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Should you have a baby at 25 as an aspiring entrepreneur?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 14, 2020
Same here man....the only difference is that "older women" are my age now, LOL

Just live the moment and focus on your goals.
You are fricking 22 for fucks sake....your dick is gonna be drowning in pussy for a very long time before you even decide to settle down and have kids!

As a comparison, I discovered seduction and red pill when I was 32 years old after a series of failed relationships (meaning I was 10 years older than you).
Now I'm 40 and settling down with a high end MLTR (which soon is gonna be my first OLTR).

But before I've reached that point I fucked virtually every kind of chick you can think of: tall, short, super young, very mature, prudes, bitches, executives, self-employed, women who used me as a sex toy, women who wanted to marry me, MILFs...I lost count a long time ago (my estimations are I had over 150 lays in the last 8 years).

Like I said, take your time....you'll have plenty of room to love again if this woman is not the one for you right now.
I appreciate the words, it makes sense what you are saying. Things have gotten a little rocky in the past couple weeks in our relationship because she is having trouble accepting my dream of being an entrepreneur. I've asked to read a book that made me think this way. Let's see how she reacts to it.

William Wallace

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2020


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Just gona put it out here the world needs more white kids. we are way like 9% of the world population and only 1-4% are fertile females.
Should you have a kid at 25? Why not, are you afraid of fianaincal collapse from the business? i say why don't have children at the age of 20 or 21, make it a score for 10 children or more ;) https://thestir.cafemom.com/being_a...sehold_is_full_of_noise_messes_and_laughter/1

Please, keep politics out of this forum. This is not relevant info for our discussions here.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 3, 2020
Hey buddy 6 figure revenue business owner here. Did it in 3 years. So, I'd say yes to your 2-4 year plan.

You will kill yourself trying to get the business up and running. Never for one second think it will be sunshine and rainbows. It will incredibly damage your relationship by itself, especially if she's the kind of girl not into that kind of stuff. And to add a kid into the equation, I would do that only after I stabilized my life. Not before. You will have sleepless nights where you have 0 energy for anything and are just exhausted and depressed in general. And then you can see how much your girl loves you, when you're "cool and on-point" it's easy to be "in love".

There are almost no "family-man" entrepreneurs. Especially when they're bootstrapping the business. When you become a business-man sure, but when an entrepreneur. Tricky. Usually most I see are broken families.

This was the reason I broke up with my fiance of 3 years. She just couldn't handle it. I don't blame her. I probably wouldn't either. I don't know how much you love this chick but she has to be someone who would fit in your path. If she doesn't trying fit into hers or shoehorning her into yours usually end up in tears. Don't ask how I know. It's easy to find an housewife when you're looking for it, into a stable lifestyle.

Tell her you are OK with the baby but only after you have your shit up and running which most likely will be in 4 years. And then you'll see if you guys can work it out or now. No tears necessary for either side. Also, do realize, if you will operate a business, you will have zero fucking time for the menial baby activies. She better be prepared to be "a mother".

One tip I'd give though. If you'll have an entrepreneur life; you would like 2 get 2 kinds of women to have a wife-like situation. One is the submissive house-wife. Classic. Cooks, cleans, happy that the hubby is out there in the world crushing it, supportive and willing to get the load of the house; is relatively OK with little attention or support. The other is the opposite; a professional shark. Manager, lawyer, business-woman, doctor, etc. Someone who's out there in the world and hustling. I've found anything in between is not a good match for the crazy business lifestyle. She either won't get it or won't be supportive of it.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
Please, keep politics out of this forum. This is not relevant info for our discussions here.


Hi Teevster,
Political stuff has been discussed recently before, eg

I checked the forum rules, I don't see it being against the rules?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Hi Teevster,
Political stuff has been discussed recently before, eg

I checked the forum rules, I don't see it being against the rules?

The post you are linking to was posted in the off-topic forum.

Secondly the subject is more related to men and their position in society - which is to some extent relevant to thing we discuss here(although not really since it belong more to an MRA forum). The poster in this case was talking primarily about racial politics, which has nothing to do with what we discuss here - "making more white babies".

We have people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds here, so we try to moderate those conversations related to race and so on more strictly.

Next time you have an issue with moderation, I suggest you either:
1. Report - and list your concern
2. Take it up with a moderator or the forum leader (franco) privately.

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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
The post you are linking to was posted in the off-topic forum.

Be more more specific and say "Please keep political stuff in the off topic forum" instead of what you said which was "Please, keep politics out of this forum. This is not relevant info for our discussions here. " <--- That could be taken as the entire forum, not just a subsection.

On top of that, sometimes things get off topic, and you learn something new. Maybe 'whites in decline' is something people learned the other day? Problem?

From the thread I linked to
"Lol at the black dude stopping the white guy from approaching the girl."
Looks like racial politics[in your context] to me, and it was not moderated. I've already mentioned, I can't find any forum rules that say its not allowed. You gave a reason which was not within the confines of the rules. Will you or someone be updating the rules? Point out the rule.

