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Should you have a baby at 25 as an aspiring entrepreneur?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 14, 2020


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 14, 2020
It's great but different genres. I dance too, in the past. I perform for my president with my students in 2011. I am inactive now. But I will have time for it.

But again, different area of interest.

She must be at least an employee who is a supervisor or manager who is office hours. I have a client who is a 6 figure earner and his wife is an employee. They love each other, based on my seeings.

They have date nights. They take pictures on facebook everytime.

Basically, she must be somewhat management but not too high because she maybe busy or maybe you like her being higher in the hierarchy.

How i measure ambition?

Chase mention something about me quite long time ago. That i am too fleeting in the mind.

My girl must be spontaneous. And if she is not, she must not take over my life. I hate that. I smell that. Even the smallest of smallest. And all women are like that. That's why i don't date girls too long if they are hissing about stupid shit.

You want a girlfriend and wife, who is somewhat like you but structurally similar. You get what i mean?

I am fleeting in my mind but i am structure in what i pursue. That is truth of craft (Houdini), self awareness, and nuances.

That makes sense, I'll keep those parameters for the future. Thanks ZacAdam


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
In Usa in this climate you have to be very careful having a kid and plan for the worst, at least you are weighting your options.....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 14, 2020
In Usa in this climate you have to be very careful having a kid and plan for the worst, at least you are weighting your options.....
Yeah, have heard that too. In Europe it is also bad, but in Germany where I live the law isn't too bad.

The question for me now is: even if I'm financially stable in 5 years, would I want to have a baby at 27? Tough question to answer but I'll know soon.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
I don't have kids, but I have a 5 year old nephew and a 2 year old niece. Every time I'm left alone to take care of them (because I'm their godfather and I really like it), it feels like I'm working 15 hours a day!

Don´'t forget: kids are forever! You are a guy, you can have kids whenever you want in life.

It's the chicks who have an expiration date biologically speaking. Be selfish, and think about what YOU WANT - that's the only way to be happy and make your soulmate happy too.

If you want freedom, financial security and an abundant life, go after your own goals and forget about having kids. I wish I had that knowledge when I was your age.

Plus you are too young and too immature to deal with a serious relationship with an older woman (I've been there, so I know what I'm talking about). Take....your.....time. If she's adamant about it, let her go and seek a more compatible guy for her.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I don't have kids, but I have a 5 year old nephew and a 2 year old niece. Every time I'm left alone to take care of them (because I'm their godfather and I really like it), it feels like I'm working 15 hours a day!

Don´'t forget: kids are forever! You are a guy, you can have kids whenever you want in life.

It's the chicks who have an expiration date biologically speaking. Be selfish, and think about what YOU WANT - that's the only way to be happy and make your soulmate happy too.

If you want freedom, financial security and an abundant life, go after your own goals and forget about having kids. I wish I had that knowledge when I was your age.

Plus you are too young and too immature to deal with a serious relationship with an older woman (I've been there, so I know what I'm talking about). Take....your.....time. If she's adamant about it, let her go and seek a more compatible guy for her.

same here, I can only take max 2 hours with them.... You get the best of both words by having nephews and nieces.... Now the rebottle is that they are not your own and when they are your own it does not feel like that, but i just believe they get numb(used to it)....

It is scientifically proven that having kids decreases your happiness...

I am yet to meet someone happier than me in real life(bd claims happier but who knows), and i was thinking to write a post of why i am so happy and some of the reasons are no debt, no wife or live in, no kids....

Last couple of months i got in a situation were i had a live in for 3 months, i was miserable...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
lol I don't give a shit about stats

here is 863 more comments from that "blog" (most of who have children)

I prefer to read and listen directly to people who have field experience (in this case, actually have kids) Vs people who don't have experience (no kids. neither of us have children) or keyboard jockey "researchers" findings.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
lol I don't give a shit about stats

here is 863 more comments from that "blog" (most of who have children)

I prefer to read and listen directly to people who have field experience (in this case, actually have kids) Vs people who don't have experience (no kids. neither of us have children) or keyboard jockey "researchers" findings.

