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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2018
The extra 1.5 hours makes a huge difference, not in terms of time, but rather in terms of my energy later in the day.

Or you can rack up more approaches.

On the other hand, I see that you didn't close in any way almost none of your approaches. Am I correct?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Or you can rack up more approaches.

On the other hand, I see that you didn't close in any way almost none of your approaches. Am I correct?

This month and a half I'm doing a no phone numbers challenge to force myself to learn how to get girls hooking stronger, and only going for instant dates, or SDLs (with some exceptions). So it's been a bit harsher. But I typically can get phone numbers consistently. Converting them into dates, is not so consistent but if I put in the volume, it usually happens. I have not converted any of those cold approach dates to lays though.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Today was the last day of my no phone numbers challenge! I will be writing about my lessons and observations from it.

Outing 2-15-2020 Saturday
I approached 4(more like 3) girls today. I went to the usual tourist trap, but there were lots of girls in groups, not very many singleton girls.

Girl 1: German chick with a really fat ass. I walk up next to her at the stop signal. I first ask her if she's a tourist and she seems receptive so I tell her that I thought she looked adorable so I had to meet her.

Me: So where are you coming from?
Her: Germany
Me: Ah that's what I would've guessed with the blonde hair
Her: well that's cliched but true haha yea. blonde hair, blue eyes. You could've guessed swedish as well

I have her lift up her sunglasses and show me her blue eyes. Then the signal changes and we cross the street. She thanks me again for the compliment. could be that she was trying to end the conversation, but I ask her what else she has going on today and she's touring a little bit but then it's turning into a business trip. I ask her what she does she gets into a long spiel about her work but it sounds super technical. she's a business product manager or something. Then she'll go back to germany and I joke that she'll be in her german castle. The conversation switches to where she lives in germany and the local soccer teams. Then she checks on maps the directions to someplace that she has to go to and we part ways.

Thoughts: The beginning was good, but I could've done more flirting. I'm able to add a few jokes here and there to vary up the conversations and while it's better than having completely dry Q&A sessions, it's still not where I need to be. It makes the vibe more "jokey" and playful, rather than sexual. I currently don't do any chase framing which is something I could start focusing on. For example with her, perhaps I could tease her "I'm sure this 'business trip' doesn't involve sitting at the beach and ogling at all the tanned muscles passing by"

Girl 2: She walked past me so I called her and said "hey, excuse me" a couple of times. but either she didn't hear/understand me or she was actively ignoring me. I didn't feel good chasing after her to find out so I let it go.

Girl 3: She was dolled up heavily, even wearing fake contacts (I noticed that later)

Me: hey excuse me, I was just getting off the stairs and I thought your outfit looked really intricate--
Her: --thank you
Me: elaborat--
Her:--thank you
Me:-- very detailed--
Her: --thank you, thank you
Her: I'm in a rush sorry, just going to grab some food
Me: Oh I'm going to go do some shopping. I'm hearing an accent though. where are you from?
Her: I'm from London
Her: nice to meet you
Me: nice meeting you

Here I should've said "I also only have a couple minutes b/c I need to go shopping but I'm hearing an accent" and when she replies london, I do a stack on that with something like "oh so I bet you love rainy weather and you're constantly drinking tea with your pinky sticking out"(maybe that last one is actually offensive though :D)

Girl 4: This was a long interaction and we basically walked many blocks because she had parked kind of far. She had to go to work(on a saturday evening, I know). I ask her the golden question and I learn that she's a big pothead. We also talk about zodiac signs. She was a scorpio which means she takes a while to open up to people (according to her). I told her I'm a Sagittarius but I dont know what that means. I could've said something like "I read that if you're a sagittarius, that scorpios tend to fall hopelessly in love with you. I've found that to be pretty accurate ;)". She was also qualifying me by saying that I can get along with everyone and I will always have something to talk about when I mentioned that I always felt truly neutral in personality quizzes. She also said that I'm in a really good place in life being only 25 and having already lived in so many cities (really only 3) but to her it was a lot because she was 20 and she has lived in this city all her life. I should've said something like "yea it's nice but you can always travel even when you're much older and our city is so diverse that you already can get so many cultural experiences" to build some similarity with her. We eventually reach the street where she has to turn for her car and I say goodbye. I would ordinarily ask her for her number. but it was the last day of the challenge.

I can finally go for phone numbers! The no numbers exercise was very interesting and I plan to do it again when I'm more experienced. For now, there are a lot of things to try but my main focus will be on building arousal and flirting more overtly.

Journaling more effectively
In addition to writing down more details, I can give myself some exercises for each successive outing on tech to try and implement. This is kind of like when you're tracking your lifts and you plan to raise your numbers on each successive work out session. This happens automatically when you're tracking your lifts because it's just a bunch of numbers but with field reports, I need to be more deliberate about incorporating tech. so my objective for tomorrow will be to ask 3 girls the golden question, and follow up by finding out how long she's been doing it and how she feels while doing it, and what she likes about it, and how she got into it. Golden question article by Daniel Adebayo

Stuff to work on in the near future
  • Have an attractive story for when she's curious but not completely hooked
  • Adding in some sexual humor/chase frames. For now, I can go through my interactions while reviewing and see where to add them
  • screening and qualifying
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
"You're not out to kill me, right?"

Today was a flop, but also an anomaly. I wasted about 2 hours due to a problem with the train(there was some delay due to an accident), and so I ditched my plans and decided to try a fairly new place. There were lots of cute girls but most were in groups. And the ones who were by themselves, I didn't catch up to them fast enough before they disappeared. So after waffling around I decided to ditch it as well. This place has some promise though and I think I just need to get a bit more used to it. I was already scheduled to go home but I didn't get in any approaches so I took the train and went to the tourist trap. A really sexy korean chick was walking out of the sephora. She glanced at me and I realized she was fucking sexy so I watched as she went for the stairs and went after her but the stairs were too narrow so I took the set next to her's with the intention of stopping her when we both reach the landing. Unfortunately...some dude came outta nowhere and approached her from the front. I wasn't even hesitating though! The guy seemed to have some game. I noticed something interesting, which is that he locked in by leaning against the wall. It's another thing to keep in mind to practice. Also, I guess I could've approached her as soon as I saw her come out of the sephora, but I wanted to wait until she was out first. The third lesson to take away from this is the hotter the girl, the less you can hesitate because some other dude will likely pop in there. Also, beware of it happening in that particular area.

