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- Sep 9, 2020
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Yes, @Skippy I had the same problem when I first tried out the second best kind of openers. Firstly I needed to get used to this and then it is all in the delivery. It would be "I just saw you and had to say this (pause, kind of squint your eyes, with a cheeky smile, let the pause register and tension build so her attention is fully on you) second best ........ I have seen today"Background
Getting back after a 1-month break. I hadn't orgasmed since Saturday. I glance outside the window and notice a gorgeous girl walking by, wearing all black with black hair and sandals. I feel the desire and quickly get changed to see if I can catch her in time. I step outside, but she's nowhere in sight by then.
My Outfit:
F-bomb jacket. gray jeans, white sneakers.
Girl 1: Notice a cute black girl by the intersection. I wave to catch her attention and she removes her earphones.
Me: hey I just realized something...That is the second-best pink jacket I've seen all-day she says thanks and compliments me on my jacket too. I ask her where she's headed and she says shes going to the bank. I wish her a good day b/c I'm heading in a different direction.
The mistake is that I started talking to her after the walk sign had come on. So this wasn't really a stationary approach. Also, I don't know if the 'second-best' part is really registering with girls. They never ask who is the best...but I need to do more of these approaches before I can get a good idea of how they're responding.
I went back and reread Terminator's advice on this opening, and I realized I need to really make it clear, and that I need to work on the delivery some more and really think it through a little bit so that I'm not winging it so much. So I'll practice it a little bit before I go out, and I'll come up with 3-4 example s for different scenarios. Two things that I'm trying to figure out:
- What to do if she just says thanks and doesn't ask who is the best
- What to actually say about who is the best.
What if I just leave it at second best? and don't bother to clarify
Girl 2: (did this approach 11/25, aka today)
She looked like she was working at a pharmacy and I noticed her perky ass as she walked by. She stops at the intersection and I catch up to her. She was engrossed in a youtube video on her phone.
Me: Hey, I just realized something...That is the second-best all-blue outfit I have seen on anyone today.
Her: Thanks
Me: Second only to myself, of course (gestures at my outfit. I'm not wearing anything blue)
Her: Of course! (playing along) (she wordlessly shows me her phone, I don't know why)
Me: I'm glad you have a sense of humor, (signal changes, we start walking) what are you up to today?
Her: Just buying lunch
Me: Supporting the local restaurants, I see.
Her: yes (at this point she was back to her youtube video)
Me: Okay take care!
She was walking weirdly. First, she was on my left side, but it seemed like she was reluctant to walk with me when the signal changed and she switched to walking to my right side and did not match my pace, and kind of just hung back. Maybe I should've said "well, it's good you have a sense of humor, you're kind of cute actually" And maybe I should try out exchanging names sooner.
Girl 3
I did see the girl from earlier but she disappeared into an apartment building before I was able to catch up to her.
Girl 4
One girl got out of a car to drop something off so I waited a bit for her to come back but she ran back into her car again. I've missed a lot of girls this way and I could've approached another girl who was walking in a different direction instead, but I lost both of them in the process. In reality, I probably could've caught up to the other girl and opened her if she stops at an intersection. Note to self: Along this specific street, be aware that the window of opportunity is very low for these kinds of approaches.
What I did well:
What I could've done better:
- Did an approach as soon as I got out of the house
- I have a better idea now on how to run these openers.
Homework for next time:
- I need to get more volume in now.
- I got tired and feel completely drained right now. I only took 8000 steps though. I have to remember to either build up to it, if it's been a while, or stay active if I'm going to be away from the field. I was hitting the gym actually but I wasn't doing much cardio. So the next best thing is to make sure to get enough sleep.
Open with "that is the second best xyz I have seen on anyone today." If she doesn't ask just say "second only to me, of course...but that can't be helped". Qualify her on her sense of humor, then exchange names and do a cold read. I also really liked this post by Chase: https://www.skilledseducer.com/thre...ary-i-dont-enjoy-it-at-all.23805/#post-125726 and I want to make that a hw assignment at some point.
But at the end of the day, its an opener if they say thanks and don't ask who was the best, it does not matter. You are in an interaction now and you should have other things to say. Having some Gambits, routines to cover the first 10-15 mins of an interaction works great or at least helped me a lot in getting consistently to the hook point before Covid put a halt to my approaches again. Also the approaches you did I notice were girls who were only stationary for a moment and then started moving again. Better to pick locations where you feel the woman is at least going to be stationary for 3-5 mins after you open. This of course would mean you will have to work a little harder to find them. But I feel it is better to have 4 approaches of at least 5-10 mins each than 10 approaches of just 1-2 mins in order to improve our Game. I shared a structure with @Beam recently that I had been using. I do not want to post it on the forum yet as I have not field tested it enough but I will share it with you in a private conversation so check your conversations. It maybe helpful and you can try it out and see how it works for you.