This is beyond retarded, "i don't care about stats" just lol, you kidding right?, people that have kids will backards rationalize and of course, everyone that have kids love the kids.... Field experience, i dated a bunch of single mothers that "love their kids" once i press them if they have to do it all over again they would have made other decisions...

Velasco go ahead and field test having kids btw... enjoy!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
"i don't care about stats" just lol, you kidding right?,

No. I'll repeat myself: I do NOT care what statistics say. I only listen to what people who have actually field tested whatever the thing they recommend do or don't do. Not hey read this study, the stats say this is 85% likely. Have you field tested it. No? then I don't care what the stats say.

When it comes to whether or not kids add to your happiness or make you miserable, I'll only listen to people with kids have to say. Everyone else is a KJ.

i dated a bunch of single mothers that "love their kids" once i press them if they have to do it all over again they would have made other decisions..

Cherry picking. You are basing your information that people who backwards rationalize "loving their kids" from listening to literally the worst kinds of people (women who had kids with some retard who left them. OF COURSE they would have made other decisions if they had to do it all over again lmao).


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
In this case, I think a statement with that big of a generalization is some sketchy statistics that could easily be met with an equal number of studies saying the complete opposite, haha. I know many people that say their children are their greatest joys in their life.

As far as statistics in general, it's important to just check the rest of the literature. Most of the statements contained in statistics are speaking about the average of what most people report, nuances between groups and contexts, and the effects of certain changes in their titles. There's always outliers, and there's always people in-between the average folk and the outliers.

I actually reference Tinder stats a decent amount because they're kinda funny to me. It's like 80% of the women match with top 20% of the men... or something like that. So most women are fucking (or matching) the elite men on tinder, and most guys (AFC / BetaCucks) aren't getting many or any matches. And if they are, it's the 20% bottom barrel bitches xD.

Check yo stats boiiiisss



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Surveys in psychology based on questionnaires are prone to rationalization and lack of self-insight. It is often better to observe what actually people are doing.

It is also quite uninteresting what a lot of these surveys are saying as they are done on normies, clueless people, etc. That does not necessarily transfer to the elite or even intermediate PUA.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I would also not take what people are saying seriously due to the same mechanisms (rationalization) etc. One should observe them externally.

Also the fact that something is generally true does not imply that it is true for a given person.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
Whether they’re happy or not, their disposition will continue into the future. Children to me look like a necessary sacrifice. I feel like if you have any self respect or self love you’d want yourself to continue existing through your children who inherit your temperament and qualities just like every other animal. I don’t think there is anything that is a more direct expression of your true nature than your kids (other than yourself of course). If you die with kids, at least your nature keeps expressing itself (like it does say when you lift your finger or blink your eyes). If you die without kids than you are gone for good. As if you never existed. Is your personality worth inheriting and continuing? If not, don’t have kids; if so, have them. Imagine if someone were breeding dogs, trying to make the perfect dog, and you were one of the dogs. Is your nature worthy enough to partake in this cause or not?

With some thought you can see why all this doubles the tragic nature of modern marriage laws; because otherwise good men with good qualities that would benefit the future are discouraged from even having kids. Both circumstances - having kids and not having them - have tremendous consequences, and truly it really doesn’t need to be this way.

IMO MGTOWs blow off the consequences of not marrying and having no kids. It’s not merely that they’re missing out on the joys of fatherhood, it’s that they are completely dead for good - their character and qualities gone from this earth forever. If you are a good man than this is a great loss imo. It’s really worse than suicide.

This is imo what makes stories like The Titanic so sad, because due to misfortune a good guy was not able to pass on his noble qualities, so everyone on earth loses out. What a waste. Really, it’s just as bad as otherwise good men going off to some desert land to fight a war and get blown up. A total waste.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Surveys in psychology based on questionnaires are prone to rationalization and lack of self-insight. It is often better to observe what actually people are doing.

It is also quite uninteresting what a lot of these surveys are saying as they are done on normies, clueless people, etc. That does not necessarily transfer to the elite or even intermediate PUA.
Yes, this is the fairest criticism one can make of self-report. I completely agree. There's also plenty of behavioral data and market data that tell a different narrative based on the decisions that people make, which is a much stronger indicator of their intentions and motivations if you ask me.