This probably would've been the worst day ever due to those 3 factors, but there was one slight redeeming incident. As I was passing an escalator, I noticed a cute asian girl check me out and she quickly looked away so I doubled back and approached her. She was receptive, obviously. but she was on her way home. I learned that she's a student at a nearby cc and she studies nursing. my voice was shit though. I suggest exchanging numbers so I can call her later and get to know her better. while she's entering her number into my phone

Me: How about we exchange numbers and I give you a call sometime
Her: um...Sure!
Her: I mean, you're not out to kill me right?
Me: (slightly taken aback) I'm a trained assassin so it's a little bit different from serial killer
Her: Okay so—
Me: —Unless you're on a hit list or something
Her: oh no, I don't think so
Her: and at least if you kill me, I'm not going to know, cuz you're trained right?
Me: yea
Her: (hands me my phone) here you go. Okay, I'm gonna go. nice meeting you!
Me: I'll call you sometime
Her: yea!
Me: and get to know you better
Her: yea!

My tonality needed work on that one. It was a pretty short interaction too, so I didn't think of what to tease her about, but the original direction of the conversation was veering on too bland.
Needless to say, I didn't do the assignment of asking 3 girls the golden question. I'll see if I can go out tomorrow. Even though I'm technically not supposed to. I don't have class so I might be able to schedule it in.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2018
As it looks to me, all you need is practice and patience, because I think you can close consistently. Good job!

I am close to that point. Yesterday I talked to a girl on the street for about 10 minutes. She lives in Bucharest with her boyfriend. Reason for which I chose not to close (5 minutes ago she has a live-in bf, now she gives me her number. It would attack her reputation).

Right now, I need to do this consistently.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
As it looks to me, all you need is practice and patience, because I think you can close consistently. Good job!

I am close to that point. Yesterday I talked to a girl on the street for about 10 minutes. She lives in Bucharest with her boyfriend. Reason for which I chose not to close (5 minutes ago she has a live-in bf, now she gives me her number. It would attack her reputation).

Right now, I need to do this consistently.
Thanks! I found that just going for it consistently made a big difference. My RoT is if she asks me at least one question, I will go for it. But sometimes numbers don't mean much by themselves. And yea I always wonder what's going on in a girl's mind when she has a bf and she gets approached on the street.

Outing 2-18-2020 Tuesday

Today I went to the financial district. I changed my 'hw' a bit. I decided to do 3 front stops instead of asking 3 girls the 'golden question' because I realized I need to get through my approaches faster, in order to be more efficient for the rest of the stuff.

Girl 1: I did a front stop and told her I thought she looked like she was glowing. I forgot to move her, but that would've been a good idea to get some extra compliance upfront. she stopped to talk and she would answer my questions but she wouldn't contribute anything herself besides one-word answers and awkward laughs so it was a little hard. This probably means she was shy and I could've dones something like said "yea I bet this doesn't happen too often where people just introduce them to attractive strangers but I feel like I can trust you"

I first asked her what she does for work and she said photography. So then I told her a story about my photography friend and her tattoo(related to photography), and had her guess why she would get a tattoo like that before getting to the punch line. Then I asked her the golden question, except I think my delivery felt a touch scripted, so I need to work on that. She just said work. I could've either pressed her on that or asked her to expand upon why she really enjoys photography and deep dive a little bit. I could've also just teased her that she probably chose it so she could take photos of nude models all day. I then complimented how she was wearing all blue and it matched her eyes. Then I wished her a good day because it was getting awkward and I couldn't figure out how to keep the convo going in a smooth manner.

Girl 2: I noticed she was singing and dancing along to some music on her earphones so I told her I liked her bubbly vibe. She was a fashion designer so I could've teased her that she was jamming to music to get in touch with her creative side(b/c she was going to go back to work). Her apt building arrived so she said goodbye

Girl 3: Did a front stop. I told her she looked adorable in the all black and she was overjoyed but kept walking for a bit. So I said "wait wait come back for a sec" and she did and I gave her my hand and introduced myself but she said her hands were full but that it was nice meeting me.

Girl 4: She was reasonably receptive. I just ejected for a stupid reason. I told her she was glowing and as I pointed to where I was coming from, I noticed she also followed my finger and looked in that direction. (a good sign). I had her show me her bag and asked about the logo on it. Apparently, it's some latina designer. She told me she works at a paper store at a nearby mall. I could've teased her it gives her an unfair advantage because she can write all her love letters with fancy paper from that store. She was stopped by the curb and then she said "Alright..." and I took it to mean she wanted to end the conversation or that we were heading in separate directions. So I asked if she was heading [way] and I made some bullshit excuse about how I was heading the other way so I said goodbye. Instead, I could've asked her the golden question.

Girl 5: I complimented her on the gray and brown in her outfit but she was just about to go into a cvs to meet a friend. So I let her go. A better idea would've been to say "oh I see, I don't have much time either. Step over here for 2 minutes so that we're not in the way".

Girl 6: This girl had a really sexy ass and her leggings were thin so her panties were visible. I would not be surprised if at least 5 other guys tried to hit on her today(and everyday for that matter). I came up from the side and said hey, but she ignored me. Better idea would've been to open her while we were both waiting by the intersection, but that's always a little nerve wracking.

HW for next time, Ask 2 girls the golden question and do at least one front stop.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Today I did 4, got 2 numbers

Girl 1: She stopped to talk while we were walking and I complimented her on her hair color. I learned that she studies chemistry. Then I asked her the golden question and first she has no idea what to say so she says something bland like "hangout with friends" but I prompt her further and we eventually got into a conversation about how she likes to vlog(but only for her own memories), so I related to her by saying that I used to make yt videos in high school and it's always funny to see yourself back then. Then I ask her what she's up to and it seems like she has some time to kill before class and she was going to buy some chips. So we go and I get a drink too. She pays for her chips first and steps outside and waits for me to finish paying. Then she asks me a little about what I study and she's surprised to learn that I'm 25. (She thought I was 20). Then we talk a little bit about where I went to undergrad and I unintentionally give her shit about not knowing the temperature is like 50 degrees less there. A bit later, I ask her if she has to head for class and suggest we hang out sometime. She's down and she asks when I'm around campus. So I say we'll figure that out later. She types in her full name and we talk a little bit about what part of the city we live in. She mentions that she comes by to my part very often(another good sign). Then she has to go off to class.

Girl 2: I open her a little bit before she's about to go into the apple store and I have her show me her nails again, because they're really elaborately decorated. Then she is about to walk into the apple store so I tell her to step to the side for a couple minutes and then I get talking with her. I ask her about her major and then have her guess what I do. The beginning is a little shakey so then I go and ask her the golden question. and she tells me she enjoys playing this chinese game on her phone. I could've asked a little bit more about what it was specifically she liked about the game, but I did try. She kept glancing back at the apple store even though she was stopping to talk. I spoke to her a little in chinese to shock her and try and see if it would get her to solidly hook. It worked, in a sense because we were talking more about card games and such. But eventually she said she had to go so I suggested we hangout sometime when she's not in a hurry, but she declined.

Main thing that I'm really happy about with this approach is that I actually got her to stop for 2 min to talk even though she was about to disappear into the store. So many times this past month, I'd open a girl and she'd have to go into a store 5 seconds later, even though she didn't seem completely unreceptive initially.

