a junior! I have no idea – are you a sophomore?
Me: Perception of age is such a strange idea. I can tell that you’re already very mature. You carry yourself with a strong, confident demeanor unlike most girls your age. I’m sure you’re the type that is aware of what you want and aren’t afraid to go after it. Perhaps your friends even come to you looking for advice.
HBTight: (very receptive with open body language): Oh my god, that’s so true! It’s like you already know me!
Me: I can already tell that you’re not like most people… you’re different. There’s something unique about you. What’s your name?
HBTight: HBTight! What’s your name?!
Me: [give her my alias]
HBTight: What are you looking for at the store?
Me: Wasn’t today so… interesting? We wake up… and it’s raining. Dark, gloomy, depressing. It’s so unfortunate… because all we really want is to go outside… and feel the warm, pleasuring rays of sun against our skin… and relax… do you know what happened after it stopped raining?
HBTight: It got sunny!
Me: Yes… that’s right. The overcast opened, and the sun came to us once again. This is representative of life itself… perhaps something bad happens… but it doesn’t last forever… and then good fortune follows… maybe something like connecting with new people. Do you see it that way, too?
HBTight: Definitely! That’s such a good way to put it! You’re a really interesting guy, Lofty.
She’s quite warm to me at this point and reciprocating my strong eye contact. I know that I’m doing better than I was before, and it feels great! We continue our conversation and learn more about each other – I continue to tease her and withhold many of my answers. I learn that she works at a restaurant, has tough boss that keeps texting her, and is looking for some unusual food to replicate a dish that she tried today. I try to thoughtfully use these ideas as we playfully look for her groceries.
Me: HBTight, I can tell that you’re the type that is very open-minded. You’re not afraid to try new things, whether it’s food… or connecting with the people around you. Do you feel that you’re an experimental person?
HBTight: Of course! I always love to try something new.
Me: Nowadays, isn’t is so rare to find someone like that? So many people are so incredibly used to following the mundane comfort of their everyday lives… that they are too afraid to act on what they really desire. Since you’re not like that, what’s something that you really desire?
HBTight (she’s intermittently looking away, playing with her hair, and starting to breath heavier): Oh… um… lots of things.. I guess.
Me: I really respect a person who is able to act on their desires. It shows the strength of their character and willingness to improve themselves. I think that you’re like that. Don’t you?
HBTight (responding really well): Um, yes! Definitely…
Awesome! I’m seeing how the teachings from @Bacchus are working like a charm. I’m feeling more powerful than I ever have while talking to a girl. It feels fantastic, and I know that this is a good start with the hottie. She’s aroused and compliant with my frames. Just have to see what I can do once she finishes her shopping.

I try to keep controlling the frame and balance the three keys – she’s into my words, and I can see the interest. So much so that she was having tons of trouble trying to focus on finding her groceries! She's clearly a knowledgeable, healthy eater, so we also share a great conversation about our preferences for food. This leads to the final item on her list: kombucha.
Me: HBTight… you seem to like things that are exotic. Once again, you prove that you’re just a little… different than other people. It’s an intriguing quality (I stare into her eyes)
HBTight: Lofty, you’re really interesting! Do you like kombucha?
Me: I had it once, a long time ago. I’m quite willing to give it another try… along with trying other ideas that will help me... be healthier… and have a clearer mind. You’re rather informed about kombucha... which one do you recommend?
HBTight (pointing out an interesting looking bottle with elderberry-flavored kombucha): This one is the best! You should definitely try it!
Me: I would love to… but unfortunately, I do not have any cash or cards with me (which is true, lol). But I’d love to try something.. that you recommend with such a strong passion. (I stare at her strongly and have a feeling that she’ll offer to buy it for me)
HBTight (nervously looks away and stammers): Well, I can buy it for you… if you want.
Me: Sure! I’d love that, thank you :)
That’s a great feeling when a hot woman offers to buy something for you! It kept me thinking that I’m on the right track – just have to keep it up and maybe something good will happen tonight! We finish up shopping, check out, and are almost out of the store when I ask her if she drove here. She did, and asks me if I did – nope, I walked. Then, she asks me where I live. I say that I live not too far from here – where does she live?

Her place is actually a fifteen-minute drive. Mine is like a five-minute drive. With the tip from @Velasco in mind, I say, “I only live a couple minutes away – would you mind giving me a ride? I’m having a great time with you and would love to continue our conversation. You would too, right?”

She agrees, and it’s clear that she is excited to drive to my place. No doubt that she was quite aroused at this point. We get to her car, and the passenger’s seat is covered with some clothes and other items. She apologizes and begins to clean while I stare into her eyes while she does so.

On the way to my place, we discuss tastes in music. HBTight tells me that she loves finding new music.
Me: So you’re saying that… you enjoy the artists that no one else does?
HBTight: Exactly! That’s absolutely the way that I think.
Me: Okay, I see. You don't want to follow the crowd. For you, that’s boring. What really inspires you is finding music that… uniquely connects with you. You aspire to create your own path, both in music and life – following the mainstream herd isn’t good enough for you. I can see that you truly are your own person… is that right?
HBTight: Wow… that’s exactly how I feel!
Around that time, we reach my apartment complex. Instead of having her pull up to the entrance, I tell her to just pull in a parking space for now. She complies. Great, now I just have to get her upstairs.
Me: I’m having such a great time with you… aren’t you having a great time?
HBTight: Yeah!
Me: Good… I really am, too. I’d love to continue our conversation… let’s grab our kombucha… I have a nice speaker at my place… let’s grab our kombucha and listen to music together. I also produce music… come on, I’ll show you some of my productions.
HBTight (stares at me, fighting with herself): No…. no…. no… it’s getting late, I need to get back home.
Me: Definitely, I understand that. So let’s just hang out for a couple minutes while we drink our kombucha, and then you can go home.
HBTight (squirming a bit, avoiding eye contact): Oh, um, well, no, I have to go home now.
Me: Right, so let’s just hang out for five minutes while we drink our kombucha. If you stay longer than five minutes, then you can kick me in the shin. (read that shin thing on GC somewhere :))
HBTight: Oh my god! I have a boyfriend! I have to go home now!
Ah, okay! Now things get interesting… I get to try out some tech. She definitely wants me. Nervous, squirming, and avoiding eye contact; she is not trying to get me to leave the car, either.
Me: Well, wouldn’t you want… two boyfriends?
HBTight: Umm, haha… no, I, uh don’t…
Me: I understand how difficult it is for women in today’s world. Society is always judging you for your sexuality. If a women is sexual, then she’s labelled a slut, or a whore. If a man is sexual, he’s applauded. It’s just not fair. I don’t think like that, though. I recognize how powerful sexuality can be… for a strong women like yourself. The thing that we have to understand is that sex… is the most natural part about being human. It is no big deal… to desire something… pleasurable. Don’t you agree?
While saying this, I try to really focus my sexual vibe and eye contact. Her nervousness increases, and she even begins to twitch around her lips. I continue.
Me: Thankfully, you aren’t restricted to the rules of society… you already said that you’re open-minded and willing to try new things, didn’t you?
HBTight: Yes, oh my god, I’m bi! I try things! But I have a boyfriend!
Me: You know, some men actually really like it when their girlfriends have sex with other men. It can really turn them on and increase the passion between them. Wouldn’t you like to be more passionate with your boyfriend?
HBTight (breathing heavily): No… wait…ugh... please stop…
Me: I really value women who are aware of their own desires. It’s so rare to find a girl who recognizes… and acts upon them. I think you’re one of those girls.
HBTight: Oh…..
Me: There are so many enjoyable actions… that would align the desires of your mind and body. Did you know that women can have eight different types of orgasms?
HBTight: Oh… yes, I did know that... (I was surprised that she did and didn’t continue into the gambit – maybe I should have)
Now, I notice that she’s playing with her hands as well. Looks like she is fidgeting with a few callouses on her palm. I’m thinking this is my chance to try escalating. I reach out and grab her hands – she takes a deep breath and has no resistance. Stroking my fingers against her palms, I continue:
Me: What… are these from?
HBTight: Oh… um… they’re burns from my job at the restaurant.
Me: So... you’re saying that you like things… hot?
She takes another deep breath, and I stare at her deeply. I move my hands as sensually as I can up her arm all the way to her ear, and I cuff my hand behind it. Then, I play with her hair as I get closer, but she pulls back.
HBTight: …I love my boyfriend!
Me: I respect you for that. It’s so crucial to be honest to the people you care about. I’m sure he’s a great boyfriend and would love for you to do things that make you happy.
HBTight: Please… I love my boyfriend!
It continues on like this for a while, and it’s not getting anywhere. I try everything that I know, but I’m at a loss, so I just play with her hands and brush my hands across her breasts for a few moments without any resistance before she grabs my hand. She tells me how great it was to meet me, but it’s really time for her to get home. I just stare at her without saying anything. She squirms and then pleads that she can’t have sex with me.

