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Searching for Cirrus


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Friday, September 4 – Sunday, September 6

Inconsistency inhibits growth.

On Wednesday, I was poised and focused. My game was duly reflected.

On Thursday, though, I allowed myself to become frustrated. Accordingly, I reverted to unpolished methodologies. My verbal arsenal should be versatile, but the quality must remain consistent in the future. And it will.

But for now, back to the progress of the past few days. Inspired by Chase’s recent article on scouting – and my extreme need to uncover new venues – I spent Friday searching for locations rife with fine derrière. The traverses through my college town (it's relatively on the smaller side with a population around 50,000) were mixed.

First, I traveled to the mall as intended. It was about a thirty-minute walk and twenty-minute bus ride, and unfortunately, the bus stop was completely deserted except for me. I was disappointed upon reaching the mall, too. I had been there only once before but did not remember how small it was – just one floor and four short hallways. I’m uncertain that it would be worth the frequent travel, but as I'm still excited to try mall game, I will make the trip on occasion.

Next, I walked through a few streets adjacent to the shopping district. There was a row of clothing stores that appeared to be frequented by sorority girls – a nice find. Nearby is a café, too, so I am optimistic about this location.

Closer to where I live is a small park that I rarely have ventured to. A few people were walking around, but the other parks in town are clearly more popular. Overall, I need to be making more trips to the shops and café with the sorority girls, although I am slightly concerned about two factors: becoming recognized at the shops and spending too much money at the café.

On to Saturday. Initially, this was a low point. Thursday brought mistakes that I should not have made. Bacchus illuminated those mistakes. I needed it; he knew it.

No wonder why HBRunner didn’t respond – the text message was highly incongruent with my in-person vibe. She was probably really confused, actually. I had a great approach and really immersed her, but I wasted all of that positive momentum. And my grocery store approach was a step back, not a step forward. That’s just not good enough.

Did I want to become good at this, or not?

I decided that, yes, I do. In fact, I understood that I needed to think deeper than that.

What is the driving force in my life, and what did I want it to be?

No matter how successful I become in other areas, I know that I will never be satisfied with myself until I become a great seducer. Which is not something that I can even quantify with a lay count… but only with a feeling. A feeling that I know it. A feeling that I am influential, by choice, with every girl that I meet.

It can’t just be talk, though. Action, action, improvement, implementation. I allocated the remainder of Saturday and Sunday to becoming fully cognizant of my weaknesses. I did Bacchus’ exercises and a lot of reading. I reflected and thought. I even drank tea. Green tea, too. It was supposed to be a little symbolic, like a cleansing.

I did these things to the point where a deviation from my intended path will feel like an imperious betrayal, which is something that will not happen.

Monday, September 7

I begin the day by handling a few unexciting responsibilities of my life, but on my mind remains the thought of approaching beautiful women. Debauchery.

Around 4:00, I start my daygame session. A nearby park is my destination. When arriving, I notice a pretty blonde in a sports bra and athletic shorts alone at a table with her laptop. I hear her animatedly engaged on the phone, so I redirect my path to a bench across the park and focus my mind. Mirror neurons, sprezzatura, perceptive insights on her perspective – pace her reality.

After about ten minutes, I notice that she hangs up and continues tapping on her laptop. I’ve noticed that the vibe of my sessions is risked if I miss my first approach opportunity, so I make sure to not waste this chance and calmly walk into her periphery. My eyes are fixated on the clouds when she looks towards me, and I open with a slow glance towards her:
Me: There’s something really intriguing that I just realized.
HB: *stares*
Me: Have you ever noticed… the dichotomy of this park between earlier in the day… and right now? Earlier… it’s always so busy. People walk through so briskly, captivated by their phones and are fixated… only by their next destination. Now… it’s much more relaxed… and peaceful. I can understand why someone might like to… take a moment… to rest here and alleviate their mind… perhaps like we are right now.
HB (still staring): Uh… yeah!
Me: Is that what brings you out here today? Just enjoying the pleasant weather… and feeling the gentle warmth of the sun against your skin?
HB: Yeah, it’s so nice out! It’s always great to get some work done outside if you can, you know?
Me: Definitely. So many people just live in the restrictions of their homes… and don’t realize the beauty of nature. What are you working on today, then?
HB: Oh, well, I’m just doing some graphic design stuff for class.
Me: Is that right? I’m actually very interested in… the aesthetics of things… and I do some graphic design work myself. Mind if I take a look?
HB: Really? Yeah, sure!
Me (sitting down next to her at the table while she turns her laptop towards me): What’s your name, by the way?
HB: HB! Yours?
Me: Ah... it’s Lofty. Wow, I really like your design… I can tell that you’re the type of person who really puts a lot of thought into their work. Is that right?
HB: Oh yeah, that’s me, definitely!
Me: Hmm… so what exactly drives you… to dedicate your life to this passion?
I continue like that for about 15 minutes. Just trying to understand her and her motivations. The way she perceives the world. She’s an interesting girl with both attractive looks and personality.

Then, I tell her that I should be on my way and understand that she has work to finish, too. I get her number and tell her that it was very nice to meet her on this beautiful day. She agrees, and I’m off for the next one.

Leaving the park and casually walking around for a while, I notice two girls sitting in a grassy area in front of the public library. I see that they have very average appearances when I near, but they look towards me and I have my opener, so whatever. I just do it for the practice as I wanted to experiment with my openers/pre-openers.
Me: I've noticed something that you might agree with...
HBs: *stare*
Me: After hours studying in the library, being indoors can feel so… restrictive. Sure, you read… and learn new things… but eventually there’s that longing in the back of your mind… that reminds you… how beautiful it is outside. The agreeable temperature, the enjoyable vibe… isn’t it wonderful?
HB1: Yeah! It’s SO nice out right now!
Me: Ah… so after a long day of studying… you two decided to… just take a few moments to relax?
HB2: We tried to study. But I don’t think that we actually did much.
HB1: Haha yeah, we tried but gave up right after opening our books!
Me: Well… when I look at you two, I’m getting the vibe that you know how to work hard when you have to but also know how to… enjoy yourselves. Is that right?
HB2: Haha, we just like to get things done so we can have a good time!
Me: Who wouldn’t like that? Your names are…?
We exchange names and converse in that manner for a few minutes. I then tell them that it was great to meet them and to have a nice day before ejecting without number closing… didn’t feel like that was a set worth pursuing further.

It’s getting later and less active at this point, so I go to the grocery store. First thing that I do is check the tea section for a bit of redemption. Not a girl in sight, so that one will have to wait.

I do see a very attractive brunette shopping for a 12-pack of Sprite, however. Wearing an interesting pink blouse with flower designs, she definitely caught my attention. She seems to be in a hurry, so I meander in her direction and open once she gives me a look.
Me: You know, there’s just something different about Sprite, isn’t there?
HB: *holds look*
Me: Have you ever noticed… how taking a sip will so often remind us… of another happy time? Perhaps of a childhood memory… or of a favorite party… or the excitement of hanging with our friends. In fact, it’s a drink completely embedded in nostalgia… don't you think so?
HB: Um… yeah….?
Me: Right. And it’s like that’s the reason why we keep coming back to it… for the feeling… of happy memories.
HB: Honestly, I just like mix it with alcohol…
Me (holding in a laugh): …yes. That too. Is that the plan for tonight, then – a fun time with some friends before the school week starts?
HB: Yeah! Just going to hang out for a bit.
Me: I can definitely understand how… that would be a pleasurable and relaxing time. What’s your name, by the way?
HB: HB – what’s yours?
Me: Ah… it’s Lofty. I can tell that you’re in a hurry HB – trying to make this a quick stop at the store?
HB: Yeah! I HATE the store, honestly. There are just so many other places that I’d rather be!
Me: Like... at your party?
HB: Haha, yeah, like at my party! My friends actually keep texting me telling me to hurry up!
Me: People can be so impatient… and not fully understand… how enjoyable the small moments in life can be… like meeting new people.
HB: Definitely! I probably should get going now, though, before they freak out!
Me: Of course! It was really nice talking to you, HB – let me get your number so we can continue this conversation another time…
HB: Oh… okay!
Get her number and we say our goodbyes. Also, I chuckle about my opener. It was cool that I made the effort to quickly think of something about her area of focus… but maybe it seemed contrived and there could have been a better option. But I made it work okay in the end, so that’s nice, too.

That was my last approach for the day. I feel like I was able to implement my new learnings and the girls seemed to be intrigued. Next step is just more practice, smoothing out the process, and becoming more observant towards the current state of the girl.

Overall, my goal for now is to progress in the right direction every day. No more regressions.

Thanks again to those who are keeping my mind clear. A pivotal week awaits.

Festina lente.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Here are my notes from the past few days. I've learned that progress and results are not the same.

But in aspiring for the former, the latter is achieved… in time.

Tuesday, September 8

I’m feeling inspired from the instant that I open my eyes. This is because I now understand that momentum is fully within my own control.

I also come to see that it will be a busy week for me in terms of boring things not related to girls. It’s okay, I think, because I will just make the most of it. Squeeze the lemon as much as you can, as one of my professors says far too often.

In the late afternoon, I finally am able to begin a daygame session. As I walk to the park wearing a grey t-shirt with maroon lettering, slim-fitting washed jeans, and a pair of maroon Air Force Ones, I think to myself, Mirror neurons – sexual vibe. Sprezzatura – meet cute. Perceptive insights about her perspective - pace her reality. Reiterating these three points have helped to calm and focus my state.

The weather is fairly pleasant with a nice breeze, and there are a few girls around to enjoy it. Good, good. As I practice my finest sexy walk, I come to a point where there is a row of benches behind a tree adjacent to the sidewalk. I take a slow glance towards the benches and see a cute brunette wearing a pine-colored romper sprawled across one while sketching.

Just as I realize her presence, she notices mine. At the moment we make eye contact, a gentle puff of wind creates a flowing swirl of leaves and petals between us. Time slows as we admire the serendipity of this beautiful scene, and we hold a soft eye contact while doing so.

Meet cute? Uh, yes.

Once the wind subsides, we hold our stare for a few seconds longer. I then give her a slight smile, which she cannot see because I’m wearing a mask. But I feel like it was subcommunicated because she smiles back. I then take a deep breath, observe the world around me while ambling to the conveniently empty bench beside her, and sit down with another deep breath. I pause for a few seconds before opening. I can tell that she’s staring at me, and I slowly turn my head to reciprocate as I give my reality-pacer.
Me: I've just realized something very interesting. I feel… as if the world sometimes grants us with little special moments… as a reminder towards the beauty of the unexpected… and maybe to hint about something new… and exciting.
HB: *stares*
Me (slowly taking off my mask): Don’t you think that was such a lovely moment? The gentle wind… the swirl of foliage. And it just so happened that nature procured it… just as our eyes met… like we were meant to enjoy the scene together. Wasn’t it beautiful?
HB: Oh… yeah it really was…
Me: Yes… it was almost like a scene from a movie… or a piece of artwork. *I glance at her sketchbook and notice a nature-esque picture.*
Me: Perhaps like what you were drawing?
HB: …yeah! I was sketching the park because it’s SO pretty right now.
Me: It is quite beautiful outside. Is sketching what you really enjoy doing… in order to express your thoughts and feelings?
HB: Yeah, I'm always drawing! Wait! What’s your name?
Me: Art is jst so wonderful… it allows us to not only capture a moment in time… but also what we are feeling at that moment as well. Joy, tranquility… intrigue. What do you like about sketching, like how does it make you feel?
HB: Hold up, are you a student here?!?! You look kinda young.
Me: Hmmm… I look kinda young? Are you a student here?
HB: Yep! I’m a junior.
Me: Ah. So you’re at the stage where you feel very comfortable with your surroundings, and everything seems a bit familiar. But when I look into your eyes… I can tell that you’re the adventurous type, too. Is that right?
HB: Wait, what did you say your name was???
Me: My name? Oh, it’s Lofty.
HB: Well, hey there Lofty! I’m HB! It’s nice to meet you! *giggles*
Me: It’s very nice to meet you, HB… you know, have you ever noticed that best way to learn about yourself… is by meeting new people? It’s like the more you are engaged with a variety of ideas, the better you understand the things that you didn’t realize before. It’s like becoming more aware of the world happens not just through yourself but through other people. Don’t you feel like that, too?
HB: Um, yeah! Wait, what are you up to today…? Were you just passing by?
Me: Actually, I was just about to get some coffee… and relax at the café. Do you like coffee?
HB (giggling): What girl doesn’t like coffee?!
Me: Right. How about we continue getting to know each other over some coffee, then?
HB: Hold on - where are you from? Now that I think about it, you look familiar…?
Me: I think that sometimes things can seem familiar… when they’re meant to happen.
HB: Are you a philosophy major or something? You say interesting things, but I still don’t know much about you?
Me: Well, isn’t everyone you meet… new at some point? That’s part of what makes things exciting, I think.
HB: That’s a really cool way of looking at it! I’m in a liberal arts program here, and you remind me of a few of my friends in the program… So yeah, I’d like to get coffee with you, but I have class in thirty minutes. Could we maybe do another time?
Me: Oh, sure. I can understand that you must be very busy. I get the sense that you like to stay active and take pride in your accomplishments… but also know how to… relax, too. Let me get your number, and we can meet up sometime soon.
HB: Okay! But you’re going to have to tell me more about yourself. You didn’t really answer my questions…!
I give her my phone to input her contact info and ask her what she would like to know about me as she types away. She asks things like where I’m from, what I’m studying, basic things like that. I make her guess a couple times for each. I then tell her that it was very nice to meet her, and I’d like to see more of her good artwork sometime. She excitedly flips through her sketchbook to show me, and she’s quite good. Lots of nature scenery. We learn more about each other for a few more minutes before I take my leave with both us saying goodbye.

