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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Plus, it did make me feel a little better about it all... and it worked.

this is a great observation of your inner self and its reaction to this event.

in that, this was just as much about your feelings as it was her feelings.

if you are feeling icky about your interaction with a person, then it is likely they are feeling the same way.

resolving these feelings feels good for everyone involved!

knowing this, you can guide yourself towards effective resolution, simply by observing what feels right and wrong to do.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Tuesday, October 6
Street Nightgame - 5 approaches (2 hooked)

A beautiful story is not simply the succession of repetitive overtures but also one of willowing troughs. Sometimes, there are days gloomy like the disablement of cascading downpours, ceasing all outside triumphs to an authoritative halt. Yet, we know the comforting warmth of the beaming sun will welcome us when the time is right, provided we allow ourselves to turn the page to a new day... or perhaps even a new life.

Unfortunately, Sunday and Monday brought a couple downpours of their own, although the water was replaced with raining school assignments. Gaming became swamped down, much like my mental freedom.

In addition, my optimism towards HBHaze has faded into harsh oblivion. The lovable stoner girl has been transported to the realm of lost leads, and her pretty face washed away into the purgatories of my mind. Sad.

I have to expect accordingly during nightgame. This is the result when I am not able to escalate fully. I should have had boundless indulgence with at least four wonderful women by this point (Glide, Brooklyn, Southie, Haze). Poor escalation and an inability to conquer ASD stole away the potential for our debauchery. Sorry, ladies. That’s on me.

Regarding one of those ladies. I reached out to HBBrooklyn, despite saying that I would not. It was foolish not to talk to her sooner. I could have handled her; I know it. Yet, I became apprehensive towards the attempt due to her sheer recklessness and emotional instability, but that’s the price with girls like her.

She is now “very serious” with her “boyfriend.” Did I do that?

No response from HBAstro. Trivial because I did not like her much. Though I do see her again…

… but the one that irks me is HBSouthie. Resuscitated from the woeful abyss. However, it was not for long. She never let me know her schedule for the week. Nothing. Why would she even engage with me again if that was to be her end result? I know she liked me, maybe even a lot. The fault is mine for not allowing her to like me more. Mark that up as a flopping and floundering from this inconsistent mind.

I think that maybe her friends are holding her back after she told them about what happened. I’ll send something her way soon if I do not hear back prior... I've been trying to be patient to not assume a needy frame.

Street Nightgame

Foremost, I'm reinstituting daily focuses - even if I repeat the same ones for a few days or until I can work them in comfortably. Practice it like a sport. Gunwitch says this over and over.

So for this session, they are:
  1. Smooth transition phase after opener (reframe and connect with girl)
  2. Barriers/Resistance (make her WANT me through my frame)
  3. ACTUALLY elicit topics (draw it all out)
With those in mind, I'm onto the night.

Last week, my words felt powerful, and my mind felt dangerous… in a very, very good way. Unfortunately, I learned that not approaching on Sunday and Monday hindered my social momentum more than I would have imagined.

I'm wearing my white long-sleeved shirt with green accents, washed jeans, green sneakers, necklace, and bracelet. I’m out around 11:30. Enough people are meandering around to procure an excitement if I dare.

My first approach does not last long. Okay brunette. I see her leave a bar. Moving “1-10” opener. She says, “I bite!”

I’m not given enough time to respond as her pace doesn’t slow.

Accordingly, I’m chomping at the bits for my next approach. I see a petite blonde outside of a different bar. It’s loud. She’s scrolling on her phone, as girls typically are. I’m halfway through my RPO when her boyfriend pulls up. Tough.

Time for a rebound. It’s not a good start, but I know that it’s not all my fault. Composing myself, I search for a lady looking for a little excitement herself. Well, eh. I see a lone girl waiting for a ride. But… she did not excite me. I’m having trouble lowering my standards. They are too high. I see that. Yes, yes, yes. But that rush, that perk in my body... just does not appear... if it's not already there.

Yeah. Anyway. This girl is a freshman. Obviously dyed blonde hair, and she’s a bit chubby. I open. Not sure what it is about the teeth today, but she visibly bites her lip once I hook her. She’s not that verbose and struggles to respond. Her ride comes, and I don’t bother to number close.

Heading back to the hub of activity – the main street – I see a girl with a familiar build leaning against the streetlight. Tight jeans, black bustier, alone… yeah. I don’t really doubt why this girl is out… again. The glistening makeup around her eyes – sparkling like the stars - confirms her identity. It’s HBAstro. Again, I don’t have a big thrill with her, but she's a little cute. Remember that she initiated a hug and wanted to make-out after my three failed pull attempts, but I did not kiss her in hopes of extending the seduction. After that, she left. Which probably says enough.

So what happens now? Auto-rejection comes flying into my face at the speed of a flaming asteroid with her sheer brutality smashing into my calm approach like the impact of an ill-intended celestial body. Or a fastball hurled towards my head.
*HBAstro sees me and I calmy walk over*
HB: Are you going to ask me how my night was on a scale of 1-10?
Me: Only if you promise to be honest.
HB: I’ll be honest.
Me: Great, you know, isn’t it so nice to be around people who you can really be open with? Nowadays, it’s like we really have to conceal what we are thinking… like really bottle it in… so it’s wonderful to be able to RELEASE these EMOTIONS with a like-minded person, don’t you think?
HB: Hold on, I have to call my mom!
*Walks away*
Strike out. Sheeeesh. To be expected, maybe. Actually, I can understand it from her perspective. She meets an interesting guy. Gets into a good conversation. Guy clearly wants to bang, but he’s still interesting. Repeatedly tries to move her to obviously bang despite plausible deniability. She wants to move slower, or at least I don’t allow her conditioned mind to move faster. She takes the social risk of hugging me, and takes an even bigger social risk of moving into kiss me. When I didn’t, that probably hurt her. Though, I didn’t kiss her in the hopes that it would lead to a better time together for both of us. Girls are puzzling like a riddle.

There’s still time, though, despite it being around 2:00 AM. A tall blonde is spotted leaning up against the wall just a little distanced from another girl and a man. She’s attractive. I go for it. I get her hooked, but the guy jumps in and offers to pay for her ride home. I try work with it, but it’s a no-go because the guy was really doing his best cockblock attempt… I think that he wanted her. Yet, I get the feeling that he did not get her and likely never will.

Wednesday, October 7

An impromptu group meeting spurns my street nightgame outing before it begins.

I have a group presentation in the morning, and they suddenly want to practice at 10:00 PM. Come onnnnnnnnn. Not a good look if I’m the only one not there. I wasn’t going to game late, either, because of the presentation. So this effectively ends any chance of gaming for the night.

It’s not all bad, though. I can introduce a good new character. This is the one social circle girl that I’ll still try to game. Might have to be a slow burn with her. Very attractive blonde. Great sexy body and highly intelligent. I got her to join my group as we’ve casually talked in the past… we were at separate parts of the same workplace for a little while.

I was late to the rehearsal presentation because I was getting ready to game and missed some text messages. Apparently, she was defending me while everyone waited. Interesting. And she was excited to see me. Interesting. I haven’t seen as strong flashes from her before. I’ll call her HBFoxxy and hope that I can type her name much more often.

Long day tomorrow. I hope to relax my mind with a return to daygame (despite the proliferation of masks… I’ll just go for it) and more street nightgaming, too.

I wish I had a better update… but that’s life. We live to see another day. Let’s make it a good one.

^ this was great! i don't know what you are talking about... the take it super slow is slight mistake but you got the goal accomplished... Something similar happened to me once when before a date with some girl some dude creeped out (this was when i was trying to experiment with online couple of years back) http://www.theskillsmethod.com/text-sex-best-sexting-ever-tales-online-game/
Okay, really good to know, @Skills! I think that I was just thinking like, “Can I see Skills send this message? Velasco? Fog? Bacchus? Chase? Anyone?”

Because it seemed a little lengthy and “nice guy” at first glance. We’ll see what happens with her, but I definitely feel better knowing the texts were actually decent.

And wow, that is a crazy post of yours! Really good insight into how sexual vibes in texts can work very well and set the tone for the meeting. Plus those second generation verbals over text are fascinating. Definitely things to think about as I refine my understanding of texting game – thanks for that recent texting guide post as well!
this is a great observation of your inner self and its reaction to this event.

in that, this was just as much about your feelings as it was her feelings.

if you are feeling icky about your interaction with a person, then it is likely they are feeling the same way.

resolving these feelings feels good for everyone involved!

knowing this, you can guide yourself towards effective resolution, simply by observing what feels right and wrong to do.

Reflecting on what you wrote, I think you’re absolutely spot-on about this exchange. All of these emotions make A LOT more sense to me now after seeing your analysis... and I can also relate this ideaology back towards many past experiences, too.

Guiding myself towards effective resolution, simply by observing what feels right and wrong to do.

Building my intuition, and trusting what’s already there.

Fog makes things clear.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Friday, October 9
Street Nightgame – 1 approach, 1 number, 1 FU (could not get her out of the car while in front of my place)

Near-Fight, Sprite, Transgender, WTF, Boyfriend, Fuck-Up.

How do these words connect?

I’ll write how they do in what became yet another crazy day in our dystopia world.

But first, the events begin with a surprising sighting around 6:00 pm when I see HBRitzy leaving a pizza place as I walk back to my apartment. This is the girl who flaked on me the night of the incident. She’s with her friend, who is my co-worker (a girl). I can tell that she’s quite embarrassed to see me after her flaky activity. I’m cool but kind of visibly annoyed, but she ends up inviting me to join them for pizza next week. Eh, we’ll see. I’ve moved on.

My hope was to daygame earlier, but the rain was sporadically heavy all day. Not too great as my primary daygaming location is the park. Very poor forecast for this weekend, too. All good – I’ll make the most of it. Though, it did tell me that I needed to take advantage of tonight as the weather temporarily cleared. It was humid, though. Really, really humid. So much so that I planned to change my “brisk air” RPO to “supple air.” Haha.

Oh, here’s something notable before I get into the street nightgaming session. I went about three weeks without masturbating, which is a long time for me. I did notice some really good results and mental clarity during this time – especially the week of 9/26 – 10/3. Every day I went out that week, I was feeling sexy and dangerous. Got some make-outs from the streets, and probably should have had a few lays. This week there was some hecticness with life activities, and without enough time to game and approach girls, the no-nutting was driving me nuts. I finally cracked the streak in the morning. Instead of feeling clouded afterwards like usually, it actually felt quite good – like in a different way, though. As in a lastingly satisfying. Interesting. I’ll try to last for at least a few weeks now, but obviously I’d much rather prefer a sexy girlie to help me out ;)

Anyway, onto street nightgaming. My earlier session this week was not good. So I had to improve. I noticed the conversation was getting a little stuck after my first reframe. Like the reframe really had to HIT. Or else the girl would get kinda confused because of the uncommmonality of, well, me? I’ll show how I chose to address this in my first (and only) approach later.

My first approach is far from my first encounter, however. My first encounter is with a very drunk man, and it was an encounter typical of a very drunk man. It’s around midnight.

Beginning my streetgaming route, I just turn a corner outside of a bar that has some outside seating. Oddly, I hear quite the vocal raucous behind me. I’m like, what? Rotating my head, I see some stocky guy I’ve never set my eyes on before. He’s running after me after his friend does a very, very bad job holding him back. As he gets closer, I finally make out what he’s spouting. For context, this is right by the most active street, so cops are all over enforcing the mask rules (hence why I game along the backstreets).
Drunk guy: WHAAAAAT YOU LOOOKIN ATTTTT??????!?!?!?!?
Me: Definitely tell me because I want to know the same thing.
*drunk guy gets right up in my face and puffs his chest out*
Me: Nope, but I think you do.
Me (knowing this is just not worth my time): You have a very pretty necklace. It’s sparkling!
Drunk guy: Thanks!
Me: Hey, do you bench? You’re jacked!
Drunk guy: Yeah, thanks broooooooooooo! HEY. YOUUUUUU GOTTTT A PROBLEMMMMMMM?????!?!?!? HOW OLD ARE YOUUUUUUUU?!?!?!? (….what?)
*is now inches away from my face*

Me: I’ll tell you if you ask nicely.
*rams his chest into me*
Me: Look, I’ve never seen you before. But I can tell you’re a really swaggy guy with your stylish v-neck and everything.
Drunk guy: Thanks bro!
Me: Alright, I have things to do. Have a nice day, champ.
Drunk guy: *really confused*
*I leave*
*drunk guy suddenly runs in front of me and tries to shove me, but I stand my ground*

Me: You’re not worth my time. I have better things to do. Bye, champ.
*I pat him on the shoulder twice as his friend finally tries to corral him, and I leave as he screams at me*
I didn’t even see him on the street before or anything. So… seems like he was just looking for a fight with the next person he saw.

But while he deserved some bad things, there is absolutely no doubt the police would have noticed and gotten involved if it broke out. So, no thanks. And fighting a drunk guy for absolutely no reason solves nothing. I’ve had enough inane troubles this school year. I don’t like his words, obviously, but I tried my best to keep my wits.

Worst part about it is that it gets me out of my seducer state. Takes me a while to refocus as I sit on a bench trying to do so. After a while of removing the agitation, I restart.

I’m now walking along the sidewalk. There’s a girl walking about five feet in front of me as I pass an apartment complex. All of a sudden I see a blurring flash of color nosediving in front of me and…


A giant water balloon explodes on the ground a few feet ahead, and a sticky liquid gets all over my shoes and the lower part of my pants.

Come. On.

I hear a meek voice from the balcony above say, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! It’s her birthday and we were trying to hit her with a water balloon full of Sprite! So sorry!”

Lofty gives them the wtf stare… because I’m just baffled. My high-tops are soaked.

Really, that could have ended my night. At least it didn’t fall directly on me, I guess?

I quickly find somewhere to sit and assess the damage. The shoes are wet and sticky and will need attention later, but luckily my jeans aren’t in too bad of shape. Only a few sporadic splotches towards the lower parts. I review seduction material on my phone for about 30 minutes as I wait for them to dry enough to be passable, and then I tuck the front part of the pant legs where it’s still a bit wet under the tongue of my high-tops – it looks pretty casual. And on we go.

Though, the next person I see is a guy… who is an acquaintance, as you might say. Quite inebriated, and he wants to talk to me. He’s a solid guy overall despite a couple character flaws, so I just catch-up with him for about ten minutes before moving on. Once again, the seducer state was lost. Yikes – not going according to the plan here. I’m still without an approach.

The next girl I see is another familiar face. I’m walking along a poorly-lit sidewalk when I notice a nice figure nearing. When her face hits the light, I’m quite surprised. It’s HBHaze (one of the girls I made out with last week), looking like her bad bitch self wearing a crop top and boyfriend jeans. Her hair is braided, and she looks super sexy. Her hands hold her phone – she’s on speaker with someone. I can recognize a male voice. She gives a smug smirk when she sees me. I try saying, “Hey!”, but she keeps smugly walking. That male voice is probably the reason we never grabbed any coffee…

Doesn’t help my confidence much. And before I know it, I’m randomly approached by a group of obviously transgender people.

One of them gets close to me – a rather tall person – and is apparently checking out my hair.

“Like oh my god, isn’t this man’s hair like SO FUN?!?!?”

“Oh yeah, his hair is SO FUN! SO FUN!”

This group decides to take a vote among themselves whether or not they like my hairstyle, which is quite odd. The consensus is that my hair is indeed fun. They try talking to me as a group but keep speaking over each other. Though, they’re quite jovial and fun themselves. We chat for a little while, but I need to start finding… other girls now. I part ways, noting that their compliment was appreciated.

This brings us to about 2:00 am. Close time. I hear the bustling and flow of people leaving the few bars in town, which are pretty much all on that street. I choose a spot to post-up – the selection is one of the primary places where people wait for rides.

Not sure what happened on this night, but the opportunities just weren’t there at this locale. The only sort of approach opportunity I had was a smiling girl in a group of three alongside another girl and a guy. Unfortunately, I only noticed her AI when they were nearly past me as I usually wouldn’t open a moving set if a guy is with them.