Girl 3: Did a front stop. She was probably rushing to catch a train, because she thanked me and was happy to meet me, but she walked on, and I didn't do anything to try and extend the interaction. But also, I didn't stop her "downstream" enough, which is fairly important imo for the front stop.

Girl 4: She was walking out of the train station, so I complimented her on her shoes and told her that it reminded me of a chess board.I learn that she's an attorney and so I guess that she must be super logical. She just kept giggling throughout the entire interaction. I asked her the golden question and while I was delivering it, said "so besides work, and eating, and sleeping,..and drinking coffee at 7pm, what do you really like to do?" She said netflix and we talked a little bit about netflix documentaries. We talked about the bill gates documentary and she told me he donates to charity so that he can get tax benefits, so I teased her that she would be super knowledgeable about that since she's an attorney and that when I'm a billionaire and want to donate to charity, she can guide me with minimizing my taxes. We were parting ways so I suggest we grab a coffee sometime(not late at night) and she was down so she also put down her full name. when entering her number.

None of these numbers responded to my ice breaker text though :{ But the main thing I learned today is the golden question is fucking gold! my interactions were far more interesting than usual, and I've only barely scratched the surface of this technique. I still haven't even delved too deeply, Now I need to add in more flirting and figure out a good balance for all of it and I suspect I'll be making some solid gains.

Hw for next time, for the next 2 girls that you ask the golden question, deep dive more on how they got into it and how it feels when they engage in it.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Okay so girl number 4 from the previous actually did respond. I didn't text anyone on friday and then on saturday night, she sent me a really dorky meme. I just responded with a smiley face. Then on monday I texted her, asking her about her weekend and telling her about mine(which I'll get to in a bit here as well). she was super responsive so we have a date set up for tomorrow night.

On saturday, I had a 2nd date with a prior girl; Two weeks ago, I ended up texting hbboba again, because I could not believe she would just ghost after saying she wanted to see me again. This time she was super responsive again and she was down for ice cream the following weekend(ie this saturday). The date itself was interesting. We were sitting across from each other, unfortunately. I wanted to practice setting up sexual frames. But I fucked something up.

I first started to introduce Alek's 8 orgasms routine by talking about my friend and how he was dating some girl for a year and they hadn't had sex yet. But when I was delivering the game "why do we have eyes? so we can see. Why do we have a nose? so we can smell etc...and now the million dollar question, why do girls have a clitoris? It's literally a button they can press for orgasms" I noticed she started to get really giggly (in a nervous way) and I also was beginning to feel red-faced.

I was unprepared for her frame that followed. She started out by saying that some people feel that they get into sex too early without getting to know the person properly and it messes things up and that she wouldn't want to have sex until much much later in the relationship because she has trust issues and she doesn't want the person to just use her for her body. I also learned that she was a virgin and that her only 'relationship' was a disaster because the guy wasn't respecting her boundaries and she had known him for 6 years before that. She said that she wouldn't want to have sex until marriage.

Thing is, I didn't want to turn this into a debate and it was already getting too rational so I didn't try and push back on anything she said and just listened.

One thing that I could have said about her frame if you date somebody you have both emotional and sexual connection and these things are heavily related but they're not exactly the same thing. sometimes you might date someone where you have a really strong emotional connection you don't really have that great a physical connection and that's a really strange feeling to have, where you really care about somebody but the at the same time you know you're ultimately going to be unhappy in the future and it's going to eat away at you.

She also asked me whether all of my past relationships had been sexual and if I considered having just emotional relationships. I said yes and when there was a girl with whom I just had an emotional relationship I ended up meeting another girl and the original girl and I just naturally drifted apart.

The problems with all of these conversations is that they're still too logical and almost like you're at a negotiating table. I just didn't like that feeling at all but it was my first real try with these kinds of sex gambits so I'm still trying to figure out how to make them work. Another gambit which I think worked out better in my case was the sexual frustration one and in fact from the sexual frustration gambit you can easily transition into the eight orgasms routine.

So I realized this girl is a virgin and is adamant about saving herself for marriage and that she has some prior sexual hangups and trust issues. I think she's cute, but I definitely don't have enough emotional bandwidth to deal with that. And virgins require much more of that IME. So I think I'll just let her go. Maybe occasionally text her and hangout if I have nothing planned that week. But I need to figure out what to do when such a frame comes up of

Anyways, we ended up talking for about 3 hours and played some jenga as well. Then called it a day

Afterwards, I went to a mall to run some daygame and I approached 5 girls. One of those approaches didn't really count because I just asked her if she was selling something(she was just circling around outside some store, it was odd and so I was curious). But when I came up to her, she did not look receptive. Two of the girls I approached were receptive and one of them was a fashion student from Bangladesh. (Interesting, because I would've guessed europe or something). She had neon glowing blue eyes, she was probably wearing some contacts. It looked cool though. She stuck around to chat a little bit and she told me she loved to listen to deep house because she likes dancing. I took down her number but it seems like a dud.

The other receptive girl stopped to talk as she was about to go into a macy's. She was a nurse and so I related that to a story about how my mom is a physical therapist for the elderly and that it always brightens her day when a former patient sends her a postcard. But in general the conversation was boring and emotionally unstimulating. I also tried to guess what she did at one point earlier on and guessed writer. I could've asked her what she was up to, to gauge how much time I had, and I did not have much banter/flirting going on. I had some basic compliance because she had stopped to talk to me but that was it.

Sunday I was supposed to go out, but I stayed home and binge-watched a netflix tv show. It was too addicting! but thankfully I'm done with it now.

Today's Outing:

Girl 1: She wasn't super receptive but she was talking and I was walking with her. She sort of matched her pace with mine though. I deep dived her on why she writes and journals and that was the only time that I recall where she was matching her pace with mine, completely. She was super not down to give me her number though. I didn't like having to walk with her though. I should have maybe tried to stop her at a signal or something.

Girl 2: Tall brunette with big boobs. I complimented her on her confident walk and all the black accessorizing. She was from chicago so I had some stuff to talk to her about that. She stopped to talk with me outside a cvs and I used that as an opportunity to lock in--the nice thing is that I'm not so flustered during my interactions anymore and it frees up mental processing power for me to try out random tech on the side, like locking in. She mentioned being in a long-distance relationship as part of some other topic. I didn't completely ignore that and mentioned that "it must be hard to be in an ldr". Later on, she said she had to get going to pick up a prescription from cvs. But she asked me my name again and so I suggested we hangout sometime. She offers her instagram but I said I didn't use it anymore so she says she understands and that now she's trying to get back into it(because she's in music production) and tells me to dm her on it but I suggest exchanging phone numbers instead. she says that she doesn't really give out her number anymore because our part of town is crazy. So I say whatever, and "hopefully I remember her insta". I'm not going to bother following up with that.