Wow, I think to myself, that was a pleasant approach. I walk for a bit before finding somewhere to sit and type the conversation, which is a habit that I’m very glad that I started. Really helps me reflect. After finishing and reading through it, I realize that I probably tried to move her too soon. Maybe I should have mentioned the café but kept building rapport before giving the insta-date invite. Also, I think that I likely was talking too much – she was very engaged but did not share much about herself. And I still moved too quickly through topics. Oh well, I'll keep working at it - that will be a main priority going forward.

While relaxing, I send a text to the girls who I number closed on Monday. All I send is, “Hey HB, what does your schedule look like this week?”

The graphic design girl responds that she’s really busy this week – maybe we could meet up next week. Other girl doesn’t respond. Also, I send a follow-up to HBRunner asking her the same question. No response. All good, though. It’s just taught me to be more selective before awarding girls HB names… they have to earn it now :p

Next, I decide to go to the grocery store for an approach. There are not many options around, unfortunately. That is until I reach the checkout and there’s a beautiful black girl with a fruit parfait and bottle of juice in her hand.

The cashier is about to scan her items, so I know that I don’t have much time to waste. I open without an approach invitation.
Me: I see that you have quite the tasty-looking snack there. Isn’t there just something so energizing about a healthy snack… that helps us make it through the afternoon lull?
HB (turns her head, scans me over, and gives a slight smile): You have quite the snack there, yourself! *looks at my rather interesting selection of a protein shake and dried mango*
Me (chuckling): Oh, yeah… you know, there are so many interesting combinations of food… that actually go so well with each other. Don’t you think that it’s very important to… try new things?
HB (smiling): Of course! But I wouldn’t exactly try that pairing! *pays, takes her food, and begins to leave*
HB: Bye, have a nice day! Enjoy your snack :)
I smile and give a slight wave while trying to figure out a way to ask for her number… but I wasn’t quick enough. Shucks.

After checking out, I send an icebreaker text to the artsy girl from earlier:
Me: Hey HB, it’s Lofty! Hope we can check out more of your artwork sometime soon!
Save my number :)
HB: For sure!
*2 hours later*
HB: I forgot to tell you that I have a bf haha

Wednesday, September 9

Ladies are calling me all day, but they’re the 60-year-olds from work. Busy day with a lot of stuff that I wasn’t too excited about.

Still, I try to make some time for a couple approaches. I walk to a grassy area that has a few benches and notice a blonde sitting at one of them. Luckily once again, there’s an open bench next to her. Sweet.

I wander towards the open bench, and calmly sit down while looking at the clouds. A few seconds later, I methodically turn my head to her in order to open… when I see that she was already looking at me. She gives an odd stare for a moment, but I begin:
Me: I’ve noticed something interesting. I think that this is such a wonderful resting spot. The calming view of th---
HB: What was that? *takes out her one earphone from the side that I didn’t see*
Me: You know, this is such a wonderful resting spot. The calming view of the trees… the relaxing vibe of the---
HB: I’m actually just taking a break while on my run…
Me: Oh, well… the way that running frees the mind is so fascinating, isn’t it? It’s like when we run – and get that runner’s high – it’s like our mind becomes completely immersed in our own thoughts and realize new things that we didn’t before.
HB: … yeah! I probably should get back to my run now, though. Have a good one! *stands up and leaves*
That’s just how it goes sometimes. But for some reason, it unnerved me a little.

Then it starts to rain. So, I decide to head for the grocery store.

And, wow. In my line of sight comes a stunning Asian-looking girl with a white ribbon in her hair – a look that I really, really like. I meander in her direction, she looks at me… I hold strong eye contact… and…

I freeze up. She walks away.

Come. On. Lofty.

Naturally, I’m infuriated. I allowed the previous approach to affect me. I won’t let it end like that, though…

I peruse a few aisles with the intention of casually finding her again, and then she reappears next to me while looking at the cereal. Taking a deep breath, I give it a try:
Me: I’ve just realized something really intriguing. Have you ever noticed how certain foods… give us such a warm feeling of nostalgia, of home? It’s like all of these types of cereal are interconnected with the carefree times of our youth… when our minds were focused on having fun… exploring new things… and seeking new experiences.
HB: Oh my god, that’s so true! *grabs a box of Lucky Charms and leaves*
Okay then.

Also, I’ve noticed that the store workers have started to recognize me. Smiling and saying hi and stuff. Most of the time I leave the store without buying anything, but that might start looking kind of weird. And I don’t want to waste money on things that I don’t need, so I may have to go there more occasionally.

In any case, I really would prefer not to end my day like that. Accordingly, I wander around the town in the drizzle. Eventually, I come across a girl reading a book at a table nestled inside a little alcove. As I pass, I notice that she looks up at me… so why not?
Me: Hey there. I see that you’ve found the perfect little reading spot. Tucked away in here… protected from the rain… it’s actually quite relaxing. Have you ever noticed that the location in which we read a book… can really make the experience just little bit more special?
HB: Thank you! Yeah, I love it here! I like to be outside when I read, it’s just so much more fun that way.
Me (noticing that she’s not very attractive): Ah, yeah, being outside really does have a way of… really calming us. What are you reading today?
HB: [book]. It’s really good!
Me: Interesting… what’s it about?
HB: [explains]
Me: So reading this book… has a way of taking your mind to a different place?
HB: Completely!
Me: Cool, it’s so nice to have a way to decompress after a long week. Well, I should be on my way now and let you get back to your book… this is definitely a reading spot I’ll have to keep in mind. It was nice talking to you - have a nice day :)
HB: You too :)
Really nice girl, but I wasn’t sexually interested. Better vibe to end the day with, however!

Thursday, September 10

A day. Not the best day.

I know that I haven’t given an update about the accusation yet. Wanted to keep this a positive space and not waste any of these innocent letters on that blasphemy… so this will be my last time discussing it until there is a matter of finality.
I sought guidance from the university’s help center for sexual assault/harassment. They turned me away because they “only help victims” – ironic when this situation is viewed impartially. They said that I would have to see a general counselor for advice, who I assumed would recommend psychiatry sessions or something. But I went anyway.

She was truthfully very helpful. Told me that the center that turned me away was funded by feminist groups, so they didn’t have much of a choice. Also said that I should expect the university police to use many scare tactics against me, even though she thought it would be unlikely for me to end up with anything more than counseling and things like that if I’m somehow found guilty, as the university police prefer to handle situations more in terms of a violation of the student code of conduct, than, say, a misdemeanor.

Though, I still wanted to make sure that I was prepared. So I went to the university’s free law clinic, who also turned me away because they apparently don’t help students in cases handled by the university police. It’s a conflict of interests, they say. Very nice, I say.

The counselor is correct about the scare tactics. A criminal investigator keeps calling me with baseless threats… I know that it’s all talk. I’ve learned that I shouldn’t speak to him as he’s only looking to fish for something incriminating. Still, I found a local attorney who offered to help me pro bono for now because he completely knows that it’s all BS. He’s a very good guy who has taken a liking to me. Helping me through it, reassuring me that if they want to try anything with me, then he can make their lives miserable with veracity. He says the biggest thing is that the video will show her typing her number into my phone, and they’ll have a tough time trying to prove that the interaction wasn’t consensual with that evidence.

Anyway. The investigator fully lacks integrity, and we had to handle some of that on this day.
But a couple interesting events also happen.

First, one of my business professors lectures about “direct vs circuitous” verbal messaging. He explains that direct messaging is as it sounds, while circuitous messaging is an extrapolation of the meaning. Interestingly, he claims that direct messaging is more effective when conveying a positive message. Like when giving someone a compliment.

Of course, I think this is dumb given what I’ve learned here and have now experienced for myself. I decide to mess around and have a bit of fun as I usually am a silent observer in class. Raising my hand, I say:
“I’ve thought of something really interesting. I think there is something to be said about circuitous messaging to convey a positive meaning. For example, what if I say this:

‘Professor, I have these other classes… and they just BORE me. I walk in… sit down… and hear a lecture about a textbook… that has no applicability to my life. These talks do nothing to challenge… or stimulate my mind in any way. I realize that myself… and the other students… regret our presence in the classroom… to the fullest extent.

However, Professor, your class is different. Your reading selections are… engaging. And insightful. They cultivate the curiosity of our minds, and leave us wanting MORE. Your academic fervor shows how much you care about EACH and EVERY student… at the individual level. In fact… you are actually… my favorite professor.’

Might that be stronger than simply claiming, ‘You are my favorite professor’?”
LOLOLOLOL. He just stares at me, along with the rest of the class. Then stammers on. After class, he comes to me and tells me how insightful that comment was. I just say thanks, lol, I enjoyed class today, see you next class, and leave. Found that highly amusing which helped to raise my spirits. Interestingly, I know that I wouldn’t have made that comment even two weeks ago.

That leaves me wanting to do an approach. Reading through the forums, I see this post by @Bacchus from a few months ago. I’ve been thinking about opening a moving girl if I saw one that I really wanted to talk to, so this serves as my inspiration for the session.

I’m walking slowly on the sidewalk, and a hot blonde is about to pass by me. As she does, I turn my head to her and pretty much just recite Bacchus’ idea verbatim:
Me: Hey, do you know… what’s really fascinating?
HB: *stares like wtf who is this guy*
Me: One day, you’re walking down the street when something unexpected happens. Perhaps you feel a little excited… and maybe some hesitation, too. But hey, this could be an amazing story…
HB: …uh….
Me: Actually, have you ever noticed… that the BEST way to learn about yourself… is through meeting new people? It’s like as you engage with new perspectives… you learn more about what you like… what you don’t like… and even learn about things that you didn’t even know existed.
HB: …oh…
Me: In fact, it seems like the more adventurous and open-minded you are, the better your life is. Do you like to be adventurous, surround yourself with open-minded people, and have a better life?
HB: …yeah…
Me: Right, I think like that, too. Where are you headed right now?
HB: Um, I'm just meeting up with a friend at [restaurant]! How about you?
Me: Okay, I'm going down that street for a couple more blocks. What do you like about [restaurant]? I've heard good things about it.
HB: [gushes about restaurant]
Me: Well, I like I said, I think trying new things... and being just a little adventurous... really allows us to take advantage of new experiences... like giving us perspectives that we didn't realize before. I'll have to try it sometime...
We talk until we reach the restaurant (I try to work the conversation around the topic of being adventurous and trying new things), and I number close.

That was a very fun one! Very, very fun. I’d say that one is definitely a keeper for the occasional moving beauty.

I try the opener one more time, and the girl just keeps on walking - doesn't even look at me. But no worries. The job was already accomplished.

Friday, September 11

The plan was to work on an important personal project all day. Did that.

Read a lot. Reflected a lot.

It’s been three weeks since I’ve begun approaching girls. Have I gotten laid?


But has it been a transformative experience?

Yes, it definitely has.

Seduction is not just about girls. It’s about self-improvement.

Becoming a man with a clear mind, and a clear soul.

Becoming a man that other men respect, the type of man that women and children admire.

Becoming a man founded in virtue, candor, and humanity.

That’s the mission.

And pussy…


And lots... of pussy…

That’s the vision.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
There is an abyss of wannabe seducers who did not make it.


I’ve been working, but I see that I began a poor habit of romanticizing failure. That becomes hollow.