At this point, I’m pretty sure that I’ve pushed things as far as they could go with my skill level and experience. So, I ask for her phone number, and she’s really happy to give it to me. While I send her a text to make sure that she has my number, she talks about how much she would love to hang out with me again soon. I take my leave smiling at her – she has an extremely warm expression and smiles back. It didn’t end with sex, but I know that she was really aroused and had a good time. I thank her for the ride, tell her how nice it was to meet her, we hug, and I head off.

While I would have loved to go 1 for 1 with my approaches, I had to be happy with how much my studying helped. Thanks again to those who pushed me along!

I decide to go do some more approaching since I feel confident and excited to use new material. Since I’ve written a ton, I’ll just say that I next opened four hot freshman on the sidewalk, who were really receptive towards me. We talk for probably fifteen minutes before their ride comes to take them to a party at the dorms. One of the cuties really wants me to come with but another isn’t so sure that the host wants other people to come despite liking me personally. I push some, but she’s still resistant, so I take the number of the girl who especially likes me. Another girl scorns her for doing so, and my girl tells her to shut up. Good girl :)

Nice, two approaches so far and they’ve been fruitful. The last group mentioning the activity at the dorms gave me the idea to go there myself since it’s rather dead where I’m at. Once I get there, I notice that the courtyard is indeed fairly active. I hang out there and befriend some guys while keeping my eye out for approach opportunities. Soon, I see a cute brunette with curly hair walking in my direction. I open with one of openers that I thought of earlier as she nears. I’ll detail this interaction because it is very, very important.
Me: Wasn’t today amazing?
HB: Haha… absolutely!
Me: I mean, it started out such a dreary day. Gloomy, rainy, depressing. But then what happened after that?
HB: It got sunny!
Me: That’s right. The depressing overcast really dampened the mood. But then it ended up being such a pleasant, warm day afterwards. It’s representative of life itself. Sometimes… life is cloudy. We have disappointment, depression. But the golden warmth of the sun always follows, and good things happen. Do you feel that way, too?
HB: Haha, wow, I definitely feel like that!
Me: Right, I certainly feel like good things can happen now. What’s your name?
HB: [Name]. What’s yours?
Me: [I give her my alias, and she repeats it like most girls do because it’s unusual].
HB: Where are you from?
Me: Take a guess.
HB: You don’t sound like you’re from around here! Where?!
Me: Good guess. Why do you think that?
HB: Hahaha, well, you have an accent?
Me: Ah, I guess I might. Where are you from?
HB: Pennsylvania!
Me: Okay, so you’re the type of person who wanted to get away from home. It can be so restrictive to be living in a place where everyone is so familiar with you. I understand that completely. You have your parents controlling your life, and you’re not able to do some of the things you really want to do. But you seem very mature, so I’m sure that it frustrated you. And now, you’re enjoying the freedoms of what it means to be a mature college girl who just wants to have a good time. Is that right?
HB: !!!!!!! That’s exactly how I feel! (she smiles warmly)
This girl is cute, and she’s aroused. Very receptive. Likes what I’m saying and is engaged in the conversation. Cool. On we go, let’s see what I can do with it!
HB: Where are you from?
Me: Keep guessing ;)
HB: [takes a bunch of guesses and eventually gets it close enough that I tell her my small hometown and the nearest recognizable city]
HB: Haha, I’ve met so many people from that city!
Me: Well, a lot of people say they’re from the actual city, but they’re really not. They associate their identity with somewhere that people will know about, but most aren’t actually from there. Most are from the suburbs or outskirts… and that’s a much different environment. Personally, I prefer to stay true to my roots – that’s what made me, me. Don’t you think the same way?
HB: Absolutely! I’ve met a bunch of people saying that they’re from [rich suburb of that city]
Me: Hahahahaha wow, yeah that’s definitely not the same type of place [the city itself is quite dangerous… but there are plenty of posh suburbs nearby like this one]
Now, we reach the front door of her dorm.
Me: I’ve really, really enjoyed our conversation, HB. In fact, I’d love to continue it further! Have you enjoyed talking to me?
HB: Definitely!
Me: Okay, well let’s keep talking then… and enjoy each other’s company for a little while longer.
HB: I would really like to, but I have class at 8:00 am! (it’s about 1:00 AM)
Me: Okay, I understand that completely! It’s no fun to be tired for an early morning class. That’s while we’ll only keep talking for a few more minutes. Come on, let’s go inside…
HB: Well… I’d really like to keep talking, but I need to go to sleep!
Me: Alright, definitely. There’s plenty of time for you to sleep still. We’ll only talk for a few more minutes! How about just five more minutes, then?
HB: Hahaha, definitely some other time! But I’m really tired… what’s your Snap?
Me: I actually don’t use Snapchat… I like to stay away from all social media… to focus on being in touch with my own mind. Do you get that?
HB: I respect that for sure! Do you have Insta?
Me: Nope, not that either! That’s why we should talk some more – it’s so rare to meet such a uniquely mature girl like you that can hold such a good conversation as well as you have.
HB: [giggles]…. I’ll give you my phone number then!
Me: Haha, I can take your phone number. It’s been really fun getting to know you, HB!
HB: [agrees and inputs her name and number]
Me: Alright then, HB! I’ve really enjoyed talking to you… there’s something different… and intriguing… about your vibe…
HB: [giggles more] I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Me (with a little smirk): Okay then, HB! Come here for a hug :)
HB: Okay :)

We hug, separate, and then I stare at her eyes deeply. She reciprocates, so I slowly move a little closer and move my hand up to play with the ends of her cute curly hair a little to see if I can escalate just a bit since she obviously is open to me… before my hand makes it there, she’s like, “OH, OKAY!” and then leaves. I immediately think that it was a really weird, abrupt way to react after being so into our conversation, but I don’t think too much of it. A bit later I text her that it was super nice to meet her, save my number, and hope she makes it to class on time :p

Afterwards, I do a bunch more approaches in that courtyard using the same verbal model as the last approach and am feeling great! I do about 12 approaches and get 10 numbers and hugs from all of them. Would have loved to escalate further, but I’m really excited to have gotten some great approaching experience. Feeling like my social frame is much improved. Definitely thinking that things are starting to click with my game.

For the first time, I’m actually starting to feel like a PUA. Not only are girls getting aroused by me quickly, but I’m controlling the frame much better! Honestly, it’s become one of my happiest days. I can’t wait to get more approaches in at this point. My momentum is building – I feel like the lays are only a matter of time.

I go to a bench, sit down, and reflect upon the day. Lots of progress! It was great to see how great all the responses were! My remaining amount of AA diminished significantly, was much more indirect, and used better tech – awesome! Not too shabby.

Then, out of nowhere, a cop approaches me. I’m like, “Uh, can I help you, sir?

Okay.. this is weird.

It gets weirder, and that’s because he leans into his radio and says, “We have a suspect.”


I say, “I’ll be glad to help if I can – what do you need from me, sir?”

Cop: “You’re coming with me.”


This guy brings me over to his car, searches me - of course finds the condom in my pocket – and is being really aggressive without even telling me what the hell is even going on. I ask him again, “What is going on….?” And he says that I match the description of someone accused of SEXUAL HARASSMENT.

I ask, well, who is the accuser? I have no idea… I’ve been received so well by all the girls I’ve approached! I’m really confused right now. I persisted but never was overly aggressive – verbally or physically.

Well, it turns out that it was the girl from Pennsylvania, who I must remind:
  1. Very receptively welcomed my approach
  2. Willfully engaged in conversation with me
  3. Voluntarily provided me personal information such as name, hometown, age, etc.
  4. Consensually hugged me, and happily so!
  5. Asked me for my social media and phone number!
Seriously…? I can’t believe it, honestly. I was so happy, and it becomes a nightmare because of… what exactly? I’m still not sure. It's not like my frame was uncalibrated there. Obviously, it has to do with something after our hug, but I didn't even actually touch her or say anything besides, “It was great meeting you – have a good night!” What I wrote is exactly what happened – to the extent that it’s just about verbatim.

No matter, as I'm then detained for sexual harassment. Wow.

The cop is massive jerk, and he accuses me of trying to rape drunk girls. Right, exactly, spot on. That had absolutely nothing to do with my interaction with this girl who clearly wasn't mentally impaired in any way, nor were any of the other girls that I approached.

I get taken in to make my statement, which the cop is also a jerk about. Luckily, an actual cop who isn’t a jerk comes in and puts the jerk cop in his place. Doesn’t matter though, because, well, I’m accused of sexual harassment. That’s not a joke, obviously. If I’m charged, that will screw up my life. I’ve worked so hard to life full of integrity and compassion and have never have gotten into anything close to legal trouble. Now, my academics, current jobs, future career, and much more that I’ve worked for are at risk.

They didn’t have enough evidence to keep me detained for any significant amount of time (I WONDER WHY), and the video will surely show that everything was perfect and consensual. It’s clear that the girl is just... one of those girls.

But, the video will also show me approaching a bunch of girls, too. That’s not good.