I’m left with little choice but to change locations as a last-ditch effort to procure, well, anything positive. Not a good night so far.

I go to my other spot and post-up for about 15 minutes – it’s around 2:40 am now. Could it really be that I go the entire night without an approach and the only thing that comes home with me is Sprite-soaked shoes?

Well, my head hasn’t hit the pillow quite yet.

My peripheral vision catches the sight of a girl nearing me – I take a peek. Super hot. Tan, blue eyes, really nice slim body – has that look du jour, which is something that I really like. Her face is characterized by finely sharp features and looks distinctly Mediterranean – I later find out that she is of Greek heritage. She’s just wearing black sweatpants and a tie-dye tee – a relaxed look – so maybe she didn’t go out. Her attention is on her phone as she gets close, but I see her take a peek towards me. Go time. She’ll be HBOlive.
Me: Hey there, I have an important question to ask you.
*she stops and moves towards my side*
HBOlive: Hi! Okay, what is it?
Me: If I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10, what would you say?
HB: Actually, it’s been a ten! It’s been an amazing night honestly!
Me: Okay, let me make sure that I have this straight. You’re saying that on this… pleasant night… you were able to relax… maybe hung out with some friends… maybe have a few drinks… and completely RELEASE all of the TENSION from the week… to make it an AMAZING night?
HB (smiling): Yeah! It was a great time, and I did get to hang out with friends!
Me: Hey, I have another question for you then.
HB: Yeah?
Me: Here’s something I’ve noticed – maybe you’ll agree… so pay close attention because I really want to hear your thoughts on this.
HB (giggling): Okay!
Me: Have you ever been having just that… PERFECT night… like ten out of ten night… and then suddenly… with an OPEN-MIND… something exciting and maybe even unexpected happens… and your night gets EVEN BETTER?
HB: Totally! I have noticed that actually! How is your night going?
Me: Eh, so-so. Something is on my mind.
HB: What is it?
Me: Well, it’s something that happened to my friend at the bar. You know, I actually feel bad for women nowadays because men are so disgusting… like they don’t know what women REALLY want.
HB: Oh my god, what happened?
Me: Okay, so my friend was telling me about how she was at the bar, and this guy came up to her, and told her “You’re coming home with me.” On first sight, like they hadn’t even said hi or anything! Then the guy starts groping her, and she felt so afraid! She just had to turn her back and leave… it’s such a shame that women have to deal with creepy guys like that all the time… who just view you as a sexual object… I can imagine how much you just really want a guy to just really get to know you for you.
HB: Oh my god, I feel so bad for her! Yeah, that sort of thing happens all the time! What year are you?
Me: [year]. You? *could’ve use barriers/resistance here but the conversation was flowing*
HB: Senior! But like when you’re a little younger and go to those types of bars where the younger people are, you see stuff like that every night. It sucks!
Me: Right? And it’s like these guys don’t even understand what women truly want… which isn’t to be felt up… or viewed for sex… but rather to REALLY FEEL that personal CONNECTION… like maybe even from having a relaxing conversation. Is that right?
HB: Absolutely, but most men aren’t like that sadly.
Me: Actually, that just made me realize something fascinating about personal CONNECTION. Sometimes… connecting with someone takes years… months… days. But for others… it can happen in an INSTANT.
HB: So true…
Alright, so I wanted to try that style out to set up the sexual frame, and show her that she can be open with me and all of that (thanks for the idea, HBSouthie!). But I know that I need to transition the conversation to a positive realm. Good thing she's another sexy HB with a cute dog!
Me: Yeah, it’s like connection is this special thing… where the more you really OPEN UP to someone… the more COMFORTABLE you feel. So tell me this, then… if I were to ask you what is one thing you like to do besides eating, sleeping, and partying, what would you say?
HB: My dog! I love him soooooooo much! He’s always there for me and makes me feel sooooo much better all of the time! He’s my best friend!
Me: Alright, so you’re saying that it’s kind of like this relationship where if you have a bad day… like have a bad score on an exam… or a rough day at work… you can see him… and it’s like all of your worries are gone… AT JUST A GLANCE?
HB: That’s a good way to put it! I’ll just pet him and take him for a walk, and everything is perfect again!
Me: Wow, you gotta tell me more about him then… he seems like a really special dog. What’s his name?
HB: [name]!
Me: How long have you had him?
HB: Three years! I rescued him from the shelter, and wait, I’ll tell you how I chose him! He was actually the only dog that didn’t bark at me! I knew right away that he was the one for me!
Me: So you’re saying that it was like you just looked him in the eyes… and just knew… that he was the RIGHT one for you… like you had that INSTANT feeling of CONNECTION that we were talking about?
HB: It really was like that…
Me: Isn’t it so… so… SPECIAL… when that happens? Like it’s so rare… so when it does happen… it’s almost like we have to GRAB life by the HORNS and THRUST ourselves into the THICK of it… to take advantage of these opportnities and live spontaneously. Know what I mean?
HB: Uh-huh…
Me: And it says a lot about you that you rescued him… so you weren’t like all of these people nowadays… just looking for a pet as a status symbol… you know just using them… and not really seeing the value of CONNECTION… and really being able to HOLD him CLOSE and DEARLY… because of how you feel about one another… because of who you truly are… like what’s inside. Hey, do you have a picture of him?
HB: I've never considered that, but you're right now that I think about it! And oh yeah - he's my screensaver actually!
She whips out her phone and clears her notifications. We both get closer, but she’s the one who presses her side up against me. At this point, she’s very receptive. I see the look in her eyes… I think it could happen. And I really like her, too.
Me: Have you ever heard what they say about dogs and their owners?
HB: Hmm?
Me: Let me see if you think this is right. They say that dogs actually reflect the personalities of their owners. Your dog seems so happy… fun-loving… and adventurous… and I get the same sense from you… like those are some of your defining traits… as if you know a good opportunity… when you see it… and FEEL it… is that right?
HB: I guess it is! Like when you talked to me, I could have just kept on walking, but I didn’t! I think that sometimes you just need to give people a chance.
*our sides are still touching, but we’re gradually moving towards facing each other*
Me: I definitely agree. You have this very mature vibe about you… that’s quite unlike most women our age… you’re… different.
*she gets closer*
HB: Thank you…
*and closer*
Me: And you’re really independent, too… you’re calm… and composed… and I do feel like… you’re the type of girl… who knows what she wants… and isn’t afraid to go after it.
*puppy eyes*
HB: I made the right choice by stopping to talk to you…
*hugs me*
Yessssssssssssss. She’s so sexy and cool – by far my favorite HB. Our hug is prolonged, and it feels so nice to have a girl that I like pressed up against me. When I pull away, I certainly get the feeling that I could kiss her… actually I’ve felt that multiple times to this point. But I’m trying to stay disciplined and build the sexual tension… make her want me BAD. Time for logistics… and she helps with that. We’re still holding each other now.
HB: Where were you going?
Me: Oh… probably just for a short walk… to alleviate the tension in my shoulders… and decompress… after a long night… like I just need a form of RELEASE. *I was thinking to take her to a nearby secluded spot*
HB: But it’s so late! Where do you live?
Me: Where do you live?
HB: [place]!
Me: Where is that exactly? I’m at [place].
HB: [explains]. It’s so late, though, and it’s supposed to rain! I was just going to my car… do you want a ride back to your place?
Me: I’d love that. Thank you…
*puppy eyes… another make-out opportunity*
So we head to her car which is just parked about thirty seconds away, and I keep my hand on the small of my back as we are walking. It feels natural. She also asks for my name, and I ask for hers in response. We get into the car, and she asks me where I’ve been tonight. I tell her that, you know, I’ve been around, but I really just like relaxing and hanging with friends the most. She qualifies herself and tells me about how she agrees and has only been out three times this year – she’s “over” all the partying and is just looking for a job now. Also reveals to me that she had COVID a few months ago. Says she’s a criminal justice major, so I try to work the non-judgmental frame into this topic. And how she’s very mature, responsible, and is at peace with herself.

We ride into my place, and I think I’m pretty good here. I’m very excited. But… it’s never that easy.
HB: It’s been so nice meeting you! It’s so rare to be able to talk to someone like this nowadays.
Me: HB, I feel the same way! We’ve been able to create this… unique BOND… between us… like there’s just something that ROPES us TOGETHER… it’s been so pleasant.
Me: Hey, you know, I never got to tell you what I liked to do besides eating, sleeping, and partying…
HB: Oh yeah! What is it? *her tone was waaaaay more excited than I was expecting*
Me: One thing that I really like to do… is to channel my energy… all of my being… through the free-flowing form of music… so I produce music as a way to express myself.
HB: Oh my god, that’s so dope! What kind of music do you make?
Me: Well, I don’t really want to put it into just one word… I like that sort of music that maybe others may not… something with DEPTH… ambiance… and EMOTION… I’d really like to hear what you think… how about we go up and just chill out… listen to some music… and talk for just a few more minutes?
HB (quickly looks down and away): There’s something you should know… I actually have a boyfriend.
Me (very surprised): Oh… I’d never want you to break up with your boyfriend.
HB: We just started dating… he’s a bouncer at [most popular bar]… and we’re kind of like in that honeymoon phase… so I can’t go up with you. I’m sorry… do you understand?
Me: I definitely get it. Relationships are special things… but society also restricts what our view on what a relationship actually is… perhaps we could all be more open-minded… so we can take advantage of exciting moments like this one.
HB: Yeah I would! But I can’t… and my friend has been texting me and I need to go pick her up. It looks like she drank too much once again and is really sick now… can I have your phone number?
Me (calling off the dogs... it’s over... at least for tonight): Okay, it’s been great meeting you… you’re a unique person and we should definitely stay in touch.
HB: Absolutely! It’s always so nice to have cool boy friends! *meaning she wants (and probably has) guys to hit up on her terms… yuck… but I understand this dynamic better now*
Me: I’ll get your phone number. *I pull out my phone*
HB: Awesome! Send me a text so I know I have your number!
*she tells me her number*
Me: What’s your last name?
HB: It’s [obviously a Greek name]!
Me: Oh, so that’s Greek, then?
HB (very excited that I recognized it): Yeah! My parents immigrated from Greece to New York, and that’s where I grew up. I’d like to go to Greece sometime, though! Where are you from? *should’ve used travel gambit here but I didn’t think of it*
Me: [place].
HB: Alright so you know what it’s like away from here, too!
Me: Yeah… new experiences are really important, I think. It helps you grow as a person, and I like people who aren’t afraid to do things that are new and interesting… like us tonight.
HB: For sure! This sort of thing never happens. *looks at her phone* Just got your message! I really like your name, I’ve never heard it before!
Me: Thanks! And… that’s so true, right? So let’s meet up sometime and get to know each other… on a deeper level. Do you like coffee?
HB: Yes! I especially like really strong coffee!
Me: Strong coffee... for a strong person. What’s your favorite place in town?
HB: They don’t have coffee here like in New York… so Starbucks is the closest.
Me: Have you ever been to [good café across the street from me]?
HB: No, I haven’t! Where is that?
*I point across the street*
Me: It’s really good… and they have some exotic blends… they try to keep things interesting and support small businesses. I think you’d like it – let’s try it sometime soon.
HB: Okay!
*hugs me*
Me: HB, it’s been a special time. Thanks for the ride! Now go save your friend ;)
HB: Haha bye Lofty :)
And that’s that. Disappointing, obviously. I didn’t know how to handle the “honeymoon phase” comment. She said it in such an honest way that I genuinely believed her, and I don’t want to ruin the thrill of her new relationship… or push too hard and lose my calibration. I know that she liked me a lot, though. Her actions proved that. I really like her, too, so I’ll see if we can stay in touch and try to pull her another time. Plus, it’ll be a good chance to work on my texting and rapport game. But wow. I’m disheartened that I didn’t even get to make-out with her when I had a few chances to do so, but I know it’s the best choice to develop my game long-term. Our whole interaction was maybe thirty minutes.

I go back out, but it’s around 3:15 am. Nothing happening. Oh well. Crazy night, but I’m glad that I tried to push through all the zany circumstances and make something happen.

Another reminder of how quickly the tide can turn in our favor... if we're willing to observe this volatile current... that we call the life of a seducer.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Friday, October 9
Street Nightgame – 1 approach, 1 number, 1 FU (could not get her out of the car while in front of my place)

Near-Fight, Sprite, Transgender, WTF, Boyfriend, Fuck-Up.

How do these words connect?

I’ll write how they do in what became yet another crazy day in our dystopia world.

But first, the events begin with a surprising sighting around 6:00 pm when I see HBRitzy leaving a pizza place as I walk back to my apartment. This is the girl who flaked on me the night of the incident. She’s with her friend, who is my co-worker (a girl). I can tell that she’s quite embarrassed to see me after her flaky activity. I’m cool but kind of visibly annoyed, but she ends up inviting me to join them for pizza next week. Eh, we’ll see. I’ve moved on.

My hope was to daygame earlier, but the rain was sporadically heavy all day. Not too great as my primary daygaming location is the park. Very poor forecast for this weekend, too. All good – I’ll make the most of it. Though, it did tell me that I needed to take advantage of tonight as the weather temporarily cleared. It was humid, though. Really, really humid. So much so that I planned to change my “brisk air” RPO to “supple air.” Haha.

Oh, here’s something notable before I get into the street nightgaming session. I went about three weeks without masturbating, which is a long time for me. I did notice some really good results and mental clarity during this time – especially the week of 9/26 – 10/3. Every day I went out that week, I was feeling sexy and dangerous. Got some make-outs from the streets, and probably should have had a few lays. This week there was some hecticness with life activities, and without enough time to game and approach girls, the no-nutting was driving me nuts. I finally cracked the streak in the morning. Instead of feeling clouded afterwards like usually, it actually felt quite good – like in a different way, though. As in a lastingly satisfying. Interesting. I’ll try to last for at least a few weeks now, but obviously I’d much rather prefer a sexy girlie to help me out ;)

Anyway, onto street nightgaming. My earlier session this week was not good. So I had to improve. I noticed the conversation was getting a little stuck after my first reframe. Like the reframe really had to HIT. Or else the girl would get kinda confused because of the uncommmonality of, well, me? I’ll show how I chose to address this in my first (and only) approach later.

My first approach is far from my first encounter, however. My first encounter is with a very drunk man, and it was an encounter typical of a very drunk man. It’s around midnight.

Beginning my streetgaming route, I just turn a corner outside of a bar that has some outside seating. Oddly, I hear quite the vocal raucous behind me. I’m like, what? Rotating my head, I see some stocky guy I’ve never set my eyes on before. He’s running after me after his friend does a very, very bad job holding him back. As he gets closer, I finally make out what he’s spouting. For context, this is right by the most active street, so cops are all over enforcing the mask rules (hence why I game along the backstreets).
Drunk guy: WHAAAAAT YOU LOOOKIN ATTTTT??????!?!?!?!?
Me: Definitely tell me because I want to know the same thing.
*drunk guy gets right up in my face and puffs his chest out*
Me: Nope, but I think you do.
Me (knowing this is just not worth my time): You have a very pretty necklace. It’s sparkling!
Drunk guy: Thanks!
Me: Hey, do you bench? You’re jacked!
Drunk guy: Yeah, thanks broooooooooooo! HEY. YOUUUUUU GOTTTT A PROBLEMMMMMMM?????!?!?!? HOW OLD ARE YOUUUUUUUU?!?!?!? (….what?)
*is now inches away from my face*

Me: I’ll tell you if you ask nicely.
*rams his chest into me*
Me: Look, I’ve never seen you before. But I can tell you’re a really swaggy guy with your stylish v-neck and everything.
Drunk guy: Thanks bro!
Me: Alright, I have things to do. Have a nice day, champ.
Drunk guy: *really confused*
*I leave*
*drunk guy suddenly runs in front of me and tries to shove me, but I stand my ground*

Me: You’re not worth my time. I have better things to do. Bye, champ.
*I pat him on the shoulder twice as his friend finally tries to corral him, and I leave as he screams at me*
I didn’t even see him on the street before or anything. So… seems like he was just looking for a fight with the next person he saw.