I know what needs to be done. The process is wafting in front of my eyes, waiting to be fully realized. Plenty of advice has been provided. Whatever type that I arrange these letters into is simply not good enough until the skilled seducers here can read them as L-A-Y.

Looking back, what I said before about progress and results was too idyllic. Progress is lays. Results are lays. That’s when I know my influence over women is real.

Whothefuck cares about anything else here, on a seduction forum, in the end?

Perhaps I’m too hard on myself. It does weigh on me. Is it a curse to see the mileage until the destination?

It keeps me going, though, as long as my mind stays crisp enough to recognize it as a stimulus and not an obstruction.

I’m going to return to a more consistent posting schedule, but I understand that I need to be more pragmatic in my reflection. Logging failure like a milestone is just not good enough!

One more thing: I lost something over the past couple of weeks. My belief that I can meet a girl anywhere and bed her. When I truly thought that, I was simply just making things happen...

Even when I’m number closing, that belief must be there. If it's gone, then I lose the girl far before my opener.

It’s time to show something more.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 9, 2020
The power of Gun and Bacc's tweaks of Gun's tech is that it confronts girls with a guy profile they've scarcely met before - the guy who doesn't say the same things all the other guys say, and doesn't act in the same way as them - but while you verbally go indirect (with weasel phrases, commands and so forth admixed) to tap into emotional stimulation and social frame, sexual arousal comes from non-verbals.
I am slowly coming to understand this. Just beginning to try some of Bacchus and Gunwitch's verbal techs, but immediately I can see this makes you stand out with the girls you manage to converse with for at least a short period of time because you speak in a different way to most other boring conversations she is used to having. So she is hooked/interested but in many scenarios it is platonic interest and intrigue since I do not yet ooze sexuality and my sub-comms and non-verbals are still not on point. So I have to get used to distinguishing between platonic interest and a girl showing sexual interest and make sure as Velasco pointed out that we are both playing the same Game before making any moves. And I am trying to get the non-verbals and sub-comms down to make the techniques truly effective.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Case was dropped.

Went in to speak to the investigator facing the possibility of arrest. Reiterated my statement and conversed using the tactics suggested by Chase and others. The investigator smiled and nodded the entire time.

The video surveillance footage matched my statement perfectly, and he said there was nothing criminal about it. Revealed that when he spoke to the girl, she actually became quite unsure of her intentions upon realizing that she wasn’t really against me but just confused because I moved too quickly. Remarked that their initial suspicion was due to me being “so articulate that it was a red flag.”

He ended the investigation by telling me to be more careful in the future and gave me a fist bump on the way out.

Inspiring justice. Reveling justice. Extraordinary justice.

I’m now reminded of a quote that I like. It comes from an eclectic place, but it is a wise place. In fact, this quote is from a random Turkish TV show that my sister watches on Netflix.

“Fate protects men from death.”

Maybe that’s a bit dramatic.

But the point remains, and the ambition continues.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Saturday, September 19th
Street Nightgame - 4 approaches, 1 number

Back to regularly scheduled programming, as they say.

The bars recently reopened after yet another temporary closure due to a surge in positive COVID cases. I remember Teevster’s comments in his last article about street nightgaming during the pandemic, so I decide to embark on a bit of an experimental session. It’s not altogether that different from what I occasionally tried in my first week, but the process will be much clearer with his outline.

I’m ready as the bars are an hour away from closing. My attire of choice is solid for the night: a red PUMA jacket, washed jeans, red high-tops, a necklace tucked out of the jacket, and a bracelet. My style is sporty and makes me pretty visible. When most men go out here, it isn’t obvious whether they’re going out to the bars or going out golfing.

Anyway, I post-up on the street where nearly all the bars are. There are only a few passerby until about 15 minutes prior to close. At this point, it becomes a mad rush for about 30 minutes. Everyone is clearing out of the bars and going back to their cars or finding rides. Of note, practically no one is wearing masks – which is good and bad. I’ve noticed that my most effective mask strategy has been to simply match what the girl is doing; mask on if hers is on, mask pulled down if hers is down, or mask off if hers is off. That way, there are no knee-jerk reactions. Like energy verging but with masks.

Overall, though, I live in a place where the COVID situation isn't great. I know that I need to be careful as catching it would be rather counterproductive to gaming. If my weekly test returns positive, then I'm stuck in my apartment for a couple weeks. But back to the approaches for now.

It’s clear that my best opportunity will be to look for girls waiting for a ride, so that becomes my focus. Soon enough, I see two girls down the street waiting at the curb. Obviously, my preference is for a lone wolf but I can tell that it would be rather rare in these circumstances. What girl would go to a bar alone when there is no mingling and essentially arranged seating? So, I go. Casually walking into their periphery while staring at my phone, I pause as I saunter by and open when one gives me a glance:
Me: You know, I feel like there’s something interesting about tonight.
*HBs open towards me*
Me: Maybe you feel it, too. Have you noticed how there’s just something… a little different… about the vibe tonight? The weather has cooled… and become pleasant… the bars are no longer shut down… and now there’s excitement… and while they’ve closed now, there’s this sense that the night isn’t over just yet.
HB1 (smiling): Oh my god, yeah, the bars suck now! But the night is still young ;)
Me: That’s true. It’s like everyone is looking for a way to relax… and not feel so restrained by all of these rules… and inhibitions. Is that what you two are doing – just looking to have a bit of fun on the weekend?
HB1: I always like to have fun! And I like your shoes :)
HB2 (on her phone, now pointing towards the street): Hey, our Uber is here! *grabs HB1 and walks towards car*
HB1: Oh…. Byeeeeeeee! It was nice meeting you! *waves and gets into car*
Me: Wait, let me get your number and we can meet up sometime…
*HB1 looks expectantly*
*HB2 shuts car door*
*Car leaves*
Ohhhhhhkay. I liked the response from the first girl. Maybe her friend was jealous that she wasn’t getting the attention. Or maybe something else. I didn’t have much time, so I should have been aware of the need to move very quickly. Hence, gauge what they are doing or where they are going.

Oh well, moving on. I walk further down the street when a girl grabs my arm. She proceeds to ask me, “Howwwww issss yourrrrr niiiight goinggggg?!”

Damn, she’s very drunk. Inoperable, can’t do that. So I decide to playfully engage.
Me: Eh… so-so…
HB: Whhhhhhhhhy?
Me: Well, the bars have closed. But there’s still a feeling of excitement in the air, almost like something is telling us that the night isn’t over yet…
Friend (didn’t notice her walking up): I’m so sorry! Yeah, the night is over for her!
Me (thinking that this became interesting now): Ah. So let me guess. You two go out for the night.. for a release… and a bit of fun. But your friend became very excited to be out again… and overdid the drinks a little. Now, you’re being a great…. responsible… mature friend by making sure she gets home safely. Is that right?
HB: You’reeeee likeeee sooooo smmarrtttt *stroking the arm of my jacket*
Friend: Yeah… she’s my best friend. I’m used to it. This happens all of the time!
Me: Is that right? Well, I can understand how you want to make sure that she’s safe. However, I hope that you have fun, too. Do you make sure to also… take the opportunity… to relax? While she’s your friend, perhaps it’s not your responsibility… to mother her… all… of… the… time.
Friend: I mean, I AM kinda like her mom…
Me: So say that your friend isn’t drunk. Suppose that I ask what YOU would like to do for the rest of the night… what would you say?
Friend (100000% realizing what’s up): Oh… um… I don’t know…
Me: Hmm. Well, I’m getting this vibe about you. It’s like when I look in your eyes… I can tell that you’re really open-minded… and not afraid to have new experiences.
Friend: Thanks…
Me: You know, I don’t live too far from here. Only a couple of minutes away. How about we take your friend, and let her rest for just a little bit… and we can continue this conversation in a more comfortable place?
Friend: I’m not sure… well, I’d like to, but I should really take her home. Yeah, we should be getting home now. But hey… what’s your Snap?
We say our farewells, I get her number, and move on.

I come across an active area in front of the one restaurant still open – there are a few groups loitering outside. There are three girls staring at their phones. I know it will be a tough one, but I give it a try with the same opener as my first approach, except none gave an approach invitation this time, so I pre-open with “Hey, there.”

They all look up and appear fairly receptive. However, a collection of about ten “men” notice that I have just begun to… OMG… talk to girls! Gasp! Of course, they begin to throw some verbal abuse in my direction. They actually said a few things that were really offensive. I tried to ignore them while continuing the conversation, but the girls became unnerved and left.

Confronting them wouldn’t accomplish anything. The girls already left. I decide not to waste my time and refocus myself as I look for the next set. While walking, I realize that moving the girls would have been my best option. All good.

By this time, it’s already getting late by COVID nightlife standards. The streets are now fairly empty. Not much is going on. I sit on a bench for a while as I assess the situation. In hindsight, I make a dumb decision to scope out the adjacent residential streets for any potential partygoers. The area gets sketchy very quickly, however. It’s not the best town. A row of girls yell out to me from their porch, but it takes about two sentences into the conversation for me to realize that they are heavily influenced by drugs. Which is cool, but I can’t game them.

Soon, instinct tells me that I should get out of there. I wander around the main streets for a while longer, and return home with mixed feelings from the night. It was a tough session. Street nightgame is interesting, but I’m not sure that it gave the opportunities that I was looking for: stationary, lone girls.

It proved that daygame will be my priority, and I must increase my daygaming intensity.

Sunday, September 20th

Here’s the truth: I’m walking too much and not approaching enough. I need to understand that chances will present themselves if I am aware of my surroundings. Sure, not many girls are hanging outside these days. But why haven’t I tried gaming at crosswalks? That’s a massive source of girls and highly conducive to daygaming strategy.

After sending messages to all existing leads and receiving responses ranging from “Hey sorry my parents are in town” to “I’m really busy this weekend and need to study,” I realize that I need to reevaluate. The new plan is as follows:

Gaming Strategy
10 approaches per day or instadate / Planned date and 5 approaches

Daygame is the absolute priority. Smooth process. Gauge for instadate or number close. Static girls on benches or at a stoplight will be paramount. I will do less walking and be patient. Sprezzatura. Understand where I’m taking the conversation. Frame control.

Learned about a local farmer’s market on Saturdays. That is perfect. Also learned that the bus to the mall is free on Sundays. Also perfect. My primary locations for the workweek will be the streets/crosswalks, park, shopping district, and cafés.

Possible street nightgame Thursday-Saturday.

-Daily exercises to improve consistency of posture
-Adjust workout routine to increase bulk
-Better planning – get more sleep
-Concentrated skincare
-Improve texting game (I hate texting and being on my phone in general BUT I have to improve in this area)

-Daily journaling/reflection
-Summarize/reflect on key GC articles and threads – need to internalize concepts
-Finish all schoolwork by Tuesday. I simply must create the time to daygame.
-Save money for Riker course
-LR by Sunday

If I abide by the plan, the results will come. Let’s go.
Last edited:
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
I dislike my last post. Wrote a few dumb things. It’s okay. It represents a thought in time.

But onto today. Decent update. Starting to rebuild my positive momentum. That’s really all it is, just positive concentration. The gloomy milieu of this journal over the past two weeks is simply the consequence of my own overcomplications.

Reviewing material – like the first GC article that I ever read - helped remind me that this is fun. Sure, certain circumstances for me… blah blah blah. The most formidable obstacle that I’ve faced has been my own frustration.

Wednesday, September 23
Daygame – 1 approach, 1 instadate

My daygame session begins around 3:30 with a quick walk to enter my seducer state. Simply trying to focus only the conducive emotions and breathe properly.

As I near the park, I pass a man and a woman sitting at a table. The woman is mid-sentence when she looks at me – I try to return with my sexiest possible eye contact – and she fumbles her words. I overhear her saying, “Oh my god, I completely forgot what I was going to say, haha!”

The guy just STARES ME DOWN.

A little thing like that was more than enough inspiration to begin the outing.

Upon reaching the park, I find a bench and quickly scan the situation. Some groups laying in the grass – maybe. Some girls walking – not preferred. There! Yet another girl relaxing with her small dog. She’s attractive. Dirty blonde hair, good figure.

The girl – call her HBMercury – is petting her dog, so I reason that that will be my focus for my opener. It’s interesting to open girls with dogs because it seems like the overt friendliness of the dog rubs off on them. Well, this is only the second time that I’ve ever opened a girl with a dog. It seems that way, though.