I guess now the next step is to see if she’ll press charges. Considering my thorough, four-page written statement in addition to the surveillance video, I don’t see how they could actually charge me with anything. I overhead the cops talking, and the girl even wrongly described my physical description. But in today’s climate in the United States, I could be in trouble.

So, the best day in my novice seduction career turned into one of the worst in my life.

We all know about Regal Tiger, but I never really considered, “That could be me.”

Obviously, the accusations aren’t as bad as his or others the forum has seen. It’s so unfair, though. I’m not even sure how I could face my family just even if she decides to press charges.

It’s a dangerous world out there for the remaining PUAs. I learned that the hard way. If any Americans or anyone else has advice on how to handle this absurd system of law and terrible injustice, please let me know!

Hopefully, truth prevails. But I’m doubtful, and heartbroken.

@Chase @Hector Papi Castillo @Bacchus @Velasco @Skills @Hue @Gunwitch @Anyone
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Sorry to hear about this, @Lofty.

That's not the way you want to start out.

First, the positive: some pretty girls reacted really well to you.

This girl who accused you, also, reacted well to you, and I think also may have genuinely liked you a bit.

The trouble was you closed her, and were about to leave, then went for the escalation.

It's not super huge terrible, and the girl is a dick for using that as a sex harassment report. But here's what she's feeling:

I met this cool guy, we had a nice chat, we ended things with plans to meet up later, he seems cool, or maybe not, I dunno, but at least he's friendly. Oh wait... huh... what's this? He's touching me in a sexual way? He's touching my hair? OMG, does he think I am some cheap hooker? OMG, I feel totally tricked and used.

Hair touch is intimate touch. You don't want to use it until you've escalated to that point. It is basically the touch that comes right before a kiss.

In this context, where you had a nice chat with the girl, and it was friendly, and there was some connection, but it wasn't sexual, it's too much. The timing also makes it feel like all you were really after the whole time was a quick bang, and that the conversation was just fake being nice. This is just a thing that happens with improper escalation.

It's shitty how it happened -- you just wanted to push your comfort zone a bit and see what you could get away with, but the girl ended up feeling slutty.

The way she dealt with that slutty feeling was gross -- she went and called you a sex harasser.

What you did was miscalibrated. You need to escalate to that stuff, and not skip steps before you're ready to.

Her reaction was a gross overreaction though. Trying to fuck up your entire life because you skipped a step and made her feel a little slutty.

I'm sorry that happened. Most girls are NOT like that.

I don't know if your college town is an option for day game / night game.

My general advice to guys is to NOT approach on campus, and if they do approach, to be super conservative about it.

Keep in mind, these girls are having radicalism dumped into their brains all day long by radfem third wave feminist professors.

They are being indoctrinated that a man making them feel uncomfortable in ANY way is a sex harasser.

Especially if they don't know you, they are extremely primed to interpret any slight in an extreme, out-sized way.

These girls are looking for boogeyman, and they are going to shotgun blast any guy who looks like one.

My advice for you would be:

  1. Do a little meditation, put things in perspective for yourself if you can, try to relax.

  2. Don't talk about this incident to anyone who might turn on you.

  3. If you see this girl again, don't look at her, don't talk to her, don't confront her. Cross to the other side of the street if you can. Treat her like she just climbed out of a dumpster and smells like the unwashed homeless guy who's been sleeping on the street in his own piss for the past two years. If you end up in class with her ask to be transferred out, or sit on the other side of the class. Maybe proactively tell the teacher on the first day, in private, that you don't want to go into details, because there's a lot of he-said-she-said, but you'd strongly prefer if there are any group projects to not be paired with Girl X. Then just don't go into details unless you absolutely need to (e.g., if the girl slimes you and the teacher calls you in to explain yourself)

  4. If you can get yourself to do it, I'd go out and do a few approaches immediately, preferably OFF campus. There's a thing about not letting PTSD set in -- you've got to go out and do the thing right away, lest you give the horrific memory time to set in as the bad one. Every time I've had a nasty incident with PU (I've had some girls get really rude or disrespectful over the years... made the mistake of approaching a girl who was really angry and had her turn that onto me... whoops... or had some really big guy get super confrontational because I chatted to his girl, or he was out with his buddies having a bad night and caught me alone chatting up girls and I caught his ire), I went out again ASAP, to some completely different venue, preferably one I felt very comfortable at, and had a few harmless, light conversations with people, and with girls. Just so the nasty incident isn't the latest one in mind. Very important IMO

  5. Approach off-campus if possible. I started PU when I was in college and I can count on three hands the number of on-campus approaches I did. There was a lot less of this radicalism and witch hunting then but I was still terrified of it. I'd chat up girls if it was natural to do so, but I'd keep the chats super harmless, and just go for contact details. Not pushing anything ever on the first meet. Wait to escalate anything with on-campus girls until at least date #1

  6. Also, as a beginner, especially a beginner in college, I strongly suggest going for dates first, rather than same-day lays. Same-day lays are fairly advanced to get from day game, and they're next to impossible as a beginner, unless you have mad natural skills


This sucks.

It was due to miscalibration on the escalation.

It turned a friendly/possibly interested girl into an insulted girl who felt like a slut, and decided to take it out on you by trying to totally destroy your life.

That sucks; you may feel kind of impotent about it. You insulted her; she escalated by going at you 100x. At this point you need to drop it with this girl and treat her like a dirty homeless person you want to stay as far from as possible. Don't engage with her. Don't try to give her her comeuppance. The system's on her side, like it or not, and girls on campus if they want to mess with your life as a guy on campus, that is just something they can do, and feel empowered to do. They feel good about doing it, like they are doing something morally righteous. No good comes of engaging with any girl like this any further. If you're worried about justice... well, just trust that what goes around comes around. She'll get it in this life or the next. You stay focused on your own grind and forget about her.

You need to approach again ASAP. Do it somewhere you feel safe, preferably off-campus, and stick to totally harmless conversation. If you really hit it off with a girl, don't try anything risky, just grab her contact details to set up a date. Just take it easy and do some totally safe approaches until you've got your mind right again.

If the girl does try to press charges, get a lawyer. Ask the police if there are any pro bono lawyers who might take the case, or check campus resources. Sometimes there are. Try not to worry about it too much.

There's also a possibility that if she reported it to the police, it gets reported to the school as well. You'll have to deal with that the same way you dealt with the police, just calmly explain what happened. I wouldn't say "I was wrong" or "I shouldn't have touched her hair" or whatever, because these people are basically just looking for anything to hang you on. Just stick with "We had a totally happy conversation, you can check the tapes, yes, I talked to a few girls that day, I basically never do this, you can check tapes for other days, I just had a really great day, I was feeling so happy, I wanted to talk to a few great girls. I mean, I'm open to advice, what should I do? Should I never talk to women? Treat them like stinky homeless people? I'm really not sure. I'm in the dark here. Tell me what to do."

When I got arrested for fighting in college they made me see this guidance counselor guy and I told him the story and basically said, "What would you do in this situation? I mean I'm open to advice," and he basically said yeah, that's tough, I might've gotten into a fight there too, then told me about a guy who accidentally killed another guy in a fight and went to prison for manslaughter and just said you never know how a fight is going to go and urged me to be more restrained. He ended up telling me he was going to go to bat for me with the school, I think in large part because I asked for his advice, and made it clear I considered it and thought he had excellent points. Asking people for advice forces them to put themselves in your shoes and makes them think for you, and generally makes them more empathetic toward you.

I know it's stressful.

Try to get enough other good things going in your life to balance it out.

Again, lots of harmless conversations are good.

Harmless conversations can lead to dates, the same way pushing boundaries can.

You don't need to be super sexual, or doing anything crazy, to get girls to go out with you.

Just put the face time, chat them up a bit, be friendly, take contact info, schedule dates.

I mean, if possible, I'd try to get like a girlfriend or something, and explain the situation to her, and fully get her on your side.

If you end up with a situation where one girl is calling you a harasser, and you've got this other girl who is just as cute or cuter and she is calling that girl a diabolical cunt and going to bat to defend her man, you are going to be in a pretty good place.

Sorry for this.

But you'll handle it.

Radfems in 2020, what can I say :rolleyes:

Don't let 'em get you down, amigo.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 31, 2020
I've read a few of your posts; however, I read your last one pretty closely and I wasn't expecting THAT. Sorry to hear about your predicament, but what in the actual f***?!? Talk about an anti climactic ending. That totally sucks man, I get it. Sometimes, I'm glad I'm not living in N America; precisely for these reasons. You have tagged the right people in your posts, so I'm sure one of them will reply. My first impressions (for what they're worth) upon reading your post and the spoilers was I felt you may have been a bit TOO pushy with the last set you wrote of. I get the whole idea of persistence but there's a fine line between being pushy and persistent. However, I felt you did well to recalibrate and ease up when she offered you her number.