The last 3 girls were blow-outs with varying degrees of politeness.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Last night's date: This is girl 4 from last thursday. We plan to meet for ice cream nearby since we both live in the same district. I was feeling pretty meh about the date because I thought she was cute but not super cute. I get there on time and she's a couple minutes late so I'm just sitting and chilling on my phone. Then this attractive large-breasted asian girl walks in. It's her! Her boobs are basically out in full display. She obviously took time to look good, because she's loaded with accessories and her outfit is elaborate and she has the hot abg (during a chilly night) look. The first thing she does is apologize profusely for being late and hoping I wasn't waiting too long. Then she compliments me on my jacket. we make small talk a bit as we're waiting to order and she's looking at my mouth periodically while talking. She does a ton of shit--she's an attourney, worked in tech, runs a start up, and does real estate on the side.

Then we go to another place after I order because she actually doesn't like ice cream too much and prefers tea. (I was planning to pull by offering some chamomile) We talked and after about 1hr and 40 min she had to go to bed. She was super into me but the conversation seemed to be winding down later. I possibly missed an escalation window. There wasn't too much arousal building through the date, but I asked to see her ring and held her hand in mine while examining it. I also didn't try and set up sexual frames too much but I did mention a little bit about wanting to live in a country where the society isn't super judgemental or sexually repressed.

Her: So what made you want to come and talk to me?
Me: Well I really liked your chessboard shoes
Her: Stop it! No! hahaha
Me: I'm just kidding, I thought you looked cute
Her: Aw thanks :)
Me: yea and I'd be kicking myself if I didn't
Her: Aw thanks
Me: So does this happen to you often?
Her: Usually just creepers. You were the first person who was legit about it and you actually tried to start a conversation first.
She talks about catcalling, so I also share a story about how a dude was persistently trying to give me a blowjob once when I was traveling.
Her: well you're a good-looking dude

She spent a long time talking about her apartment and her new kitchen table. Maybe she was trying to pull me... So anyways we walk back after she says she has to go and on the way to my place, She asks what I'm going to do and so I say I'm going to drink a chamomile and offer her one too but she declines and says next time she's down(eh a pretty clumsy pull attempt but it's better than her saying "maybe next time"). So I'm chill about it and play it off saying how later I'm also going to turn on my diffuser. I walk her past my place a little bit because there's a section with sketchy homeless people so once we passed them, we wait by the signal. She gives me a hug and goes to her place which is just down the block. Her place is like a 5 min walk from mine.

Overall, I should make a mental note to go for the pull after about an hour in, and to not be such a lil' bitch about it. Also, ask her her plans so I know how much time I have to work with. Hopefully I can see her again. Next time, I'll just do straight cooking at my place.

Outing for today 2-27-2020 Thursday
Did 5 approaches. Got one phone number and the girl put in her full name, and seems reasonably receptive on text. We talked about traveling and she sounded super passionate about that.

Hw for next time: Do 5 front stops


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
I've been recording my outings but I didn't post them here because I was busy, so I have a ton of posts to catch up on.

2/29/2020 Saturday

Only did one approach because when I got there it was already dark and it was a Saturday night. but the venue itself was really promising for a Saturday night. Lots of dating coaches like to do bootcamps there. In fact, I saw an rsd coach shooting some infield footage for his student. It was honestly weird and comical seeing it happen in real life. The coach was pretending to be on a phone call while he held the camera down by his hip. I assume the student was also wired up.

Anyways, enough about them. The girl I approached was this cute Japanese chick. She was half receptive to my opener. Then, she was about to go into a Sephora, but I told her to stop for 2 minutes because I wanted to get to know her and she seemed interesting. (I can phrase this a little bit better next time but I'm just really proud of myself for getting her to stop and chat, since last month I would lose so many girls because they suddenly went into a shop when it's not like they had any actual time constraints). Anyways I learn that she's just visiting with friends for 5 days. I deep dive her on what she's studying and have her show me her necklace. Since she's traveling I could ask her if she wants to live in this city forever and when she says no, I can flirtatiously ask "and what if you happen to meet a really cute guy in (city)...would that make it more likely...?". I find out that she has dinner plans after so I suggest grabbing a drink later if she has time but she says she won't have time because she's traveling in a group. I let her go here but if I had done more flirting and built more arousal, I could've said something like "I'm sure your friends won't mind if you meet a cute guy for drinks once. In fact they'll probably be happy for you. " (Hector had suggested something similar on another field report and I think it could apply here)

3/1/2020 Sunday
Had one instant date with a Cambodian chick. I wrote about it here

3/3/2020 Tuesday

I went to a nearby community college. I passed up approaching an asian girl with a fat ass and really nice legs.

The first approach was alright but the girl wasn't super invested until I started asking her about what she likes to do besides work and school. So she said snowboarding and she was starting to pay more attention after that but I let her go off to class and did not take down her number.

The second girl just thanked me and went on. I could've asked her to stop and chat for 2 minutes, but who knows if that would've gone anywhere.

The third girl was this really gorgeous asian-american student. She was dressed in just a white top and tight jeans but she had a really elegant and chill way of walking, and she had wide hips and a slim waist, but not too slim either. It was just the perfect hip-waist ratio. I can't explain it. And her hips swayed ever so slightly as she walked, but not an over the top sway(not like some fiery latina, although those girls are sexy too in their own way).

Me: Hey excuse me. I was actually just coming by from over there and I thought you were glowing...
Her: haha thank you (she automatically stops walking)
Me: So I just had to say hi
Her: Hi, nice to meet you, I'm B
Me: B, Skippy
Her: Nice to meet you
Me: [I blatantly check her out] Wow. What are you up to today?
Her: I'm just waiting for class to start I just got out of a meeting
Me: Oh what do you do?
Her: Um I'm in communication disorders so I'm going to Rome for the summer. For a study abroad
Me: Is it going to be your first time traveling abroad?
Her: does canada count?
Me: depends, where in canada?
Her: Vancouver so it's a little different. Have you studied abroad?
Me: Yea I went to china for a study abroad
Her: how was that?
Me: Oh it was great, everyone is really friendly if you're a foreigner.
Her: oh, I've never been. I would go just not right now haha
Me: yea. So was Rome your first choice then?
Her: well I havent really heard of another program besides the rome study abroad. so yea kinda. I mean I've always wanted to go to Europe
Her: So while I'm there I'll just travel everywhere else
Me: Oh yea you can just take the train and try all the exotic food.
Her: Hopefully while I'm there not everyone is prejudiced against like asians cuz of the whole virus thing.
Me: Oh yea haha
Her: But it'll be fine. Hopefully things will subside by then
Me: Yea if you walk around with a face mask they'll definitely...
Her: yea for sure they'll just stay their distance
Me: Even the pickpockets wont bother you
Her: You know that's true. I'll just start coughing a little and maybe they'll stay away from me
She asks me what I study and what I want to do so I make sure to play up my passion for it(which is true). Then I ask her what is something she really enjoys doing and she says travel and brings the question back to me. I talk about my yt channel a little bit. I ask her where she wants to travel and she says greece, and maybe she'll visit it when she is in europe this summer. She throws the question back to me and I say japan. The conversation moves to disney because there is a big disneyland in japan and I find out that she really likes disney and she realizes that was a better answer to my question of what she really likes to do. We talk about disney movies a bit, and transition to charlie and the chocolate factory (we were talking about whether classics are better than remakes) and then we talk about starbucks reserve (which kind of reminds me of charlie and the chocolate factory)