She is at an awkward location away from the path of the sidewalk, but I try to make my route with as much sprezzatura as I can. Coming from a diagonal with my eyes in the distance, I notice that she gives me a glance before looking back towards the pup. Would’ve liked continued eye contact, but I open regardless:
Me: Hey there. I’m really fascinated by the demeanor of your dog… have you ever noticed that with the way he is grinning… the way that he is playfully rolling around… the way he looks so relaxed… it's like he's very content and is loving his life. Don't you think so?
HB: Oh, hi! Yeah we pamper him, so I hope he is!
Me: His speckled grey fur, deep black eyes… what breed is he?
HB: He’s an interesting one! We got him from the pound, so we don’t really know for sure, but we think he’s a [completely forget what she said] mix.
Me: Ah, well he certainly appears to be quite happy that you saved him. You know, isn’t it interesting that while animals can’t speak, it’s like they always have a way to communicate with us… sharing emotions like appreciation, trust, and affection. Do you think that maybe the way they feel makes us feel the same way, like can you ever be upset at a happy dog?
HB: Isn’t that why we have pets in the first place? They make us feel better, and we make them feel better.
Me (sitting down, realizing that I DEFINITELY shouldn’t mess this one up!): Hmm. That’s a really interesting perspective. I must say that I agree with you. Connection is highly important to feeling… fulfilled.
HB: ….yeah?
Me: Yeah. Like can you think of an example of a time when you were around your dog… and didn’t worry about anything else… almost as if all of your problems were gone?
HB: All the time… but he’s not my dog…
Me: He’s not your dog… okay, you did mention ‘we’ a couple of times. So someone close entrusted you with him for the day?
HB: Kind of, he’s my roommate’s dog…
Me: So you’re close with her - like sisters?
HB: You can say that…
I’m intrigued by this girl. Unfazed by my approach, intelligent, and fairly apathetic – I sense that this is related to her mood. So I elicit more down that connection route in regards to her roommate. Apparently they have a strong friendship but were fighting about something, so she took the dog for a walk. What were they fighting about? A guy, of course. Her roommate is seeing some guy that she thinks is bad news, but the roommate won’t listen. Ah, that’s a shame, I say. So many people are so deeply impassioned by their own desire that they can’t think logically, I say, but that can also be a good thing if it’s with the right person, like perhaps someone who truly understands you.

Yeah, we’re vibing well. Things are making sense. She realizes that she doesn’t know my name about twenty minutes into the conversation, which prompts her to ask more questions. Which prompts me to tell her that I’m on my way to the river, and that I think that it would be really fun to continue our conversation on a walk. She agrees, so that’s nice.

I try fractionating through SOTs like being adventurous and open-minded, but I feel like I was still moving too quickly through them and it was all blending together, so I’ll keep working on that. HBMercury and I reach the river, and I sit down on a bench. She follows my lead but leaves space between us.

It’s overcast. The rain is imminent, and I don’t have much of a plan. The conversation continues, and she asks about my necklace. I didn’t specify this before, but the necklace and bracelet are new additions courtesy of Bismarck’s recommendation. Good reception on those so far except for the group of guys on the street corner hollering at me while I approached those girls last week.

They were inexpensive accessories, but I think that they have a nice look. The necklace has a subtle swirling emblem – casual but a little interesting. HBMercury asks me what it means, and I tell her that if she tries tracing it with her fingers then she might be able to guess. Lame but she moves closer and does it anyway. Asks again what it means. I say “eternal justice,” which it doesn’t really mean, but then again it’s my necklace, so perhaps I can decide that.

HBMercury then gives me the puppy-eyes look. I know that this is an escalation window, and I intend on taking advantage of it.

However, I suddenly get another puppy-eyes look, except this time it’s from the dog himself, who has now jumped into the tiny amount of space between us. He’s cute but has now killed the sexual tension, so I’m once again frustrated. Apparently I lied when I said that you couldn’t be mad at a happy dog. Well, he started wagging his tail and became forgiven. But… bad dog.

HBMercury is surprised by the dog’s jump, so she proceeds to grab him and move back to her side of the bench while laying him on her lap.

It’s especially funny because then the rain started, too.

Quickly, we find cover under a pavilion. I try to make it fun and playful, but the sexual frame was lost a little bit. She calls her roommate to come pick her up. I say something like, “Oh, so even though you two sometimes become upset, you have that sort of relationship where you always have each other’s backs.”

For some reason, she becomes somewhat upset by this. Just responds with an emotionless, “Yeah.” The vibe stagnates for the rest of our time together.

Grabbing her number shortly before her roommate comes, I try to arrange a coffee meetup for later this week. HBMercury is a busy person but will try to find time apparently.

Her ride comes. I say that it was very nice to meet her as I see a brief glance of her roommate through the side window. HBMercury agrees by saying that it was fun before opening the door.

When she does, I hear the roommate vocalize her disapproval: “Seriously HBMercury, another boy?”

The two give each other a harsh look as the car accelerates away. Ooooookay then.

I send a simple icebreaker text after about thirty minutes. The exchange goes like this:
Me: It was nice meeting you and [dog] today, HBMercury! Hope we can fit that coffee into your busy schedule :)
HB: Sorry about my roommate. She didn’t mean anything about you!
Me: All good. When we’re in tough situations, sometimes our emotions can affect us in unexpected ways.
HB: Yeah! I’m pretty busy like I said but will let you know about the coffee if I can!

I complete my first TRE session upon returning home. Saw what the hype is about. It was impactful.

Also randomly get a weird text from that social circle girl HBRitzy, but I have zero interest with her anymore… her games aren’t worth my time.

New leads.

Back at it tomorrow.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Not a bad outing… felt pretty good.

Friday, September 25
Street Nightgame – 5 approaches, 2 numbers, 1 make-out (probably was a FU)

Following up on the last entry - HBMercury tried texting me a bunch of emotional stuff about her life looking for reassurance. This is not too conducive to seducing her, so I just texted her, “I agree that these are important topics worth discussing. However, I’m busy and not on my phone often… plus it would make more sense to talk in-person. When are you available this weekend?”

Then she whined about how I “actually don’t want to talk to her.” Eh, whatever, I won’t invest too much in that one at this point. Kinda psycho with a ton of drama.

In any case, I work late. I still want to approach, though, so I make a quick stop at the grocery store. There’s this rocker chick with knee socks that I like, but as soon as I am about to open, I hear the voice of a friend calling out to me. He introduces me to his long-distance girlfriend that I haven’t met yet, which is nice, but the rocker chick leaves to check-out after a few moments. Bad timing.

Oh well. I return to my apartment in order to prepare for some street nightgaming. Putting on a grey tee, jeans, AF1s, necklace, and bracelet, I begin roaming around an hour before the bars close. Soon, I see two attractive blondes waiting for a ride. There’s one girl that I choose to specifically target. My first approach commences:
Me: Hey. I’ve just realized something really interesting.
*HBs stare*
Me: Have you ever noticed… how fascinating the progression of the night is? We prepare to go out with so much excitement… and enjoy our time at the recently-reopened bars… but the best, happiest moments of the night… may happen when least expected.
HB1 (target girl): Yeah…
HB2: That’s so true! I’m actually really bored.
Me: Oh? Suppose I was to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10. What would you say?
HB2: Like a three! It’s been horrible!
HB1: Around there is about right, haha!
Me: Hmmm… so what do you feel like the night has been missing? Perhaps the vibe wasn’t quite right… and maybe you just didn’t meet the right people…
HB2: I’m just ready for things to go back to the way they were before, honestly!
Me: Well, have you ever noticed how life-changing it is… to meet new people? As you engage with new people and different perspectives, you learn things about yourself that you like, don’t like, and don’t even know existed.
HB1: You’re thinking about this waaaaaaaaaaay too hard!
HB2: Wait! You never gave us your rating of the night!
Me: Ah, it’s interesting that you mention that. I have this sense… that the night is far from over. While it hasn’t been the most exciting night so far, I feel… like things can change… in just an instant. Do you know what I mean?
HB2: Yeah! How old are you!???!
Me: Take a guess.
HB2: Are you a freshman?
HB1: He’s definitely a freshman or sophomore.
*HB1 suddenly points to a passing car*
HB1: Look, HB2, there’s our ride!
HB1 then grabs the arms of HB2, says bye, and runs down the street to the car. HB2 keeps looking at me and obviously wanted to keep talking, but her friend is clearly the more dominant of the two. I had planned on at least number closing HB1, which was dumb considering HB2’s engagement, so I am a bit off-guard. After a second, I realize that I should number close HB2, but they’re already getting in the car at that point and she doesn’t hear me call out to her. She was immersed and tried multiple frame grabs… missed opportunity. And truthfully, she was as attractive as her friend. Good experience, though. Have to move quick.

I walk down the street and see two more girls at the curb. I really like the look of this tall, curly-haired brunette wearing daisy-dukes and a striped tank that reveals a subtle outline of her smaller-yet extremely perky breasts. A good combo. Her friend is average, but not bad looking. I’ll call the brunette HBBelle in case she pops up again. She stares me down and smiles as I near. I pretend not to notice at first, and then lock eye contact when I’m close enough to open:
Me: Hey. I’ve just realized something really interesting.
HBBelle (smiling): Hiiiiiiiiii! What is it?!
Me: Have you ever noticed… how fascinating the progression of the night is? We prepare to go out with so much excitement… and enjoy our time at the recently-reopened bars… but the best, happiest moments of the night… may happen when least expected.
Friend: That’s a really good point!
HBBelle: How is your night going :)
Me: Ah, it’s interesting that you mention that. I have an important question to ask you two. Suppose I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10. What would you say?
Friend: Maybe a seven!
HBBelle: Really, I’m thinking like a six! What about you?
Me: Well, that leaves some room for improvement. Did you just not have all the good times you were expecting, like perhaps it was just the same as always… and maybe you didn’t meet the right person?
HBBelle: Yeah… I really didn’t get to do the things that I like to do.
Me: Really? Okay then, if I were to ask you what was something that you REALLY like to do besides eating, sleeping, and partying, what would you say?
HBBelle: Cooking! I love cooking! Well, baking actually!
Me: Hmm, so what is something that you really like to bake?
Friend (was on phone): Wha-
HBBelle: He asked me what I liked to do besides eating, sleeping, and partying, and I’m telling him about how I love to bake!
Friend: Oh okay :)
HBBelle: Cookies and shortbread are my favorites!
Me: I think that we all can remember… the wonderful aroma of a freshly-baked cookie, like the ones our mothers used to make… in the simple times of our childhood… and now it’s something rife with nostalgia. Is that what got you into cooking – your family?
HBBelle: Yeah, my dad is the best baker! Where do you live?
Me: [place]. How about you?
Friend: [place not close to mine]
Me: So what do you two have planned for the rest of the night?
*And of course, a car pulls up. It’s the brother of the friend.*
HBBelle: Oh my god, your brother is here!
Friend: Hey, what’s your name??? It was really nice meeting you!
Me: It was nice meeting you too!
*Friend gets into passengers seat*
HBBelle: I really liked talking to you tonight :)
HBBelle then hugs me, and I want her BAD. I mean, I was emitting a certain sexual vibe, if you know what I mean, so I began to think with the wrong head and find a way to mess this one up.

I put my hands on her beautiful little waist after our embrace and whisper into her ear, “What if… our night together doesn’t end here. Let’s have your friend go with her brother… and continue to get to know each other on a relaxing walk.”

Her dreamy state then breaks, and she says, “Oh, but I actually have to go with them, though…” and starts moving into the backseat. She asks for my name, I tell her. I then say that we should grab coffee sometime and hand her my phone for her number. She seems surprised that I would propose a coffee date at midnight outside of a bar, but she does not hesitate to give her number. The friend is smiling and watching us the entire time. She liked me.

Now I push a little too hard to try to schedule the date and the tension breaks further. We say our goodbyes, and they’re off. I send her an icebreaker text thirty minutes later to no response. Damn, I realize that I should have tried to go with them… it just happened a little too quickly once again. It’s not over yet, but that was a girl that I really wanted. I lapsed, and it cost me.

I’m not feeling terrible, though. I know that there will be other opportunities. I see a big group of at least ten cuties and open them. I’m surprised by the positivity of their reception, and I talk to them as a group for a couple minutes. I have no idea how to manage such a large group, though, so I make my leave amidst happy goodbyes. But maybe since it was such a large group, I could have drifted off to isolate one target… but it was nice to keep my vibe going nonetheless.

I come across two more girls. Both are extremely pedestrian. I go with the same opener and they are engaged but not entirely immersed. Freshman. I think that I remember Dreamer saying something in the chat that girls would have to understand nuance for my style of game. He’s right – they must have some ability to critically perceive… and these girls were not really with it. I unsuccessfully attempt to number close one of them because I already made some effort. I think that’s the first time that I’ve been legitimately turned down a number…

Ironic that the least attractive girls that I approach are the least receptive. Common trend, however – that’s nothing new in the community.