I'm not sure if I followed the next part, you said you were moving your hands close to playing with the ends of her hair and then your hands went "there" Ummm where? Upon my first read I thought you did some sexualized touching which may have freaked her out, but upon second reading I do not think this was the case. Unless I'm missing something. I haven't been on a N American campus in years (I did back in the day when the environment was different) but what you describe would have been no big deal at all. In fact, campus's were known for being pretty liberal about this stuff and just a place where students stayed to party under the guise of being "independent". Very bizarre.

Also, not sure why there would you would be on video. I'm assuming there's a video in the courtyard area where you made the remainder of your approaches? I was going to comment on the hugging (personally, I think it's unnecessary even though I know why you do it, as a plausible deniability to make the interaction physical); however, I have been around campus here and it's pretty common for guys in social circles to hug their girls. However, if the video shows you hugging say 8-10 girls, things could be misinterpreted on purpose given the climate these days.

With respect to the laws et al there, I'm sure someone who lives in the US could help you out. I know in one of the old forums, Skills mentioned this really good security camera like product you can install hidden outside your door and inside your apartment which helps record your interactions.

PS I just noticed Chase replied while I was posting (I'm new so still getting used to everything) but I would like to add that yes his point on how this girl was feeling was what my first thoughts were too. Because you mentioned the word conversation multiple times, and she's thinking: "Wait wtf, he said "conversation" why is this getting sexual already?" Not to make excuses for her, but probably what was going on in her head.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
This can be a traumatic experience, I escalate heavily and I am very physicall never had any issues, but this climate is nuts, there was a similar incident that happened to a poster named thepoolplayer who had no approach anxiety and got similarly accused of rape and could no recover then quit the community, we had a lawyer poster named nwp and due to community politics no longer in the community, he had good advice in this situations. Get legal counsel but prior to that due research on what to do in this cases I think rich cooper has a video on the subject somewhere


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey everyone,

Thanks a lot for the replies!

Honestly, I haven't had many role models in my life. So, that's what the guys here became for me. They're not just great seducers but great thinkers, and that's what I would like to be, too. Perhaps as a result, I became disillusioned with what I could pull of as a beginner. I was trying to master seduction concepts quick in order to both improve my life and participate more in the community here. I just didn't want to improve my sex life. I wanted to become a GREAT seducer, a skilled seducer.

I felt like I was getting just a little closer to that place... so I'm quite distraught about this. The support from everyone really helps.


It always seems like you know exactly what to say!
Hair touch is intimate touch. You don't want to use it until you've escalated to that point. It is basically the touch that comes right before a kiss.
Point taken! Yeah, I'm going to be absurdly careful about this now. Pretty much going to scrap it. I combined a playful hair touch following a hug with sexual eye contact a couple times before and thought that it got girls pretty aroused... but I guess it's too much, too soon for most girls.
It's shitty how it happened -- you just wanted to push your comfort zone a bit and see what you could get away with, but the girl ended up feeling slutty.

The way she dealt with that slutty feeling was gross -- she went and called you a sex harasser.

What you did was miscalibrated. You need to escalate to that stuff, and not skip steps before you're ready to.
Okay, I understand now! It's just weird how she was so receptive to the hug, though! And she moved before I even reached her hair - didn't even make contact with it!

Then, I didn't persist AT ALL afterwards. Ah well, tough learning experience. Won't be doing that again - going to be super safe with escalation.
Her reaction was a gross overreaction though. Trying to fuck up your entire life because you skipped a step and made her feel a little slutty.

I'm sorry that happened. Most girls are NOT like that.
Understood! Yeah, it wouldn't be fair to hold this against all women! That's how those negative, victim mentality/toxic
manosphere stuff proliferates. No doubt that I'm perturbed, though, that all it takes is one of these girls to ruin my life. Maybe it already happened, we'll see.

I will certainly be following your listed advice as well!

Yep, I'm going to stay away from the on-campus stuff for a while. That will mean much less volume because all of the off-campus bars/restaurants/cafes have been strictly regulated or temporarily closed (the COVID situation is bad here). Accordingly, the off-campus foot traffic is poor as well. But hey, my best approach so far came from the grocery store. I can figure it out!

And you're spot on about the reporting to the university. Obviously, I haven't even been charged (and if the world is just, I won't), but the cops very poorly explained something about me already having to do counseling through the university. What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"....? When the time comes, I'll definitely incorporate your suggestions. Your take on that makes a lot of sense to me!

I'm also afraid because this girl has my name and phone number. Even if she doesn't press charges, or I'm not charged, she can post about me online and do just as much damage, if not more. I've kept my online presence so low to avoid things like this... but here we are.
Harmless conversations can lead to dates, the same way pushing boundaries can.

You don't need to be super sexual, or doing anything crazy, to get girls to go out with you.

Just put the face time, chat them up a bit, be friendly, take contact info, schedule dates.
It's very true that I was trying to skip the date step. The appeal of an SDL is obvious. I really thought that I was getting closer to be able to do it, too. But it's all about the safe route for now, and that means... dates, even if the concept of that doesn't appeal too much to me when I could try to make it all happen the first time. It's a pain to deal with the phone numbers and everything, but if it's what I must do, I will.
Radfems in 2020, what can I say

Don't let 'em get you down, amigo.
Thanks, Chase!

Maybe there's still a battle to be fought - and it's hard to get this out of my mind - but I am feeling much more at ease, relatively-speaking.

Hey, @TheDreamer!

I've perused the chat and seen that you have a ton of old-school knowledge, so I really appreciate you following my seduction journey here!
That totally sucks man, I get it. Sometimes, I'm glad I'm not living in N America; precisely for these reasons.
Tell me about it! This made me rather bearish about living here any further, to say the least.
I'm not sure if I followed the next part, you said you were moving your hands close to playing with the ends of her hair and then your hands went "there" Ummm where? Upon my first read I thought you did some sexualized touching which may have freaked her out, but upon second reading I do not think this was the case.
Yep, I was moving my hands towards her hair but never actually made it. My fingers were in the air a few inches away when she pulled back. Up until that point, she was reciprocating my strong sexual eye contact, so I thought it wasn't an uncalibrated move. I was surprised that she acted so abruptly, and I DID NOT even consider, let alone do, any further verbal or physical persistence.

Girls are even more fickle than I thought. Ah well, now I understand.
Also, not sure why there would you would be on video. I'm assuming there's a video in the courtyard area where you made the remainder of your approaches? I was going to comment on the hugging (personally, I think it's unnecessary even though I know why you do it, as a plausible deniability to make the interaction physical); however, I have been around campus here and it's pretty common for guys in social circles to hug their girls. However, if the video shows you hugging say 8-10 girls, things could be misinterpreted on purpose given the climate these days.
There are video cameras EVERYWHERE on campus! And yeah, hugging is super common - even among people that you recently met or aren't too closely affiliated with. It's true, though, that my other approaches being on camera is a major concern. I'll just have to follow Chase's advice on how to explain it and hope for the best.

Thanks again for chiming in! Helps a lot to have others see the absurdity here.

This can be a traumatic experience, I escalate heavily and I am very physicall never had any issues, but this climate is nuts, there was a similar incident that happened to a poster named thepoolplayer who had no approach anxiety and got similarly accused of rape and could no recover then quit the community, we had a lawyer poster named nwp and due to community politics no longer in the community, he had good advice in this situations. Get legal counsel but prior to that due research on what to do in this cases I think rich cooper has a video on the subject somewhere

Appreciate the input, @Skills! You have such great experience and are always willing to help - really respect that!

Yeah, I assumed that there were plenty of situations like this in the community before. Hopefully, this won't mean the end for me, too. Up to me to ensure that.

Thanks for the suggestions - will check those out!

Fingers crossed that she doesn't press charges, but considering that she pursued this in the first place, I think we all know what to expect.


Feb 3, 2020
Hey Lofty. Sorry about what happened to you.

If you're worried about giving your real number, you can give out a fake one through software like Google Voice.

I share this number with people I don't trust yet with my real number. If they look it up, it shows as landline.

It adds another layer of protection in case things go sour.

Hopefully this helps make you feel safer going forward.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
I combined a playful hair touch following a hug with sexual eye contact a couple times before and thought that it got girls pretty aroused
she was reciprocating my strong sexual eye contact, so I thought it wasn't an uncalibrated move.
It's just weird how she was so receptive to the hug, though! And she moved before I even reached her hair
Me: I’ve really, really enjoyed our conversation, HB. In fact, I’d love to continue it further! Have you enjoyed talking to me?
HB: Definitely!
Me: Okay, well let’s keep talking then… and enjoy each other’s company for a little while longer.
HB: I would really like to, but I have class at 8:00 am! (it’s about 1:00 AM)
Is it safe to say now that YES/compliance ladders are ineffective lol?
but I guess it's too much, too soon for most girls.
More like too little, too late my friend. By setting sexual frames earlier in the interaction (before pulling home), you will know whether she is playing the same game as you or not.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hey Lofty. Sorry about what happened to you.