Then she shared some stories about costa rica. and I related by sharing my own stories of traveling. After a while conversation stalls and she picks it up asking me "so what are you up to today" and she asks me how I like my current uni and asks about how I like my hometown. She grew up in this state but she has family in georgia so she tells me about mudbogging when she was little. then we talk about virginia. I did tease her a little bit throughout the interaction. Like when she goes off to italy she'll come back as some wine snob. Eventually she has to go to class so I suggest we get wine some other time(she doesn't like beer, and neither do I actually) she's down so she puts in her number, and her full name into my phone. I find out she lives on the east side of my city and she tells me about some good restaurants there and says maybe we'll go there sometime. I thought she'd come out on a date because she 1.stopped when I opened her 2. put in her full name 3. would actively carry the conversation forward. 4. responded to my ice breaker very quickly. But I was wrong...

Me[~10am]: hey [gurl], hope your class was chill yesterday! after I got home I skyped with an old classmate from [country]. It just felt so refreshing to reconnect. anyways, what's your schedule like this week to grab that food or drinks(but totally not beer? :)

Her: [responds at the end of the day]Hey sorry I've been at school all day :( I'm so glad to hear about you reconnecting with your friend! I do have to disclose that I am seeing someone I just didn't/don't want to give you the wrong vibe. I'm always here as a friend if you need someone to talk to or grab a bite though!

Me[next day]: hey no worries, I understand
Her: thanks :) you're a good guy

In two texts she managed to make me feel like a clueless 15yo all over again. wow. There were just a lot of factors that combined to make this rejection particularly painful (but it's chill now, this girl is so last week) But I was thinking about this interaction, and it's true I wasn't building very much arousal. and I think she was the arousal type because she would actively help me out when I was teasing her. There was no actual flirting. A little banter,yes, but not enough. Also the conversation was very logical and factual. I didn't dig into the underlying emotions very much. We did share stories. but even then, not so much about emotions. Could also be that I'm overthinking this and she's just not sexually available right now(since she mentioned she's seeing someone...who knows how serious that is or if it's even true. She didn't call him a bf). I did feel like she was hard 'friendzoning' me in those two texts. So I don't think I did a very good job with arousal. Also I didn't touch her at all either. Also, I didn't ask for compliance! she naturally stopped on her own which was nice but maybe that's not enough actually.

I will post the remaining outings tomorrow
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
3-5-2020 Thursday
I went downtown for an hour but I didn't do any approaching. Actually I got approached by an elderly gentleman in a topcoat who was a diplomat from the Caribbeans. I don't think he was trying to smash, or anything but he was gushing about my style and he said I look like I'm someone who's rich and that he assumed I'm an actor or a model, he complimented my walk and said he saw a lot of leadership potential in me. We were both heading to macy's and he went and paraded me around macy's introducing me to the workers there that he knew and asking them "I want you to meet this fine young man, he's so humble. Isn't he just amazingly stylish?". One of them was this japanese granny. Then he went to go talk to some other people there. I ran into him again afterwards and he told me that the granny had told him I looked gorgeous and that she wanted to introduce me to her granddaughter. The whole ordeal was a little embarrassing but after Tuesday's stinging rejection, the validation certainly felt nice. And it's interesting to be on the other side of the approach and is a good learning experience.

3-7-2020 Saturday
Today I went to a shopping district/tourist hotspot I did 6 approaches, got one number and one instant date with an attractive flight attendant from Hong Kong.

Girl 1: Complimented her on her pink dress. Turns out she was looking for her mom, so I just wished her a good day and left. I don't know if she was underaged, but it was possible so I wasn't taking any chances.

Girl 2: Japanese tourist, only here for a day. It's hard for us to communicate because her english is not very good. but I flirtatiously ask her "if she were to meet a cute guy, would she stay longer?". She's looking for victoria's secret and I ask her if she wants to hangout after she's done shopping there. She doesn't. lol

Girl 3: She's just not interested

Girl 4 M: Cute brunette. She's wearing a furry brown jacket, and tight black jeans, and black doc martens. Her hips sway as she walks and she has a nice ass. She was a student at a nearby cc we walk and talk together for a bit. I realize the convo was just surface level so when she has to leave I make sure to ask her what she likes to do besides work and school. She mentions the beach and I dive into that a little more. Then I let her go but we exchange numbers and she says she'll talk to me later. I texted her an icebreaker much later at night, and she responded, but she ignored my date proposal text the next morning. The convo could've used some work so it's kind of predictable.

Girl 5: She stops. She's a physical therapist. she answers my questions and elaborates but doesn't ask anything back. So the convo was a little one-sided. I would share some stories on my own too but I wouldn't consider this a hook. She also mentioned a boyfriend of 6 years. I suggest a coffee anyways but she says no.

Girl 6 T: Instantdate with this flight attendant from Hong Kong. I wrote about it here.

3-8-2020 Sunday
I had a date with a really sexy/cute Japanese girl I approached back in December. I wrote about it here. No new approaches because I was busy cleaning my apt. If I keep it clean regularly, I can have more productive days while also managing dates.

Immediately afterwards she texts me
Her: Thank you so much for last night. I will improve my english so I can talk with you more deeply
Me[next day]: I just saw your message now. I had such a great time with you last night!
Me: Improving your english so that you can talk more deeply with a cute guy is the best form of motivation ;)
Her: I'm so glad you enjoyed!
Her: yes, that's what I want to do lol

Thing with language barriers, is you can never be certain that the flirtation lands lol. I'm only 90% sure that's the case here.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
I've been cautiously testing the waters with approaching again(but only outside in the daytime), reason being it's probably not any riskier than shopping at a grocery store. I wear a facemask and have only approached girls wearing facemasks. And I keep a slight distance from them, and in most cases, they just close the distance and walk with me.

Surprisingly, they have been much warmer and much more receptive than I was expecting. I did 4 approaches this past week. I think my approach anxiety is back down to usual manageable levels now.

