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- Jan 24, 2021
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Post Weekend Update
As I mentioned previously, I had a ton of dates this past weekend, mostly from Dating Apps. Like 5 dates and lunch with friends, so I literally had no time to go out specifically for Cold Approach. This coming weekend I've specifically kept my date count low so I can save the "afternoon prime" for going out to progress with Cold Approach. I tend to like the afternoon better. It feels way lower-key, less crowded, girls are less likely to have their guard up, and I'm more awake since I'm a morning person.
With that said, I still managed to get some sets in this past weekend and today:
On Friday night on the way to a date:
1) I walked by a cute girl slightly in front of her, and turned slowly to her and pointed and said "I like your coat". I got a soft and quick "thank you".
2) Saw a very slowly walking cute asian girl. I turned around and opened her from the side, saying "I like your outfit, very stylish", she gave a soft "thanks" and looked down slowly. I think I could have continued this set
3) While walking, I saw a korean girl talking to her friend. I made very strong eye contact with her, and forced her to fix her hair several times in reaction
On Sunday
4) I told a girl at Whole Foods her dog is cute. She turned and said "oh thank you"
Today (Wednesday), I went to Whole Foods again
5) A latino girl walked near me. I turned to her and said "I like your Trench coat". She walked a bit closer, removed her airpods, and said "I'm sorry?". I repeated. Then she smiled warmly and said "thank you". I definitely could have continued this set....
6) I saw a cute asian girl walking around. But couldn't get close and open her. Later, at the checkout, I was in back of her in line, and I saw her eyeing a magazine with a dog/cat on it. I made a situational opener "Are you a 'pet lover'?". She said "yes!". I asked "dog or cat", she responded "I have a dog". Then the line moved and she went to the register... I also checked out, and on her way out, I made eye contact with her and tried to smile, but I don't think she could see with my mask on.
7/8) On the way back home I told two girls their dogs were cute
So not much progress in terms of progressing towards the hook point and continuing the conversation after the opener, but I am becoming more comfortable at working sets into my everyday life. I opened two girls at Whole Foods today! Whereas a month or two ago, I was shaking with anxiety over trying to approach a girl at Whole Foods.
Hopefully I'll have some more progress this coming weekend.
Total Sets: 90
Total Conversations: 8
Total Numbers: 2
Total Dates: 1
Man, if the girl doesn't walk away after the opener, keep talking. I had a quick scroll through a few of your reports and it seems like regardless of how she responds, you're just ejecting.
You've got to just stay there and say whatever until either she walks off or she bites. Even basic stuff like:
"what's your name?"
"what u up to today?"
"Up to something exciting?"
"Are you from X country?"
"I like the way you reacted there"
"I'm mtman <stick out hand>"
"<after saying 'cute outfit'> yeah it looks very X"
If you can't make your mouth keep moving, at least keep your feet in place and take a breath or two, she'll probably still be there when you're done.
Remember that if you stopped her, it's because she caught your eye. You know why you want her, tell her why.