If you're worried about giving your real number, you can give out a fake one through software like Google Voice.

I share this number with people I don't trust yet with my real number. If they look it up, it shows as landline.

It adds another layer of protection in case things go sour.

Hopefully this helps make you feel safer going forward.
Exactly, I have been saying this for years skills,
Fake name check
Fake Facebook and Instagram check
Fake age check, I am 45 so I have to
Fake number, Google voice check

I mean now a days, I am so careful also ring and cameras


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
The problem is that he matched her description (clothes, face, skin). And was still on campus when the cop approached him. And through cameras they could use facial recognition tech to come after you (might have to already be in their database for this to work tho. Not sure). Even if you'd give her a fake name/number/age.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
The problem is that he matched her description (clothes, face, skin). And was still on campus when the cop approached him. And through cameras they could use facial recognition tech to come after you (might have to already be in their database for this to work tho. Not sure). Even if you'd give her a fake name/number/age.

Yep, this is very true - they would have used whatever necessary technology to find me, despite her description of my clothing being pathetically wrong.

Anyway, back at it with an update from the past few days.

Friday, August 28

The early-morning excitement left me in a fantastic mood, obviously.

I spend much of the day doing research about the situation – both in terms of legal implications and campus resources. Based on the wording of the law and video surveillance that confirms my statement, I find it rather unlikely that it would be possible to charge me with anything. After all, the police weren’t even able to detain me for long due to a lack of evidence. Everything should be all good as long as it is an impartial investigation. To me, it seems that the accuser will actually face some difficulties if she decides to press charges. Remember that I asked her to come hug me, so she was the one who closed our physical distance and initiated the hug. On video, that's defintely going to be in my favor - maybe I could have even pressed charges against her for getting so close to me?

All evidence is supportive of me except for that one subtle action that didn't involve any touch or language. I understand now that it was a frivolous misstep... but would it really be enough in legal terms considering her prior investment in the interaction?

We'll see. But for now, we move on.

After reading everyone’s insightful responses in the afternoon, my goal for the remainder of the day became to stabilize my emotions before doing a few approaches per Chase’s recommendation. I try to find positive, creative outlets to quell my frustration: producing music, meditating, and reading. By the evening, I find my mind in a much more tranquil state. Around 8:00 PM, I feel calm enough to go do some approaches.

Following a brief, relaxing walk, I position myself in the district of town with a few stores and restaurants with the plan to have a few extremely conservative approaches. Shortly after I arrive, a group of three girls walk in my direction while I’m staring off into the distance. The girl leading them is a petite, attractive blond; she is carrying a box of freshly-baked cookies in her hands. She opens me as she nears, and my first set of the night begins.
HB: Heeeeeeey, are you having a nice night? :)
Me: Interesting that you mention that… in fact, I think my night would be much better if I had a cookie…
HB (laughs and stops walking): Wellllll, maaaaaybe I can give you one ;)
Me: Cookies are just such an extraordinary treat, aren’t they? Not only do they taste… so delectable… but they also provide us memories… of happy times. Perhaps it is of the innocent days of our childhood, or of the loving baking of our mother. And every time we have a cookie, those strong feelings return. Do you know what I mean?
HB: Wow… totally! My grandmother makes the best chocolate-chip cookies - I always do think of her when I eat one!
Me: Ah… it’s almost like I can smell them now! Are you good at baking, too?
HB: Hahahaha, not really… that’s why I bought these!
Me: Haha, well, there’s always time to learn about the things we really, really want to do... what’s your name?
I then exchange names with her and her friends, but I focus the majority of my eye contact on this girl. The two friends smile at me and don’t interrupt our conversation.
HB: So, Lofty, what are you doing around here? Are you waiting for someone?
Me: HB, do you ever feel the need to just… relax… and decompress? Maybe it was a tough day, and the mind just needs an opportunity to be alleviated. That’s what I’m doing – do you ever feel the need to take a moment and relax, HB?
HB: Oh yeah! After a test or work definitely, you kinda need that sometimes!
Me: What do you do to… relax, HB?
HB: Listen to music, watch TV shows, hang with friends, that kind of stuff! What about you?
Me: What I really enjoy… is connecting with people. So many people live such a hectic life that they don’t ever take a moment to just… slow down… and value the people around them. I find that is actually amazing… how great it feels… to simply have an amiable conversation with a close friend… or perhaps someone new and… interesting. Do you ever feel that way?
HB: Yeah... I totally get that...
Then, one of the friends laughs and says, “Oh, come on, HB! We have to get the cookies back to the sorority house.” HB perks up and agrees. I’m just being super safe like Chase recommended, so I tell her:
Me: I certainly understand that a bunch of hungry sorority girls must be waiting on you! It was very nice to meet you, HB! It was such a pleasant conversation, don’t you think?
HB: Yes!
Me: Okay, then, let me get your number and we can continue this conversation sometime soon :)
HB: Okay :)
She puts her name and number into my phone, says that it was nice to meet me, and then the three of them leave while waving goodbye.

At this point, I move further down the street and lean up against a railing. Not too many people are out, so it is probably 15 minutes before I see another opportunity. Five giggling girls are now walking in my direction. They all seem quite distracted by each other, so I plan on staring at my phone and take it really casually. When they are just about five feet away, I notice that all of them are attractive. At that moment, the leader – a beautiful noirette in a black tank and daisy dukes – stops, looks at me, turns away from me and back to her friends, and says, “Oh my god, come on, let’s take a picture for Insta!”

All of them agree that it’s a great idea. The leader raises her phone in the air, flaunts a pose with her booty sticking out right towards me, and then proceeds to try to arrange her friends into the photo. They can’t seem to get it quite right and struggle for a moment.

I’m like, “Are these girls serious right now?” I mean, I guess that’s an approach invitation…?

But before when I saw a girl, I’d think that I’d have nothing to lose. Now, there’s just a little hesitation that, yes, I do have something to lose… I fight that fleeting thought and make my entrance. The pretty leader will be my focus. Slowly turning towards them and grinning, I say:
Me (to the group): Time for a quick photo session, huh?
HB (apparently unsurprised that I spoke to them): Oh yeah, gotta do it for the Insta!!!
Me (to HB): Here, let me help with that. I actually really like photography – I’ll make sure to take a really nice photo of everyone for social media.
HB: Wow, thank you so much! Use my phone, please! *hands me her phone*
Me: Isn’t photography so fascinating? People say that a picture will last forever, and the emotion at the time of the picture will last forever, too. But I think that they’re forgetting something… and that’s the action of taking the picture itself. For example… all of you were having so much fun just trying to get in the frame… that’s a special memory in itself, don’t you think so, too?
HB and her friends just kind of blankly stare at me for a moment. Next, they ask for my name, and I ask for theirs. Afterwards, I begin to direct them into an attractive arrangement… but I do not touch any of them… haha, I guess. It’s kind of sad, though.

Anyway, I just verbally tell everyone where to stand and what pose to strike. I take a few pictures - they really like them. HB is like, “OMG that’s such a great picture, what’s your Insta, I’ll tag you in it!”

I give her my standard line about social media, she’s surprised, and then isn’t sure of what to say. So, I just playfully take a picture of the two of us with her phone and tell her that she should grab my phone number and send it to me ;)

She cheerfully does. Fun girl, for sure. Next, she mentions that they should really be getting to their friend’s house. Maybe that was an invitation to go with, but I don’t persist this time. Playing it safe, number closing, and ejecting is the strategy until this blasphemous case blows over. I say how nice it was to meet them (while staring at HB), to have fun at their friends, and say that I hope that they like the picture,

HB reaffirms that she really likes it and that it was great to meet me. We wave goodbye. I’m tired from a long day, so I head back to my apartment.

On the way, I see a pedestrian-looking girl walk by. I ask her, “Isn’t it beautiful out tonight?” and she just keeps on walking. Ah, whatever.

I return to my place and take a moment to reflect on the night. I’m happy that I was able to go back out approaching, but I was a little frustrated that I probably could have taken both of those sets further.

Of course, I understand that I need to be extremely conservative right now. All in due time.

Saturday, August 29

I know that it’s an important day. Pivotal, in fact. I must prepare for the upcoming week and have a plan of action ready.

To begin, I write a 2,000+ word account of that accursed night starting the moment after leaving HBTight’s car (I do not mention her, obviously). This will explain that my motivation for being at the dorms was from the recommendation of the four girls on the sidewalk, whom I met as I was going on a casual walk. It will also display that I befriended and exchanged contact information with numerous people – both men and women – without any sentiment of malice.

It also helps to calm me. Now that everything is comprehensively recorded, I can push it further away from my mind. My statement was detailed, but not as detailed as this – if it wasn’t for that jerk of a cop pressuring me and calling me a rapist while I was writing it, perhaps it would have been.