Girl 1: My very first one, I was super nervous and just ejected afterward,

Girl 2: Pretty korean girl wearing a crop top and ripped jeans. She was really receptive and she was making an effort to walk closer to me. Didn't mind typing her full name and number into my phone. But it was a short interaction because we parted ways and she didn't respond to my icebreaker text. So...I called her two days later and chatted for about 10 minutes. I ended it a little abruptly but I wanted to make sure it would be short call because when I called she said she was doing some homework. Notable bits, she said it's really unexpected that I called her, and I said yea guys don't call girls these days and they also don't talk to them on the street. She said yea, especially with... the current situation. I just changed the subject after that. But it's probably a good sign that she was treading lightly on that topic. She did mention that it felt a bit like an interview :( but maybe this could be that she's a bit blunt and maybe this means I was trying to deep dive pretty inelegantly. Another korean girl I went on a date with said the same thing a while back. So this is not a great sign. I realized after reading some article by Chase that it's better to keep phone calls light and flirty. Make small talk and banter around, avoid boring interview mode. I also have some rust to shake off, I suppose.

Girl 3: Had a bf, but she was happy that I approached and she was warm. I mainly approacher her because she had a fat ass.
Girl 4: Japanese girl with a fat ass. She was a designer and we walked together for about 5 min. She mentioned that she normally likes to go to cafe's before covid. I bantered with her a little bit about how she must enjoy working at a cafe, thinking deep thoughts and drinking black coffee, like those french artists. She turns to go to her apartment so I suggest we hangout sometime. She says okay but when I take out my phone she says "actually, I have a bf though". So I wished her a good day.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
My Outfit
Navy blue v-neck, gray skinny jeans, white sneakers, bead bracelet? I don't remember

Girl 1
She was into me, set some premise by joking that we'd have to have a ldr since she lives 'so far' and that it wouldn't work out. Got her number and set up a date for friday. Mild shit tests over our age difference, but I just dealt with that by agreeing and amplifying "I'd normally go for the grannies, but they're all married". She's 18 and I'm 25.

Girl 2
Really sexy latina...Probably the sexiest girl I've seen all month, maybe even all year, in fact. Complimented her outfit and she said thanks but she didn't seem comfortable, so I just left it. Ordinarily I would've stayed in the interaction a little longer to see if she warms up, but given the current situation, I'm not so sure if that's ethical. I mean..she wasn't even wearing her mask so perhaps she's not too concerned

What I did well
  1. I used strong eye contact with Girl 1
  2. I set premise with G1
  3. I qualified G1 before taking her number ("You seem cool", not the best but better than nothing)
  4. I accidentally forgot to mention my major despite talking a bit about teaching and school, which made her curious.
what I could've done better
  1. I could've approached G2 more smoothly because I was concerned she would disappear off into some store or something. As a result, my vibe was probably rushed and needy. Also it was starting to get dark by then.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
My Outfit
white v-neck, black skinny jeans, bead bracelet, white sneakers, blue facemask with tiny 'ties'

I was walking around but couldn't find many options to approach. Partly because I had decided to find a new area to explore

Girl 1: Pink Walker
This was a complete blowout lol. She was kind of sexy though, so I was feeling the adrenaline rush walking up to her. I don't think she even looked at me and kept walking straight ahead. I was a little surprised, but she had to have seen me?? But the tension was relieved. I walked around the main square for a bit but couldn't really see any great leads.

Girl 2: Lady M
One girl seemed passably cute and had a black beret and black overalls. I was going to approach another girl, but she disappeared off into a car so black beret it was. She was at the intersection so I opened her by saying that she was copying my color combinations. When she finally realized what I was talking about she smiled and pointed to her golden shoes. Alas, that is where we diverged, I told her. She chose to accessorize with gold and I chose silver. We walked together for quite a bit, It turns out she went to my school so I had her guess my major for a bit and I spoke to her in chinese a little bit to spike her curiosity.(She's chinese, from wuhan go figure) I teased her that she changed her major because she thought the boys were cuter. She just said yea very matter of factly and went on to explain more reasons why she changed it. So I don't know if she understood me. She actually lives in Texas and was only here for vacation. She also mentioned her husband in passing and I looked at her hand and realized there was a ring. Hmpff

I thought this was going nowhere, but when it came time to part ways, she wanted my number. And I added her wechat too. And she asked me where I lived and excitedly told me that she'll let me know next time she's about to visit my city(because she comes here once a month). And while she was adding in my number the girl from before, Pink Walker, walked by while talking to someone on her airpods.

I was thinking about it in hindsight, I realized, I should've asked to see if she has a couple of hours to hang out after she puts away her bags. She was visiting her friend and flys out the next day(hence all the shopping bags).

What I did well:
  1. I was regulating my mood pretty well in the beginning when I couldn't find very many attractive girls to approach.
  2. I realized the interaction with Lady M needed more spice so I was was looking for ways to flirt with her, like teasing her about why she changed majors
What I could've done better:
  1. I forgot to focus on my eye contact
  2. I forgot to ask for compliance, I could've very easily had her spin around and show me her outfit before she left
Homework for next time:
Focus on strong, sexual eye contact.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

I ate dinner early and rushed out to hit the streets. By the time I left the house it was already 5:50, not ideal because I'm trying to test out how the traffic is at 5pm. It starts to pick up around 7 again, but by then it's already dark. I ran into the girl I have a date scheduled with. She saw me and says she was just thinking about me again. I let her cross the street and wave her goodbye. She texts me saying she was happy to see me and apologizes for leaving so abruptly. This girl is very into me and also very green(as in inexperienced).

My Outfit: Blue v-neck, gray jeans, gray sneakers, white and gray bead bracelet.

Girl 1: Korean girl, not quite sure what she does, she's a little shy and her english is very bad. It took a long time before she understood that I was trying to compliment her outfit. If I have an issue like that, maybe I could try google translate next time. It also didn't help that my voice wasn't well projected through my mask. One more thing I should work on. I could consider removing the filter from my facemask but that's veering into questionable territory. If her english is bad, I need to learn to be especially warm to put her at ease.

Girl 2 GrayOverallGirl: Tanned Korean girl, wearing a low-cut shirt and gray overalls. Her english was a little better but still not that great but she actually stopped when I approached her. It felt weird talking to her like that because she was also having difficulty speaking so I had us keep walking for a bit. To kind of keep the pressure off.