To the subject in question, I don't plan on having kids until early thirties at the earliest, maybe forties at the latest. I know too many people that wind up with a kid in their twenties and miss out on living their lives or setting their lives up for success by say, starting a successful business, haha. You also have to consider the long-term timeline of children, and the lives of those people with the kids. The day after a cranky night with a terrible, screaming two year old will bring about a much different answer than someone who has just met their child, or someone reflecting on warm memories of watching their son or daughter grow up.

I would also not take what people are saying seriously due to the same mechanisms (rationalization) etc. One should observe them externally.
I don't think that most people pause and take a look at the larger interplay that brought them to their decisions leading up to a given moment very often. Rationalizations are pretty powerful. That said there are definitely moments when an external observation from someone else can be a projection, when the person who is performing the action is aware of their motivation, not the other way around. It can be a hard thing to gauge.

Accurate introspection can really take time to learn. Looking at one's own actions externally by practicing meditation and/or journaling, I've found, can be a really effective way to attempt this.

Confounding factors can interplay for how one thing came about / a person acted, and it's all too often that both observers of a situation or the person looking back just take Occam's Razor out to decide what exactly happened.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2020
Hey! To me it sounds like you aren't ready to have a kid. My advice would be to prioritize your career and finances before you make that leap, you will know when its time to do so.

A lot of my older peers who are my role models (financially speaking) have one thing in common, they were very patient and waited until they were financially equipped to handle kids. They all spent at least 10-15 years slaying it in their careers and have been in their respective relationship for at least 5 years. 9 months is nowhere near enough time in a relationship to start seriously considering kids, especially at your young age.

Like a lot of the previous posters have previously mentioned, you are basically trying to decide between having kids and running a business. This is something that only you can answer. Be honest with yourself and make the decision that best fits your current situation.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 14, 2020
I don't have kids, but I have a 5 year old nephew and a 2 year old niece. Every time I'm left alone to take care of them (because I'm their godfather and I really like it), it feels like I'm working 15 hours a day!

Don´'t forget: kids are forever! You are a guy, you can have kids whenever you want in life.

It's the chicks who have an expiration date biologically speaking. Be selfish, and think about what YOU WANT - that's the only way to be happy and make your soulmate happy too.

If you want freedom, financial security and an abundant life, go after your own goals and forget about having kids. I wish I had that knowledge when I was your age.

Plus you are too young and too immature to deal with a serious relationship with an older woman (I've been there, so I know what I'm talking about). Take....your.....time. If she's adamant about it, let her go and seek a more compatible guy for her.
Thank POB, yes I agree that kids come to stay.

So far our relationship has gone well besides normal obstacles. I've always liked older women so I don't feel much of the age difference.

But you are right, I am immature to have kids now, which is not what I was proposing. The challenge is seeing if I will be ready in 4 or 5 years.

My mission to freedom will always be above all else so if she presses too hard then we'll have to end it. At that point, she would also be happier going to a more fitting guy that wants to settle down.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
I've always liked older women so I don't feel much of the age difference.

Same here man....the only difference is that "older women" are my age now, LOL

Just live the moment and focus on your goals.
You are fricking 22 for fucks sake....your dick is gonna be drowning in pussy for a very long time before you even decide to settle down and have kids!

As a comparison, I discovered seduction and red pill when I was 32 years old after a series of failed relationships (meaning I was 10 years older than you).
Now I'm 40 and settling down with a high end MLTR (which soon is gonna be my first OLTR).

But before I've reached that point I fucked virtually every kind of chick you can think of: tall, short, super young, very mature, prudes, bitches, executives, self-employed, women who used me as a sex toy, women who wanted to marry me, MILFs...I lost count a long time ago (my estimations are I had over 150 lays in the last 8 years).

Like I said, take your time....you'll have plenty of room to love again if this woman is not the one for you right now.
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Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
It is scientifically proven that having kids decreases your happiness...

Not only your happiness, but your overall appearance, your sex drive, your money making ability....having kids is totally irrational, and guys need to be aware of that. It's not wrong, but it's irrational for sure.

Last couple of months i got in a situation were i had a live in for 3 months, i was miserable...

I'll probably never live with a woman for the next 10 years (my last experience was beyond crap).
Dual live-in is the way to go if you are under 50 in my opinion.