But while he deserved some bad things, there is absolutely no doubt the police would have noticed and gotten involved if it broke out. So, no thanks. And fighting a drunk guy for absolutely no reason solves nothing. I’ve had enough inane troubles this school year. I don’t like his words, obviously, but I tried my best to keep my wits.

Worst part about it is that it gets me out of my seducer state. Takes me a while to refocus as I sit on a bench trying to do so. After a while of removing the agitation, I restart.

I’m now walking along the sidewalk. There’s a girl walking about five feet in front of me as I pass an apartment complex. All of a sudden I see a blurring flash of color nosediving in front of me and…


A giant water balloon explodes on the ground a few feet ahead, and a sticky liquid gets all over my shoes and the lower part of my pants.

Come. On.

I hear a meek voice from the balcony above say, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! It’s her birthday and we were trying to hit her with a water balloon full of Sprite! So sorry!”

Lofty gives them the wtf stare… because I’m just baffled. My high-tops are soaked.

Really, that could have ended my night. At least it didn’t fall directly on me, I guess?

I quickly find somewhere to sit and assess the damage. The shoes are wet and sticky and will need attention later, but luckily my jeans aren’t in too bad of shape. Only a few sporadic splotches towards the lower parts. I review seduction material on my phone for about 30 minutes as I wait for them to dry enough to be passable, and then I tuck the front part of the pant legs where it’s still a bit wet under the tongue of my high-tops – it looks pretty casual. And on we go.

Though, the next person I see is a guy… who is an acquaintance, as you might say. Quite inebriated, and he wants to talk to me. He’s a solid guy overall despite a couple character flaws, so I just catch-up with him for about ten minutes before moving on. Once again, the seducer state was lost. Yikes – not going according to the plan here. I’m still without an approach.

The next girl I see is another familiar face. I’m walking along a poorly-lit sidewalk when I notice a nice figure nearing. When her face hits the light, I’m quite surprised. It’s HBHaze (one of the girls I made out with last week), looking like her bad bitch self wearing a crop top and boyfriend jeans. Her hair is braided, and she looks super sexy. Her hands hold her phone – she’s on speaker with someone. I can recognize a male voice. She gives a smug smirk when she sees me. I try saying, “Hey!”, but she keeps smugly walking. That male voice is probably the reason we never grabbed any coffee…

Doesn’t help my confidence much. And before I know it, I’m randomly approached by a group of obviously transgender people.

One of them gets close to me – a rather tall person – and is apparently checking out my hair.

“Like oh my god, isn’t this man’s hair like SO FUN?!?!?”

“Oh yeah, his hair is SO FUN! SO FUN!”

This group decides to take a vote among themselves whether or not they like my hairstyle, which is quite odd. The consensus is that my hair is indeed fun. They try talking to me as a group but keep speaking over each other. Though, they’re quite jovial and fun themselves. We chat for a little while, but I need to start finding… other girls now. I part ways, noting that their compliment was appreciated.

This brings us to about 2:00 am. Close time. I hear the bustling and flow of people leaving the few bars in town, which are pretty much all on that street. I choose a spot to post-up – the selection is one of the primary places where people wait for rides.

Not sure what happened on this night, but the opportunities just weren’t there at this locale. The only sort of approach opportunity I had was a smiling girl in a group of three alongside another girl and a guy. Unfortunately, I only noticed her AI when they were nearly past me as I usually wouldn’t open a moving set if a guy is with them.

I’m left with little choice but to change locations as a last-ditch effort to procure, well, anything positive. Not a good night so far.

I go to my other spot and post-up for about 15 minutes – it’s around 2:40 am now. Could it really be that I go the entire night without an approach and the only thing that comes home with me is Sprite-soaked shoes?

Well, my head hasn’t hit the pillow quite yet.

My peripheral vision catches the sight of a girl nearing me – I take a peek. Super hot. Tan, blue eyes, really nice slim body – has that look du jour, which is something that I really like. Her face is characterized by finely sharp features and looks distinctly Mediterranean – I later find out that she is of Greek heritage. She’s just wearing black sweatpants and a tie-dye tee – a relaxed look – so maybe she didn’t go out. Her attention is on her phone as she gets close, but I see her take a peek towards me. Go time. She’ll be HBOlive.
Me: Hey there, I have an important question to ask you.
*she stops and moves towards my side*
HBOlive: Hi! Okay, what is it?
Me: If I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10, what would you say?
HB: Actually, it’s been a ten! It’s been an amazing night honestly!
Me: Okay, let me make sure that I have this straight. You’re saying that on this… pleasant night… you were able to relax… maybe hung out with some friends… maybe have a few drinks… and completely RELEASE all of the TENSION from the week… to make it an AMAZING night?
HB (smiling): Yeah! It was a great time, and I did get to hang out with friends!
Me: Hey, I have another question for you then.
HB: Yeah?
Me: Here’s something I’ve noticed – maybe you’ll agree… so pay close attention because I really want to hear your thoughts on this.
HB (giggling): Okay!
Me: Have you ever been having just that… PERFECT night… like ten out of ten night… and then suddenly… with an OPEN-MIND… something exciting and maybe even unexpected happens… and your night gets EVEN BETTER?
HB: Totally! I have noticed that actually! How is your night going?
Me: Eh, so-so. Something is on my mind.
HB: What is it?
Me: Well, it’s something that happened to my friend at the bar. You know, I actually feel bad for women nowadays because men are so disgusting… like they don’t know what women REALLY want.
HB: Oh my god, what happened?
Me: Okay, so my friend was telling me about how she was at the bar, and this guy came up to her, and told her “You’re coming home with me.” On first sight, like they hadn’t even said hi or anything! Then the guy starts groping her, and she felt so afraid! She just had to turn her back and leave… it’s such a shame that women have to deal with creepy guys like that all the time… who just view you as a sexual object… I can imagine how much you just really want a guy to just really get to know you for you.
HB: Oh my god, I feel so bad for her! Yeah, that sort of thing happens all the time! What year are you?
Me: [year]. You? *could’ve use barriers/resistance here but the conversation was flowing*
HB: Senior! But like when you’re a little younger and go to those types of bars where the younger people are, you see stuff like that every night. It sucks!
Me: Right? And it’s like these guys don’t even understand what women truly want… which isn’t to be felt up… or viewed for sex… but rather to REALLY FEEL that personal CONNECTION… like maybe even from having a relaxing conversation. Is that right?
HB: Absolutely, but most men aren’t like that sadly.
Me: Actually, that just made me realize something fascinating about personal CONNECTION. Sometimes… connecting with someone takes years… months… days. But for others… it can happen in an INSTANT.
HB: So true…
Alright, so I wanted to try that style out to set up the sexual frame, and show her that she can be open with me and all of that (thanks for the idea, HBSouthie!). But I know that I need to transition the conversation to a positive realm. Good thing she's another sexy HB with a cute dog!
Me: Yeah, it’s like connection is this special thing… where the more you really OPEN UP to someone… the more COMFORTABLE you feel. So tell me this, then… if I were to ask you what is one thing you like to do besides eating, sleeping, and partying, what would you say?
HB: My dog! I love him soooooooo much! He’s always there for me and makes me feel sooooo much better all of the time! He’s my best friend!
Me: Alright, so you’re saying that it’s kind of like this relationship where if you have a bad day… like have a bad score on an exam… or a rough day at work… you can see him… and it’s like all of your worries are gone… AT JUST A GLANCE?
HB: That’s a good way to put it! I’ll just pet him and take him for a walk, and everything is perfect again!
Me: Wow, you gotta tell me more about him then… he seems like a really special dog. What’s his name?
HB: [name]!
Me: How long have you had him?
HB: Three years! I rescued him from the shelter, and wait, I’ll tell you how I chose him! He was actually the only dog that didn’t bark at me! I knew right away that he was the one for me!
Me: So you’re saying that it was like you just looked him in the eyes… and just knew… that he was the RIGHT one for you… like you had that INSTANT feeling of CONNECTION that we were talking about?
HB: It really was like that…
Me: Isn’t it so… so… SPECIAL… when that happens? Like it’s so rare… so when it does happen… it’s almost like we have to GRAB life by the HORNS and THRUST ourselves into the THICK of it… to take advantage of these opportnities and live spontaneously. Know what I mean?
HB: Uh-huh…
Me: And it says a lot about you that you rescued him… so you weren’t like all of these people nowadays… just looking for a pet as a status symbol… you know just using them… and not really seeing the value of CONNECTION… and really being able to HOLD him CLOSE and DEARLY… because of how you feel about one another… because of who you truly are… like what’s inside. Hey, do you have a picture of him?
HB: I've never considered that, but you're right now that I think about it! And oh yeah - he's my screensaver actually!
She whips out her phone and clears her notifications. We both get closer, but she’s the one who presses her side up against me. At this point, she’s very receptive. I see the look in her eyes… I think it could happen. And I really like her, too.
Me: Have you ever heard what they say about dogs and their owners?
HB: Hmm?
Me: Let me see if you think this is right. They say that dogs actually reflect the personalities of their owners. Your dog seems so happy… fun-loving… and adventurous… and I get the same sense from you… like those are some of your defining traits… as if you know a good opportunity… when you see it… and FEEL it… is that right?
HB: I guess it is! Like when you talked to me, I could have just kept on walking, but I didn’t! I think that sometimes you just need to give people a chance.
*our sides are still touching, but we’re gradually moving towards facing each other*
Me: I definitely agree. You have this very mature vibe about you… that’s quite unlike most women our age… you’re… different.
*she gets closer*
HB: Thank you…
*and closer*
Me: And you’re really independent, too… you’re calm… and composed… and I do feel like… you’re the type of girl… who knows what she wants… and isn’t afraid to go after it.
*puppy eyes*
HB: I made the right choice by stopping to talk to you…
*hugs me*
Yessssssssssssss. She’s so sexy and cool – by far my favorite HB. Our hug is prolonged, and it feels so nice to have a girl that I like pressed up against me. When I pull away, I certainly get the feeling that I could kiss her… actually I’ve felt that multiple times to this point. But I’m trying to stay disciplined and build the sexual tension… make her want me BAD. Time for logistics… and she helps with that. We’re still holding each other now.
HB: Where were you going?
Me: Oh… probably just for a short walk… to alleviate the tension in my shoulders… and decompress… after a long night… like I just need a form of RELEASE. *I was thinking to take her to a nearby secluded spot*
HB: But it’s so late! Where do you live?
Me: Where do you live?
HB: [place]!
Me: Where is that exactly? I’m at [place].
HB: [explains]. It’s so late, though, and it’s supposed to rain! I was just going to my car… do you want a ride back to your place?
Me: I’d love that. Thank you…
*puppy eyes… another make-out opportunity*
So we head to her car which is just parked about thirty seconds away, and I keep my hand on the small of my back as we are walking. It feels natural. She also asks for my name, and I ask for hers in response. We get into the car, and she asks me where I’ve been tonight. I tell her that, you know, I’ve been around, but I really just like relaxing and hanging with friends the most. She qualifies herself and tells me about how she agrees and has only been out three times this year – she’s “over” all the partying and is just looking for a job now. Also reveals to me that she had COVID a few months ago. Says she’s a criminal justice major, so I try to work the non-judgmental frame into this topic. And how she’s very mature, responsible, and is at peace with herself.

We ride into my place, and I think I’m pretty good here. I’m very excited. But… it’s never that easy.
HB: It’s been so nice meeting you! It’s so rare to be able to talk to someone like this nowadays.
Me: HB, I feel the same way! We’ve been able to create this… unique BOND… between us… like there’s just something that ROPES us TOGETHER… it’s been so pleasant.
Me: Hey, you know, I never got to tell you what I liked to do besides eating, sleeping, and partying…
HB: Oh yeah! What is it? *her tone was waaaaay more excited than I was expecting*
Me: One thing that I really like to do… is to channel my energy… all of my being… through the free-flowing form of music… so I produce music as a way to express myself.
HB: Oh my god, that’s so dope! What kind of music do you make?
Me: Well, I don’t really want to put it into just one word… I like that sort of music that maybe others may not… something with DEPTH… ambiance… and EMOTION… I’d really like to hear what you think… how about we go up and just chill out… listen to some music… and talk for just a few more minutes?
HB (quickly looks down and away): There’s something you should know… I actually have a boyfriend.
Me (very surprised): Oh… I’d never want you to break up with your boyfriend.
HB: We just started dating… he’s a bouncer at [most popular bar]… and we’re kind of like in that honeymoon phase… so I can’t go up with you. I’m sorry… do you understand?
Me: I definitely get it. Relationships are special things… but society also restricts what our view on what a relationship actually is… perhaps we could all be more open-minded… so we can take advantage of exciting moments like this one.
HB: Yeah I would! But I can’t… and my friend has been texting me and I need to go pick her up. It looks like she drank too much once again and is really sick now… can I have your phone number?
Me (calling off the dogs... it’s over... at least for tonight): Okay, it’s been great meeting you… you’re a unique person and we should definitely stay in touch.
HB: Absolutely! It’s always so nice to have cool boy friends! *meaning she wants (and probably has) guys to hit up on her terms… yuck… but I understand this dynamic better now*
Me: I’ll get your phone number. *I pull out my phone*
HB: Awesome! Send me a text so I know I have your number!
*she tells me her number*
Me: What’s your last name?
HB: It’s [obviously a Greek name]!
Me: Oh, so that’s Greek, then?
HB (very excited that I recognized it): Yeah! My parents immigrated from Greece to New York, and that’s where I grew up. I’d like to go to Greece sometime, though! Where are you from? *should’ve used travel gambit here but I didn’t think of it*
Me: [place].
HB: Alright so you know what it’s like away from here, too!
Me: Yeah… new experiences are really important, I think. It helps you grow as a person, and I like people who aren’t afraid to do things that are new and interesting… like us tonight.
HB: For sure! This sort of thing never happens. *looks at her phone* Just got your message! I really like your name, I’ve never heard it before!
Me: Thanks! And… that’s so true, right? So let’s meet up sometime and get to know each other… on a deeper level. Do you like coffee?
HB: Yes! I especially like really strong coffee!
Me: Strong coffee... for a strong person. What’s your favorite place in town?
HB: They don’t have coffee here like in New York… so Starbucks is the closest.
Me: Have you ever been to [good café across the street from me]?
HB: No, I haven’t! Where is that?
*I point across the street*
Me: It’s really good… and they have some exotic blends… they try to keep things interesting and support small businesses. I think you’d like it – let’s try it sometime soon.
HB: Okay!
*hugs me*
Me: HB, it’s been a special time. Thanks for the ride! Now go save your friend ;)
HB: Haha bye Lofty :)
And that’s that. Disappointing, obviously. I didn’t know how to handle the “honeymoon phase” comment. She said it in such an honest way that I genuinely believed her, and I don’t want to ruin the thrill of her new relationship… or push too hard and lose my calibration. I know that she liked me a lot, though. Her actions proved that. I really like her, too, so I’ll see if we can stay in touch and try to pull her another time. Plus, it’ll be a good chance to work on my texting and rapport game. But wow. I’m disheartened that I didn’t even get to make-out with her when I had a few chances to do so, but I know it’s the best choice to develop my game long-term. Our whole interaction was maybe thirty minutes.

I go back out, but it’s around 3:15 am. Nothing happening. Oh well. Crazy night, but I’m glad that I tried to push through all the zany circumstances and make something happen.

Another reminder of how quickly the tide can turn in our favor... if we're willing to observe this volatile current... that we call the life of a seducer.

the fight report made me lol..... You are extremely smooth... I am personally latin hard boil...

i try to avoid fights.... Typically guys that do that show and talk so much, don't fight, i personally don't like fighting drunk guys, since is just silly....

i usually say "i don't like talking i just fight, and keep moving", i wonder what prompted that dude to pick on you so much. if is inside one venue, i change venues cause as you can see it can totally fuck your vibe up.... Usually the pick a fight dude are dudes that have no luck with the ladies and are looking for something or gangsters wanna be and shit!
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Tuesday, October 13
Street Nightgame – 3 approaches, 1 number (should've pulled two-set but messed it up)

There is a tide in the affairs of men,
which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.