It’s getting late now. A bit past 1 AM. I’m posted up against a wall hoping for just one more chance. Well, would you look at that!

A lone girl is nearing. She’s HOT. Fit body. Blonde. Wearing these cool purple joggers that have a belt loop, and she has that style where the end of the belt is hanging loose. Black crop top that shows her tight abs.

I breathe and remember that it’s all good. Deciding to test out a moving opener, I open as she passes… and she was already looking at me. Great. I’ll call her HBGlide.
Me: Hey there. I have a really important question to ask you.
*she stops and faces me*
Me: Suppose I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10. What would you say?
HBGlide: 8 ;)
Me: Okay, but that’s not a ten. So you had a nice night… and probably enjoyed the company of friends… had some fun… and relaxed… but something’s missing… did you just not meet the right person?
HB: Oh, I don’t know… maybe that’s it :)
*she moves to my side and leans against the wall*
Me: You know, it’s really fascinating. I’m getting this vibe from you. It’s like when I look in your eyes, I can tell that you’re not like… any… other… girl. Perhaps you’re more open-minded.
HB: Uh-huh….
Me: I like people who are open-minded, maybe especially those who see the value of meeting new people. It’s like as you engage with new people – and encounter new experiences – you learn things about yourself that you like, don’t like, and didn’t even know existed. It’s actually quite amazing, to meet new people. Don’t you think?
HB: Uh-huh… what year are you?
Me: What year are you?
HB: Senior…
Me: Oh, me too. (BS)
HB: Phew. Um, where do you live?
Me: [place]
HB: That’s far from here! (it’s a twentyish minute walk)
Me: Where do you live?
HB: [place that’s a five minute walk]
HB: What’s your Snap? I’m really tired now… but we’re going to [bar] at 2:00 tomorrow…
Me: I actually don’t have any social media…
HB: Yeah…
Me: …because I really like to live in the moment.
HB: …phone number? *tries to hand me her phone*
Me: Here, you’re tired. You should get back to your place… I’ll walk with you to make sure that nothing bad happens.
HB: Okay :)
Wow, this could be it, I think. I deep dive as we walk, and she is very immersed. Shares a lot of info with me about her life. She begins to brush against my side. I lightly touch her arm a few times. The nonverbal communication is obvious.

We reach the front of her apartment complex and stop. She gets really close, looks at me, and puts her hands on my chest. I put my hands on her waist. Puppy eyes… and she kisses me. I pull away first, and she says, “Noooooooooooo….”

And kisses me again, but only for a second. Then pulls back. Says, ““Noooooooooooo….”

Then repeats this process about five times, the same way each time. She starts tugging on my necklace – biting her lip and breathing heavily – and whimpers, “Noooooo, we just met on the street.”

Yeah, it’s been maybe ten minutes, but it’s felt like much longer for both of us. I stare into her eyes and whisper, “Do you believe in fate?”

And she starts getting a bit hysterical. HBGlide paces around, literally begins to bang her fist against the wall, and whimpers further. It was weird. I try to calm her. I whisper things like:

“I’m having such a nice time with you. Aren’t you having a nice time with me?”

“Just relax… when you’re with me, everything is okay… I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want to do.”

“Let’s just talk for a few more minutes and enjoy the wonder of meeting someone new and interesting.”

At which point she looks at me after leaning against the wall, points to her room, and walks to the door without saying a word. Ohhhhhkay. I think that’s a cue for me to go, too. We make it to the door, and she turns towards me. Of course, I find a way to make this way harder than it needed to be. Granted, I was quite excited, physically-speaking.
HB: Noooooooo, you’re folllooooowwwwing meeeeeee…
Me: Oh? I’m certain that we walked here together… didn’t we?
HB: Yeah…
Me: Then let’s go inside and enjoy each other’s company for a bit longer… you’re tired, after all. Let’s go in and rest.
HB: Noooooo… please…. Just give me your phone number. Please!!!!!!!! *proceeds to beg me about to the point of tears*
Me: I can give it to you before I leave… but that’s not right now, is it? (TERRIBLE REFRAME ATTEMPT LOFTY)
HB: I’m… so tired. PLEASE. I want to text you. PLEASE!
Me: Relax… relax… I’ll get your phone number. *hand her my phone, she quickly grabs it and enters her number*
HB: PLEASE text me now. PLEASE! (guess she was scared of losing me?)
Me: Don’t worry, I’ll text you later. Let’s just hang out for a few more minutes…
Me (obviously, I don’t like that): Are you serious? That’s not funny.
HB: Oh… I’m not actually mad… but please text me…
Me: Because?
HB: I’m so tired now… I have to go to sleep.
Me (very frustrated): If you don’t like what happens in five more minutes, then you can kick me in the shin.
*HB starts banging fist against the wall again*
HB: Nooooo… I want to text you. Please.
Me (knowing that this isn’t going anywhere): Okay, I’ll text you. *start typing icebreaker text*
HB (lights up): Oh my god, really?!! I will so definitely text you! I will DEFINITELY text you!
Me: When are you available this weekend?
HB: Oh, I don’t know… maybe Sunday?
HB: Okay? I really have to go to sleep now.... can you please go now? I will SO text you.
Me: Are you sure? I really like people who live spontaneously… and aren’t afraid to engage in once-in-a-lifetime opportunities… and I thought you were like that. Aren’t you?
HB: Yeah… but nooooooooo… I have to go to sleep!
Me: Okay, okay. It was really nice meeting you, HB. Have a nice night.
HB: Oh my god, it was so nice meeting you…
She watches me leave and yells out that she will SO DEFINITELY text me. Yeah, yeah. That’s a FU, really.

FR Reflection:
-Immersed some baddies.
-Very poor awareness of time – still need to figure things out quicker during street nightgame.
-Stay calibrated when number closing. Stay calm.
-Need to read more about ASD/LMR.
-Street nightgame is very fun with the right mentality.
-Had two great lay opportunities. Didn’t finish on either. But the fact that I had them shows something. I mean, an almost ten-minute SNL pull from a moving target in street nightgame? Heck yeah.
-Got asked where I lived twice by two hotties. Also I look young, apparently.
-If I get HBBelle or especially HBGlide out again, then I’m in good shape. Though, I’m not too good at doing that just yet...

Overall, it was my best outing in weeks. It feels nice to know that.
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Don't be so hard on yourself bro.

You're making progress. All field experience is progress.

Personally, with the blonde from the last interaction, I would've operated as follows:

1. On the way home with her, I would have held her hand, side waist, small of her back (alternating between these three)
2. I wouldn't have let her kiss me outside her apartment.
3. I would have asked her to go inside for a glass of water/to use the WC
4. Smash

Keep in mind however; that with her, you're once again treading over potential quicksand, as she seems to have been wasted, and this might mean higher likelihood of FRAs and shit (I don't live in the US so I don't know, but it seems smashing drunk broads isn't A-OK over there, especially in college).
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Me: Oh? Suppose I was to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10. What would you say?
HB2: Like a three! It’s been horrible!
HB1: Around there is about right, haha!
Me: Hmmm… so what do feel like the night has been missing? Perhaps the vibe wasn’t quite right… and maybe you just didn’t meet the right people…
HB2: I’m just ready for things to go back to the way they were before, honestly!
Me: Well, have you ever noticed how life-changing it is… to meet new people? As you engage with new people and different perspectives, you learn things about yourself that you like, don’t like, and don’t even know existed.
HB1: You’re thinking about this waaaaaaaaaaay too hard!
HB2: Wait! You never gave us your rating of the night!
something Bismarck recently wrote in @terminator92's journal is that cocky/funny is hit or miss with girls during in daygame. I wanted to write that, if we're being honest, everything is hit or miss. As you can see for yourself here. Speaking in this flowery non-cocky/funny way, is also hit or miss with some girls. And if one of the girls thinks its try hard/cringe, then she's isn't gonna leave her friend to hookup with you. the move with two sets is always, the friend seeing that her friend really wants to hookup with you, and she thinks your cool/safe for her friend to hookup with. then she'll fuck off.
Me: What year are you?
HB: Senior…
Me: Oh, me too. (BS)
HB: Phew. Um, where do you live?
ahahaha we got you BS gaming now. Good stuff. Being deemed socially acceptable to hookup (age/year here) with is a big one :)
We reach the front of her apartment complex and stop. She gets really close, looks at me, and puts her hands on my chest. I put my hands on her waist. Puppy eyes… and she kisses me. I pull away first, and she says, “Noooooooooooo….”
I've been in this situation many times. I know the "her letting me walk to her place, stop then kiss me. then not let me up" move. That's why know I always in the middle of the way to her apartment, I mention having to take a piss. Then dropping it. Then mentioning it again once we're at her apartment. To me this is what works most often for me. (Sometimes I'll pull it off by finessing about cuddling. Can't fuck her cause I don't got a condom. blah blah. but its not as consistent as the former).
And she starts getting a bit hysterical. HBGlide paces around, literally begins to bang her first against the wall, and whimpers further. It was weird.
she's doing this because she WANTS to but she can't, because her ASD is saying, "hey HBGlide, if you invite Lofty up, your a big fat slut!!!"and she doesn't want to be thought off as a slut. So your not alleviating her guilt. Something like the "Listen if you think I'm trying to fuck you. I can't cause I don't got a condom". so that calms her ASD down.
“Let’s just talk for a few more minutes and enjoy the wonder of meeting someone new and interesting.”

At which point she looks at me after leaning against the wall, points to her room, and walks to the door without saying a word. Ohhhhhkay. I think that’s a cue for me to go, too.
ya that "enjoy the wonders of meeting someone new" BS distracted her ASD for a sec. but...
HB: I’m so tired now… I have to go to sleep.
Me (very frustrated): If you don’t like what happens in five more minutes, then you can kick me in the shin.
*HB starts banging fist against the wall again*
Her ASD is too smart for that. She's just really frustrated that that shit ain't fooling her ASD unfortunately, cause she wanted to hookup.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Personally with the blonde from the last interaction I would've operated as follows:

1. On the way home with her, I would have held her hand, side waist, small of her back (alternating between these three)
2. I wouldn't have let her kiss me outside her apartment.
3. I would have asked her to go inside for a glass of water/to use the WC
4. Smash
Thanks for the great tips! I can see how this would have been a much better process.

Yeah, it was just so hard not to let her kiss me. I can say that it happened quickly, but as soon as she got really close, it was pretty obvious. Discipline.

Next time will be better.
Keep in mind however; that with her, you're once again treading over potential quicksand, as she seems to have been wasted, and this might mean higher likelihood of FRAs and shit (I don't live in the US so I don't know, but it seems smashing drunk broads isn't A-OK over there, especially in college).
I thought that she was giving me pretty detailed answers up until after our makeout... like she basically gave a discourse on her past four years in a few minutes when I was eliciting on our walk. Her speech wasn't slurred, and she was walking okay. She appeared coherent. Maybe she was "acting drunk" as part of her ASD defense?

But yes, I understand that I must be extremely careful. It's a difficult mental balance between "persist" and "play it safe."
something Bismarck recently wrote in @terminator92's journal is that cocky/funny is hit or miss with girls during in daygame. I wanted to write that, if we're being honest, everything is hit or miss. As you can see for yourself here. Speaking in this flowery non-cocky/funny way, is also hit or miss with some girls. And if one of the girls thinks its try hard/cringe, then she's isn't gonna leave her friend to hookup with you. the move with two sets is always, the friend seeing that her friend really wants to hookup with you, and she thinks your cool/safe for her friend to hookup with. then she'll fuck off.
Appreciate the great insight!

Read the friend, and pacify her by creative means. Flow between styles.
ahahaha we got you BS gaming now. Good stuff. Being deemed socially acceptable to hookup (age/year here) with is a big one :)
Learned it from you ;)
I've been in this situation many times. I know the "her letting me walk to her place, stop then kiss me. then not let me up" move. That's why know I always in the middle of the way to her apartment, I mention having to take a piss. Then dropping it. Then mentioning it again once we're at her apartment. To me this is what works most often for me. (Sometimes I'll pull it off by finessing about cuddling. Can't fuck her cause I don't got a condom. blah blah. but its not as consistent as the former).
I need to keep WWVD ("What Would Velasco Do") in mind during these situations. Sneaky smooth.
she's doing this because she WANTS to but she can't, because her ASD is saying, "hey HBGlide, if you invite Lofty up, your a big fat slut!!!"and she doesn't want to be thought off as a slut. So your not alleviating her guilt. Something like the "Listen if you think I'm trying to fuck you. I can't cause I don't got a condom". so that calms her ASD down.

ya that "enjoy the wonders of meeting someone new" BS distracted her ASD for a sec. but...