Later, I learn of a university-sponsored office on campus that specializes in counseling for sexual assault cases. On Monday, I will schedule an appointment with them – hopefully for the same day. I am slightly concerned that these workers will have a natural leaning against men, but the fact that I am approaching them myself hopefully will resolve any of their initial bias. I plan to read them my account in full. After hearing it, I am optimistic that they will be able to assist me, in addition to explaining the legal processes that the police did not.

These efforts consume most of my day. It’s already late – maybe 10:00 PM - by the time that I feel comfortable with my plan. I decide to take a trip to the grocery store and do some approaches if the opportunity arises.

Upon arriving, I immediately notice an attractive blond on the other side of the store. I casually maneuver myself in that direction. When I enter her peripheral vision, I see that she glances towards me. I decide to open with a cleaner version of the model that I used with HBTight.
Me: Isn’t it so peculiar… how there are so many different brands for the same type of food? The labels are different… but the content is the same. It’s almost like people. Many people posit themselves with the label of being different.. but most end up actually being the same – perhaps selfish, greedy, and ruthless. I really prefer people who don’t abide by the confines of labels… know what I mean?
HB: Hahahahahaha! You remind me of my boyfriend.
Me (genuinely surprised): Is that right? How come?
HB: My boyfriend will say philosophical BS just like that all the time!
Me: Well, I can certainly see why you like a man like that ;)! Do you like that your boyfriend is mysterious and intriguing, then?
HB: Seriously, the things that dude says sometimes…
Me: It’s great to be around people who get you thinking, isn’t it? What’s your name?
HB: HB :). Yours?
Me: Lofty. What are you looking for at the store today, HB?
HB: Well, you know, just the usual. I’m thinking about maybe getting a mango, though.
Me: Okay, so I’m getting the sense that you’re the type of girl who likes to get things done but isn’t afraid of breaking the status quo, too. You’ll get the bread and milk… but there’s always going to be something on your list that isn’t on anyone else’s. Is that right?
HB (laughing): Haha, well I do like to keep things interesting!
Me: A mango sounds good to me now, too! How about we go and pick some out?
HB: Sure, I was going to go over in that direction anyway!
We proceed to pick out a few mangos while learning more about each other, and then I give her strong eye contact.
Me: It’s been great to meeting you, HB! There’s something about your vibe that is really intriguing… it’s like when I look into your eyes, I can tell that you’re really open-minded.
HB: Haha, it’s been fun talking to you, too! Seriously, I think you’d get along great with my boyfriend.
Me: Alright then... he definitely seems like… an interesting guy. Let me grab your phone number and we can all meet up sometime. Maybe we can have a philosophical debate or something ;)
HB (pauses for a moment before smiling): Okay! But remember that I have a boyfriend.
Me: What boyfriend?
Laughing, we say our goodbyes. Really cool girl, though I doubt anything will come of it. In any case, it was good practice. I don't have any other approach opportunities after I leave the store but am left in an improved mood after that cheerful approach.

As for Sunday (today), I’ve been attempting to finish all of my homework for the upcoming week. In addition, I’m trying to refine my ideas for my approaching strategy.

Accomplishing all of this will allow me to feel more comfortable if this typhoon of injustice proliferates. I’m hopeful, though. It’s like what Chase said: if justice isn’t served now, it will be served later in this life or the next. That thought has been a reassuring consolation to my mind.

And plus, something tells me that fate will have a certain audacity to protect me from this villainy.
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hi Lofty,

You have a very captivating writing style, and though it's taken me almost two hours to read the entirety of this journal of yours, it has still been a pleasure, the pleasure which reading good writing always gives one.

It's also inspiring that you're taking action and applying the game lore you've been digging up here IRL. This is the sort of thing this forum is for. So kudos.

It's clear that you've absorbed some powerful tech from the advanced crowd. You saw how powerful this stuff is in your interaction with HBTight.

I wonder however if you're at a level where you can safely use it?

The guys will offer up their expert advice but they assume, like Vel and Bacc did, that you have strong fundamentals. This means, aside from the usual things (fashion sense, posture, grooming, eye contact, muscle, state, non-fidgety, etc.), that you can read girls' signals. That you know when a girl is turned on/sexually aroused or not. That you can distinguish platonic interest from sexual interest.

I'm not saying any of this in an accusatory frame, I'm simply trying to help you out. You're obviously a very smart guy from the way you've been able to imbibe all this advanced tech and apply it, with your own stylish flourishes.

However, Vel and Bacc are the sorts of guys who girls can tell before they even open their mouths are fuckboys. A girl won't give Bacc or Vel a ride home if she is completely shut off to the idea of having sex with either of them.

Here are your mistakes, as I see them:

1. Repeating to HBSwoop 4 times about meeting her at 6:00pm that afternoon - this shows neediness, insecurity about her compliance to the desired outcome. I had to consciously tell myself to stop doing this so I've been there. Nothing to stress out about, I'd say most guys have done it at some point.

2. Persisting on HBTight in her car. My understanding is she did not see you as a sexual threat, despite the power of the tech you applied. She merely saw you as an interesting guy. This does not mean she saw you in anything more than a platonic light.

The power of Gun and Bacc's tweaks of Gun's tech is that it confronts girls with a guy profile they've scarcely met before - the guy who doesn't say the same things all the other guys say, and doesn't act in the same way as them - but while you verbally go indirect (with weasel phrases, commands and so forth admixed) to tap into emotional stimulation and social frame, sexual arousal comes from non-verbals.

And from what I've read the only girl who you managed to arouse sexually in all these reports was HBPolitico. The other HBs did not see you as a sexual threat. Honestly when I was reading that report I thought HBTight was the girl who had made the sexual harrassment complaint. But you see even though she didn't (which shows you the immense freedom pure cold approach (campus approaches are not 100% cold approach as it is social frame assumed you are a student or somehow involved in the college) brings, as you are total strangers and there is little in the way of institutional checks) she could well have.

She told you she had a boyfriend who she didn't want to cheat on and had to go home while squirming in her seat about 8 times!

It's one thing to persist 8 times to kiss a girl who is playing games you're on a date with. It's a whole other thing to persist 8 times with a girl who is clearly uncomfortable and from the reactions she made in your text she was obviously taken by surprise that you invited her up to your apartment. You're not the kind of guy (in her eyes) who would do that. If she knew you were that guy maybe she wouldn't have agreed to give you a ride.

3. Same thing happened with HBPennsylvania. Platonic interest, and then you try to escalate further after getting a number which she interpreted as a platonic number. Hence her reaction: "creep". I'm not saying you're a creep dude. I'm just saying this is how girls work. Anything unexpected like that is the label it gets you. It's the ambiguity, the not being able to read your intent. What does this guy want after all?

So yeah I agree with Chase that sticking to conservative defanged interactions is probably best.

Perhaps look at your wardrobe to add some spice (or accessorize with rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.) so you give off more of a sexual vibe when you interact with these girls, so they don't get caught by surprise and despite the indirect verbals there's no mistaking what you're about from the first moment she talks to you.

Perhaps do some meditating before heading out? Drinking green tea? Watching porn? Masturbating without cumming? These are just off the top of my head.

Anyway, keep up the good work buddy! But yeah, you gotta become more calibrated/aware, else you're looking trouble straight in the face.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey @Bismarck,

Thanks for reading! I’ve really enjoyed your articles on the main site, so I very much appreciate the input.

Looking back on my interaction with HBTight, yes, I can understand why you would say that. Personally, I took her restlessness as more of a fight with her logical brain rather than fear – I didn’t feel that she was unnerved because she was receptive to my touching of her hands and appeared immersed in the tech. If I hadn’t sensed her comfort while we were in the car, then I wouldn’t have tried to persist or escalate. And I definitely was not forceful with my touch – it was much more playful. If she asked me to stop touching her… then I most certainly would have. I have absolutely no desire to persist in any way with girls who are not interested. But did I misinterpret her platonic interest as sexual interest, like you say…?

Yeah, maybe there was this incongruence in my mind that if a girl is receptive towards me, then I can make her sexually interested. After all, isn’t that a fundamental PU belief? Yet, I understand why that is far too much for me to assume at this stage.

I think that my judgment was clouded from not fully recognizing my inexperience. That made me try to persist, persist, persist. I mean, I feel like there’s been sexual tension. But something has always been missing, and I guess that’s the sexual subcommunication that you speak of. Velasco has mentioned that I need to be setting these sexual frames much earlier, too.

Well, I do not have much of a fuckboy vibe. People seem to be pretty open towards me from early in an interaction – maybe a bit too “nice guy”? Then, it would make sense that they’re confused if the interaction becomes sexual.

My fundamentals are not necessarily maximized. Maybe they’re a bit unbalanced. Some things are good, others a work in progress.

It is interesting that you mention HBPolitico as the only one to view me sexually. That interaction also happened in the closest situation towards actual nightgame that I’ve written about, so while it was street approach, it was in close proximity to a number of active bars/clubs. So, that sexual frame was probably a bit inherent along with my use of direct game.

And while my overall approach-to-number ratio is pretty good, it’s not like I’m turning those into lays just yet.