Yes. Opportunities aplenty. I’m close… I feel it. My influence is growing stronger. I am increasingly dangerous with every word that emanates from my chest.

Time to soften the kinks.

First, a quick update on the past few days. I tried to outlast a downpour on Saturday evening. It finally slowed to a drizzle around 12:45 am, so I went out… only for the rain to hasten once again. I had to take cover… and the night was a wash.

Monday… what even happened Monday?

Tuesday, though, had a few interesting events. I texted briefly with the pretty lady HBOlive (girl that was hesitant to come upstairs because of her boyfriend), but she hasn’t responded to my latest text. I know she likes her boyfriend, so the strategy was to simply build rapport in the meantime. I was able to do that a little, and my text game is slowly improving. I do like her but there are plenty of great women meandering about waiting for the opportunity to spread their legs to a worthy man.

HBFoxxy is one of these women, but can I make it happen? Hmmmmm. She’s super sexy. But she is difficult to figure out. Her social frame is tough because of her attractiveness, high-status job, overall popularity, peculiar personality shifts between dominant and feminine behavior, and age (she's a few year older than me, which is considerable here in college world). Also, I did have a snafu with her last year when I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. She started to give me rides to places, but I ended that with a highly uncalibrated date offer. Shucks.

But I’m Lofty these days, and all is good. This alluring blonde fox and I have two classes together this semester. I’ve now recovered our relationship a little bit. I am certain the possibility of mutual excitement is still there, though now it is extremely push-pull. For example, I caught her staring at me during our first class, in which we sat next to each other (well, six feet away…). After class, she left before me but held the door as I neared. I thanked her, but she turned away and left without making eye contact or saying a word. Tricky. So to punish her in our subsequent class, I sat on the opposite side of the room and observed her confusion :p. I hope to make tangible progress with her by next Friday.

There were also a few approach opportunities around campus on this beautiful sunny and sixty-degree day. Though, I have a hesitation to approach here due to the last event and Chase’s advice – which is something that I do not take lightly.

Girls are sitting alone and scantily-clad on the grass, though, so it does wear on me. I’m much more calibrated now than I was during my first week, so perhaps there is still a future in which I can make careful chat with them as this is the best daygaming location in town by far. While the park has some passerby, it’s sporadic even on the nicest of days. More to think about.

Okay, okay, enough of all of that. Nighttime. Time to energize an excitement.

Black PUMA outfit. This is my go-to now. While the Red PUMA outfit is stylish, perhaps it has a little too much flair for this Southern town and occasionally causes some knee-jerk reactions with some folk.

I’m out as the clock strikes midnight. I’ve observed that pulling time here is approximately between 1:00-2:00 am, so getting out late is fairly efficient, but I should still be starting earlier to increase my overall chances.

But let’s go. I feel confident and prepared. I’ve kept the same three focuses from last week: smoothly transitioning after the opener/first reframe, initiating barriers/resistance, and fully using elicitation to go for the girl, not the lay.

First approach is a dud. I’m posted-up at the street corner. Okay girl in magenta leggings walks by. Moving “1-10” opener. She giggles and yells out a number as she keeps walking. Her expression revealed that she was intrigued despite her mind being set on a destination, so I’m not bothered.

What follows is vexation. Life would not seem to engender another approach opportunity. I enter a poor mental state and think to myself, “Street nightgaming is like trying to shoot a three-pointer from half-court while surrounded by three defenders. It’s far too low-percentage, and I need to find a better option.”

I take a subtle peek into the window of a bar (no clubs here…). Wow, okay.

I’m surprised, but also not surprised. The mask and arranged seating protocols are clearly being loosely followed, at best. But, I definitely do not want to pay a cover fee every night while also risking significant COVID exposure, which is something that I want to avoid like… the plague.

Moreover, there are only seven weeks left in the semester. After that, I’m back in my hometown of only a few thousand people for winter break. The logistics there are abysmal. So, I feel the pressure to have results before then, and losing at least two weeks of that time due to catching the virus would be quite detrimental to these efforts.

Yep, these thoughts are cascading into my mind as the Tuesday night quiets. I change locations to ease my mind. Then, I see a beanie-donned figure jump off a second-story balcony with an actually decent landing. He runs by and politely informs me that he’s on mushrooms and that he just absolutely definitely 100% needed to find a way out of that building, so he just absolutely definitely 100% needed to jump off a second-story balcony. I congratulate him on the landing and tell him that I completely understand.

Such an event does wonders to revive downtrodden spirits. Like mine, which is further perked when I see two smokeshows walking in my direction. And I must emphasize that term. Smokeshows.

On the left is a blonde who has astounding breasts and displays them in astounding way – with barely any clothing. Just a yellow tube top and leggings. Provocative green eyes and a lean figure. Maybe not runway-level model material, but surely Instagram-level model material. Blows HBOlive, HBHaze, and HBSwoop out of the water… probably HBFoxxy, too, but I’m gonna pretend like I didn’t write that. I’ll call her HBEmerald.

On the right is a stunning, petite lightskin girl. Almond-shaped eyes accentuated by carefully crafted eyeliner and dreamy chocolate-colored irises. She has a fantastic body herself, which is highlighted through one of those blouses that has an opening around the cleavage to draw attention. It is effective in this case. Light jeans show her slim-thick shape. This girl fits right into that sultry IG model look, too. I’ll call her HBOpal.

This is why game is awesome… my perspective is widened by the day. Just when I thought some girl was all that, here come the two hottest girls that I’ve ever approached in one set. Heck yeah.

They’re chatting while walking, and I pretend to be texting on my phone as the space between us closes. I look up to see a polite smile from HBEmerald, and we’re off.
Me: Hey there, I have a very… important question for you two.
*I stop, and both stare at me while continuing their pace. They’re still looking at me after taking a few more steps when I continue…*
Me: If I were to ask you… how your nights were going… on a scale of 1-10… what would you say?
*they both stop about five feet away*
HBEmerald: Nine! How about you, HBOpal?
HBOpal: Nine! Wait, more like an eight! How about you?
Me: I completely get that… sounds like a solid night for you two. It’s so nice when we can just take some time to RELAX with our friends… and alleviate the TENSION in our shoulders. But you know, experience tells me that an 8 out of 10 night can become a 10 out of 10 night… in just an instant. But yes… my night has been so-so. Let me tell you why. I’d love to hear your perspective on it.
*now both come back closer to me with a curious look. Heck yeah.*
Me: You know, aren’t most men just disgusting? Listen to what my friend [random name] told me happened to her. She was at the bar… trying to relax… and hang out with friends… like we all do, of course. But then… out of nowhere… a random guy walks up to her… and without even saying hi… screams at her, “You’re coming home with me!”… and continues to grope her… and she told me that she was so afraid… and just had to get away. I feel so bad for women nowadays… having to deal with creeps all the time who don’t understand what women truly WANT.
HBEmerald: How surprising! NOT. That happens to us like every single night! *looks at HBOpal*
HBOpal: Oh yeah! It sucks so much and takes the fun away.
Me: I completely get that. Because all we really want is to feel… UNDERSTOOD… right? And that’s what these creeps… just… don’t… get. I can see that women do not want to be groped… and viewed as sexual objects… it’s such a shame that this happens to you. Rather, I can FEEL that women just YEARN and DESIRE a simple conversation… to get to know you at a DEEPER level… and be able to CONNECT with someone and FREELY EXPRESS YOURSELF… like with someone who truly wants you for you
HBEmerald: What did you just say?
HBOpal: He said that most men are disgusting!
HBEmerald: Did you really just say all of that?
Me: Yes.
HBEmerald: Don’t say that… are you really saying that right now?
Me: Yes.
HBEmerald: But no guy ever says that.
HBOpal: HBEmerald! Let him talk :) . What’s your name?
The groundwork has been laid.
Me: Lofty. Yours?
HBEmerald: Haha! *both giggle* I’m HBEmerald, and she’s HBOpal. *their names are super similar and just one letter apart*
Me: Hmm. I’m getting this sense from you two. It’s like... how long have you known each other?
HBEmerald: Like a year!
Me: Yeah… I’m getting this sense from you two that while you may not have known each other for that long… it’s like you have this certain special CONNECTION… like you’re more than friends… always having each other’s back… and having the other’s best interest in mind… like you’re almost sisters. Is that right?
*they giggle at each other and smile*
HBEmerald: Yeah! We’re always together. We’re more than sisters.
HBOpal: Doesn’t matter if we’re partying or studying! We’re like two peas in a pod :)
Me: Right… yeah I thought so… just because of this unique vibe that you were giving off. Like something very unique and special. Here’s what I’ve noticed about connection… pay close attention because I really want to know if you think this is right.
HBOpal: Okay!
Me: Well, for some people… CONNECTION can take years… months… days. But for others… it’s different. Like it can happen right away… like at the very moment… you look someone in the eyes… and know DEEP DOWN… that they’re the right person for you. Is that what happened with your friendship, like you knew right away that you would be SO CLOSE?
*they giggle at each other and smile again*
HBEmerald: Yeah! Well, kinda.
Me: Hmm… you’ve gotta tell me more now. I’m intrigued. How did you meet, and how did you feel about each other, like what ROPED you TOGETHER?
HBOpal: Christmas…
HBEmerald: Yep… last Christmas…
HAHA. At this point, I’m thinking it has to be some sex story like those two girls from a while back.
HBEmerald: We met at a party last Christmas. We were really drunk.
HBOpal: Like REALLY drunk.
HBEmerald: We had never even talked before! But we talked for hours about a boy!
HBOpal: Haha yeah, it was about a boy :p
Me: Ah, well isn’t it always? So many guys just make it so HARD for women… because they have no idea how to communicate with you. Perhaps you are the BURNING EMBER in their heart… the FLAME of their DESIRE… their LOVE and LUST… and yet they either play games with you… or treat you horribly. I wish more men weren’t like that.
*getting good eye contact from both of them*
HBOpal: Wait… where are you from?
Me: Take a wild guess.
HBEmerald: You can’t be from around here…
Me: What makes you say that?
HBEmerald: Your accent is really strong.
HBOpal: Yeah you have a really strong accent. Kansas? *wtf… also I do not have much of an accent. Or do I...? I think it’s because of my tone and cadence.*
HBEmerald: South Dakota? North Dakota?
HBOpal: Montana?
HBEmerald: Yeah! Montana?
Me: Not quite…
HBOpal: Not Montana? What’s right above Texas? It’s not Texas but right above it?
Me: Oklahoma?
HBEmerald: It can’t be. Are you from Oklahoma?
Me: Not exactly…
*this is funny but getting nowhere*
Me: I’m from around [place].
HBOpal: WHATTTTTT!??!?!?!?!?!
HBEmerald: No way!
Me: Is that… unexpected?
HBOpal: Yeah! I would have never guessed that based on your accent. Wait, what part? My friend is from [place].
HBEmerald: Who?
HBOpal: [name]!
HBEmerald: Oh yeah…
Me: Ah, I’m familiar with that area. I’m from further north than that. Hmm, how would you describe your friend?
HBOpal: She’s a little arrogant but cool!
Me: Yeah… that area is pretty posh… like they’ll be cool but maybe not down to earth like us right now.
HBEmerald: Yeah, she’s always like, “I’m from [place]!” *dramatic hair flip*
HBOpal: Haha true :)
Now, I notice that HBEmerald looks at her phone and sees a bunch of SnapChat notifications. I see her check them quickly and begin looking around periodically. Hmmmmmm. Also, it’s getting chilly and I see goosebumps on her chest (i.e. massive tits). Can I move them soon? And interestingly, I’m seeing jealousy from HBOpal when I give attention to her tantalizingly bosomed friend.
Me: Well, where are you from?
HBOpal: Nashville!
Me: Which area? I’m a little familiar with Nashville.
HBOpal: Oh, I’m actually from [suburb]
Me: That’s cool, too... sometimes those quiet areas where we can find ourselves and learn who we really are can be the best, right?
HBOpal: Yeah :)
Me: So how about you, HBEmerald?
HBEmerald: San Francisco.
Me: Wow, that’s interesting. Aren’t people from San Francisco really open-minded?
HBEmerald: Yeah…
Me: So what was it like coming here… with all of these newfangled experiences and this idiosyncratic culture… that’s so unlike where you came from?
HBEmerald: It’s actually the mindset in San Francisco that I wanted to get away from. *VERY INTERESTING*
Suddenly, a black SUV pulls up. A guy with bleached hair sticks his head out the backseat and tells HBEmerald to get in the car. It’s obviously the guy who was Snapping her. HBOpal does not look happy about this. I’m not, either. My frame is fighting for its life. I mess this up and probably everything as a result. It did all happen very quickly, though. I know that more experience will slow things down.
HBOpal: Lofty, I’m so sorry! They’re just friends. HBEmerald, you’re not getting in with them are you?
*HBEmerald immediately walks over to the car*
HBOpal: What? Don’t get in with them!
*HBEmerald opens car door*
Bleached hair guy: Come on, let’s go!
Me (to HBOpal): Do they have a thing…?
HBOpal: No! They’re just friends.
HBEmerald: HBOpal, come on! *gets in the car*
HBOpal: Well… *sudden puppy eyes… I’m not expecting that… but I know she wants me to ask for her phone number*
HBOpal: Um…
HBEmerald: Let’s go!
*a different guy gets out of the car and walks over to HBOpal, throwing up some fingers at me… he clearly knows and wants HBOpal*
HBOpal: Well… it was really nice meeting you!
Me: Here, let me grab your phone number. *WRONG TIMING*
HBOpal: Okay :)
*she gets really close to me as I get her number and last name. Our sides are touching as the guy watches*
Me: So, what are you doing now? *TERRIBLE TIMING AND FRAMING*
*vibe changes and sexual tension loosens*

HBOpal: Oh, I have a test in two days and have to study… *it’s like 2:00 AM*
*she looks at me and starts to back away, and then the guy looks at her and begins to walk to the car. She follows.*

Me: Hold on, are you the type of girl who likes coffee?
HBOpal: Yeah, let’s do coffee. *not the same excitement as 30 seconds ago*
*gets into car and the black SUV traverses into the night*
Ohhhhkay. The ending was a lot to take in. Still trying to understand it all. Here’s what I’ve got.

I had both hotties immersed. HBEmerald loses immersion upon the Snaps from this bleached-hair boytoy. She’s clearly more dominant than HBOpal and will have her follow her lead, plus HBOpal is not willing to leave her alone when she clearly did not like this guy. Still, my best move would have probably been to calmly tell HBOpal that it’s been really nice to meet her, and I think we should continue this conversation. In fact, I’m about to go on a walk, and she should come with. If HBEmerald needs her, then she has her phone number. And that would have at least given me a chance.

Instead, I lose my composure and number close. And by awkwardly asking her what she’s doing for the rest of the night while number closing, she snapped out of Lofty World and reverted into ASD-mode. Additionally, I kinda disproved my prior talk by essentially asking her if she wanted to have sex.

And overall, HBOpal was obviously more interested. Perhaps I should have given her more of a personalized focus.

Maybe I’m missing something else. What I do know is that the ending was not good, let alone smooth. Resultantly, I’ve had this sort of thing happen often enough to know that it’s unlikely to ever see this hottie again.

My game is like a rotten apple. It looks nice until you take a bite inside.

Too much is unripe. I’m impactful but not complete.

Ah, it’s a process. A sport.

But I’m getting really sick of blowing the lead in the fourth quarter.

Next time.

Yet, the night still isn't over.

After such a disappointing development, I feel like I need another approach. Preferably a stationary girl for an RPO.

I walk around for probably twenty minutes before I see a walking girl. Pedestrian. She’s intrigued but is looking for her drunk friends. I could’ve offered to help, but I didn’t think that was the right move.

… And then that’s the curtain call for the night. I check my phone and see that HBOpal did not respond to my icebreaker text.

Upon returning home, I do something that I shouldn’t. I look at HBOpal’s Instagram page.

My suspicions are confirmed. I see a lush profile and plenty of followers.

A certain picture of her outstretched on a bed catches my attention. Lounging in a G-string bikini, seductively staring into the camera.

I laugh to myself.

Six weeks ago, this is just a hot girl on Instagram.

