Thanks for all your help. I usually delete old messages and numbers to avoid reminders of past failures, but from now on, I’ll keep them so I can share in the forum. A good friend of mine looked over my texts and said I text too much, while another friend told me he never texts women when he first meets them, he just calls. What are your thoughts on that based on your experience?If you specifically want to get the speed on texting
I suggest go conversation and banter route try to be creative.
Once you are able to hook the girls then cut it out.
But yeah recognise which are chatty nd which are not.
Hint is quality of their text.
If its a small reply she is busy and not in mood to text so drop it.
She likes you so she is sending the text.
Pick it later.
If she sends long ass text she is in mood of banter
If she is always sending small texts she is someone who u should use text for logistics.
If u send something funny and she builds on it again she is interested in conversation move it toward the date.
Yeah thats all for now.
Will update if something more comes up.