Me: Hey! I was just going by that way and I noticed you and thought those overalls look really nice.
Her: yea haha
Me: My name's skippy
Her: GrayOverallGirl
Me: Oh nice to meet you. You look like you're from Thailand
Her: No korean
Me: Korean? ok, what are you up to today
Her: Um I finished work I'm going home.
Me: I'm guessing you do something in design. Something artistic, graphics...
Her: No I'm working at a hospital. I just put this on randomly
Me: well it looks very stylish though as if you do something creative. Maybe you have a creative bone in your body
Her: haha
Me: I'm a grad student.
Her: Ahh grad student.
Me: Yea graduate school. (At this point I decide to move her because she was stopped awkwardly in front of a plant) So I tell her I'm just going down the street to meet a friend. She asks me where I'm from and I have her guess but she says "I don't know" and so I tell her I'll give her 3 guesses and and hints but she has no idea so I narrow it down to east coast for her. I ask her if she wants to stay in the US for a long long time or if she'll eventually go back to Korea
Her: No I'll eventually go back
Me: But what if you meet a really cute guy?
Her: mm hahaha
Me: Just kidding
Her: How old are you?
Me: I'm 25
Her: She lets out a chuckle (sounds like she's much older)
Me: what about you?
Her: I'm 30. (So here, I would've teased her by asking her "hows retirement treating you :) " or "how's life in the assisted living center :)" but these kinds of things require faster delivery and I'm not sure if her language skills would've kept up. So I chose to qualify her instead...)
Me: I would've guessed 23. So that means you're more mature and have more life experience. I like that. I like that when a girl has more wisdom. Sometimes younger girls can be ditzy. You know the word ditzy?
Her: No haha
Me; But anyway
Her: thank youuu
Me; So tell me one thing...aside from going to work...and hanging out with your friends... what's something that you really enjoy doing?
Her: Umm Travel?
Me: Where would you travel?
Her: famous places
She asks me where I'm heading because she has to turn in a different direction actually. So I tell her she seems like a cool person and that I like her energy(bullshit! god I can come up with something better than that) I suggest we get a coffee sometime.
Her: Nooo I have boyfriend in korea, sorry :)
Me: Oh no worries, take it as a compliment then :) And I turn to leave
Her: Bye!
(This is about a 5 minute interaction)

Later today, I also tried calling the korean dancer chick but she didn't pick up and so I left a text asking her out, but there was no response. I'm not optimistic about this one. Maybe I'll try calling again in a week or so. The mistake I made was when she said it was unexpected that I was calling her, I should've pinned down whether that was good. There was this lingering awkwardness where it was unclear whether she thought that was a good thing or not.

What I did well:
  1. Qualified GrayOverallGirl on her age. (Edit: Okay that's not a really special thing to qualify her on)
  2. Had decent eye contact with GrayOverallGirl, especially when making the ask.
  3. Actually gathered the balls to make a call to korean dancer chick. I was a little apprehensive about it but I did it anyway.
What I could've done better:
  1. I could've been warmer with the first girl. I think the reason why I didn't is I don't actually know what that entails. After reading chase's article on that I gleaned that it's having relaxed facial expressions, relaxed body-language, fixed eye-contact, being non-judgemental, voice, keeping the focus on her. So maybe I could've stopped her first. And if there's a language barrier, I need to lead more and be more dominant, speak slower and more relaxed. I'll try that next time.
  2. I let G1 go too easily. I should've gone for a number close even if I thought it wouldn't pan out.
  3. Passed up on approaching one girl who was walking in my direction. It's been ages since I've done front-stop approaches.
  4. I keep forgetting to actively build compliance. I'm doing it passively by having her follow my lead, for example or having her guess where I'm from but I think I need to do a little more. It's okay though I'm mainly focusing on eye contact right now, so I'm not going to focus on too many different things at once.
Homework for next time:
1.Try to hold eye-contact with a girl for 5 seconds
2.Try to look at a girl from the corner of your eyes.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Not much to report for today's (Friday's) approaches. Didn't find many promising leads. Tried to do a front stop with one girl, but got ignored. The date I had scheduled for later went well though. You can read about the lay here.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
I resumed approaching today. I would go out near my district but wouldn't find any great leads so I'd give up and go back home. I've also been spending this past week with Lemon. She came over 3 times over the span of a week. The last time was Friday night and that was on her own accord. So she's probably sufficiently converted by now. I need to slow things down to once every 7-10 days. I want to keep her around in a fb capacity. She's pleasant to be around, I like her personality, she's very open in bed, and she loves to talk dirty. I stuck a thumb in her butt and she was into it. Body-wise, she's very cute. Slim, decent boobs, decent ass. Cute face. Smooth hair. She's also slightly into girls. And because of all the sex this week, I wasn't going out to approach other girls. But I've resumed it now. I only did 1 approach but I'm glad I finally got the ball rolling again

My Outfit: Gray v-neck, black jeans, white sneakers, dark blue facemask with bow-ties on it. Gray+white bead bracelet.

Girl 1: hbmagenta. I noticed her walking from a distance. Her magenta yoga-shorts showed off a great ass, and she had very long straight hair. It took a while to catch up to her. She wasn't super receptive in the sense that she didn't talk much but she didn't seem icy either. She had a chill, submissive vibe. But the conversation was very bland. I asked her what she was up to today, and she said she was going on a walk. I guessed that she was a student, and then asked her what she was studying, but she just said she didn't know. So I said "I could see you studying psychology". Her: "Seriously? That's actually one of my plans" So I teased her that it's probably because she wants to psychoanalyze her friends. Turns out mental health is very important to her.(This was a clue that I needed to build similarity with her. She didn't react much to the teasing) Here I missed an opportunity to talk more about psychology, maybe get her talking about something fascinating regarding psychology that she recently learned. Or actually I could talk about happiness and what psychologists have to say about that. This could then be used to transition into the golden question.

The conversation turned to where she went to school and later on she mentioned something about her boyfriend living on the [redacted] coast(which is where I'm from). Afterwards, she ended the convo because she had to make a left and we parted ways. I didn't bother to get her contact. In hindsight, I should've at least gone for it, even though there was a very low chance of anything happening from this, just because...Wayne Gretzky.

So I needed to build more similarity with her first to get her to open up and then I needed to get her to stop and chat for 4-5 minutes before parting ways.

What I did well:
  1. Good eye contact at the beginning
  2. Actually did the approach. There was a period where I was about to give up because she was going in a weird direction, but I stuck with it.
What I could've done better:
  1. Nudged the conversation to more stimulating topics
  2. I keep forgetting to ping for compliance. I could've asked her to guess something about me. I could've had her show me her nails because I realized they're also magenta.
  3. I should've identified that she needed more similarity first and then started building that.
Homework for next time:
Next time you're walking with a girl, find out when you will be parting ways and then get her to stop for a couple of minutes. This will let me use good eye contact.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
I had just finished some work and so I was feeling pretty good about myself. Hadn't masturbated in a few days either so I was a little horny, but not outrageously so. With Lemon, I decided to try out Pablo Garcia's "Silent Texting" method which is basically you letting the girl initiate every texting convo. So I'm not going to text her asking her out unless she texts me. She's already the one initiating conversations but that last time she started a convo was last saturday. she did not text me at all this week. I was hoping to set up something for this Friday, but I guess that won't happen. I'm curious to see what the results of this method will be.

My Outfit: White t-shirt, gray jeans, dark blue ties facemask, gray sneakers. Gray and white bead bracelet. Fairly underwhelming, I must say.