Today, she’s a phone number.

What will she be tomorrow?

The more that I witness the power of game, the more that the answer to this question becomes one step closer to reality.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
I like how you transitioned into your 'secret society' gambit right off the open. Letting these girls know right away, you're not an average college dude. Cause you actually get girls (using both meanings of the word "get" here...lol). However
Suddenly, a black SUV pulls up. A guy with bleached hair sticks his head out the backseat and tells HBEmerald to get in the car.
One of the few short questions I've written down to ask girls, as I've (been forced to) transitioned to street game is:

"what are you guys up to right now?" followed up by "you guys got any plans for later?"

To know what I'm dealing with. See if its worth my time to stay in set or not.

By asking these girls these questions...you'd have known that they were just waiting for their friends to pick them up and take them to XYZ. And have not transitioned into asking them "how did you guys meet" questions...knowing that time isn't on your side (just like approaching a girl on the train...and asking her, "what stop you getting off at?"....your strategy will change, if her stop is two stops away, or she's gonna be on the train for a while) and make the number close much more solid.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Wednesday, October 14
Street Nightgame – 1 approach, 1 number

Just gimme this one.

HBOpal – the sultry IG model from Tuesday night.

No response on the follow-up text, very unfortunately. Maybe I'll just call her on Friday, and perhaps something exciting will happen.

The outing on this day is not too long, but I made time for what I could. Prominent people in the community caught COVID amidst big publicity, so many less people were out and probably about 80% are wearing masks. It’s definitely a little awkward if I approach while she’s wearing a mask and I’m not as it can lead to a knee-jerk reaction from her.

Not the most active of nights, and it is about is about to end in a bore until I see a lone girl outside of a bar past 2:00 am. She’s cute. A large-breasted brunette. Obviously waiting for a ride. I casually walk in her direction while on my phone, and she gives a smile when we make eye contact. I open. I’ll just call her HBMixer.
Me: Hey there. I just realized something really fascinating – maybe you’ll agree.
*HB stares*
Me: Have you also noticed how there’s…. just a really interesting feel to tonight? It’s like… the mood of the town is downtrodden once more… and less people are enjoying themselves… but the encouraging comfort of the supple air tells us that perhaps things can get better in an instant.
HBMixer: Oh, sure! I’m a bartender at [bar] and it was very dead tonight.
Me: Hear me out on this – I’m interested to know what you think. Isn’t all that kind of a shame? It’s like we cannot just cower in fear all the time… and miss out on the joy of life… like we still have to GRAB life by the HORNS, do you know what I mean?
HB: Yeah, I do! People are just too scared I guess.
Me: Right? So what are you up to now that you’re done working?
HB: Just waiting for a ride!
Me: Yeah, me too. Hmm. I get this sense about you that you’re an interesting person. I would like you to tell me this. Suppose I asked you… what is one thing that you really liked to do besides eating, sleeping, and working?
HB: I really don’t even like my job. They don’t let us drink! But my dog. Without him, I’d probably be dead. *YET ANOTHER HB WITH A DOG*
Me: Wow, those are strong words. I completely understand because our bond with our pets is… very special… like something that can only be replicated with a few people. What is it about your dog that really gets you going… like what makes him this special dog?
HB: Everything! Let me show you a picture!
*she leans over so we’re almost touching and shows me. At this moment her ride pulls up*
Friend: HB, let’s go!
Me: Hey, he is really cute. And this has been such a nice conversation, hasn’t it?
HB: Definitely!
Me: Okay, so let me grab your phone number and we can get coffee sometime.
HB: Sure!
Number close and she leaves telling me that it was nice to meet me. She showed some good IOIs. The roommate yelled to hear to hurry up as she was giving me her number, though. The interaction was just a couple of minutes. She later responded to my icebreaker at like 3:45 AM.

Glad to have gotten an approach in during a short timeframe and a rough environment.

Momentum builds.
One of the few short questions I've written down to ask girls, as I've (been forced to) transitioned to street game is:

"what are you guys up to right now?" followed up by "you guys got any plans for later?"

To know what I'm dealing with. See if its worth my time to stay in set or not.

By asking these girls these questions...you'd have known that they were just waiting for their friends to pick them up and take them to XYZ. And have not transitioned into asking them "how did you guys meet" questions...knowing that time isn't on your side (just like approaching a girl on the train...and asking her, "what stop you getting off at?"....your strategy will change, if her stop is two stops away, or she's gonna be on the train for a while) and make the number close much more solid.

Thanks for the tip - I put this one into the toolbox right away :)
i try to avoid fights.... Typically guys that do that show and talk so much, don't fight, i personally don't like fighting drunk guys, since is just silly....

i usually say "i don't like talking i just fight, and keep moving", i wonder what prompted that dude to pick on you so much. if is inside one venue, i change venues cause as you can see it can totally fuck your vibe up.... Usually the pick a fight dude are dudes that have no luck with the ladies and are looking for something or gangsters wanna be and shit!
I've been reflecting on this interaction a bit over the past few days. Yeah, I still have no idea what got him all riled up. So I think you're definitely right about him just trying to act like a G and my different style of clothing probably made me stand out. Good pointer about changing venues, too, because even this event on the street made me lose my mental state.... and I've seen first-hand the importance of maintaining state/momentum over the course of an outing!
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Thursday, October 15
Daygame – 3 approaches, 3 numbers, 1 failed pull (got a ride to my apartment and couldn’t get her upstairs YET AGAIN)
Street Nightgame – 2 approaches, 1 number


I like the term Anytime Seducer. I’ll aim to be that.

Perhaps I’m just a tiny bit closer to this ideal after today. I do plan on daygaming, but it begins in an unexpected way. I’m walking to work around 11:00 AM when I see a girl on the opposite sidewalk on a run wearing a grey sports bra and matching shorts. She’s really cute, and I notice that she looks at me before slowing to a halt in the grass next to the sidewalk. She obviously wants to be approached – made herself available just like Fuck This said.

So, I thrust myself into the thick of it. I stop as well, take out my phone and dwaddle with it for a moment, and then cross the street. No mask for her so no mask for me. Her eyes glisten as I come towards her. She’ll be HBBerry. Thing is, though, that I’m not quite mentally prepared, so my vibe and words aren’t quite as smooth or confident. But she likes me, so that gives me a bit of a buffer.
Me: Hey there. It’s so beautiful out, isn’t it?
HBBerry: Yeah, it is!
Me: You know, I’ve just realized something. I really want to know what you think about this.
*intrigued look*
Me: Have you ever noticed how the temperature… the vibe of the air… can really affect the way that we feel? Like now, the temperature has cooled… and we’re relaxed as a result… but the supple air feels like it’s urging us… to take advantage of the opportunities that life offers at every moment.
HB: Yeah, I kinda get that. How are you?
Me: Ah, I’m so-so right now. Something is on my mind from last night. *bad move, shouldn’t have done this gambit. She was bubbly – this is probably not proper energy verging or social calibration*
HB: What is it?
Me: Well, it’s something that happened to my friend. I need to know your perspective on this because it’s been on my mind. So she was telling me that she was at the bar… trying to relax… and have a good time… like we all do. But out of nowhere… this guy comes up to her… and without even saying “hi”… tells her, “You’re coming home with me.” Then he gropes her… I mean, most men are so disgusting, aren’t they? She told me that she was so scared and had to get away.
HB (like why the fuck did he mention this but still receptive): Sounds about right. Yeah, most guys just don’t really know how to act around women.
Me: Right? And it’s such a shame… especially because it’s so unfortunate for women to be objectified like that. What’s more is that it doesn’t make sense for the guys, either… because I can get the sense that women don’t want to be groped… but rather have a nice conversation… and get to know you at a DEEPER level… before feeling comfortable and really OPENING up… I’m not crazy for thinking like that, am I?
HB: No, not at all! It makes sense!
Me: Okay, glad to hear it. You know… I get this vibe from you that you’re a really interesting and unique person. So I have an important question for you.
HB: Yeah?
Me: If I were to ask you… what is one thing that you really liked to do besides eating, sleeping, and running, what would it be?
HB: Travelling! *haha nice*
Me: I completely understand that… because travelling gives you new perspectives… and new thrills. Is that what really gets you going about travelling – the chance to experience… newfangled things… and REACH OUT to eccentric ways of life? Or perhaps it’s the RUSH… of meeting interesting people… and discovering things about yourself… that you didn’t know before?
HB: Oh yeah, both! I travel a lot with my dad when he works. I’m actually a dual citizen! Canada and USA.
Me: Wow, that’s very unique. All this travelling has made you… seem quite mature for a girl of our age… like you’ve been around the block before. I would like you to tell, me though, what’s the one place you’ve travelled to… that you could just never forget?
HB: Dubai, for sure!
*I could see her getting a bit antsy as we were just standing on the sidewalk… so I eventually moved the conversation along*
Me: So what are you up to now… just finishing your run?
HB: Yep! Almost done!
Me: Alright, well… are you the type of girl that likes coffee?
HB: Actually, I don’t! But I like smoothies!
Me: I get that for sure. Smoothies are just a bit… sweeter to the tastebuds. Let me grab your number and we can get smoothies sometime soon.
HB: Sure!
*I get her name and number*
Me: So what’s your schedule like for the rest of this week?
HB: My friend is coming in town for this weekend, so it might have to be next week.
Me: Okay, no worries… we all are THRUST into such hectic lives. It was nice meeting you – hope to see you soon!
HB: You too!
Yeah, I’ll probably never see her again. Sure, I got the number, but the conversation was far from efficacious. She wanted it to be light and flirty – she was a flirty girl. Smirking and moving her hands and hips around. My first gambit was awkward for the time of day and vibe of the conversation. And I did have some nervous energy because of the suddenness of the opportunity. Oh well, I’m glad that I made the approach.

After work, I am feeling inspired due to the poor handling of the one earlier. I’m on campus when I see an attractive girl laying in the grass on her phone. Not wearing much make-up, but she’s clearly towards the better half of the scale. She smiles at me when we make eye contact, and that’s all I need. Mask off. Obviously another girl just waiting to be approached. I probably won’t see her again, but I’ll note her as HBJoyride because she likes to take long drives.
Me: Hey there. I’m just on a walk and realized something really fascinating – maybe you’ll agree.
*looks up at me with happy eyes*
Me: It’s so beautiful outside right now…have you ever noticed how the temperature… the vibe of the air… can really affect the way that we feel? It’s like now… the temperature has cooled… and we’re relaxed as a result… but the brisk air tells us… that something exciting… is within the realm of possibility.
*everything goes pretty standard for about 15 minutes. I sit with her, and she smiles while resting her hand on her hand. The milieu changes when I get to this question and her subsequent frame grab*
Me: Hmm… I do get the sense that you’re an interesting person… not really like most girls. Tell me, do you consider yourself a DEEP person, like do you have DEEP conversations?
HBJoyride: I’m not sure that I feel comfortable talking about that stuff with someone I just met.
Me: Yeah… most people are so awkward these days… and don’t really value the perks of soothing conversation. But it’s been such a calming conversation, hasn’t it?
HB: For sure, but I’d rather not get into that because we just met.
Me: The fact that you put it that way… tickles my brain. I’ll tell you why… let me know what you think. See, I’ve come to view things like connection… as something that can happen in an instant. So while meeting someone new is unfamiliar… it’s also quite exiting… because you never know what you may learn… when you engage with newfangled perspectives.
HB: Yeah… what’s your name?
We talk for a while longer, but her answers gradually decrease in length. There is a complication in her mind. I find out what it is as I number close. She tells me that I should know that she has a boyfriend. I say that’s no problem at all – I just think she’s a cool person and we should grab coffee sometime. We discuss our favorite cafés before I saunter into the distance.

Around 15 minutes later, I see another girl resting on a blanket set on the grass. Cute with a jaunt face and slim body. Showing just a hint of cleavage and in short jean shorts. Her laptop is out, so I take a few peeks from the distance and move-in when I see that she switches to her phone. Also, a cabal of ROTC officers march nearby, and it garners her attention. Accordingly, I select this topic for my RPO. This girl repeatedly flaunted a tough frame… but I softened her in the end. Name will be HBErudite – a 26-year-old graduate student.
Me: Hey there. You know, I think those ROTC officers are so interesting…
*HB stares*
Me: Yeah… here’s what I’ve realized… let me know what you think about this. It’s like as they move as a collective… minds completely renounced of individual thought… their will entirely submitting to the power of those ABOVE them… but at the same time… it’s like it’s empowering… in the way that they… are able to accomplish something special… together.
HBErudite: No, I’m not so sure that it’s like that. Yeah, they’re just following orders, but it’s because they have to, and being in ROTC is a big responsibility that isn’t for submissive people.
Me: Hmm… that’s a very interesting perspective – that’s why I asked… because I think about things like this. I can see why would you would say that… so how would you describe their attitudes then, like how would you FLESH out that idea?
HB: It’s just that they’re trying to create a life for themselves and doing what they need to do.
Me: Okay… I can see that you’re a DEEP thinker…
*I sit down*
HB: If you’re voting for Trump, then you can go ahead and leave.
Me: Oh, you don’t have to worry about any of that stuff… it’s a shame that we live in such a tenuous environment that puts so much TENSION in our shoulders… like we just need a way to RELEASE all of this PENT-UP emotion.
HB: What’s tenuous about it?
Me: Perhaps it’s the fact that… people seem like they can no longer have thoughtful conversations anymore… just reverting to one side with an aura of contempt… and not being able to discuss what they really FEEL… like we’re already doing right now.
HB: Where are you from?
Me: Where are you from?
HB: I’ve been here for eight years now.
Me: Okay, I’m from around [place].
HB: Are you voting?
Me: I believe it is an important aspect of American life… to exercise the right to vote… for something that we believe in. Don’t you think?
HB: What state are you voting in? Are you filing an absentee ballot?
Me: Yes, I will be voting in my home state.
HB: So you’re doing a mail-in vote? You can’t trust those. When’s the deadline?
Me: It’s coming up soon…
HB: So you don’t know the deadline?
Me: Of course I do… it’s in a couple of weeks.
HB: Better get on that.
Me: I can tell that you’re quite passionate about this subject… and you’re not afraid of stating your opinion. What’s the driving force behind… this intense motivation?
HB: I’m going to put my mask on if you’re sitting here. *puts mask on*
HB: Political science was my first major.
Me: Then… what was the next major?
HB: It took me awhile to figure things out. But I’m a graduate student in education administration right now. How old are you? What year did you graduate high school?
Me: Oh okay, I like academics. I graduated in [year way before I actually did].
HB (visibly relieved… literally takes a breath): Phew. I feel old - I'm 26. So you’re one of those privileged people.
Me: Excuse me?
HB: Nothing…
Me: No… please tell me what you mean. I’m actually quite intrigued.
HB: I said what I said.
I’m definitely thinking about ejecting at this point because she’s getting on my nerves. But I decide to stay with it for now.
Me: You’re obviously an intellighent person… who doesn’t say things for no reason. I enjoy new perspectives… I would like you to tell me what you mean.
HB: You’re one of those out-of-state people who comes here, paying a ton of tuition because of your parents, and you’re privileged to be able to do that.
Me: Not quite. I come from a small town and had to work… very hard… to put myself in a position of opportunity… which is something that I’m sure you understand.
HB: So you’re on a scholarship? What did you get on your ACT?
Me: We don’t need to get into all of that.
HB: I got a [blank] on my ACT. Didn’t your parents pay for your schooling and tutors?
Me: No… I went to a public school… and studied for standardized testing myself… but it’s quite the shallow form of assessment… I prefer getting to know people in… more wholesome means… like conversation. Don’t you?
HB: So you don’t have any student loans or debt?
Me: It’s truly amazing what you can accomplish… with hard work… and a vision. What do you see yourself doing in the future… with your graduate degree?
HB: I want to be a superintendent or a principal. Or work in administration.
Me: Is that because you see a need for a change in the system… and feel like you have to put it in your own hands… to make a better future… for yourself and others?
HB: Yeah, that’s right!
Me: Let me make sure that I fully understand because this is important. So you’re saying that your vision… for the future… is reflective of your own past experiences?
HB: Yep, I came from a poor area and moved around a lot because of a custody battle. Education became my thing because I saw how terrible it was for myself.
Me: I’ve actually studied the educational system on my own time as well… I find the dynamics quite interesting. Do you know [education professor]?
HB: Oh my god, I LOVE her! She is the sweetest old lady. I had her for a couple classes years ago. Is she still teaching?
Me: Yes, I’ve taken a couple classes with her… because I found her area of study intriguing. I saw the same things as you. When I couldn’t go home for Thanksgiving last year, she invited me to dinner at her own home… with her own family. I was very appreciative.
HB: No way! She always did things like that. That’s so cool :)
Oh, how the tide turns. She animatedly talks about her past professors. We delve into this and related topics for a while, and her frame is softening by the second. A friend of mine sees us and comes up to me to say hi before leaving, which helped my social proof as well. Soon, an interesting conversation follows.
Me: What are you up to now… like what’s going on for you the rest of the day? *it’s like 5:30ish now*
HB: I just finished my mid-term. I’m going to go home and watch Big Brother.
Me: Did you drive here?
HB: Yep, I’m parked over at [place that’s on my way home]… where do you live?
Me: Yeah, I walk everywhere. I’m at [place].
HB: Wow, that’s pretty nice…
Me: I didn’t always live there. I used to live in [really poor neighborhood], but I work a couple jobs and have tried to get myself in a better spot… I’m sure you get that. Plus, I was able to move in late during the summer and get a reduced rate… so it’s like being able to take advantage of a good opportunity when you see it.
HB: That’s so lucky! But did you see the news last night? There was a shooting where you used to live!
Me: I don’t watch the news… but that doesn’t surprise me. I had to be careful and had things stolen… but it taught me a lot… and gave me plenty of perspectives on life.
Then she dives into how her grandfather had to protect her while living in a poor area. Opens up a lot. Her stare is quite soft now. Just had to break through to her. Not too long after, she offers to drive me home. Why, of course! On the walk there, she brushes her arm against me a few times and she offers her phone number.