If someone gets moderated publicly, why do you want to chat in private? Do you believe talking in private gives transparency to free speech?

Let me know if I'm being too combative, I don't want to be banned like naturalmikey.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 3, 2020
Be more more specific and say "Please keep political stuff in the off topic forum" instead of what you said which was "Please, keep politics out of this forum. This is not relevant info for our discussions here. " <--- That could be taken as the entire forum, not just a subsection.

On top of that, sometimes things get off topic, and you learn something new. Maybe 'whites in decline' is something people learned the other day? Problem?

From the thread I linked to
"Lol at the black dude stopping the white guy from approaching the girl."
Looks like racial politics[in your context] to me, and it was not moderated. I've already mentioned, I can't find any forum rules that say its not allowed. You gave a reason which was not within the confines of the rules. Will you or someone be updating the rules? Point out the rule.

If someone gets moderated publicly, why do you want to chat in private? Do you believe talking in private gives transparency to free speech?

Let me know if I'm being too combative, I don't want to be banned like naturalmikey.

You are being too combative. This is a public forum not the congress. Moderating forums is more art than science. He wanted the off-topic discussion to stay on topic and not get political or charged. It's a very slippery slope to say shit like "whites in decline" because of how fucking charged it is. It completely dominates any area and conversation and should probably be spoken in contained spaces like the Off-Topic forum. Don't need to be so disagreeable over this.

(Can you see how this shit completely hijacked this very important topic for the OP about the rest of his fucking life and we're here with dicks on our hands talking about this topic? It completely dominates any area of conversation.)
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
You are being too combative. This is a public forum not the congress. Moderating forums is more art than science. He wanted non off-topic discussion to stay on topic and not get political or charged. It's a very slippery slope to say shit like "whites in decline" because of how fucking charged it is. It completely dominates any area and conversation and should probably be spoked in contained spaces like the Off-Topic forum. Don't need to be so disagreeable over this.

(Can you see how this shit completely hijacked this very important topic for the OP about the rest of his fucking life and we're here with dicks on our hands talking about this topic? It completely dominates any area of conversation.)

Thank you for your understanding. You could not have said it better.

I reported all these replies so that we can discuss between mods whether we should just move this hijack to the off-topic forum.

Again anybody can disagree with mods, and when they do, follow the instructions I laid out. Use the report function! it allows every mod to see the post and if I have done something wrong, other mods could call me out (I reported my own response for instance - to be sure my actions was in line with the rest of the mod team).

If rain has still more to say about this, I will split the hijacked subthread into a new thread in off topic.


Let me know if I'm being too combative, I don't want to be banned like naturalmikey.

Rain: Naturalmikey was banned for totally other reasons than disagreeing with the way moderators were moderating. There is a thread explaining exactly why he was banned if I am not mistaken. Also he had received multiple warnings. You have received none, so you are pretty far away from getting banned.

You have the right to have any opinion you like, but this is a place the requires posters to stay on topic. Also we tend to avoid having people discuss politically controversial topics, especially if they are not directly related to your success with women.

If transparency is so important for you, you are welcome to start a thread about your vent, in the off topic forum. I will then ask other mods to chime in, since you seem to disagree with my take.

In general it is standard to bring up subjects privately with mods before going full-on public. That's how things are usually done on forums.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
We actually had a poll over allowing "Race Debates" on GC, particularly in Off Topic.

The general consensus was that no, we should not have discussions on race because most people can't state their opinion without somebody receiving it as an attack / talk about these things in a completely civil manner.

In regards to Rain's former comments with the Gillette Ad, that was completely relevant to the topic (it was a super anti-masculinity, anti-white guy, "we're super woke look at my super woke company" dick measuring contest). Amongst a forum of generally contrarian men, that was a highly nuanced topic and something just about everyone agreed was a tad outrageous and even comical. The comments mentioning race pertained to the advertisement and the virtue signaling, completely.

@William Wallace's comment was a pretty big leap from the original question and all prior discussion. Reasoning being "the world needs more white kids so yes have a kid if you're white" is racially charged and mostly tangential. A tangent into a racial topic is something we try to avoid. We're not banning him for this. It was a public warning - sometimes those are good because it shows other people what is expected.

Going forward for first offenses we will likely resolve things privately (or make a much stronger effort to) before threads spiral out of control and emotions get involved.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 14, 2020
Hey buddy 6 figure revenue business owner here. Did it in 3 years. So, I'd say yes to your 2-4 year plan.

You will kill yourself trying to get the business up and running. Never for one second think it will be sunshine and rainbows. It will incredibly damage your relationship by itself, especially if she's the kind of girl not into that kind of stuff. And to add a kid into the equation, I would do that only after I stabilized my life. Not before. You will have sleepless nights where you have 0 energy for anything and are just exhausted and depressed in general. And then you can see how much your girl loves you, when you're "cool and on-point" it's easy to be "in love".