Girl 1: Heavily tattooed asian girl, wearing ripped jeans and a tank top. She still looked fresh. She couldn't hear me clearly at first when I said hi, so she came closer and I finished delivering my with good eye contact and good tonality. She said thanks but she had a boyfriend. I said no worries and then we awkwardly stood together by the intersection, tapping away at our phones, waiting for the light to turn. God it was awkward. I tried to continue the conversation at first by asking her what she was up to but I really wasn't feeling up to it, so I didn't try to follow up and neither did she. Then I waited too long and it would've also been awkward to reengage. Be better than this, Skippy

Girl 2: Cute Asian girl wearing yoga pants and a cropped magenta sweater. She said she was going out for a walk. As soon as I opened her, she had to go to a nearby store and wished me a good day. I should've told her to stop and chat for two minutes with a cute guy. I didn't bother because I felt she wasn't invested enough. That's a dumb excuse though. Another dumb excuse that I had was "she didn't look excited enough when I first said hi, almost resigned". That's such a bullshit excuse. I should've tried to milk the interaction a little bit more.

Girl 3: I could've opened her because we were walking in the same direction but I couldn't think of what to say and chickened out. Remember, the fall back options if you can't think of anything are "Adorable", "radiant", or "glowing".

Girl 4: Lots of options that I chickened out on :/ I'll be better tomorrow

What I did well:
  1. I'm glad I opened the tattooed chick, because she was the first cute girl I came across, and I went for it, practically no hesitation.
What I could've done better:
  1. I definitely need to be doing more approaches in a given outing. 2 approaches a day is not enough to get any sort of warm-up or to seriously practice anything. 2 approaches a day adds up pretty quickly but ideally I'd like to be hitting 3-4 a day. This is doable, but it usually means I can't pass up any cute girls, otherwise I'll run out of opportunities for the day. Part of the reason why I didn't hit this target today is that I didn't approach the girls I saw walking towards me. I should just turn around and go approach them, even if I feel like it's 'not smooth' because oftentimes those approaches go perfectly fine.
  2. I could start up conversations with people nearby to stay warmed up.
  3. I'm only approaching girls in a very narrow set of circumstances, only when they're walking alongside of me and only if I feel like I can do it smoothly. The reason I'm not doing other forms is because they feel less 'natural' and so I'm feeling internal resistance towards it. Also I'm subconsciously more afraid of getting blown out if I try to do front stops, for example. These are problems I need to solve, of course so I will be addressing that in the hw.
Homework for next time:
Do 3 'Turn around approaches' where you see a girl walking towards you and you turn around, catch up to her and say "hey I was actually heading the other direction, but I thought you looked adorable/radiant/glowing and I had to meet you" The openers themselves are actually pretty generic but the point is to get me back into the habit of doing these turn arounds.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Did 3 approaches today, got 3 blowouts.

My Outfit:
Floral bomber, white v-neck, gray jeans, white sneakers, gray bead bracelet, gray facemask

Girl 1: Really sexy girl, I turned back and approached her, she was friendly but then she apologized and said she had a bf. I was so turned on I could barely breathe properly when I was approaching her(in a good way). I felt very alive after that approach.

Girl 2: She said "sorry, no english" and she pulled up her mask when I approached her. So I ejected. I'm not going to risk making her uncomfortable with covid stuff. Also realized I wasn't too attracted to her when I got closer.

Girl 3: It was hard to hear what she said. I think she said she had a bf? The signal changed right after I delivered my opener and she said thanks, mumbled something, and started walking. Ordinarily, I would've walked with her but its a little hard to do without looking needy since I had just crossed the signal.

Today, I passed by two girls that I already approached. If I keep approaching girls in my neighborhood, I wonder what will happen. Will it reset after a couple months? Are there actually any downsides to overfishing? I mainly hit up the two big streets outside my apartment. We're talking about a span of 3 subway stops. I will make it a point to diversify a bit. Some days I'll walk out to a further subway stop.
What I did well:
  1. I didn't hesitate on the first approach
  2. I finished my hw assignment from last time which was to do 3 turnaround approaches, even though they all were a wash.
  3. Did all 3 approaches in almost an hour. NBD
What I could've done better:
  1. I probably need to work on vocal projection, and speaking clearly. For now I'll just keep it at the back of my mind.
  2. When opening, pretend that I already know the girl
Homework for next time:
Do 3 more turnaround approaches, and look at the girl like she's an old friend. Project that sentiment through my eyes.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

These past 3-4 days I did 3 approaches, got two 'blowouts' and 1 contact. I need to figure out a system for doing more than just 1 approach a day.

My Outfit: Blue v-neck, gray jeans, gray mask, gray+white bead bracelet, white sneakers

Girl 1: She hooked immediately. I started by assuming she was Korean, (which was true) but we never exchanged names while walking. Convo was basic, and not too exciting. She asked me where I was from and I had her guess. She had no idea so I offered her 3 guesses but she had no clue. A better idea is to narrow down their choices so have them guess the State or region first. Turns out she's from [redacted] and since I'm from [redacted] there's some bantering that I did with that. Her coffee shop turns up suddenly and she has to leave. And here's where I dropped the ball (I'll explain what I should've done afterward). Since it was a short interaction, I thought I'd number close and suggest we call sometime. She counters with instagram and I say how I don't do instagram b/c I'm busy with school these days.

Her: ohh sorry, no than-
Me: -do you do Kakaotalk?
Her: do YOU have Kakaotalk!?

I tell her how I used to have Korean roommates. And she's intrigued again. I add her on kakaotalk and ask her what times are good(in order to trigger some commitment consistency. But I should've proposed an actual time). I suggest I call her sometime to get to know each other better. she says "yea just text me". I sent her an ice breaker later and she replied very quickly.
What I did well
  1. At certain points, my eye contact was very solid.
What I could've done better:
  1. OK so here's what I should've done. It's very simple really, but I'm rusty it seems. When we reached the cafe, I should've just asked her if she's in a rush and when she says no I should've told her we'll stop and chat here for a couple of minutes, and then she can go get her coffee. That will let me actually run my game.
  2. Having her stop would've been good so that I can also get some more compliance by having her show me her accessories and stuff
  3. Another option is to try and insta-date after a few minutes if it seems she's keen. There's a slight caveat with this, however. I'm avoiding instant dates for the time being and just focusing on numbers and converting those to dates. Because I feel that SDL's are a little more advanced and it's probably simpler to focus on just getting day 2's and closing those. Another option is to just keep the instant date short(45min to an hour tops), make sure to be the one to end it, and get her a little turned on by ending it with some sex talk.
  4. I didn't feel like I was 'stretching' my abilities this time. Just doing 1 approach a day is not cutting it, either. I need to do 4, at least. But the challenge is finding a place near my neighborhood where the foot traffic is good enough. There's no doubt that there's lots of attractive girls in my area, but they pop up randomly when I least expect it, and I don't go for it because I'm not mentally prepared, I guess. So it's an issue of managing approach anxiety. Why don't I just hangout by a subway station?
  5. Stationary girls and walking-towards-me girls are still situations in which I'm hilariously bad about approaching.
Homework for next time:
Approach 2 stationary girls, and do 4 approaches in total tomorrow. Leave the house around 5, this time to give myself more time before it gets dark.