On the drive there, I realize that I need to address ASD. I give her the “My friend at the bar” gambit. Obviously, she feels rather strongly about this given her extremely liberal mindset, and we also discuss topics like the terrible double standards for women and how women should be able to express themselves. We pull into my apartment complex. I give her the revamped golden question. She’s a creative person and has some published poetry. I tell her that I also like writing, and music.
Me: So how about we just continue this pleasant conversation… it’s been so nice hasn’t it?
HB: Yeah, it’s been great!
Me: I think so, too. So how about we just continue this pleasant conversation for a few more minutes… and I can show you some of my music… and we can read some of your poetry.
HB: *mind and body at war… she just stares at me for a few seconds*
HB: You know, I really like Big Brother, and that’s coming on soon. Another time?
Me: Oh that’s cool, we’re already here, so we can just watch it at my place.
HB: *internal combat intensifies*
HB: It’s been a long day, and I’m trying to get home. I have to feed my cat, too.
Me: It’ll be just a couple minutes… come on. Let’s go… it’ll be fun and we’ll just talk, watch music, and read your poetry.
HB: You have my number… text me. We can meet up later!
I don’t want to seem to pushy beyond the point of persistence, and she does offer to meet me later. So… that’s that.

Once again, I get stuck at this point.

Within thirty minutes, she replies to my icebreaker text. I follow by saying that I thought she had a good idea to meet later and inquire what time would work for her – perhaps we could enjoy the fantastic weather on a walk. She says that she’s settled at home now but will definitely let me know about another time. Right. She did give a few smilies on that last text, though. I think there’s a good chance of seeing her again.

But I am getting stuck at that getting her into my place/her place stage far too often, even with anti-ASD protection now.

I’ll push through it.

Street Nightgame

I was operating on zero hours of sleep, so I quickly fall into a slumber for a few hours. I awake around 12:15, get ready as soon as I can (though I am pretty sluggish) and head out for the night.

After I get around the bars, I see a flurry of police cars speeding towards the direction that I came from. I learn that there was another shooting in town – and it happened right where I walked by only a few minutes prior. I was only a few minutes away from being a witness or worse. Also an old mangy guy tries to talk to me and grabs my hand. Not the best thing in the current climate and I get out of there quickly.

These are poignant reminder that I must be alert at all times.

But onto the ladies.

Weird first approach. I’m sitting on a bench when a lone girl nears. I plan on opening her when she gets to me, but this girl stops a few feet early and pretends to look at her phone. Then after a few moments, she acts like she didn’t see me on the bench and says that she’ll sit with me because I don’t seem weird or anything. DTF? She’s very average.

And the creepy vibes are emitting from her… like cobwebs and spiders. Says some weird things. I realize that I do not want to pursue this one. After she calls a random passerby “Daddy,” I number close and eject. But I won’t be texting her.

Sadly miss an approach opportunity from a moving thick girl. She wears a mask and does not give me an AI. Psyches me out, and I hesitate. Damnit. I promise to not let that happen again.

Second and final approach is a moving blonde cutie. Smiles when we make eye contact. Moving “1-10” opener. She says 9 and keeps moving.

Town is quiet after that.

But overall, I know that it was a solid day. Got back into daygaming and have a few new leads. While HBMixer didn’t respond to my follow-up, I feel like there’s an okay chance with HBErudite. Probably a longshot with all of the others this week. However, I know there is quite the imbalance between the rate of my hooks/numbers/pulls and lays…

It’s only a matter of time.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
HB: So you’re doing a mail-in vote? You can’t trust those. When’s the deadline?
Me: It’s coming up soon…
HB: So you don’t know the deadline?
Me: Of course I do… it’s in a couple of weeks.
HB: Better get on that.
ya I would've stood up and left right then and there haha.
HB: Yep, I came from a poor area and moved around a lot because of a custody battle. Education became my thing because I saw how terrible it was for myself.
Me: I’ve actually studied the educational system on my own time as well… I find the dynamics quite interesting. Do you know [education professor]?
HB: Oh my god, I LOVE her! She is the sweetest old lady. I had her for a couple classes years ago. Is she still teaching?
Me: Yes, I’ve taken a couple classes with her… because I found her area of study intriguing. I saw the same things as you. When I couldn’t go home for Thanksgiving last year, she invited me to dinner at her own home… with her own family. I was very appreciative.
HB: No way! She always did things like that. That’s so cool :)
Oh, how the tide turns. She animatedly talks about her past professors. We delve into this and related topics for a while, and her frame is softening by the second.
HB: Wow, that’s pretty nice…
Me: I didn’t always live there. I used to live in [really poor neighborhood], but I work a couple jobs and have tried to get myself in a better spot… I’m sure you get that. Plus, I was able to move in late during the summer and get a reduced rate… so it’s like being able to take advantage of a good opportunity when you see it.
Then she dives into how her grandfather had to protect her while living in a poor area. Opens up a lot. Her stare is quite soft now. Just had to break through to her. Not too long after, she offers to drive me home.
Excellent stuff. Lofty demonstrating the power of listening + relatability. Flipped like a pancake :cool:

...Now lets get to the recurring theme in your field reports here lol:
On the drive there, I realize that I need to address ASD. I give her the “My friend at the bar” gambit. Obviously, she feels rather strongly about this given her extremely liberal mindset, and we also discuss topics like the terrible double standards for women and how women should be able to express themselves. We pull into my apartment complex. I give her the revamped golden question. She’s a creative person and has some published poetry. I tell her that I also like writing, and music.
As Bismarck said earlier in your journal, if a bitch is driving me home, I assume she's down. Why? Cause the sexual frame has already been set. What you'll see from the snippet below is that while there weren't any "verbal" sexual frames set (this report is from 2017 so I was still kinda new to this), the sexual frame/premise was definitely there:
I lead her upstairs. we dance some more but then she wants to leave. good i lead her out with elbows locked together. spot friend. go for handshake “hey man what’s up. she’s a really good dancer you should have been in there dancing with her. blah blah. her car is parked further away. “i’ll just walk you to your car (baby stepping) while counting to occupy her mind. now she’s all you don’t have to walk with us. and i don’t know where your going shit tests to see if i’ll walk away. how do i know her comments arent sincere? because she initiates the hand holding. rubs her thumb on my thumb. so her words are saying one thing (go away) while her body language is saying (please ignore me and keep walking with me and somehow “just make it happen”) so her friend is a good distance ahead of us. she complains about walking in heels. i lift her up look at her a sneak a quick kiss behind her friend’s back. when he looks back he sees us holding hands so he knows she’s comfortable with me. we reach her car. and he walks away. next baby step. “oh can you just drop me home. it’s really close by” (it’s not but no matter where your taking a girl it’s always 2 minutes away/just around the corner/close by) spike her in the car. makeout at stoplights. she is in disbelief how smooth i am. “i never pick up strangers” “i’m a good girl”.

Eventually we get in front of my apartment. good sign #1: she parks the car, instead of just saying “well here you are. have a good night” or something along those lines. So we vibe in the car. time for comfort sex stories ask her about her sex fantasies. says she hasn’t had sex in a while. ex-boyfriend never made her cum. didn’t last long. i steal Goldmund’s “i feel so bad for you now *pull her in and look at her in the eyes deeply* i feel it’s my duty now to give you orgasms”. I feel a shift in her body turned on. i lift her shirt suck on her tits. push her to the backseat of the car. finger fuck her. she feels good from it but then stops and cries about her ex. I say its cool. she’s putting on her clothes back on. I don’t react negatively. just keep vibing. continue getting her horny. show her texts exchange of my fuckbuddies. good sign #2 and #3 she’s still there hasn’t told me to leave and she pushes the front two seats forward (for more space lol) then i tell her i know she likes to give fake resistance and likes when the guy overcomes it she goes “i like when i don’t have to tell men what to do. they just grab me and take what they want” i go “like this” as I grab her tits hard and flip her over, and finger her from the back. she’s all “no no no no”…if i would have stopped she would have end up sexually frustrated. take out a condom she says “don’t you want to do this in your apartment” i want to take advantage of the heat of the moment/it just happened factor so I say “no it’s more exciting here” “but they’ll see us” “no the fog covers everything” just feeding her crap to latch on to. fuck her hard. cum. put my clothes back on. and leave her car. lives to far to be a stable fuckbuddy. no number exchange. just a one night stand.
I think that what's been taught here on SkilledSeducer / GirlsChase, is to just blindly address ASD. But I don't unless she gives me an objection. Like ok I def need to solve THIS objection right now. You know, tailored to the girl.

Like around here at the 10:30 mark, he asks her a sexual question (I think he had already been sexually escalating with her prior to asking her this question tho. Too lazy to rewatch it now). So that he can set sexual frames.

By asking this, it will also bring up any objections she has. Which she does.

So that he can NOW address it....as he does with his "Anti-Slut Shaming" gambit.

Like if she didn't express any objections to his question then he'd just keep escalating the sexual vibe then pull. You get it?

The point of tossing out questions for the explicit purpose of turning her on, is to also simultaneously find out if she has any objections we'd need to address. Rather than sharing our views of the male female dynamics wrt sex. Don't get me wrong, its great that she knows that we aren't like other men that aren't smooth. But you know what I'm saying?

Like all that "listen to my music"" lets watch big brother together" shit for her ASD, ain't working cause she's not sexually aroused enough. Like to her, watching big brother by herself, feeding her cat is more appealing to her, than the possibility of fucking some guy that's she's only mildly aroused by.
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Yeah I think what Vel is trying to say is you also need sexual tension. This means holding strong eye contact, unflinchingly, and occasionally without saying anything. Also, incidental kino, the very faintest shadow of a smile, etc.

What’s happening is you’re relying too much on the verbals. Which works perfectly if the girl is already drinking, horny, ovulating, looking to hook up, etc. (characteristics which you will more commonly find in girls at night).

In dg you need to use non-verbals to your advantage. There is a certain eye contact which when employed correctly you can literally be talking about anything and there is still a non-verbal dialogue going on which is: “I’m horny. You’re turning me on. We’re gonna fuck” projection of sexual state GWM1.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Not the best two days unfortunately.

Had an intention to incorporate more sex talk but didn’t get to use it on either day.

Would’ve included my spin on Teevster’s “I only want GOOD sex” and “dark side” gambits. Another time, along with better sexual state projection and kino.

Friday, October 16
Street Nightgame – 1 approach

Really tired in every way. Sluggish in every way. I get myself out around 1:00 am – it’s quite chilly so less people are on the streets. I miss an AI from a decent girl – I was not in my usual area of approaching and she was wearing a mask, so these factors psyched me out mentally. Have to be better.

Upsets me, but I move on.

An okay blonde is outside a bar alone on her phone. I take the opportunity. Preface: not my best.
Me: Hey there. I’ve just realized something really interesting – hear me out on this.
*HB stares*
Me: Is it just me… or have you also noticed that this night has a special sense of… excitement? It’s like everyone is just… releasing… all of the tension from the week… and the brisk air seems to tell us that something amazing can happen at any moment.
HB: Yeah, I guess so!
Me: Okay, I’m glad that you feel that, too. It’s so amazing to be outside… after all of these restrictions… that just weighed us down… but now it’s kind of like we’re free. So suppose I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10… what would you say?
HB: Hmmmm, I’m thinking like an 8. What about you?
Me: Eh… so-so. I’ll tell you why… I really would like to hear your thoughts on this.
HB: Okay!
Me: Well, most men are just so disgusting aren’t they? Listen closely to what happened to my friend at the bar… so she was just trying to relax… and have a good time… like we all are… and out of nowhere a guy comes up to her… and tells her, “You’re coming home with me”… before even saying hi… and then started to touch her! She told me that she was so afraid… it’s such a shame that women are viewed as sexual objects by these creeps.
HB: It's horrible for sure!
Me: You know, what’s more is that acting like this doesn’t make sense for the men, either. Because I get the sense that women do not… want to be groped… or used for sex… but rather to have a nice conversation… before getting REALLY COMFORTABLE and OPENING up… her mind to a guy that truly wants you for you. Know what I mean?
HB: Yeah!
Me: So I’m not crazy for thinking like that?
HB: Of course not!
Me: Okay, great… I’m glad that we think so similarly… makes me feel like we’re not alone in thinking this way. So we can move the conversation to a more positive note… what are you up to?
HB: I’m just waiting for my friend!
Me: Just waiting for your friend? Is it going to be a while? I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like waiting… personal taste.
HB: I don’t either! No idea actually. She’s with her boyfriend but I haven’t seen her in a long time. We’re going to go to [bar].
Me: Oh no… don’t tell me that an independent girl like you will be third-wheeling? *dumb*
HB: I actually don’t mind because I haven’t seen her in so long. Um… what are you doing now? I’m a night owl myself…*hint hint hint*
Me: Ah me too… there’s something so calming about the lateness of the night. I’m thinking of maybe talking a quick walk before heading back to my apartment… to enjoy this refreshing air. It is refreshing, isn’t it?
HB: Yeah!
Me: Yeah… you know, I’ve just realized something about this air – maybe you’ll agree. Have you ever noticed how the temperature… the vibe of the air… can really affect the why that we feel? It’s like now… the temperature has cooled… and we’re relaxed as a result… but the striking air tells us that something exciting is within the realm of possibility.
HB: Sure!
Me: You seen like an interesting and perceptive person… I’m intrigued. So if I were to ask you what is one thing that you really liked to do besides eating… sleeping… and partying, what would it be?
HB: Well, being outside I guess! *cool – influence?*
Me: I completely get that – nothing quite like the freedom of being able to do whatever you want. What is it about being outside that really gets you going… is it the opportunity to RELEASE all of the TENSION from your shoulders and relax… or perhaps is it the chance to explore the world and discover new things about yourself?
HB: Well, I think it’s both!
*friend FaceTimes her*
*the friend is actually standing right behind us*
Welp. She excitedly hugs her friend… and I just leave. Not sure what I was doing. I just walked away at this point. Stupid. Think she wanted me to go into the bar with her. Would’ve made sense. I didn’t want to go in, so perhaps that made my legs walk away. Absolutely could have number closed her. Part of it was due to how upset I was for derailing that conversation. I did not capitalize on her interest and led the discussion down the wrong path.