Her ASD is too smart for that. She's just really frustrated that that shit ain't fooling her ASD unfortunately, cause she wanted to hookup.
It was defintely frustrating that I tried hard with the open-mindedness/fate/spontaneity stuff, but it wasn't enough. I get it from her perspective, though. She did only know me for a few minutes, after all. I can see how more directly approaching it would have eased her mind.

I'm a bit concerned that her ASD from this experience will stop her from seeing me again... we'll see. I now certainly feel better equipped to handle it in the future so that I can just finish things off the first time.

Thanks a ton!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
lofty props to you, you are doing really good but it seems like you are very uncalibrated at times and just going though a straight line script (amazing stuff that i may steal) but at times it seems that you are more worried about just spitting the script without calibrating to the situation....

The importance is not to have to complete the script in the situation but to understand the why is being use, the goal, the timing and calibrate accordingly vs trying to go through the script for the sake of completing the script to get to the end... at times the girls are sensing incongruences from you and that something is off.... also when they ask you something answer then once you finish adressing them then you answer.... The girl ask you a question and you answer with a question, you may come across cringy, the right sequence is to address the question and then finish with a question.... how was your night? it was good, but now i sense it will be amazing cause i got to meet some cool girls like you, what about you guys form 1- to 10 how would you rate your night?

see you address their question then finish with a question, vs they ask you a question and you ask a question (weird).

The material is totally good, but at times again you are off and at times you are misreading the women and situation... (try to understand the nuances and subcommunications)

When women ask for social media, tell them "i recently deleted the apps cause it was too much of a distraction and i wanted to focus more on work and studies" cause if women think you don't have social media they will think something is off...

also lofty i will recommend you read this post and this post, try to understand them....

Now all of this is not enough, pre-pull (taking a girl home) you need to take care of some other things to close the deal:

1.- She needs to know that you won’t judge her as a slut or a whore for going home fast with you.

2.- She needs to know you are sexually competent, in other words that you are good in bed.

3.- She needs to know she will be safe. Since you are much stronger than her and you have the ability to harm her physically.

4.- She needs to know you are not going to use her, aka fuck her and tell her to get the fuck out making her feel like shit. (most false rape accusations happened due to this)

5.- She needs to know that you will not be a clinger, stalker or super needy after sex and pushy before sex.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Saturday, September 26
Street Nightgame – 5 approaches, 7 numbers (there were two 2-sets), 1 FU (pulled to apartment only to face really odd ASD/LMR from a hot but very crazy girl)

Eventful night. I hook a few girls pretty hard, and number close all of them – including a girl right in front of her boyfriend. Then I pull a girl to my apartment but mess that up. Finish with going back out and number closing a two-set at 4:30 AM.

First things first, though.

HBGlide (girl that I made out with in front of her apartment) unsurprisingly did not “SO DEFINITELY” text me back, I guess because I made her feel slutty for almost pulling her from the street. Sigh. Would’ve been a good one. HBBelle (girl that I should’ve pushed to hang out with longer) did respond. She is very sorry and while it was really nice to meet me she actually has a boyfriend. That must be a rather new boyfriend – I was not really getting that vibe when she hugged me!

Gotta keep going, but it is frustrating when this stuff happens with girls that I really like such as these two.

Off the heels of disappointment, I go out street nightgaming. I’m wearing one of my better outfits – white long-sleeved shirt with green accents, slim-flitting jeans, cool green sneakers, a necklace, and a bracelet. I get out a little later than I would have liked around twenty minutes before the bars close. In the end, it didn’t matter because the bars were even more dead than usual. I think that most people were still at house parties after watching football all day.

Accordingly, my primary post-up spot is not a good option. So, I walk down the street where there is more activity albeit being further from my apartment. Lots of locals are out, but not as many college kids. I post-up against a wall to assess the situation, and I decide to wander the adjacent streets where there are a bunch of apartment complexes. Good decision.

I come across four girls laughing at the curb pretty quickly. Two of them are fairly attractive, and the other two are average. One of the attractive girls is clearly eyeing me as I near. I get close, and I don’t even have to open because she does it instead:
HB: Hiiiiiiiiii! How is your night going?
Me: You know, it’s really interesting that you mention that. I’ve just realized something really fascinating about how our night progresses here.
*Entire group pauses*
Me: Have you ever noticed how we enter the night with so much excitement… anticipating the bars… the friends… the fun… but as the night moves on, we realize that the most amazing moments can actually happen when least expected… perhaps like meeting someone new and interesting.
HB: Yeah… I know what you mean!
Me: So I’m optimistic about my night… because I know that something amazing… can happen at any time. How about you? Suppose I was to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10. What would you say?
*group chimes in answers between 6 and 8, I’m just switching between eye contact with the two hotties*
Me (to HB): Okay, so you’re saying that your night has been pretty decent, but there’s also room for improvement. I would like you to tell me: what’s something that your night has been missing?
HB (takes a step closer to me): I like what you said earlier about not meeting the right person…
HB2: We’re going to get hot dogs! *derailing seduction, come on HB2!*
Friend 1: Yeah! It’s our tradition!
HB: Oh yeah, that’s right!
Me (haha what): … your tradition is to get hot dogs? Well, I do get the sense that you four are a very tight-knit group – it would make sense that you have traditions that bond you together. How did that start?
*HB2 gives weird story, and I ask each of them questions about how their friendship started and stuff like that*
Me: Hmm, interesting, So is that all you have planned for the night?
HB: Yep! I’ll call you later after we finish!
Me: Okay, you have a really interesting vibe about you – I’d like to continue this conversation.
HB: What’s your name?
Me: Lofty. Yours?
*their Uber arrives, the other three get in the car*
Me: Here, HB, let me get your number. *hand her my phone, she gives her number, and her friends joke that she will have to pay for the extra time fees*
HB: I’ll call you in like thirty minutes. Text me! *gives me a hug*
Me: Sure. It was nice meeting you, HB!
HB: Bye :)
They leave, and I realize that I DID IT AGAIN. WHY DID I NOT GO WITH THEM??!?!

At the moment any unexpected pressure comes, I am losing every ounce of common sense. Wow.

I walk away looking for the next set. I pass two guys who observed my approach. One says, “Bro, you had all four of them! Daaaamnnn! How do you do that?!”

I just tell them that you just have to talk to girls because there is simply no other way. They’re cool and we talk for a few minutes, and they ask for my number because “I have all the ladies.” Little do they know how far that is from the truth right now!

My search continues. I’m on a backstreet around some newer apartment buildings. I see two girls walking by one, and I change my route to casually pass by. One of them is a busty Latina who is HOT HOT HOT. HOT. HOT. HOT. Second hottest girl that I’ve approached this year. She’ll be HBCubana because she has Cuban heritage. The friend is a slim blonde who is slightly above average.

HBCubana smiles at me when I get close. I give what has become my standard moving opener. It casually stops girls every time. I recommend testing it out.
Me: Hey there. I have an important question to ask you two.
*they stop and face me*
Me: If I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10, what would you say?
HB: 9!
Friend: Yeah, 9!
Me: Okay, so it seems like your night is going pretty well. Perhaps you had fun with friends… maybe a few drinks… and maybe some cool experiences, too. But something is missing. What is it?
HB: Oh, um, yeah we’re party hopping! We’ve been at like seven parties tonight. It’s been fun! Yeah, it’s just that the night isn’t over yet, I guess!
Me: Hey, that’s a really interesting point that’s just made me realize something. Have you ever noticed how we always tend to… hope for something… exciting… to happen? It’s like we may be enjoying ourselves, but it is the unexpected moments of spontaneity that can be really life-changing… perhaps like meeting someone new and interesting.
HB: Definitely…
Friend: Yeah…
Me: Well, I think it’s like this. Maybe you’ll agree. Meeting new people is very important. It’s like as you engage with different perspectives, you learn more about what you like, what you don’t like, and even learn things about yourself that you didn’t even know existed… it’s actually quite amazing. Don’t you think so?
HB: Yeah, I really do… that’s so true. I lived in a small town my entire life, and coming here was so different because it’s the first time that I met people who were from other places.
Me (heavily turned on by a smart and sexy girl): Okay, I can definitely see how that’s true. It must have been a big adjustment for you, but very exciting at the same time… like an experience of maturation… and I do get that vibe from you… like you’re very mature. Tell me, where are you from?
HB: Thank you! I’m from [small rural town]. It’s like two hours north of here. Right on a lake!
Friend: I’m from [place surprisingly very close to my small hometown]!
Me (to friend): Wow, I’m from a place not too far from there.
Me (to HB): You said you lived on a lake? I’m sure that it must have been very relaxing… like when you went out there, was it like all of your worries just disappeared?
HB: Seriously, yeah! I’d be at the lake everyday. It was like my mind became completely clear. I miss it a lot, actually!
Me: Very understandable. I think that there are special fragments of home that we remember, but perhaps they never actually leaves us, like they make us who we are. What’s something that you do to relax now?
HB: Yeah… I like that! It’s partying for me! And drinking!
Me: Well, we all need to decompress, don’t we?
Me (turning to friend): And you? What do you do to relax?
Friend: I like partying and drinking, too! And cleaning – I love to clean! (haha what?)
HB: I don’t know how you can say that! I’m going to get rich and have a maid. Or a stay-at-home husband, haha. I don’t like those traditional roles for women.
Me: I know, that’s so unfair right? She may find cleaning relaxing, and that’s okay! But at the same time, it’s really terrible for society to force those stereotypes on women – I can see how that must be an unwelcome stress. Personally, I prefer women who are really ambitious, know what they want, and aren’t afraid to go get it.
HB: That’s like me ;)
Oh boy. This is probably the best I’ve ever hooked a girl. Both of them, really. I’m giving strong eye contact to HB, but the friend keeps looking at me expectantly and adjusting the top of her dress that reveals cleavage. And she brushes against me occasionally. Welcome to Lofty World, ladies.

We continue conversation for around thirty more minutes. I pace them on topics such as societal expectations, personal enjoyment, fate, their areas of study, the future, cafés, and more. Perhaps it went a little long, but they were really immersed. I come to not like the friend too much, as she is one of those types who feels the need to tell everyone about all of her problems like OCD, anorexia, previous relationships, etc. But HB is cool as fuuuuuuckkkkkkk. She tells me that this is the best conversation that she’s ever had.

Her phone has been going off, but she ignored it. Now she takes a look. She’s like OMG, he’s sending me a bunch of Snaps! I’m like, “Who…?”

Apparently she met a guy at one of the parties and was on the way to his place.

Think, Lofty. Think.

It’s a tough spot. Though, HB tells me that the two of them only met for a few minutes earlier.

Okay, what’s the worst possible thing for me to say, perhaps something that could mess everything up? Well, here it is, I said it!

“Oh, interesting. You only talked for a few minutes and are already going to his place?”


Of course, she now feels slut shamed and gets defensive. I didn't mean it like that! The truth is that I lost frame due to an inane tinge of jealousy.

I immediately realize my horrible, horrible mistake and say, “Wow, you know, the connections we make with people can happen so quickly. Human emotions are so fascinating, aren’t they? It’s like when you meet a person… maybe it’ll take years… maybe days… maybe… seconds… but we always seem to have a sense that it could be a very special connection.”

This makes her feel better, but the damage has been done. The friend says that they’ll go to the guy’s place and text me in fifteen minutes. I offer to come with to hang out for a bit longer, after all, we’ve had such a good time, right? They agree and say that they’ll ask him if I can come up when they get there. The friend hugs me and says goodbye. HB gives me a sad look, then also hugs me, and says that it was very nice to meet me. Both give their numbers, I say we should meet up for coffee sometime. They leave and that’s that.

You know, props to that dude. I can respect it highly. He meets a major hottie for only a few minutes, gets her SnapChat, and entices her to come to his apartment – with her friend – hours later.

Meanwhile, I can run all these verbals. Give her “the best conversation that she ever had.” She said that verbatim. With lots of deep stares and sexual tension. And it wasn’t enough.

Expectedly, they do not text me in fifteen minutes.

It’s pretty obvious that they went up to his apartment and banged, banged, banged.

I have a long, long, long way to go.

Of course, that was a lengthy conversation, and I only now send the first HB a text. No response. Come on. I waste all of my success and never finish anything out. Lapses. Every time.