Most of all, I’m very concerned about this “creepy” sense that is even being somewhat portrayed. I've never had someone call me creepy, weird (in a bad way), asked me to leave, made me feel unwelcome, etc… but I know that you're very right in what you mean.

It's just that while I’ve vastly improved my understanding of social dynamics, I also have lost my social calibration as soon as I had any ideas of escalation. It’s morbidly disheartening, but I’m glad that you elucidated it.

Thank you for the criticism. I learned a lot.

I’ll get better now, and my mind is clear.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Creativity is not learned. Creativity is unlearning. Creativity is exploding what the mind knows, releasing itself from the vicious claws of control, and freeing the conscious into the naturality of the individual.

Before every approach, and periodically throughout, I need to be making sure that I take a breath. Take a breath to alleviate the tension in my mind and body to focus my mental energies on creatively perceiving the girl in a way that other men do not. Understand her awareness of the world and embody this understanding in my intuition, as I can, because that potential is innately within us as humans to do so.

I don’t feel far away… I actually feel rather close. Mistakes were made because I lost a sense of the most beautiful aspect of seduction… the girl. The girl is the focus, my focus is on the girl. Feeling her presence and inherent attraction and emitting our desire into subconscious liminality. Allowing her to submit to my creative agencies to provide the outcome that the senses seek. Perceptive insights on her perspective.

No. More. Games.

Tuesday, September 1

If a day can be busy yet uneventful, it would be my day up until 6:00 PM. It was the epitome of the drone and drawl.

Accordingly, I knew that I had to procure a happening, an excitement. What better way of doing so than approaching beautiful women… and expound upon the intrinsic?

My time is limited with a frivolous online assignment due later tonight. So, I momentarily relax on a bench on the way back to my apartment. This area has some walking paths and an ample amount of greenery. I feel the slight breeze, the agreeable temperature, and my foremost longing to fuck the brains out of a fantastically attractive girl.


The essence of my session becomes:
  1. Sexual vibe – mirror neurons. I want to fuck you, and you want to fuck me.
  2. Sprezzatura… low energy. Fate. Meet cute.
  3. Perceptive insights on her perspective. Reality pacing, eliciting, opportunities and challenges, and understanding her to control the frame.
I’m readied. My breathing slows, and I’m now searching for a demoiselle to enter my arena, in order for me to enter hers.

There is not much to mention. Some passerby and a few glancing looks, but I want a static beauty. This is where my chances are highest – even if I get only one chance.

About 15 minutes pass, and it happens. A pretty blond and her black puppy enter a patch of grass under a tree in the distance. She lays a blanket under the tree, sits, and begins to fondle her dog.

Bon voyage, Lofty.

I slowly stand and plan my route in which I will casually enter her periphery from an off-centered angle. Straightening my body and forwarding my chest, I embark.

Walking lax and attributing my eyesight to the clouds and trees, I notice a black ball of fur rambunctiously nearing me when I’m about five feet away from the setup of a girl that I will call HBRunner.

The puppy approaches my feet, and I grant him my eye contact. I lower myself to this adorable seafoam-eyed puppy and leisurely look towards the sitting girl. Our eyes meet. She is a belle… blonde, green-eyed, innocent-looking expression, tanned… fit. On her is a white crop top and tight, grey running shorts. I begin.
Me: Your puppy… is quite adorable. I always find it so… fascinating… how much a cute puppy can alleviate all of our concerns and just allow us to… relax. Is that what you’re doing out here in this pleasant weather… relaxing?
HBRunner (she reciprocates strong eye contact): Yeah! It’s so nice out. I’m really just trying to get out of the house, you know? Hey… you can pet him, if you want. He seems to like you! *the dog is rolling around in front of me and grinning with his tongue out… I oblige :p *
Me (slowly petting the dog, looking at her eyes): Yes… sometimes we all get a longing for freedom, perhaps a release from the normal and mundane. Because you never quite know what new, exciting things may happen… if you try something just a bit out of the ordinary. What’s his name?
HBRunner (very receptive, now playing with her hair): Oh, um… it’s Bullet!
Me: Bullet, huh… so you’re the type of girl who likes something just a bit different. So many people will choose such boring, common names… so few will march to the beat of their own drum. So you’re one of those people…
HBRunner: HBRunner :)
Me: …who prefers life more inspiring… than that of the status quo?
HBRunner: Oh… yeah! I didn’t want to name him something boring. I’ve wanted a dog for a long time, so I tried to name him something special. What’s your name?
Me: Ah… it’s Lofty. So, HBRunner, taking a walk with this… special dog… is what brought you out of the house today?
HBRunner: Yeah! He gets bored in the house. I have a backyard, but he doesn’t like it much, so I take him out here. And, honestly, I get bored in the house, too…
Me: Really? How come?
HBRunner: Well, all my classes were moved online. I never get to go to campus – all I do is watch online lectures. I’m trying to do other things to keep my sanity!
Me: Oh? I can understand how it must be so unexciting to… do the same thing…. day after day. What are… some of those things… that you do to spice up your life?
HBRunner: I love to go running! I run every day.
Me: Okay, so running for you…. is how you find both excitement… and peace. It gives you the opportunity to change the pace… and take control… of your own life. Does it give you the opportunity to think and reflect, too?
HBRunner: Definitely! I feel like when I’m running, my mind is so clear.
Me: Ah, so you get a runner’s high?
HBRunner (gets excited): Yeah! That’s exactly it. When I run, it’s like all of my problems go away, and nothing else matters.
Really, I’m just trying to relaxingly vibe her through conversation, build my sexy genuine man demeanor, and learn more about her. I try to talk very calmly – honestly think this was my best job with tone, cadence, word emphasis, and pregnant pauses so far. She keeps playing with her hair, rubbing her upper chest, and fidgeting with a yellow scrunchie on her wrist, so I’m feeling good.

I’m also glad that I watched the James Marshall video that WIA posted a while back – the setting was a bit reminiscent of it, and his super coolness was emblazoned in my mind. So, I tried to use similar body language, though I was a bit more upright because she was sitting rather than laying like the girls in the video.

We keep conversing, and HBRunner is very engaged. She’s talkative, responsive, and seems quite glad that I approached her. I focus on retaining the conversation in the same vein, and I’m pretty happy with how it went.

After about 25 minutes of that, I say something like, “Oh, it’s getting late… I’m sure that you are a busy person with a lot to do…” and begin to start my process for number closing. HBRunner picks up on it and says, “Well, I really wanted to stay outside of the house for a little while longer…”

Lol. That’s a good sign. She’s hot and fun to talk to, so I continue the discussion while playing with the puppy until about 8:00.

She really liked answering my questions. Seemed like she would always add a little bit of extra info onto the end of her response. I also tried to get get more practice with qualifying. For example, when she spoke about a recipe she made, I asked her, “Oh, then, HBRunner, are you good at cooking?”

We both had homework to do and it was getting dark, so I told her that it was really nice to meet her – wasn’t it a really nice conversation? She agrees.

I say that I’d really like to continue our conversation – wouldn’t she? Affirmative.

Okay, well then I’ll grab your number and we can do that sometime soon.

Then, she gives me that fulfilled look that happens when a girl has been waiting to give you her number and eagerly provides her full name and digits. She mentions that Labor Day weekend brings about a trip to a lakehouse with her friends, so it might have to be next week.

Okay, so I really want to see her tomorrow! My plan is to get her on a walk, along with the puppy (plausible deniability – she was just taking her puppy for a walk with me…).

We say our goodbyes. I’ve dropped the hug thing, so I just reiterate that it was great to meet her and that I’ll see her soon. She readily agrees, and I’m off. After a while, I take a quick look back and she’s excitedly texting. Hopefully it was about a cool stranger she just met!

I stop at the grocery store on the way to my apartment. I’m trying to do one approach here per day. There’s a hot blonde looking at the shelves, alone. I saunter into the periphery and open.
Me: Isn’t it so peculiar… how there are so many brands for the same type of food. It’s like –
*HB drops the box in her hand*
HB: Oh my god! Sorry! *picks up the box*
Me (definitely thrown off by that):… uh, it’s almost like they’re trying to trick us. Do you know what I mean?
HB (clearly shook from dropping the box): Oh yeah… definitely! *walks away*
…well, yuck. Sometimes that’s just the way the box falls.

I don’t have any more approach opportunities on my way home and am not left with too much time for the homework, either. But it’s way more important to me that it went really well with HBRunner. I feel like I was able to incorporate my focuses, and overall, I don’t think that I could have done nearly as well if I saw her last week.

After I send her the standard GC “save my number :)” text, she responds, “It was really nice meeting you!”

Strong lead, perhaps. We’ll see what happens.

But knowing that I aroused her, for sure, is a really, really good thought.

On we go.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
There are a series of moments that rise to the forefront of my mind when remembering my high school baseball career.

One game, I had a beautiful performance on the mound. Left-handed batters couldn’t touch my two-seam fastball, and right-handed batters whiffed upon my curveball. My circle changeup was at its best.

