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Sexually inexperienced men need time and exposure to receptive women to learn to sense and respond to receptive women's signals


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
So the rule of thumb is: if she's sending you strong signals and they're likely reliable, go in. If she's not, but you want to approach her, also go in!
Love this!
(also pay attention to gut feelings.
I completely agree. However, as a beginner like me, a huge part of the challenge is to distinguish "gut feeling" from "approach anxiety".

Anxiety can often masquerade as negative gut feeling, don't you think?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Love this!

I completely agree. However, as a beginner like me, a huge part of the challenge is to distinguish "gut feeling" from "approach anxiety".

Anxiety can often masquerade as negative gut feeling, don't you think?
No, even when I was very inexperienced I always sensed when a girl likes me with a gut feeling. that something is up. Gut feeling is from your gut, anxiety is from your head


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
I added an article this week addressing a comment with an issue similar to yours
Hey Chase, yeah I was reading it and I feel it's about what I was talking about more or less. I feel my issue is a mix of all these conditions described, so I should focus on each separately.

One thing I still have difficulty grasping, although I also read the other article regarding how energetic to be when approaching, is how exactly to be open and warm while remaining sexy and getting results. I even understand that trying to be very alpha or macho is not the point, that said I feel that when I get more social and energetic I become more goofy and less masculine.

Not sure if this is what girls think of me as well, but at least it hasn't given me many results. And I have tried both being very silent sitting at the bar mysteriously by myself, and having this Beckster energy. The one thing from his video I'd say I have not done that much is all the leading around and manhandling at the level presented, but I surely had similar energy, even focused on a girl, she just eventually wouldn't come home.

So it's a bit confusing, how exactly to be open, social and fun but without sacrificing the desired edge. Because it's really not obvious to me how girls will go from having fun talking and dancing with you to following your lead to bed. It seems that yeah they may get interested in you, maybe also want to talk and get to know you, but that does not have a direct translation to her feeling she would like to sleep with you.

And because this is a thread about signals, how can you even know if a girl that notices you and is open to getting to know you is not just a warm, social person herself without any sexual interest. Most of the time they won't signal heavily as you said, so should we assume that whenever they engage us when they are free not to, they have some form of interest? Because there was a point when I thought that every girl that talked to me for a bit more, or laughed with my jokes, or just looked at me somewhat longer was at least a bit into me, and then I saw how these interactions went and started feeling delusional and that they probably care much less about me than I think and are simply social/polite.

I do agree with the gut feeling though, I have surely felt it, and especially with how some women walk/move or are dressed. Only issue here is that even if they are ovulating and are open to meeting men, it doesn't seem to mean that they are also open to meeting you specifically.