There are almost no "family-man" entrepreneurs. Especially when they're bootstrapping the business. When you become a business-man sure, but when an entrepreneur. Tricky. Usually most I see are broken families.

This was the reason I broke up with my fiance of 3 years. She just couldn't handle it. I don't blame her. I probably wouldn't either. I don't know how much you love this chick but she has to be someone who would fit in your path. If she doesn't trying fit into hers or shoehorning her into yours usually end up in tears. Don't ask how I know. It's easy to find an housewife when you're looking for it, into a stable lifestyle.

Tell her you are OK with the baby but only after you have your shit up and running which most likely will be in 4 years. And then you'll see if you guys can work it out or now. No tears necessary for either side. Also, do realize, if you will operate a business, you will have zero fucking time for the menial baby activies. She better be prepared to be "a mother".

One tip I'd give though. If you'll have an entrepreneur life; you would like 2 get 2 kinds of women to have a wife-like situation. One is the submissive house-wife. Classic. Cooks, cleans, happy that the hubby is out there in the world crushing it, supportive and willing to get the load of the house; is relatively OK with little attention or support. The other is the opposite; a professional shark. Manager, lawyer, business-woman, doctor, etc. Someone who's out there in the world and hustling. I've found anything in between is not a good match for the crazy business lifestyle. She either won't get it or won't be supportive of it.
YS. thank you for that answer, it really shows the truth. Especially your last part about only choosing from 2 types of women.

Also, I'm glad your business is doing well and I'm sorry that your relationship didn't workout. I think this entrepreneur lifestyle really asks us to sacrifice more than I imagined. Guess it's the price to pay for freedom, which I'll gladly pay.


Just wanted to thank everyone that contributed to this thread and provide an UPDATE to the situation.

The past couple of months have been really really rocky. I had about 12 months of saving runway to launch my business so I left my job in January.

Immediately her reaction was of discontent and disbelief in my plan to be making enough in one year to sustain myself. She has a regular job as a teacher which is quite safe because in Germany they basically work for the state. So my situation is quite uncertain and she thought it was naive of me because I didn't have a Plan B in life (I'm all in on entrepreneurship, but I don't mind getting a job temporarily to get by while I build my business).

I tried to show her in these couple of months the progress that I was making in the business. I validated my idea, spoke to a lot of potential customers who had interest, made 2 sales so far (only $20, but a proof of concept). And I asked her to read a book called The Millionaire Fastlane (great book, I recommend it), which she read 20 pages of and gave up because she thought the author was showing-off his accomplishments.

I saw that as a sign that she wasn't willing to at least find proof to understand the validity of how I think about the world and the potential of a business. For me it is about stepping up to the plate and trying as many times as you can and one day you'll hit the home run. She believes that is more about the idea and having luck (which plays a part, but smaller; check Chase's article in January on the topic).

Still, I pushed through and tried work things out. The last straw was this past weekend. I decided to get a reputable (expensive but in my estimation worthwhile) business coach who has sold 3 businesses and is on his fourth. For her that money could go instead to us going on trips or enjoying dates out in the city (which is understandable, but not something I can do at the moment).

So, I decided to end things with her. I didn't assume that she should support me emotionally right away especially because I haven't provided an actual monthly income that could sustain me. But business takes time and 2 months is not enough to get to that point for me.

We ended it on Saturday and I can't help but feel a bit empty inside, and a part of me wants to go to her apartment and tell her that we can work things out.

I'm not sure if that is scarcity mentality or I'm regretting the decision or she is like a drug and I miss the feeling she gives me and not her specifically.

Also, this corona virus really does not help at all because I can't go out and pick up a new girl since everything will be in lockdown for a while.

I now I may get backlash for this question, but would you guys recommend me getting back with her until this crisis is over? That way she can feel safe and protected, and once it is over she can fully move on by going out and meeting new people and I can do the same.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
And I asked her to read a book called The Millionaire Fastlane (great book, I recommend it), which she read 20 pages of and gave up because she thought the author was showing-off his accomplishments.

Let this be a lesson on how NOT to do sales or pitch your idea. You don't ask the person you are trying to convince to do a major effort to get convinced like reading a book. You have to make a convincing pitch in a short time to get others on board with your idea.

Anyway, probably good riddance in your situation.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 14, 2020
Let this be a lesson on how NOT to do sales or pitch your idea. You don't ask the person you are trying to convince to do a major effort to get convinced like reading a book. You have to make a convincing pitch in a short time to get others on board with your idea.

Anyway, probably good riddance in your situation.
That was actually not my pitch, but my last attempt. Before even asking her to read the book I explained to her my vision and what the next steps were. I showed her my progress and the prospects I was talking to. Since that wasn't enough I resorted to ask her to read the book.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
You were strong and held your ground despite her being upset - good job. Once this thing starts to take off for you, she'll understand. Go kick ass and allow her to join you later ;)