I’m walking around extremely upset. But hey, I see a lone girl scrolling on her phone while standing outside an apartment building. Cute, good figure, very nice chest, and she is showing a lot of it. I take a few breaths before wandering into the periphery. She doesn’t realize my presence, but I open:
Me: Hey there. I’ve just noticed something really fascinating.
*she is visibly nervous, immediately looks down and puts her phone away*
HB: Hi…
Me: Have you ever noticed how we enter the night with so much excitement… anticipating the bars… the friends… the fun… but as the night moves on, we realize that the most amazing moments can actually happen when least expected.
HB: Yeah…
Me: Well, speaking of your night… suppose I was to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10. What would you say?
*HB is still really nervous and starts twirling her hair*
HB: Like a six, maybe…
Me: Wow, that’s a pretty low score. Perhaps you went out… looking to have a lot of fun… and relax… and something was missing… like maybe you just didn’t meet the right person?
HB: Yeah, it’s been kinda disappointing!
Me: Well, the good thing about life is that good things can happen… at any moment. What brings you here now?
HB: I’m just kind of waiting…
Me: What are you waiting for?
HB: Well…
Me: Is it something… exciting?
HB: Well… I’m waiting for my boyfriend to let me in.
Me (not giving up yet… something is up here): Oh okay, but you don’t seem too excited about that. How come?
HB: I don’t know, he’s a nice guy and all. But I don’t know…
Me: We all have things that we are uncertain about. But when we have this uncertainty, oftentimes it may be because… that special feeling just isn’t there. Do you know what I mean?
HB: Yes! So I’m a freshman. He’s a junior. We’ve been dating for one week. He’s a nice guy. He’s nice.
Me: Is there anything else you like about him?
HB: Like I said, he’s nice!
*I see two guys walking to the door inside of the building*
Me: Is that him?
HB: Yeah, with his friend.
Me: Alright, well you know, I’m getting this vibe from you… you’re an interesting person, a little different from the rest. You’re perceptive and can tell when a situation isn’t quite right. It’s been a nice conversation, don’t you think?
HB: It really has, I’ve really liked talking to you!
*BF and friend walk up to us*
BF’s Friend: What the fuck?
Me: We should continue this conversation and grab coffee sometime. Here, let me grab your number.
HB: Okay :)
*I could tell that she would say yes and fully expect a confrontation between Savage Lofty and BF*
Me (to BF): She told me you were dating. Don’t worry about it. We’re just talking.
BF: Uhhhhh, it’s fine.

She gives me her full name and number, hands me back my phone, and smiles. I tell them all to have a nice night, although the friend thinks that I said, “Fuck 12.” He says that is a weird thing to say.

I just look at him like “What…?” and leave laughing to myself about it all because that interaction was awesome.

Still, I am without a lady. That’s a problem. I’m just wandering around when I see a hottie coming in my direction. Short denim shorts, revealing a ton of her nice cleavage, tan, brown hair with blonde highlights – a very fine young woman. I later find out that she’s from an Italian family in Brooklyn. And yeah, she plays the part. She’ll just be HBBrooklyn.

She nears me, we make eye contact, and I open:
Me: Hey there. I have an important question to ask you.
*she stops*
Me: If I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10, what would you say?
HB: TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Oh no – tell me, what’s happened?
HB: IT’S BEEN THE WORST NIGHT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: We all have experienced pain and sadness… so I know what it’s like. But the thing I’ve learned is that while it may storm sometimes… and it feels like the world is over… the clouds always part and allow us to have… a perspective that’s a little more positive, like how our scars make us stronger. Know what I mean?
HB: Yeah, but tonight has been REALLY BAD. Like REALLY REALLY BAD. I think that I broke my hand after getting in a fight! My parents are getting divorced! My sister is ridiculous! I was just at a party with my twin, and she is getting fucked, right now, by some guy, and I was just sitting in the other room! I was like, I can’t even be here right now! She’s getting fucked and I’m just sitting there! And I was so lost, I didn’t even know where I was! My phone is dead and it’s just been HORRIBLE!
Logic says that, well, Lofty, there are a lot of red flags here. Just make sure this girl is okay and move on. The girl is upset, so I just feel things out and hope to help her out a little at least. I say:
Me: Well, it certainly seems like you can use someone to talk to. Wouldn’t that make you feel better?
HB: …yeah.
Me: Here, let me take a look at your hand.
*Very gently feel her hand… it’s just a tiny bit swollen but obviously not broken or injured in any serious way*
Me: It’s a little swollen but not broken. You should definitely ice it when you can, though.
HB: Okay :)
Me: You know, I think it’s really unfair that you have all of this pressure on yourself. I mean, that’s not fun, and why are we here – to have a fun time, right? But yet you have all of these other responsibilities, and I can definitely see how it would really… weigh you down… like it would any of us.
HB: Yeah! I was just trying to go out and have a good time, and try to forget about everything, and it’s been a disaster!
Me: The world presents us with challenges… almost as a way to strength our minds… diversify our experiences.. and introduce us to new ideas. Without challenge, perhaps there is no happiness… but the thing is that we can choose to see the path of happiness… anytime we take a little look… at the bright side of things.
HB: I think that's exactly right :)
Me: Tell me, where are you going?
HB (sneaky eye contact): I’m a freshman! I’m going back to my dorm…
Me: Okay, well I’ll walk with you and make sure nothing bad happens.
HB (sexy eye contact): I’d like that ;)
Foremost, it looks like she’s okay. She started out emotional, but I’ve helped her calm down. It’s pretty clear that she likes me, too. Her dorm is a pretty far walk from where we’re at and it’s 1:00 AM, so I do want to make sure that she gets back fine. I’ll gauge the rest on the way there.

We begin walking together, but she stops at ironically the same spot that I met HBGlide. She wants to take a break and talk more. We lean against the wall, and her body is leaned up against mine. Okay. She wants to be comforted. Tells me all about her life. Parents, family, school, home, friends, everything. Also wants me to hold her hand, which I do. We’re at this spot for about twenty minutes, and she is increasingly getting physical. I’m just pacing her words, and she’s liking it.

In any case, we need to get moving. I have her start walking with me back to her dorm, and she’s not letting go of my hand. The conversation continues on the way, but it’s mostly me listening and pacing her. I know so much about this girl from her high school track times to the name of her friend in Mississippi. After a while, she informs me that she doesn’t have her access card to get in the dorms. And her phone is dead, so she can’t scan in digitally, either. I’m like, “How are you going to get in?”

She answers with a question. “Where do you live?”

Alllllllllriiiiiight then. Really don’t think that she could make her intentions any more direct. I ask her if she’s ever been to [park], which is right across the street from my apartment. She says no but that she would like to see it. On we go. Our discussion continues in the same manner. I get her opening up to me. And she feels much better now, so I’m happy about that, too. Seems like she was a little tempermental about some of the stuff she said earlier. Reveals how glad she is to have met me. Maybe it’s fate, I say. She likes that comment.

On the way, HBBrooklyn is very much trying to draw my attention to her body. Waits for me to make eye contact and then readjusts her bra. Does that multiple times. Interestingly, she mentions some guy friend. Says they’re kind of dating but not really, just very good friends. I ignore it.

We make it to the park and enjoy the scenery. Walk around a little. Occasionally pause to look at each other. She thanks me for taking her to the park and says that it’s beautiful. I look at her and whisper, “It is quite beautiful… isn’t it?”

Puppy eyes. Definite make-out opportunity. After the previous night, I don’t do it, though. I say that we should stop by my apartment and maybe just relax a little bit more. She’s all too happy.

I take her inside. Have her take her shoes off and let her plug her phone in. Guide her to the couch. Our bodies are right next to each other and our faces are just inches away. I realize how attractive she is. It would be a good one. Would be my best conquest looks-wise.

My hands take hers, and I gently stroke my fingers against her hands. She’s looking into my eyes and breathing heavily. I slowly glide my fingers up to the tattoo on her upper arm that she told me about. She lets out a little moan-like sound, and pretty suddenly puts her hands on my dick. Stroking me through my jeans. Then entirely pushes up against me and places her forehead on mine. I’ve been really calm and indifferent throughout the entire interaction, so I guess she felt the need to escalate herself. I’m very careful with my hands - mostly because this girl is a little insane. They’re just brushing against her waist and upper chest at this point.

I lightly tug on her tank, and she gets the idea. Removes her shirt and bra for me and puts her pretty body on display.

Asks me something. “Can I please suck your dick?”

Why yes, I really don't see an issue with that.

She excitedly undoes my belt and pulls on my jeans. I put my hands through her hair and tease her nipples as she lustily feels my boxers. Then she maneuvers herself and looks up at me. Puts her hands inside of my boxers, and here’s where things take a turn. Typing this, I see that I don't handle it well.
HB: Thank you so much…
Me: For?
HB: You saved me!
Me: Baby, I just showed you what you already knew. You’re confident and mature. You can handle anything.
HB: I really, really like you… *puts her mouth against my dick then suddenly stops*
HB: Wait. I can’t do this.
Me: …what?
HB: Yeah…
Me: What’s up…?
HB: My boyfriend…
Me: Uh… what boyfriend? I thought that you weren’t dating him? Besides, this isn’t a big deal at all.
HB: It’s complicated…. I don’t really even know… I have to stop.
Me: Okay, we’ll stop then. I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want to do.
HB: Hold on… do you want to feel me up more?
Me (really confused): I wouldn’t be opposed to that…
HB: Wait… oh my god, I’m so sorry! I can’t! *starts getting emotional*
Me: Hey, hey… calm down. Everything is okay. Just come here and sit with me – we’ll talk it out. We're having such a good time together and just expressing what we truly feel.
HB: He's been my best friend for years! Oh my god what am I doing!
HBBrooklyn proceeds to put her clothes back on, goes to her charging phone, and immediately FaceTimes her quasi-boyfriend. Ah.

Didn’t really think that I could safely persist here? She’s emotionally unstable...

And felt slutty, I guess. I mean, we spent a good amount of time together. Talking and walking. Thought she was very comfortable with me. Girl is hot and a good person overall, but just completely crazy. Who knows what was actually going on with her that night…?

She’s talking with the guy now, and I get the sense that it’s game over. She periodically looks up at me and smiles while on the phone. Whatever… it’s evident that this girl has some serious baggage.

Regardless, I decide to get some ice for her hand. I grab some medical tape and wrap the bag around her hand, asking her if she is going to call an Uber back to the dorms. Smiles and says yeah. We wait for the ride to come, and this dude on FaceTime doesn’t blink an eye that his “girlfriend” is with me. Weird. The ride comes. I get her number and send a quick text reminding her to let me know that she makes it back okay. She thanks me for everything, hugs me, and leaves.

Not sure what to think of that. But it was probably the right move, however frustrating it was… I think? Just based off feeling, something wasn’t quite right.

Consequently, I decide to go back out because I’d rather not end an otherwise decent night like that. Plus, who knows. The night isn’t over until your head hits the pillow.

It’s about 2:30 AM and not much is happening. Only human I see at first is a frat boy who tells me that he’s “coked up and strollin’!”

I find a bench at a park and reflect for a long time.

I’m surprised when a pair of girls happily strut by around 3:45. They smile at me, and I nonchalantly open with the “1-10” moving opener. They’re really receptive. One girl is highly enticing with a very thick Southern accent. The other one is extremely kind but below-average. Hook them, and we chat for about forty-five minutes. I screen to pull, but it’s obviously super late, the logistics are horrible, and they have friend waiting for them at the sorority house. I do like the Southern girl quite a bit and enjoy her company, though. Maybe it's not worth number closing the girls at 4:30 AM, but I do anyway.

When I take out my phone, I see that HBCubana “loved” my icebreaker text. Also said that it was very nice to meet me and that I have very interesting perspectives.

Then, I know that it’s time to call it a night.

FR Reflection:
-Successfully number closed every set, including a girl in front of her boyfriend. Hooked them all. But is it even worth number closing during nightgame? I haven't had much success following up on those numbers so far.
-Repeatedly making logistical mistakes. Still not thinking quick enough.
-Set with HBCubana was by far my best ever, except that I didn’t pull on a high note and lost her in the end.
-Guess I can be happy that I’ve gotten a bit intimate with a hot girl two nights in a row.
-HBBrooklyn is crazy. Didn’t know if I could persist in that situation? But it was likely for the best. Not pursuing her further.
-Will be more experimental with texting game. It’s a crutch that’s holding me back.