I walk around for about thirty more minutes and do not see another lone girl to approach. I’m not that encouraged by opening groups on the street these days because of how much more efficient I've learned it is to scope out an individual hottie if possible.

The biggest destruction to the night was myself in terms of not allowing enough time.

In terms of the other HBs – it's rough. No responses from any of them besides HBErudite. I tried Velasco’s meme idea with HBGlide and HBHaze, but no dice. Hear nothing back from HBBerry and very unfortunately HBOpal as well. And I’m still waiting for HBErudite to let me know her schedule, which is where our text conversation was left at.

Saturday, October 17
Street Nightgame – 1 approach

Mental state = not great. One lead dropping after another is a lot to take mentally.

And removing a condom out of my pillowcase each night wears on me. Moreover, all this street nightgaming has wrecked my sleeping schedule, and I feel the effects.

Getting ready occupies too much time once again, and I do not get out until past 1:00 am once more. Slaughtering my odds. What am I doing?

I choose a new spot to post-up as well. This did not work, and I waste precious minutes. I change to my typical route.

There’s a moving two-set pacing around an apartment building probably waiting for a ride. Not HBs here… just girls… not to be judgmental or anything. I spotted Girl1 notice my presence. I open because I need to get something going:
Me: Hey there. I have an important question for you two.
Girl1: Okay!
Girl2: *mean look*
*but both stop*

Me: If I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10, what would you say?
Girl1: Probably about a 7!
Girl2: I would say fuck off. *HAHA*
Me: Ah. Let me see if I have this straight. You two spent the whole night together… and our football team won… and there’s so much excitement in the air. And yet one had a better night than the other… that’s okay… it happens to all of us. Plus, I’ve seen that a “7” night and… maybe even your “fuck off” night… can become a “10 out of 10” night… in just an instant.
Girl1: Yeah maybe! Where are you from?
Me: Good question… I’ve been around… take a wild guess.
Girl1: I won’t get it - I don't want to waste your time!
Me: Hmm.. okay, no worries. I’m from around [place].
*I notice her sweatshirt of a different school*
Me: I’m guessing you’re from [place], then?
Girl1: Not actually, my best friend’s boyfriend is just committed to play [sport] there.
Me: Oh? What’s his name?
Girl1: [name].
*I know who this guy is because of my connections in sports, but I don’t know him personally*
Me: Ah. I have some connections in [sport]. He’s from [place], right?
Girl1: Oh my god, yeah!!!
And at that point, I oddly decide that I have no interest in her and especially her friend (who I really didn’t even acknowledge after she was rude) and eject. I say that it was nice talking to her, and she says bye in a confused way like she expected me to stick around. Fair point.

I just find an isolated bench and listen to music until 4:30 AM. I’ve been rather out of it this weekend and not comprehending my emotions. I like to keep things positive, but this is simply how my world was in these late hours.

Contemplating where I’m at. Not happy about it. HBOpal especially bothered me.

I've gotten numbers from really hot girls and really run-of-the-mill girls. But I rarely get any of them past the icebreaker text, let alone even a soft close.

Guess I’m still more interesting than sexy? But what about the other indications, then? The stares, the moving in close, the offering of their numbers, the giving of rides to my apartment, the make-outs? Would those actually happen without legitimate sexual interest...?

I review my stats for a closer look. I’ll do this more in-depth at the end of every month (including hooking and moving/stationary breakdowns), but need to take a look now because I’m at the crossroads of progression and regression. I’ll start from September 25th this tme because that’s when I feel like I really started to get going.

Statistical Update (9/25 – 10/17)
Street Nightgame
Approaches: 39
Numbers: 20
Make-Outs: 3 (likely could've had two more but was really trying to hold off the escalation)
Pulls: 1
Failed Pulls (couldn’t get all the way in my/her place): 4
LR--: 1 (very close to another with HBBrooklyn… but not counting that)
Dates: 0
Lays: 0

Approaches: 4
Numbers: 4
Pulls: 1
Failed Pulls (couldn’t get all the way to my/her place): 1
Dates: 0
Lays: 0

So 43 approaches and 24 numbers in total. Though, I’m far from actually understanding these stats.

There is a rather glaring aspect here… rhymes with fate.

My fundamentals could still use refinement. But if they were truly poor, would I have gotten this far with these girls?

Texting needs work. But you would assume that one would have bitten anyway. And how come I can run these verbals but can’t successfully text a girl even after all this advice…

Social frame…? And now sexual arousal? I’m missing a lot!

And if I don’t work things out with HBErudite, then I’m back to square one, which makes me question my process.

More daygaming is coming… the strategy is changing because it must.
Like to her, watching big brother by herself, feeding her cat is more appealing to her, than the possibility of fucking some guy that's she's only mildly aroused by.

But I see that it’s the truth.
...Now lets get to the recurring theme in your field reports here lol:

As Bismarck said earlier in your journal, if a bitch is driving me home, I assume she's down. Why? Cause the sexual frame has already been set. What you'll see from the snippet below is that while there weren't any "verbal" sexual frames set (this report is from 2017 so I was still kinda new to this), the sexual frame/premise was definitely there:

I think that what's been taught here on SkilledSeducer / GirlsChase, is to just blindly address ASD. But I don't unless she gives me an objection. Like ok I def need to solve THIS objection right now. You know, tailored to the girl.

Like around here at the 10:30 mark, he asks her a sexual question (I think he had already been sexually escalating with her prior to asking her this question tho. Too lazy to rewatch it now). So that he can set sexual frames.

By asking this, it will also bring up any objections she has. Which she does.

So that he can NOW address it....as he does with his "Anti-Slut Shaming" gambit.

Like if she didn't express any objections to his question then he'd just keep escalating the sexual vibe then pull. You get it?

The point of tossing out questions for the explicit purpose of turning her on, is to also simultaneously find out if she has any objections we'd need to address. Rather than sharing our views of the male female dynamics wrt sex. Don't get me wrong, its great that she knows that we aren't like other men that aren't smooth. But you know what I'm saying?
Okay, I think that I get it. I’ve watched the video a few times. I understand how he introduces sexual topics and even makes her question her own objections, and he does so in a rather simple manner. And how he continues to escalate the vibe like you said.

I had a good chance to do this when she brushed against me while we were walking to her car. But I tried to be cool because I’ve lately been trying to do the make her so aroused that she escalates on me thing. Which kinda was the case, yeah, she initiated touch. Though what I am missing in that strategy is the really good sexual tension. There as only a little, I guess. So yep, that needs to fixed.

Greatly appreciate the wisdom as always, @Velasco!
Yeah I think what Vel is trying to say is you also need sexual tension. This means holding strong eye contact, unflinchingly, and occasionally without saying anything. Also, incidental kino, the very faintest shadow of a smile, etc.
Yep, eye contact is inconsistent for me. Sometimes on-point, sometimes not. Haven’t been using too much kino lately because I’ve tried to get much smoother with my escalation, but in doing so, I see that I’ve taken too much touch away.
What’s happening is you’re relying too much on the verbals. Which works perfectly if the girl is already drinking, horny, ovulating, looking to hook up, etc. (characteristics which you will more commonly find in girls at night).

In dg you need to use non-verbals to your advantage. There is a certain eye contact which when employed correctly you can literally be talking about anything and there is still a non-verbal dialogue going on which is: “I’m horny. You’re turning me on. We’re gonna fuck” projection of sexual state GWM1.
Ah okay, I’m now also remembering a couple posts about eye contact from earlier this year. Razorjack and Bacchus. And of course Gunwitch’s mirror neurons article. Yeah, now that I’m really digging deep here, I definitely think that my non-verbals have not progressed along with my verbals. It’s creating imbalances now.

Projecting a better sexual state will my key focus this week. Thanks @Bismarck!
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Guess I’m still more interesting than sexy? But what about the other indications, then? The stares, the moving in close, the offering of their numbers, the giving of rides to my apartment, the make-outs? Would those actually happen without legitimate sexual interest...
I took a peak at the 'latest activity' section and see that your digesting verbal game tactics with regards to sexual arousal. Good stuff.

To me, yes, some of these girls viewed you as sexy. That's why they got up in your space and made out with you. What was missing from those sets were to keep upping the sexual tension via sex frames. Then handling any token resistance ASD the way I talked about. Cause in these sets she wanted the sex to happen. Her retarded ASD is what prevented it from happening.

You'll recall from the field report I wrote here a month and some change ago, how I expressed my frustration on how I didnt get a chance to up the sexual tension via frames cause I got caught off early:

At this point, I guess my wing thinks the vibe is good enough to just invite them back to his place. He uses check out a rooftop. But they know its for sex (yeah they 18 but they're social intuition is strong enough to know what that means. ). and they not in that vibe just yet. So they talk amongst each other. Then do that "aren't we meeting up with blah blah right now. Oh yeah" thing we all do. To check how your wing feels about the set. So they get up, and say we got to go but it was nice meeting you. I just smile and wave goodbye to my girl.

So we stay seated there. And what I explain to him is that it was too early for that. I know they are receptive to conversation and vibes are good. And people talk about strike when the iron is hot blah blah. But my intuition told me to stay in and set frames. Then pull
This girl 100% thought I was sexy but still left (ya she came back and we then fucked it up after, but I wasnt expecting her to come back anyway. Cause I knew it wasnt solid).

With them other sets, yeah they just think youre more interesting than sexy. So you can see firsthand how useless, handling ASD when there is little to no sexual tension, is.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
I’ve been quiet because I’m reimagining the future.

Aaaaaaaand the backside of my left hand was recently scalded in just about the most frivolous way possible. Luckily the burn is fairly minor and could have been much worse, but it’s still raw and swollen… yeah not too pretty. Not conducive to gaming, or even sunlight for that matter. Guess it will take a few weeks for the discoloration and swelling to fully clear up. Working with it how I can in the meantime.

Tuesday, October 20

A sly emergence out of the burrow and into Lofty World?

Hm. Not quite yet.

As I wrote last week, a primary focus for this week is to make progress with the beautiful HBFoxxy. I have been getting more positive signals from her as of late, and I’ve been feeling the need to capitalize. I am not well-practiced in the slow burn social-circle game, so it is a learning experience and not one that I’ll be too hard with myself about, though obviously any positive result would be quite welcome.

So here I am, promenading across campus about to be 25 minutes late to my 8:00 am class practicing my sexy walk and posture. A girl on her phone almost bumps into me as she turns a corner, and hey, it’s HBFoxxy’s roommate! These two girls have known each other forever. She’s an attractive girl herself but has a very tough personality that I find undesirable. But nice enough most of the time.

She’s in the same class as well, so I’m pretty confused by her route away from the classroom. Says that her nanny job ran late this morning – a perfect opportunity to blow off class. Cool, I say, I don’t blame her. We laugh about how I’m showing up so late before parting ways. I find this to be a nice surprise that I can talk to HBFoxxy about as we walk to the subsequent class together.

Yeah, I get in class super late. I catch the alluring blonde fox stare my way and she breaks eye contact first. Cool. After the lecture, I slowly rise and handle my backpack while waiting for her to walk towards me and give an AI, which she does through a quick glance. Looking super hot today in grey skinny jeans, a brown leather jacket, and boots.
Me: You’ll never guess who I saw strutting around campus this morning.
HBFoxxy: Hey! What’s up? Who?
Me: It was our good friend [her roommate]… curiously she was walking in the opposite direction of our class… seemed like something was on her mind.
HB: Oh…. yeah! She has to nanny in the mornings. It’s been her job for a long time. It’s pretty tough because the kid’s school doesn’t start until 8:00 AM, so if they run late, so does she!
*I begin walking and she follows alongside me*
Me: Hmm… yeah I can definitely see the responsibility needed to do something like that. Hey, you know that reminds me of something about you two… I’ve gotten the sense that you two are very close. Like you’ve lived together for so long that you… truly understand each other.
HB: *pause*
HB: Um, yeah, we’ve been living together six years now. I’d say we know each pretty well.
Me: So I find that very interesting… because people can connect in so many different ways… and at different paces, right?
HB: Yeah…
Me: It’s almost like for some people… it can take years to develop a connection… others months… and others days. But for some… it’s like this special thing. You just look each other in the eyes… and it’s instant… like you know that’s a person you want in your life.
HB: Right…
Me: Okay, so I would like you to tell me this then. Is that how it was for you and your roommate, then? As if there was a feeling inside you from the beginning… that there would be an irreplaceable bond that just ROPES you TOGETHER and takes you on the RIDE that we call life?
HB: Well, I wouldn’t say that exactly.
Me: Oh?
HB: Yeah, we’ve had our ups-and-downs.
Me: I completely get that. Happens to everyone. Seemed like you two were quite close though… sisterly even.
HB: No… I have three sisters so “sister” means something different to me. We’re more like… roommates. Are you ready for our presentation?
Me: Alright, I understand now – that’s why I ask things like that, I like talking through ideas with people. Yeah, I’m feeling pretty good about it… I think if we just approach it with an aura of calmness… you know, a really tranquil vibe… and not be stressed about it at all… like just trusting ourselves… we’ll be perfect. How about you?
HB: A little nervous but feeling as ready as I’ll ever be!
Me: Ah, but you’re so poised… and bring such a positive energy. Yeah, I think if you really DIG DEEP… you’ll see that you’re going to be just fine.
HB: Thanks :) .
Me: Yeah, we’ll be good. Did you have to get tested for COVID this morning? (I know that her workplace tests early on Tuesday mornings)
HB: Oh, um… I actually had it over the summer, so I don’t have to get tested anymore. (I didn't know this and she was visibly embarrassed to tell me)
Then she ejects to go to the bathroom, and I quickly hate myself for how uncalibrated this conversation was. She was receptive to seeing me, and I should have talked about something fun and interesting. I was surprised by her reaction to my connection gambit, but I saw them arguing later, so they’re obviously just in a catfight about something. HBFoxxy did single me out during our presentation for being a “creative person” without saying anything about the rest of the group, so it was a bit odd, but I won’t read too much into it.

Truth is her high-status and my previous mistake with her last year make this a tough situation. Whatever – I’ll work on it and there’s plenty of other girls out there.

Later, my hand is scalded and that takes me out of approaching for the meantime. Only body part getting wet is my hand under cold water.

Regarding the last of my leads from the past few weeks – they’re dead. I’m back to nothing.

The strategy must change.

Wednesday, October 21
New Strategy

I could say back to the drawing board. Yeah, I could say that. But instead I’ll say that it’s not a step backward but rather a step forward – I’m throwing away the old drawing board for a drawing board anew.

My progress has been palpable. I’m gaming better.

Accordingly, my inability to turn hooks into lays has been infuriating. I see that the only key that I’m consistent with is emotional stimulation. My approaches to social frame and sexual arousal are volatile.

I’ve thought and thought. The strategy is changing for both a better fit and developmental process.

It begins with not number closing until I’ve made at least three attempts to move her during daygame, unless MY logistics prevent it (class, work, etc.).

I’ll go for SDL… honestly, I do not like the process of scheduling dates or texting anyway. Part of that is clearly because I’m just not good at it, but the other part is efficiency. I want every approach to end in a wild, rambunctious adventure - that's fun. I understand the basis of the number close to date to lay process, but I think I can view it as a backup option now. After all, none of my near-lays have come from number closing. I’ve had demonstrably more success on the same day, so I think it makes more sense to focus on that… at least until I vastly improve my social frame.

Street nightgame – I’m not going to number close at all unless I’m able to sexually escalate with her. One exception will be if they ask for my phone number. I’ll make a few attempts to move her at that point, but if that doesn’t work, I’ll let her have my number but tell her that I rarely text, therefore pumping my value and implementing an immediate chase frame with an interested girl. No more time-wasting leads.

Also, there will be zero masturbation at all to aid in the projection of my sexual state. My best results occurred during the three weeks that I held off, and the effects were palpable. No excuses.

Furthermore, I will have a greater focus on developing sexual tension not only through projection but sex talk as well. This will correlate to my new and much, much better process for moving girls to my apartment or anywhere else… and will include my take on a “Guilty Pleasures” gambit in addition to a plethora of new understandings. Hopefully, I will show it off to success soon.