After the game, my coach, a man who briefly yet very poorly pitched in the majors, brought me aside in a secluded corner of the dugout. He placed his hands firmly on my shoulders. Looked me in the eyes, perhaps as intensely as he could for being halfway drunk. Then, he tightened his grip and unraveled a bearish scream into my face as a reward for a job well done, tobacco spittle unfurling out of his mouth.

My next start was on a wonderful day. I remember it clearly. Perfect springtime temperature and a subtle breeze that ceded every time that I began my delivery. The world seemed yearning to will me to brilliance.

However, I was not the same. Something had changed, even though I had not.

Strikes became marvel. Curveballs spun out of my hand but landed in places where even Willie Mays could not reach. The beloved circle changeup was no more – it had no life. My early exit was inevitable, and I walked off the mound feeling the worst concoction of bewilderment and anger.

After the game, my coach, a man who briefly yet very poorly pitched in the majors, brought me aside in a secluded corner of the dugout. He placed his hands firmly on my shoulders. Looked me in the eyes, perhaps as intensely as he could for being halfway drunk. Then, he tightened his grip upon me and unraveled a bearish scream into my face as a punishment for a job poorly done, tobacco spittle unfurling out of his mouth.

“Lofty,” he said. “There are ten days in this world.”

“Two, you have everything.”

His gravelly voice softened.

“Two, you have nothing.”

Softened further.

“And the other six… you have to battle.”

Gently tapping both my shoulders twice with his worn hands, he tenderly nodded, reached up to scratch his scraggly beard, gave me a teary-eyed glance encompassing all of the compassion in the world, methodically turned away, reached into the back pocket of his baseball pants, located his tin of Skoal, opened it, reached for a big dip, intimately dropped it in his mouth, and wandered off into the distance.

Wednesday, September 2

I wake up with the forces of life compelling me into optimism.

Progress was made. The previous night had witnessed my best performance of game, and I had a beautiful girl stammering as she tried to remember her phone number.

It appeared to be a sensational breakthrough for me. Finally, it appeared that momentum was on my side. Something good was about to happen, and I had made it happen with the help of some very skilled seducers.

I decide that I will text HBRunner in the afternoon. She would be leaving for her trip to the lake soon but would remain in town for the night. To me, it seemed like there was a strong possibility that we would be spending it together.

First, though, comes the uninspiring activities of the day: COVID testing, class, laundry.

HBRunner did not take up much of my thought, but I greatly anticipated the moment that she would. So pretty, and so receptive towards me. It was my best approach, after all. After a quick review of GC articles on scheduling dates, I send the text (over Google Voice now, of course):
Hey HBRunner! Hope you weren’t too bored by those online lectures. I’ve been trying to deal with a bunch of online homework myself... so I was feeling your pain! What’s your schedule looking like for tonight - perhaps another relaxing walk with Bullet?
Time ticks and fades away into eternity. The afternoon becomes the early evening. Is it really possible…?

Maybe it’s a “battle” day. Maybe it’s a “nothing” day.

But I have to put on my armor regardless - HBRunner is very, very unfortunately just another dead lead. If I want plans for tonight, then I have to do more approaching. So, I do. I walk to a series of parks.

It’s really hot and humid outside, though. Even less people are out than usual. The volume is pathetic, really. Disappointed, I go to the grocery store.

Prospects aren’t great there, either. After about ten minutes of pretending to peruse the bread and yogurts, a pretty Indian girl walks by and smiles. Okay, here we go!

She passes me and turns into another aisle. I take a deep breath, remember my focuses from yesterday, and relaxingly walk towards the opposite end of her aisle. Raising my line of sight, I make my entrance.

But she’s not there.

Next aisle? Not there.

I check the entire store, but the girl is nowhere to be found. Somehow in a below-average sized grocery store, I lost her.

Frustrated, I decide to open the next girl that I see. Which happens to be the only girl in the store.

She’s average-looking. Probably in her early thirties. Checking out the teas. I peripherally enter and open:
Me: You know, what’s the difference between green tea… and herbal green tea? It’s almost like they’re trying to trick us.
HB: How old are you?
Me: Haha, is that the first question that you always ask people you just meet?
HB: No, only the college boys who try to hit on me. I’m sure that you can find a pretty girl your own age.
Me: Girls my age are so… immature. All they think about is what parties to go to… which pictures to post on Instagram… and which pair of sweatpants to wear to their 8:00 am class. Sometimes, I really would like to have an intellectual conversation with someone who is just… a little more sophisticated than the rest. When I look in your eyes… I can tell that you’re the type of women who is very intelligent.
HB: Aw, thank you! But I’m married. *shows me her ring*
Me (realizing that it’s best to eject): Ah. Well, enjoy the wonderful tea selection. Please do choose carefully. I hear that there is a feud brewing between husbands who prefer Lipton and wives who prefer Twinings.
Ha, lame. She laughs anyway as I make my leave. Maybe her reaction means that I'm a bit closer to a fuckboy vibe...

The foot traffic on the streets is also poor and likewise with the shops that are still open. I even check the pharmacy, but no one is inside. With Chase's very timely article on scouting as inspiration, I have to find venues with more volume. Maybe I have the solution...

In all, the day became quite the disappointment. Oh well – I’m still alive and breathing, and as long as that’s the case, the opportunity for tomorrow to be better remains intact.

Thursday, September 3

The circumstances today were not the best for approaching. I did not want to have a day pass without some form of practice, though, so I conjure up an idea.

I’ll practice texting game, which it appears that I certainly need to improve.

To do so, I consider girls of the past.

Her – no, doesn’t make sense. Her – maybe, eh, not sensible.


Last year - before I learned about game - there was this girl from my extended social circle that I pulled to my apartment following the birthday party of a shared friend. Attractive girl with an athletic and great body. Towards the promiscuous side. A bad bitch, one might say.

It would be a definite FU if I were to write a FR for it now. Looking back, I understand that my first issue was that I did not pull soon enough. It seemed like she had initial attraction and was DTF from early on in the interaction. Yet, I spent hours in rapport-building conversation. We made it to my place at 3:00 AM, and I then learned she had breakfast with a friend at 7:30. Ouch.

I took her to my couch, told her the story about when I lived on an island and held a seashell from there up to her ear that I conveniently had propped on my coffee table. She then gave me a seductive look and grabbed my face with both hands. We began to passionately kiss.

My second mistake is that while she was likely looking for me to quickly escalate, I did not. Not understanding escalation and greatly enjoying her bad bitch tongue, the make-out session continued for about fifteen minutes. She then noticed the clock change to 3:30, which alarmed her. Of course, she told me that she had to leave. I persisted with kissing for a few more minutes before she gently pulled away, walked to my door, and promised that she would be back very soon. I persisted more by making out with her all the way back to her car, but she eventually held her hand softly to my chest, gave me another promise that she would definitely be back again, hopped in the car, and left.

Obviously, she flaked every time and never came back.

Because there aren't many social circle risks with her, I reason that a hail-mary text wouldn’t be the worst idea. I give it a try with absolutely zero expectations.
Me: Hey HB! It’s been a while since we talked - hope everything is well with you! Personally, I’ve just been working hard with [my job that she thought was cool]. Hopefully we can catch-up sometime soon - what’s your schedule like for tonight?
HB (within minutes): OMG!!!! Lofty!!!!! How r u???!!!
Me: I’m doing well! A bit busy with [job] and everything, but I’m really looking forward to just having a little bit of time to relax with all of the stressful things going on. Are you still working at [place] and having fun there? I’m excited to hear about what you’re up to!
HB: OMG it’s so good to hear from u! I’ve actually graduated early!
Me: Wow, congrats! Looks like we have some really interesting stories to share. Are you still in town?
HB (an hour later): Yeah but only for this weekend and I’m with my bf! *sends picture of some dude smiling and holding a beer*
Me (knowing it’s the end): Ah, hope you two have fun then! It was nice talking to you again, HB :)
HB: You too Lofty!!!!!
Just another reminder of what happens with poor escalation. Probably wasn't even her boyfriend, but it still went better than expected.

I maybe have another old flame that would be interesting to rekindle, but it’s a bit of a sore spot for me. Another FU - this time with a stunning cheerleader. I don’t think about it much anymore, but I'm haunted if it comes to mind.

Could be fun to try tomorrow, however.

Speaking of tomorrow. I am well aware that I need more volume. New venues must be scouted.

As such, I will be taking a bus to the mall in the afternoon. I really wanted to stay within walking distance, but I can be more experimental with my settings now that my primary goal is to grab her number and schedule a date.

So that’s the plan that I’ve decided for Friday.

I’m going to approach beautiful women, sexually intrigue them, get their phone numbers as they giggle, schedule a same-day date, fantastically seduce her, and release all of my emotions in a romantic furor as she realizes that there is no other man who she would rather be laying beneath.

My first two weeks in the field have been eventful, but I'm feeling just a little more skilled everyday.
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