Overall, I’m starting to believe that I can actually do this.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
lofty props to you, you are doing really good but it seems like you are very uncalibrated at times and just going though a straight line script (amazing stuff that i may steal) but at times it seems that you are more worried about just spitting the script without calibrating to the situation....

The importance is not to have to complete the script in the situation but to understand the why is being use, the goal, the timing and calibrate accordingly vs trying to go through the script for the sake of completing the script to get to the end... at times the girls are sensing incongruences from you and that something is off.... also when they ask you something answer then once you finish adressing them then you answer.... The girl ask you a question and you answer with a question, you may come across cringy, the right sequence is to address the question and then finish with a question.... how was your night? it was good, but now i sense it will be amazing cause i got to meet some cool girls like you, what about you guys form 1- to 10 how would you rate your night?

see you address their question then finish with a question, vs they ask you a question and you ask a question (weird).

The material is totally good, but at times again you are off and at times you are misreading the women and situation... (try to understand the nuances and subcommunications)

When women ask for social media, tell them "i recently deleted the apps cause it was too much of a distraction and i wanted to focus more on work and studies" cause if women think you don't have social media they will think something is off...
Really thankful for the advice here, @Skills!

Okay, I see what you mean about how more calibrated verbals would be stronger. I do have a few reality-pacing/attention grab openers and transitions that I like to hook girls with and get them comfortable… then I try to get into riffing/freestyling a bit. I’ll be working on this!

Interesting – I have gotten the sense that maybe I’m being a little too mysterious. Like how there’s a difference between being intriguing… and them knowing nothing about me, which could cause that feeling like something’s “off.”

I do think that I’m probably in my own head too much like you say. That could also be part of the reason why I’m getting girls hooked and not always hearing from them again. Calibration, calibration, calibration. Show her that I’m an unprejudiced sexy man who understands her desires and her as a person, too. Got it!

also lofty i will recommend you read this post and this post, try to understand them....

Now all of this is not enough, pre-pull (taking a girl home) you need to take care of some other things to close the deal:

1.- She needs to know that you won’t judge her as a slut or a whore for going home fast with you.

2.- She needs to know you are sexually competent, in other words that you are good in bed.

3.- She needs to know she will be safe. Since you are much stronger than her and you have the ability to harm her physically.

4.- She needs to know you are not going to use her, aka fuck her and tell her to get the fuck out making her feel like shit. (most false rape accusations happened due to this)

5.- She needs to know that you will not be a clinger, stalker or super needy after sex and pushy before sex.
These are very useful! I’ll practice thinking of ways to satisfy all five of these points during the seduction. I maybe only achieved one or two of those on both Friday and Saturday night. Damn.

I’ll definitely come up with a version of the nonjudgmental and Madonna/whore lines, too. It’s weird thinking that I realistically could have had two really solid SNLs this weekend if I handled these concepts just a little better… wow. Next time!

And those words from Cosy give me a lot to think about. I can certainly connect with this part now:
She doesnt KNOW she isnt a slut

She doesn’t KNOW without any doubt at all that you are secret society

She doesn’t KNOW what you think about sex (maybe you are just fluking it, shes seen it before)

She doesn’t KNOW that you can operate on her level of thought (completely or to what extent)

She doesn’t KNOW if you can be sophisticated or intelligent sexually (or if you are an unguided bulldozer)

And when you only do non-verbal none of those doubts get addressed

So you make the LEAP that if you address them, it might change things

Ok, so that is a hypothesis!

But does it ACTUALLY change things IF you address those concerns girls have?

Thats what you test.

You VERBALISE she isnt a slut (though not directly)

You VERBALISE your understanding of her secret society view on life

You VERBALISE feelings on sex
You VERBALISE the extent of your mind and its workings equal to hers

You VERBALISE a level of intelligence and sophistication regarding approaches you have


She is then RELIEVED of having to guess
and thusly can INTERNALISE beliefs she would have otheerwise DOUBTED or not internalised beecause of fear of being wrong

So what actually happens when you do this right?
It creates a LEAP FORWARD in sexual subcommunication!
Because girls have to guess less.
Thanks again! All of this really helps!
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Damn bro you were right there haha. Very solid interactions. Especially with HBBrooklyn (ya she a crazy ass hoe...but that would"ve been some great sex).

Alright. On to the fuck up
HB: I really, really like you… *puts her mouth against my dick then suddenly stops*
HB: Wait. I can’t do this.
Me: …what?
HB: Yeah…
Me: What’s up…?
HB: My boyfriend…
Me: Uh… what boyfriend? I thought that you weren’t dating him? Besides, this isn’t a big deal at all.
HB: It’s complicated…. I don’t really even know… I have to stop.
Me: Okay, we’ll stop then. I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want to do.
HB: Hold on… do you want to feel me up more?
Me (really confused): I wouldn’t be opposed to that…
HB: Wait… oh my god, I’m so sorry! I can’t! *starts getting emotional*
Me: Hey, hey… calm down. Everything is okay. Just come here and sit with me – we’ll talk it out. We're having such a good time together and just expressing what we truly feel.
HB: He's been my best friend for years! Oh my god what am I doing!
Hello ASD.....We meet again lol.

You see that part I bolded?

That was her telling you to tell her, "No" so that her ASD could go back to sleep (gonna copy/paste YaReally's ASD prison guard analogy at the end of this paragraph because no one broke ASD down better than him). There was a good infield of this phenomenon that could have served as an excellent visual illustration of this but I think YouTube took it down.

By telling her, "no", her ASD cant tell her (HBbrooklyn) that you think shes easy, because you turned her (HBbrooklyn) down when she wanted to (she didnt really want to tho...she was performing that out for her ASD. Gotta remember that she's on your side, afterall).

So the move is...after turning her down. You just hold her with you. Massaging her upper/lower back as you build comfort. And then when you feel shes comfortable again, is when you start sexually escalating again. And then just go at it when you feel its right. None of this "are you sure about this" now cause then that shit might risk waking her ASD up again. I don't know if this makes sense, because at this stage, this is all just very intuitive to me.

Anyway here's YaReally:

"Her ASD is like a prison guard patrolling the prison halls and you're the guy sneaking in to break her out of prison. She WANTS to escape with you but she can’t control that ASD guard, and when he walks by if he catches you she’ll get LMR you have to deal with, but she’s hoping as much as you do that you'll figure out a way to sneak past that guard and escape to sexual freedom. Like you're in it together, both up against her ASD because she doesn’t WANT to get ASD".


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
That last one you handle it pretty good, now when girls have boyfriends the way to handle is to frame it like this makes things more exciting and hot and is something forbidden which makes it even hotter and that this adventure will only make her relationship with her boyfriend stronger, and he will appreciate you doing this even though is your secret, and you would never do anything that could cause her to break up, this is just fun and she is an open minded girl with a None judgmental sexy man that understands her no like those losers that don't get women and may judge her like slut or whore. Now you look at her tits omg you look so amazing, squeeze your dick, pull it out and jerk off, grab her hand and put it on your dick....

P.s. you did very good and were calibrated on that one teevester had a routine were he frame having a boyfriend as exciting if someone can find it


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 25, 2019
Hey Lofty!

I am impressed by how easily you hook and how consistently you approach during these tough times. I believe you're going to get really good at this. I especially like how you focus on pacing.

Those openers of yours are good, are they canned lines or something you come with as you open? In any case what was your learning process? (I am trying to learn how to open with RPO)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey @Klimax!

Please understand that I am not a successful seducer quite yet, and really, not much of a seducer at all with that in mind. So do know that your personal field experience will be far more valuable than the words I’m about to type.

I would not call the openers canned… I’m not too high on that connotation. That would infer that they are standard, boring, inflexible.

But are they prepared? Yes, in a way that allows for molding them to the setting and girl.

Here’s what I mean. From the words of Bacchus, Glow, Gunwitch, and plenty of others, I began to understand the true dynamics of reality-pacing. It’s not just a fancy way to hook girls.

This is what I thought about. Our goal is to show women that we understand them because they want to feel understood, and few people understand them. Right?

Is there a better way to show women that you understand them... other than how informing them how they perceive the world, even before they know that’s the way that they perceive it?

That’s reality pacing. She hears it, and is like, wow, okay, guys don’t usually talk like this to me, but he’s spot-on. I DO feel THAT way. Remember, she wants to be understood. She is willing to soften her will to be understood by YOU, if you prove that you are capable. So she thinks that your frame exhibits a unique understanding of her world, and therefore she becomes inclined to open up to you. Hence, emotional stimulation… which is what we want women to have. If she’s not simultaneously sexually aroused, then that lightens your path to do so. And those are Gunwitch’s three keys.

With reality-pacing, it’s possible to directly enter into this process. Like, right in. That’s why it’s so powerful. It may seem circuitous and stuff, but maybe it’s more efficaciously direct than direct game itself. Perhaps the ultimate way to hook, stimulate, and arouse her... maybe unless you have absurd fundamentals or like a celebrity frame?

But notice that our world is shared. In a given time and place, we can equally perceive. Maybe you’re sitting in a park. It’s really nice out. Pleasant, even. There’s a girl on a bench on her phone. She’s so consumed by social media, work, and everything else. While her subconscious realizes that’s it’s pleasant out - maybe that’s what drove her to sit on the bench in the first place - she’s not actively thinking about this. But it’s there. It’s true because you perceive it, which means that she can, too. So all there is to do is nudge this realization to the forefront of her mind. Immersion.

This is why Bacchus had me prepare RPOs for each of my gaming settings. That was a turning point for me. Because you can use them on anyone as long as it’s true in that moment… and the underlying concept is the same. That’s what you really want prepared. The concept. She may be on a night out, or at the store, or on the bus… it doesn’t matter. Just have fundamental ideas that you want her to realize, and simply tweak those dependent on time and space.

Glow and Bacchus show that here. Heck, don’t even listen to me. Why? I learned all of this from the threads and articles on this website. I didn’t write those. They did.

And my learning process is chronicled here, really. Granted, it wasn’t the beginning of my journey. I’ve always liked language. Not the power of it, but the dexterity of it. I was drawn to this style of game for this reason. Look back on my first approaches, though. And really, pretty much all of my approaches. Mess, mess, mess.

Alas. Hopefully this explains why I’ve so heavily tried to use RPOs and pacing in general. The only reason that I wasn’t using them right away on moving targets is, well, think about it.

If she’s stationary, her mind is at ease a little bit. Like at least her motor functions aren’t fully activated, and she’s not obsessed with where she’s trying to go. I mean, when you’re walking, is the one thing on your mind simply where you’re going? It is for me most of the time.

So I tried to get her attention with a little sprezzatura attention grab – the “1-10” opener. Again, not my idea. And remember, it’s not unordinary to ask passerby how their night is going. So that’s not trying too hard. It’s casual. Kinda functioning like a pre-opener. But you get her answer and THEN immediately get into pacing her reality. Her mind is relaxed and intrigued, hopefully. A process like this:
  • Stationary girl > Approach Invitation/Hover (if possible) > Speaker-centered pre-opener > Reality pace opener > Pacing/SOTs/Riffing (goal to perceive and show understanding)

  • Moving girl > Approach Invitation (if possible) > Interest bait/attention grab opener w/ sprezzatura > Reality pace > Pacing/SOTs/Riffing (goal to perceive and show understanding)
I think that leaves a good chance for a hook…

Yeah. Once more, these aren’t really my ideas. Look through this journal. Bacchus, Velasco, Skills, Bismarck, Chase, everyone. I’m just synthesizing what they tell me. All the information is already here. On this website. Right here. All of the answerson this website.

I guess that I can make one personal contribution. Try researching phonaesthetics a little. Pick out some words you like that match the vibe you want her to feel. If your language is pretty, she’ll feel pretty. Euphony.

And one more thing. Pacing her mid-conversation. Not my idea here, either. But try starting these sentences with phrases like “Oh okay”/”So you’re saying”/”You seem like the type of person”, etc. Are those a little like weasel phrases? Is this NLP without me knowing? Ha, I don’t really know. But I do know that it gets her attention, smoothens your cadence, and allows you time to process her perspective.

Tonality and pace, too, obviously. Pregnant pauses. Plenty written about all that before. I think Bacchus said something like, “be bored with your tone but fascinated with your words" (can't find it now... but it seems like he'd say that). It’s all that I really think about in that regard, besides making sure that the vocal reverberations are coming from my chest, but that’s more of a feeling thing than a thinking thing… and you just flow into it if everything else is in place.

I mean, yeah. My learning process has only been reading what’s been written and trying it out for myself. But I don’t have even have a lay report, so maybe just use this as a direction to look towards… but follow the words of the good guys here.
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