Leading the conversation is another sticking point. I am quite poor at it currently. I say “SOTs” and “elicitation” but in reality, I am just an amateur in using both. When I reach a good topic, I tend to move away far too quickly. And that’s not verbal fractionation, it’s just that I’m not doing a good enough job of feeling the vibe of the girl.

Calibration, calibration, calibration. Calibration > algorithm.

More daygame. Where, though? Have to be creative in locales. HBErudite just proved Chase right again, really. If I didn’t handle that on-campus approach correctly, that is definitely the type of girl to come after me… and who knows, she probably has been posting in the feminist Internet sphere about how some guy just came up and talked to her. I’ll stay away for now unless there’s an impassable chance or heavy AI. Difference between a rule of thumb and ignorance – not going to turn down an obviously interested girl.

Less street nightgame. It destroyed my sleeping and workout schedule. I will only be doing this from Thursday – Saturday and keeping a strict rule of not staying out past 2:15 am unless I have a lead.

The proliferation of the daytime masks is an issue, but Skippy approaches girls with masks on, so I can as well. I will buy a more stylish mask to aid me – mine is currently homemade and that’s cool, but it is a bit blasé and unaesthetic. I’ll draw for a simple silver silk mask that goes well with most of my attire and perhaps a floral mask as well (any suggestions are welcome – lots of grey, red, and black clothing in my wardrobe).

Ah yes. I’ve been reading through my verbals and I see a mountain of improvement ahead. They need to be far more descriptive with better figurative language. I can do that – I just haven’t been.

Transition process must be smoother. Reframes must be smoother. I’m immersing the girl but talking too much. She needs to be talking much more. It will happen.

Building familiarity will be a must. Anecdotes. Mentions of friends, family, life journey. No more sudden realizations that she knows nothing about me.

There will also be a new journal format involving more analysis. I will keep my narrative because I love stories… and now there will be less recounting and more storytelling. But I will also include an analytical section to breakdown my outing even further.

Like a hardening sport. A beautiful art.

A leisurely game, too, but I’m taking this leisure very seriously.

Thursday, October 22

Put together an “Area of Improvement List” that will be featured in my next post. This will help guide me in my developmental process and ensure that my game will be moving in the correct direction.

Lots of aloe vera moisturizer on my hand – sick of this. The burn stings less now, but there’s still swelling and discoloration. Tried to go outside for a little bit while wearing long sleeves to cover the burn area, but I could feel it worsening from the minimal sun exposure. Might have to wrap it when going out. But I need to do what I can to get approaches in.

A good chance for a story, at least.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Area of Improvement List
Last Update: 10/23/20

This will be a LONG continually updated post. A log for personal purposes.

It will record skills and tactics that I aim to implement in my game to the point of mastery. From the biggest cruciality to the smallest intricacies.

Here lies the safekeeping for my future weekly focuses and game development. My weekly focuses will stem from this list. Moreover, it will fluidly track what I feel my level is in each of topics.

I will divide the post into sections based upon the stages of competence model:
  • Conscious Incompetence (to implement)
  • Conscious Competence (working effort)
  • Unconscious Competence (internalized)
If you ever have any suggestions for me to add to this list, please feel free to let me know.

I will be dissecting each concept as intricately as possible for maximized detail and comprehension.

Conscious Incompetence (to implement):
Conscious Competence (working effort):
Unconscious Competence (internalized):
  • Not good enough at anything yet.

Fundamentals Tracker:


  • Physical Bulk (I’m about 6’0 160 – lean but better bulk is needed)
  • Posture (too inconsistent)
  • Adequate Sleep (regularized sleeping schedule)
  • Social Calibration
  • Back Acne
  • Walk
  • Overall Eye Contact
  • Facial Complexion/Skincare
  • Muscle Definition
  • Vocal Tone
  • Vocal Cadence
  • Vocal Projection
  • Poise
  • Style
  • Hair
  • Facial Expressions
  • Presence
  • Charisma
  • General Cleanliness/Grooming
  • Nutrition (but need to eat more + drink more water)
  • Financials
  • Not good enough at anything yet.

Festina lente.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Saturday, October 24
Street Nightgame - 2 approaches, 1 almost-fight, 1 bad bitch sucking my dick (….i.e. Lofty’s first LR!)

I swear that there is no better feeling than seeing a beautiful girl sleeping in your bed after enthusiastically devouring your cum.

But that happens later.

What happens first is slightly less enjoyable.

Coming off of a poor week, I know that I need to procure positive momentum, a rightful swing of the pendulum. I make a decision to do just that.

Aloe vera moisturizer has been smothered over my burned hand all week, and it’s now looking passable, at least. I wear my black PUMA outfit, and the sleeves hide most of the redness.

My energy levels are not too high from the onset, and I am sluggish getting ready. I’m out around 1:00 am to prepare for flooded streets after the bars are set to close around 2:00 am.

One foot before another as I begin my night streetgaming route. My three weekly focuses at least until next Sunday are, well, back to the basics. What I NEED.
  1. Projections of Sexual State. Mirror Neurons. I want to fuck you, and you want to fuck me. Light touching (but limited – make her want it – AROUSE and TEMPT) as well.
  2. Sexual eye contact. Make her know that I’m poised and in control. Use my eyes as a second voice.
  3. MOVE HER. I have looked back and realized that I’ve been horrible at this. Produce a high point if needed, and move her.
I spent plenty of time reflecting on my near-lays and thought about how I would have done differently in hindsight, and I believe that the proper installation of these three points would have resolved many of my issues.

Anyway. Here we go.

My first approach opportunity is a moving set of eight people walking in my direction. 5 guys and 3 girls. One girl is really hot, the other is average, and the last is, as Chase coins them with no offense intended, a “hambeast.” I have zero intention of opening this low-percentage set until the really hot girl opens me as I near.
HB: Hi!!!!!!!
Me: Hey there. You know, I actually have a very important question for you.
*whole group stops*
HB (reaching for my hairband): You should take that off! You would look WAY better without it!
*she takes off my hairband*
Me: Is that right?
HB: Absolutely!
*I take my hairband out of her hand and put it back in*
Me: Hmm. That’s a a good observation, I’ll do some thinking about it. So suppose I asked you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10… what would you say?
HB: 9!
Hambeast: 10!
Girl: What was his question?
HB: He asked how our nights were going on a scale of 1-10.
Girl: Oh! 8 then!
Me: Okay, that’s really intriguing. You all have been together but each have different perception of the same night… fascinating. But what I’ve learned in my experience is that even if it’s a 10 out of 10 night, it can get EVEN BETTER… in just an instant… if we keep an open mind.
HB: I can guarantee that you wouldn’t make my night better! (obviously a BS test – first thing this girl did was touch me)
Me: Hmm, I’m actually have no idea what you mean… “I wouldn’t make your night any better”… oh wait… I mean… you’re not talking about sex, surely….?
HB (stonewalled): Oh… no. *grin*
I’m like okay, this is a little interesting now. Could be fun to play around with this situation.

But then one of the guys in the group comes into my line of sight. This is the person with the hambeast – he’s of a larger build around 6’2 250. He has his phone out and obviously is filming me. I’m quite sensitive to that because I don’t like being filmed - I like to stay anonymous in general and especially when gaming. So I’d rather not have video of me spitting verbals floating around the Internet. And add in the recent legal situation… yeah not cool. I get a little angry.
Me: Are you filming me?
Person: *doesn’t say anything*
Me: You better not be filming me – I don’t like being filmed.
Person: *doesn’t say anything but gives a jerk smirk and is obviously filming me*
Me: Don’t film me.
Person: *jerk smirk*
And yeah, I slap the fuck out of his phone onto the ground, which reveals an Instagram Live stream. The entire group backs away except for us.
Person: That’s fucked up man.
Me: What’s fucked up man is you filming strangers in their face without their permission.
*he gets in my face and is smoking a cigarette*
Person: I will call forty of my boys and fuck you up right now.
Me: Hmm… you will fuck me up right now? And you will need 40 of your boys? Is that so?
Person: But I’m going to give you a chance. You can shake my hand. Then apologize.
Me (grabbing his hand): You know what, you seem TOTALLY HARMLESS, so I’ll shake your hand. But YOU have to apologize. Then we’ll be cool and carry on our nights.
Person: I will give you five seconds.
*Intense stare down but he is lacking vigor now*
Person (voice quivering): 5….4….3….2….1…
Then I see him clenching his open fist, and he begins a long-winded swing towards the center of my face. I quickly dodge and he just barely grazes my ear – I hardly feel anything. Based on how he punched, this guy would be in trouble despite being 100 pounds heavier than me. But he does what people like him do, and he runs away jumping up and down screaming, “I told you!” while his hambeast picks up his phone and eloquently shrieks, “You’re ignorant!”

I just stare him down with my arms outstretched because that is just about the most pusillanimous thing I’ve ever seen. Throws a punch and whiffs, then runs away. The rest of the group had begun walking down the street, and when they catch up to them, I see his friends look at him with shame.

Ha, yeah, perhaps I should have let that go and could've handled it a bit better. But being filmed very much bothers me and his disrespect was greatly upsetting. And I held my ground – the guy was noticeably intimidated but tried to act hard in front of his friends. Didn’t work and gave the opposite effect.

Yeah, he wasn’t hard, but if he was, I mean, it’s not the best town, and they could have tried to come back and run me down because he faced quite the embarrassment. But yeah, that’s not what the world had in store for the night.

Unlike my last near-fight, this doesn’t affect my state too much. I take out the single hand-sanitizing wipe that I keep in my pocket, disinfect my hands, toss the wipe and that event in the trash, and continue on the mission.

And mission successful. This brings me to my first lay report:

LR #1: My Little Wildflower

An amazing night with a charming bad bitch. Just how I like it.

I say this in my LR, but thanks again to everyone for their help. The input given to me from the start has not gone unrecognized.

My mind is drawn to a fact that is: this style of game helped me flip an emotional trainwreck into a Lofty-craving, dick-garbling bad bitch and kiss-adoring sensual sweetheart.

For posterity, here is our brief text conversation following her leave:
10/25 Text Conversation With HBWildflower

hey baby, it’s Lofty. really loved getting to know you, my little flower. keep me updated about your face, i want to hear that everything’s okay *kiss emoji*
HBWildflower: Thank you so much again for everything
Me: it was meant to be. like i said, let me know that everything checks out :)
I could reach out to her about either, or both, her cut and the curiously left behind thong and scrunchie. And perhaps I could have gone without that second message.

Gut feeling, though… gut feeling says this is a pure ONS. I’m okay with that, it was really great time for both of us, and I fully understand the perspective from each side.

And as Gunwitch says in SMMA, all it takes is one reminder in the form of a successful seduction to see that street stranger to bedroom is indeed possible - not just for the gurus but for me, too.

On we go.
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
1. Yup second message was unnecessary
2. Yup was pure ONS ASD will kick in and she won't see you again

What's a scrunchie?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
1. Yup second message was unnecessary
2. Yup was pure ONS ASD will kick in and she won't see you again

What's a scrunchie?
Welp, oh well! I know she had a great time, and I did too, of course. So it's all good!

A scrunchie is a cute little hair tie girls use - maybe they don't call them that in Europe?

Yeah, I like how they look on hotties :p

And it's increasingly looking like I'll have hers as a keepsake...

EDIT: Typing up my response to Bacchus' eloquence in the LR and she just texted me out of nowhere. HAHA.

EDIT EDIT: This girl is texting me crazy things now. HAHA.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Tuesday, October 27

Unfortunately, I do not have the best update here.

Around Sunday evening, I began to feel a slight discomfort in my throat. I thought nothing of it – I was pretty dehydrated after all the romping with HBWildflower. However, the rawness of my throat became much worse by Monday evening and even worse today.

Of course, the current climate necessitates the utmost of precautions. Besides the inflamed throat, the other symptoms that I currently have right now are chills, a slight fever, and fatigue.

I typically get tested for COVID on Tuesdays for work anyway, so I did that as normal. But I don’t get the feeling that it’s COVID. To be safe, I stopped by the university medical center for more testing.

I was tested for a number of things after examination… including gonorrhea and chlamydia, as I gave HBWildflower a brief pussy-licking for being such a good girl, even though I really didn’t particularly enjoy it. But I knew how much some of the guys on here like it, so I wanted to be the source of her pleasure with an open mind. I made sure to have her look at me in the eyes the entire time to keep my dominance, though I guess it’s not my thing, at least for now.

Anyway, I was asked if I engaged in oral sex on their suspicion. So that was a bit of a scare momentarily. They tested for mono as well.

Fortunately, all three of those tests came back negative. Phew. That would have been an awkward conversation with my little flower. Obviously, it would have been from her. I knew that she was promiscuous, but I’m glad to have avoided that situation… and also that I put a rubber on my dick. That’s intuition, right?

Still waiting on a couple more tests. Including COVID and the throat culture swab – strep throat is a possibility, apparently. They did find that I have an elevated white blood cell count, which evidently suggests a bacterial infection rather than viral. Not quite my area of expertise, and they put me on antibiotics for now.

Of course, this development takes me out of the game in the meantime. Another impediment to positive momentum.

On the brightside (maybe?), I have texted with HBWildflower. She reached out to me last night asking for my full name. I thought it was in regards to a sorority date party that she brought up, although I didn’t think she was serious about inviting me. If she did, she would have to know my real name in order for them to crosscheck my info in the university database and put me on the list.

That created a dilemma because I’ve been adamant about using an alias. Though, I received advice that telling her my real name was no big deal because we had such a positive experience. So I did just that.

However, the date party was not her first intention. Apparently the “boyfriend” found out that she was with a guy on Saturday night, although he didn’t know that she spent the night at my place. The flower wanted to avoid him finding out at all costs, despite her reveal that they “aren’t actually together” and that “he’s just still very protective” of her.

Her request was for me to talk to the "boyfriend" in order to match my story to hers so that he didn’t suspect anything. She wanted me to tell him that I found her cut behind a bar, helped her clean up, and walked her back to the dorm. Hmmm. He’s yet to reach out to me… not positive how I’ll handle it if he does, but I really don’t lose anything by helping her out.

Moreover, the origin of her wound was revealed. Maybe. I’m not sure that I believe her story. Her details are iffy at best. It doesn't particularly matter now as she tells me that the cut is healing well.

Her texts are highly receptive and include many smile emojis, and seeing her again is within the realm of possibility. I can always text her a picture of her thong and scrunchie before suggesting that perhaps she should come pick them up.

Yet, I’m really starting to understand Chase’s perspective on not involving himself with this kind of girl. I have a thing for these bad bitch types, but the problems I’ve seen them create even to this point is strenuous. We’ll see what happens.

Here's to a better future full of beauty and pleasure.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
lofty! you need to be careful with girls with boyfriends, you play it right not giving your true identity, also try to get google voice....(bf may find out who you are and then problems that you don't want)

- the texting was horrible, but since you had sex with her, it did not matter she is invested (sex is the highest form of investment and as you can see women will forgive cringe post sex)

- the boyfriend is pretty much fucked, you just pretty much destroy that relationship, he is going to notice her withdrawal get more needy, and overprotective and paranoid and lead her right to your arms...

- Try to fuck her a second time, that way you can get her on rotation and develop a sense of abundance will make your interactions, stronger unless you get onitis...

- i truly hope you are ok, health number 1...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
I was tested for a number of things after examination… including gonorrhea and chlamydia, as I gave HBWildflower a brief pussy-licking for being such a good girl, even though I really didn’t particularly enjoy it. But I knew how much some of the guys on here like it, so I wanted to be the source of her pleasure with an open mind. I made sure to have her look at me in the eyes the entire time to keep my dominance, though I guess it’s not my thing, at least for now.

Anyway, I was asked if I engaged in oral sex on their suspicion. So that was a bit of a scare momentarily. They tested for mono as well.

Fortunately, all three of those tests came back negative.

In my country it doesn't make sense to get tested for STD's so soon after a lay. The tests can't detect chlamydia until at least a week has passed, and I think it's three weeks for gonnorhea. If your symptoms persist and you don't find any other explanation go get another check-up